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About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 1, 1925)
IB B HEÄMISTO3T KXB j LLD, BEBICUVQS. 0 1 K Ô Ï . Sly» ^mutatati $»ralà Published every Thursday at Hee- Umattlla Coopty, Oregon by r, Edito: Crowder, llto r end Man- Entered aa second clase matter, December HO # at the postofflce at Hermiston, Oregon. Subscription Bates For On« Year --------- For Biz M o n th s ----- Payable In Advance. 12.66 .— »1.00 OREOONITATN NNWj Public employment bureau plae» menta In Oregon during the current biennium numbered 80,295, according to the biennial report of C. H. Oram, state labor commissioner. The contract for completion of cruis ing timber In Tillamook county by M. G. Nease was signed by Nease and the county court last week. The contract specifies not less than 100,000 acres to be cruised at 26 cents an acre, the cruise to be completed before March 31, 182«. Choir Boy» Sometimes Need Rootreaning Hand The restless choir boy la often tbe best singer, as tbe Inhumanly well, behaved youngster la often devoid of Initiative, musical or otherwise, a writer la tbe Montreal Family Herald cow menta. The writer well remem bers the choir master of hts oyrn chorister days who, to hla sorrow, sat immediately behind him In the choir stalls This gentleman had a diffi culty of speech, which prevented hlin from pronouncing the word “ears" as It deservea. This inuat have been a s o r e trial i n n i to io him, n u n , for io r m e word w u r u was whs sore the constantly on h l. Ilpa At frequent Intervals during the services, at all events. the bo, sitting In front of him Fought to E»tobB»h Jeutith Indagandonoa The Mature tm « w in tbe name of a family In Syria, which during tbe Sec ond century before Christ, restated the persecution* Inflicted upon tbe Jewish nation by tbe Seleucldae. After the death of Mattathlas. the leader of the revolt. In 186 B. G , his son’ Judas Maceabaeus, defeated the Syrians In three battle*, reconquered Jerusalem, purified the temple, and re stored the worship of Jehovah, says the Kansas City Star. He was slain In ambush In 181 B. C , and was sue- . . . . . a. ber these orders had dwindled until only 30 pounds was sold In each month. The decrease has not been steady; Kome months It seemed to be “ coming back” but the net result has and the time w ill come when these Increase In the use and sale of but ter. The more The Farmer Inves tigates the more It Is convinced that the dairy Industry won more than they realize by the campaign con ducted In behalf of the dairy bill. People became Informed on the greater food value of butter. Thous ands who voted against the bill would not now use the bogus pro duct. But. as soon ns the election was over the margarine Interests began a new campaign for the sale of their products. W hat are the dairymen doing, Many of them are still In gloom over tho election, when they should realize that the education al value of the campaign was great, In spite of the adverse result. And w ith this realization should come a resolve to go ahead with the cam paign of education. "No question Is ever settled until it Is settled rig ht,” and the time w ill come when hese vegetable oil substitutes w ill be dis continued. If not by legislative or congressional action, then through education, which w ill give the pub lic a better understanding of the fa /t that “ there I. no subs^tute for butter.”— Oregon Farmer. F a ilu r e » C a u s e d b y L a c k o f In itia tiv e One of the greatest Improvements of the automobile Is the self-starter, now found on all hut the cheapest kinds of cars, whluh need to be cranked by hand. The declee suggests the reflection that a very large proportion of the hu man family require something of like nature. They lack Initiative, voluntary ef fort; they need cranking In the fonn of orders or directions before doing anything worth while. The men and women who succeed beet In life and get the most out of It •re of the self-starter type. They don't wait to be told or advised what to undertake, but proceed of their own accord to do things. The great Inventors, such as Edison, •re all of this sort, says the Sncra- mento Bee. They are originators, not mere followers or imitators, an» they rank among tho chief benefactors of the world. So It Is In business, literature, art. the various ludustrles, and, In fact, all occupations. Success In each Is de pendent chiefly upon originality or In itiative. The U n ity o f N atu re Nature can only he conceived as existing to a universal and not a par ticular end; to a universe of ends, and not to one—u work of ecstasy to be represented by a circular movement, as Intention might be signified by a straight line of definite length. Each effect strengthens every other. There Is no revolt In all the kingdoms from the common weal; uo detachment of an Individual. Hence the catholic character which makes every lenf an exponent of the world. When we be hold tin landscape lu a poetic spirit, we do not reckon Individuals, Nature knows neither palm nor oak. hut only vegetable life, which sprouts Into for ests and festoons the globe with a garland of grasses and vines.— Emerson. U n iq u e British ¡»land Restaurants, hotels and manufactur- erations on the edge of the a,ream Id never be taken so long as Pal ing concerns of Roseburg dependent It Is there that fish, rabbits and ,ad,uni wag rctalned within Its walla, upon gas for conducting their business f°wls »r* cleaned and garbage dis- tbe atatue waa placed In a sanctuary were sadly crippled when the gas P"RP(1 generally. The result la that ! and carefuny guarded. I t was, how- plant froze Friday morning. The gas j * * ’ . attracted by the taint in the wa everi flnauy stolen by Ulysses and mains were completely filled with Ice, ®r' ,‘av® baen lb ’ be h“blt, ot ««whig Diomede« about 1184 B. 0-, and thus . . .. .. . .. : out from tbe middle of the river to victory was secured to the Greeks. Ac shutting off the entire supply to the . gorge themgeIveg on th,g n .,uge cording to some accounts, Troy con city for several hours. ! go accustomed have they hecome to tained two Palladia, one of which was Any further action that may be feed at this spot that they have stolen and conveyed to one of the taken by Governor Pierce with rela- learned to associate certain sounds Greek cities, while the other was taken tlon to the ousting of Dr. Thomas Rosa j w,' b food- an(J «he clattering of pots to Italy by Aereas and secretly guard of Portland as a member of the atate an ,°n «tones, even before ed by the Romans In the Temple of fish commission probably will depend b"? ?? a* een tbr°w n ou«. »'HI Vesta. The word “palladium” la some . .. . . „ ,, ; brin« them up out of the depths In upon a recommendation to be solicit considerable numbers and cause them times used at the present day to sig nify a pledge of security and protec ed trom the attorney-general. This was I to go cruising toward the shore. To tion.—Kansas City Star. announced b , the governor. call up the eel Is a recognized Item In Flnea aggregating 968,266.85 were tbe entertainment of visitor» at the T au g h t C are ot Book» Imposed by the courts In Oregon as cottage. Every child in Los Angeles upon entering the third grade Is taught how the result of activities of the state to borrow books from the library an« traffic officers during the current Rich in Rom an R elict how to take care of books. The chll biennium, according to tbe biennial re Folkstone, on the Kentish coast, dren's librarian visits euch thlrd-gradi port of T. A. Raffety, chief inspector was a Roman station when England room and explains to the pupils thi for the atate motor vehicle depart was young, says the London Times There are still evidences of Roman use of the library. Her aim Is ti ment. Arrests numbered 3868. arouse an Interest In rending and , ,. occupation and It has been proposed teach the children to enre for tin Four boys who escaped from the to reconatrllct the ancient state training school were captured by | Judging from the relics discovered books, says School Life. Following the police while hiding In a dwelling I round about. In Saxon times It was a this a letter Is written to tbe parent.- on Front street In Salem. Tbe boys I royal manor cnlled “Folcnnstane.” urglng their co-operation In the correct involved In the break were John , William I granted It to Nigel de Man- use of the library. In addition a leaf let, entitled “How To Borrow Books,' Moore, Archie Evans, E. Kline and J .' dev|11«. one of his followers.. As a Richter. They spent one night In th e ' "P°rt" ” becnme attached to the Is distributed among the library's pu trims open and two of them suffered from ™ V S ?*“ ° S ' " n V Queen Elizabeth’s day It was still but frozen feet. fishing hamlet of 120 houses. The W atpe One hundred and eleven mills re- present Thirteenth century church oc- Possibly the best known of Fnhre'e portlng to West Coast Lumbermen's j cuples the site of the Saxon convent discoveries Is of the wasp who sting) association for the week ending, of St. Ranswytb. 630, and behind Is her prey with exact surgery so as t< December 28. manntaeturdd 78,1*4,863 tb“ * * » . ba’1,b"’- «""•» ,h* p«trnl»fu>«rbtlt sw«»e 4w telAl? n o d t h e n Saxon castle of King Eadbnld. It away with her larvae, who need liv feet of lumber; sold 88,230,893 feet, ing food but would be killed by th- and shipped 72,226,612 feet. New busi Insect It It were not paralyzed. Th- ness was 13 per cent above produc W h e n c e Cornea T erm " B if” mother wasp, who never sees he tion. Shipments were 19 per cent be The visitor at the west coast of Can young, thus makes the most compleli ada la likely to be puzzled by a mer- and Intricate scientific preparation; low new business. The Oregon-California Railroad com chant a’ klng, tw?', four ° r sl5t for the safety ns well as the nourish j .. „ .. _ r,. ... _ an article. Its history Is connected In nient of their early days. Those o uany and the Southern Pacific com- .. ,. . . . the old "Chinook" or trading language, us whose minds are not drugged h. puny filed suit In the Marlon county the or,g,n of , he ,.blt-, g,„,g circuit court to reapportion the rail back even farther than that. A "fl- some mere word, like Instinct, mus forever stand amazed before such won roads' share of the expense of con penny bit" (flve-penn.v bit) was really ilers of planning.— Norman Hapgooi structing two overhead orosalnga locat the 12H cent unit derived from the old in Ueurst's Ifltcrnntlonal. ed at W ilbur and Sutherlin, Douglas Spanish real or one-eighth of a dollar, county. The total coat of the two over long used for computation and pricing NOTICE TO CREDITORS In New Orleans, California and most head croaslngs waa »103,500. IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE seacoast towns. The United States Sale of approximately 1,300,000 feet never had a 12H-cent coin of Its own. STATE OF OREGON FOR UMA of pine, fir and larch on Tepee creek, but to this day a quarter or 25-cent TILLA C0UNTR In the Wallowa national forest, waa piece Is commonly spoken of as “two In the M atter of the Estate of announced at the district office of tbe , bite." The name "flpenny bit" or five- forest service in Portland. The tlm , penny bit obviously »as derived from Edgar A. Smith, Deceased. ber was bought by the Oregon Lumber ! • reference to the British and Amerl- Notice la hereby given that the company at Enterprise. The price waa i TO'° nlal P«*«?- " '« *'* J orlb undersigned has been appointed ad j . . . .v , j • fractIon more than two cents of »3 a thousand feet for the pine and 1 ministrator of the estate of Edgar A. ' Canadian money. 50 cents a thousand for the other Smith, deecased, and has qualified at species. the law directs. A ll persons having Too M uch inspiration claims against the said estate are It Is reported at Salem that Gov A poet at a window, a brunette required to present the same to mt ernor Pierce has under advisement a came along. The poet liked her looks. at the office of W . J. W arner, mj proposal to Include In his message to . . . . . . J .. .w . began to pen a song. In Just another the legislature a recommendation that ^ en( g v)ew 9he attorney, a t hla office In Hermlaton.i the state printing office be operated wag go very pretty she got n line or Oregon, w ith proper vouchers, w ith in connection with the state penlten-, two. And then there was a red-haired in six months from the date hereof. tlary. Under the governor'« plan con- : girl, and she was not so worse. She Dated tb la 17th day of December, vlcts would be Instructed In the print- gave a lot of color to the ensuing 1924. lng profession, and only such free verse. The poet couldn't sell Ids song; ROBERT O. HO RNING. labor as la necessary would be em conld not a nickel get. It served him 15-5tc Administrator. rlglit—he should have been true to ployed. the brunette.—Louisville Courier-Jour Steve Edwards, a Springfield youth, nal. NOTICE OF SHERIFFS SALE OF who nearly a year ago pleaded guilty ATTACHED PROPERTY ON to the charge of larceny In a store EXECUTION MilA M ad e F ro m Tree Sap at Springfield and who waa sentenced In the West Indies a tree known to to serve two years la the state penl- Notice Is hereby given that by v ir . . .. . t h e natives as “byahya" has a sap so tenllary and later paroled by tbe court. r|(.h , h#, whe„ , he bark Hlld ara tue of a w rit of execution Issued received a Christmas gift In the form eruab),d they yield a mllk-llke fluid from the office of the Clerk of the of an order from Judge Skipworth of tbnt |g richer than cow's milk. The Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, the circuit court discharging him from j Cingalese also have a milk tr<-e, for Um atilla county, and to me direct his sentence and clearing his record known as the "kli-lghutnan.’’ while In ed on a Judgment tn said Court ren so far as the court Is concerned. the forests of Para there Is a tree, dered on the 6th day of December, . . . known as the "mass- noil ndron," A census of game and predatory wh(<>b v((1ea g m,|k ,|o(.s 1924. In favor of C. W. Kellogg and animals In the ( ascade national forest <(>ur , , w|U kefp ,11(Wtl„|,e|,. John Schlmke as plaintiff«, and has been completed at the request of j ________________ against W illia m Brown and M ints the forest service, and figures have Brown hla w ife aa defendants, for M e re ly P rep arato ry just been submitted. The report stat the sum o f »300.00 with Interest -------------------- “I have J " « ’ "W ” thereon at the ra te 'o f 10 per cent ed that there were 500 black or brown hear in the fores,. 3000 Mack-talled X f o ^ 't h « ? ! . m ’n o ’" iX P " annum from the first day of Oct- deer. 10 mule deer and 390 elk. Iu th e hwn «gaged before, that I a... m tth , Most of Britain's Islands have their predatory animal Haas the estimate The Intensity of hla passion innde story, which Is sometimes unique. gave the number of coyote* aa 361. gbUJ|der, hut she quickly reeov- The most striking Instance, perhaps. «And Is I, not proper." Is Bunk Island, In the Humber—a lit in g . bobcats or wildcat* 1730. cougars rred Of the fur hearing gha rtemamted. “before play ng a match tle world that lins tho peculiar distinc 60. wolves 120 to try a few pra ,*ri> games tion of being the youngest bit of animals It was e.tlmated that thera are 500 beaver along tbe streams, with acrub teamsF — Ho-ten Trau- Britain. It la. In point of age, a mere bant eight hadgers. 20 fox. 900 marten, 1360 1 script ling, having been formed In compara mink and 1620 weasels. Tha Christian Science serrioes are tively recent times of land carried As.oe.s u s . „ «teU <° “ • AMHtorlum away by the sea from the northeast Astorla— Hoefler, randy maker. Sun<ia, at 11 o dock ’ Sunday coast. This land was swept down to build 940,000 fireproof K build Ill hnlld 140 000 riienronr ..I I H - j » ; ! » . All sr - gordially Rpurn hend and then up the Humber, w ill where It lodged and In time formed mg. Invited to attend. Wednesday eve an Island. The process Is still going alng meeting first Wednesday each on. and as a result the Island continues Eugene— Associated Oil w ill bull-l mpn|h to grow. The public Is enriched with 820.000 distribution station to em _____________ all of the out knowing It; for this curious for ploy eight men. Sheridan— Stockholders of eld Ore- mation la the property of the Crown. — —— gon growers secure canning plant Sutherlin Local cannery employ,, gB|, w|H #peB „ for t „ nning MAKE YOUR WANTS KNOWN— 15 psnple and w ill work up <6,000 {rult tor 1916 aeaeok. — TRY THE HERALD WANT A D S - boxes of fru it. Coal C onsum ers S job in our line giv** it to the home prin T a k e N otice ter. The salesman from an out-of- A»___ * ’J “’ b^ . he,dl! f “ mgb Figures Just released by the forest ™* ° trencherous- service showed that In 1823 Oregon P'“? ' b“ ‘ ,7 X 10 cents per line for first Insertion. was second In lumber production wltb Minim um charge 25 cents. Subse a total of 3,888,083,000 feet. Tbe only Tryphon, the guardian grlly tuned, saying; "I'll box your quent Insertions 6 cents per line. other state ahead was Washington, years with a book.” It became a prince Antioch us Theo«. ■— — 1 ■ with 8,877,856,000 feet. Production in j famous phrase among the boys—and His brother, Simon, then succeeded Oregon Increased 81 per cent over tbe sometimes It was translated, painfully to the leadership of the common DID THE DAIRYMEN REALLY previous year. , for them, Into action. But even this. wealth, and completely established tbe LOSE? Independence of the Jews. After seven The Oregon supreme court, in an " » • • '«*• embarrassing pun- yara of beneficent rule, he wan mur opinion handed down ha. reversed for » /h o lr bo, than that A concrete example of the success , , _ . „ . .. S. ' devised by a clergyman who. In the dered. together with hla two sons, by hlf gteppe<J his son-in-law, . of the campaign against the use of Judge Campbell of the Clackamas Ptolemy, who vainly butter substitutes, which waa made county circuit court lu the case in- the pulp„ drew fl>rth , r„ m ,„ e £hl)|r hoped to be chosen hla successor. John in connection with the effort to pws volvlng Samuel Director, accused of aD offending youth, took him Into the Hyrcanua, son of Simon, was the next He renewed^thealllance wl 6 the Pure Dairy Products bill at the larceny in connection with the alleged pulpit and stood him in the face of ™,er- Rome, conquered Idumaea, and took late election, is found In the report burning of his store at Oregon City, the congregation through the reniain- the title of king, 107 R C. Syria be der of the sermon. That wa» indeed of sales of the margarine In a coun A retrial will be held. came a Roman province in 63 B. C. How to dodge automobiles will be * Pena|t , .________________ ______________________________________ try store In Clackamas county. This I J— •to re Is several miles off the railroad a' new coarse of Instruction at the , The Palladium was a famous wood- In a well settled and prosperous com Parrish Jr. high school In Salem, ac F i» h A s s o c i a t e S o u n d munity, where the topography In cording to announcement mad. by W i t h T i m g Qf F e e J i n g en lmage of Fallas (Minerva), said to vites a large amount of trade. In school officials. The Parrish school . have been hurled from heaven b , A gy ' , • Scotland, there Is a Zeug and t0 bave fallen near the tent January of this year the order for a Is located on the route of the Pacific ‘.‘f ’""''. ° ' “ / ’ f Hu. while he w a. engaged In build- certain brand of margarine wa« for highway and has been the acene of ^ n t - ’ to ca’rry’ X “ t^ £ I ^ ^ .a reT tla t’Xe’ cX 90 pounds. In October and Novem several near accidents. Classified or Local Advertising { When you have a , $55.00 attorney» fee» and »42.70 costs and dlsbureements. whieb Judg m in t alg< ordart the sale of the fol- ,ow, dMK:ribed real property In I r ,,u Count W e h ave tak en the* exclu sive a gen cy for th e F a m o u s U t a h A b erd een Coal. " town concern mav V O ‘- i g iv e a a S iine of ‘ bunk ■ ! S the hoipe but ■ I ■ enfiti d to V O R D ER S SOLICITED L et us know your n eed s ■ work. i 13 you spend V * u a«xi he e will some day re- 5 turn to you. T h . ■ dollar you se d ■ away is gone ro - Inland Empire Lumber Company o . eve. Pboae 331 >r»c s TW Tard «f Best QtutBty H. M. STRAW . MOB. Exclusive Representatives of Natieaal Bailders Bureau VOTE 308 YES— And save the Dairy Industry. ViMMMMMMMMMHMHMMMMMBlMMMMI ■■■■■■■■■■■■a L e g a l B la n k s F o r S a le a t T h e H e r a ld O f fic e having been attached on' that day in the action above referred to ), at pubic auction to the highest bld- ler for cash, the proceqds of sale to ?e applied as the law directs. Dated this 8th day of December, 1924. I *«»¡8 ZOETH HOUSER, a a e rlff. By W . R. Andvrasw, 14-5tc Deputy Sheriff. SHERIFF’S SALE Notice Is hereby given that under vnd by virtue of a w rit c f exesu- lon issued out of the Circuit Court )f the State of Oregon in and for he County of Um atilla, under the eal thereof, and to me directed and lellvered upon a Judgment and de cree rendered and entered In said ;ourt on the 17th day of November, 1924, In favor of Frank Woughter, aa p la in tiff, and against S. E. W a l te r and M ary J. W alker h la wife, and Charles Spencer and Gertrude Spencer hla wife, aa defendants, whereby tbe p la in tiff did recover a -ersonal decree against the defend ants S. E. W alker and M ary J. W a l te r hie w ife, for the sum of 9100.00 vlth Interest thereon at the rate of 7 per cent per annum from the 11th lay of March, 1922, and the further -um of 9500.00 w ith Interest there in at the rate of 7 per cent per an num from Deeember 8th, 1920, and the further sum of $100.00 attorney’s fees, and the costs and disbursements taxed at $53.95 and whereby it was decreed that the mortgage dated on the 11th day of March, 1921, exec uted by S. E. W alker and Mary J. W alker his wife to E. P. Dodd and by him assigned to p la in tiff, upon the following described real property In U m atilla County, Oregon, to -w tt: S E U of N W U of N E U Section 5. Twp. 4 N. R. 29 E. W . M., which mortgage waa recorded on March 11, 1921, at page 252 of book 70 of the -ecorde of mortgages In the office of the County Recorder of Um atilla County, Oregon, should be fore- loeed, and the said real property sold by the Sheriff of U m atilla County, Oregon, to satisfy said judgment and i l l costs; therefore I w ill, on Satur day. December 20th. 1924, at two o'clock In the afternoon of that day, i t the front door of the court house In the city r f Pendleton. Um atilla County. Oregon, sell all the right, title. Interest and estate which the id defendants, S. E. W alker and Mary J. W alker his wife, and all persons claiming and to alaira by. through or under them, or any of them, had on tbe l l t b day of March, 1921, or since then bare had. or now bays, In and to the above described real property and every part there of, at public auction to tbe highest bidder for esak In b en d ,'tb e pro ceeds of such sal« to be applied In satisfaction of said execution and all costs. Dated thia 17th day of November, 1924. Lota 5 and 6 In Block C sad Lota 5. 7 and 9 tn Block D. First ad di t*°n t» Hermiston, according to plat filed Marek 9th. 1907. ail In Uma- tills county, Oregon. I <h« ho'lr 2 o tlo ek In «he afternoon on the 17th day of January. 199». sell at tbe fr»nt door of the Court House o, said County. rig h t, title and estate held by the M id W illia m Brown and M ints Brown bia wife In and to tbe „heve described property on the 19th Sheriff of U m atilla Coenty, Oregon. 'a s t in e t c j&P t h is »rl d ear . . a. _ _ yeu : « nmaduritnl ewvwi*» m to Caüifoci in *c aboi ■ ' î V 'á on outline n ot le a v e j detail«. I WEST END Have learned th at 7 best butter wrapper size, 9 by 12 inche 100 200 300 500 fc fc fc fc Many are buying th tities, but we are h< yeu want only a fei out the name. Thes 12 30 62 100 for for for for ■ W u t e t there , L it k A, f iu V 1