Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 14, 1950)
John Durr Urges Canyon-Wide Index Of Vast Resources T he MILL CITY ENTERPRISE Serving: MIl-L CITY I »ETROIT I 1 KHORN GARS IDANHA LYON« MEHAMA MONGOIJ) Mr. John Durr, president of Civic Service of Eugene, consultants on community surveys and civic devel opment programs spoke on "Benefits of Sound Industrial Development in «4 J 1 ! • ‘ > 1 • i the North Santiam.’’ In his talk he w»i■■a n g OX THE SCENIC NORTH SANTIAM HIGHWAY — GATEWAY TO THE HEART OF N 111 RE’S EMPIRE reminded us that some say we will never see normal times again. DtlRUir UAMl POHIMIOISI Vol. YI—No. 37 Mil I. (TTY, OREGON. Till RSDAY. SEPTEMBER 14, 1950 $2.50 a Year, 5c a Copy Mr. Durr included as benefits of sound industrial development these nine points: 1. Agriculture: raise more, bring I more crops here, and process crops further. 2. Timber: do more processing lo cally, more thoroughly utilize timber resources. 3. Minerals: further exploration to develop both metallics and non-metal- lics. 4. Recreation: preserve, protect, de velop and enhance. The singing by all of the Star Toni Lawson McCall, administra 5. Improve service industries to Spangled Banner bought to attention tive assistant to Governor McKay, serve business of this area. struck the opening keynotes of the 6. Off-season employment for sea those attending the unique canyon wide dinner. historic canyon-wide industrial de sonally employed workers. velopment dinner held in the Mill George Steffy, chairman of the Mill 7. Year-round job opportunities for City high school this week, after a I City chamber of commerce industrial your young people. challenging introduction given by 8. War materiel Industries, patri- ! development committee, , this week, toastmaster" George Steffy of Mill historic otic service, may be essential jobs. ' guided ’J*J the *" ’*x ’* proceedings of a City. 9. Example: 15-man industry can canyon-wide attended dinner in the In introducing McCall, Steffy ob- bring to the North Santiam: 39 oc Mill City high school designed to served, "This man. ladies and gen cupied homes, two professional men, highlight the industrial development tlemen. really needs no introduction three retail store employees, demand of the canyon’s many resources. because he is not a stranger to any for farm produce from 660 acres, re Keying the dinner to the present of us . . and that, “This history tail sales approximating $50,000, tax world situation and emergency, making canyon-wide meeting of ths able valuation of $250,000, 32 autos Steffy spoke at length upon the industrial development committee of and service for them. measures needed and being taken by the Mill City chamber of commerce Mr. Durr urged that those already the federal government to provide has been called for the purpose of in the area be given every help and national security. In giving a report uniting the communities that make encouragement possibly before at of information gathered in a recent up the North Santiam canyon into a tempting to bring in someone from Portland mobilization meeting Steffy workable unit for the purpose of de the outside to start new factories or had this to say: termining. by actual survey, our in enterprises. "As you know, a large delegation dustrial potential. . . . thereby mak Mr. Durr pointed out that "Sound went to Portland to a special meeting ing the fullest possible use of our industrial development doesn’t just called for the purpose of discussing natural resources.” happen, but results from thinking and arriving at ways and means of Sensing the tenor of McCall’s and action; that prospects interested industrial mobilization—location opening remarks, Steffy ventured, in Willamette valley most ably pre relocation. Prominent canyon people attending "Here in Mill City, the Heart of the sented with the facts wins. A com "The National Security Act of 1947 the canyon-wide dinner held in the North Santiam, a most unusually munity does not stand still,-it either charged the National Security Re- Mill City high school witnessed a sin fine place, would be the place, I think, moves backward or forward. To go sources Board with the duty of ad cere and timely plea by toastmaster for the unusual to happen.” forward, you can’t rely on drifting— vising the president concerning the George Steffy that we take stock of Mr McCall’s speech, very enter you must chart your course.” i co-ordination of military, industrial all resources while having in mind taining, and full of his Bostonian and civilian mobilization. Mr. Durr cau- In charting a course the prophesies found in the Bible, accent was well received. What Mr. tioned a community to "Get facts "One phase of this duty is described Expressing the Biblical thought, McCall had to say follows: in a usable form with enough copies by the act in this language, ‘the stra Steffy said. "It just could be that “. . . Sorta tough representing such for the use of anyone desiring infor- tegic relocation of industries, serv further through the darkness have I a wonderful personality as Governor mation about the community.” ices. government, and economic ac gazed than most. . . . and I quote, McKay when everyone in the aud Mr. Durr suggested representatives tivities, the continuous operation of "The Great, The Mighty God -hast lence looks up expecting io see a de- of all the communities start meeting which is essential to the nation’s set signs and wonders in the land of lightful little Scot all their eyes regularly and gathering information security.' Egypt, even unto this day'.’’ Further light upon is this long drink of Bour on this theme. Steffy commented, bon . . . that can be used by a joint commit-1 “The problems presented by disper tee for industrial development of the sion of industry cannot be solved NORTH SANTIAM’S FUTURE TOASTED—John F. Durr, industrial con "According to The Great Pyramid "I was asked the other day at a Neither can they be sultant from Eugene, George Steffy, chairman of the Mill City ( handier of and Ezekiel, both as interpreted by meeting whether I would describe canyon with sub-committees in each 1 overnight. Commerce Industrial development committee, and Tom Lawson McCall, the ablest scholars of our day, Russia the governor as a conservative or community. By working together in solved by the government alone. "They involve measures necessary executive secretary to Governor McKay toast the future of the North San and her Allies shall come to grips liberal. I answered as "a conserva- •his fashion the cost can be keep to tiam canyon in Santiam river water at the industrial committee dinner held with England and he- Allies at th-* tire-liberal " -• a muunium and tai'— conti ibuted to arsuit ‘hat American industry is Tuesday evening in the recreation room of the Mill City high school. vnizy that he's committee efforts not wasted by prepared to meet any military and Above, some of the 160 guests who attended the affair devoted to the awful battle of Armageddon." really very progressive but, unlike Disclaiming, however, powers of a most liberals In the modern sense, he floundering. A program must be war supporting civilian requirements dream ot bringing greater industrial development Into the North Santiam, discussed and understood so that ac- appraised in the light of today's and gateway to opportunity. (Photos courtesy Capita) Journal and Bob Venessl prophet. Steffy had this to say. "Now likes to have some idea where he’s whether this is the beginning of that going before he starts. tion can follow was pointed up by tomorrow’s technological advances in 1 methods of warfare. . . . terrible struggle is something I would Mr. Durr. "We hear so much about liberals, "Industry, itself, has a big stake not presume to say with complete conservatives, socialists et al these “Doing a job yourself is much bet definiteness, but I can tell you this (Continued on Page 8) ter even if you can afford to hire in the proper dispersion of its facil ities in order to safeguard not only and make no mistake about it we it done.” he concluded. the national security, but alos its own are now in the process of 'girding In introducing Mr. Durr, Steffy existence. Wm. L. (Les) Josslin, Democratic our loins’ in earnest, and our indus said: Roy R. Hewitt, candidate for U. S. State Chairman, will discuss "The trialization in every way possible ". . . the chamber has been alerted "A man may be face to face with to the opportunities for induction of representative, 1st district, capped Child in Jail” at a public meeting and the opening up of our canyon to the oportunity of a lifetime, and for industry to this North Santiam can the events of the historic canyon Sunday. September 17 according to the re-locations of industries now too lack of a little timely help and co yon and the turn of world events wide dinner held in the Mill City Earl G. Mason, chairman. Linn vulnerable to attack, may well be our operation. be utterly unable to profit has but brought into sharper focus high school this week as he delivered County Democratic Central commit contribution towards our nation’s se The school board of district No. by it. the importance of the work this com a powerful and inspired talk on tee. The meeting will start with a curity in the terrible conflict that is 129-J at a special board meeting held pot-luck dinner at 2:00 p.m. with the “What can the Canyon do to and In "Another man with idle money mittee has been doing. Sept. 5, for the consideration of bids, program starting at 3:00 Those fast shaping up.” "We will work with industry and the national security?” may be wondering how he can invest Viewing the “signs of our times”, accepted the joint bid of Chas. N. After a brief, introduction by who wish to attend the pot-luck are Steffy stated. "As concerns the many Tripp Co. and Fordyce 4 Co. of Port or employ it to advantage. the government to arrive at practical “These two men should get to and economically feasible measures George Steffy, toastmaster of the asked to bring their own table ser- things that must yet come to pass, land, on the bond issues voted last for the protection of both industrial bountiful canyon dinner served by the vice. gether. July to raise $44,00000. The Santiam Central Farmers between now and the next half cen “A connecting link is necessary facilities and the nation's security." Gates Womens club, tnd decorated tury, mankind shall make more and Of the five bids submitted for con Union hall where the meeting is to be For the invocation. Steffy. the by Mill City Garden club women, Mr. and we of the industrial development greater spiritual progress than has sideration. the Tripp-Fordyce bid ap held, is located on the Albany I-eba- committee supply it and bring about master of ceremonies, called upon Hewitt began his speech by referring been made for the past nearly 6,000 peared the most attractive. Their to the exquisite and beautiful dis non highway at its junction with the years. It is too noticeable to over bid provides that on the bonds ma i Continued on Page 8) co-operation between the man with plays and baskets of flowers dec road to Scio. a proposition and the man with the look and dismiss as something just turing Oct. 1, 1952. to Oct. 1. 1958, Josslin, who was Executive Assist orating the meeting place. He said, money. happening as things do in the course inclusive, the district will have to ant to Governor Martin, is a practis "It is God who mixes the pigments "That is one of our functional pur of time but at this time the great pay Interest at the rate of 2% and on of the sunshine and dew. He paints ing attorney in Portland. He has spiritual rennaisance is under way.” j those bonds maturing Oct. 1. 1959 poses. been active in matters concerning and fringes the flowers in their glory; "The two words ’North Santiam', Steffy observed. "In these ominous 1 and Oct. 1. 1960. inclusive, interest at and their fragrance is but the linger prison and parole having been a days, when everyone is wondering the rate of 1%% will have to be paid. as I see it. are two words that to member of the Executive Committee. Three hundred seventy-one school ing of His presence.” me mean 'unlimited opportunity’. The what is going to happen, it is easy Also considered at the special age pedestrians were struck down on Ever conscious of human resources, American Parole Association and to be frightened," and that "these board meeting was a report by Mr. stuff IS here. Oregon streets and highways last President, Oregon Prison Associa Mr. Hewitt pointed at their import "The industrial development com are days when the fast changing Burton Boroughs, high school coach mittee of the Mill City chamber of year, according to figures compiled ance in these words. "Certainly when tion. events have so confused so many that j and teacher, on the cost of lighting commerce has therefore invited to by the office of Earl T Newbry. sec He made Man different from the they scarcely know what to think. the school’s athletic field Minimum retary of state. other animals He had purpose for Mill City for this special occasion, a There has never been a time in our cash outlay required for the work Newbry said the increase in school Monument Peak Huckleberry the difference. There is plan and man whose business is Community national history when great courage would be $1,700 00; and $2,500 00 in Development — Research and Sur enrollments this year could mean an purpose in th® universe and that Plan Patch Opens Saturday and leadership were so essential.” labor and equipment would have to even higher toll unless offset by in and Purpose is God. veys.” Citing President Truman's latest be donated. Boroughs indicated. Cost creased alertness on the part of Monument Peak huckleberry patch “Your finest product and greatest | message, Steffy asked "Let us then, of operation would approximate $10 motorists. He reminded drivers that asset is your folks, and the greatest ( opens this coming Saturday morning here in the canyon, re-double our per night. the speed limit at school zones and at possible contribution to national de-. to pickers for about nine days. efforts in the job of inventorying our I Clubs now using the athletic field school crossings is 20 miles an hour, fense is creative potential and high j Fire Warden Byron Bates desires our potential with the plan softball jamboree and sale of in effect at recess times as well as morale; and that can be built only that it be known pickers must have resources FRIDAY— when children are going to and from with homes where children will be a permit; and that no cars can go up view towards their complete utiliza tickets to them in advance. I.O.O.F. meeting The board officially determined schools. to the patch after 1:00 o'clock pm. tion" (Continued on Page 4) that Gates area high school age stu SATURDAY- Also pointed out was the fact that each day. dents may attend the Mill City high Oregon law grants the right of way Pickers may enter the area at 6 00 SUNDAY— school until the high school reaches to pedestrians when in crosswalks, If, o’clock a.m., but must be out by 8:00 Softball at 3 pm. its maximum capacity. whether marked or not. o’clock p.m. MONDAY— Action taken by the board requires Due to adverse weather conditions A gigantic triple-header softball Lions club meeting the grade school janitor to drive a the huckleberries are not good this Vrnw Shaw, rrrently oimml»- bus in addition to his janitorial du A.F. 4 A.M. No. 180 stated meet Aerial Posse Organization Starts game on Sunday. Sept 24th, in which year. aloneii Unn county official voter ties Copied from the board minutes all teams in the Mill City Softball ing third Monday. registrar and proprietor of Verne's Is the following: Sheriff Denver Young of Marion league will see action, will kick-off a TUESDAY— Barber Shop, warned today that county took the initial step in organ drive for funds with which to install “A discussion of the janitor and Softball at 6 p m the closing of the registration books bus driver problem for the grade izing a new Sheriffs Aerial Posse for lights on the Mill City high school Stonewall Jackson Wells Passes Chamber of Commerce 8 p m this canyon last Wednesday night at athletic field. Stonewall Jackson Wells. W> years draws near an the month of Sep school was held. It was suggested Women’s club 8 p.m. 1st. 3rd Tues the Davis airport in Gates The lights will make it possible to of age. better known aa “Stoney" tember melts away with ooh 2» that $450 00 be deducted from the George Douglas, Oregon state have night football and baseball Wells passed away early this morn <luys left In which to register. WEDNESDAY— 8.3,000 00 budgeted for this purpose shaw Indicated that In Oregon In to pay for the morning bus route. board of Aeronautics head, explained games, enabling those who work dur ing Mourning his departure from Softball at 6 p m. Santiam Eagles and auxiliary 8 pm. the Aerial Posse’s tie-up with the civ ing the day to attend contests which our midst are many old time citizens order to qualify to vote In the com Mr Roberts moved that Mr Shelton ilian defense program of which it is otherwise they could not see. of Mill City, since Mr Wells has ing November election a citizen be notified that in as much as he did at Detroit school building. a very important part The triple-header will get under long been a prominent member of must register. If he has not done so not see fit to drive the bus, the jani- Altar Society meets 3rd Wed previously, 30 days prior to election toiral service will call for a salary Canyon aviators, acting solely in a way at 3 p.m., Sunday. Sept 24th this community. Lions club auxiliary 8 30. 4th Wed. Mr Wells leaves surviving him day of 82.550 00 per year, and the remain Santiam Rebekah 168 1st and 3rd voluntary capacity, form the work- Admission is one dollar and high Citizens are urged to register at ing $450 00 budgeted will be used for ing core around which the Aerial school students will sell advance four daughters; Mrs E. L. Graham. Wed. at 8 pm. Posse will function. tickets to the affair or tickets may Mrs Bessie Vandermeer. both of Mill Verne’s Barber Shop or at the Mill the bus driving Expense of the eve THURSDAY— Deputy Ed. Scott. Sheriff Young’s be purchased at the field City; Mrs. Ray Sisco of Mehama and City Enterprise office. ning bus driver to be paid from the Softball at 6 p m. canyon representative indicated that Mrs. trthur Erie ver registers emergency fund." Much of the work and materials for Mrs Howard Fenner of Eugene Mill City PT A meets 2nd Thursday interest in the posse runs pretty high the lighting will be donated How Mr Wells retired some 20 years voters at her residence near Red's According to latest information, American Legion 2d and 4th Thurs among fliers. ever. a certain amount of cash will •go to engage in light gardening Hill Top Trading Post; and Mrs. Mr Shelton has agreed to continue Gates PT A 1st Thursday 8 p m A previous organizational meet be needed so let’s all get behind the work and to care for his Mill City Curtis M. < line maintains a regis in his present duties for another Garden club fourth Thursday saw a large group of interested fliers project so that Mill City can have a properties No announcement of in tration plaie ! h her home near the month, thus allowing further investi Mill City TWA meeting last Friday turn out for briefing Mill City Hotel. modem lighted field terment has been made gation of thia problem. 5^ Canyon-Wide Dinner Sparks Action! Banquet Speakers Stress Immediate Need For Planning Tom McCall Finds Canyon Communities Progressing Nicely Canyon Communities See Development Roy R. Hewitt Spurs Canyon to Action Democrat Public Meeting To Be Held Sunday School District 129-J Accepts High Offer Open Season on School Childern Must Stop Coming Events: Let There Be Light" Verne Shaw Named Linn Registrar