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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (June 5, 1916)
University of Orca.on Library sty 'J Medford FORECAST l.VlIt TOXH.IIT AM) Tl VSU.W WEATHER Minimum Yesterday 71); Minimum Today 10. .: & jafl f & Torty-slxth Year, fn II i tli Yar. fEDFORD OKHUOW M()DY. .ll'M-: :, . 1J)U5 NO. VI ATT JL JAJLXj U J. il JlLs W i3 " " ti Eat &.. -5&.J3L JASl nj 1 SEMENT FOR HUGHES Movement for Justice Gains Impetus in Convention City Lack of Con- tmlliiifi Leadership Shown hy Old Guard Sentiment for Roosevelt Fails to Crystallize Reason Un ki own Hiifjhes Still Silent as to Candidacy No Favorite Sons Are Strong Enough td Briny Stampede I'MICAIIO, June .- Hughes oiili meul today vvopt over tho republi can ncmblod hero for t hoi r nn- liininl eonvontiott nut! minuted Hit' 1iimIii-h by itx apparent t length nnd Miitiintity. Without itny nutlmriM'd hondipiar tor or reeoguired Hiketnnn ilele irnti'il In .ihiiL' in Ih'IiiiII' of the in T, lift", tin republican eonidoicd tlti growth of tho Hughe movement into n full -fledged Ihmiiii within tlu IiihI 1 went v -lour hour n foree to lie reck oned with when the convention M'lnhlc Wednesdiiy. Friink II. Hitchcock, who hn been lending tlio unorganized Ilugho movement, ismied hi firt formal rliiim today contending thnl the fn voiilc Min combined would hnve h strength of only :il.l vole not cnoiiifh fur n mnjoiitv nnd pri'iliftetl thnt .Justice Hughe will got mow vote tin tin1 rifxl Imllot thnii nil thi other favorite sou combined iitnl thnt hi iitHiiiiiiition on tin carls hnllot i inevitable, 51110 Volis for Teddy Uoocvclt louder, Ntill lighting for tlu colonel' nomination, found them m?Ivc font routed with a aiiuutioit lhc tire convinced wan overcli muled in llif ftiltint'l'rt foyer, and the repub lican leader attached to the old gourd ii edict thnl (he colonel' ulti liuite strength in the balloting woiilil ht lc I hail 'inn vote. One Mitent eleineiil in the rcpnhli enn noiuinatioii Inward which nil the lender were lookinir with ome up prehension wax ottltil hv the deoi ion of the progToive national eom- mil lee not to nominate a presidential candidate until Suturtlay nnd to up Niut ii commit tee to confer with the republicans. The apparent elimination of Col onel KiM'HfvcIl a m poihlc nominee, however, hiii eiieoiirnjied boomer far home of the other candidate-, Jinny of (hem pnfe tti believe they will lie the licoel'iciaric of the lfooevelt winit mill Unit the effort will now be made in concent rate on a plan to climiiiaic Hughe. Weel on (ho flifliiiul Chief ainon-.' lhem i the Candi da r nt Senator Week of Ma-a-chuctt. He ik on the itroiiml and us lnt at. delegate arrive all of lhoo who lire willint; are taken to the Week houdtputrlcr. luriuit the dav the Vcek opHitcr nicicacd their t-limnto from time lo time of the .probable firt ballot strength ot their caiililate until thev wcie claiming more I han .'100 on the ltrt vote. Although abuntltiiimcnt of any jilan to Bet a pn-coueution tnteuient trom Jiii-tiee Hughe hat been nu iioiuicetl, dcltK.iic- neverthele-x in tiiiie tor nae I'lilhoritalnc otatc luent ol hi pol.lMiil ic and In- ht.lllll Oil llllpilll.llll IC. l.eadci inicrt letl in IIiikIu- lit it, lie kiiouii tod.i Governor Ului- (Cuiitliiiiod on Last Page) I AT pet: ri.tMi, in. . in. . - rue Knit -i-.oiul annual lonrii.iiiii ul of the Si 'itxinni itMMX Ullun of lh Horiliitpsi oi't-nt-d here ioi1a ulib titer luu rUt Unct'1 ni4rlHitN i t'lit frora all t.uru r t Horthet Tho flrt ivftit on te iru!,tm .u the o.iidiml kwtital. Imring tbe the IniPnnt U4'4ini4 ( 1)', hfld In Ur f ti !! of Ufor4 th V' V " TlinaiilpM troptn ARd I, f Tu m utitil wire t e -lint f Tie toarui,icnt w on nun. j ) ') vli BUTCH ERY ON VERDUN FRONT IRST OF WAR Solid Masses of Germans Hurled to Certain Slaughter at Fort Vatix Attack Continues With Undimin ished Violence and Teutons Make Supreme Effort.' I'AIIIS. .Iiuii' . -In their attack mi Foil Vans, niie tif tho niillyini; de-feii-i' of Verdim nlonjf thu front eat of the .Meni', the fli'iinnn nru liiul iiipr their infantry in itnties o coni pai't that the firM l-ank ate ohliited to nilvancc to en tain death. Tho nniiltliif I'oliiinn iU'IhuicIi froiii the vilhiKC of Damloiip, below the ftut, mid Mepnraled from it hv a raiiu' which they lire tibliitei! to cro to iitlmit the lopi'M near the toil. For three da, thi hi Iih lieeu the Mcene of cnuutKi' which ha al mat ed the Ktxiuud with blond. One nertumi column advanced no fiiilher than the bottom of the ra vine. The front rank, puhed on by thtfcp behind, fell a t'ui-t a they J cached the dead line wepl by the French rpiiek-firer. A they top. pled out other chihi' on to lake their place mid full in turn. Attatl; Continue French officer, Although harden ed to the wort ijht of war, de clare the biitehory there urpnei imatfination. With undiminished violence the Ocrtniin continued their attack hit uiKht alonu tlu Verdun front cast of the Meusc. The war office rejuirt of llii nflenioou ny thexo aanll w pre unui'cef ul. The (icrinan nttneked French poilion in the ivgion of Vau.s and Dmnloiip. iSetneen the foil and the illaue of nmnloup ihe (Jerniuti of fensive wim particularly severe. The French are !ill, in Mieion f Foit Vnux. Jn the vicinity of Ilounnmont there vvii heavy artillerv tiRhtinir. rnueeeful (Icrniaii raid pre undertaken in the Yoge. (.'ernuiii Statement MKIi'LIN. dune ." (by wirele to Sn ville).- Repeated iittaeka hy ma-e ol French infantry aaiut Gennau nition on the Verdun front ent of the Memo broke down with heaw los.e. the war office an nounced totlny. The statement iriven out at nnny hendiUaitcr say: The Uritish velerdnv evmiinir again nttneked the toition euptur ed by u southeast of Yprew. The attack broke down under our artillery fire. 'f)n the Verdun front went of the Ifeuse our artillerv fired on the en. einy' batteries and trenehe with tt'MM ueee. French infantry At tempted an advance on our trenehett wet of the Ilaiu-ourt-Ksnen road. and was repulsed. "Kal of the rier fightini; eontin netl with undiminished violenee lw- tweeii Cmllette wood and Damloun. The euemy infantrv m uiun foitn- atitin altemptetl to reguin positionM captured bv u ilurintr the lit few day. The greulest effort were made b" Ihe enemv on Fumia lidge, outhet of tlu village of Vuux, and in the district Miutheatvnrd. AH Freiu Ii t " mt r .ill.nK- vvclc lepiils- eil .ih ll,. in i ii -t In.. i . niN'STASTIN'ol'I.K. June V o reinforced in the Cau- i" i-'is, vtlurh late lii.t iiiuiith bcuan .hi iilt'i'ii-ivc c.iuimit;ii. ha dm en the l(iiian further back, the war I I ice .inuoiiiicid tudn. The st.kte llielit lulli.vt.; "INi tht C.imsiu front in the on tir, our tro.p drove tin- m iMi' l ft mil some tortv Uilotm ter (.dtoit tvtuitvjivi nubtai, RutHith--t.ititlirur utit.iwirnlitf Mi.itber. AH ,ittitipttt ot tht itiimv to tovir l.i rttitit or to nAin bin iuiitnii mil- lipit? Willi tiivj '4i-e nit.r r! 1! ii OJ r'j) u i0 r , TURKS DUG RUSSANS BACK BRITISH CLAIM VICTORY IN BIG L BATTLE' Eihteen German Ships Lost as Com pared With Fourteen British Real Losses Concealed hy Germans Superdrcadnaught Hindenhtirg the Pride of Germany Navy, Sunk. LONDON. Juno ... In ov. of the lntet rpjiort of the admiralty on me naval battle of hint week, the ir mid public arc devoting their alien tlon to computing tho lowim or the two iihvIoh and tho effect the eiiKiijrt tuont lit likely to have on future warfare. Thu llrltlnh natliunle oi is Oerninu shlpii lout an romimred with 1 I llrltlnh I uecapted liy the iimloi Ity and tho roaull In now rlalined .i a complete victor) for tho HiltM floet, ' (Tho ItrltUli fleet remained In io- ' dqmIou of the ncene of battle ilurlnu tho morning of Jttnel and traernl tho field four time, finding no enemv to flto upon. The commander in chief took hi fleet back to It lmx . at hi lelauro and five hour Hrtci ' It arrival repotted the battle fleet ready for action. Iteturus Falsified ' Ai regard the (lermatt loae deft- nlte ovldonce, It I declared, ha now ueuu uumiiiiiii iimi inoj- were iioimri- utoly fultlflod and that the followliiK were doatreyod: Two battle cruleri, one at leat, and probably two battlehlp, four light crulner. eight ileatroyera and one KUbniatlne. , rrha remaindtir of the Oorman bat tle crulior sipiadrun may have reach ed home porta but the ahlpa were all severely damaged, aa abHivuro ahli of the Koenlg da, which came un der tho fir of a portion of the Urit ish battle fleet. Ilealdea the above the Aasoclnted 1'ieaa haa Obtained itiforniatloii fioiu returned officer of the fleet that they were able to Identify the Illn ilenburg and the I.uuow as among the Oerman warablpa lost. Itosso Dm lug .Vtglit So far a the Herman dental of the llrltiah claim i concerned. II la point, od out that the (iermaua did not ad mit, the loaa of the cruiser Killing until the arrival of some survivor from her in Holland and tht I cited aa confirmation that the (iermaiiH conceal their Iohm-h until font-d hv circumstances to reveal them Thi is (Continued on page two.) ON THE 1 1 "in 1 1 1 ' i 1 1 1 i m i 1 1 i i 1 1 7 fe "' 1 i ;-'3 -r?" NM jr' mm kwasr jmsmx iw v.' C-. . '-vVs V- sU'i - - g - -o CLAIMS 200 VOTES 1 yPi1,' ' ' .NSSS sS VV ir-iuM A Senator John V. UceUs of Maatliuett, c Cuuliinil's "faxoilto ' '"'" anuniK tlie rciulilluui pieslJeniial asdiaut, whose uoiuluallon ' would Ito mos Milsracituj t.. I.Ik business llm stand. p.iltei. ISH LOST L I.dNDON. June :. A ital .! '1.1:1 1 oflieer wcic killed in the J ul hi ml battle, ueeortlintr to a list iuc( hv the admiral! v today. Thin lit show that practically all the ol'liier of the c minor (juetu Mary, Invincible, Inilefiitijtnble, Dele ami IHnek Prince mid of the dclru,w Tipar arv. TiiHnilent. Koiiunc, Ardent, No iul. Netor mill Slunk ierihed. All the tiffieei except one from the cruiser Win I ioi vteie ..iv oil mid all the ulllrer- llulu tlie ill IliiVer Spur rnvv ll.nk. (liiiln ot'ii i sbip. tviu Iv th Hum i. m.i. kill il .iii.I I vsenl V I vv.i ui. unit RIVEROF ii 1 1 ii - - ' ) ! I '- m 333 NAVA OFFICERS T&. &!0mL c-. " ON FIRST BALLOT . .VSN AirC K i i SAI.I'M. Hi.. of State Men U. lulu i (III oil Seen tin V todav ap proved, as to it lorm, a petition tor (the iuitinliou of an amendment to j the Orevjon constitution prohibiting the importation of liipmr into the utU for eratre purMie. The existing pi-oliibition law iH-miit the iinMirtntMii of ii limited amount of h ipior. The amendmciit, which will he voted uhii at the NuvciiiImt election, was tiled bv ihe (licvoii Mule prohl llllloll I'lilllUllltl c. lieoiKC It it ii of W.iikln- Is 0 bllal iii s. isiior In tin til. till ww!t. DOUBT QCKHQ Boat. J -y 0 LAUNCH PROHBTON Ck ' SW "" " v I I ENTIRE BUSH iDIIM F FFTS FLEET IN ACTION SSfnilT STATES BERLIN pfSSJA1 Twenty-six of Jclllcoe's Most Pow erful Battleships Entjaucd in All Save Early Stages of North Sea Baltic, Declares German Account Result Due to Effective Artillery. Hi:iM.lN, June .i, (H.v vvirele to the Aocinted I'le from a rftnlf corieiotideiit). Twonlv-nix of "Ad tniral .lellieiK'' moxt iMiwerful buttle hi. ineliiditiir six of the most mod ern (jueen I'lixabutb ela mid the entire British t lying wing otnnHeit of lu'ttle eruieent, etpial in every re vaet except nimor pititeotiou to dreadnaughl, wore engaged in all save the eatly stages of the ttav bat tle m the N'orth ea, according to an autboiitative iieeount iued here to dav. The account meet elenrly what ia h.iractcrtaed a the ltrilih ntlempi to explain defeat by the statement that the (lermnn force in notion were i h linger than the llritiwh. Many details, however, nre uppriued for stiateuic icasun. Xo Accounl of l.oso The licet thu aietnbled, wnyw the accinint, su ii ui ed in tonnage and weight of broadside the (lermnn force engaged, wn at leaat etpinlly modem, mid wiu far xpeetlier than Ihe HipmdioH of (lernimi pio-drenil-nNiight which, lunilM-ring along at eighteen or nineteen knot, wete hoou left far lo ihe roar hy their swifter couMoit of the main notion. The iccilnl leave untold the tale f damage HUsluincd by Uonnan nnil mid the Iihmm in perwiHel. ll is hown that the (Icrinan mi this iiecuion, unlike the Doggerhnnk cnuiiuciiient of cruicr -ilion, vvcic able to choose their di-tauci mid tight considerable Hirlion of tho battle at lunge of about eight mile now ranked a a moderate distance -at which the Herman 11 mid Yi inch guns were virtuallv u offeelive in Miictraling powfr a the big inoiilhod i:i. II and l.'i with which the motloni Mrilish giant are armed. Furthermore, thev are far iiierior in rupiditv of lire. N'aval oxert have lulimaled to the Associated Pro that thi was one o the most decisive factor in Ihe struggle. Supcilor Ainiililiillliiii flennan biitllehip and battle ontiMor were able lo slmwetl the llritih with a hail of boll, which, al a range of eight mile and sometime even closer, smashed and riddled British armor belt ami wrought havoc to hip' vital. The oiider on Uritish project do naturally were no lea effective, but Ihe Arnitroug and Whit worth monster could land scarcely one punch lo ouch two from the vicious Ki'iipi -iiicher. The h.ix Hi.ilbei vv.i- lieiiiiauv's I'lieml, i il in . i .it it. i m linn n i In. i l i Hi . HO E f ('till' V(i(l. luu,' , The in offen sive nailoual uiiiniiiiei) decided to withhold nominating a candidate in the progressive conveutlou until next Suturduv, awallliiK the action of the repuliiieuu convention. Tlie decision or the progressive committee followed a apeerh hv niuinnau Murdoch In which he (e lured that he was for Colonel Uu t veil h nouiiuation and would not foi an non-commiltal candtdaie at tin time." Tho national committee apioiuted i a siiecial steering lounulttee ' with broud general power to treat with republican leader and alao carry ou a newspaper publicity tanudgn. The committee consists of (leorge W. Per kins of New York, Uoveruor Hiram Johnson of Callforula and Horace Wilkinson of New York Wearing badgea labelled "Ameri canism" and button photos of Colonel lion mil di I. .t.ilt s lii Hie pi litres H' 'i 1 1 1 hi urn lu'lu i. i . I nun PROGRESSV NAM CANDIDATE E SATURDAY ULuocnniu Graphic Account of Great Naval Baltic hy Officer Participating Ships Went Into Fiht as If in Maneuvers Battle Cruisers Fought Great Fight Air Filled With Smoke and Sea torn by Shells as hy a Tempest Impos sible to See What Was Happening. KDI.VHIMIU. June 5. An offlear from one of the Itrltlah dettroyant engaged In the grant aon bn((le lntt week gave the following gittphtc ac count of the battle: "The ahlp of the grand fl4t went Into action a If they were adlfigM'nto maneuver. Krom every yanlariu the white ensign flew, the flag which I to the sailor a the tattered colafs were In da of old to a bard-iirewed regiment. That It went hard with the battle crulaera la apparent, but one ahlp cannot right a dOHiii Tliuy had fought a great fight, a fight to be proud of, a fight which will llva longer than many a victory. "We fought cltwe In to tho foe and If anything I certain In the nnenr Inlutlea of naval battle It I that wo gave at leaat a good aa we got. Wo paased along the lluet of the One man ship motile mile away nud let off broadalije after broadalda. Tho air waa heavy with maaaoa of smoke, black, yellow, green and every other color. The enemy ahlpa wero tiring; Tory fast but t hanging the aiilpa In front, one came to the conclusion that homing wa decidedly arratle. Again and again alro of hella far abort of the mark, to be followed Imme diately li other which acreamsd paat high In the air. (ititl IhuunRe Iiiflii'tcil "I watched the Iron Duke awing. Ing through the seaa, lot ting off broadside after broatlald. wleketl tongue of flame leapatl through cloud of smoke. The din of battle waa stunning, stupendous, deafening, aa hundred of the heavleat gun In the world roared out at one. Ctreat. waaaea of water roe la the air like waterspout reaching aa high aa tho uial aa the aalrna of Oerman ahelln fell short or went oyer their target. ,'It waa Impossible to see what wag happening among the ahlpa of the1 fee. The anioko obscured everything t- effeeltvel) that one could only gat glimpse at Intervals whan a klurilr wind blew a lape through the pall. II waa apparent that the beat ablp of the euemy were engaged but hw many neither eye nor glaag ceuttl make out. The number waa certainly large. "11 waa equally Impoaalble to tatt what damage we were cayaing. Only the high command knew th prograsw of the battle. That the damage In flicted ou the Hermans ahlpa wfttl great doe not admit of any dtMtki. At ono time two vessels red with fir Klramed through the amok. SeuHthin of Itultle It Is a curious feeling to V Ih the midst of a battle and not to know ii which side fortune leau. 'hr oulv a few sbipi are engaged It la definite. Our own losaea were known with tome degree of esacUew, hut eveu that wits uncertain. Thu at one time It ws thought that th Uou had been lost aa she did not aikwer any call It developed that htr w!rf less had heeu destrued. ' With the dunk came the great ep. (Continued on pago ilx) OF 74 ORDERED 10 BATTLE I.O.)to, Juue ; A Reuter itf patch from Zurich ay that memlMMr or the (lerman laudaturui. ilaaa tf U7I, who have been living &! re ordered to return. The landtturm la home dofna fore which Include, In addition trained soldier between the age ol !' nud I i, nil those lietwoeu the agea ol I. an. I 'i who have received 110 luilit.t. tiapnu.-. r V r ft 1 iA I