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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (June 6, 1916)
PAGE FOUR 3rEDFOT?D MATL TRTBrNTJ, MEDFORD, ORECION, TUESDAY, .TTXTC G, 101G hS 4 j - MEDFORD IV1AIL TRIBUNE '"AN JnBPENDBNT"NBV8PAPBn. . pUBLtsiino uvuitr aktisknoon KXCHl'T SUNUAY Br TUB MICUFOno rlNTlNO CO. Office Malt Tribune Uulldlnjt, 25-27-29 North Fir street; tfclephona 75. TheDetnocrntlo Times, tha Mmlfnrri Mstl. the Medrord Tribune, The South erri DreRunlan, Tha Ashland Tribune. OlSOTldH PUTNAM, Kdltor. sunscnrr-rion itATrst (inn Vfenr. br matv ss.po One fMiMh. by mail . . . .0 fMOrtth, by msil I'm" month. delivered by osrrler. In MoriforiL Phoenix, Jacksonville .. unit WiHrSl Point .50 fiftturday enljr, by mall, per year..- 2 0 Weekly, per year.... ..-, 1.50 Official Paper or tho City of Medford. Offlelnl Paper of JaeftHon County. Hrttered n fteeond-clatfl msltiir at JUftlfflrd, Oregon, under the art of Marah 8, 119. ""i1 Bworn Clroutittlgn for 1915 24C6. I'ull leased wire Associated Prcia dl' patents. EM-TEES Our Own TravnloRiio. DETROIT Detroit Is n pence (Ford moilol) fttl city, cnllroly mirroundml liy ntitoni'obllo factories. Yoti ran Rot an nutoiitobilo In Detroit quicker than nnywharo oIhd on onrtli. Alt you hnvrt to do Is to call ono or tho 13.401 nil tomobilo shops and toll thom to aend ono of their thls-wook niodbls around to tho houso and It will ronoli you so perfectly fresh that tho pnlnt Is hard ly dry. wlinn nn auto calonman, nnywhoro lulls you ho Is KoInK homo ho menus he's koIiik to Detroit. Resides automobiles Detroit soiids out moro advertlsliur. inattor than any 6thor city on oarth and mast of It Is paid for by Iloury Ford, who thinks, that this Is thu best way to provo to tho world that It Is all rlffht to tiiniiu factliro automnbllus hut very wicked to mnko Kilns and battleships. LMnylio Henry Is rlKht. Wo don't know, becauso wo novqr mado any Kilns or battloflhlps. Very IViniuil. Miss Graco Taylor, tha charming young hostess of Freedom, nutar talnud moBt delightfully with a formal two'CQiino dinner the other nvonliiK. Cm'ors wore lnld for 36 and iimjiln mijcnr and pleklos woro served. The Columbus (Ohio) Stnte Journal. Tho Ilflniitillc (In a manner of susaki n() of Portugal has askml pools and musicians to write a new nation. Hi nnthom. Judnlni; by whut little wa know of Portugal's roaaiit history SQ1H6 of our own rnxtlme writers oHgkt to b ahji to dash off n siinjijty Utile thing that would Just fill tho 1)111. i An Ailvniicl Woman. MlH Amy Smlili and Krandsou, .Mlrl, vliltml In Hamilton Sunday. 'f fb OalliUtii (.Mo.) Democrat. . ll)')l)IUlt(l HmmI. tCc-rTied bouf and cablingo. J law eggs, drldille oflkwi nwimflKO. AH)IIq pie cheese. SHWKBOtll garlic. nfle ry. I - COMMUNICATION. To Um Aliter: Ih a rwjt uwiui of (lie Mil Trib mw it w Utwl that ChitM Mllll Uhnhi4ui pbtwaauU ami Hub White (mm were leiuK abut in Saina Val toy. We be t differ witb your lit fntuMlttt oh tuta subject mix! wiah to Ute tiwt he baa beott utiaiufurtmul. W do not believe that the game lawa ar being violated at all iu thia arc lift at nreertiU. &wa Uhih aiiu phtfMatUa ami quail ware liuutwl ami aaot iMuniarulously in thia vallev. Sank baa nut been tha uaa aiuee. Urn Apfilaitata haa beau artiug aa irauie wnl. lit-. Anplegate hua done mhm towarU eiit'urciuir the game Imni ami we know him to be a pop abh and affieient official. IIOKAI'K I'KIrOK. I M. PISH Kit. W. A. TKKSIIAM. Eatae.Vftlkv. May :il. MEDfORD TO PLAY PALL AT WEED IN JULY 11H4 wit eumpleted iloutlaj after noon wharaby MtMlfonl and Waad will lay at Aabbwd tlurtOK Ou Kuurth of July calabratlon fur the chatuuiouahlp uf aouUMru Oregttu and uurluaru Call fornlA. Ta MwUonl team will bagiu prMMialnc at one for tha thraa ganwa. Sunday at QranU Paaa Mtalford a. featatl Orauta Paaa 16 to B by batter all aruuud work on the baaee, in tha and with tha stick. Mulnlyra i.intn-d u bimkI imwa. lllll Caatar bar mn K"i i (J. .1,1 HIM far tn aaaaon. (ui siiii.ii .iIum-iI short. Tha InflaM 1 ti bui m Utm hiaUwr of tha elty. Willi Medreid ude ta Medford made jj! THE CALL OF np If IS mvstui'v of the sponsors of the clandestine effort - to recall the county solution. At least some ol recall woodpile are showing The stoennir committee nounced as being composed and enterprising citizens: .Jesse JloueJc, V. W. Uregory, Benton Bowers, T. G. Burrows, George Hilton, .7. W. Mnt ney, J V. Mcdynsld The list is a noble one and worthy of the holy cause in which it is enlisted. Some of these gentlemen are office-seekers, rejected by the people, but still anxious to serve the public. Some are the jobs ol road supervisor or 1 nut inspector, and still will ing to draw a per diem. All are famed as community builders. Jackson county and Medford in particular arc deeply indebted to the type of citizenry they represent. Have thev not filled the air with the music of their anvil chorus for these many years? Do not their monuments, well worn holes in the concrete walks, adorn our every street corner, where the laithlul daily hold lortJii JIavc they not worn out the chairs they ornament in the Nash hotel as they ply their trade as village gossips? Has not every project ever launched for public welfare or community upbuilding been consistently and persist ently opposed by the element for which this committee tire spokesmen? The only event never protested, and that seems to meet approval, is a funeral. Does anyone suppose that any county court could meet the approval for any length of time of tho members of this committee? Not unless they themselves were members of the court and (hen those left out would start a recall. Anyone foolish enough to accept office from them would hold it only until the six months' time limit required for another recall was up. Despite the prostitution of the spirit of the law that was designed to stop malfeasance in office, the call of the recall is not without its virtue. It has stimulated a little energy in the breasts of a coterie of loafers whoso time has been so largely given over to whittling, slander and whin ing pessimism. E FIGHT FOR DEMOCRATS ST. LOUIS, Juno C. A Binnrt flRlit tho only ono vlRlblo on tho aky-llno of tho coining democratic national convention in niitlutnated by nnllon ul commlttcouiQii over an effort that Ih to bo lituilo to wrltu Into the par ty's platform an equal suffrnKo plank. .Vatlonal Chairman McComba tiald Im had been ndvliied that tho eamo niiffrnco hoHt that U to wane a flRht for the fliiffraRo plunk nt tho repub llean convention will appear In force at tho St. Louta convention. YUAN SHI KAI DEAD (Continued from pm;n ono) ehoRon. It wna roportml u llttlo later that tho president Intendod to take rofUKn In Japan and dlspatehoH from Toklo Biilil ho waa uoKotlatliiK for 11 roeldonco In tho Jnpanooo capital. A Xtv I'nvthhint m Yuen-liuiiKi who lieeomea prwi iileiil of Chinn, iu the reitulnr nouran of evtuita would ronmin iu office un til Oetflber of next year, when the toun of live year for whieh Yuan Shi Ki wna eleeted will o.ira. Ow inpr lo iliaturlMal iMlitlral eonililiona, however, hia tenure of officio ia tm eiu'taiu. Iti Yuen lluuir i i't'mrtol to ltae been iu yiiiWtlty with thu tvlnl moveHient, allhounh little lin linen heard of hia Hi'tivitiea iu teeent mouths. The atnte dewrlmeut at Washington waa Hiiviaetl May 17 tha; he bad htieu ileeted proaidant of four neeodinjr proviiii'aa In south Chini. Itt Yueu-hitug ia 52 years old. lie aervml ou a eria4r diirin tlie Chit Japaneiie war nul latur eutaretl the army, holding several eowimand hikI aMii(liug two yara iu ,lawu to atudv fortifieatKHta. Ou the outbreak of tha t evolution at Wuehaug he wua poereed into aeeeptiug oomwand of the revolutiounry foroi, whone op eratinuh he iliroolwl. lie waa uiuiiilv tuatruuiental in armnguig the Sliaugluti Haee (ouferetnet and ut ter the uhoVatioii of the Mauohnw waa eltM'ted viee-prealdxat ami an poutUl ehief of the gvaaial staff, lie was made a general, autl October, 1013, wa re-alejlanl vie-jireihlent. Wont Im Vuon.lliinc SAN FUAXriSCO, June 8. Yueu-bung, former vie-president of the Chinese lepublie, will aaanuie the rains of govenuiifut if the revtlu tiottiatn huxe anything lo a.v iibout it, local Chinese sanl liare todav up'ti lira ring of the deutb of l'rvxident Yuan Shi Kau Ijii Yueu-lntug waa the original revolnlioniat and raied the slaudard of rebellion i n Wu chang ix years ago next October. When Yuan Shi Kai'a ambitions swung fowunl the motiurchv the vice praanlent lvsigned, but the liberal fualiou xtill coiiMHler huu viee-pres-uieol. Tnc procedure, it was Mtatad, is for la( Yuea-kuug to aaauwe goscm luanlul authority until such tiuic as h t-aii fall a parliament through uhub to i-lnl it bvw i'U-idtut. THE RECALL court seems in a fair way of the colored gentlemen m tlie their heads. ot tlie recall ellort is an of the following progressive disappointed applicants for AT HOTEL BARNUM GRILL Tomorrow owning tlio Ilolul Hnr niim will iiitroiliico Mr. iiud .Mix. .1. IT. Sutton of Sun Fritni'lNoo iu the latest dani'im mid Parisian novelty steps. The dinner dunce lnis proven 11 success and the muniigemeut hua detennini'd to k'ivo the pulroiiH 11 chance to see the new dunces. Mr. mnl Mrs. Sutton uro enulimlow of the Vernon Ciistlo Hohool nuil liavo laught iu New York mid later came west on it contrnot to Frisco. They will siiend the summer in Med ford. The exhibition will he on from 7 to H, the pnl rutin will dance from (I lo ()::)() with (lancing between the exhi bition. PABLO LOPEZ, CHIEF OF MASSACRE, SHOT CHIHUAHUA CITY, Moxlco, Juno 0. Pablo Lopez, Villa's ehlof lleuton aut In the raid upon CoIuiuIhih, N. M., today paid the penalty for IiIb crimes, facing a flrltiK squad of con. stltutlonallet soldiers nt Santa Itosa, Chihuahua's placo of oxocutlon. Lopoz, who nt tho orders ot Villa ningnuorpd 16 American mtnlng men at Sunta Ysabol, Chihuahua. In Janit ary and who la said to have directed tho movements of tho .Mexicans nt Columbus, and expressed no rocres. tflio big clock In tho ctiartel was booming olovou as ho faaod tho fir ing squad. Tho officer in commnnd gave tho ordor to prosent anus. I.opoz raised his bond, smiled until his teoth showed, and thou luokliiK directly nt the soldiers, said: "In the breust, brothers; In tho breast. ". All of tho shots final struck In or near tho heart of tho bandit, killing him Instantly. As he leaped forward and Ml luotlonloss ou hia faoa tho customary final 'two shots of graoo were fired. AlthoiiRh there were uumbers of soldiers nnd cltttcns present thore was no dlsurdor. I.opec left orders to his wife and to lilt father aalug that ho lioptnl to meet theut In tha next life and urging them to bellave he was not a traitor te his country. "Since my eountry needs my daath, I Kivo It willingly" he said. J.lTTMt IIOCIC, Ark., June C Klfty-ulns paroous are reports! kllloil and nvore than a hundred lujurwl n a series of tornadoes which swept Arkansas Monday. All moans of communication are erlppled anil It Is feared the list of dead and tujurod will be graatly Inoreaaatl by later re ports. HOT Sl'HINOS. Ark , June . At least four persons were killed and half a dosan others were Injured se riously In a tegnado which swept serosa Garland county late today and through tha south wast portion of tha alty. Tha alsotrle light and power plant hsra was put out of commission and tonight tha elty was without lights or car service Many houses were demolished. LORD KITCHENER MID SWF PERISH (Continued from page ono) lng line. Whbn the war started, she was In tho Far Kant, and was report ed to have been worsted In a fight with Gormnns In the South China sea. She wns ono of tho Ilrltlsh squadron which was wont to this country for tho Jumoetown exposi tion In 1007. Sf-cretary of War lEnrl Kitchener was appointed noc rotnry of state for war August 8, 1914, a fow days aftor Great llrllaln's declaration of war on Germany. Ho wan regarded as England's greatest soldier and tho decision of tho gov ernment to entrust him with supremo direction of tho wnr was received with unanimous approval. - Ab tho war progressed and Grcnt Urituln'fl deficiencies In certnin direc tions, particularly In regard to the shortage of artlllory ammunition, bo enmo apparent Karl Kitchener wns subjected to sevoro criticism, led by Lord Northcllffe. Tho secretary was charged with responsibility for full- tiro to forcseo tho extraordinary de mnnd for heavy shells, and n a re sult tho ministry of munitions was formed with David Lloyd George nt Its head. ' IKarl Kitchener's responsibilities were further lessened by tho appoint ment of a chlof of staff In necembcr last. It was reported at that timo that frlctlonjind arisen between Karl Kitchener nnd Field Marshal French then In rotnnland of tho Ilrltlsh forces In France, 8hortly aftor tho appointment of General Itobortson as chief of stuff, Field Marshal French relinquished his commnnd. Crented. Hugo Army Notwithstanding tho criticism di rected against Karl Kltchenor, his great accomplishments during the war oro recognized universally. Foro iiiost ot his achievements Is tho crea tion from England's untrained man hood of a lingo nrmy. At tho be ginning of tho war Great Ilrltaln had only n fow hundred thousand trained men, today moro than r,000,000 nton are enrolled for tho various branches of tha service Thoro has boon no rocont reports of Karl Kltohener's movements. Ho was Inst mentioned In tho cable dls- pntchos of Fridny whon ho wont to Wostmlnstor palace to ho questioned by tnombors of tho houso of com mons who wore not satisfied with the conduct of tho war. No Intimation was given that ho intended to loavo Kngland. Horatio Tlerbort, 1st Viscount Kitchener of Khartum. Hugllsh gon ornl, wns horn nonr Ilnllylongford. County Kerry, Ireland, Sopt. 88, 18S0. Kducnted nt Iloyal Military acad emy Woolwich, mndo lieutenant 1871 Itoynl Engineers. In active service In Franco-Prussian war In French nrmy. Survoyed Pnlostlno. Appoint ed to cavalry In Kgypt 1884. Mado brevet llout-eolonel and rocelvod Khedive's star. Governor of Suakln 1SRC-8. Distinguished for service ngalnnt Osmau Dlgna nt Hnmlnub 18S9, gtvon Sudnn command, made Companion of Hath. Hoadod Anglo Egyptian forces which captured Don gola, 189C. Given major Honoral rank also K. C. II. Destroyed power of Khalifa nt Omdurman 1S9S. Made llnron Kltchenor of Khartum. Gov ernor nonertil of Hgypt 1899. He slanod to aid Lord Hoberts In South Afrloa. Succeeded Iloberts, conclud ed poaeo 1902. Made commander In chief of India, general wnr comman der In chief ot English forces. WEST VIRGINIA HOLDS GENERAL STATE PRIMARIES niAM.F.STON, W. Vu., June 0. A primary election iH being held throughout Went Virginia todav fir tile purHM of nominating candi date on the republican ami demo orotic tickets for I'uiteil State sen ator, governor nnd other stale i'IIi cow. Brandeis Takes Oath of Office WASHINGTON, June 6.-,-Loul I) Urandels of lloston today teak hU seat as an associate Juitlee ot the Supreme Court, tho sixty-second citl seu te rise to that high distinction. The eeremonlas lifting the new Jus tice from among the rank ot at torneys to a seat on tha first court of tha list Km were precisely those by wklrh hi preredeasora of the last generation Here likewise Iated JOHN A. PERL UNDERTAKER Ijuly Assistant s. u.vuTLHrr Phoat M. 47 sun 47-JS Automobile Uonrvc Son Ice Antbulauos Sortie Ooroasat ABOARD CRUISER 10 SUCCEED K. OF K' AS WAR CHIEF LONDON, June 0.- -When the news of the sinking of the cruiser Hamp shire with Earl Kitchener and his staff on board wis received in Lon don n meeting of the Ilritish wnr council win immediately cnllod. Sir William Itohcrtaon, chief of the im pcriul ntnff, who pmhnbl" will be oomu tho henil of the wnr office; Sir Edward (Iroy, secretart' for foreign affairs; Hcginnld McKcnnn, chan cullor of the p.Tchentier, nnd David Llovd (leorgc, jninislcr of nmnilioii,, were present ut the council. Tlie firtt ipiestion ttsked when tho news of Karl Kitchenor'a denth wns nnnouncrd wns, "Who will mtccceil him?" The nnawor invnrinblv wa. "KobiirtNon, of course." Sir William Itoburlxnn nlronilv had fnkon over the wnr secretary's du tiua tomnornrily when the secretnr.v atoned on Iiih .imimcy. The irencrnl Iiiih the full confidence of the country. While ho cannot lie como f-ccrotnry of wnr until he is raised to tho peerage, 11 member of the house of lords might bo put nt the bend of the wnr office with the undorsttindiinr Hint tho rrcnerul, like Karl Kitchener, would have n free rein. NURSERYMEN TO MEET IN MEDFORD JUNE 20 (From Pacific Gordon.) The foutoentli annual meeting of tho Pacific Coast Association of Nursorymon is scheduled to take placo nt Medford. Oro., on Tuosdny, Wednesday and Thursday, Juno 20, 81 and 22, 19 10. In so far as tho program has been provided, It will deul more particularly with tho fun dnmontnls pertaining to the commer cial phnscfl of tho plant Industry and an enllghtonod horticultural practlco as applied to pomology and ornnmon tul horticulture. Among other sub jects germane to tho formor that have been provided for nt this writing may bo mentiened: Vlteforms In Systems of Financing tho Nursery Iluslnoss," "Improvements In Methods In Soiling Trees and Plants," Fundamental Principles Governing Correct Methods of Salesmanship," Cost of Produc tion In Frutt nnd Ornamental Stocks," Flxod Charges, Including Inspection nnd Disinfection," Quarantine Horii- lntlons," Correct Principles In Orna mental Planting," "Care of Orchards to Secure Quality and Quantity of Product" and other topics along clml. lar linos, including tho usual com mittee reports, addresses of wolcome, responsos.etc. Tho complete pro gram will ho sent out to nurserymon, seedsmen, florists, pomollglsts and horticulturists about the first of Juno. PISTItOOItAH, via London, June 6. 11: 1R p. m. Tho Russian press urges the ontoute powers to bring pressure to boar on Greece becuuio of the antngonlitlc attitude of that country. Somnthlng of n sensation has boon rnusod by nrtlolos, ospeclally thogo In the Hourse Gaxette exiiress Ing tho opinion that the king of Greoco "would do well to take a rest' of somo duration at some nlace bettor for his health than Athens." The Other papers denounce the "po litical felony" of Greece toward the entente. The Novoewrema declares the measures taken ut Salonlkl as In sufficient and calls upon the entente powers to take necessary steps at Piraeus and Athens The Coming Baby! Hooray! Hooray! Nothing clso can so completely endear us to tho present and tho futuro tu tho expected nrrlTal of a tub)-. Put In the mean time tlie comfort of tt'o mother I of rat Importance. There li n plendld external rem edy known si "Moth er Friend" whlcbex erti a wonderful Influ ence upon tbo expand. IJBHj come more pliant, lESWlBV"' 'r tcb without umlua L3ilin ta'n male ,,ks pro,i tmmmmmKJJk one of pleiuant aslle- paiioii iiniewi 01 ap prehension. In n.ierlei of H'n.HJ letter troiu all over tho c 1 utry mothen tell of tho ureal be!j "Mother Friend"' waj to ttteea. l'.rcn rramlmotln'ni tell the wonderful .lory to their own iUuhter about to ester the tate of motherhood. Get n bottle or "Moth er' Friend" UxUy of jour neariwt ilraseUt. Ve tbl spliMulM help with jour own band rakled by -our own wind. For a free book of Intcrot and tmportanco to all uiottwri write to llrndfleld IWiWr Co-. IH Lanar llklr, Atlanta, Oa. It relatM the prMUMt 1'iWrkiKw of isaisj hispy mother. It teJU many tiling that all women (tmuM hi fa miliar ""h; It l ut oact a ruUJo QCJ Ut tMPiruliwj. Me ror tab book. TO ORDER $25.00 UP Also Cleaning, Pressing and Altering 128 E. MAIN, UPSTAIRS ROBERTSON ln,N UjUHwS (iV0R ) LEONARD ID FAVORITE SON OF T. R. CHICAGO, June 0 Con"nud con ferences held today between the re publican and progressiva loaders have failed to disclose the much sought common ground upon which they can agree ou candidates and laities, nnd with tho nssombllng of two sepntato conventions leas than twenty four hours off, the two forces seam to he as far apart as ever. Justlco Hughes remained the lend ing flgtiro In point of strength when first nnd socond choices were consid ered and Colouol Roosevelt still wns concodod n voto powor In tho repub lican convention. Whether he would oxorclse It against Justice Hughe; in ndvanco of the balloting was a ques tion In tho minds of tho loaders. deorgo W. Perkins Issued n state ment donylng flntly that Colon 1 Itoosevolt cvor had declared his ap proval of Justlco Hughes or any other man. Progrosslve loadors admitted that In their harmony conferences with representatives of tho regular repub lican force they had boon at a dis advantage In that thoy had only one cnndldato to offer while the repub licans advanced tho names of all the fnvorlto sous and Justlco Hughes as woll. , Tho Importance to the progressives of having a list of compromise pos sibilities to counterbalance th-s re publican Hit of candidates was rec ognizod even by Ilnosevelt who nt Oystor Day today added the name of Major General Leonard Wood, giv ing out n atntement that the xeti'rnl would bo "acceptable" to him. RUSSIA BEGINS GIANT OFFENSE; VERDUN QUIET LONDON, June C. The long-ex-pectod general offensive ot tho Itus- slnns against tho Teutons seemingly has boKiin. From both PetroRrad and Vlonnn come reports that the Ilusslnns uro actively engaged over a front from the Prlpet river, east of HYoat-Lltovsk, to the Rumanian froutlor n distance of about 250 miles. Thu Russians everywhere are using largo numbors ot guns and men, and according to Potrograd have achieved euccoeses on many Important sectors, taking 13,000 prisoners and a num ber of guns, and destroying or captur ing Teuton positions. Along the Ileasarabian front, In the Dnelster region along the lower Strlpa, and In Vol by 11 la the Uusslau ttacks have been particularly vlolaut. In the region of Olyka, In the zone of the Volhynla fortress trlauglo, the Russian guns have shelled a front of mora than 1C miles In length held by the Austrian archduke. Joseph Ferdinand. RES f TrTflT TLSVE. Itt XV LilX On the train, at home, or wherever there is writing to be clone, the CORONA type writer will do it better, quicker and easier than a pen or big cumbersome machines. CORONAS are fast displacing the other makes for a large part of personal use. Sold on easy terms. MEDFORD BOOK STORE BAND CONCERT -at ASHLAND LITHIA PARK Every T&s$ey 3 p.m. and Park Brilliantly Lighted for Evening Pleasures ' Children's Piny Grounds, Tennis, Croquat, Hundreds of Picnic Tables CARUSO ftfertf-fam-xtt Ewor. i'W "TuximJo satisfies my tobacco taste. Moat important; of all, from sin ' standpoint. Tuxedo dm not irrilat MSfal jay throat." !fifW- A&r? Tuxedo Does Mo-fc Imt&te My Throat" ? That's what the woild'o freateit tenor says about 'uxedo. That', whst put will say about Tuxedo aflcf you've given thi mildcot and plcasr.ntcst of all tobac cos a week's trial. TtPttfttt Ttcf PmirtOct The origins "Tu::cdo YtocK.t' of refining mild Kentucky Hurley, mellowed by 3 to 5 years tRcInff, fositivily remove every particle of harshness and "bite". PutTuxedo to the . That will show you why, to millions of men, Tuxedo is the only ' just right" smoke. Read the guarantee in the top of every tin. YoucanbuyTusetlocTOTwliere Pouch Sc Ftmouf grrentin 10c lis Tin Ha- miJiri, 10c and 80c. In Clan Humidtri, SOcarJWc, THS AMERICAN 71AOOO COMPARE INTKItlUtlJAN AVTOCAH CX). TIJJIO C.VKI). Leave Medford tor Ashland, Talent and Phoenix daily, except Sunday, at 8:00 a. ru.. 1:00, 1:00, 4:00 and 6:1G p. m. Also on Saturday at 11:16 p. m. Sundays leave at 8:00 and 10:30 a, to. and 1:00. x:80. 6:30 and 9:30 p. in. Leave Ashland for Medford dally, osoept Sunday, at 9:00 a. m., 1:00, 1:00, 4:00 and 6:15 p. m. Also oa Saturday nights at 1:10 and 2:10. Sundayi laava Ashland at 9:00 a. , and 1:0,0, 4:10, 6:S0 and 10:30 p. m. f"l qajniv Mfc MH"JswaaagBaV 5y QMM&A& riaWplP 4 f .V 'Jk s 1