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About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 25, 1924)
T3<¡- Wnttwímt Wralh VÙL. XIX HERMISTON, UMATILLA COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 25. 1924 GRAVEL HAULING IS DISCONTINUED ON DAM No. 16 “But The Greatest ef These la In Company of Noted E x ile * Charity” »' e_. THERMOMETER REGISTERS You have read tue biblical story “Prempeh was enthroned after a 24 BELOW ZERO civil war, and he had to consolidate, of the Good Samaritan. His gener-* hta power; but, in 1893, he closed the[ oslty in giving assistance to a fel During the past week the most roads of his dominion to traders from low being has made him one of the the south, ao that the British govern frequented place In Hermiston has outstanding characters of the book Paramount Monarch of ment bad to intervene In behalf of been around the stove. COMING OF COLD WEATHER WAS of books. You have heard of those ________ their Gold const protectorate. This I If you dropped Into one of the Brief Resume of Happenings of C. L. LONG, 0. A. C. SPECIALIST BROUGHT CHANGE IN PLANS Ashanti Deposed. who sacrificed that others might Intervention resulted in the surrender ¡»tore» and was lucky enough to find PRESENT AT MEETING the Week Collected for benefit by their sacrifice and thru of Prempeh, three years later, and Ills a place near the stove you, no doubt, Washington, D. C.—Prempeh, last exile, first at Elmlna, a Gold coast, heard bits of conversation similar to their noble craracter and self denial Our Readers. king of the stalwart Ashantis, Is re town, and later upon the Seychelles la- »h ls " Y e s i t i . .a m a... i Work On McKay Dam Will Await thelr names have been indelibly re- turning to his forest-girt capital, but lands. There he spent 28 years and „ ’ ’ ‘J ’ k'nda Ch,ll3r bUt 1 re" Indications Are for Big Increase In More Favorable Weather. Num corded upon the pages of history. he goes as a private citizen. He will had, for varying periods, the company member back ,n 93 wben I »*» 'n Asparagus Aoreage For The second annual Hood River i ber of Men Employed Not A good many times we are apt to never again occupy Hie golden stool. of such picturesque exiles as Saad Iowa that the thermometer dropped Next Spring Materially Cut as Yet These facts, contained In news dis Zughloul, of Egypt; tile warlike Ka- 20 degrees in two hours, and the ty poultry show was held in Hood be reluctant In extending a helping patches, are explained In the following barega, of Vnyoro, and Suyyid Khalid, snow was so deep we had to climb River. hand to our fellow man If' It will bulletin from the Washington (D. C.) of Zanzibar. Fire of unknown origin destroyed cause us personal Inconvenience. It out of the window In order to get to The Umatilla Project Growers As headquarters of the National Geograph “When Prempeli returns to Kuirtasl the barn. And cold, say— ." One of the Midway grocery and the House The coming of cold weather has seeni3 to be human nature to be ever ic society: sociation held their annual meeting he will miss the king’s paluce, a hand of his listeners would look at t h e ! Electric Shop in Milton. wrought a change in the program mindful of self and let the other fel In the library Friday, December 19, “The capital of the People Who Eat some red sandstone building which has of work on McKay dam, and the low paddle his own canoe. The coast fork of the Willamette with F. M. Gulwlts president and Corn in the City Under the Oakum disappeared. Gone, too, is the Spirit speaker with disdain and start In to whistle of locomotive engines as river was frozen over last week for A few days ago an incident oc relate his experience during a win Trees, which is the translated way ol house, scene of human sacrifice«, which they puff from the pit to the site of curred In Hermiston which proved J. Skovbo secretary in charge of the saying that the capital of Ashanti la used to lie Just behind the market ter in Minnesota when It was so cold the first time within 25 or 30 yeara. > the dam structure with a trainload there Is a man within the borders of meeting. C. L. Long, O. A. C. Ex | Kumasl. There are many potentates place. Instead there Is now a railroadj they had to break the tcilcles from Christmas turkeys brought Douglaa tension specialist showed where the In Ashanti but, until l’rempeh was de of gravel is not heard at present. station, terminus of the line from Se- the bottom of a red hot stove before county growers 32(4 cents a pound, our city who knows not the mean growers would be very much ahead posed. the king of Kumasl was the par kondl. on the const. 168 miles away. the ashes could be removed. The work of hauling gravel had to ing of selfishness and is ready to w,,h a lots purchased at 33*ceats. ■c discontinued when the mercury help the unfortunate even though It if they do not cut their grass this amount monarch of all the ebon And he will find his old political capl Each had hla turn to tell hls story Fir Grove school building of school froze the groud up tight, and this meant the giving of his last dollar, year or if they do cut to make the Ashanti tribes. He It was who. In tai transformed into a busy distrib and moat of them seemed to accept district No. 116, near Oregon City, was theory at least, maintained the tra uting center for the Inland Gold coast cuttings as light as possible. He also phase of operations will not be re the money which he had been saving ditional harem of 3.333 wives, drank colony, of which Ashanti now forms a the responsibility by telling a story destroyed by fire caused by a defec- sumed until the weather moderates. up In order that his four children discussed with them the matter of from the skulls of his would-be con part.' that eclipsed the one previously re- Hue. fertilizing and starting their beds, j The number of men in employment might find in their stockings on querors, and immolated relatives ot lated. No matter how cold it gets Two fires causing a loss of more County Agent Bennlon discussed has not been materially cut yet ac Christmas morning the toys and distinguished dead In the Spirit house there Is always some one who can re than *5000 and the destruction of two Cow’i Tail Blinds cording to a statement made at the knlck knacks so* dear to the heart of plan8 for the association for the In the grove go that the departed member the winter of ’93, or some houses, were results of the ccld spell Trammel, Va.—Mrs. Vicy Page, sev coming year. Everyone agreed that might have an ample entourage in the offices at the dam, and practically childhood. The man In question other year that had it beat a dozen at Ashland. enty-one, wife of John Page, Dicken all of both night and day crews are made the sacrifice with no thought it would be very Important to secure next world. son county farmer. Is blind ns the re ways from the duce. When the in Will Church, United Stat a com a big acreage of new plantings In Where Plante Struggle to Live. being used In some new track con- of honor or glory but simply be sult of a cow switching her tail while habitants of ihls vicinity crawled missioner, and Mrs. Church wer. burn "Ashanti lies north of the Gold the woman was milking. ctructlon that is under way. The cause he believed it to be his duty. 1925. At present there are about 12 between the sheets last Monday ed to death In a fire which broke out coast of Africa, between the Ivory Mrs. Page had lost the sight of one night the weather was like spring. tracks are being moved to a higher He did not shout the fact from the 1-2 acres. This must be increased coast and Togoland. The country, now in their home at La Grande. to between 30 and 40 acres this year eye years ago. She was milking a grade, made necessary by the fact housetops and only by the merest under British control, is approximately cow that had been in a field infested Travelers and newspaper accounts Ice on Ewauna lake in Ktara’h if the Industry i8 to be placed on a that the elevation of the big struct chance did It leak out. the size of West Virginia. About half basis where markelng can be car Its area comprises one of the thickest, with cockleburs; the animal switched told of cold weather and snow In county six inches thick has broogoi ure 1 b constantly rising as layer af He Is a man who works out by the its tali, the burs striking the woman nearby districts while here It contin about the temporary shutdown of tbe ter layer of rravel is dumped and day to support a wife and four ried on with the most profit. Grow densest, most Impenetrable primeval In the other eye, causing blindness. ued fair and warm. But some time mill of the Ewauna box factory. ers who were present agreed to take forests In all the world. The iron tree packed dawn. children and so far tblB winter it Monday night the weather man had and the bomhax, the silk-cotton and sufficient plants to plant seven and The government has been asked to Machinery used in the work Is be has been a hard struggle to provide a change of heart, the thermometer pay Astoria the sum of *74»», rspre-. the hardwood, bamboos and ferns, and Hit by Burglar, Woman one-half additional acres. In order ing given a thorough overhauling in the necessities of life. But somehow dropped and the cold wave was up senting the cost of street Improv an almost Infinite variety of growths Trap» Him in Closet on the shops to put It into the best pos by shaving a little here and there he to give the directors some Idea re engage In a fierce tight for life. Every us. Wednesday night of this ments near the postoffice buUdl garding the numbs’- Philadelphia. — How Mrs. Sarah sible condition for work after the had managed to put away a five dol plant, from slender tendril to giant week the thermometer registered 26 that city. would be needed so that they can Kaufman unwittingly »trapped and al gravel hauling can be resumed. tree, rises erect, seeking a place in the lar bill with which he intended to negotiate for the. purchase of the sun, ‘drawn out to an absurdly dispro most caused the death of a burglar below. A number of water pipes in Twenty-three horses, the last buy a few Christmas toys for the same blank forms will be portionate height In its endeavor to who had felled her unconscious was town are frozen and the plumber and street cleaning burenu, will b(r TEAL CHOSEN PRESIDENT kiddies. There had been times when ferent places In town where the force its own head above those of Its revealed 15 hours after the attack. the coal man are having their Inning. by the city of Portland within Then a closet door in the Kaufman OF RAPIDS GROUP the five dollar bill was needed for growers may express their dealre8 to neighbors.’ when the entire bureau has home was opened by police and out other purposes but by careful manip plant. “The mahogany, the teak and the fell the burglar nearly unconscious. NEWTWN APPLE IS motorized. > • ulation the situation had been over This same form will inquire re ebony, varieties which civtilzation J. N. Teal of Portland will con FAVORED AT HOOD RIVER The state Irrigation securities com Mrs. Kaufman was passing through come and the money was still Intact. ______ * * garding the demands for seed pota prizes, here crowd each other for life. a room on the second floor on the way tinue to head the Umatilla rapids mission refused to certify bonds of Flowers, birds and beasts are excluded The children wa8 expecting Santa toes. Indications arc that good seed from these thicknesses; the plant lift to her bedroom when she was felled 250 Boxes to Acre Declared Neces *98,000 for the Shasta View Irrigation association. By unanimous vote of and he must not break faith with potatoes are going to be scarce this sucks in every lota of sustenance from by a blackjack. Police say that In the association Mr. Teal and other district and *96,000 for the Malin Irri sary to Furnish a Profit to them. Then one day not so long gation district. officers were reelected for the ensu coming spring and orders must be aun and soil. Parc sites abound. Vel falling she struck the closet door into The Grower ago the man heard of a neighbor vety moss clings to the decaying trees which her assailant had darted, and placed early. ing year and Mr. Teal accepted. Fire destroyed the interior ol the closed it, the spring lock snapping. who was In bad financial straits. The future of the apple business, The session of the raptd8 associa Reports from Kennewick show that have met defeat. There being ,, , , ' factory Her husband found her unconscious nccordlng to reports filed by a com- . ' section ” , of the Portland Vege- vege Sickness and death had come Into tion opened at 10 o'clock Saturday that the asparagus growers In that no more room aloft the lianas, or mon and took her to the Mlserlcordia hos table Oil Mills company, in the North this neighbor's home and he wa8 un key ropes, festoon themselves from morning at the rooms of the Com section enjoyed their most profit tree to tree and form weird arbors for pltal. She was able to return home , , ,, . . Portland Industrial section, and did able to take care of the debts that ... ... . mercial association with delegates in the same day and was pn.sslng economic agricultural conference, I *60,000 able season In 1924. 24,000 crates lesser horizontal growths. damace. through the room where she had been held at Hood River, rests largely In I attendance from Portland, Idaho, had been Incurred by reason of his weighing 12 pounds each sold for "The white man, even with all th« the matter of a choice of varieties. I J H' cha“ ”era of Cottage Orova Walla Walla, Alderdale, Wash., Her misfortune. A collection to help *1.44 each net to the grower. In aids ot modern medicine, cannot sur assaulted when she heard a faint The committee which has been lab-1 pnrchased M, 000,000 feet of govern- this unfortunate man was started scraping noise in the closet. Going to miston, Pendleton and other points. spite of the Increased quantity the vive long In such a habitat; only the the door she heard a faint breathing orlng for more than a month, recoin-1 ,m8nt ‘lmher fl” m ,,ei we8t ° f Co Mr. Means commissioner of agricul among ht8 friendB. The man heard price was much better than in he most stalwart of the black men can and called the police. ntended that the Newtown is the ‘ a’ e G.r°v.e an<l “ > ab° « adapt themselves to it. In the Seven ture for the state of Idaho, was of It and promptly handed over his previous year. As the officers opened the door a variety around which the Industry of " C° 8 amount wb cb he already five dollar bill that he had been teenth century, or a little earlier, mi r resent for the meeting. _ owns. youth, who later said he waa Melvin grating Moslem tribes to the north Barnes, eighteen. . 7 G ^’n' mldColtlmbla «Uould be <Jeve;op- At the outset of the session, Geo. keeping t0 gladden the heart of his United States senators and repre e(j iJtorie Eda^rdl*. kwewn'as the fathar drove hands of negroes Into the coun C. Bear, secretary, read a synopsis children. At the time of the dona sentatives In congress from Oregon, try. The newcomers took possession fell out, almost unconscions from lack Annual yields of at least 250 boxes bf N»wberg because of his numerous tlon no mention was made of this of air. of the government report recent Washington, California and Idaho will of this forest realm, and, In defending development enterprises, died In that fact but some time later while talk an acre, it was declared, are neces He admitted later he had broken ly prepared by E. R. Crocker, recla be asked to attend a meeting of cherry It, developed themselves into a vigor ing to a friend he said, "I guess into the house, but denied striking sary to obtain a profit. A survey of city Mr. Edwards came to Newberg mation engineer. growers from the four states to be ous, clannish people. Mrs. Kaufmnn. 70 leading orchards made by the in 1881 and was the oldest citizen of The report of a committee to Christmas this year with the kids Is held In Portland some time in Janu "Tradition has It that a famine drove the city. solng to be kinda skimpy. I had five local branch experiment station and study the report was then present ary to discuss an increase of the Im large numbers of the settlers south, More than one-half the water in dollars to buy them a few thingB but Pays A fter 4 0 Yeara covering a six year period, showed ed and read by E. B. Aldrich, port duty on foreign cherries from two and that these refugees kept alive on that 26 per cent of the tracts In- one of the water ’ “PP'Y reservoirs of herbs, or 'fan,' in the native tongue; Pattonsburg, Mo.—Forty years ago so and so needed it a great deal chairman of the committee, hhls to five cents a pound. while those left behind are corn, ot George N. Gromer lent *50 to a friend eluded produced an average of 386 Oregon City drained out when resi report urged a continuance of In worse than they did and I felt like The first "loch laven” trout eggs ‘san.’ The former, who Inhabit the for a short period, but the man left dents of the city left faucets and taps vestigations and called attention to I ought to help him out all I could.” to be received In Oregon came from Gold coast to this day, are known ns the neighborhood before he repaid the packed boxes an acre, while 37 per running to> prevent their pipes from This Is the same doctrine the low cent of the growers averaged 186 many points not considered ade Montana last week when 1,000,000 Fantl; while those who remained were loan. Several days ago Gromer re freezing. quately covered In the present gov ly Nazarene preached while he walk- were taken to the hatchery of the state called Ashanti. Both tribes speak the ceived r letter in which was a check boxes. The general average was 264 James H. Mills of North Bend and 3d the shore of Galilee and from thia boxes. Figures on production cost for *200. It came from the man who ernment report. The report was ac game commission on the McKenzie same language but the Ashanti, In their Emil F. Kllnka, Newport, have been ap Incident a greater lesson can be had asked the Ioan of the *50. The showed that grower» who produced isolation, have developed a physical su cepted by the association. river. The trout are of Scotch stock pointed to the United States military William Warner and Geo. Hart drawn than from any sermon ever and are really Atlantic salmon which periority to their southern neighbors. debtor said he had becofne prosperous an average of 150 boxe8 an acre did academy at West Point. The appoint "In 1807 the Ashantis came into first and wanted to liquidate the obligation. to at a cost of *1.82 a box, 300-box delivered. It le not one of theory man, also members of the committee have lost seagoing habits, according contact with the British by attempting yields at *1.16 and 500 boxes at 91 ments were made from the Oregon submitted additional reports touch-* but of practice. to Captain A. E. Burghduff, state to Invade the realm of the Fantls. Noi national guard. The kids will have their Christ game warden. lng upon some features. Mr. Hart Methodist Episcopal church.— Sun cents a box. The conference com until a quarter of a century later were There were 135 fire alarms with mittee’s report was emphatic In Its man, who Is a private Irrigationlst mas Just the same for some kind A total of *5,981,943 will be requir the northmen driven back from the day school at 10 A. M., morning wor losses of *25,948.50 In Portland In hearted citizen came t0 the rescue belief that producers of the north-j at Alderdale,, Wash., declared his ed in 1925 and 1926 for the operation sea coast. Early in the seventies dlffl ship at 11. Epworth League 6:45 November, as against 122 alarms with western apple sections must co-oper- [ belief that the low lying lands on and Santa Claus will park hie rein of all state departments and- Institu eultlea arose wldch caused British P. M. Evening worship 7:30. losses of *23.862.19 in October, accord the Washington side of the river deer on the roof of their home while ions for which the legislature auth forces to undertake the exceedingly The Christmas entertainment which ate In distributing and advertising■ ing to a report made by Edward Gren- arduous task of marching upon Ku he fills their stockings with goodies. eliminated from consideration in the orizes appropriations, according to the was postponed will be held Tuesday their product. It was recommended ! fell, fire marshal. The Almighty would not allow estimates of proposed expenditures masl. The expedition was successful Crocker report constitute the most and It was not until after the elevation evenlnS' D“c. 30- New Year’s day that diversification of apple grow- C. K. McCormick, county clerk of favorable district under the project. these children to ba disappointed Bim- ■pproved by the state budget com- of Prince Prempeh to the golden stool there will be worship at 10:30 and era include strawberries, raspber- I Union county, was elected president He gave facts indicating successful ply because their father was one of nission. Copies of the report will in 1888—the same Prempeh who now a basket dinner will be served In the ries, cherries, and pears. : of the County Clerks’ Association of Irrigation requires no such- volume God’s noblemen. It Is not his way >e sent to the legislators for their Is returning to hls former domain— basement at noon. Everybody Invit . Oregon at the association's annual that troubles arose again. onsideratlon. of water a8 Is specified In the gov of. doing things. ed. Come and bring your basket. FOUR FAMILIES ON THE two-day session in the Multnomah ernment report and declared the use Henry Young, minister. PROJECT FOUND DESTITUTE j county courthouse. . CONFERENCE OF REPRESEN of so much water would greatly In Oregon's death rate will be lower jure production Instead of helping TATIVES OF ALL PROJECS FT. A if Plans are Made to Alleviate Suffer this year than at any time in tta his- It. On his ranch Mr. Warner pumps ing With Clothes and Food | tory, Dr. Frederick D. Stricker, secre water from the Columbia by use of A conference of representatives of The committee appointed by the tary ot the state board of health re gasoline.— East Oregonian. all government Irrigation districts commercial club to investigate the ports. The figures on the death rate and water users associations was are not yet available. families who were destitute and In called by Scretary Work for Janu The Christinas Seal Investigation of the lawfulness ot need of help made their report to ary 6 at Denver as the first step to The Christmas seal has come to putting into effect a new method of the club Tuesday noon at their the rates and practices of the Puget Sound Power & Light company, which he an integlal part of the holiday repayment of construction charges luncheon. season. The little Chrlstmas seals on the federal reclamation projects. According to the report of the operates in various sections of the state of Oregon, was order by the are found on letters, packages and The system will be based on payment committee they found four families public service commission. every available place where thev can of five per cent of the crop returns without food and tn some Instan George Griffith, who some time ago be of any use. The sale of these instead of the present twenty year ces not enough food to satisfy their seals was first undertaken by the annual Installment plan. hunger. In one home visited the was appointed deputy state treasurer Red Cross, but was later taken over living conditions were unsanitary to by T. B. Kay, state treasurer-elect, has announced that he will accept the by the anti-tuberculoels society in say the least. There were six HIGH SCHOOL FLAY office. Mr. Griffith will enter upon their effort to carry on their work. | children besides the parents living IS HUGE SUCCESS hls new duties January 5. Money given In the purchase of these j in one small one room house. One The public service commission has little seals Is spent in a worth-while old pair of springs resting upon two authorized the Eastern A Western cause. The purchase of a Christmas Junior Class of High School Present 2x4 and set on boxes comprised the Comedy, “’Sunshine” Lumber company to establish Its log seal Is an aid in furnishing a weapon only sleeping quarters. The door ging railroad across certain county to fight the great white plague. was gone and an old rug served the The play “Sunshine” given by (be roads In Clackamas county. It was Proper food, .warm clothing, good purpose to keep out the cold. Food said that nine grade crossings are in housing and expert . medical care Junior class was a derided success was scarce, two cans of choke volved In the order. must be given to suffererg of this j and those who did not attend mlesed cherries wa, the only thing left to ¡some thing really worth while. The Pacific Telephone A Telegraph disease In order for them to be enr eat. The children were unable to company has requested permission of was ed. It takes money to furnish th ese' u Act 2 2 W a" weH plB’’ed attend school because they had not jbe public service commission to dis thlnrs and with that end In view the i by ‘be ,,m* ,he nurUln dropped most sufficient clothes to wear. A rail continue its toll station at Merlin, Antl-Toberculoels Society sells the ” be aud,en<* w« * In teara—of was sent out for old clothes and a Josephine county. If the request la I laughter. Christmas seal to collect money for number of warm garments was pro approved the toll station will be dis i Especially well given were the this purpose. cured for those who needed them. continued January 17. I character and juvenile parts. The ■ Boxes filled with groceries was also able acting of tbe other parts— the Another Investigation of the Uma Attend Umatilla Rapids Meeting distributed. A committee composed tilla rapids Irrigation project, which . . , ; s°n8s hy Miss Compton and the male of Jack Harmon. Jack Riggs and WII would reclaim 95.000 acres of land In , j - .u . . . ., .... nusrtet—al| helped to mak this one IttHled the merit. < ’ -he Umatilla lard Fclthouse was appointed to see Oregon and Washington. Is provided rapids association held in Pendleton _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ If they could not arrange for a bet- f„r In an amendment to the Interior last Saturday. Those who were „ „ Wm ThurwUy ter house for the family above men- department appropriation bill offered at from Hermiston were F. B. morning for Walla Wall* where she Honed end help them move into the by Senator MeNary. Swayre, E. R. Crocker, Geo. Patter- house. They will try to get a house __ — ■ win spend Christmas with her go», E, P, podd and F. C. McKenzie j mother, | on the school bus route so the child « KING OF KUMASI IS PROJECT GROWERS HOLD MEETING NOW PRIVATE CITIZEN OREGON NEWS ITEMS OF SPECIAL INTEREST S te p L iv e ly !! ren can attend achcol. READ THE WANT AM