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About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 8, 1925)
Grtte Ibrmfëfcm lim itò HERMISTON. UMATILLA COUNTY. OREGON. THURSDAY. JANUARY 8. 1925 H. A. PANKOW RESIGNS AS CITY MARSHAL POULTRY RAISING No, 18 UMATILLA TO PLAY PAPER READ BY PRES SKOVBO When it comes to marketing, we HERE FRIDAY NIGHT AT STATE BEEKEEPERS MEET beekeepers are still In the ’’stone Will Leave Hermiston to Accept a age»,” and are relying on a system Basket Ball Game Scheduled With Position In the East. Subject of Address Was Proeres« of that was old be,ore ,ht? dawn of our Helix Canceled civilization. system. which Beekeeping and Marketing At the meeting of the city council ( perhaps wa8 adeqate a century ago, Of Honey. Both Umatilla’s boys and girls bas REPORTS FROM DELEGATES TO last Wednesday night H. A. Pan 'can we trust It to handle the CHICKENS should be given ket ball teama are scheduled to play STATE CONVENTION HEARD handed In his resignation as Beekeeping is one of the youngest greatly ‘"creased production creat WATER USERS DIFFICULTIES ARZ MORE CONSIDERATION here Friday, January 9. The teams water superintendent and city mar- or agricultural Industries, and at the I ed ln recent years? A pipeline may EXPECTED TO BE REMEDIED from Umatilla are reported to be i shal. Mr. Pankow has performed unusually strong this year and a real game time one of the oldest. While handle perfectly a certain head of Rk-vb" F'e»-t»d President, John the dutl*s of hto ofHc® *" ■ J»lgh- Condensed Statement is Subm its battle may be expected when Hermis bees have been domesticated by men water, but if we continue to Increase Thom Vice-President and W. 0. 17 manner and the counoll ton’s tossers meet thm on th floor as far back as history has been the head of water beyond the cap- Reclamation, Service Not a Credit With Request That Others Give expressed their regret when the re Podda. Secretary. traced, modern bee keeping had its aclty of the pipeline it will over Agency Declares Elwood Mead. of the local auditorium. Personal Experiences signation was tendered. He Inform birth within the memeory of men flow and cause trouble. We have ■ Blanket Relief Plan Held a On Saturday January 10 a game ed the council he would stay, on the Increased production by every means The Umatilla Connty Beekeepers’ Job until the first of March. Thing of the Past. had been scheduled with Helix but still living. Therefore our Industry Is still In a transitory stage— the old we know, and we are attempting to I Association held a meeting In the the game has been canceled. (BY J. H. REID) Mr. Pankow will go east after this pour thl9 Increasing flow of honey | is still mingled with the new, and nnbHc library In thi, city last Satur- In the general scheme for diver date where he will buy an lnte^tst in the new is constantly changing and through the same old "pipeline" No further blanket relief meas sttemoon. The reports read con- a large contracting company.^ sification on the farms of the Uma developing. Aristotle discovered the that served our fathers who kept a ures for the benefit of 25 federal the association clearly dem tilla project, it Is the opinion of the three castes of bees more than two dozen "gums” in the back yard; and reclamation projects, embracing 1,- onstrated they ahve made rapid writer that cows and chickens should thousand years ago. but we still have then we wonder why the market is 692,000 acres in western states, can "regress during the past year and ! have more serious consideration. In people talking about “king bees," congested and the market contin be expected from the reclamation bu the enthusiasm of Its members as j fact these two seem to form about and in nearly every locality may still ues low; and we bend all our ef reau. Reclamation Commissioner sured even greater things to be done the best combination— along with forts to produce still more honey be found bees kept and managed on dclared In a communication read at in the future. asparagus or berries or hay— for to make up for the low prices! many W. O. Rod da and Jens Skovbo who this locality. Hogs, gentrally, have DEAL MAKES HIM SOLE OWNER just as primitive a scale aa the bees of the most primitive tribes on the the opening of a conference of re that supplied honey to the Pharaohs presentative,) of farmers and water was sent as delegates from the county proven unprofitable while the good earth are better organized to mar OF HERMISTON AUTO CO. 4000 years ago. users of all western states and gov organisation to the state convention ket their products than we bee CARL MTÏAUGHT VICE-PRES., W. old hen If given Intelligent care, will ernment offtcialg of the reclama I shall not tire you with relating at Portland gave detail reports con more than pay her way at all times keepers are. The man who keeps a W. FELTHOUSE, SEC. tion bureau. The conference la the the history of modern beekeeping, cerning the convention. Mr. Rodda and commands a ready cash market Schirake Will Continue to Work As a , you are all familiar therewith; I box-hive of bees la a criminal under first step toward carrying out tha and Mr. Skovbo stressed the fact after her age of best production has our state law; what about us when provisions of the new reclamation Just wish to emphasize that It came that Umatilla county was the larg Mechanic in Shop Until Future passed. we persist in using a marketing sys act. Into existence during the past cen est honey producing center In the Various Committees to Serve for the Believing, too, that an exchange tem that was old before the first Plans are Made. Coming Year Will be Ap tury, and. as far as the Important “This meeting,” Commissioner •tete and In view of this fact the of personal experiences, combined box-hive was nailed? pointed Later. mechanical inventions are concerned Mead explained In hia message, “was beekeeper® of this section were look- with the more scientific Information We compare our production with prompted by a desire to secure the during half a century, and we may re „ leaders tn marketing and coming from our agricultural col In a deal made recently C. W. that of other Industries; let us com well consider this progress with advice and recommendations of other matter® that pertained to the Harry Straw waa elected to head lege, will prove h eefic ta l to the Kellogg, partner of John Schlmke in 1 pare our marketing with that of many of those who will either par- pride— we have achieved resulta that »■-e1*nre of the bee man. other branches. Most of us still re the Commercial Club another year at diversified farmer, the following con the business known as the Hermiston Th» main topic up for discussion their luncheon last Tuesday. Mr. densed statement Is submitted, to Auto Company ln this city, purchased our fathers never dreamed of. With member when the farmer’s wife made ‘Iclpate actively In the surveys to before the Portland convention was Straw has handled the business of gether with the request that others the interest of the latter. Mr. Kel our modern methods a beekeeer takes a few pounds of butter which was be made or whose Interests will be vitally affected. care of twice the number of colonies n —lore satisfactory wav of market the club in a capable and successful give their personal expe-tences. taken to town and sold to the grocer, logg la now sole owner and manager that our ancestors did, and produce® “I wish to call attention to tbs ing A committee of three was ap manner and this fact In a large Jan. 1, 1924, hens on hand 122 or disposed of directly to consumers of the garage. three times as much honey per col unmistakable intenion of congress pointed to study the question and manner was responsible for his re- @*1.60 each ..................... *183.00 in competition with dozens of other John Schlmke, the retiring part •hat operation and maintenance Present plana that would be for the election. Feed on hand (estimated) .... 30.00 ner, will continue with the firm em ony. producers. Today the cream Is sold This Is a wonderful progress, but, to creameries— private or coopera ■harges hereafter accruing must be ►etterment of conditions along this ployed as head mechanic by Mr. Carl McNaught was named vice- Feed and seed bought and other line. Two men from Hermiston were president and W. W. Felthouse sec current expenses ‘n 1924.. 184.58 Kellogg. Mr. Schlmke so far has no after all, we have only done our tive, as the case may be; the cream oald without delay or extension. share when we compare ourselves ery makes the butter and sells it. Under the new law such charges anpolnted on this committee, Mr. retary. Depreciation on buildings and plans formulated for the future. must be paid ln advance in all case, with other Industries. Let us not !o «lrovbo and Mr. Rodda. other equipment at 10 per The results are a better finished pro Otto Pierce who has served as sec where adjustments are made on old our pride forget that rapid progress Governor Pierce was Invited to ad retary for the past year was again cent (est.) ............................ 30.00 duct; a better developed market; and is being made ln every line of In the producer being relieved of mar orojects, or where new projects are dress the convention and accepted named for he office but declined. Balance Dec. 31, 1924 (profit 567.89 'nltlated." dustry ; and where Is the factory to the Invitation. He spoke at some Mr. Pierce baa made good as secre- keting can give a“ his attention to After pointing out that the re- day that is not using machines un production. What relation is there lenehth concerning cooperation in ary, discharging the duties of the *975.47 -lamatlon bureau waa not created aa dreamed of a geneartlon ago or marketing. He also assured the office in an efficient and competent Total sales, not Including eggs between the progress of the dairy whose men are not doing the work industry and this modern market a credit agency, Mr. Mead tn his delegates that everything In his manner. family .................................. *563.97 •ommunicatlon said: formerly requiring four times their power would be done to aid the state ing system? Can we imagine a suc The work of the Commercial club Feed on hand Dec. 31 (est.).. 87.50 "I do not believe that we should number? beekeepers at the coming session of during the past year has been very cessful dairy today driving from Hens on hand, 216 at *1.50.. 324.00 ontemplate any further measures Along producing lines .we have this legislature at which time an gratifying and even greater things house to house and from store to or blanket relief to the projects. done well, but we have only done store trying to peddle Its product? appropriation of *10,000 will be are planned for the future. *975.47 Whatever relief Is extended should what the world has a right to ex asked in order that the work of In There was a time when the farmer Against this profit must be charg pect of us; and as the world Is still brought a few boxen and barrels of >e individual in character and adjust- spection will be taken over by the ed the crop from four acres of land COMMUNITY CL HOLD d tn meet the neeeds of each case.” progressing It expects us to do like state instead of the counties as is fruit to town to sell for whatever REGI MEETING and an abundance of skir.i milk. Surveys will be made of the for- wise; and If any of us believe he the present system. This Is the price he might be offered for them; Eggs and chickens consumed by rnment projects with a view to re has achieved the ultimate, he will first time In the history of he or today the berries and fruit are as The regular meeting of the Com the family Is estimated sufficient to td justing construction costs owed to soon find himself behind the rear ganisation that the governor haa at munity club was held in the base sembled ln car lots, and after being pay for the work In caring for the he government by settlers or water ranks. The next generation may tended. ment of the Library January 6 at flock. accomplish things that few of us properly graded and prepared they isers. Mr. Mead gave It as his According to the report of the 3 P. M. It Is possible that some may give shipped to the market that ap leslre and that of Secretary Work have Imagination enough *o dream .are ’ delegates there were twenty-two en Although the attendance waa small too much attention to balanced rat pears to offer the best prospect, even het aH adpsstments necessary to ' of. The honey Industry Is closely tries made in the honey display con the meeting was unusually good. Mrs. ion for the flock at a sacrifice to related with Irrigation, and as Ir though- that may mean shipping It ender It possible for payments to be test sponsored by the convention Frances Illsley was nominated and profits. For example: If your hens rigation Is still In Us infancy, the across the continent or half around made by the water users will be made and one-half of them was from Uma unanimously elected secretary of th« produce 18 dozen per year at an aver same may be said of honey product I he world. Ia there any relation be inder these surveys and thus mark tilla county and three of the first club /or the rest of the term. age cost per dozen of 25c and the ion. Who will dare to predict what tween this changed system and the the end of adjustments. prize, were awarded Umatilla county Mrs. Geo. C. Imrie read the report avrage sale price Is 30c your profit Miss Julia S. Groo, an 18-year old will be the total of the honey crop development of the fruit and berry exhibitors. It seems that the offic_ □f the scholarship loan fund by Miss is only 90 cents per fowl. Where Portland, Oregon, high school girl, 25 or 50 years from now? And with Industry? Can we Imagine any of lals of a good many counties through Jessie McGregor, chairman of the POULTRY PRODUCTION as. if they produce only 15 dozen and is the winner of the *15,000 mod new and Improved mechanical de these Industries attempting to pour the state had been lax In assessing board of trustees. Mrs. H. M SHOULD BE INCREASED the cost has been reduced to 20c per ern electrically equipped home ln vices at their command; with pro their present production through heos and keeping a record of the Schilling’s paper on the Child Labor doxen your profit Is *1.50 per fowl. the National Lighting contest ln gress made ln plant selection, and the old pipe line? assessments and licenses Issued. Poultry production ln the west end Law was especially worth while. Careful Judgment must be exercised which over 1.000,000 school children But we beekeepers are an lnde ln the breeding of bees; with the The delegates from UmatlUa county Mrs. Schilling covered the ground ln this connection. pendent bunch, and we do not like it the oounty must be Increased at participated. Miss Groo also won technical training they will receive, were among the few who were able well, presenting both sides of the In the care of hens It might be the *200 cash grand prize ln the what may be the maximum product to relinquish some of our persona) east one hundred per cent In 19X5 to procure these figures. At' the n order to get an economical mar question. Everyone profited by stated there are 4 essentials: Portland lighting! contest. Her es ion of the coming generation? If rights, as we must do If we market meeting Saturday the association ex hearing thla paper and the elub vot 1. Your stock must be from a say of 600 words was worth over we have produced honey by the car cooperatively. No producer of any keting system. Many of the farmera tended a rote of thanks to the assess ed to indorse the bill. who now have good sized flocks are high producing strain. *26 a word to her. load, our children may produce It line of commodity anywhere ever planning on making increases and or and county clerk of Umatilla 2. Warm and sanitary housing liked to, but it Is the system dictated by the train load. county for the complete records they nany othera are expecting to make during bad weather. Fear Hay Shortage at Antelope Earl Kingsley Improving But production Is only half of by our times, and if we fall to de poultry raising a regular part of have concerning the apiaries of the Antelope stockmen are said to fear 3. A variety of good feed and velop our marketing system along Earl Kingsley, an ex-buslnesa man beekeeping as we know It; the other county. According to figures ob-> a shortage of hay ln that section, regular cars. of this city and who Is well known half Is marketing the honey. Have modern lines, along with production heir farm business this year. It la talned from the county clerk by Mr. the center of a great sheep coun 4. Make them work— scratch, to the people of Hermiston and sur beekeepers, then, developed the mar the Industry will become unbalanced ibsolutely essential that plana for Rodda there were 4413 hives assess try. Antlope sheep men have been ecratch, scratch. rounding country, is reported to be keting end along with production, as, in fact, It already Is. Coopéra hesc increases be made at once, ed last year and 129 licenses issued. feeding their flocks for nearly * If you have a small spot of heavy improving In a Portland hospital. and may we regard It with equal tlve marketing Is to producers what he most Important factor ln the These were Issued for 4186 leaving month owing to the depleted condi •oil or sub-llrrigated ground that Mr. Kingsley was stricken with a pride? Have we Improved that which collective bargaining Is to organized uccesa or failure of the poultry bus- 227 without licenses. In apprecia tion of the home ranges. This early ness Is the time of hatching or so will grow good wheat this will not malady some time ago pronounced was left ua by former generations, labor. Can we tmlglne labor main tion of the delegates attendance and feeding has made heavy Inroads into only cut down your feed bill but sleeping sickness and since has been and built It up to a heritage which talntng Its present position ln the uring chicks. The man who gets report the meeting alao gave them a the stacks of hay. will furnish plenty of litter for your confined to a hospital ln the above we with pride may pass to our economic arena without collective his chicks after the first of May is vote of thanks. As the sheepmen feel that they hens and keep them at work during named city. This news was brought bargaining? T.ahor had to fight pretty apt to be doomed to failure. children, to assure their prosperity Inspector Buhman read a report are crtaln of a good price for their the winter montha when they are to Hermiston by his father, B. S. long years to gain sanction for the \s everyone wants to start as near and the continuation of our voca- in regards to his Inspection. 391 1925 wool and lambs, they are tak apt to grow sluggish system under which they market the 10th of April aa possible most Kingsley, who is here on business. tlon? colonies were inspected by him and ing every precaution to provide their commodity; producers of agri {-putable hntcherleg are pretty well twenty were found diseased. These against a winter disaster by buying cultural products are today being looked tor months ahead for chicks were pormptly burned. additional supplies of hay.— Condon encouraged by our government to rom the 15th of March to the 1st The next order of business that Globe-Times. avail themselves of the name sys if May. The poultryman wh0 puts occupied the attention of the meet tem. Are the beekeepers who made iff ordering his chicks until the 1st ing was the election of officers. more progress in learning and pro >t March will find It Impossible to Dance at Hermiston Auditorium Jens Skovbo was elected president, duction ln one century than was -?et them from any hatchery where January 16 John Thom vice-president and W. O. Bills will soon be out announc made throughout the entire history iroductlon Is emphasized. Rodda secretary. Rodda was also re ing a dance to be given at the Her II. E. Cosby, Extension Specialist unable also to develop marketing? commended by he association for bee miston auditorium Friday evening, The Chinese were a great people has made up a list of hatcheries Inspector. January 16. for producing Ideas, and they In where chicks can be depended up- Don Campbell addressed the meet Music for the occasion will be fur vented most of things that today in. Some of the local people are ing concerning a proposed marketing nished by Pyant’s five piece orches are the foundation nt our clvlllza iilannlng on filling orders for lim plan. He asked beekeepers to fur tra. This orchestra has been play tlon, centuries before they occurred ited numbers. Get your chickg from nish him samples of honey and ing In Union hall ln Pendleton and io the white» people; but. the Chin the local people and if these are not with these samples a house to house has earned the reputation of being ese were unable to market their ivailablo ask for information from canvas would be made In defferent one of the best ln this locality. A Ideas; they failed to benefit by the he county agent's office concerning communities After orders for «upper will be served In connection great Inventions they had brought he list of recommended hatcheries. honey had been taken he would pur. with the dance. forth, and they became a subject for Make sure that the eggs from which chase the product from the local as pity and scorn, a problem and a les your chicks are hatched have been sociation and ship It In carload lots non for those who will heed It. Shall laid by mature hens that have not Mission At The Catholic Church to points of distribution. The mat Friday, Saturday and Sunday, Jan. the same be the lesson of beekeep been forced for production but have ter was laid on the table until the 9, 16 and 11. Morning services at ing? Will we allow ourselve, to he been selected because of natural high next meeting at which time the pro * A. M. Evening services at 7:45 wiped out by the flow of honey we laying qualities. position will either be accepted or P. M. The mission will be conduct , ourselves have produced. Just he- rejected. ed by the Rev. Father Dnrgan from I cause we fall to develop and Increase Local Masons Entertain Neighboring The next meeting of the associa Boston, Mass. Everybody welcome. I the "pipelines’’ through which the Lodges tion will be held Saturday In the honey must move a , It passes from The Masonic lodge of this city met library. the producer to the consumer? Methodist Episcopal Church in a joint gesslon with the lodges of Sunday, Jaa. 11. Sunday school Umatilla, Stanfield and Echo last ASPARAGUS GROWERS Odd Fellows Initiate Class From at 10 A. M. Morning worship at Tuesday night. There was work In TO HOLD MEETING 11. Epworth League, 6:45 P. M. Boardman Vineyard Lodge No. 206 I. O. O the first degree after which a sup Weekly The Umatilla Project Growers Evening worship, 7:J0. F. of this city Initiated a large class per was served. lation will hold a meeting In prayer and Bible study Thursday at o f candidates In the mysteries of the the library Monday. January 12. at ¡7:*0. Henry Young, minister. ! order last Monday night. The can New City Recorder Assumes Duties Charley Skinner, the newly sleet didates who crawled aboard the hur- AU “, 7 < W Will I « t Ja. 14 of asparagus this spring. All In -, The Ne,Khbftrhood elnb wJJ, mae, . rlcsne deck of the wild and wooly ed clly recorder, assumed his duties eluded la the growing of this crop w|tb MnL Myerg on Wednea<,ay Jan goat, were from Boardman. A large the first of the year. Merle Phelps should be present. Election of i t , at 2 P. M. Don’t-forget the time number of member, from the above has taken his place as assistant post officers of tha association will also Bt 2 o’clock. There will be • named city were also In attendance. master. Mr. Skinner has his office ho fcpld st (his time. After the degree work a feed pre In the Hermiston Auto company I program. pared by the lodge was eervd. building. RECLAMATION MEET ON IN DENVER IS PROFITABLE STRAW AGAIN HEADS COMMERCIAL BODY KELLOGG BUYS PARTNER’S INTEREST B lo w in g B u b b le s