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About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 8, 1925)
THE O e t u m c o f I i u n a t CiwuMd H « ra »Jul T h« re About l b . f i t » and Neighbor hood A Few Numbers We Are Going to Close Out. BEGINNING JAN. 12 They consist of M en’s, Boys’ Ladies’ and Children’s COME AND LOOK THEM OVER EARLY as the sizes are not com plete and the price will move them. K IN G S L E Y S H e R M IS T O N '6 A carpenter has been busy during the paat week putting In a partition In Bert Mullin» confectionery. It will divide the barber »hop from the rest of the store. The Baptl»t Ladle» Aid will have a buslne»» meeting at the home of Miss Clara Hall Wednesday, Janu ary 14. F. C. McKenzie was confined t- hl» home the first part of the week with a bad cold. W. M. Kelly a dentist from Spo kane, arrived In Hermiston la»t Monday and will assist Dr. Prime in his office. IN C . o p h o fîtc c p IS Fred Bennion, county agent, was In town Tuesday and attended the commercial club luncheon. h u rn ik h -- I • is d l Y i h c . Ellis Garrett, of Boardman, wa< brought to this city the first part of last week quite sick and put under the care of Dr. Illslcy. Mrs. Garrett accompanied him. Tuesday afternoon. Charles Rand, of Boardman, was brought to this city last Sunday to receive medical treatment from Dr. Ulsley. Mrs. Rands came with him. Mrs. Chas. Hiatt returned to her home in Union Saturday after spend ing some time visiting her son Hcrs- chel In this city. In the Matter of the Estate of James Alexander Craig Thom, Deceased. Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned haH been appointed ad ministrator of the estate of James Mexander Craig Thom, deceased, and haa qualified as the law directs. All persons having claims against said estate are required to present i he same to me at the office of W. J. Warner, my attorney. In Hermis ton, Oregon, with proper vouchers within six monthg from the date hereof. Dated this 8th day of January, 1925. •I < » « John M. Thom, Administrator. 18-5tc Mr. Eldon Redneaur, of Oakland, California, is visiting with his mother, Mrs. W. H. Starr. After an NOTICE extended visit here Mr. Rodneaur Notice is hereby given and directed will visit with other relatives in to nil freeholders, legal voters and southern Oregon before returning to assessment payers within the West- his home. land Irrigation District in Ummatilla and Morrow counties, Oregon, and Miss Madge Quick, after a two to all persons interested in said dis weeks visit at home, returned on trict that II. J. Bean, J. M. Prindle Sunday to College Place, where she Is and R. G. Attebury, directors of said taking a pre-medical course in the district, have by petition commenced Walla Walla college. a special proceeding In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Mrs. W. H. Hesser, after spending Umatilla County for the purpose of her two weeks vacation nt her home having a Judicial examination and west of town, returned on Saturday judgment of the Court as to the to Eagle Qreek where she is princi regularity of the proceedings In con pal of the Engle Creek school. nection with the organization of said district and nH to the regularity and Mrs. Nellie Hamer, of Roseburg legality of the proceedings of the Is making anextended visit with her board of directors of said district and daughter, Mrs. Rowe McFalls. of said district in the inclusion of landg within the boundaries of said Mrs. W. 'A Hineline and Miss district and in the authorization of Margaret Ornduff returned to Milton a contract with the United States, Sunday, Mrs. Hineline eo resume her and as to the validity of said con- teaching at Umapine and Miss Orn duff her studies at McLaughlin Hi. H O U S E O F Q U A L IT Y A N D S E R V IC E ” z r ik i n COLD WEATHER MAY LAST FOR SIXTY DAYS THE PRUDENT MAN WILL SEE THAT HE IS SUPPLIED WITH PI ENTY 0 7 COAL AND DRY WOOD. WE HANDLE THE BEST UTAH COAL IN THREE SIZES, ALSO GOOD SLOB WOOD WELL SEASONED AND BOX FACTORY WOOD, TUM-A-LUM LUMBER CO. R. A. Brownion, Mgr. tract, and the Honorable Gilbert W. Phelps. Judge of said Court, haa en tered an order therein setting Tues day, the 3rd day of February, 1925 at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M. as the time and tha Circuit Court Room In the Court House at Pendleton, Umatilla County, Oregon, as the place for hearing said petition. This notice Is issued pursuant to an order of the above entitled Court • made and entered on the 30th day 1 of December, 1924, and said notice ' shall be served upon all parties In interest by publication thereon for J at least once a week for three suc cessive week3 In the Hermiston Her. I aid, a newspaper of general clrcula- | lion published In Hermiston, Uma- | tills County. Oregon, and the first , publication thereof shall be made In i the Issue of said newspaper dated January 1, 1925, and the last pub lication thereof shall be made in the issue of »aid newspaper dated Janu ary 22. 1925. Dated at Pendleton. Oregon, this 30th day of December, 1924. R. T. BROWN, Clerk of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Umatilla County. 17-4tc COLE’S ORIGINAL HOT BLAST HEATERS ♦ The Three Basic Principles in the Construction of Cole's Original Hot Blast Heaters First. Tha patented Air Tight construction giving perfect control over the fire, and preventing the escape up the chimney of heat and unburned fuel gazes, giving perfect combustion of all the fuel. Second. The all-steel sensitive radiating surface whloh radi ates all the heat Into the room and gives a sizzling heat. Third. The patented Top Hot Blast Draft which oxidizes and turns Into heat the valuable gas, half of the fuel, allowing noth ing to waste. Thee three basic principle« enter lng into all Cole’s Hot Blast Heaters make them world famous for fuel economy and perfect control and radiation of heat. We now have a complete stock o f Cole’s Heater» and if you are in the market for a heater it w ill b e to your advantage to inves tigate the merits of the Cole’s H ot B last before buying a cheap er Heater. Oregon Hdwe. & Implement We extend to you our wishes f r a happy and prosperous New Year. You will find us ready to serve you in the future a have in the past. / LADIES AID SOCIETIES Can raise large money easily and quickly for any special purpose. One Ladies Club raised nearly |l,9 0 0 ; othi rs have raised in the hundreds. This lg done by the use of the Lad ies Aid Cook Book prepared for you as if originally made for you exclu sively. Full particulars how to raise the money and sample copy of book sent prepaid for only 50 cents In stamps. Ready to operate right now. Only one society to handle In any community at lone time. Be the first to get this. Cut this out and send with your letter to the Ladieg Aid Dept., Illinois State Reg ister, Dept. B-70, Sprlngflold, Illi nois. Mention this paper. Subscribe for The Herald~$:. ■■■■■■■■■■■a ■■■■■■■■■ $100 RE WARD FOR INFORMATION REGARDING WHO ’NELL STOLE One Ford car with a piston ring. Two rear wheels, one front spring. Has shock absorbers ’n everthing, Three years old, four in the Spring, All tires punctured, torn and rent. Ten spokes missing front axle bent. Carburetor busted half way through, Motor haywired up, or it’d fall in two. Has no fenders, seats made of plank, Burned lot. of gas, was hard to crank, Engine missed only hit on two, Darned old car was just about through. Put ADAM GOOD tim er on the old boat, Gave it more pep than the glands of a goat, Got lots of speed runs like the duce, Burns either oil or tobacco juice. Present owner swears like sin, that ADAM GOOD made it a darn good car for the shape it’s in. Jim Pearson was a business visi tor In Pendleton Tuesday. J. 0. French of thlR city Is now In charge of the Mutual cream station at Stanfield. Mr. French purchased the Interest of R. C. Rogers. There are still MANY BARGAINS —at th e - REMOVAL SALE — And that’s performance, all-’round superior performance for w inter driv- in g - Quick, hair-trigger starting I F ast acceleration— 100% pow er, m ileage a-plenty! A ll-’round performance — nothing sacrificed. Get a tankful today at any red, w hite and blue pump in to w n —at Standard Oil Service Stations and at dealers—"in every w a y a better gaso line.” Baxter Hutchinson was called to Pilot Rock early Tuesday niorlnlng by the announcement of the danger ous illness of a brother. His brother's death occurred, however, an hour before hts arrival nt Pilot Rock. The American Legion staged a dance at the Hermiston auditorium Wednesday night, the orchestra from the musical comedy company fur nishing the music. A fair sized crowd was In attendance In spite of the fact that only a day was al lowed to advertise the event. (California) better gasoline Quick farting O lCWfr p o w e r A tw ater Kent N o t A c q u a in te d SAPPERS’ INC. V» TU 1U7 o i c i u f c » -Ï .'.P l|| Jw . RADIO In an influential parish church It had been found necessary to provide the minister with an assistant. Some dif- ftculty was evidently experienced. Ultimately It appeared that a suitable candidate had been found. Following the Sunday on which he preached, a woman member of the congregation met a church officer, whom she proceeded to congratulate on their having secured such a likely yming man as a prospective assistant. "Oh, well,” he saltl, “It's Just a case of Hobson’s choice.” Indeed." was the reply, "but who Il » J* || ‘ •»•«.M*-« r - i x v r W f l f»’ v ' V ' The Best moderately priced radio equipment on the market. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ PAUL M. MILLER, Dealer * ♦ Making friends with a policeman will help you In a pinch. Let us help you decide what you want to get for dlnner- W ( carry everything that Is Good In the line of MEATS— and you never take a chance when your purchases are made here. Come In! JOHN ELLIS. PROP. TUBES BATTERIES AND OTHER EQUIPMENT. I |i T o n .t r r e u j ■ ■ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ CITY MEAT MARKET Hermiston. Oregon. 1 ■ « Y O U TÜLL EM A ja I > fc a ■■■■■■«■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ Dem onstration! cheerfully given in your own home w ithout obli gation. V Pearson’s Garage ST AND AR D OIL COMPANY IN EVERY W AYA The Christian Science services are held In rooms next to the Auditorium every Sunday at 11 o'clock. Sunday echool at 10:IB. All are cordially Invited to attend. Wednesday eve ning meeting first Wednesday each month. ■ ' KNERR’S REPAIR ' Mrs. A. A. Paulsen and small son, Robert August, have returned to their Butter creek home. Dr. W. M. Kelly arrived Sunday from Spokane, Wash., where he was connected with Dr. Robert Bell. Paulson Bldg., and Is now associat ed with Dr. F. V. Prime. o. THE WINCHESTER STORE In the Matter of the Estate of Jos eph W. Ralph, deceased. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned executrix of the Last Will and Testament of Joseph W. Ralph, deceased, has filed her Final Report with the Clerk of the above entitled court and that the Judge of said Court has designated Satur day, the 24th day of January, 1925, at 2 o’clock In the afternoon aa the time, and the rooms of the above en titled Court In the County Court House at Pendleton, Umatilla county, Oregon as the place when and where hearing is to be had, thereon. All persons Interested ate ^hereby noti fied to then and there appear and show cause, if any they have, why said report should not be approved, the executrix discharged and the es tate closed. Dated this 24th day of December, 1924. Mabel M. Ralph, 16-5tc Executrix There’s a REASON J o r tht POPULARITY o/tfie T. L. Glaser, a prominent bee keeper of Albany, Is a business visi tor In Hermiston this week. MATERIALLY YOURS, O BBG O 3T. N0TICE OF HEARING UPON FINAL REPORT NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR STATE OF OREGON FOR Mrs. Peterson, of Stanfield, was a UMATILLA COUNTY UMATILLA COUNTY visitor at the Jark Harmon home on Harry Kelly made a trip to Adams Tuesday. Harry is connected with the Shotwell Construction Company and if weather permits the company will resume operations In that local ity soon. Otto C. Pierce gÇ R A JL P . H E R M IS T O N , ^foUTELL’ EM LOCAL AND PERSONAL ■ BREVITIES ■ In invoicing our shoe stock w e find These will be placed on sale H EBM 18T O > I D i V O -Jkk r ui-.*-« ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦