Image provided by: Hermiston Public Library; Hermiston, OR
About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 1, 1925)
«R gBBMgTOH HERALD, HSBMïSTOy, o a g a e y , ♦ach of said amenta and all Block 9— Lot 9, 49 feet, Ed Graham Ea- costs. Lot 5, 25 feet, Genevieve Klm- LODGE DIRECTORY Ute ........................... «8.43 Following Is a description of each b<u............. ................................. »2.50 Lot 10. 45 feet Ed. Graham Eb- of said lots, pieces or parcels of land Block 12— tate _______ ...»3.15 with the number of feet frontage, Lot (, 25 feet. J. F. McNaught..»2.50 Lot 12, 45 feet, Ed. Graham I>- with the number of feet frontage, Lot 7, 26 feet, J. F. McNaught..»2.50 U te ............................................. »3.15 W» hlghar p rfc.d gift name of owner or reputed owner, Lot 8. 25 feet, J. F. McNaught..»2.50 coaid be m ore adm ired, Lot 13, 45 feet, Ed. Graham Es- or coveted th a n the and amount of said assessment: Lot 9, 25 feet. J. F. McNaught..»2,50 claeeic P arker Duofold tate ................-...........-.... ........ »316 V I N E Y A R D L O D G E N O . 20S. 1. O . O. » . According to plat filed with County Lot 10, 25 feet, J. F. McNaught »2.50 Pea. Lot 15, 45 feet, Ed. Graham Es- TotA rm ea.(fve Recorder November 23, 1104. Lot 11. 25 feet, J. F. McNaught »2.50 W . R. Loughum . Sac. M . L . W sm «B.N. S . ta‘e .................................. .........3.15 Parker Duofold $7 Name Amount Lot 12. 25 feet, J. F. McNaught »2.50 Block 5— Block 2 VJTH the coming of the Holidays let Block 13— R E C L A M A T IO N I.O D G E N . . K/I. R . TorAe to», gfca Lot 4, 45 feet, J. Herbert Strohm Lot 1, 60 feet, Minnie Brown.»5.00 M aek-e m J l T m l S u ’ r S " v W U n 'j us renew our allegiance to Friend Lot 1, 50 feet, L. A. Hunt......... »5.00 Duofold Jr. $5 ....................... - .......................... »3.15 Lot 2. 60 feet, Minnie Brown..»5.00 brutti—rs cordially invitati. ship born of years of service and Lot 2, 50 feeet, L. A. Hunt......... »5.00 Lot 15, 45 feet, Earl Caldwell..»3.15 W . U . M cM illan R. A . Browaaaa. Lot 3. 50 feet. Minnie Brown »5.00 strengthened by years of fellowship H. R and S. C /C . Lot 3, 50 feet, L. A. Hunt____ »5.00 Lot 16, 45 feet. Earl Caldwell. »3.15 Lot 4, 50 feet. J. S. West........»5.00 Lady Duofold >5 bearing la mind the ties thus formed Block 18— Block 6— Lot 3. 25 feet. J. 8. West........»2.50 fall like blessings upon him "that Too know Parker Doo- Lot 7. 20 feet, J. F. McNaught »2.00 Lot 2, 50 feet, L. J. Lomax PROFESSIONAL CARTS» »3.50 Block 4— f o ld -t h e beautiful bi< gives and him that takes." Lot 8, 25 feet, J. F. McNaught..»2.50 Lot 3, 50 feet, W. B. Lomax lacquer-red pan w ith »3.50 D R . F . V . P R IM E Lot 6, 60 feet, Ella B. Percy..»5.00 the flashing black tips Lot 9, 25 feet, J. F. McNaught »2.50 Lot 4, 50 feet. H. A. Frick a n d 2 5 -y e a r super- »3.50 Block 5— s m o o th p o in t. N a a t Dentistry According to plat filed with the Lot 5. 50 feet, H. A. Frick »3.50 gold pocket-clip or gold Lot 6, 25 feet, Knights Pythias ring and for ribbon; County Recorder April 22, 1907, D e n ta i X -R a y and Diagnosis Lot 6, 60 feet, J. T. Dowell ...»3.50 alao at rong Gold Oi r dis, —-------- -------- »2.50 Block H— w as 91 aatra. now free I Bank Bldg. o fl Lot 7, 50 feet, J. T. Dowell. »3.50 Lot (, 25 feet. Knlgths Pythias T o d a y , «tap up to our Herm iston. O rason Realdnnce PI Lot 5. 54 feet. R. L. Cook....... 85.40 Lot 8, 50 feet, J. T. Dowell... »3.50 e«I Pen counter and get .......................................- ............»2.50 Lot 8, 54 feet, R. L. cook....... 85.40 our C hristm as Duo- Lot 9. 50 feet, J. T. Dowell... »3.50 *Ids in tim e to have S Block ( — them engraved. According to plat filed with the Dr. R. G. GALE, Surgeon Lot 20, 25 feet, H. A. Frick ...»2.50 County Recorder March 21, 1908. Lot 10, 50 feet, J. T. Dowell . »3.50 Loatlon, Bank Bldg., Rooms 1 and 2 Lot 11, 50 feet, J. T. Dowell....»3.50 Lot 21. 26 feet, H. A. Frick... »2.50 Block 2— Lot 13. 50 feet, R. G. Gale......»3.50 Phones: Office 931. Res. <81 Lot 22. 25 feet, H. A. Frick....»2.50 Lot 1, 45 feet. Ed Graham Es- Dated at Hermiston, Oregon, this of Hermiston Block 7— Office Hours: 10 to 11:30 A. M.. I iate ............................................ .. Surplus and Undivided Profit. Over »50,000 Lot 1 50 feet. Ruth M. Frick »5.00 Lot 7, 45 feet. A. L. Larson... »3.15 17th day of December, 1924. to 6 P. M. From now until they are all gone Gorgla, Henderson, a. v. Pies. R. Alexader, Vice-Pres. Lot 2. 50 feet, Ruth M. Frick . »5.00 Lot 8. 49 feet, A. L. Larson. »3.43 15-5tc City Treasurer I w ill sell one ladies brooch at one- A. H. Norton, Cashier W. L. Hamm, Asst. Cashier Block 8— W, J. W ARNER Lot 4, 50 feet, Rena Waterman. »5.00 íl i a a i l a a i l > > a i i i R & a i i i a i i i i a » a i i i i i i i a ^ quarter the regular price, with every Attorney-nt-Lnw purchase of $5.00 or more. Lot 5, 50 feet. Rena Waterman..»5.00 Hermiston :: : Oregon According to plat filed with the Change cars, old ones for new ones. County Recorder April 5, 1905. Kellogg & Schimke. 14-4o Block 4— DR. W. W. ILLSLEY Christmas Trees and Christmas Lot 1, 50 feet, J. F. McNaught »5.00 Osteopathic Physician and Surgeon Toys. A large line to select from. Lot 2, 50 feet. J. F. McNaught »5.00 a ■ Block 8— Hermiston Second Hand Store. Phons Res. 712 Office T18 a JEWELER AND WATCHMAKER Lot 1, 50 feet, Genevieve Klm- FOB BALE a ba>l ............................................ »5.00 a a Lot 2, 50 feet, Genevieve Klm- M c K e n z ie & t iettattf / n FOR SALE—Two wagons, one heavy ba” ......*.................................... »5.00 a Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat T o Y o u r O r d e r and a t R easonable Prices a wagon with gravel box, »50; one Lot 4, 60 feet, J, F. McNaught..»5.00 a Has reinovtsd from his form er location in tha light wagon with hay rack, »25.; Lot 5. 50 feet, J. F. McNauht..»6.00 Bond Bldir. to See R. A. Brownson, Tum-A-Luni Rooms 1, 2 and 3 Inland E m pire Bank Bld<. Lot 6, 50 feet, J. F. McNaught..»5.00 Lumber Co. 7 -tfc' Lot 7, 50 feet, J. F. McNaught..»5.00 Pendleton ;: Oregon Lot 8, 60 feet. J. F. McNaught..»5.00 W h en you need any. :,OR SALE— Small heater and elec Lot 9, 50 feet, J. F. McNaught..»5.00 tric sewing machine. Mrs. Shes- DR. THEO. BELETSKI, thing in the line of WE WISH YOU Lot 12, 50 feet, Genevieve Kim- ely. 4-tfc Veterinarian n e a t an d a ttra c tiv e bal> ............................................. »5.00 Treats all Domestic Animals. Inter A ^ a a a a a a a a a a a a a a J l l l l l l i l l f l l g | | | | g | g g g g | j Block 7— Printing. OR SALB CHEAP— Maxwell tour state Stock Inspector HAPPY Lot 1, 30 feet, F. A. Chezlk ...»3.00 ing car. O. F. Mays, Stanfield. Lot 2, 25 feet, F. A. Chezlk. ...»2.60 4t-tfe and Lot 3. 25 feet. F. A. Chezlk. ...»2.50 FOR SALE—Team of horses. J. K. Lot 4, 25 feet, F. A. Chezlk. ...»2.50 PROSPEROUS Rhotwell. lS-tfc Lot 22, 25 feet, J. F. McNaught »2.50 NEW YEAR Lot 23, 25 feet, Genevieve Kim- FOR BALE—Some goed fresh milch b»n - ....................... ... »2.50 Block 8— lire. L. Hammer, 4 miles to keep in mind the cP ' at of town. l-tfe Lot 14. 25 feet. Clara G. Hall....»2.50 fact that in addition to Residence second house west of the E HITT’S Lot 15, 25 feet, Clara G. Hall... »2.50 Catholic church. Phone. 82-R. Block 10— printing this n ew s USED CAR8 FOR SALE— Terms CONFECTIONERY Lot 1, 15 feet. R. C. Todd... ....»1.50 given. Prices right. Kellogg & paper we do job work WHEN IN Lot 2k 25 feet, R. C. Todd... ....»2.50 Schimke. 1 l-tfe of any kind. W hen Lot 3, 25 feet. R. C. Todd... ...»2.50 P E N D L E T O N in need of anything FOR SALE — One piano, cheap. MAKE YOUR Terms. O. G. Sapper, across from in this line be sure HEALQ UARTERS ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ b b b b b b b b b b B b b b b b b b b b b b school. 17-4tp Rawlineen Was Peeved — AT— A number of good stories center around General Lord Rawllnson, who W ESTER N A U T O CO. • » 'KLLANE0US for 40 years was connected with the Cottonwood and Water Sts. British army In India. The general was brought prominently before the a COMPLETE GARAGE SERVICE a u Repaired and Upholster- British public eye by being home on Subscribe For The Herald — a Tires— Tnbes— Accessories furlough. While he was In command a tlone. A. W. Purdy. 2-tfc LLWAYS OPEN PHONE 530 of a column during the South African Tom Swearingen, Mgr. war, Lord Rawllnson was constantly NEW AND USED CARS— Kel- sending In demands for heliographs, a . Schimke. 2-6tc with no result At last when drawing Is one ofj^the 'best equipped in B B B B B B near Kroonstadt, In what was then i ED— Men or women to take the state.’ No’expense hasjbeen the Orange River colony, he signaled again to ask whether his heliographs orders for genuine guaranteed hoe. spared to m ak ejt up-to-date in had arrived. Officialdom, however, was lery for men, women and children. rampant and wanted to know “What Eliminate darning. Salary »75 a every detail.*A graduate of one do you want them for?” Back went week full time, »1.60 an hour the reply with caustic brevity, “To fry of the best beauty culture schools “Science P lus Farm Practice’ spare time. Beautiful spring line. kidneys on, of course!" ‘ International Stocking Mills, Nor- Oregon Agricultural College in the'northwest is*in7charge. ' rlatown, Pa. 39-20tp W I N T E R S H O R T C O U R S E S A good Gift to be Judged by First National Bank S P E C IA L WANT ADS W M . H . O G D EN H O N E Y LA B E LS DON’T FORGET ------- U S -------- T H E H ER M ISTO N H E R A L D We W ant Yon Legal Blanks at The Herald Office To S e e U s i ™E PLAYH O USE i Hermiston Beauty Parlor ■ T u esd ay-W ed n esd ay ¡Legal Blanks for Sale at This Office JAN. 6-7 j The prospective maid of all work .’’ANTED— Phone, write or see W Eleven courses with name, and dates was stating bar term«: "I want »15 a ■■ as follows: A. Leathers, when you have alfalfa week paid In advance, anti I don’t Dairy Manufacturing— January 5- wash hay for sale. In any quantity nor «crab floor«, nor—" “But” began the mistress of the 9-tfc Phone 40-J-S. Dalry Herd Management— January houae feebly. ì ¿EAL ESTATE EXCHANGES AND 5 to March 20. 'Or work after alx o'clock." went Fourth Annual Canners' School__ on the woman steadily, “and I want INSURANCE. J. M. BIGGS, RE every evening off and a line reference, ALTOR. 28-ttc February 2-20. Poultry Husbandry— February 2 and—” “But surely the reference can wait Burk la hearquartera for Army to March 14. till yon leave usi" broke In the mis, ,-hoes. Land Classification and Apprais tress, nervously. al— February 2-7. ‘No, I want the letter now," re For Rent— Good 5 room house, Farm Mechanics: turned the domestic firmly. "I’ve tried 1 mile out. Good road and water, 810 1. Farm Power and Power Equip getting them when I leave, and I’ve never got a good one y e t”—Minne ment, January 6 to March 10. ier month. Charles Clinesmith. Gas Engines, Tractors and Equip apolis Tribune. 46 tfc ment, January 19-23. General Farm Repair, January Young Wolves in Packs For Rent—3 room cottage on west 26-30. Aa a rule, wolves travel in packs side. A. W. Agnew. 21-J-2 46-tfc 4. Farm Water Supply and Sanita only in the winter. The mating sen- son for most woiveg is In December tion, February 2-8. Try Burk's for bargains. 5. Gas and Electric Light and Pow and January. The young are born in burrows usually excavated by the er, February 9-13. LEVELING LAND—See Peter Cas- wolves themselves. Loring the period tric, experienced and reliable, 3 #. Farm Concrete Construction, of confinement the male feeds the fe miles nerth of Hermiston. 4-tfc February 16-20. male. There are generally from four to six cubs In a litter. They are For full Information address blind for 21 days and are suckled for ermiston Beauty Shop is one of DEAN OF AGRICULTURE, about two months. At the end of one the beet equipped shops in the state. CORVALLIS. ORE. month they are able to eat half dl e best of services at reasonable gested flesh disgorged by the mother. prices. For appointment call 461. They usually quit their parents In No NOTICE OF SATE vember or December, just before the Rog- Notice is hereby given that by vir- FOR SALE—Milk cows, Lou pairing season, when they are less 6-tfC tue ot the authority of the City era. than a year old, but frequently the Charter of the City of Hermiston and young remain together alx or eight AGENTS— Sell guaranteed hosiery the direction of the City Council au months longer. Wolves reach matur direct from mill to wearer; all thorlzing and directing the Treasurer ity In about three years. Hence the styles and colors; salary paid for of the City of Hermiston to collect only young wolves found In packs are full time or spare hours: no money the unpaid assessment for the city half-grown wolves which have left needed for samples. International Irrigation water for the year 1924, their mothers.—Pathfinder Magazine. t ills , 1038, Norristown, Pa. levied and imposed under the provis Pythene Sold by Yard ion, of Ordinance No. 78, passed ¿V k ’s for bargatns. Whan shows and museums find It by the city council and approved by -V the mayor on July 2, 1913, an ordi necessary to replenish their stock of _ Poland for profita. Stilli nga. 27tf nance No. 98 passed by the city coun pythons and boas they usually have to buy them by the yard, according to cil and approved by the mayor on Popular Mechanics Magazine. New a April 17, 1918. ___ ribbons and carbon York forma the center of the snake the Herald office. I will on the 17th day of January, importing Industry In America, and 1925, at the hour of 10 o'clock In the each year men go from there to Af Milk delivered twice daily. 8 cents forenoon of said day at the City rlca, India, Sumatra and S-mth Amerl a quart. Peter Neadeau. Hermls. Council Chamber In the City of Her- ca, returning In the spring with him ton. OregB. 17-4tc of the big reptiles. r , " " r " " " r 1"” 1" d- scribed lots, pieces and parcel, of cording to make deal*«, while . I AM MAKINt REGULAR TRIPS TO land at public auction to the highest length of 25 feet—found In the regal Pendleton Ttesdays and Fridays of bidder for cash In hand the proceeds specimens from Sumatra—runt the each week. 7 you have anything from the sale of each lot. piece or price up from »000 or »700. Boas to be hauled fe or from the above parcel of land to be applied In aatis- come smaller. 8lxte»n feet la said to named city, 1 would appreciate faetion of the assessment upon lot, be the maximum at an age of eight r w r bualaeaa bleng thia line. I piece or parcel of land with lntereet or ten years. In price there also start am alao la the narket for chlckeas thereon from March 1, 1924. at the at about <20 and run as high as »200. •ad veal. Ray Cballla. Phone rate of 8 per cent per annum togeth t t - B . Pendleton phone 490. >-Uc er with « penalty of 1 | per cant of: X X 2 5 per cent o ff. X THE Reference in Advance ALL SH O ES i NOVELTY REVUE We Are Here to Serve the Ladies i S M en’s H alf Soles | $ 1 .2 5 j ■With H eels $1.75X a s STELLA SHAAR 1 1 —P eo p le—11 - OAK TAN SHOE STORE Sam Rodgers, Prop. ■ » ■ x “■■■■■■BBBBBBBBBBBai UMATILLA RAPID TRANSIT CO. E. R. Pall, Umatilla, Oregon Phone Umatilla, 3 8 -J -ll Operating Stages Between Pendleton and Umatilla Effective November 10, 1924 Leave a . M. P. M Umatilla ............ 8.30 12:15 Hermiston ....... 8:50 12:35 Stanfield ......... 1:15 1: 10 Echo ............................ 9 :30 1: 15 Ar. Pendleton ..........10 :45 2: 30 Leave p, M. P. M Pendleton ....................12:00 4: 00 ; Echo ............................ 1 :15 5: 16 Stanfield ..................... 1 :30 6: 30 Hermiston ................... i;65 :65 5: 56 Ar. Umatilla ........ .... 2:15 6: 16 Sunday schedule: Leave Umatilla 9:00 A. M., Pendleton 4 4:00 P. M. Umatilla to Pendleton, »1.45; 1 round trip, »2.50. Hermiston to Pendleton, 81.26; round trip, |2.25. Stanfield to Pendleton, 81.05; round trip, 91.76. Echo to Pendleton, 95 cents; round trip »1.50. F e a tu r in g N O V E L T Y GIRLS JA Z Z B A N D ' 9 N o velty H a rm o n y T rio H e le n Lewis—R ad io Ja zz Q u een G lad ys T h o m a s -S in g in g C o m ed ien n e K a th e rin e S m ith *-D an cer MUSIC : DANCE : SONG LAUGHTER Burt M ullens I DO IT N O W C O N F E C T IO N E R Y S T A T IO N E R Y A n n ou n cm en t I have purchased the con fectionery known as P a t’s Place and solicit a share of your patronage. K rause’s C hocolates T he Best in Candies N ewt stand Cigars and Tobacco ■a aBBBBBBaBBBaaaaaaaBj S a 1 Send us the price o f a year*! * • x o a g. subscription if you are in arrears J. L. VAUG H AN ■ ■ ■ ■ Phene 139 a C » r t a«, »•nuietan, O r a .g E lectric Fixtures and Appliances ■ ■ B iiia s ia iia u a m g We N eed the Money É A dm ission ■ — ■ Children, 3 5 c A dult«, 7 5 c X Haa Y our ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■— ■ ■ a , , , , , a ^ „ , , BM, , ; ! Subscription E x p ir e d ? Herald Wwrt Ad» Bring Yoq Beiulti Come in am CATARRHAL DEAFNESS i r <2i,y '■•““ d by an Inflamad condition T u tli* S X foua J1"1"» ut th* Bu»t*cWan Tub«. When thia tub« Is Inflamad m u • rumbling Bound or tmnarmet '2? Uni«»« the Inflammation «an b« r»duc«d, your hearing may bs dn- s«roy«d for»v«r. r H A L t/B CATARRH MEDICINB will ^9 wa claim for It—rid your ayatam ° f Catarrh or Ileafneaa -r“tal^hy Qatairh H A l.L a C a t a r r h MKDICIMB haa bmn successful In the treatment o f renew U next time you an bi lawn. Ca!57lLfor..o**r Fortr Year«. •o ld by all drucrlata F. J. Cheney a O»., Toledo, Q, X