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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (June 7, 1916)
University of Orepn Llhrary Medford Mail Tribune FORECAST CAIK TONK1IIT AMI Tlll'ltSDW WEATHER Maximum Ymterdnjr H5j Minimum Today III. Si, j' r &' Fortr-slxth Year. rEDFORD OR1WON, "WEDNESDAY, Jl'NK 7, 191G NO. GG 4s Dnllv Klpvcnth Yrar. v r WILD CHEERS FOR IEDDY LAST TWO M Tumultous Demonstration for Roose velt by Progressive Convention When Name Is Mentioned by Chair man BobbinsOregon Women Play Leading Part Convention Well Under Control of Bull Mooso Lead ers, Who Delay Nomination. ArniTomr.M hall, ciiicaho, .)m in- 7. Willi a tumultous demou nt nition for Theodore Roosevelt, the progteasivo lintionul convention op ened hero today while the republican national convention wan in progress at the Coliseum. KnthiiaiiiHm for Roosevelt wiih prcuipitutod when Raymond Robin, of Chiengo, the tcninornry ehninuun of the conven tion, referred to him iih the "foremost citizen of the world." The demon stration liiwled two hour. During t lit cnthumiistio outburst for Roosevelt, which inturrupted the speech of the timiporury eliainiinn, there wns every iudieation that the progressive leaders hud the conven tion in control and that no nomina tion for the presidency would lie at tempted until conference, already hogtiii with republican lender, had buun coiisiuninutod. llOOMiVOlt KlttllllslllSUI The coiivenlion was culled to order by Victor Murdoch of Kuiihhh, chuir ,iiiHii of the progressive national com mittee, and hi apponmnco on the platform, Hiirroiinded by fleorge W. Purkiue, O-ear Straus, IlirHiu .lohn miii of California and other progres sive lenders, was the wiiciihI for a pre liminary demonstration which delay ed the opening of llio convention for more than half an hour. At the first mention of Colonel Roosevelt' mime by Mr. Robin the convciitiou went into a wro..V"in of enthusiasm. Waving hand, hat and flag they ninilo a tninnltou human MH of the floor. The ovation roo and fell in IiiioU or sound waxen, those near (lie Mage aimarcnllv lend ing the cheering. Delegation then began h march through the aisle. Hanner were broiiiiht upon the stage and earned through the ball. One of the moot conspicuous banner waved to the delegate taid: "II Tcddv Wore President. Whom Would Villa He?" Ituiniers I'tifiultMl "T. II. and Safety 1'in.t." rend one of the banner waved by a woman af ter it hud been carried h round the great lull among the surgiug and shout iu" delegate. "Rmnevelt, m lendur, not h trader." read another, and on the npHite hide wa thi: "In lBlIi Rooevelf'H vote wa I.HU.MS; Tuft' vote wa. a, 18 1,8(111." Other bander reading: "T. K. a regular American." '.Missouri, Roosevelt first, last ami VII the time." "Why take chanee? We know what Rooeelt can do." After unoiyauiiMHl demonstration fur some minute the urowd -weid into a tremendous ehant to the word : "We want Teddy." 'I'll o.xeiltMHunt spread from the floor lo the Iwloouy, whore the. alter Hate alao begHH inarching through the aWe despite thu handicap of U to climb. rniliiullas liaised Disregarding all iierstitions. sev eral delegate raised umbrella and began uiareiunt; areoud the hail wav. jaw them abfcve their taNtd. llawijtun Vk, Jr.. of N'ew York nd auother huaky delagata carried i. flag-hiarer arau4 tba hall on their bouldrtt. Chairman Murdoek hekj an infor mal reception on Ifee lafe, ohakinu handu with the delegate thev marched by. Hi eollar became lunp frm the exercise. Mr. Perkiu and the other leader on the etaue were jolted and buffeted by manlier.. I SI RAT FOR RIIU " CHUM OF II CONVENTIONS IIIHiLllllHLIBVi! VLHHHHHf :Lllllllllllllllv h v HaBK HaHaH ' eH HLVSf7XM jl eT . W?Ml2ftSaaLeaLeaLeaaaH aaaWE MltwyaeMCr jflhW. VkfielaHLaLeaLeaLeBaaaB N ; UK$iMMitmm , &k .. mrsjmm WAAJ laekiem ihiju jmr ci iw aw ibh - i ix jt bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb --'" " -- - - WAI2REN CrHARDlNCJ- Seualof Warivu (.'. IIiiiiIIiik or Ohio, ulxivo, and Itajinoiul Itolilnson, IhIow, TO SUIT TEDDY lllICA(K), June 7. With the member of the republican committee on resolution all xelwted bv their dule(alion4, it ia growing evident that the work of the committee n a whole will lie one of elimination rather than of construction. AlmuM evei y mail on the coiiunittcc U loaded with plank of hi own milk ing and many of them have taken the earn of extra declaration for outside friend who feel called iihu to out line the mlicy of the wrty for the next four year. If there in one gcuernl Mhhmu Imt ter definwl than any other on the atrt of the leading members of the committee it i to give the rty de claraliou such an advaaced tone aa will meet the demand of t'olouel Itwihevelt and Ida follower, and to this end they have made clone study of the colonel'a recent utterance along the line of preparedtte. "We aball meet the colonel's wihe in thi reaoect and will endeavor to make the pronouncement ao atrong that he cannot allord to opMtse any man that may be placed in nomiua thin," aaid Senator Smoot, who, al though he ia not' u member of the rex oliition commit lee, is in eloae touch with what i being done toward fram iug the nlatfonn. Here and there a word in opposi tion to extensive prfjuirednes i en countered, but the o(oitiou ia in fciich complete minority aa to render their proleet ahnot negligible. IIsh Xewataa of Olendale, a miner of that section, la auendlng the weak in the otty attending to bueiaeea mat ten. Seh. 5hoot REPUBLICANS TO DRAFT PLATFORM ftsp ?&m V V L Z"1 Vi(&M& - - - o OF PROGRESSIVES ('IIU'A(II), June 7. A tcntatixc draft of the pmiiiv-MW platform framed by a committee of leader to day hhowe that the piimipal appeal of the (tarty will be made on prer wlaes. with Auerieanim aa the fouudatUHi. The draft i hort, not more than 1500 word in length. It diaeuaaes preiarediietf uuder three head, "military," o"of the pirit." and "wduatrial." Under the "atHrit" come Americanism and under "in dustrial" prepareducs come the tariff and quetin of social ami in- du trial rcfonn iluch of the 1U12 platform i outitUsI from the draft, but there i a general reiteration of its priuciple. lre&AU. fzoTr WILLING- . PREPAREDNESS . UN PLANK SLeCa SaaBaaaaaaaWJSv, k fHaaaaMJSjEK" SEVELT UGHES NOT GOSEVELT Colonel Opposes Nomination of Just tlce and Will Probably Be Candi date Himself If Hughes Is Nnmd Hughes1 So-Called Flag Spcccli Bcgardcd as "Further Evidence of Pussy-Footing" The Progressives Feel G. 0. P. Shoould Take the In itiative. j OYSTKIt HAY, N. Y.. June 7. - Wlillo Colonel lloosuvolt retrained from ntaltliiK any public Htatemcnt of fklnlly (IIrcIobIiik IiIh roal nttltmle toward the polltlcnl elluntlon In Cht cnico, It Is woll known to IiIh Inti mates hero that ho Id oppoitod to thu nomination of JuhIIco IIukIick and It Ib their coiKldont tiulloC that It Justice HiikIiud Ib iiomlnatuil Colonel will liliusolf bocomo n can dldntc. Colonel lloosuvult, It la well under stood, Is not at all Hatlnfleil with JiiBtlco HiiKhofl' ho caltod "fliiK speech" which ho Is said to roKnrd ns merely n Fourth of July addroeR IiiivIiik no vnluo an tllsaloaltiK the jus tico'H uttltudo toward thu roal Irhiioh of thu day. In tho word of IiIh fol lowers hero, tho colonel ruKirds tho speech as "further evidence of pussy, footing-" Colouol Itoosovolt Is roportcd feel liiK bettor today In renurd to hl-t own chnncoH toward being unmliiated than at any other tlmo. His followon look for a brndsldo from him within a day or two which they say calculated to olliulnute Justloo HiikIioh and any other candidHto whom tho colonel regards as repre iontliiK the "pinury-'oot" 1 U oa . I'crhliih SipielilicH Mmo AUDITOItHJ.M, CHICAGO, June 7. lteport that there might ho an In sistent demand for an Imiiutdlutu nomination of Colonel Itoosovult as notice to tho lopubllcauH that thoy could not bo iKiiorod wore dlscour MKOil ami almost squelchod by a stuto munt Issuod by (iiHirge W. I'urklua, tho chief spokesman for tha iwrt who doclarod that (he progre-elve woro mootliiK In n conciliatory spirit and would not act precipitately, while the possibility of agreement with tho reimbllcans roiualued. His statement aald: "At the moment of the opening ot the conventions the pio?roslvos are very woll satisfied with tho at mosphore surrounding thoin and he Have that n projier spirit has boon created from which the roeults so do alraulo In the beet Intereeta of the country may b6 finally obtained." Mr. I'orklns was asked If Colonel Itoosovolt would be nominated to day. "Thero Is not a chance," he replied. "We are not going to lake any map jtidgmont." U, O, 1 Klivt .'Movo fTho progressives feel that the first peace move ought to coino from the republicans hut Mr. I'erklui thought It possible that the progreaahos would take the Initiative In efforts of peace. Cuwwt ccZeYL. . & A A but- CHANCES WOBbLY BY PROGRESSIVE WOMAN SCARES Sm ' I K A liandHonio oinan Is caiiHliiK tho old Kimnl (J. (). P. dult'Kiilua at tho (lilcap) ivpiibllcan ctimcntloii u lot of worry. She It .Miis. Wllllain A. Pavlt, tho aanio "woiimu or nijlcry" ho Matted tlio hlniiiiH-do for Itcaisuvclt at the republican coiivuntlou in iiii-. Tho fact that Mrs. Davis seemed a ticket to this jcar' Kutlicriiiu, stni tcl u story that she would pull another stampede. RUSSIANS CLAIM Ei ra'HOdllAD, dune 7, via . Lon don. In (heir uew offensive Move ment the Ituxaiaua have capture! more than 10,000 men, it was an nounced officially today. The statement say that on the line between the I'rijMt and Itnmanian frontier, over which the camimigu la being fought, the l(uian thu far have taken 1)00 officer, 10,000 men, 77 gun, KM machine gumi and dl) humh-thuiMcra. PARIS. Jiin'o 7.- The reiml of a powtufiil (li'iiiiaii attack on r'orl Vau on the Verdun line with heavy lo! to the attacker i announeed in an official Htatemcnt Issued bv the war office today. Violent homlmrtl meat of the fort i still being carried out by the Herman. The attack on Fort Vaux turted at H o'clock last night and wa prompt ly checked by the fire of, the 1'rench machine gun. It ia announced that the Herman retreated in disorder, abandoning muuy dead. 'At Hill M an artillery duel ia in prore and alo at the Caurettea wimmI. Two Ger man alroltt which tried to cro the lliver Aiaue, wet of 8ion, welt dispersed. IIOMK, June 7. via lindon.--Check for the Austrian all along the line of their attack in the southern Tyrol are reported today by the war office. The iinrtiiiii t'oni Kugnn posilion m the Adigc alley i aiill firmly held, while near Cuiiipo Wlillo, northeast of Aiao, an Italian coun ter attack wa notably siicceful. CAPTURE OF 40.000 AUSTRIAN :U REPUBLICAN DELEGATES WOMEN PARADE FOREQUALSUF CIIICAHO, June 7. Four emiar- ie from the comer state of the Union headed a mrade expected to include about 20,000 visiting and lo- cal auffragiatM, to preent tmlay to the reimhlicaii national convention reolutiun asking for that lairly's in- doraeiueiit of woman suffrage. The resolutions and the iwrade are the reault of the convention of the National American Woman Huffrage awtuHdalioii, but the member of the convention of the Coiigreaaloiml Union for Woman Suffrage voted to join in the march to the Coliseum, which suffrage headquarter today announced would take dace, rain or hine. The program for the national ao ciatiou for today called for a "vic tory eion of their convention, fol lowed by a luncheon and the aasum-i bling for the parade. A meetong of convention committee of the con greawinnnl union thi morning wa to be followed bv a luncheon nt which Helen Keller, lues Mulhollaud, Itoi Hevain, Itclu Childc Dorr mid Cryatal latman were scIumIuImI to mieuk. A committee of the Kational Ao- cialion ()pMed to Woman Suffrage, headed by Mr. Arthur M. Hodge of N'ew York, will apt tear before the tea olution committee of the republican convention to npMe anv mention of suffrage in the platfonn, it wa aiu iiounccd hv .Mr. Hodge today. HURLEY CHAIRMAN OF TRADE COMMISSION WAHIIIMITON, June 7. Mem Iser of the federal trade commiion have voted lo make Commiioner I'alwanl N. Hurley chairmuu to ue ceed Jo-cph '.. )aie, etfective .lulv 1, and to .idofil the rotation system in the ctiaiiiiinii-hip employed bv the in terstate I'oiiiineri'c commission. ov, wmxtUri FRAGE PLATFORM NS AaaaflaLaaBllfl W. V m CAN III REPUBL! UNDERWAY Senator Harding Reads Kcynoto Speech Which Brings Little Ap plauseHarmony Talk Lost Sight Of in Organization WorkPlan of Appointing Conference Committee to Talk With Progressives Consid ered Party Harmony and Criti cism Hardlng'vS Subjects. COLISHl'M, CHICAGO. Juno 7.- -The republican nntlonnl Ooiivcntion, nftur u two mid a half hour Wetin today, adjoiirnuil until 11 o'clock to morrow morning nftur henrint: tlio kcynoto 8hioci by Senator Hnnliii(C of Ohio nud doing tho usual prelim iimry oixiiuiiuitiou work. Hmphiieixing Hint it wiih not a timn for rcuritnination; but of u recon struction! Senator Hurdinc uracil tho duluKiitce to forget thu dlsnstroiiH te siilta of four years no mid pluiiKU into tho uoinliijonmpnigM with a dec luratioii of iriiielpIo8 whiuh would hrinu; wiiccea nt thu noils. Thu convention received tho tciu Miniry chuinnnn' speech with punc tuations of upplausu and nhcura, and his Hiillleif agninst thu dumouratfu nd ininiNtrntiou with Inuxlitur and hnnd idupping. Mr. Harding closed with u perora tion on Americanism nud rupubbcuu imiii. The close of his nihlroa was greeted by a brief optlmrat of hiind clnpping and oheoring lasting less than a minute. IViico. Connulttco The talk of harmony with thu pro gressives who assembled in conven tion about the ame time vrne lost tor the time being in thu work of organ ising the convention, but It wont on under the surface inontiwhilu and there were renewed iudioiitious that thu republican lenders were consider ing thu plan of appointing it confer ence committee to talk with (he pro greive in the hope of finding n compromise ground. Among member of thu republican national committee the rupoit pcr ited that there wa a plan to hao the republican convention usu the name of such a candidate. Senator Penrose of Peniisvlwuun wa said to have been ready to pre eut such a resolution to the coin ca tion today with the idea of iiamiti Senator Imrah or some other man frieudly to Colonel ltaievelt at cliainnan. Charles I). Warren, na tional committeeman from Michigan, seal that when the other member of the committee learned of thi plan, Senator Penrose, who was seated on fhe floor with the Pennsylvania dele gation, wa called to the platform and told that if uch a resolution wa presented the element opposed to Colouel Roosevelt would be ublo to name their own conference commit tee. Senator Penrose, Sir. Warren said, then eprccda willingness to withhold the motion. Committees Scuttuifl IiamcdiiitcU after the coilVOlltlUlt (Continued on page six) LONDON, June 7- A Central N dispatch fromb CoienluKeu says that the Swedish steamer Vaiida pamed the wreck of a glgautie warship on Saturday, the nationality of whMi It was unable to ascertain. IlundreUs of bodies Here floating around the wrecK and for thiee hours the Vaml.t steaiiK'it among dead aoUlicr Neai the spot where the dorelWt wan cn oouiinrcd the wreck of a ik salllni; veaeel, apparently an Innocent victim of the Jutlaud battle, wag sighted, wck"of gigantic whip sighted 5: r t, K 5 Ifc (Continued on ps two)