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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (June 6, 1916)
MTCDFfmD VATT, TRTBFVK WTDftT), ORKCJOV, TVM)AY. JlTK C, 10U PAGE TITREE 'r w E ey Y FUTILE SAYS CHANCELLOR, HHItLIX, Jump ll. m London. A profound xetHntlon lm Irhmi ituimhI b.v the rot xpooch Hindu votordnv buforu tin- roii-hstng by Clnuici'llor Von Hotliinunn-llollwi'ir, in nliicb ho ik'rljMi'il thnt nnv fin-tliT -ttftfo-t ioiiM of M'ni'' by fliMiiiiiny would he Infill1 unci ovil. Hi- oloipu'iit ppprotl to t!u nntion to hold on until vn-torv wn theirs mid ilio imIpkouciiI i'cIiiiiicc he Mil toil nt lftr:l(uid wctv ,;ioi't' ! with .li dew i.J npplttd i. At I tit iMiiudiHion of hi- ."pooh h.' t'han ccllor tt'ccivcd it tivuicndoiH ovnt.on, the ohi'tTiiif; bi'in; tcncwco iik.iiii .11.11 iipniii. AP pnit.i's joined in lli, t 11 -tion uith the t'V'i ption of tlio '(:! M-rvnitvoK nnd tin' HoeinlM" lio se ceded with Dr. I.R'bkmvld. Thti eli.uu'ellor oppeali'l for tin1 nnily of nil puiliex, deeliiriui; thut jiolitienl Unci ought to be obliteiiiu 1! dllliutt tlie iit'o-eeutioii of .he war. The coneluhioii of his speech brought iilniosl the entire house to their feet ill 11 wild outburst of enthusiasm. "I mm) the entire iinliini," he Miid, "in hemic siiiliuc fiichting for its I'u tine, our "in und biotherri fixlitiiijt nnd il.viinr anli by lido. There we hih1 the eipinl love for home in nil.. The smiled llnine of love of home. steels every henit so thnt they defy denth nnd suffer death in thniHiiniW. Only n liemi completely dried up enu esenpe the nl'lcclin impic iim of the ten I piiuiltive strength of this pen pie." Y SHY OF loe Lambert, eiisicu in the KiikHsIi nuvy, uns hist on the llempsteud. .Ml. Lumber! vvut bulletined for i'oii spienonut'rfs ut the DnnlnuclM. He wiis, the first to iceeive the Vietoiiu I'm, for nilillery work in protecting ititt limiliiii' of the KiiLlitfli wnMiiir. He i a eoiiHiu of Willinui (iibsou of the I lilted Sinter iiiniy, who --is trwiucr ut the envulrv remount tu tion ut .Miles ("it y, Mont. .Mi. (libon is in the vnllev liu.viinr mount" for the I'liitcd Sluten. He stated tbt the etivnlry wits in n miv-otty-'lrickcu condition for mount. The I'nitt'd Slates leipiiremeulx nre higher tluin the Itriti-h or Krenrli And the pivernuieiit ennnut pity tlit price- ( by the nllii, who luive donned the country of itood mounts. The Mexican troulilo bus dcolctcd the rcinoiint stations- at Keuo City, Oklii., Mllil Miles City. REGULAR CONCERT OF BAND TONIGHT Tho Medford concert band unilor the direction of Haiiiliiiaator HckIiiuIiI 0. Houland will hold ItH weekly con cert In tho city park bund stand this ovoniux at S o'clock. Tho lint to be prtMonted by the bund thin ovonliiK Ineliidoa aovorul claaalcs an woll as ninny of the llnhtor and popular num. tor. Tho "War March of the Prieata" by Felix MondoMoiiu la buliiK playod by roquoat. Following la tho pregram: March, "Officer of tho Day". .. Hall Cocrt valao. "The l)ruld'n tf'rayor" navaon Ovortuto, "XiRMQnetto" . ltaunian Oae-toB, "Norway (the laud of the Midnight ami) Plat-her Oraml March, "War March of th 1'rotMa" from Athalla" Mndolohn Popular, "The Little (Jray Mother" u . t'ofcla Chilian dance, "Manana" .... MUaud March, "The Commander" ... Hall The Star Spaualcd Ilamier. OREGON WATER CODE UPHELD SUPREME COURT WASHINGTON, .luuc 1; --OregonV water code, regulating irrigation project and other wninr iikerx a upheld as ronnlltiitional toda l tlie Supreme Court The deUlon at flrma the refusal of the Oregon Fede. nil Court to enjoin aome 200 rlalm anU to water right In the Stlvlet. river from proeeodlng before the Mte .Uer board to compel the Pa cific Livestock Comoany to eatablUh It rights to use the water o( the rlvr. Another attempt by land owners alMg the MUataslppI to proceed against the government on account or floT'tg alleger to bare boon caused by )' buUdlng, failed today w ben the Supreme Court decided the Mississ ippi river commission should not be enjoined from constructing or repair ing levees. P MOVES GERMAN ARM GOOD MOUNTS GERMANS STILL LAIM VCTORY BIG NAVAL BATTLE; Ui:ilLlN. June 2. i'iy win-leas to Tho Associated PrcHs via Hayvlllc Dolaycd In transmission.) -Hetnlled reports of the naval battle In the Xorth son detract nothliiR from the Importance of the (lernmn vlctor.v They show that the entire Herman battle fleet, except tho Unlit foi.e nsalKiiod to the llaltlc, vvni euKOKcd with tho main force of the Iliitlsn fleet. The fact that the llrll!nh miier drcaduaUKht Wantplto was lout In the day battle disposes of any aKsumptlon thnt tho HrltlHh lmttlcHlilps arrived too lato to pnrtlclputu declHlvely In the innln eiiKaKcmeut. (The Iorh 01 tho Wursplte was announced by Hi. (icrinnn admiralty, hut denied offi cially In London, where it was sunt the Hhlp wax damaged tmt not sunk 1 The number of (ieiiunn dontroeri loHt Ih kIvcii aH five. Anvour. the dotnlla which It Ih "ii niisHlblo to triuiHiiitt In that a ItritlPh crulxcr of tho Achilles t.vpe waa miii:K In the euKnKoiuent at fairly cloho quarter with the (lernmn riauHl.ip Vlco Admiral Hipper, In command of tho cruiser squadron, watt the (Icr innn comiimuder In the Dokkct lunik cnKaKement. ' No further Information linn been Klven out In roitnrd to the extent of the damages sustained by the Oct man unltM. It is frankly admitted that they are b.v no means tiffin and the loan of personnel f 10111 the Ornish shell flic iilxo In conceded. Never theless the pi lie of vliioi Ih rcKiird 11I as ii-l.itlvcK small E AT PAGE THEATER A lomauee denliiitf with kiciul canto in the I'nited Stale- military service prove mi excellent vehicle for Frnueis X. Ilindiiiiun nnd Ileverlv llnyue, the nttinction at the Puro thenter toni)tht. With 11 story ho consistently 'interest in and the production- which the .Mfllnr cnrpnintiiAi Iiiim ifiven the piny, "'Hie Wall lle tnecu" has proven a popular ollir itiar. This Mtory, ndnpted trout the novel by Itulpli I), l'nine, )s n hue story, tellini; of the ipiartei'iiwister scrxeiint's roumnce with n jtirl wlms(. uncle is a colonel in the service. Kdith chics nnthinu about the social Msiiiiiii which goex with xhoulder stmp-, nnd she iiiMiinKoa lo meet Kendall seorolly. When the reiriiuent is Kent to Nicamirua, K'cndull there di-tiiitrnislies himself as n soldier, He liven up to the liinh reaid in which both the enlisted men nnd manv of his superioi-K hold him. When the regiment returns lie i jxianted nu houonible discharge and is free then to murry I-Mith with the confccnt of hor uncle, Colonel Dick inson. MisK Ilayue iK seen to marked ad vantage km 1'dilh Ferria. Mr. Hush mini has n Miit which i admirably suited to his talents. He in Sere unt Kendall, a man of education, who has risen in the highest position )hi luissihle under the condition cit iug. "The Wall Hctwccn" rank with the be-l Mctm picture. Packard and other promi nent automobile engineers favor motor oils from Western crude. Exposition juries at San Francisco and San Diego gave highest competitive awards to Zerolene an oil from Western crude. Zerolene is the best oil for your motor because scientifically refined from selected California crude asphalt-base. Government experts tell us that oils correctly refined from asphalt-base crude "distill without decomposition" do not break up and lose their lubricating value under cylinder heatJand are 'much better adapted to motor cylinders, as far as their carbon-forming proclivities are con cerned, than are paraffine-base Pennsylvania oils." When you empty the crank-case refill with Zero lene. Dealers everywhere and at service stations and agencies of the Standard Oil Company. ihe Standard Oil ANITA STEWART I WILSON TALKS E WASHINGTON, dune 11. -l'latm for the democratic 11:1 1 innl eiiuveli tioti'vvith pnrticulnr rel'eienec to the platform were disousijcd todav by President Wilson with his advi-eis at the cabinet mccthiir nnd nt an in formal white boose conference. Senator Ollie .lames, who is to be pehnanciit eluiirmiiii of the eonveii tioii, nod Kepieseiitntive lloicmiis, 1 liiiiriiiaii of the democratic eougies--iiinal cntuuiitlee, ui'tieipatcd. The tone of the plat I'm m, a droit of winch is lieinif prepared bv the pien- nli nl. will be influenced by the nc 1 1 utti of the Chicago convention. ' Members of tin cabinet lire pre juniinv information to be used in the platform and the sH'cchc of Former (lovernor (ll.vnn of New York, the temvorary chniimnu, ,ludgc .lohii W. Wecotl, who will loiminale Mr. Wil son, and Senator J.imes. AT IiKS M(HM:s. la., .linn ilefeat ol Woman -illl'lii-ji li. in The Iowa I torn was indicated b" returns todnv 'csteidny'i. riuinp'. SupMrlers of the amendment, however, say the vole fnun the mini dintricts will turn the tide in their fnvor. DISK MOINF.K, In.. June 0. -Twelve hundred pieoincU out of 221)7, according to unofficial teliirn, isive S:i.:il)0 for the MiffiHge mnend meut and Kit, 1(11 nsrainnt. DIED lir.NJA.MlN' -In Portlund. Or.. Mm. Mary Ann Benjamin, nged (10 years, of cerebral ioplexy, hi loved HiMer of Mm. Al AH'ord oT Talent and ,1. N. Muufichl "I I'olo. Fuucuil servieeK weie held Friday, June 2. at 10 o'clock n. in. Interment in the Itose Citv cemetery, I'm ilniiil. Mr. and .Mra. Charles Kellogg of Palmer creek, are vImi;hk wuli Mul tord friends. I Wm- - i , gjcrmiiii C V NTION PLAN for Motor Cars AND EARL WILLIAMS AT THE KITCHENER'S DEATH NF.W YORK. June b Wall Mrfet knew of the reported fnie of Unrl KiUdicncr mid his itulf on hour he fore the market oKncd, by which time newHbny wore shouting the menger detnila throughout (he fin ancial district. In biyiking circle nnd on the stock cchaii"c the trag edy formed nluiost the one topin of diNciiro'ioii nml waa regarded aa n blow to the emiSA ot the allies. The niiirket i I well' win waivoly affected nt the outset beyond some slight ir legulatity whiidi wit nioie iIihii lieu Inilized liv the strength of cerliiiu sM' ialties. WSHIN(ITO .lun fi Hear d- mlral Capcrton. commandliiK the merUati fon-ea In Han Domingo, ad vised the navy department todny that ii) rdicl force of L'na attacked tho ma- line camp at Monte Chrlsii jester ln The rebels were driven off. H.vcn or their nniiiier (dim killed There wi re no Vim ri an casualties 3&vj -A: ,p-M- m x.sM i 7 L,,', All Wheal Ready to Eat vvnxi I v. ''i . in n W mm V HZJWXK I WM H 1", -"-TutrJiti t i (THREE KILLED BY nUXVKK, Colo., June 0. Three peraona were killed nnd two injured when Denver & Itin Orunde trniu No. 1.), ventliouud, wna derailed nenr Colton, I'tnh, nboul 1 o'clock this iwicnSng, 'nceordinif to rcprtrla re ceived ut railroad hendqiinrtora here. The dead nro Kngincer A. M. Cunip btdl and two unidentified (minim. Ftreiunii Willinui Reluieffer nnd Hie mnil clerk were injured, Two ciiuinc, the mail nnd two ex press ours were dcmilod. None of the eonohc left the trnck. Tho trnin is mil for e.preH hiisiiieas mid enr nes no Pullmnin. DK8 MOINHa, la , June ('..- Vic tory for the republican gubernator- , lal uoiulnatlou was tho only certain result early todny of tho statewide primary hold yoaterda). Itoturua yet lo he received from rural dlvtilcts, It was said, would decide whether the constitutional amendment providing for woman suffraiie had been adopt- ed STAR TODAY Tlie Now Whole Wheat Food with the D?cots Flavor originated by the KGlloggToasfed CornFlakeGx I Tiam'aWiarWPSyr''fclUl s EMARKABLE how quickly l mAim Am a whole Wheat food, has taken its permanent place on the American table! Krumbles has the full appe tizing flavor and sweetness of wheat, now brought out for the first time by the Kellogg method. Krumbles is prepared from the whole of the wheat. It contains all the starch, all the protein, all the mineral salts, all the phos phates, and all the bran. It is cooked, "krumbled," and delicately toasted all the food value is ready to be assimilated. In the WAXTITB packuge lOc Look for this signature. J E CHIOAaO, Juno C -The Woman's party convantton which yetordn liuuiohod tho first woman's political party ratumiHl IU mootings today with throe leaalons on tho program. CominltteeH on pernmuent organi sation, rules and on hearlnga boforo I tho ropuhltoHn, progressive and dem ocratic conrontloiis. nnmed yostorday, , conferrod thli morning. I rrho "auffrnge naeomtily" called by the National American Woiunu Hut frag,) association hold Its first moot- I lug todny. Tho assembly will luttt 1 for two dnys. itosolutlona will bo adopted today which 1110 to bo pro- sentml to tho ropubllcan convention. Mrs. Carrlo Chnpiniti Cntt, proHl- I dent of tho association, called tho BHsonibly to ordor. Tho opening hob hIoii -will bo known as "the political party plnnk-s dchhIoii." Tho program for tho day calls for two hcshIoiih, a luiichifbu and In tho evening n dinner Tor nbuttt Ifio load era at the residence of Mrs. Cyrua II. McCormlck. IN- EAST AFRICA HAVin:, Frnnce, June O.-Tho Belgian force' operalinix in Herman Unal Africu hnve penetrated 12") miles into tho eneinyV ternton miiicc the middle of April, uccordiiig to an officiul Htulemunt iaeued by the Itel giuu wnt nffluo. Tho Htuteiucnt Hn.VH! "At Hie end of May the Hituatioii of our forces in Domini! KiihI Afrioit wiiH as follews: Our loft column lealcd on tho river Kugern. Our center had crossed tho river Ahnu jnrtt, where the enemy foreim were repoited to have conccntrnlcd, our right column upproaehing Hi town of riiiubuiii. "Aecordiug to the atalumcnt of prisoucra, tho enemy is dumorulixed by reveiKCH. A provisionul govern iiieul ban lieeu elnlililiei b.v us in Ituauda." The town of I'Niuuliiirit it the can- ilal of the (Icrmau province of 1'r uudi, on the cast shine of Lake Tanuiiiiviiki. i: UN OUTLIN CAMPAIGN P CONVENTIONS BELGIANS ADVANCE RS KRUMBLES, the delicious new AUNY OREGON WOMEN SAY THE SAA1E. Portland, OrcRon. "My dmiRhtcr's health wns very poor utter her tlrst baby came. Finally elio took three bottles of Dr. Picrce'fl Favprito Pre scription nnd her health wns greatly Improved. Sho has three children. Has always depended on this wonder ful medlcino to help her through." Mns. Isa pel Iinr.TitAND, 80 Texas St., Portland, Oregon. Lenta, Oregon. f"I usca Doctor , Pierco's Fnvorlto PivBcrlptlon bo foro my baby came and I belicvo it saved my life, as I was In very "poor lioaltli." TJIna. 0. II. Pow- cna, Lents, Ore con. Nete: Dr. Pierco receives, dally, many letters lllco tlio abovo from all over tho world. Tho mlnbty rcstorntlvo powcrof Dr.' Pierce's 1-nvorito Picscrlptlon speedily cmi8oa nil womanly troubles to dis appear compels tho organs to prop erly perform their natural functions, oon-ccta displacements, overcomes irrogularltloa, romovos pain and misery at curtain times nnd brings back health nml strength to nervous, irrita bio and exhausted women. What Doctor Piorco's Favorite Pre set Iptlon lias dono for thour.nuds it will do for you. Oct It thin very day from any medlcino dealer, iu cither liquid or tablet form. Doctor PIhwo's PolloU nro uncqnalod as a Mvor Pill. Xmnltctt. awlat fo tnle. One Unu, .Stioor-eoafftt l'clict a Itosc, Cum Sick llcnducho, Ittllom lleadnchc. Dlwilne, Constipation. Indi gestion, ltlllons Atl.icl.-n, nnd all d rnniti'innuts of tho Ltver, Utumach and llovvclx. Exhibition and Regular Dinner Dance HOTEL BARNUM Wednesday Evening JUNE 7 6 to 9:30 DINNER 75c Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Sutton of Snn Francisco in Fox Trot and Parisian Dances Delicious and Refreshing llero'a every girl a drink, A delicious, refilling VELVET ICIC CHISAM SODA. Why not come in 0110 of thosa hot daya anil try ono of our Thirst QupiicIiIiik Kodaa with l'tiro VulvuL lio Cn-am In It. It'a a l'ura WholeMino Koop Cool Drink. lt'n bound to iiImm you. Kv'rlody who triM ono ot our Ire Cream oda once eeinoii back nfii-n (uuio in today and try ono. THE DAIRY PI10NKI81 Medford House Movers W K MOVE HOUSES. DARNS. GARAGES, MACHINERY, ETC. Phono 488-M fi!2 S Newtown. 737 W. 14th St. WESTON'S Camera Shop F Wf hTJ 1 ."s J t.K Ibk' H. --ys -m o 208 East Main Strcot, Medford Tho Only Exclusivo Ooininorcinl Photoyniphers hi Southern Orogon NTegativoa Mado any time or placo by appointment. Phuno btf-tl Wo'U do tho rest E. D. WESTON, Prop. of&i ' n .? (; 11 Mttlfoii! IJooMors Smoke M ' r , .. I A J '.