Image provided by: Hermiston Public Library; Hermiston, OR
About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 8, 1925)
gE B M lQ T O N H E R A LD , HER M ISTO N , OREGON, each of said assessments and all U U ---------------- -----_ ----- »$.43 LODGE DIRECTORY costs. Lot 10, 45 feet, Ed. Graham Es- Russian Children Have A g o o d G ift to b e Following Is a description of each .......... t f L x ....................... »3.15 Brief Carefree Moment» W E E N ESTHER UH. •ocoad T u CHAPTER u d a y .v o ,m No. < at aodh m a^S of said lots, pieces or parcels of land Lot 12, 45 feet, Ed. Graham Es- J u d g ed b y Presently there came to us the a t ILOO sharp >“ Masonic hail with the number of feet frontage, II. V ioita« aa^añ ........ — ...............- ..............»3.15 sound of a tambourine and the sing welcome A lice C. ShotwelL with the number of feet frontage Lot 13, 45 feet, Ed. Grdham Es K a th ry n L . G arner. See. No higher priced gift lng of youthful voices. The children could be more adm ired, name of owner or reputed owner, tate .....- ....... —..... - .................. »315 who had been standing in groups lis or coveted th an tha claaaic P arker Duofold and amount of said assessment: V I N E Y A R D L O D G E N O . 206, I. O. O. F, Lot 15, 45 feet, Ed. Graham Es tening to their wrangling elder» Pen. v meets each Monday evening in Odd Feilewe According to plat filed with County tate ........ _.................. ............... 13.15 dashed Joyously into the street. Niki hail. V isiting members cordially laefted. To the men, give W . R. Longhorn. Sec. M . L . W aieon.N . f t . Recorder November 23, 1904. for hooked his arm Into mine and A Bank Draft is one bank’s check Block 5— Parker D uofold >7 hade me follow him. Soon there Ovar^lM Name Amount Lot 4, 45 feet, J. Herbert Strohm on another bank in a reserve city. R E C L A M A T IO N L O D G E No. 106, K . passed before us a procession of young To rko Ary», go« Block 2 o f P . meets each Thursday evening in ...................................................... »3.15 They are the cheapest and most con Mack's H a ll, a t 7JO P . M . V is itin g D uofold Jr. $5 Lot 1, 50 feet. Minnie Brown $5.00 Lot 15, 45 feet. Earl Caldwell..»3.15 people headed by the village band— brothers cordially invited. venient form of sending money from W . H . M cM illan R. A . Browneon. Lot 2, 50 feet. Minnie Brown..$5.00 Lot IS. 45 feet. Ear! Caldwell $3.15 an accordion and a tambourine. The To fko r oam» «U (tr h . girls followed directly behind the K. R. and 8 . C. C . I n t tk * t i t n j r r Lot 3. 50 feet. Minnie Brown. $5.00 one party to another, and are most players. They were In holiday attire, Block 6—- Lady Duofold 05 Lot 4. 50 feet, J. 8. West....... $5.00 acceptable to party receiving one as Lot 2. 50 feet. L. J. Lomax $3.50 white waists, neat little aprons, some You know Parker Duo Lot 3. 25 feet. J. 8. West....... $2.50 ANNOUNCING they are immediaely payable at any fold—the beautiful big Lot 3. 50 feet, W. B Lomax.... $3.50 In big shoes, others bnrefooted. The) walked arm in arm with one another lacquer-red pen w ith Block 4— Lot 4, 50 feet, H. A the flashing black tipa bank. Call and let us explain their Frick...... $3.50 The boys, also in Sunday clothes, The association of Lot 6, 50 feet, Ella B. Percy .$5.00 Lot 5, 50 feet, H. A a n d 2 S -y e a r su p er- Frick $3.50 trailed after them. They were all s m o o th p o in t. N e a t use the next time you buy any kind Block 5— gold pocket-clip or gold Dr W. M. KELLY Lot 6. 50 feet, J. T. Dowell $3.50 singing in lusty resonant voices an ring end for ribbon; of money order. Lot 5, 25 feet, Knights Pythias al so st rong Gold Gi rdle, Lot 7, 5 0 feet, J. T. Dowell of Spokane, Wash., $3.50 age-old melody of a Cossack killing a w as tl extra, now free I ...................................................... $2.50 Lot 8, 50 feet. J. T. ifowell Tod ay, step up to our — with $3.50 gipsy who threatened to steal his Lot 6, 25 feet. Knlgths Pythias pen counter and get sweetheart. It was to me a beautiful Lot 9, 50 feet. J. T. Dowell $3.50 and thrilling sight—these boys and you r Christm as Duo- ...................................................... $2.50 Lot 10, 50 feet, J. T. Dowell folds in tim e to have Dr. F. V. PRIME $3.50 girls, barefoot, many of them, In old them engraved. Block 6— Hermiston, Oregon Lot 11, 50 feet. J. T. Dowell. $3.50 though freshly laundered clothes, Lot 20. 25 feet. H Frick $2.50 Lot 13. 50 feet. R. G. Gale $3.50 walking briskly and In step, oblivious Evening:, and Sundays by Appoint, Lot 21. 25 feet, ■ Frick. $2.50 Dated at Hermiston, Oregon, this or unmindful of the cares that pressed ment. Lot 22. 25 feet, H. Frick. $2.50 17th day of December, 1924. , with brutal agony upon their fathers, Block 7- and giving themselves with Joyous qf Hermiston Gorgia Henderson From now until they are all gone abandon to song and play, and It made Lot 1 50 feet. Ruth M. Frick . $5.00 Capitol, Surplus and Undivided Profits Over $50,000 Dr. R. G. GALE, Surgeon 15-5tc City Treasurer. me forget for the moment the ugly I will sell one ladies brooch at one- Lot 2, 50 feet. Ruth M. Frick... $5.00 B. Swayze, Pres. R. Alexader, Vlce-Prea. mud. the dingy hovels and the multi Loatlon, Bank Bldg., Rooms 1 and » Block 8— A. H. Norton, Cashier W. L. Hamm, Asst. Cashier tude of embittered souls wailing with quarter the regular price, with every C ollector’» Q ueer H obby Phones: Office 931. Rea. 6*81 Lot 4, 50 feet, Rena W aterman.$5.00 sullen piteousness at the fute that purchase of $5.00 or more. The world is full of ’‘collectors.’* had befallen them.—Maurice G. Hin Lot 5. 50 feet. Rena Waterman..$5.00 Office Hours: 10 to 11:30 A. M., 1 According to plat filed with the Collectors of stamps, coins, spoons, dus In the Yale Review. to 6 P. M. autographs, etc., etc., and now comes I AM MAKING REGULAR TRIPS TO ! County Recordpr Aprll B 19Q5 the collection of beer bottle labels. A Pendleton Tuesdays and Fridays of Block 4__ London dealer recently offered for each week. If you have anything , 50 feet j p McNaught..$5.00 sale, for $275. 10,000 beer-bottle labels, Machine Puts on Record W. J. W A R N ER to be hauled to or from the above Lot 2, 50 feet, J. F. McNaught..$5.00 carefully preserved in 15 albums, Development of Plants Attorney-at-Law named city. I would appreciate i Block 8__ ibey comprise fine clean specimens A wonderful machine hus been In your business along this line. I IjOt j 50 feet> Oerievleve Klm. from nearly every brewery in the vented which measures the growth of JEWELER AND WATCHMAKER Hermiston : Oregon am also In the market for chickens t>»n 35 qq world, of beautiful design and artistic plants. A small thread connects the FOR SALB merit. A noted collector has spent GO plant with the apparatus, which con and veal. Ray Challis. Phone Lot 2. 50 feet?'Genevieve Kim years in traveling and getting them to sists of an electrical battery and a DR. W. W. TTXST.gV 20-R. Pendleton phone 400. 9-tfc baii j 5 00 gether^ FOR SALE—Two wagons, one heavy Many of the breweries repre drum which revolves slowly. Osteopathic Physician and Surgeon wagon with gravel box, $50; one Change cars, old ones for new ones. Lot 4, 50 feet, J. F. McNaught.$5.00 sented have been closed down, and the Above this drum Is a pen worked I Lot 5, 50 feet, J. F. McNauht..$5.00 brands are obsolete. by electricity. As the plant grows light wagon with hay rack, $25. Phone Res. 712 Office 7*8 SEE Kellogg & Sehimke. 14-4c the thread slackens, and cnuscs a j Lot 6, 50 feet. J. F. McNaught.$5.00 See R. A. Brownaon, Tum-A-Lum connection between the battery and j Lot 7. 50 feet, J. F. McNaught..$5.00 O ldest Juniper Tree Lumber Co. 7-tfc Christmas Trees and Christmas pen. The latter drops onto the drum M c K enzie & lieuallen Lot 8, 50 feet, J. F. McNaught..$5.00 What Is believed to be the oldest Toys. A large line to select from. and makes a mark. At the same time FOR SALE— Small heater and elec Hermiston Second Hand Store. Lot 9, 50 feet, J. F. McNaught..$5.00 Juniper tree In the world is now being a small rod Is pushed up, which tight Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat protected by the forest service of the tric sewing machine. Mrs. Sbes- Lot 12, 50 feet, Genevieve Kim Has removed from his fo rm er location In the ens the string again. Thus the drum ball ......... ....................................$5.00 United States Department of Agricul shows the growth of the plant over ely. 4-tfc Bond Bldg. to ture. The tree is in northern Utuh, Rooms 1. 2 and 3 Inland E m pire Bank Bldg. a given period, and Information Is oh Block 7— and a careful examination shows the T)R BALE CHEAP— Maxwell tour- Pendleton :: Oregon Lot 1, 30 feet. F. A. Chezik . $3.00 age o f the tree to be not less than talned showing the effect of beat and — FOR— lag car. O. F. Mays, Stanfleld. Lot 2. 25 feet, F. A Chezik . $2.50 3,000 years, thus placing it on a par light upon various specimens. It has hepn proved that most plants 48-tfc Lot 3, 25 feet. F. A Chezik . $2.50 with the big redwood trees In Califor grow more rapidly nt night, and this DR. THEO. BELETSKI, nia. The diameter, breast high, is 7 Lot 4, 25 feet, F. A. Chezik....$2.50 fact has been of great assistance to Veterinarian FOR SALE—Team of horses. J. K. feet 6 Inches and the height Is 42 feet. Lot 22, 25 feet, J. F. McNaught $2.50 those engaged In forcing the growth Treats all Domestic Animal». Inter The forest service has erected a sign Shotwell. 18-tfc of flowers and vegetables. Lot 23, 25 feet, Genevieve Kim state Stock Inspector near the tree, giving the interesting When you need any ball ............................................$2.50 facts about the age-old veteran.— FOR BALE—Some good fresh milch thing in the line of Dairymen’s League News. —AND— Block 8— cows. Mrs. L. Hammer, 4 miles — TRY THE HERALD WANT ADS— Lot 14, 25 feet, Clara G. Hall . $2.50 neat and attractive 4M east of town. t-tfe Lot 15, 25 feet, Clara G. Hall....$2.50 Printing. Block 10— USED CARS FOR SALE— Terms Lot 1, 15 feet, R. C. Todd..........$1.50 given. Prices right. Kellogg & Lot 2, 25 feet, R. C. Todd........ $2.50 Sehimke. 11-tfe Lot 3, 25 feet. R. C. Todd..........$2.50 c f Block 9— FOR SALE — One piano, cheap. Residence second house west of tha Lot 5, 25 feet, Genevieve Kim Terms. O. G. Sapper, across from Jathollc church. Phone. 82-R. ball............................................... $2.50 school. 17-4tp Block 12— to keep in mind the WHEN IN Lot 6, 25 feet. J. F. McNaught..$2.50 miscellaneous fact that in addition to Lot 7, 26 feet, J. F. McNaught..$2.50 PENDLETON Lot 8, 25 feet, J. F. McNaught..$2.50 printing this news* MAKE YOUR Lot 9, 25 feet, J. F. McNaught..$2.50 Furniture Repaired and Upholster paper w e do job work H E A L QUARTERS Lot 10, 25 feet, J. F. McNaught $2.50 ing done. A. W. Purdy. 2-tfc — AT— of any kind. W hen Lot 11. 25 feet, J. F. McNaught $2.50 Lot 12, 25 feet, J. F. McNaught $2.50 in need of anything WESTERN AUTO CO. FOR NEW AND USED CARS— Kel Is one o f£ th e 'best equipped in Block 13— Cottonwood and Water St«. in this line be sutfe logg ft Sehimke. 2-<tc M ■ Lot 1, 50 feet, L. A. Hunt..........$5.00 the state. No’expense haslbeen COMPLETE GARAGE SERVICE Lot 2, 50 feeet, L. A. Hunt......... $5.00 WANTED— Men or women to take Tires— Tubes—Acce»»oriea spared to make’it up-to-date in Lot 3, 50 feet, L. A. Hunt......... $5.00 orden for genuine guaranteed hos VLWAYS OPEN PHONE 630 Block 16— iery for men, women and children. every detail.'A graduate of one Tom Swearingen, Mgr. Lot 7, 20 feet. J. F. McNaught..$2.00 Eliminate darning. Salary »75 a of the best beauty culture schools Lot 8. 25 feet, J. F. McNaught..$2.50 week full time, »1.50 an hour “Science Pins Farm Practice” Lot 9, 25 feet, J. F. McNaught..$2.50 spare time. Beautiful spring line. Oregon Agricultural College in the'northw est is" in charge. According to plat filed with the International Stocking Mills, Nor W I N T E R S H O R T C O U R S E S County Recorder April 22, 1907. ristown, Pa. 39-20tp Eleven courses with names and dates Block H— To Your Order and at Reasonable Prices as follows: Lot 5, 64 feet, R. L. Cook........$5.40 WANTED— Phone, write or see W. Dairy Manufacturing— January 5- Lot 6, 54 feet, R. L. Cook........$5.40 A. Leathers, when you have alfalfa hay for sale, In any quantity. 31. According to plat filed with the Dairy Herd Management— January County Recorder March 21, 1908. Phone 40-J-8. 9-tfc 6 to March 20. Block 2— REAL ESTATE EXCHANGES AND Fourth Annual Canners’ School— Lot 1, 45 feet. Ed Graham Es INSURANCE. J. M. BIGGS, RE February 2-20. tate .................. - ........................$3.15 STELLA SHAAR ALTOR. 26-tfc Poultry Husbandry— February 2 Lot 7, 45 feet, A. L. Larson,...$3.15 to March 14. Lot 8, 49 feet. A. L. Larson....$3.43 ■■■■ Burk la hearquartera for Army Land Claselfication and Apprais Lot 9, 49 leet. Ed Graham Es- ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■I Shoes. al— February 2-7. I J. L. VAUGHAN ■ Farm Mechanics: For Rent—Good 5 room house, 1. Farm Power and Power Equip i Electric Fixture» i 1 mile out. Good road and water, $10 ment, January 6 to March 10. ' and Appliance» ! per month. Charles Clinesmith. 2. Gas Engines, Tractors and Equip OAK TAN SHOE STORE I Phone 139 J ment. January 19-23. 4R tfc ¡ Sam Rodger», Prop. J I 2 0 3 ft. C o u r t S t . P e n d l e t o n , O r o , 3. General Farm Repair, January ! 26-30. For Rent—3 room cottage on west -■■■■■■■■■■■■■■eeee" 4. Farm Water Supply and Sanita side. A. W. Agnew. 21-J-2 46-tfc UMATILLA RAPID TRANSIT CO. tion, February 2-6. E. R. Pell, Umutilla, Oregon T ry Burk’s for bargain*. 5. Gas and Electric Light and Pow er, February 9-13. Phone Umatilla, 38-J-ll LEVELING LAND—See Peter Caa- 6. Farm Concrete Construction, Operating Stages Between Pendleton trlc, experienced and reliable, 3 February 16-20. and Umatilla mile* north of Hermiston. 4-tfc For full Information address BAN K DRAFTS F ir st N a t io n a l B a n k S P E C IA L WANT ADS W M . H. O G DEN H IT T DON’T FORGET -------- U S--------- GUNS AMMUNITION A FULL LINE We Want Yon Legal Blanks at The Herald Office Hermiston Beauty Parlor To See Us «■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■H Í A LL SH O E S g H O N E Y LA B E LS We Are Here to T H E H ERM ISTO N H E R A L D Ï 2 5 per cent o ff. ! Serve the Ladies Burt M ullens Hermiston Beauty Shop Is one of the best equipped shops in the state. The best of services at reasonable prices. For appointment call 481. DEAN OF AGRICULTURE, CORVALLIS, ORE. NOTICE OF SALE Notice is hereby given that by vir FOR SALE— Milk cows. Lou Rog- tue of the authority of the City W'iiwsi 6-tfc era. Charter of the City of Hermiston and AGENTS— Sell guaranteed hosiery the direction of the City Council au direct from mill to wearer; all thorizing and directing the Treasurer ■tylee and colors; salary paid for of the City of Hermiston to collect full time or spare hour«; no money the unpaid assessment for the city needed for samples. International irrigation water for the year 1924, levied and imposed under the provis Mills, 1038, Norristown. Pa. ion, of Ordinance No. 76, passed by the city council and approved by Burk’s for bargains. the mayor on July 2, 1913, an ordi Polands for Profita. 8tlllingB. 37tf nance No. 96 passed by the city coun cil and approved by the mayor on Here is Luther Burbank, plant wizard of Santa Rosa, California, discussing the potent laities of Pabco April 17. 1918. Mulch Paper with W. L. Rhoades, a n expert on the paper. In the rose ground on the right Is seen strips of TYPEWRITER ribbons and carbon I will on the 17th day of January, the Pabco Mulch Paper laid on Burbank’« experimental station. It is stim ulating the growth of gladioli. paper at the Herald office. 1925, at the hour of 10 o’clock In the Inset, Burbank inspecting the progress made by a crop treated with th e Pabco Mulch Paper. Milk delivered twice dally, 8 cents forenoon of said day at the City a quart. Peter Neadeau, Herrala, Council Chamber in the City of Her 17-4tc miston. Oregon, sell the following de ton, Oregon. scribed lots, pieces and parcels of FOR SALE—Oak library, table and land at public auction to the highest dining room set. buffet and six • bidder for cash In hand the proceeds 1 chairs. H. A. Pankow. 18-tfc ¡from the eale of each lot. piece or parcel of land to be applied In satis FOR SALE— 16 room apartment faction of the assessment upon lot, -FOR- house and furniture, for $4700; piece or parcel of land with Interest cloee In. Good place to apply thereon from March 1, 1924, at the bonus. 813 Thompson St., Pen rate of 6 per cent per annum togeth- dleton, O> gon. 18-ltp er w ith a penalty of 1» per cent of I «Ttó THE HERALD JOB PRINTING CONFECTIONERY STATIONERY Effective November 10, 1921 Leave A. M. P. M. Umatilla 12:15 Hermiston ........ 8:50 12:35 Stanfleld .. ........ 1:15 1:10 Echo .......... ....... 9:30 1:15 2*30 10*45 Leave P. M. P. M. 12 0 0 A n n ou n cm en t I have purchased the con- t fectionery known as P at’s ■ Place and solicit a share of your patronage. 4 00 Echo ....... 1:11 5:15 ....... 1:30 .-'tanfi. Id 5:30 llermiaton ....... 1:55 6:55 Ar. Umatilla ......... 2:15 6:15 Sunday schedule: I^eave Umatilla 9:00 A. M. Pendleton 4:00 P. M. Umatilla to Pendleton, »1.45; round trip, $2.60 llermiaton to Pendleton, »1.25; round trip, $2.2$. Stanfleld to Pendleton, »106; round trip, $1.75 Echo to Pendleton, 95 cents; ound trip $1.50. K rause’s C hocolates T h e Best in Candies News stand Cigars and Tobacco CATARRHAL DEAFNESS D O IT N O W Send us the p ric e o f a y e a r’s ;ubscripttor> i f you are in arrears We N eed the Money la o fte n cauaed by an Inflam ed condition J n e m u cou s lining* o f th e R uatachlaii Tub«. W hen thia tube Is Inflamed you n a v e a rum b ling sound or Im perfect nearing. U n le ie th e inflam m ation oaa be reduced, you r h ea r in g m a y ba de stroyed forever. H A L L '8 C A T A R R H M E D tC w u 'B -'. IN a a v B u, w ill ill - w e claim for It—rid your ayatam o f C atarrh o r D eafneee cauaad by C atarrh H A b b ’S C A T A R R H I M K D IC IN __ B hae been su c ce ssfu l In th e trea tm en t a ( C atarrh for over F orty Y ears. Sold by a ll drugglete. F. Cheney ft o>., Toledo, O.