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About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 8, 1925)
TELE HEKM ISTOH M O U L D , HZBM DBTO3. OBXGOY. Hip ^rrmioton Errali) Published «very Thursday at Her miston, U m atilla C o y ty . Oregon by Raymond Crowder, Editor and Man- SAYS SUIT IS OVER Sound Reflection Helps Common Phrase Once BILLION YEARS OLD Blind to ComprihtnJ H a d Distinct Moaning Whenever a sound Impinges on a In olden times In many parts of Princeton Astronomer Accept, Hat vertical surface of an; appre England, particularly during the feu ciable area It la reflected much the dal period, the poor living on a lord's Theory of Britisher. same aa light—not echoed. An echo manor or estate were allowed to go W hen you have a C o a l C o n su m e r s job in our line give la also a reflection, but of a pro- Into the manor woods or forest with a Princeton, N. J. Ten tbonaaac i type; but the sort of rettec- hook and crook to get wood for fuel. bllllon year« probably are no longet UoB wh,cfc , refer takea pIuce , t What they could reach they might than the life of a atar, Henry Norrlij ¿ i g , s h o r t e r than necessary for pull down with their crook. This was Russell, head of the department ol I PCaO( and results In merely the a precarious way of procuring fuel, astronomy In Princeton university , to ,he orlglnal „ , und of a but the privilege was eagerly sought. Subscription Bate, aal<l when he voiced hla agreement characteristic quality that could prob- Boundary stones, beyond which the For One Year _______________ *2.0® with the theory recently advanced by ably be classlfled as an overtone. “hook and crook folk" might not pass, For Six M onth, ________ ___ ®1.00 Professor Eddington and Itnctot Poles, trees, walls, buildings, runt, were to he seen of lute years in some I Fayable In Advance. ! Jeans, English astronomers. However, this custom any fairly flat, fairly vertical, good- old forests. "The sun has undoubtedly shone fot sized surface, will produce this effect. does not satisfy the present use of l more than a billion years," Profeasoi The seeing rarely. If ever, are aware the phrase, “hook ami crook." which Claaaified or Local Advertising i Russell said. "Assuming as Professor of „ of courlM, The, do not need to does not simply mean In a precarious 10 cents per line for first Insertloa. ' Eddington does that matter In the In manner, but al all hazards, III or well. Minimum charge 26 cents. Subse terior of stars may be gradually eon- he. But the blind not only are aware The custom referred to is described I of It but make thoroughly practical quent Insertions 5 cents per line. I verted Into energy to supply these use of It for such everyday purimsea in the Bodmin Register of 1525, In losses, the life of a star probably ex as locating objects or finding, for ex which Is tills statement: “Dynmitre ceeds ten thousand billion years. ample, the gaps In a long line of Wood was ever open and common to “Having accepted this, a serious parked cars. When a blind man taps the Inhabitants of Bodmin to hear dllltculty regarding the origin of the hts walking atlck on the pavement o.' away upon their hacks a burden of Various kinds of hawks were trained solar system Is removed. The best shuffles his feet he la more often catts- lop, crop, hook, crook and bag wood." for the purpose of falconry. Each hypothesis so far Is that which ss- l Ing sounds which can be reflected than bird had Its own style of flying and Humes that planets owe their exist trying to determine his location by W o rld ’s O ldest Poem Its own particular method of taking ence to eruptions from the sun pro touch. the quarry, opinion us to which spe Homer, the Greek poet, Is credited iluced by the close approach of anoth This utilization of one of hearing’s rifle kind of hawk was the best being er atar to the sun. This was first sug possibilities generally wasted Is also with being a composer of the oldest gested by Professors Chamberlin and one responsible for the r ’xth sense and most famous |>oem In existence. divided. But of them all none was more gen Moulton of the University of Chi myth, snd only one of the several "The Iliad." Homer lived about 1000 erally popular than the noble pere cago.” ways In which this sense when de B. C. and In his immortal epic de Professor Russell explained how It veloped serves the blind.—Charles scribes. In 24 books, certain Important | grlne—a flrst-rate flyer, docile, tract able and extremely courageous, says could be demonstrated that the ap MaGee Adams In the Atlantic Monthly. events that occurred in the tenth and last year of the siege of Troy. Aga Gapt. C. W. It. Knight. M. C., In the proach of one star close enough to memnon, the commander-ln-chlef of pastime which once played so great unother to cause eruptions would lie the allied Greeks, having quarreled a part In the lives of the English, and on excessively rare occurrence. I f the with Achilles, the latter retires In an to which reference Is made In the stars have been shining for only a fen ger from the contest and sulks in his works of such authors as Shakespeare hundred million years, few Indeed would have planptary systems around and Scott. One of the most picturesque spots tent. As a result of this defection the For grouse hawking the female, be them, he said, adding that If, as Pro In beautiful Hawaii Is Cocoanut Is Trojans are victorious and Achilles, ing a heavier, stronger bird than the fessor Eddington suggests, the stars land, In Hilo harbor. This little bit accordingly sends his friend, Patroc have existed 100,(MX) times longer than of earthly paradise possesses a myth lus. to turn the tide of battle, Pa troc- male. Is generally used, for she Is het ter fltteo to take and hold a strum this, it is probable that large numbers ical origin. The story runs that the lus, however, Is slain by Hector. old cock grouse. She it Is who Is of stnrs are attended by planets. deml-god Maul with his magic hook whereupon Achlll«*s, rushing forth In “ We have no hope at present of fished the Island of Maul up from the rage to avenge the death of his friend, called “falcon," the male being known as the "tiercel” because he Is one- finding out which ones are the centers sea and planned to Join It to the Is kills Hector and drags Ills body— of such systems, for the planets are land of Hawaii. The plan failed be fastened to his 'chariot—towards the tbtrd less In size than the female. The urt of falconry consists In per so small In comparison with the Inter cause one of his brothers, who was Grecian ships. The poem of the Iliad suading a naturally flerce, wild bird stellar dlstunces that no human means In the canoe with him. disobeyed a closes with the restoration of the Phone 331 to do for her owner exactly what she of observation could detect the ones command that he must not look be body of Hector to Priam, and the fu would do In any case in the wild like those In our system If they re hind, and the island of Mani slipped neral ceremonies In honor of the Tro “ The Yard of Beat state— In short to display tit close volved about even the neurest star," j back to Its present position on the jan hero. M. M. STRAW . quarters the amazing powers of flight Professor Russell said. map, and only a small piece thereof, with which she has been equipped by “Among n large number of plane- Cocoanut Island, remained on the "‘Fishing” fo r Coal Exclusive Representatives of Natitmai Builders Bureau nature. tnry systems there would probably be book. In this district Is Konolale, the A quaint occupation Is that of the I f she should he so successful In her many plnnetg which were potentially site of a famous temple, Maniui, built ‘•drudger,” who, with the aid of long VOTE 3C6 YES— And save the Dairy Industry. flight as to strike her quarry, she dis habitable, having the proper tempera many centuries ago and reconstructed staves called "hitchers.” salves coal patches It Immediately— and In most ture and suitable supplies of air and In about 1400 by King I.lloa. On that dropped overboard during the process iB B a a a iia s ii professional manner—a sharp bite at water. We can hardly say what occasion 24 human sacrifices were of the base of the skull and It Is all chances there are that life would ac fered. When I.lloa died, Uml nnd his of coaling ship. The "drudging” fleet, a collection of over. On the other hand, if the hawk tually exist on such planets, because half-brother Ilagaii both wanted to falls to come up with her quarry— Is we know virtually nothing of how life succeed him. The high priest had the queer little broad-beamed boats. Is to be seen at work at all waterside perhaps outflown, beaten In the air— originated on the earth. The forms family war god at his temple, and she falls completely. The intended which life might take cn another both raced there from nearby points places where ships take In coal or dis victim dlsnppeurs, doubtless rejoicing, planet nre of course matters of pure to secure It. Uml got there first und charge it, says London Tlt-BIts. Legal Blanks For Sale at The Herald Office A certain amount of coal falls over Into the blue, and It Is up to the dis speculation. won the title. board into the river or harbor mud consulate falconer to recover his “ It may be added that although the front which it is retrieved by the erring charge as soon as he can. new point of view makes It probable i “drudgers," who wash It. tHke It ashore In Self-Defense enough that life has existed or will I An eminent Vermont Judge wns fond and sell It to householders at a lou exist In mnny places In the sidereal . ... .. . „ price. universe we are not yet In a position i ot ,e ng ,he f" ng, * ' Coal “drudging” is n skilled occupa 1 At a session of the criminal court to say how many of these would occur having been attached on that day over which he presided a man was be- tlon, and one that is handed down nt the same time. It Is fairly likely . . in the action above referred to ), from father to son. It Is a common complaint that the that the time during which any planet I a sheep; he ‘ r,ed 8tp"'1lng farm and farm life are not npprecl i t pubic auction to the highest bld- had been discovered taking the dead ated by our people. We long for more Is nctitnlly the abode of life la but a anltnal home, and when he was arrest ler for cash, the proceeds of sale to Brain W orks in H ot Bath elegant pursuits, or the ways and small fraction of the life of the star ed there was evidence that the sheep When you have some particularly he applied as the law directs. ubout which It revolves." fashions of the town. Bur the farmer had already furnished several tnenls knotty problem to solve, try a steatif Doted this 8th day of December, has the most sane and natural occu for the family. He was asked If he Ing hot hath. Nothing Is so conducive 1924. I < ^ || pation and ought to And life sweeter. had anything to say before sentence to i-lear thinking ns a hot ttlh, assert- ZOETH HOUSER. If less highly seasoned, than any oth was passed upon him. “I killed the Dr. L. Hubbard of Washington, D Sheriff. er. He alone, strictly spcuklng, has sheep, your honor, but I did It in self- G., in Hygela. health magazine pub The wotld's most ancient statue la a borne. By W . R. Anderson, defense." Halted by the American Medical nsso to be found outside, not Inside, the H«»w can a man take root and thrive "Self-defense," said the Indignant elation. 14-5tc Deputy Sheriff. without Inn<l7 He writes Ids history British museum. 1 ! Judge. "What do you mean by such Have the water as hot as can In It la said that It took 200 men from upon his field. How mnny tics, how- i a statement 7” To which the man SH E iuFF '8 SALE many resources, he lias—his friend the crew of Ills majesty’s ship Topaz, replled: “No d—d sheep bites ma borne, nnd then a little hotter, ad vises Doctor Hubhurd. and he sun Notice is hereby given that under ships with his cattle, his team, his ami 300 nntlves to drag the statue and lives.”—Boston Globe. to have a paper and pencil »wlthit Is b r o a d c a s tin g t o a ll t h e dog, his trees, the satisfaction In his from Its original site, although It \nd by virtue of a w rit of execu- reach so that you will not lose the hril growing crops, in his improved fields; weighs only four ton«. It Is the work ion issued out of the Circuit Court • .W orld t h is s e a s o n Hunt Ideas that are sure to nmie. Beasts as Baggage his Intimacy with Nature, with bird of a rare of huge httlldpra and wns ! •f the State of Oregon in and for Snell a bath Is weakening am >ne of mnny similar colossal statues. p. L. Dltmars tells an amusing story 4‘ Come! W e a re b e tte r p re p a re d and beast, and with the quickening he Ccunty of Um atilla, under the th a n e v e r to e n te rta in y o u and m a k e elemental forces; Ids co-operation with some of them weighing as much hr a of shiqiherdlng wild nnlmals from San would be exhausting to some people hut used In an emergency, it will Io >eal thereof, and to me directed and the clouds, the sun, the seasons, heat, hundred tons, scattered over Easter Francisco to New York. Among them yoxir v is it a w o n d e r fu l e x p e rie n c e ." Island In the Pacific, London Tlt-BIts were python«, pygmy water buffalo found well worth while. lellvered upon a Judgment and de- wind, rain, frost 1 If you have never been to California it should be and two orang-outangs. Mr. Dlt- ree rendered and entered in said Nothing will lake the various social «ays, the eflort of your life to go. When you are ready These hideous Images were original- mats was kept busy protecting the distempers which the city and arti to plan the trip let the ■ourt on the 17th day of November, NOTICE TO CREDITORS ficial life breed out of a man like ly supplied with hats, In acme cases apes from changes In temperature, 1924, in favor of Frank Woughter, IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE weighing another five or six ton«. The larger orang had a sunny wnre farming, like direct nnd loving contact is p lain tiff, and against S. E. W a l with the soil. It drttws out the poi which were red because they were house room, but shivered at night ; be- STATE OF OREGON FOR UMA le r and M ary J. W alker h la wife, son. It hnntbleg hint, teaches hint pn- ntnile of tufa or volcanic rock. All | Ing given an army blanket, lie soon TILLA C0UNTR help. Send word to the underaigned by phone, or m ail or e l f I w ill g i „ you the benefit o f m y ^ o n . | £ o„ ‘ e d S ind Charles Spencer and Gertrude tlence und reverence, nnd restores the tin- lints have fallen off now and are learned to wrap up In It. The smaller In the M atter of the Estate s « t exp .yro ce . e r I w j M s e n d r e n th e o w es b e ip t a l 'pencer his wife, as defendants, proper tone to his system.—John Bur round lying around the huge statues ■ orang lived In his master’s room at of ffirta tn d m a t t e r t o » • h a < . I know every route, every is though there had been a high wind. I roughs. tra in , every kind of equipment and the exact coet. I will whereby the p la in tiff did recover a •ecurc y o u r sleeping car accommodations, provide you w ith Tltla race of ancient builder« left front the management." By rite kind Edgar A. Smith, Deceased. an outline o f your trip , and deliver your tickets. Y o u need ersonal decree against the defend- Notice la hereby given that the traces In the shape of Immense atone co-operation of the railroad all these not l eave your home or your office to attend to bothersome details. I have the best there is. and it shall be yours Cassandra o f T roy monuments right acres« the Pacific specimens were transported on the undersigned hae been appointed ad ints S. E. W alker and Mary J. W a l moment I know you desire it. Cassandra was the daughter of nnd ninny nrcheologlsta think thnt the Overland Limited ns baggage; four ministrator of the estate of Edgar A. te r his wife, for the sum of 2100.00 1 Priam, king of Troy, and teas regarded Islands on which these monuments are days' travel brought them safely to Smith, deceased, and has qualified as "Ith interest thereon at the rate of F. C. Woughter, Agent, as a prophetess. Hite, during the long found nre the Inst reinnnnts left above their new Imine. the law directs. A ll persons having 7 per cent per annum from the 11th Hermiston, Oregon siege of Troy, tittered various predlc the surface of a vast submerged nm- claims against the said estate are lay of March, 1922, and the further tlons of Impending calamities which tIncut. There Is nothing which fixes required to present the same to me urn of $500.00 w ith Interest there Cood-By, Romance were disregarded at the time but veri 111«“ exact period of this achievement, All through hla long spell of Illness at the office of W . J. W arner, my in at the rnte of 7 per cent per an fied in the event. During the plunder but It Is possible that the «tallies nre of Troy, B. O. 1184, she took refuge In at least as old as the pyramids of I hla wife had been Ills devoted nurse. attorney, at hla office in Hermiston, num from December 8th, 1920, and 1 Often he had wakened In the night to Oregon, w ith proper vouchers, w ith the further sum of 2100.00 attorney’s the temple of Minerva, w here she was Egypt. find her sitting by hla bedside, with in six months front the date hereof. fees, and the costs and disbursements barbarously treated by Ajax. In the I Soothing draughts and words of gym division of the spoils she fell to the lot Dated thl„ 17th day of December, taxed at 253.95 nnd whereby it was parity. of Agamemnon, who brought her decreed that the mortgage dated on Now he had turned the corner, nnd 1924. home, where she excited the Jealousy the 11th day of March. 1921, exec ROBERT O. HO RNING, »«» well on the road to recovery. So of Ctytemnestra. In consequence, A pig belonging to a Texas farmer one day he tried to thank her. 15-5tc Administrator. uted by S. E. W alker and M ary J. Cassandra and Agamemnon were both "Mary, I «hall never forget It,” he W alker his wife to E. P. Dodd and murderetl by Clyleiunestra and her was sold to a dealer who lived eight miles away. The morning after the told ___ ___ ___ ________ _ her. "Your sweetness ______ to me paramour. by hint assigned to p la in tiff, upon Cassandra Is sold to have been sur «ale the pig reappeared In Ita idd sty, through this trying time shall always NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE OF the following described real property ATTACHED PROPERTY ON passingly beautiful nnd to have had having escaped from Its new qimrtera he like a golden corner in my memory In Um atilla County, Oregon, to -w lt: j Why did you do it 7" EXECUTION many suitors In the flourishing times during the night 9 ’ E «4 of N W »4 of N E U Section 6, I he homing Instinct la stronger In He paused dramatically, hoping lot of classic Troy.—Chh-ago Journal. the pig than In most animal«. An In hear a whispered confession of her; Notice is hereby given that by vtr- Twp. 4 N. R. 29 E. W. M., which stance similar to the above occurred love being the great motive. Instead.j ,„ p oj a w ri( of execution Issued mortgage was recorded on March 11, Toa^sio.'cs In Illinois, where a pig traveled 14 she replied, calmly: "Well. »««‘« T .| fronJ the oK|ce of the of the 1921, at page 252 of book 70 of the Certain black pebbles, known ns miles hack to Ita old home, after he- ' who wants a widow with three clill- Ctrcnlt Court of the State of Oregon, records of mortgages In the office toadstones, which toads were reputed Ing sold In a local market. di on I" Darwin believed the pig capable of ! for Um atilla county, and to me direct of the County Recorder of U m atilla to curry in tin Ir herds, though of lit tle binrt.,' ns orn.tni nts. were highly developing the sagacity of a dog For ed on a judgment in said Court ren County, Oregon, should be fore- F ea r esteemed during the dark ages oe example, a sow belonging to a Wis dered on the 6th day of December, losed, and the said real property sold “The modern tendency tn educa 1924. In favor of C. W. Kellogg and by the Sheriff of Um atilla County, cause oi their alleged power to heal consin farmer waa trained to hunt various kinds of digestive disorders game, at which It became more ex tion is to do away with fear, but I John Schintke aa plaintiffs, and Oregon, tn satisfy said judgment and snd for their supposed protective Influ pert than moat pointer« The fame doubt If the disciplinary substitutions all costs; therefore I w ill, on Satur ence ovi r children. The wearer of one of this anltnal spread far nnd wide, ; are aa effective In character building." “ gainst W illia m Brown and Mints was thought Immune from toothache; and tempting offers were made to buy says Sonya Levien, granddaughter of a Brown hla wife as defendants, for day, December 20th. 1924, at two i rabbi, describing Judaism in llcarat’a the sum of 1300.00 with Interest o’clock In the afternoon of that day, they were held as antidotes for poisons It. Records show that pigs In former International. | thereon at the rate of 10 per cent at the front door of the court house and believed to »uni of the approach "I do not mean that quality of F a r ppr annun, f rom the first day of Oct- In the city of Pendleton, U m atilla of a venomous reptile by Imparting a davs were often used as beasts of bur- stlnglnr sensation to the flesh.—Popu den, while there la at least one well- that Is cringing nnd cowardly, but the oh<,r 192* ftnd the n , rther Rum of County. Oregon, eell all the right authenticated Instance of a pig being fear that makes for self control so that ' ... lar Mccliuulcs Magazine. title. Interest snd estate which the employed for rounding up sheep. Per- i co-operation between human beings he y haps the most eurlous use to which comes a possible thing. The quality of c<* ,s anr' disbursement«, which Judg- said defendants, S. E. W alker and Flow ers Show Emotions the species has ever been put was to fear that limits the ego and imbues ment also orders the sale of the fol- Mary J. W alker his wife, and all Experiments mac- at the Jardln draw a carriage for an eccentric Eng ' one with a sense of respect and tuod- lowing described real property In persons claiming and to claim by. L'Acx-ieiuatltt.’on de Paris have, sccor«F lish nobleman. »sty as against the ’know It all’ qttal- Um atilla County, Oregon, to-wit through or under them, or any of Ing to the Medical Journal und Rec ; Ity of the miKlern adolescent youth. lx lls 6 and 6 In Bl<xk C and Lots them, had on the 11th day of March, ord, demonstrated that flowers are al { Fear lasts longer than faith." s 7 and „ B|Ofk D add,. 1921, or since then have had, or now E a rly Daye o f Boxing most as quick to show signs of dis In the early daya of boxing there I pleasure us burniin beings. Im p e rativ e o f Happineee ,lon *■> according to »1st have. In and to the above described Most |ieo|i|e know what It Is to nr- was no time limit to the length of a All high happiness has In It some fU,>d March 8th’ 1907- a" ,B Uma' real property and every part there rang. two kinds of blossoms in a vase r®unA w hich might last for one second of, at public auction to the highest and then •«> find a feu hours laicr that ! ° r "ne h,’ur 11 on|Jr with • eleraent of love; all love contains a ^''la county. Oregon. the hour of 2 o'clock In bidder for cash In hand, the pro- i the blooms are nre drooping. In most knock down, and not more than thirty desire for peace. One lmine«Ilate ef- i 1 w l" cases this Is du- t< the fact tlint Dow seconds was allowed for rest and re- feet «if new happiness, new love. Is tq the afternoon on the 17th day «iflreede of such sale to he applied In make ns turn toward the past with a January. 1925. sell at the front door i satisfaction of said execution and all era object to he! "»-lated with emery. The knockout blow had not of Count Consequently, wish to straighten out Its dlfflo,tries. o, , hp rm , rt ose another. Hep ale the hbwsonis then been Invented. eestk heal Its breaches, forgive Its wrongs. „ . .. , . . and. In a short All i-y will tie as «•«attests »ere likely to he prolonge«! We think mos, hopefully of «tlsmx.slng a" ‘ he r l« M ’ ‘ ,n * and * tat* Dated thle 17th day of November, far beyond what Is (he rase nowadays, fresh as ever. 1924. things whteh may atlll be rew dted, h,>M by ,,1B aaM W illia m Brown end when championship hairies that are Zoeth Houser. countt'd In terms of seconds are by no moat regretfully of others that have M int» Brown his w ife In and to the MAKE YOUR WANTS KNOWN— means unt'omnton. peaeetl beyond ottr rveeh and will.-r- above deeerlbed property on the l t l h Sheriff of Um ettila County, Oregon. — TRY THE HERALD WANT ADS— 1. L AU««- ! day of September, 192® (th e same 10-5tc By W R Anderson. Deputy. it to th e hom e prin Bntered aa second class matter, December 190® at the poetofflce at Hermiston, Oregon. T a k e N o tic e ter. T he salesm an ■ 3 from an out-of- We have taken the exclusive agency for the Fam ous U tah Aberdeen Coal. Great Skill Required in Training of Hawke 3 tow n concern m a y j s give . ' you U oily an " line o f “bunk” but 1 the h om e printer is ■ entitled to your job ORDERS SOLICITED Pretty Legend About Island in South Seas 3 work. Let us know your needs T he dollar spend here s you ¡ w ill som e d ay re- ■ turn to you. T he dollar send you for- aw ay is gone Inland Empire Lumber Company ever. Our p r ie s are standard. If it is to be printed can . e o it figur« Widi you. H E R M IS T O N HERALD Farmer Has Advantage Over Dweller in City Easter Island Statue Pride of Archeologists Union Pacific nomtng instinct Strongly Developed in the Pig WEST END FARMERS Have learned that The Herald prints the best butter wrappers. We have the large size, by 12 inches. Our prices are— 100 200 300 500 for for for for $ 1 .2 5 $ 2 .0 0 $ 2 .6 0 $ 3 .7 5 Many are buying them in the larger quan tities, but we are here to serve you all. If you want only a few we have them with out the name. These we sell as follows— 12 30 62 100 for for for for 10 25 50 80 cents cents cents cents “ The Home of Good Printing” THE HERMISTON HERALD