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About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (March 2, 1922)
¿CHE HERMISTON HERALD, HERMISTON, CHEGOK. ».’ f» Lot 1 6# Feet, Ruth M. Filch plat filed w ith Recorder, Umatilla Lot 19 25 Feet, City of Hermis -ot 3 64 Feet, City ot Her Lot 14 84.7 Feet. J. T. Dowell $4.00 engine Wrengly Blenad. ----------......................... ... *5 00 County, April 5, 1905. ton ................................... *2.50 miston ...................................... *5.40 Block 8— A very uervoue man bought a mo Lot 80 Feet. X. P. Illsley *5.00 Block 1— ?IO 1 o t 20 25 Feet, City of Hermis Lot 54 Feet, Peer Bokish *5.40 izOt 45 Feet. W B. Beasley 1 60 Feet, B. 8. Kingsley Lot 1 30 Feet. Lowman £ Pelly Nolle« 1« hereby given that In ac Lot ton »2.50 Lot 6 54 Feet. C. M. Hender .......................................... »3.15 tor car and a friend naked him to give — ........y r ...... r , - . , ..... - »5.00 him a lift. They found themselves in cordance with Ordinance No. 71 of —- ................................................ »3.00 o t 21 25 Feet, C. 8. McNaught son ......................................... »5.40 Lot 1 45 Feet. W. B. Beasley Lot 67 Feet. Geo. B. Ray *6.70 Lot 2 25 Feet. Lowman £ Pe'ly the City of Hermiston, an assess .................................................... »2.50 Lot 6 54 Feet C. M. Hender- »3.15 a crowded street. Lot 50 Feet. C W. Craik »5.00 ment has been levied upon and to t 22 25 Feet, C. 8. McNaught . — ..................................... »2.50 The friend said: “Jim. your engine sun .................................. »5.48 I-ot 3 45 Feet, G A. Beasley 35 Feet. Geo. Briggs *3.60 Lot 3 25 Feet, S R. Oldaker against the following lots and par I-ot .................................................... *2.5l Lot 7 54 Feet, Peer Bokish *5.40 ........................................ »3.15 la knocking badly." 12 Feet, Geo. Briggs *1.20 . e........ .......................................... »2.50 Lot 23 25 Feet, City of Hermis cels of land In the Irrigation District Lot Lot 8 54 Feet, City of Her- Lot 4 45 Feet. O. A. Beasley -Don't be a fool.” was the reply* 13 Feet. Millie Deck *1.30 Lot 4 25 Feet. Wm. Stuber *2.6t heretofore established In the City of Lot ton ............................ *2.51' m Iston ... *5.40 .......................................... »3.15 “That’« my knee.” 25 Feet. Millie Deck ,*3.60 Lot 5 25 Feet. Tom Marxen »2.5, lo t 24 25 Feet David II Cook *2.5V Lot 9 54 .................................. Hermiston In the amounts set forth Lot Feet, Peer Bokish *5.40 Lot 5 45 Feet, O. A. Beasley Lot 10 26 Feet. O, <3. Sapper *2.50 Lot 6 25 Feet. Tom Marxen ,2 .5 c Lot 25 25 Feet, H. Alexander below. Lot 10 54 Feet, Peer Bokish *5 40 ........................................... »3.15 Looking Just Ahead. Lot 7 25 Feet. Lowman £ Pelly The total amount of assessment In Lot 11 25 Feet. J. H. W illiams Trustee ..................................... *2.5t Dated at Hermiston, Oregon this Lot 6 45 Feet, City of Hermis- -------------------- ........— »2.50 said Irrigation District Is $1695.00 , — ....~ ............................. ,2 .5 ' Block 9—- Hydro-electric developments. toU l-. l i s t day of February. 1922. .......................................... *3.15 ton .. Let 1* 25 Feet. M. S. Kern *2.50 Lot * 25 Feet, Lowman £ Pelly The contract price to be paid the i - o t 1 50 Feet, J. D. Lowman *5.0f C. W. Kellogg Lot 7 45 Feet, B. Hanellne *3.15 lng 13.500,000 horse power, and a United State« Government for water Lot 13 26 Feet. M. S. Kern »2.50 . z............-...................................... »3.50 ■-ot 2 50 Feet, J. D. Lowman *5.00 City Recorder I-ot 8 49 Feet, B. Hanellne $3.43 doubling of the present ratings ot for the Irrigation In said District Is Lot 14 25 Feet. M. 8 . Kern *2 50 Lot 5 30 Feet, Lowman £ Pelly Lot 10 25 Feet J. D. Lowman *2 50 Lot 9 49 Feet. A. A Hall .. *3.43 central station plants, are regarded aai I .................. ................................. *3.00 Lot 11 50 Feet, J. D. Lowman 55.00 $1.60 per acre for two acre feet and Lot 15 25 Feet. Fraser £ Mc Lot 10 45 Feet. A. A. Hall .. *3.16 probable within the next four ye Kenzie ..................................__ *2.50 Lots 10 to 17, 200 Feet. City of fifty cents per acre foot for all water Lot 12 50 Feet, J. D. Lowman *5.00 CITY IRRIGATION WATER AS- 1 Block 9— | Lot 1« 25 Feet. A. F. £ A M. SISSMKKT TOR 1022 by route American authorities. Hermiston ........................... »20.00 block 10— In excess of two acre feet. 1 Lot 1 40 Feet, A. W. Purdy »2.80 Lodge No. 138 ....................*2.50 „ DISTRICT 1.0, 2 The cost of operation and maln- Lot 18 20 Feet. J. D. Lowman »2 00 Lot 1 15 Feet, R. C. Todd *1 50 Notce is licrehi given that. In ac 2 50 Feet. A. W Purdy »3.50 Lot tenance of said Irrigation District Í ^ t 17 25 Feet. A. F. & A. M. Lot 1* 25 Feet, J D. Lowman *2.50 Lot 2 26 Feet, R. C Todd »2.50 Lodge No. 138 ......................... »2.50 Lot 20 25 Feet, J. D. I-owman »2 50 Lot 3 25 Feet, K. C. Todd is established at *1695.00 »2.50 cordance with Oidluance No. 96 of TzOt 3 50 Feet. A W Purdy »3 50 the City of Hermiston, an assessment I-ot 4 50 Feet, P Doherty *3.50 The City Council w ill sit as a I Lot 18 25 Feet, A. F. £ A. M. 1 Lot ?1 25 Feet, J. D. Lowman *2.50 Block 11— Board of Equalization at eight o ’clock i Lodge N o .'l3 8 ......................... »2.50 Lot 22 25 Feet, J. D. Lowman *2.50 Lot 1 30 F eet, B Pelly *3.00 has been levied upon and against Lot 5 50 Feet. P. Doherty *3.50 P. M on Wednesday, March 15, Block 8— Lot 23 26 Feet, City of llerm n - »2.50 the follow ing lots and parcels of land ¡ 1-ot 6 50 Feet, P. Doherty *3.50 Let 2 25 Feet, B Pelly ton ..... - ..... . .............................. ,2 50 Izit 3 25 Feet, J. H. Raley *2.50 In the Irrigation District hereinbe 'Lot 7 50 Feet, T. D. Worster *3 50 1922, and will at said time examine Lot 1 50 Feet. J. K. Shot well By JONATHAN BBACK *5.00 Lot 24 25 Feet. J. D. Lowman *2.50 Lot 4 25 Feet, J. H. Raley »2.50 fore established in the City of Herm Lot 8 60 Feet, T D. Worster *3.50 the assessment roll and correct all iston In the amounts set forth below. Lot 9 50 Feet, W alter Botkin errors therein. Any person feeling Lot 2 50 Feet, J. K. Shotwell Lot 26 25 Feet, J. D Lowman *2.50 Lot 5 25 Feet, Genevieve Ktm- XXIVz—MISSOURI The total amount of assessment in .......................................... *3.50 ....................... ... *5 00 Block 2— him self or herself aggrelved by such .......................................... *2.50 ball HETHER said Irrigation District Is *503.83. Lot 10 50 Feet, Walter Botkin 60 Feet, H. Peters .... *5 00 Lot 3 25 Feet, Mary B. Oakes assessment may apply to the City Lot 25 Feet, Lowman £ Pelly Lot 6 The Contract pilce to be paid for ..................... »3 50 H laeeurl 50 Feet, Rena Waterman Council when that Body sits as a Lot ......................... z ............. »2.50 . .................................................. *2.50 Government wale - and O. £ M. Lot. 11 50 Feet, R. C. Challis »3.50 .......................................... »5.00 Lot 4 25 Feet, Mary B Oaks was actually Board of Equalization and an op Lot 7 25 Feet, Lowman £ Pelly charge Is *201 82. 12 50 Feet. R C. Challis »3.50 I-ot 60 Feet, Rena Waterman ....................................... »2.50 visited by De portunity w ill be given them to have ' Lot ......................................................... *2 59 ; The estimated Operation and Lot 13 50 Feet, R. C. Challis *3 60 .......................................... »5.00 Lot 5 25 Feet, J. D. Lowman *2.50 Lot 8 25 Feet, J. D. Lowman *2.50 such assessment changed, If, in t h e ! Soto at the Maintenance c lia g e In said District Lot 14 50 Feet, A. W. Shawver 60 Feet, R. E. Mitchell opinion of the City Council, such Lot 6 Lot 6 15 Feet, J. D Lowman *1.50 Lot 9 25 Feet, J D Lowman ,2 .5 0 time of bia for 1922 is *302 11. ........................ . .. . »3 60 .............. ........................... »5.00 Lot 6 10 Feet, II. R. Newport changes are lust Lot 10 20 Feet, F. V. Prime .. »2.00 discovery of The City Council w ill sit as a Lot 15 50 Feet. A. W. Shawver The amount of the assessment ap- Lot 7 50 Feet, R. E. Mitchell ..................... ............................... *1 00 Lot 11 20 Feet, F. V. Prime .. *2.00 the Mississip Board of Equalization at 8 o'clock ........................................... »3.50 .......................................... »5.00 Lot 7 25 Feet, H. R. Newport portioned and assessed against par »1.50 15 Feet, F. V. Prime .. Lot 12 pi la not definitely known. The Wednesday evening, March 15, Lot 16 40 Feet, City of Hermis- ticular lots and parcels of land Is as Lot 8 50 Feet. R. E. Mitchell — ................................................ 82.50 Lot 13 15 Feet, F V Prime .. *1 50 on 1922, and w ill at said time examine first authentic exploration of ton .. ....................................... *2.80 .......................................... »5 00 Lot 8 25 Feet, Syndicate Build follows: Lot 14 10 Feet, F. V. Prime .. *1.00 said assessment oil and correct all thia territory was by tha Freuch, t, E W. Mack »2 50 City of Hermiston according t o ' Lot > 25 ing Co.......... ............................... ,2 .5 0 Lot 16 5 Feet, F. V. Prime * .50 errors therein. Any person feeling Block 1( —- Lot 1 40 Feet. J Wishart *2 80 it. E. W. Mack »2.50 Lot 9 30 Feet, Syndicate Build Joliet and Father Marquette in plat filed with the Recorder of Uma ;Lot 10 25 5 Feet, F. V. Prime .. * .50 Lot 16 t, E. W. Mack *2.50 tllla County November 23rd, 1904. ¡Lot 11 25 ing Co ...................................... *3.00 Lot 18 30 Feet, Ceo Briggs *3 00 | him self or hersei-' agreevled by such Lot 2 50 Feet, J. Wishart »3.50 1073. French settlers gradually assessment may apply to the City it, E W. Mack ,2 50 Lots 10 to 15, 150 Feet, City of Block 1 Name Amount ¡Lot 12 25 located in Missouri, in 1704 St. Let 19 25 Feet, Geo. Briggs *2.50 Council when 11 at body sits as a I-ot 3 50 Feet, J. Wishart ,3 .5 0 Lot 4 50 Feet. J. Wishart »3.60 13 26 Lot 1 25 Feet, Tum-A-Lum Hermiston .......................... *15.00 Lot 20 25 Feet, Helen W . Robin- Louis being settled. This was Board of Equalization and an op 60 Feet, City of Hermis- son .. ..................... »2.50 Lot 16 25 Feet, Chas. McNamee Lumber Co....................... ■■..... *2.50 Bon ... ........................................... »2.50 portunity w ill be given them to have Lot 5 ................................. one year after Spain acquired *3.50 ton .. Lot 14 25 Feet, E. J. Kingsley Lot 2 25 Feet, Tum-A-Lum ..................................................... *2.50 Lot 21 25 Feet, Helen W. Robin from France the Louislnua Ter I-ot 6 50 Feet. J Wishart »3.50 Lumber Co. ........................... *2.50 .......................................... »2.5» Lot 17 25 Feet, Chas McNamee son ............................................*2.50 ritory of which Missouri was a Lot 15 25 Feet, C. H. Crandall Lot 3 25 Feet, Tum-A-Lum .................................................. *2.50 Lot 22 25 Feet, F. V. Prime .. *2.50 opinibn of the City Council such Lot 7 50 Feet, Ed. Graham, ................................. »3.50 part. Estate Lumber Co. ............... - *2.50 ....................... .-v............. »2.60 Lot 18 3» Feet, J. D. Lowman *3.00 Lot 23 25 Feet, F. V. Prime .. *2 50 j changes are just Colonisation grektly Increased Lot 4 25 Feet, Tum-A-Lum Lot 16 25 Feet, E. W. Mack »2.50 Lot 19 25 Feet, J. D. Lowman *2.50 Lot 24 25 Feet, J. D. Lowman *2.50 i The amount oi the assessment ap I-ot 8 50 Feet, Ed. Graham, portioned and a sessed against par ................................. »3.60 after the ordinance of 1787, Lumber Co....... - ............. r *2.50 Lot 17 25 Feet, M W. Sharrard Lots 20 to 23, 100 Feet, City of Lot 25 25 Feet, J. D. Lowman *2.50 , ticular lots and parcels of land is as Lot 9 50 Feet Clara Wishart »3 50 ............ ............................. »2.60 Lot 5 26 Feet, Tum-A-Lum H erm isto n .................. *10 00 Block 12— which excluded slavery from the follows: Lot 10 50 Feet, Clara Wishart *3.50 Lumber Co............................... *2.50 Lot 18 26 Feet, F. B. Swayze *2.50 Lot 24 25 Feet, Violet Slllltoc *2 50 Lot j 30 Feet, Lowman & Pelly Northwest territory, as thia nat City of Hermiston according to 50 Feet, J. Wishart »3 50 Lot 11 Lot 6 53 Feet, Tum-A-Lum Lot 19 25 Feet, John Schlmke * 2 * 0 Lot ?5 25 Feet, V iolet Sillitoe *2.50 ....... ......... .......................... *3.00 urally deflected many to the ter plat filed with ti e Recorder of Uma- I Lot 50 Feet, J Wishart »3 50 12 Lumber Co................................. *5.30 Lot 20 25 Feet, John Schlmke ,2 .6 0 Block 3— 25 Feet, Lowman £ Pelly Lot 2 ritory west of the Mississippi ¡tilla County March 21, 1908: 50 Feet. City of Hermis- Lot 13 67 Feet, Henry Hanby *5.70 Lot 21 ..................... *2.50 25 Feet, John Schlmke *2.50 Lot 1 50 Feet, J. II. Reid »5.00 l-ot 7 who otherwise would have set 1- __ Maine Amount »3.50 ton .. ................................... Lot 2 60 Feet, Inland Empire Lot 3 1-ot 8 50 Feet, Henry Hanby *5 00 Lot 22 25 Feet, C. 8. McNaught 25 Feet, J. W Ralph *2.50 Block Feet, Geo. Bancroft tled In the north. The slavery Lot 14 50 Feet, City of Hermis- »2.50 Block 2—- Lumber Co............................... *5 09 Lot 4 25 Feet, J. W. Ralph *2.50 Lot I 84 .................................... »5.88 .................................. *3.50 ton .. question continued to hold the 50 Feet, Minnie Brown *5.00 ¡Block 8 - 60 Lot 3 50 Feet, Inland Empire Lot 5 Lot 1 25 Feet J. W. Ralph *2.50 1 Lot 2 50 Feet, Geo. Bancroft Lot 1 5 50 Feet, City of Hermis- stage in Missouri history. After , Minnie Brown *5.00 Lot 1 50 Feet. H. R Newport Lot 2 50 Lumber Co.............................. *5 00 ¡Lot 6 25 Feet, J. F. McNaught »3.50 ton .. .. .. .......................... .... »3.50 ............ »5.00 I-ot 4 50 Feet, C. S. McNaught ................... *2.50 the Louisiana Purchase In ISua Lot 3 50 Feet, Minnie Brown »5.00 Lot 3 50 Feel, Geo. Bancroft I-ot 16 40 Feet, City of Hermis- J. S. West ...... »5.00 Lot 2 60 Feet, H. Newport 50 ..................................................... *5.00 I Lot 7 25 Feet, J F McNaught I-ot 4 _____ added this vast western area to ............................... »3.50 ton ......................................... »2.80 25 Feet. J. 8. West ...... »2.50 |. .................................... . »5.00 .................. »2.50 Lot 5 50 Feet. C. S. McNaught 1-ot 5 the United States, emlgrat :ou Lof 4 50 Feet, Geo Bancroft Block 12— 50 Feet, City of Hermls- 1-ot 5 25 Feet, Wrn. Mlkesell »2 50 Lot ..................................................... »5 »» Lot 8 25 Feet, J. F. McNaught increased to snch an extent that »3.50 Lot 1 86.6 Feet, H. R. Newport Feet, Wm. Mibesell *5.00 .......................................... »5.00 ton ................. »2.50 50 Lot 6 50 Feet, C. J. Hahn *5 00 1-ot S in 1829 Missouri formed a state I-ot 5 50 Feci, Geo. Bancroft .................................................... »6 06 Lot 4 50 Feet, City of Hermis Lot 7 50 Feet, C. S. McNaught Lot 7 50 ___j, Tum-A-Lum Block 12— ............................... »3.50 Lot 2 50 Feet, H. R Newport government and applied for ad .......................................... *5.00 Lumber Co ............................. *5.00 ton ..................................................... *5.00 Lot 9 25 Feet. J. F. McNaught Feet, F. C. McKenzie mission to the Union. Bitter an .................................................... »3.50 Lot 8 50 Feet, Tum-A-Lum Lot 5 60 Feet, City of Hermis Lot 8 50 Feet, C. S. McNaught .................................................... $2.60 Lot 6 50 ........................ *3.50 Lot 3 50 Feet. H R. Newport tagonism Immediately arose in .......................................... *6.00 Lumber Co .....................- ...... *5.00 ton ..................................................... *5.00 Lot 10 2 5 Feet, J. F. McNaught McKenzie .............................. .’.................... »3.50 congress against the addltie i oi 5 Feet. Henry Hanby »5.00 Lot 6 50 Fret, E. Mumma *5.00 Lot 9 50 Feet, C S. McNaught .................................................... *2.50 Lot 7 50 Feet F. C. ................. I-ot 9 50 *3.50 Lot 8 50 Feet, H. R. Newport Momma *5.00 50 Feet, ..................................................... *5.00 I-ot 11 25 Feet, J. F. McNaught another slave state. On the oth Izit 10 50 Feet, Henry Hanby *5.00 Lot .................................................... »3.50 Mumma *5.00 Lot 10 60 Feet, C S. McNaught 60 Feet, Lot 11 60 Feet, R. Beasley *5.00 Lot ......................... .......................... »2.50 Lot 8 50 Fee* F. C. McKenzie»3.50 er hand the slavery adherents Let 9 50 Feet, H. R. Newport 50 Feet. E. W. Mack <6.00 ..................................................... *5.00 Lot 12 25 Feet. J F. McNaught I-ot 12 50 Feet, R Beasley »5.00 Lot pointed out that Maine bod Just .................................................... »3.50 1-ot 13 50 Feet, Chas. Benson »6.00 1-ot 10 50 Feet, E W. Mack ,6 .0 0 Lot 11 50 Feet, C. S. McNaught ! .................................................... *2.50 I-ot 9 50 Feet F. C McKenzie been taken into the Union as a . .. *3.50 Lot 10 50 Feet, H. R Newport ..................................................... *5.00 Lot 13 25 Feet, John C. Rubner I-ot 14 50 Feet, Chas. Benson *5.00 Lot 11 50 Feet, E. Mumma *5.00 free state and one state wouid 10 50 Feet. E. I. Davis »3 50 .................................................... ,3 .5 0 Lot 15 50 Feet, Chas Benson »5.00 Lot 12 25 Feet, E. Mumma *2.50 Lot 12 60 Feet, Wm. Kennings ............................................... *2.50 Lot therefore balance the other. A Lot 11 50 Fee . E. I. Davis *3.50 Lot 11 50 Feet, H. R. Newport .................................. *5.Of Lot 14 25 Feet. John C. Rubner 1-ot 16 50 Feet, Chas. Benson *6.00 Lot 12 25 Feet, H R. Newport I. Davis *3 50 .................................................... »3.60 final settlement was made hy the ............................... . . . ..... *?.6O Block 4- Block 3 - I .................................................... *2.50 Lot 12 50 F e ' F Let 13 50 Feet. City of Hermis- Lot 12 50 Feet, H R. Newport famous Missouri compromise, 1 Fret John Schlmke *5.00 Lot 13 60 Feet, H. R. Newport Lot 9 50 Lot 1 50 Feet, J. F. McNaught I-ot 15 25 Feet, E. F. Parrish *2.50 ton .. . *3.50 .............................. .'.................... »3.50 .......... ................................ »5,00 ..................................... ...... *5.00 'I-ot 16 25 Feet, E. F. Parrish *2.50 which accepted Missouri a„ u Lot 10 50 Fret, Hugh Taylor *6.00 Lot 14 84 S Fr >t, Ceo. Bancroft Lot 13 50 Feet, H. R. Newport 14 50 Feet, E. J. Klngslev ! Feet, Hugh Taylor *5.00 slave state but prohibited slavery Lot 11 60 Lot 2 50 Feet, J. F McNaught Lot 17 25 Feet. E. F. Parrish *2 50 .................................................... *3.50 ...... *5.91 ......... ............................... *5.00 Lot 12 50 Feet. Hugh Taylor *5 00 *5’0« Loi 18 30 Feet, Wm. Shaar .. *3.00 in the rest of the territory north ! Block 2- Lot 14 87 5 Feet. H. R. Newport IxOt 13 50 Feet. J. McCoy .... ,5 .0 0 Lot 15 60 Feet, C. 8. McNaught Lot 3 60 Feet, City of Hermis- Lot 19 25 Feet, Wm. Shaar . *2.50 j Lot 1 45 Feet, Ed. Graham, of a line extending from ' ............... .................................... »6 12 .......................................... »5.00 Lot 14 50 Feet, Lois Newport ton . .......................................... »5.00 Lot 20 25 Feet, City of Hermis southern boundary of Ml Fstate ............. $3.15 Dated at Hermiston, Oregon, this Lot 16 50 Feet, C. 8. McNaught Taylor Lot 4 50 Feet, City of Herrnis- ton ............................................... *2.60 1 Lot 2 4 5 Fee’, A. L. Larson *3 15 to the Rocky Mountains. •' ........ ........................................... *5.00 Lot 16 60 Feet, Lots Newport ton . .......................................... *5.00 Lot 21 25 Feet. City of Hermis 21st day of February, 1922. I t ot 3 Fee', A. L. I,arson *3.15 deed, It waa thia agl - Taylor ...................................... *5.00 Block 10— Lot 5 50 Feet. City of Hermis- ton *2.50 1 Let 4 45 Fret, Ed. Graham, C. W. Kellogg which, temporarily amotheren Lot 16 50 Feet, Lois Newport ton . .......................................... *5.00 Lot 22 25 Feet. Frank Bilder- Lot 1 25 Feet, Wm. Correll *2.60 City Recorder Fstn/e .............. »3.15 Taylor ...................................... *5.00 Lot that time, burst forth in th> < 26 Feet, Wm Correll 12.50 Lot 6 40 Feet, City of Hermis back ....................... ................... *2.50 Lot 5 45 Fe- t, I’d Graham. »4.00 Lot 23 25 Feet, Frank Bilder- Block 4 _ - 11 war. ton . 25 Feet, Wm Correll 12.60 Lot Fstate ....... »3.15 Lot 1 50 Feet, II. R. Newport Feet, R Boswell »4.00 25 Feet, Wm. Correll *2.50 I-ot 8 Lot Coloring Are-Lamp Globes Missouri is In the f. r back ........................................... *2.50 Lot 8 45 Feet. Edith Graves »3.15 ........................................ ,5 .0 0 I-ot Feet, R Boswell »5.00 Lot 24 25 Feet, M. O. Rymerson 25 Feet, E. P. Illsley »2.50 Lot 9 The purple color of arc-letup globes of the important stales ii. Lot 45 7 Fee , A. L Larson *3.15 »5.00 Lot 2 50 Feet. H. R. Newport Feet, R Boswell 26 Feet. E. P. Illsley ,2 .5 0 Lot 10 si politics as it lias elvh • t-r> Lot 8 49 Feet, A. L. I-arson *3.43 la due to the use of manganese In ihe .................................................... »5.00 Lot Feet, R. Bosw el 1 85 00 Lot 25 25 Feet, M. O Rymerson 25 Feet, E P. Illsley »2 *0 Lot 11 I-ot glass. The nmnganeee is used to conn electorul votes for pres.dent 'i- Lot 3 60 Feet. F. C. McKenzie Feet, R. Boswell »5.00 j 25 Feet, O. C. Young *2.50 Lot 12 ....................... ............................ *2.50 Lot 9 49 Fei t, Ed. Graham, Lot Estate area is 69.420 square i,-;.: .................................................... »5 00 Lot .................................. $3.43 teract the greenish color which cornea 25 Feet. O. C. Young 12.50 Block 6— Block 13— Lot to 45 Fe< t, Ed Graham, ( © by McGlurv N awapaper S y a d lc a ta .) from ferrous salts In the glass, bul (lie Lot 4 60 Feet, F. C. McKenzie 1 2 H F eel 0 . C. Young <1.25 Lot 1 50 Feet, R. Boswell »5.00 Lot 1 50 Feet, M. S. Kern Lot 10 *5.01 rstn fe .............. ......... *5 00 Lot 10 12 H Fect.E. T Eriksen .................................. »3.15 i action of light on the manganese only I-ot 2 50 Feet, R Boswell *5.00 Lot 2 50 Feet, City of Hermis 11 45 Lot Feet. Edith Graves *3 15 substitutes a ourple coloration for a »1.25 Lot S 50 Feet, R Boswell *5.00 Lot ..........60 Feet. H F. H itt .... *5.00 ton *5.01 Lot 1 2 45 Pert, Ed. Graham, 50 Fret, H. E. H itt .... *5.00 Lot 11 25 Fret, E. T. Eriksen »2.50 I-ot 4 ?0 Feet, R. Boswell *.200 Lot 3 50 Feet, City of Hermis- greenish hue. Lot Want Adb Bring Result s Fstate »2.00 ................. ' .............. »3.15 50 Feet, Page £ Son »6.00 Lot 10 20 Peet, R. Boswell I-ot 12 25 Feet, E. T. Eriksen 2.60 I ton ............................................. »5 00 Lot 13 45 Fet, Ed Graham, 85 00 Boswell 50 Feet, Page £ Son *5.00 Feet, R. Lot Lot 13 25 Feet, M. E. Church 2 50 Lot 11 50 50 Feet, H. W. Coe .... »5.01 Fstate ................................. »3.15 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ a i l i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i g g g a i i i 50 Feet F P. Adams *5.00 Lot 14 25 Feet, M. Jjl. Church 2.50 I-ot 12 50 Feet, R Boswell *5.00 Lot Lot 50 Feet, H. W. Coe .... »5 00 Lot 14 45 Feel, Lot L. Larson *3.15 ■ 1-ot 10 60 Feet, F. P. Adams *6.00 Lot 15 25 Feet, M. E. Church »2.50 Block 6— 50 Feet, H. W. Coe .... *5.00 I-ot 15 45 Fret, A. Ed. a Lot Graham, Lot 11 50 Feet, F. P. Adams *5.00 Lot 16 25 Feet, M. E Church I-ot 1 50 Feet, Genevieve Kim 50 Feet. H. W. Coe .... *5.00 Lot ■ Fstate $3 15 Lot 12 50 Feet, II. R. Newport Lot 1Í 25 Feet, E. W Mark 50 Feet, H. W. Coe .... *5 00 Lot 16 45 Fert, Ed. Graham, .......................................... ,5 .0 0 I-ot 18 25 Feet, E. W Mack »2.50 Lot ball 2 50 Feet, Genevieve Kim »5 »» Lot 50 Feet, City of Hermls- Lot Tstale .................................. »3.15 Lot 13 50 Feet. H. R. Newport ......................................... *5.00 ball ............................................. $5.00 Lot 19 25 Feet. Georgiana Illsley ton Block 3 - — .......................................... »5.00 »2.50 Lot 3 50 Feet, City of llerfu h - 50 Feet, Susan A. Prior Lot 10 Lot 14 60 Feet, F E. Earnhart ..................................... $5.0C Lot 1 40 Feet, City of Hermis- Lot’ 20 26 Feet, Georgiana Illsley ton ...........................................- *5.00 ton ... ........................................... »5.00 ................................. »2.80 $2.60 Lot 4 60 Feet. J. F. McNaught 50 Feet. B. H Prior *5.00 Let 11 .................................................... »5.00 I-ot 12 50 Feet, B. H. Prior *5.00 Lot 2 50 Feet, City of Hermis Lot 16 60 Feet, Tum-A-Lum Lot 21 25 Feet, A. C Spinning ton ........................... *3.50 Lumber Co............................... *5.00 .......................................... *2.50 Lot 5 50 Feet, J. F. McNaught Block 16— Lot 3 50 Feet, Hermiston Pro Lot 16 50 Feet, E, W. Mack *5 00 Lot" 22 26 Feet. A C. Spinning ............................................ »5-00 Lot 1 50 Feet, II M Schll'ing duce £ Supply Co................... *3.50 niock 5 - ___ _ ................................. $5.00 .......................................... »2.60 Lot 6 50 Feet, J. F. McNaught i Lot 1 25 Feet. F. P. Adams *2.50 Lot 23 25 Feet, Albert Smith *2.60 .................................................. *5.00 Lot 3 25 Feet, C. j . Cook .... $2.50 Lot 4 50 Fee’. Hermiston Pro- duce £ Supply Co................... *3.50 Lot 2 25 Feet. F. P. Adams »2.60 Lot 24 25 Feet. Albert Smith *2.60 Lot 7 60 Feet. J F. McNaught 50 Feet, C. J. Cook . . »5.00 Lot 4 Lot 3 25 Fert, John Schlmke 1-ot 25 26 Feet. Albert Smith *2.60 .............. . ..... ............- »S.00 Lot 5 50 Feet, C. J. Cook ,... *5.00 Lot 5 50 Fee'. Hermiston Pro duce £ Supply Co................... *3.50 .................................................... »2.50 Lot 26 26 Feet, Albert Smith »2.80 Lot 8 60 Feet, J. F. McNaught I-ot 9 4 0 Feet, C J Cook . *4.00 Lot 6 50 Feet. Hermiston Pro by subscribing to the only daily newspaper published In Um atil 1-ot 4 25 Feet, E. J Kingsley ................................ ......... »3.00 Lot 10 Lot 27 25 Feet, A. E. Burken- 30 Feet City of Hermls- duce £ Supply Co................... *3.50 j .................................................... *2.60 .......................................... »3.00 la county, which is not afraid to print the news. Unless you read blne .................................. - ......... , 2 50 Lot 9 60 Feet. J. F. McNaught ton l-ot 7 50 F eel. W A. Correll ,3 .5 0 Lot 5 25 Teet Knights of ................................................... *5.00 I-ot 11 30 Feet, E. A. Smith *3.00 Lot 28 25 Feet. A. E. Burkett- the Pendleton Tribune Important news Items concerning public Lot 8 50 Feet, W. A. Correll »3.50 Pythias ................. .................. *2.60 bine ............................................. *2 50 Lot 10 50 Feet, City of Hermis Lot 12 20 Feet, E. A. Smith *2.00 Lot 9 50 Fee", R. C Challis »3.50 affairs of your county seat may not become known to you. The Lol 6 26 Feet. Knights of Lot 29 25 Feet. City of Hermis ton ...................... *5 00 Block 16 Tot 10 50 Feet, R. C. Challis *3.60 Pythias .................................... *2 50 Tribune believes Its readers are entitled to a full account from ton .............................................. *2.50 Lot 11 60 Feet. H Roblnett *5.00 Lot 10 F eel, J. D. Lowman *1 00 Lot 7 25 Feet. Pacific Tele. Lot 30 26 Feet, City of Hermis public officials and it pays especial attention to news of Pendle 10 Feet, J D. I-owman *1 00 Lot 11 50 Feet, Blanche Brown Lot 12 50 Feet, Genevieve Kim Lot Co ............................................... »2.60 ton .............................................. *2 50 ball »5.00 Lot 16 Fert, J. D. Lowman *1.59 Lot 12 .......................................... »3 GO ton and local communities throughout the county. 50 Feet, Blanche Brown Lot 8 25 Feet, H. R. Newport Lot 31 25 Feet, M. S. Miller »2 50 Block 7 20 Feet, J. D. Lowman *2 00 Lot ........................ »2 »3 50 i Lot 32 25 Feet, M. S. Miller *2.5» Lot I 30 Feet, F A. Cheztk *3.00 I-ot 20 Feet. J. D. Lowman »2.00 ’-ot 13 .......................................... National and International news is covered by the standard 50 Feet, Blanche Brown Izit 9 25 Feet. E. W. Mack »2 6 Feet. .1. D Ixiwtnan * .50 Block 11— Feet. F. A. Chczlk *2.50 25 Lot 2 I-ot and reliable Associated Press .......................................... »3 50 Lot 10 25 Feet, A L. Larson »2 20 Feet, J. F. McNaught Let 3 25 Feet, F A. Cliezik *2.50 Loi Lot 1 25 Feet, F B. Swayze Lot 14 60 Fee’, Floyd Knerr *3.50 | 1-ot 11 25 Feet, E. S. Taylor »2. ..... * 2 .0 0 1 ¡Lot Lot 4 26 Feel, F. A Cliezik $2.50 Lot 1 25 Feet. F B. Swayze 15 50 Feet, Floyd Knerr *3.50 i No matter how delicate or dangerous the subject, readers of Lot 12 25 Feet, C. M. Jensen 25 Feet, J. F. McNaught 25 Feet, Chas. McNamee Lot 8 Lot 6' Lot 1 26 Feet. F B. Swayze I-ot 16 40 Feet, Floyd Knerr *2.80 ........................ »2. the Tribune are guaranteed a full and fearless treatment of it. Estnte .......................................... *2.50 ................................. *2.50 Lot 4 25 Feet. F. B. Swayze Block 4 Lot 13 25 Feet, H. R. Newport That is the reason the circulation of the Tribune jumped 800 Lot 6 25 Feet. Chas. McNamee Lot 9 40 Feet, Chas Hahn »2.80 > ......................................... »2.50 Lot 6 25 Feet, F B. Swayze »2.50 I ’ Lot 1 50 ................................. *2.50 in less than a month. The people have come to realise that the 25 Feet, F Lot • B. Swayze F eet. Chas Hahn »3.50 Lot 14 25 Feet, 11. R. Newport '7 ' »2.50 I-ot 26 Feet, Chas. McNamee Lot 10 25 Feet, R. Boswell Tribune is a REAL NEWSPAPER. Lot 60 Feet, Chas. Hahn »3.50 ........................................ ,2 .5 0 I-ot 7 25 Feet, O. O. Sapper »2.50 ........................................... *2 60 1-ot 11 25 Feet, R Boswell I-ot S 26 Feet, O. G. Sapper • -ot 50 F e e ’, Chas. Hahn »3 50 Lot 15 25 Feet, Cole £ Swayze 1-ot 12 25 Feet, R. Boswell *2.30 Lot Lot 8 25 Feet, Lowman £ Pelly By mall, one year »8.00. Three months »1.50. F ill out this 60 Feet, Chas. Hahn »3.50 j ......................................... »2 60 Lot 1 25 Feet. O O. Sapper *3.00 Boswell ........................................... »2.60 Feet, R Lot 13 30 Izit 10 25 Feet, O. G. Sapper (2.50 Lot 50 F eet, Chas. Hahn »3.50 coupon. Lot 16 25 Feet. Cole & Swayze 30 Feet, Lowman £ Pelly Block ‘‘B”—- Lot 60 Feet, Nettie Goodwin ......................................... »2 50 Lot 23 25 Feet, O. A. Cressy 12.50 Lot 9 ............................................ *3.00 Lot 2 47 % Feet, City of Her. Izit 24 25 Feet, O. A. Cressy ........................................... »3 50 1 . . . 17 . 12 H Feet, R. Alexander 1-ot 25 Feet, J. D. Lowman *2.60 miston ....................................... *4.75 Loi 10 25 26 Feet, Izit Geo. C. Patter Lot 8 50 Feet, N ettie Goodwin Trustee ...................................... »1.28 son .............................................. *2.50 I-ot 11 25 Feet, J D. I-owman *2 60 Lot 3 4 7 >4 Feet, City of Her ........................................... »3 50 Lot 17 12H Feet, E. P. Illsley miston ............. ....................... »4.75 Lot 9 50 Feet, F. C. McKenzie Lot 12 25 Feet. J F. McNaught ............................... .................... *1.25 Lot 26 25 Feet, Geo. C Patter ........................................ »2.50 I-ot 4 47 ^4 Feet, E. E. McMil son .............................................. *2 60 .................................. »3 50; Lot 18 50 Feet, J. L. Harmon lan Estate ................................ *4.75 Lot 10 50 Feet, F. C. McKenzie ........................................ »5.00 I-ot 27 25 Feet. E. R Crocker $2.80 Lot 13 25 Feet, J. F. McNaught »2.50 Lot 5 47 Ml Feet, E. E. McMil- I-ot 28 25 Feet. E. R. Crocker »2.50 If you have som ething to sell, when you want help of any kind ........................................... »3 50 Ldt 19 50 Feet, H. R. Newport lan Estate ................................ *4.75 Lot 11 50 Feet. F C. McKenzie ...................................... »5.00 Lot 29 25 Feet, O. A. Cressy *2.50 Lot 14 25 Feet, F. C Woughtcr in your business or your home, when you need a boy to run er ........................................ »2.50 Lot 6 47 54 Feet. E E. McMil .............................. »3 50 Lot 20 50 Feet, J. H. Raley .. 5.00 l-ot 30 25 Feet. O. A Cressy *2.50 Lot 15 25 Feel. F. C. Woughter rands or do office work, sit down and write the advertising man lan Estate ................................ *4.75 Lot 12 50 Feet, Geo. Elliott »3.50 31 25 Feet. O. A. Cressy ,2 .5 0 Lot 21 50 Feet, E. 8. Taylor ¡ 5 5.00 Lot .................................................. ,2 .5 0 ager of the Tribune: he will fix up a classified ad for you that Lot 7 47 54 Feet, City of Her 1-ot 3 2 Cressy $2.50 25 Feet. O. A. 00 lzit 13 50 Feet, Geo. E lliott »3.50 I-ot 22 60 Feet, E S. Taylor Lot 16 25 Feet. J. D. Lowman »2.50 miston ................ ..................... *4.75 Lot 14 50 Feet. J F. Relhl »3.50 w ill do the business. Trlbrune classified ads bring results l o t 23 60 Feet, F. B. Swayze »5.00 Block 12 Lot 17 30 Feet, J. D. I-owman »3 00 Lot 8 4 7 54 Feet, City of Her Lot 15 50 Feet. City of Hermis- I-ot 24 50 Feet, F. B Swayae *5.00 Lot * 25 Feet. Geo. B Ray 63.50 Lot 18 25 Feet. .1. II. Lowman »2.50 miston ............... ...................... *4.76 ton .. Izit .......................................... »3.50 | 26 Feet. Ceo. B Ray ,2 50 Block 6 lz>t Lot 16 40 Feet, J. E Mason »2.80 | 25 Feet, Ceo B. Ray *2.60 Lot 19 25 Feet, J. D Lowman *2.50 Izrl 9 47 ‘4 Feet, City of Her Lot 1 25 Feet, First National miston ...................................... *4.75 Block 5- 26 Feet. Ceo B Rny ,3 .5 0 Lot 20 25 Feet. H. R. Newport Bank ......................... ....... ...... »2.50 I-ot I .................................................. »2.50 I-ot 10 47'4 Feet, E. E. McMil 19 Feet. Geo. B. Ray $ l.* 0 Lot 1 45 Feet. C. S. Sanderson l o t 2 25 Feel, F B. Swayze $2.50 I-ot 1-ot 21 25 Feet, H. R. Newport lan Estate ............................... *4.75 Lot O. E. Blackwood $3.15 ■ 1-ot 3 25 Feet, Nettle Goodwin .................................................. »2.50 Lol 11 47'4 Feet, E E. McMil ................................. »2.50 1-ot O E. Blackwood Lot 2 45 Feet C. S. Sanderson ■ Lot 22 25 Feel. Mrs. J F. Mc lan Estate ................................ *4.75 25 Feel. H E. lllt t .... »2.60 J 1-ot 10 O E. Blackwood I-ot $3 15 ■ Naught .............. *2 50 l-ot 12 4 7 54 Feet, E. E. McMil 25 Feel. Wm Glnsson »2 50 I-ot 11 O. E Blackwood 1-ot 3 45 Feet. C S. Sanderson ■ Lot |l-nl 23 25 Feet, Genevieve Klm- lan Estate ................................ *4.75 25 Feel. Page £ Son *2.50 ¡Lot 13 1*2 H Feet. O. E Itlack- I ot .................... »3.15 ■ ....... ............................ .. »2.50 Block ball 25 Feel, Page £ Son »3.50 j wood lo t l-ot ...... ....................... »18.25 45 Feet. J. H. Strohm »3 15 wants to get acquainted w ith you— It serves your best Interests. Lol 24 25 Feet. G A Cressy *1.50 Lot 2 60 Feet. B. II. Parsons *5.00 Lot 25 Feet. Wm. Shaar »2.50, Block 12 45 Feet, Anna Strohm $3.15 1-ot R. W. Fletcher, Circulation. Harry L. Kuck, Publisher. L. B. 25 Feet, City of Herinls- Loi 25 Second Addition to Hermiston ac Iz’t 1-ot 13 W Feet. W. J. Warner 45 Feet. Anna Strohm $3.15 Lot 17 25 Feet, F. C. McKenzie Tackett, Advertising Manager. Ion » - »0 cording to plat riled with the Re- Lot .......................................... ,1 .8 2 j 4 5 Feet. Anns Strohm $3.15 * 2 50 nioek 8 eorder, Umatilla County, April 22, i Ixit Lot 9 11H Feet, Sam Rogers 49 Feet, Anna Strohm $3.43 Lot 18 26 Feet, F C. McKenzie l o t 1 3n Feel. C R Purfev »3.00 1907. ......................................... *1 18 ¡Lot 49 Feet. I. E. Putman $3.43 »2.50 . l o t 2 25 Feel, City of llerm ls- l-ot "l 0 25 Feel, F. P Adams $2.60 Lot 19 12 54 Feel. F. C. McKen- Block "E" Lot 10 45 Feet. I E. Putman $3.15 ....... .............................. »2.50 I ton . Lot 3 54 Feet, Mrs W. S. Boyn- , Lot 11 45 Feet. City of Hermis- lzit 11 25 Feel. F P. Adams $2.50 tie *1.25 Lot 3 25 Feet. City of Hermls- PENDLETON TRIBUNE: ton . .............. $5.40 Lot 12 32 Feet. First National ton . ........................................... 63.15 Add " A ''l ton Tz>t 6 54 Fee’, F Stevens $5 40 Lot 12 45 Feet. M. S. Kern »3.15 ........................... »3.20 ' I-ot Bs ”k ÍS Feet, M. S. Kern ,2 .6 0 to t 4 25 Feet, R. Alexander Please send the Pendleton Tribune to the follow ing address: Izit 7 54 Feet, F. Stevens $5.40 I-ot 13 45 Feet. O A. Cressy »3.15 l o t 13 16 Feet, A. F Rlesse J 1 60 l-ot 25 Feet, M S. Kern »2.60 Trustee ........... 92 50 lo t 14 25 Feel, A F Rlesse »2 80 , Tot Iz>t 14 45 Feet. J. H. Schram »3.15 Name .............................................. ......... 25 Feet, M. 8, Kern 92 50 l o t 5 25 Feet, .1. D low ntnn »2 50 Block “ lo t 15 in Feet, A F Bles-e 81.00 lo t 25 Feel. M. S. Kern »1 50 lo t 6 25 Feet. J. 11 tow m n n , 9 Rfi l-ot 6 51 Eeet, Prank Reeder *5 40 ' Lot 15 45 Fret. Earl Caldwell »3 15 l o t 15 15 Feet. J L Harmon * ’ 6® Izit Town 25 Feet. M. R. Kern »? 50 t o t 7 25 Feel. .1 D low nvin »2.50 1-ot 7 84 Eeet, Frank Reader *5 40 Izit 16 45 Feet. Earl Caldwell »3.15 lo t 16 26 Feet. .1 L. Harmon 82.6O.|zyt 60 Feet, J H Retd »5 00 l o t 8 25 Feet, J D. low rnnn »2.50* I-ot 8 64 Feet. Frank Reeder »5 40 ! Lot 9 32.4 Feet. J. T Hinkle ,3 .2 4 1 t-ot Lot 17 25 Feet, E. O. Comegys I Ix»t 60 Fet, J. H. Reid »5 00 85 Feet. J. T Dowell »5.95 State County l o t 9 30 Feet, R. Alexander Lot 9 21 6 Feel. E. E. McMIl- 1 Lot ..................................................... »3 50 I-ot 50 Feet. J. T. Dowell »3.50 60 Feet, C. S. McNaught Trustee ..................... 93 00 lan Estntc .. ........................... ,2 .1 » I-ot Lot 18 25 Feet. H. R Newpor’ 50 Feet. J T. Dowell »3.50 Street and Number I-ot 10 26 F eet. .1 D to w m a n 9 ’ 50 Lot 10 54 Feet. Mrs. E H. Geary .................................................... »2 50 Lot Lot 50 Feet. H A. Frick »3.50 25 Feet, C. S. McNaught 1-ot 11 75 Feet. J. D lo w m en 83.50 to t 1» "5 Feet. E O. Coniegya | ....................- ............................. »5.40 I ot 50 Feet. H. A. Frick »3 50 I herewith enclose » ......... .. in payment of the above subscription ............................................ »1.50 1 « •5 Fee», ft C T oehrle « • 60 Block "G”__ ......... ............................ «9 60 Block B”—- Lot 50 Feet. J. T. Dowell »3.50 1-ot 13 15 Feet R C. lo eh rle «2 50 Fast 54 270 Feet. II. T. Fraser » «A •» «V « «9 go Yours truly. I-ot 50 Feet. J T. Dowell »3.80 : Lot 1 60 Feet. O W R £ . N. ’ <-t 1 4 • 6 F eet. Clara C. H alt 9? 50 ...................-................. »27.0# I-ot Lot 21 25 Feet. »1. A F rlek »1.50 50 Feet I T Dowell »3 50 Co 75 I-ot 16 Feet. Clara O. Hall • • 50 Name .. Block "H”— 25 Feet, H. A Frtek » l.lO jm o ek **C"~.... Lot 50 Feet. J. T. Dowell »3 50 I z»1 1« »6 F eet. F 'ia Cook .... 9" 50 Lot I 54 Feet. City of Her Block 7- Lot 10 60 Feet, J. T. Dowell »3 50 J lo t s 1 to I, 1 ,4 Feet. M. S Kern I-ot 17 10 Feet. Ella Cook ,3 .0 0 miston ...................................... ,6 .4 0 l-ot 11 50 Feet, J. T Dowell »3 50 ! Address Lot 1 »0 Feet. Ruth M Frick .. » 1 , 40 1-ot 1» I t Feet, City of Hermls- Lot 2 54 Feet. City of Her Lot 11 50 Feet J. T Dowell »3 50 ...... •» .•« I City of Hermiston according to ton ... ........................................ »2.5 0 miston ................... ............... »6.4# Lot 11 60 Feel, J. T. Dowell »3 50 CITY The Story of Our States W B. s Tribune Advertising Pays Eastern Oregon’s Leading Newspaper ■ ■