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About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 1, 1925)
I t» j^trW •# >.« Ûfyr Wrmtóímt Unalfr VOL. XIX F. T. A. WILL HAVE ELECTION OFFICERS *•» HERMISTON. UMATILLA COUNTY, OREGON. THURSDAY, JANUARY 1, 1925 BIO HAUL OE BABBITS MADE IB DRIVES BEAR ECHO SUNDAY 8,000 Estimated Killed By Big Crowd That Worked in Harris Canyon. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ UMATILLA PIONEER 0RE60N NEWS MARRIED IN CALIF. $ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ $ OF SPECIALINTEREST ♦ ♦ OREGON WEEKLY INDUSTRIAL REVIEW ♦ ♦ No. 17 Mountain Stales Power company tc keep the Albany water ditch open and to prevent any water shortage in the city. Abont 70 pounds of dynamite was nsed every day to blast Ice from the surface of the ditch. Brief Resume of Happenings of Fourth Installments payments of the Ambassadors Agree Nat to state Income tax which was repealed the Week Collected for Evacuate as Germans Are at the recent election have totaled approximately 3200,000, according tc Our Readers. Believed Re-Arming. Earl Fisher, state tax commissioner There ls yet to be collected from thle T. M. Hicks was elected president source more than 3250,000. Paris.—Germany's alleged violations of the Salem chamber of commerce at of the treaty of Versailles in respect Commander Fred Milton Perkins the annual election. gunnery officer of the American battle to armaments were registered here The continued cold weather haa fleet, who was Injured In an airplane by the allied council of ambassadors. been extremely hard on game birds In crash at Loa Angeles harbor Monday The council Instructed Its secretary the Willamette valley. December 15, died at San Diego, ac to draft a note notifying the Germany The combined levy for state and cording to word received by his father government that the Cologne bride- head will not be evacuated as stipulat county purposes In Umatilla count, William T. Perkins, of Portland. ed in the treaty January 10. for 1926 wUl be 14.40 mills. William Basl, twice convicted of vio The allied ambassadors were unani For the first time In many years the lating the prohibition laws, has re mously agreed In recognizing that South Santlam river was frozen ovei ceived a conditional pardon from Gov Cermany is rearming and that pro at Lebanon and ice skating was enjoy ernor Pierce, according to the records gressive withdrawal from the Rhine at Salem. Baal's conditional pardon land must await further Investigation ed. Nearly $12,000 In Christmas bonuses commuted the unserved portion of his of the Interested governments. There was distributed by the Brooks-Scanlon sentence and remitted 9260 of a 9500 was a difference of opinion, however, f» e. as to the Importance of the treaty and Shelvln-Hlxon lumber mills at The movement by the cattle men ol violations and the consequent menace Bend. the state as a result of a plan adopted to the security of the allies. The Willamette river, for the first by the Oregon Cattle and Horse Grow Great Britain seemed inclined ta time in the memory of the oldest rest era’ association toward orderly market minimize specific cases of violation dents, was completely froxen over at ing of cattle In the state soon will be reported by the military control mis Salem. launched in Umatilla county, accord sion. although agreeing that further An armed, masked man held up the ing to information received by Fred light must be had on this mattar be pool hall of F. E. Waller at Boring, ob Bennlon, county agent. The plan is fore a final decision is reached. The talned J150 from Mr. Waller and made to have a representative of the grow French and Belgians, on the other his escape. ers in the stockyards at Portland at hand, regarded the alleged discoveries Asparagus acreage will be doubled all times. of newly prepared parts for 40.009 In the spring by members of the Uma NOVELTY REVUE MAKES machine guns, camouflaged in various tllla Project Growers’ association at ways, as alarming. BIG HIT AT THE ARCADE HermlBton. TROOPS TO STAY IN COLOGNE AREA Eugene— City will build a new Approximately five thousand Jack- _____ MFFTÏNG WILL BE HELD NEXT rabbits hade farewell to sagebrush | U* RBOWNELL ANl! BBS. ROAD- bridge across mill race on Ninth street. McMillan street paving and and plain Bunday aa a result of the THURSDAY, JANUARY 8 RUCK WED IB LOS ANGELES four sewer Jobs now under way. drives held In Harris canyon when farmers and sportsmen from two Medford— Owen Oregon Lumber Besides The Election of Officer. Bor ™untl* Wned in herding the pests at of M ilt Mtüheron, Uma plant here will coet >1,000,000. The Ensuing Tenr T h e« Will * fenced anc,0' ur* where • were summarily dispatched. tilla County Health Nurse ia Be Interesting Program The first drive, that held In the Homedale— Contract let for build Tfci» Week ing road to connect with Nysea- Jor By Students. morning, was the moat successful don valley highway. according to Fred Bennlon who was one of the 50 Pendletonlang partici Word has been received of the Bend— Deschutes county dairying The next regular meeting of the pating In the day's sport. Between marriage In Los Ange'es of Mrs. Elo has increased 20 per cent during the P. T. A. will be held Thursday, Jan. ,20 and 26 Hermiston residents took ise Roadruck and D. O. Brownell, on past year. 8. 1925. In the high school auditor 'part In the drive. About 3000 rab December 11. ium at 3 P. M. bits were driven Into the corral In D. C. Brownell Is a pioneer of Uma. Klamath Falls—Shevlin Hixon This will be a very Important meet his one venture, and It Is estimated tllla. Mrs. Roadruck (Mrs. Brown, Company will begin April to log its ing with the election of officers. that 1500 were killed In the sage ell), was formerly nt Ir-lgon and Every member is urged to attend. brush. Two other drives were made Is the mother of Mrs F. M. Outwits 1.000,000.000 feet of timber In Klamsth county. Start the new year right by at In the afternoon but only about 500 of this city. tending this meeting and all follow additional rabbits were rounded up After several months In Los An Bnton county will hold economic ing meetings. The local P. T. Clr In the latter drives. geles they will return to Umatilla. conference January 13-14. ’.c has heen having splendid pro- The big drive started from the, and the meetings have been old Echo-Butter creek road and pro •• jt ,g jjopgd that the ceeded up the draw for about three Eugene — Another combination Announcement la made of the en «”♦ shown to date will con miles. Wings of fence had been gagement of Miss Margery T. Mul- pumper fire engine arrives for city tinue. built out and lhto the V-shaped en heron to Mr. Rowan Whealdon of fire protection. Miss Larson's room, the first grade closure the rabbits were driven, Portland. Miss Mulheron has for Oakridge— 3,000 men employed on ■ m wsve something Interesting on then through a chute Into the real the last sixteen months been public — tve program. Elizabeth Straw coral. So thick were the rabbits on health nurse In this county, putting Natron Cut-off railroad. Forty-three will play a piano solo and Lenofe the first drive that they were pack on a demonstration of the work un miles completed between Kirk and Dyer will give a reading. ed into the chute to a depth of two der the Oregon Tuberculosis asso Oakridge and 31 out of 51 remain The P. T. A. wishes everybody a feet at times. ciation. Mr. Whealdon is also on lng miles graded. very happy and prosperous New A couple of motion picture ;om- the staff of the tubercllosig associa Klamath Falls— President Rudd of Tear. panleg had camera men on the tion, and Is known to many In Pen. grounds, and close views of the day’s dleton and In the county for his vis Great Northern railroad announces activities were secured by both the its as field executive and seal sale Klamath as goal for which his com Just enough melody to make It The body of an unidentified laborer pany built Oregon Trunk road to ♦ International and Ftrx representa director for the state. was taken from behind an engine tuneful; Just enough Jazz to make It Bend. The marriage, which was to have ♦ FARM REMINDERS tives. Twice one of the operators tender of a westbound passenger train enappy; Just enough dancing to add had his camera knocked over by been in January, has been post syncopation; Just enogti comedy to Springfield....Citizens give 31500 at Arlington. rushing rabbits when he was busy poned until early February on ac make It funny; and Just enough of Mrs. Sarah J. Helmick, 101 years for children’s farm home at Cor i •« ■ n-c. iay getting exposures on the snow In count of the lack of a qualified pub old, died at her home In Albany. Mrs everything to make the Novelty re vallis. lic health nurse ag Miss Mulheron’s side the corral. Paris.—France’s war debts to Amer £••• -ksd «a - • ; .y he sed Helmick came to Oregon with her hus vue, which opened a two-day engage, About 800 people were present for successor. Mrs. David B. HUI, ica and Great Britain, amounting close ' .nsof su eu- ment at the Arcade theater last night band In 1845. Oakland— Oil showing reported to 31,000,000,000 gold francs, are not NOtk the drives, an unusually large crowd, prsldent of the Umatilla County Pub Thomas Earl, 43, committed suicide probably the best all-around musical listed as liabilities of the French treas off and those who promoted the affair lic Health association. Is communic from Leeper dome, west of Oakland. n» at his home In Eugene by hanging show that has been featured at the ury as shown in a balance sheet is l.k<- ç ab. were delighted with the resultg they ating with the state bureau of nurses Cascade national forest patrols himself with a piece of clothes line local show house this winter. ■ o . i ¿ secured. Rabbits In this high sage of the state hoard of health which sued by the French ministry of fi The songs, the dance numbers, the nance. district are hard to poison, due to acts In a supervisory capacity, and coet 339.000 and 50 fires cost $1294 from a beam in the woodshed. dir comedy skits, and the Instrumental Dr. Sandford Whiting, a prominent Nor are the amounts due France the fact that they are not accus nurses from New York, San Fran during 1924. selections follow each other so close Portland physician and surgeon, drop from other countries (or war and post dte. wer tomed to the taste of alfalfa, and ef cisco and Canada are being consid During 1924 the 36 counties of ped dead In his office In the Selling ly. and In such delightful sequence war advances, amounting to about 16,- be¡ des forts to poison them have not result ered for the position. Miss Mulderon Is the sister of Oregon received 91,139.936.18 for building. Heart disease was given at that there Is not a dull moment In 000,000,000 gold francs, Included In ths ed In any very great success In the »me the entire 45 minutes of the revue. assets. The Inventory was Issued “for the cause. Miss Anne M. Mulheron, librarian of motor licenses. Jne Harris canyon. Featured on the program is the non-party purposes" with ths view of Multnomah county and Portland li Stacy. 12, and Clark, 10, sons ol Farmers op Butter Creek have eld Girls’ Jazz orchestra, consisting of creating confidence by a clean breast Mt. Angel— Electric service to be Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Swanson, living !<• ned been carrying on 'poison work, but braries. Mr. Whealdon ls president given six pretty girls, each a talented solo of the facts, aa the document said. to Lake Labish section. five miles north of Eugene, were t e r . they have temporarily been held up of the Rsed college nlumnl associa sed ist on the Instrument she plays. On the other hand, 193,000,000,000 tion of Portland.— East Oregonian drowned while skating oS h a small lake her by a lack of strychnine. A new sup lïd Helen Lewis probably wine the paper francs, as the capitalisation of near their home. Grand Ronde— Oregon Coast Range ply Is expected to be on hand by the ;.b tra- . _ _ ,. — r- — t apalauae honora In the pro- the French share In the Dawes plan Lumbar Co- will heeriw IngMW « a .O uo c la*ter,gert q? £►» -.owsr ■»« « - COMFTa . **|gram. Miss LewM Ts knoyrn to »11 acres timber. ahanltles a{e hMindod!« the assets 1 Horace Knapp, water superintendent secured at the county agent’s office. e e rJ L r radio fang In this district who have Although the figures ware omitted, of La Grande, died as the result i<j use to Taken from eerjFangle the picture ever tuned In on the KGW “Hoot Interallied debts were freely discuss One Is Born Every Minute burns suffered the night of Deoembei Reedsport— Citizens pledge load America’* which ls scheduled to play Owls.” Possessed of a remarkably ed. Finance Minister Clementel re d for 1«. She was a pioneer of the valley The estimate that 3500,000.000 at the Playhouse In I’crmlcton Wed ing track if Umpqua Mills will build clear voice, it Is easy to understand newed the French thesis that these th" a . ate v-as extracted last year alone from 850,000 addition. Cold weather haa handicapped why Miss Lewis’ singing registered iay small investors by obvious swindlers nesday, Thursday and Friday Is one debts form part of the general allied enumerators of the federal farm so well in a radio microphone. in- of the best of the season’s product resources pooled In war time. He gives point to the recent declaration census to such an extent that only Silverton— Tribune office Installs The novelty trio, Clare Heath, figured that a strict equity would seem aot ions. It Is unlqtfe from a historical of Federal Judge Anderson that in about 20 per cent of the schedules on Duke Wilkison and Earl Bonner, fur standpoint, depicting the early strug new linotype and other valuable his opinion there are large numbers northwestern Oregon farms have been nish most of the comedy of the show, to demand a general addition of war gles of our forefathrrs for freedom equipment. expenses and their distribution amnwg filled out. of lndlvlduafs who will never learn but also "put across” several har the allies In proportion to the wealth, i<e to guard the'r s»vi .g«. The swind and independence. There are so For further Investigation of the Des mony numbers In a style that ls all without taking Into account special ;on ler is but the product of eoidlttour many thrills, heartbreaks and tri COMMUNITY CLUB WILL chutes Irrigation project In centra) their own. umphs that it 18 ridiculous to praise undertakings Imposed by monetary V t to created by his victims. The latter MEET ON JANUARY 6 Oregon, Elwood Mead, commlssionet Gladys Thomas Is a piano soloist necessities. y öi?P V,* ln a « mulcted not because they are un any one thing. It makes you a lit of reclamation, has set aside 95000 whose tuneful numbers are one of familiar with the complexities of tle bigger, a little better, a little The regular meeting of the Com Announcement to this effect was made the hits of the bill. Katherine finance but because they disregard more American than you ever were munity will be held In the library to Representative Sinnott, FRENCH DENY REPUDIATION Smith ls a clever dancer. The Nov before. D. W. Griffith, one of the 6 c:orer 3ed the simplest principles of investment. basement Tuesday, January 5, 1825. Some 50 youthful trappers are on elty Revue closes ltg engagement at greatoet directors of the world to ; lr« at 3 P. M. UM Secretary Mellon has taken the duty In Pine Valley during the holi the Arcade with tonight’s perform Embassy Officials Reassure U. 8. and re ■;« ns, trouble to set down a few rules which day, personally directed America. Reiterate Intention te Pay. After the regular business meet days and considerable rivalry ls pres ance.— Astoria Budget. > . i .r t pta- If they wers universally observed Adults will ba charged 50 cents to ing Mrs. H. M. Schilling will present Washington, D. C.—Unequivocal as ent to obtain the greatest number ol The Novelty Revue will ba seen -00 would save most of the half billion see the picture and it Is the first the Child Labor Law. Everyone hides. Nearly all boys In the Halfway arre y ’wld surance from the French embassy that p Im rts hard earned dollars that small In time that a Griffith production was knows how Interestingly Mrs. Schil high school earn their spare money In at the Playhouse, Hermiston, Tues France had no thought of disavowing day and Wednesday, Jan 6 and 7. no vestors have lost. The fact is. how ever shown at this price. her war debt to the United 8tatee ling presents political Issues, so it this enterprise. rprod” on. ever, that the result could be accom has served largely to mollify the wave will be -well worth while to attend Two hundred silver foxes, the larg To Produce Better Milk Pendleton— Twenty-five year fran this meeting and learn about the , ' n ley plished by faithfully following a sin of apprehension enveloping the Amer est shipment ever made to Oregon To eliminate the foreign flavor so ican capital on the heels of what waa iin ;.«<r tre >ut gls one of them. This, in substance. chise granted to Pacific Power A child labor law. Come prepared to were received from the breeding farm often found In market milk, Oregon construed us. a hint from Paris of the • i or ?.. er. Is the rule: Llgh't Company. ask questions. This meeting prom of W. K. Rogers, Charlottetown, Prlnc« dairymen arc studying the correct possibility of such a course. v ■ Special inducements should always ises to be an unusually good one. Edward island, Canada, and went tc care of cows and milking tools. In reiterating the Intention of their McMinnville — Portland Electric r r ire Inspire caution. Such offers may be The Community Club extends New the ranches of D. M. Haskin at New Clean, well flavored milk and cream government to meet Its obligations, M X traps. Take time to sleep over In Power Company establishes a dis Tears greetings to all members and berg and Hood River. means money in the producers' pock embassy officials took occasion to ex ■ , . Jre vestments. The swindler wants trict office here. friends on the project. Blasting was resorted to by tht et. according to the dairymen at the plain the legal exactions concerning irnp n:»c! » ive quick action, for he fears Inveetlga O. A. C. experiment station. the new balance sheet recently given ;ht tion. The buyer seldom has any The successful producers first of out by the French ministry of finance iys thing to lose by delay. all consider the cow. They make which, by omitting all reference to >n. Something for nothing Is always sure that their feed and water are the American debt, appears to have an incitement to reflection, or ought the best, as weeds or any feed with given rlBe to the ooncern here. to be. It ought not to require pro a strong obnoxious odor taints the Because it comes under the class of . er og found understanding of the laws of milk A number of these dairymen contemplated expenditures which are Investment to make it plain that find that digestive disorders among Indefinite as to time and for whloh schemes promising enormous and their cows are frequently trouble there has been no offsetting appropria speedy returns do not require pedd Isti some. This 1H caused by poor feed tions, the American debt, the embassy ich ling among buyers of small means, during the winter and then sudden declared, under a provision of law pre r ,f - -C » t " ' I ?<• V- let that if they were genuine they would venting inclusion of such Items In the change to fresh rank pasture. be snapped up at once. This Is the . i,-- 7.*nd f tt’'” 'J Oep'.' mt budget, could not be carried In It. Milk Is easily spoiled after It Is leson which seems impossible to f L itr i lm drawn If not handled properly. The The omission, the embassy officials teach thoroughly and the fact that te V :c -t tr re _ best dairymen use dry hand milking. emphasized, had no significance what r j. , -, » i na blue sky laws largely fall of their They also strain their milk and cool ever, as to the lntontion of their gov » i 1 or purpose is due, not to failure to ad It to 60 degrees F. or under. The ernment. .. g . -,i4. r , .t ,«a les minister them so much as to the cu mixing of morning’s and night's milk pidity of the buyer in the first In having detiflsf ¡»n> ' * has been found to Injure the keeping Changes In Oregon School Laws Urged io Iht stance. The person who frankly qualities. Portland, Or. -The 1925 legislature , tr,. Ú' fr« - bis speculates and makes no pretense All utensils used In the handling will be called to pass upon eight ques that he la “Investing” is In a differ Iss of their milk are thoroughly wash- tions Involving changes in the present - OB ent category. But It Is not on this td and sterilized In boiling hot school luws, Including the long-dle- kind that the get-rlch-qulck genry . tir L*. ■' ’’ett) » !Bt water. The "unclean flavor” often eussed free textbook proposal, teach fatten. The half billion dollars 1 b found In cream Is caused by wash ers’ retirement fund and a request for question cams chiefly from the pock j Of new normal school facilities, as the ing the separator once a day. »rd ets of Individuals who could not af Dairymen throughout the state result of resolutions adopted by the ford to speculate because It wers al. hare found that If proper care Is Oregon Stale Teachers' association at . end rl . , r riou ow tragedy for them to lose.— Oregon- taken with the production of milk, the opening session of the annual con larga.' "■ »■» there Is no lose because of reject vention here. . 3 lì , ,»- he ion of poorly flavored milk. m* m M l ’IV tr*ta0FV^ ' »TL’X’lBöh. T ?>. AZC RADIO INSTALLED OT California Orange Crop Hard Hit. serving tue hermutom auditorium Los Angeles — Horticultural com FARMERS ATTENTIONd! See Henry Ott in regard to a rab missioners of Los Angeles, San Bern Liquid, « Right Workmen have been baay during bit poisoning campaign which ls eon. ardino. Riverside, Orange and Ven A Mississippi ba jee asked a man the past week Installing a radio la template«! while the snow Is on the tura counties, at s conference here money : the Hermiston auditorium. Two who wee trying ground. Quick action should be had estlmatiMl the recent froat damage 1» la the way of loud speakers bare been placed la ••How much have in this matter. tho orange groves ol southern Calh taMsedlata liquid ferula at 25 per cent of the er»p. the building. Tom Marxen, pro To which the rummer cautiously prietor. exepectg to use the outfit for 81. H tlsne- Contract let for water "AhO»‘ » Os sad a h a lf/’ J works reservoir and settling basin, : Albany— Plans being made for for 932,000. large oooperaive cheese factory. FRANCE WOULD LIKE TO POOL ALL DEBTS z