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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (June 8, 1916)
mtmmmmntim.i University of Qrctjoii Library Medford Mail Tribune WEATHER Maximum YcMerduy HH; Minimum Today .'(). FORECAST TONICilIT AXI) Kit I DAY TIMIKATKMXO, OOOIjKU K MEDFORD CmiWOX, THURSDAY. .ll'NK s, IflKi XO. 07 Fortv-slxlh Year. T 1 l- .-r Hi Yar. v 1 ft A CONFERENCE CONVENTION WITH G.O.P. SCHEDULED Proorcsslvcs Appoint Committee to Confer With Republicans, Despite Opposition of Western Radicals Nomination of Roosevelt Tonight Is Temper of Convention Enthusi asm for Teddy Continues Amonn, Delations Robins Permanent Chairman. AfniTOUILT.M, CHICAGO, Juno s. With their onthuslium for Thoo (lore Hoosovelt unabated, nt the only nun) the party roil lil nominate ami a settled oouvfotlon among luindroda or tho delegates thnt his nomination might an welt lio made nt onco, tho progreeelvy national convention met In Its second session 10 minutes late tfiilny. Conrvatlve lenders worn anxious to prevent nn Immediate nom Iniitlon lint Victor M unlock ami some of tho radicals wore iiiixIoiih to nomi nate today. The conservatives weio not sum of their nullity to hold tho dologaton in line. "It in n povvdor tnngnzlno," sold ono louder, "mid thoro nro lots of matches around." Tho convention mot forty inlnuto late after nearly two hours of eheor In and shouting in whloh. Colonol Itoosovelt wna tho only flgitra. Tin oo utmlKht dnya of rain did not npjienr to have dampened tho pro Itooiovolt ardor of dologntea who aaug Teddy" songs and cheered Col nuel Itooievolt frequently whllu Hie crowds wore filing In. KoIiIiih (linlrinnn Selection of ltaymond Iloblm for permanent chairman wi regarded as Indicating strongly lhat the con vention would proceed with nomi nation tonight. The element opposing him had fav ored delay In nominations until the republican convention had acted. The letter written by Colonel Hoosevelt expressing willingness to apeak at the republican convention caused a son at Ion among- the delegates aa the news filtered to them. Many appear ed agltatod and concerned when this new turn In tho political tides hoowine known. I Delegations shouting state 'olls for Itoosevelt vied for vocal attention in a quartet armed with megaphone. The sinner triunqihed for the mo iu.mii The Massachusetts delegation led the nous and xhoutliiK (Contlnuod on paso six) PRESIDENT O.K.'S OF . PARTY WASHINGTON. Juue S.-President U'iUoh today practically had euuuiL'ted a draft of the platform to he submitted to the demoerotie, na tional eon vent ton. The principal plunk, it l wM. will eot f declaration of the adrnwiatrntioit's ucce in guarding the honor and in terest of the United States and at tlie Mime tiaaa hasping the nation at jsnuc. . Specifically, the foreign affairs ritiou of th idutform probably will pruie these act of the administra administra teon: ... . Protection of the mrotrnl right of the Inited State and other notions. lUt'u"! to allow tho eountrv to he dr iwn into the Mexican internal trou 1,1,,. and prompt diapatch of troop , pursuit of Wider on Anierieuti ter- " M.!iniMuUM of the Monr dm ii in.- and foaterint good relation ith other nutioo of the weteru I . M i-phere. s, ort of tbo polwv of "America ' i-i " I h, plank on doaaosti affmr will ,,t,. particularly to the merits of I . W" t.inl I " '' '' ''' '' I ,i ll , 1,1 II l-ll.l'l"ll Ml PLANKS PLATFORM MARKS Tl HEARS LK Republicans Hear Reports of Various Committees and Recess Until 4 o'clock Chauncey M. Depcw, For mer Speaker Cannon and Senator Borah Make Speeches While Wait ing for Resolutions Committee to Report Platform. COI.ISKl'M. ClllCAOO, June 8. At I jJtl o'clock the iTpulilienn nn tjioiuil onvciittnn reeeml until 4 o'clock lo nwnit the report of tho ie olitlioiiH eonuuittee which ytill wim vorkiiiK on Hie pint form. The convention wns in pioii nliout two lioni-x mill did nothiiiK more tlinn perfeet it iiormntieut oiunniru tiou mul listen to Hppechpn. Disucntiiitf irpoiN on Hip woman mil'fmge mid SIeIeiin plunks hue lieen cnirieil In Ihe full committee by the Hiili-cimimittcc mid the convention wnt forced to wnit while llie commit -tec iliHciiKM'il llii'e niciistircs uuil tie- lulled mloption of u prohibition plunk. t'linuncev M. Pepew, Kotmer Speaker Cnnnon nnil Seiintnr Honilt inntU- Kpecches lo occupv the dele jrutef while wnitiiiir tiie ruport of tho rcHolulioiiH committee. I'aln UniupeiiH Kntliusliisiii The hull wan cold ami dump, drip ping ruin eonU mid iiiuhrullns Honk ed Hip floor, hut Hip liedniKKled dele gnteii miuli tho he-l of it. Thu limid up in the cnl I cry enlivened the wait A the crowd lii'jnin nHicmliluii; IiiiiHiiiiicli nn the Icmpornrv orpuu ixntion Inn liueu iiiitde permanent yexlciilnv, noHiinir remiiiued hut to reort the pnieeedinir to Hie conven tion and i"k it Approval. lliinline then Milled for the report of the credcntinl commit tee. Sen ntor Sinoot. the chnilmun, wna np plniideil uf he ftnrted to read the re Miit recommeiidiuK Hie seating of 087 delegnleo and lintitiir of the ileiioiiK in eonlewtcd eacc. It uxeluded two deleirule- from Ihe Diatriet of Col umbia, admitted two each from Alaska mid llawuii. Seiintor Smoot moved the adop tion of the ri'Hiit. A rolling clioniK o' nyeM put it tlirouuli. Little Iliislness Heady The reoit of the mips eominittoe win. next, but it wn not remlv mid at the chairman'. i't'o.uet tho Imud started up niiiiin, while await inir Ihe report. The chairman Mopped llie iuhmc to reeocniia Senator Smoot, matin for n Miipplmnentnl reort frotn the ere ilentittli. committee. It proposed to Itive oeh to the ix ilcleirnteti front Hawaii. I'oilo Itieo ami the l'liilip pinex. It wiix Milopted without op position. That made the total number of Mti, in the convention 9S0. making lid ote-i necessary to a nominal win. I'iiihIK the reMrt of the ndeo com mit tM wn ready and National Com mitteeman C. H. Varren of Michigan prcented it. It was n unHiiimoin, re )ort and ha been puhlihod, Hriefly the rules of the convention are tho.e of the houe of represen tatives, with certain modifications to adapt them to the need of o dif fereiit a liody. Cniiuot CIiiiiikc Voios One of the rules prohibits a state delegation from chuiigiug its vote, uiiUmx there ha lwen an error in eaittiug it. Heretofore delegations have been able to do so. The reMrt of the reiolution com mittee w.i, the next older of buui- (Continued on page six) ALLIED AIRSHIPS I.ONIXIN, June h. An allitd air sipiudrou h.i, m-i I nil bombarded the whare, at Iioboken. near Anl werji, according to a di-tulch to the Kxehange Telegraph coiupanv trom Uaestriclit. The German are uid to have been building destroyers ut Ho Iciki ll fti, -i 1 1 ,1.1 f ! i W.l- tiled llfMili I i, II I li II, I It , I, ,1 I I Hlii ,1 In T.R. AWAITS I AN FRUGIP. Roosevelt Anxious to Address Rcpub licau Convention If Requested Hopes for Harmony Grills Presi dent Wilson as Greatest National Evil and Flays German-Americans for Activity in Qchalf of Hughes as Nonimcc. OYSTKIl HAY, K. V., Juno 8. Colonel Hooneell will come to Cht ongo if "the republican convention ilpwires me to niiitroM it. huh lie aiiuoiinced todny in n reply miule to the invitntion he received Innt iii(ht from Senntor William II. .Inekmin ol Mnr.vinud, unking him lo come to Chicago. The colonel 'declared in hi answer Hint lie hoped both the republicim ami prngrcxxivc would nominate u man who, If electwd, "would pbiee this nntion where it belongs by milking it true to itself mul Iheriiforo tnie lo nil mankind." 1 'resident WiUon, he nid. hail "rcndeied to Hiis pooplo Hie most cwl suriee Hint enu hu rendered to a greHt deinnemey." Avtnltlu Invitation Colonel KooneveltV reply to Son ator Jnckxnu follows; "In answer lo your telegram I enu only mi.v thnt Hip matter hi with the republieitn convention mid Hint if the convention dciiri me to nililiesn it I nIiiiII be glnd to do mi, "I u'ry'oiirnontly hope thaj Hjojrqr pujilipuni' mid fiifijrresHlves iihwiii bled nl Chicago will keep Hleadily in mind the gruvity of thi ciiib, not onlv for America, but for the world, nod the need Hint their action in dig nity, foresight mid patriotUm Iiiill li e level to the crisis. I hope Hint their aim will not be merely to nom inate a nmn who can be elected next November, hut n niaii of ueh power-' fill diameter, steadfast conviction and provod nhilirv that if elm-ted be will again dnee thi nation wbeie it belongs by making it true to itself and therefore true to nil mankind. President Wilson, however amiable his intentions, has rendered to this pooplo Hie most evil service Hint could be rendered In a great democ racy by it chosen lender. WINon Crllleil "lie baa dulled the nation's con science and relaxed the spring of lofty national motive bv teaching out people to accept liighfsonnding word as the offset and atonement fot shabby deeds and to use uonls which mean nothing in order to draw all inclining front those which hao a meaning.' It will be no easy tusk to arouse the austere clf-rpsct which has lie en lulled lo slumber by those means. To this task we should bend our united energies in the spirit of Washington and Lincoln, the spirit of genuine democratic leadership. "The differences thnt hae divided, not merely republicans and progtes sives, but good Americans of nil shades of ixditieal belief, from one another in the (mat sink into nothing when compared with the issues now demanding decision, fur these issues are vital to the national life. They are the issues of a unified American ism and of national preparedness. If we are not all of us American ami nothing else, scorning to divide along hues of section, of creed or of no tional origin, then the nation itself will crumble into dust. ' I'l-epniisliic thu Issue "If wt are not thoroughly prepar ed, if we have not develoid n btreugth which revects the rights of others, but which i- also ready to en- (Continued on Page Four) C,l. i. t JtW f im&ys&yj wm &fmm2 "1"1 j jrsyhj PROGRESSIVELEADERS MEET FGR BULL M00SEGL0RY jaSEw.sWilMMCawiaagici)rni Keif's Mi i lei I lln 'M, i f ll elt on the fl ior ol tlu IDI- icpiililhuii tonu utli u, greitlnP xoii of ( iiliroiuhi, Hull l i o hailtr f the I'mlfli m;i -I G.O.P. F E KILLS PROHIBITION COUSKCM, ClIICAtiO. .lime 8. -Ktcudeil discussion of many prois ioiis sought to be inuiiisrated in tho platform of the repglilicau party marked tho seasiuii of pie resoliitiunH committee of the republican nntimial convention lodny. Tho comiulttce's apfwowil flhe-. principle of wihiihii suffrwge by u vote ol I'll to 21 wn hailed with joy in Ihe suffragist ranks. Hut it wna later modified to rend, "encb state deciding for itself." The proponents of universal com pulsory military training failed to obfaiu the insertion of their plunk by u vote of ID to 23. 1'ioliiliitioit as n party pluuk was rejected without the formality of a roll call mid an effort to put the re publican patty on record in favor of a war munitions embargo wns voted down with only one ote east in-its favor. A neutrality plank in support of a ''strict nud honest neutrality," with ull nations Has adopted. The Mexican iUetion came up for; much discussion mul it wa tlionubt that the committee would decide mi a plank broader than the Full pio- I Msion, which pronn-cil protection to American citicn- nloii. both tdc ol the border. THIRTY INJURED XF.W YORK. Juin About tl.irt pei-sous were iiiiih.I m an elevated road collision here iml followed by fire. An hour alter tin- wreck it had not been definitely determined whether unv ono had been killed, but fit whs said at hospital, wbre the In jured were taken that ,everal would probably die. Harding Makes votv ALrocer H fM'o PLATFORM AVORS FFRAG ELEVATED I net mmftmi 7 Ttte fi. O. I'.'s fee)moo is bi' vt tlio oiamO t ftJi C'lOiltnliiij of elo. UOM' Hwt eier louiiltil 10 lt'0 loracouo d4ooo! QHQIi, it ouug. Hie taiuoiu (uitiMnis .it ( liliett" Oi ttu MoH Tci iram mubi bini In a (liaiaslu se, ml, wli i I ,1 tli vcnt fUlit for ltoo- llli. mi .lohii OFE SHIPS IN BATTLE Hl'KUN, June 8.- An otfieiul statement Wucd today gives Hie to tal loss of the Opimnu high-sun forces during the bullle off Jutland nud up lo the pivsput time as one buttle cruiser, one ship of (he line of older construction, four small cruise trs nnd five torpedo bonts. Ilw "talciil ieya: " ' "Of these losses, the battleship I'ornmern wns Iniinehed in 11)0,1. Tho loss of the cruisers Wlesliiuluii, Kill ing, rVaucnlob and five toipi'do boats already has been leported iu official statements. For military ivaeons we refrained until now from making public Hie loss of Ihe battle cruiser J.uUo nnd the cniier ltotoek. The destruction of the f,uiow was claimed in the lirl le lenient issued by the 1 British mlmiraltv. At the same time the llriti-h claimed that two (lermmi hallle-'hip- hud been sent to the bottom and vix destroyers as well us the ramming of a -iibmarine. The Hrilixh, however, only claim to Iiiim' yinU one (lirniiiu huhl cruiser. T IS UNDE WAl'KF.fiAN'. III. .lone h Willi the j ii r in the Inol i Will tis-t lin- ully completed utter ll niinnatioii of more than l'-'Oll eiureuieu, the actual trial of the I'liivt-r-tt of Wis-con-in student eluiryeil with Hie mur der o bis swcethcarl. Marion I4HU- llieit, wii. begun todnv. 1 Frank Urobert. father of the deud girl, will take the slinid as the first witness for the stale. State's Attorney Ralph Daily is said to have l'i.5 witncM', while the defence is resrted to have but lwent-five. According to estimates of attorneys in the case, the I rial prolmhlv will occiii mioihcr month. the Welken Ring GERMAN ADMITS 0 LEVEN ET RIAL RWAY 1 TICKETS W m CERTAINTY Peace Efforts Fall to Date Republi cans Refuse to Enter Progressive Fold Think Colonel Could Save the Day Republicans to Nominate Friday and Proorcsslvcs Saturday Roosevelt and Johnson to Analn Be Stantlartl-Bcarcrs. CIHC.U10, dune 8. -As political lenders gathered for the second dKv' legion of Hie republican mul pro gii;sMic national conventions it be eauie more mul more apimrent Hint there would be two tickets in tho field. Victor .Mm dock, chairman oT tho progressive national coiiuuiltuo, Miinnicd np the whole situation when be said teday: ' "Well, wo Ipft the door open and the republicans dou'l seem to lie com ing in." Two Tickets Likely Republieaii lendei-a, (ihi, diseouut ed Ihe siicccm of the pence talk, saving that action had beuu deluyed for so long that a majority of tho republieaii delogulea already lmvo decided to proceed without regard for any third patty and nominate Hughes, to whom the most support has been given. There are some among tho pro gicssives and among Knoiovolt re publican us vvoll, who still beliero Hint tho eolouul' blinself ooujil. juwi thn diV)1f he" would eoiiie lo Chioago. Representative Claidncr of .Massn cbusells, who wns ilcfeatisl for re publican "dolegato-at. large from .Mussaehusells on a Roosevelt ticket, pleaded with progivsitt lenders to bring Colonel Roosevelt on without deluy. The republican nomination for president probably will be made in the Coliseum tomorrow-, but it is not exjwrted the convention will adjourn before Hnturduy., Ostensibly the ses sion will be prolonged to give mure deliberate consideration than is usual In a nomination Tor seeiupl place, but the real purpose, it i,. believed, is to avoid adjournment before 'he pro gressive convention hits acted. Itoosiuell anil .loluiHm The progressive convention prdi ably will not nominate before Satur day. There will be onlv a few hours itf session loduy, and thai will be de voted to idMifnrm making anil other routine. The delegates ar confident that on Sat unlay thev will name is their ticket Roosevelt and Johnson, their stuudurd-bearer i.f four years ago. While (here bud been little real dis cussion b republicans of vice-preaj-dentiul M)sHibilities, consulerable tulk was hvunl IimIuv indicating that there might he concentration on either Former Vi President Fairbanks uf ludiaua or Former Senator Durtoa of Ohiii. L E 8AX FHWrisro, tune Menr M. White, ietut) roiiiinlhsloiier of liiimJgratlou at Heattle. who was ap pointed federal mediator in the strike of the Pacific coast lougshoreaiaan, expected to meet representative of the employers and strikers here today. Tho meeting waa scheduled for yes terday but was postponed when It U found that the officials of ts union who were present to represent Ike strikers were without authority to enter lutu an sureenienU. SLAVS TAKE FORT LUTSK If VOLHYNIA Capture of Strong Austrian Fortress With 1 1,000 Prisoners Austrian Lines Broken French Admit Loss of Fort Vaux, Which Was De stroyed by Bombardment, But Hold Outskirts and Lines on Both Sides t , PKTRonRAI). .luno S, vin f.ln-' don. Tho capttire or l.iitek, til Vol bynia, ami also of n soHp of pnwer fillly organised Aiistrinn positions w nhiioiinocd in an official communi cation given out here todny. In addition to the Austrian previ ously emiturPd in tho offensive move ment recently inaugurated, the state ment nays-there wero captured ut yoetenbiy's righting ft8 officers and 11,000 men. A large amount of war material was also taken. Xuvv Is Confirmed LONDON, .luno 8. Tho AitslriniiH have evauiiMled. Lutsk, ono of the Volhyuimi triangle fort, upoordiiig lo information received at tho Riismu embassy in Rome, soys a Central News dispaleh from Hint oily. Severn! brigades of AiistrinuM unv reported In the advices to lmvo been eiiptured with Ihe fortress. It is stated Hint the Austrian line lmvo burn broken in Volliyniu mul Hint I hoy have lumn withdrawii nearly twenty miles Hiiiiiigbout the Lut-1; sjjolor., - Comedo ah of Vau PARIS, .luno 8. HoHVy fighting DonliniiHs in Hie vicinity if Foil Vnu n, northeast of Verdun. The war office reort of today says French troop still oeeupv the outskirts nt the forts as well as trencher to ilm right nnd left or the works. The loss of the fort iUeir, of which an intimation wns given in Int uight's report, ie conceded. The an nouncement savs the fort was abnu doniil by the garnsou after it hail been reduced to a heap of ruin bv an incessant bombardment of seven (lavs. Herman attanks on the du cent H.sitious thus ur have lreu nn siieeeMsful. West or the Meiwe, Inicrmitfcnt cannonading was ofcrrUid on la-t night. The test of Ihe statement Mja : "After set en days of ferotfous fighting against assaalting forces who numb en. wero tvoustantK re newed, the French garrison at Foil, Vaux reached the limit of it strength and was not able to prevent the en cniv from occupying this imMtmu which had been completely ruined b,v a fulvous iMHitbardnient. W Wolil 'the immediate surrounding of tfjp fort as well as the tronehM to Uto right and to the left of it. In front of those every attack doHvertd, liy the enemy hea been broke by our fire." J IESS PLATFORM FOR ClIICAtiO Jan Hinging dec larations of Americanism and for pre paredness, military, spiritual, eco nomic and Industrial, are xe) notes of the progressive platform completed today Iu lo-operatlou with the repub lican platform builders. The pro creative platform leaders hoped to present their document to the con vention today or tomorrow at thu latest. The platform also declare that I ho upremo duty of civilisation is to ' make peace permanent after the wsr. for whleu this nation should he pie pured In every sphere. Itegardlim: mlliUiy preparedness the piano in doolar,A ior a uttv textoicii to at leart m ind runK In iMittie eiiu-uiu ' a ttaudiag army of Hou.yuu mm .mil ' a n8t m of universal nillltary train iut: d iiilen soldier - controlled by the luttuoul toveruuunl." PREPAREDn PROGRESSIVES IAS M I M