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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (June 6, 1916)
PA(U TWO MIS WORD MUI TI?IP.rI MEDFOKD, OTtttflOX. TTEmW, JTXE G, 1010 fc n '4 JL1 " t a I :!! ll. t ! i ! n .ni ; hi X. w I'' I' I. "1 1 n dr h hi Jl ktVi i TOCAL AND PERSONAL The public llhrarx In nlilo lo make special arrangements with Uioso who re leaving town for camping or tscalloti ttntl wish to take reading wild them. The prlrllegc will ex tend, during the summer of taking ttvere books Ml time Ktnl keeping tkH longer, ami arrangements lo this offecl tan be made at thu desk at any time. Do Voo jjlvea trading stamp with everything ecepl groceries. The public llbrar has bail a num ber of requests for hooka or general reading in French which It roultl not Ittnpiy, bttt It has rerentl teceived from the unlvarsit) library a small FollMllon. These will be circulated in the remilar way anil will probablv remain here during tho early sum mer. Get your milk, rroam, butler, ogg nml buttermilk at De Yno'c, ri'ho Orlsilles will climb Mt. Aali laud anil Wagner .Tuno 17 and IV Dolalls will ho posted In evhlblt hulld iiiK In a fow day. Typewriter paper of nil kinds at Moilford Prltitlni? Co. The Amomw class of tin llapllat Sunday school will hold their regu lar hiialueaa meeting and lllhlc stud) Woduasda) evening .luuo 7, at the homo or Aim. IC .1. Htewarl, Mil Pennsylvania ave. All old and new munttinra sro Invited to be piosent. The world's groatest oompanlos. Holmes. Tho Insurance Man. Tho C. r. It. M. or the rhrlatlsn church will meet at the home of Mm I). W. Drlecel, x:iil Knit Main stieet. Weduestlsr afternoon. Just received, another rar of that high grade OI)inpla flour, doing at $1.10 while It laata. I.. II. Drown. !'. ('. Johnston or Paso Hobles, California, li visiting hl mothei'. Mia. Martha .lohnatou. He left horn thirteen yearn ago and la euprisod at tho development of the elty. Woaleu Camera flhop for firsl-rlaas kodak rliilahliiR and kodak supplies Aim. Ada Mlakely la euturtalnlng her mother who haa Juat retuiued from Colli I Mil. Tr h King Spit cigar mid en courage home Industry. tr Fred Hoot left today ror a lslt to California. iltagtimlng June lal the Nash Cafe teria will ran a regular dellcaleaaeu In connection with the place, homo 'made pie, rakes, cookies, daiighniils, salads, toaata, roaat chit kens fried chicken, boiled ham will be prepared for picnic part Ice b) phoning orders ahead. Don't cook at home In hot weather, but get things ready pre pared. The Medford ball rluli will M Grants Imw at Medford on Hondat Nt (he hall park. The following Hun day they ula Klamath Kails at that rlty. They will teat a here ttaturdu.t by attio. Postage atamita nt le Voe'a. Tae shoot at Port laud haa brought oh I a great record for the rirat da. live of the shooters, among them Kd Keller, have acoretl better than I to out of a possible ir.H. The) held praetlie snooting Humlu.t I)r K It, Seely of Medford la representing the tewil clHb. Win. Bated did not attend the meet Hatha, tie. Hotel Holland. Inspector J. H. Holmea, who had charge of Ike local federal building Ml for tClieuehui'R. YVaah , last even Imr where he will Htipcrlnlcnd the conatruitiun of u not her federal build- A 8&c merchant a lanrh la belnR erred at the Nash Cafeteria that la flue. Have you tried one of themT ir not try one. We know you will wain. Kit Iter M'rOee or fafo terlft atyle. Italiih Hurdwell. of the Itogiie Itiv- er Krull and Produce aaaorlatlon, will leave the end of the week on a vUli to Mluiieupollk hU old home, aud oilier middle wiateru mIiiIh Dove Wood mUiiiiI that hie lli auram hIIo utflce Mall TrUuiue illdg iihr M of 1'oiil.unl. will Vlkll frlemU .ilitt kUIivih iu line . it liekl week Mi ii,m iruul. In; law In I'ori l.unt iHiiioki a Khik Hioii claai. .u Thu tire Ihmik' niade tf t'arpt'Oli'iK iii.i ItiiiU'laiih mc put Una the fhil-iiiii. ion. uvh uu the new bitalueaa ulm lv ,i nu, (iiriur of Muiu aud r'lr aiieeu The iMitldtim l v petted to lit' reudv loi (i(iiimnix in I lie .'nth hi Voi !un iii i r ioiilc Hom. Kline, ot Uu i.uii, iuiiti ill.- I Uut ip. hi Muiui.u n n,i , n ,,, luiue (iaioM mII i . t , dim . i ,i iiioiu Nuiti i c m iu lll' illllH Kl hU w,lk iii'ou ib gra ... At or -ed. out I iu ) - . I mi 1 i iniii l ii, i i ItUI III ill. Ul i i "I Kit 'I. Iu iirok . , Hui.rill IK iKf Hi on-, or Mtilfotd iiioplc iiiit Moinlin evonlDK autolng tlitough the (otintry, via thu couitr road and inc racinc niRnwa. owing to an epidemic of lerkloaa 'dilvlng on the Pacific highway, tho morn couaet na tive motorlata ahun that Ideal road wav The county aiithoritlea will probnbl take aetlon at an earl) dote, lo prevoiu wholesale violation or the apeeding law, and tho neceaalt) or catling out tho Red Ccunh brigade. 1'Ik Sc mllkahakoe at Do Von n. Mrs. Fern I,oevor of Central Point I vlolled rriemla and iclHllvoa In litis rlty Tueadax. It ia probable that Hub Perttoll, foriwr coaat league pitcher, will pla the outfield for Medford In tho coin ing baaelmll campaign. Pernoll la a hitter from away back, and a fielder. "With Coleman and Canter, alio in tlio paaturp, Mtfdfonl would have a com bination that would poaaoaa hilling abllltv. Kor rent, 2-rooni furnlalied Iiohip. V. A. IieVoe. John .Tnatln, of Untitling, Cal.. la HtnoiiR the out or town vlaltora In tho city. ii i Tho Overland Auto agency line nun ml to comer or Uatllotl anil sth trueta. Phono Gt. 87 '.Mrs 1311a Norrla, or (iranls Pass, vlalted rrieiida and relatives In thin ell Tuesday. Putlermllk 10c gal. at Do Voes. I). I.. Potta, or Conallls. atieut the lirst ot thu woek In the ell) on buaU lieaa. Dr. Klvhgoaanur will bo at Hotel Nash every Wednesday. Hours for consultation Id to :i. .Miss Maigurot liugllsh haa gouu (o Portland for it visit with her filond, Mlaa Hart let Wight. Tha outdoor pageant which was postponed on account of weather con ditions will hu atlvuii hum Friday evening, .lime Dili, with the entire original cast. A union will leiivo park at 7 o'clock iih plaiintHl befoie. (!.' Miss lfivn Hoover, of liagle Point, who haa been visiting In Metirord, ro turned home Tuostta). Too bus) to come to town? Send your drug wants to Heath's drug atore. The) pay the pontage. (i.V Milton Church, of Itoneliurg, Is Iu Metlford on business. Wright's new book, "Whoii Man's a .Man" on sale lu August Is said to ho better than his "llarhara Worth." Meiirord Hook Store. John Townsend, of Poitlund, la ill Medford this weok. (ooda aeut h) parcel post are do llvered at vour door Older your drug wants fioin ellath'a drug store They wv tho Hostage. A.'t IKietl Hansen, auditor or (he Houth ei ii Pacific, Is In .Medford nu busi ness Whipping cream al DeVoe's. Mr. and Mrs. J II. Duuham, t Walla Walla, spent three days In the vallct with riienda. We saw a Corona typewriter a few daya ago which was 7 years old and running perfectly. Medford Hook Mtore. J. It. MeDonald. of McDonald llroa., who haa charge of the con struction of the summer hotel at Trail, arrived In Medford Tuesday. The resort will open on July I. They have constructed a largo swimming tank and beautified natural park on Itngue river, thiee-iiuarters of a mile In length. Klmer Toddi ot Hants Clara. Cal . is visitlHR friends and relatives lu this tit) for a few days. A. M. Kaue, of Yreha, t'al . Ik among the out of town Initio m ihe city this week. Tho Hose show ohiim in Portland todu). and special rates hate lum made l ihe Hunt hern Pacific foi the fehtlval Tonight Willie Klt.hl. . to, iter champion or the world in i , lightweight tlitlxiuii. and .mhik i,t , man will box TIiIn limit In in.itin consideiaiile loiul innrcM Arrsugemeitls were inmpiiii Monda nlRht between .Mauaaei I Ing of the Medford ball iliii. mi Tom Kuson, lepiesemlui; -iilui,i for a series ot three aaim - in plated In that UK diirlua i I uniii Of J ill eeletir.ll ton I' i teaotk ot HiIk u uii, ,,, ii local team wl p,tv tirunii- I'.i -tills iltv iievl Suiidat. Ko lo Mm KalU ihe fullowtng Sun.l.o m.i that leuiii her. the next miii.Ii lllg lliem plinu of haiil oi I leum IImII ik one of lh x -I .m.l . m in tbi hiMot v o( i. ii , in dute ba reieUid Utile v I l ii Mlppoit f I oin the itiiiimuuil Kugeue Vinuiiu. of Oukl.uid fointei chut ot the Med l out u , , purimeut airltid Moiula in -, . i a couple of wiiks to (In- ' i leudtlig to Uuln iitiiltei- .iii.l v, King rruuilt Counii I'll i U liarduei -in in Mm 'U i tenuis lu thin cm w-m frlelliU. Who vt ii.-lilnil Uu J.. mild Miife ul Miltoid' u I ford oi l.'iilcl.-k Kiuil.a - in uant lo uit our throat u i n iui bur Tid lallroad iiropoiiinii I iiav u ii.immi i When , ,. i in I I I ll , I i hi I i .lili.iad Kim v.i ul iii i mnall lu. in i . i hriiii ..I'll.' t lelltud tli i .ii -. u orte i'oui .1 iq uf KesUIr, i- i 'M Mciltotil i i III -i iu IS GIRL OF 14 CAPABLE OF LOVING AS WIFE SHOULD LOVE HER HUSBAND? wrfsrlrfJ'sfasw ,eJafrutfRW '.-:-: Can a girl of M reaalv love with the love that n wlfo tliould have ror Iter husband? Or are tho riuttrrirme of a 11-year-old heart a mere infgi tuatlon for the first beau? There are questlona a Kannai Clly Jury or 12 mete men must Ip clde in the fZ.'i.ono "heart balm' still brought b Howard 1!. Shank HRHliist 8. Kdwin Wllmore, wealth) property owner, who claim alien aled the affections of his .tonus WlfO. 1 z. Tutu JZm" - Ituasell Hdmeiides left rtiindm lor Daleiti, whore be has a position on Ui Te Salem Capital-Journal. Mr. and Mrs. I.aurence N i '" Uleiidale, are speudlRR a few da - in the city. ( .Miss Violet Harmon of lileiul tie. is shopping lu Medford. i Judge W. . CroweHvof thin .In. who has been lu rrl)and the lant ten dH)s attending to business mat ters. has been delayed in his return for another week. 8peai wun hroiiKht Im k from Klamath con in us a witness In the S)d Nicholn hornesleatlng charge, antl ror no conipllclt) in the crime. The stolen borne was tiadrd In 8war. an Innocent partt. Riid hobl by him lo nnoilit r party. Mr. and Mn. Mark Delt.r of I-onr Hoach, Cal . an- visltlnR for a few days at the home of K. KvrRUson They are en route to Ha lcm. where Mr. Uetter Is Interested in logan berry culture. In response, from a request from the Interior department nt Washing ton. H. C, Judge W. II Canon left Honda) for ftoschurn In immune charge of the land office at that place as register, and will hereafter re side there, though reiiiimnx his lentil residence iu Medford Harvey Murph. of Xxliluiiil. and Miss Khedlth Jouen ol Hits ilt.t.j were married bt Kiiihet I'ow.rn of J the Caluollc church Ibis moininK. The young couple nt muo ror' l'Olt la ml by auto lo attend the Itiine answ. Miss Jones w.ih a iiure at Haered Heart, .uxl Hie itnum la an auto dealer. Kt. PAMO. Texas. June ii t I UKJellHK of 8Niniah subjeitn In Mev i ico Cil), resolutions were iuxci i. til ing iiimn King Alfonso to Join with) the l.altu countries or IkiIIi ioiiII-I ueniN iu uialiig ihe I lilted Stale not to Interfere with M vlcan .iKalra, ac ' cord Ilia lo an olficlnl mt uge leo-iv- ed here lit ih l-lin c.n suliite HERE-WM M. Pace's ims Organist plays ahas have the pretation. ! TONIGHT I II y- --y - , n gSigvil.M' flBgBHgBSHnc a . jktw3Ski3f yJCBUgBPi Hi sgBRsml bmU tt! "? JKIflgWgl gglgHC. 1 STTtailRfsnigOBK i I L r- - ' " ' "- - 1 I -ll 1 I al i si i in i 8BggJaess&' '''jh" f! -"" 'f ifXF" Lionii l,llill, I ii in i. Sir Ha I'led thk Donaldson, iiimoiik tlioe w ho accompanied l.oul Kltthemr on the Hampshire was lei ho lea I adviser to David Moyd (tcorgc, minister of mu nitions. He wan a past president of the Instltuia of Mechanical ueers and a uicinlior of various engi neer I itg societies. 'Hugh James O'Ueirue was second setretary to the British euibasst In WnshlnttoH from : to liHa. lie was a naltve of Ireland. Drigadler Gcnernl Arthur Kller shaw won noiiora on the Indian Hon tier In U7-Hk. He was sevorelv wounded In the lloer war. McutotuiMt Colonel Oswald rthur l'ltsgerald, who had been persoii'il milttary seeieiart to l.ottl Kitchener .since August, IPII, wun Kltfliviier'H nsslslaut luUUsi) necretur) w ten ll' latter was commander In r-hlef of India teu ycAm ugo. lOO UVI'U TO CliASSlI'W I (lit HU.K Will nuiririce loon shares i apital slot k ot ooiU Mo lillclte Co., at I or per nbare If ink. en at once, or trudi for luting hrns. Ittmte I Doi ,1, Phone il'Hi-H Koit SM.K Heal Must fell this seteu rom modem Iioum In aood eondltton and with one acr of kiouiiiI aud larae nhade trees, for one third Us hciu.iI cost. Lo cated on main JackMtutille blah wat, near the car line. Total price j onh ll.'O. Term $'' iah i Karl H Tinny, Sio Caini It-Core. Illk , KOIt SM.l' One bat here : m-.u old, i lulis about lie t - . lll tidi' tt iliive It for ii,li-U s.ih lniiili I1 lintel lloio'c I l)y ( TCHENER S STAFF DISTINGUISHED IN ONLY TIME G DEVINE, the our picture correct inter s&mrmvam. ME Hi ORD - d ii iiJc O.S C. LAND SWINDLERS TRIED AT BAY CITY 1 SN I l(Nt 1m (). Jinn ii ri. jtluil ) -even allorncv- .mil i tnte men in the -ii-rallci tucon Ciililoniiii Kind Iruiul ciie. in the 1'uited Stnle- ili-tncl court hen to iln With marked b iu-o-cmihiiii.i lion of John W. I'.iariin. -liu witni--ior (lie tfoternment. Lukiiii inlinitti .1 thut other iiltunic.t liatt uiten iio (K'etive Mcttk'tv on the Southern li rilie Oiegon-CitliliMiiiu IiiikU mltiee that Hie itiilroiid cDinpunt could he forced to M'll tlie lntl at fJ.'iti uu nere. Tlie "even det'i'iuliiiil-. uic on liml oil it cluirge of etmtrue lu u-e the mnilH to tlelrnuil in connection with lldtice (five 1 1 to lioiiii'-tcnd icekei- lo I lie iivoii the IiiikU winch wcie in dis pute del ween the Soitllicin P.icilii nml the tiiMriiini'iil. If )ou want to See Hood Pic lures The rttiir In Hie plate to HO. ALBERT E. I'HUSKNT I'lll iiIiIp: itnmo.N U'll i i:.ii hi. Ailllioi'i CVItlS Piotlitted 1 1) ItM.PII W. IM i: PliottHtiniphetl anil Coi)il)clitel by I ho 1'oimtMs Oabrlelle de Vlllars. I.leutenant Francis Iturnhum KIiik Louis XVI .M.i lie Antoinette .. . t.t THE INCOMPARABLE PAIR IN THE METRO WONDERPLAY soeracsrsimnnasa "liy ti! I m T77"T71D V m ll TS I 1 ietL dC i 1t T 4 jfiy f A p S LEADING MOTION PICTURE THEATER YUAN'S FAMILY AI DEATH BED PHKIXO. June Yuan Shi Kal died at one o'clock this mornliiB lit the palace surrounded by hfc wives and older chlldien. Humors that ho committed suicide are stoutly dsnletl by high orriclals. 1 The commandants of the legation J guards, Including the German and I iistilan, met today and dlscusiod the Hituation here, coming to the tie- rleioii that ilotlng was unlikely. The .American and IJrltlsh commRUdants advised their nationals living outside the legation quarter that It whs safe to remain there for the present. 1 I.I Yuen-Hung will take the picsl- dentliil onlli tomorrow. Chinese are running into the lew ' tlon quarter, taklnn thclt valuiiblts with them, ntul etigagltiK hotel .ic commodHllouii theie. ASK GERARD ABOUT ALLEGED PEACE TALK WASHINGTON. June 0 Seen inn Lansing said lato today that he Mnd entiled Ambassador Gerard nt Heilin. asking whether he had glvon out in tertltnts on tho subject of pen i whli b recenllt bnte been iretliled to Ii t in In (iriniant and n nt to tin loontiy lu nii" dl-p.iti In " Willi Metlford irnde N Mcilfnrd m.i I Billle B Willi her woiulcrful vivncit) makes PEGGY a living, brcntliint; rculity a my of sunshine Don't miss it. Sun.-Mon. DATs? Sun.-Mon. June 11- .121 nuiyj 'June 11-12 .MetlfoitlS IaniiIIiic Motion Pic fine Theater SMITH and J. STUART uree herTthbssM 'CROWDS GO1?' "MY LADY'S SLIPPER" llltDV I'll rcnimiiiK ANITA VITAGRAPH c..vr Anita Stewart Kaile Williams ManiuU tin Tremigon Dm de Ititau-Iluet llncl.iiull It.iiil.iiiiln 1'iaiiMin Cieori,!' Slot en t Joicph Klluoui lulla Sw mn lioi Ion ICsl,iu itMi:i:i ri i:ti it in. iti.t.i i,ai: rwrfflMJnaj3csss3iirawicEota FRANCIS X. and I in- Heinie and "Trouble Enough" FATI 11 ' A Sensible Cigarel io Tor, TWO TRIPS DAILY HI TU 1 1 N - MEDFORD and EAGLE POINT S II HarnMi's nuto will Icavo K.iple Point at s A M and 1 P. M datl), eicpt Siindat . Ic.ite Metlford 9 A. M and 5 P. M Will call tor pnsuengerH at hotels In Medford and hotels nml luminous houses in KiiKle Point. piiem: :t.i: t)it :t-.:t. TOUPEES Made to Order at the MARINELLO i Hair Shop l(l.".7 iiilliel.tiirj ItltlK. Come Once And You Will COMK AtlAIN BLACKTON A I'lte-PiHI Sim of Itomame nml ilteiiluio till letl liy I.DWAIlll .1. .MONTAtiXi: .sTI.NAUT ami CAItl.i: WIMilAMS ('iiiiNiny of Aiuei icu . Harry Northrup George O'Donuell William SIich Ch.tilcs Chupmaii putt i. Louie Comedy Sua BAYNE $ S