Image provided by: Hermiston Public Library; Hermiston, OR
About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (March 2, 1922)
THE H B B M 1ST O N EXCHANGE AMERICAN LEGION Drafts ta AU Fart» of tbe United Sut«« NOTES $ 1 .0 0 to $10.00 _ 5c $50.00 to $100.00.... 15c $10.00 to $50.00.. 10c Each additional $100 ..15c weekly. O R E flO Greet Squirrels W ith Poison WANT AD COLUMN FDR SALE— 1 Pump Jack, leveling NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE instrument, harness, stoves, ranges’ UNDER EXECUTION small amount of lumber, flooring, is hereby given that by vir- ¡ floor Joice, window frames, eic. tue Notice of an execution Issued out of the Correll’s 8hop. 23-rfc. Circuit Court, State of Oregon, for Umatilla County, and to me directed LEAVE LAUNDRY for Domestic for and delivered, upon the judgement Pendleton at Oregon Hardware, and decree rendered and entered in hauling free. Del. Saturday. R B. said Court of the 8 th day of Febru- Spencer. 23-3tc. ary, 1922, in favor of J. B. Beebe as Plaintiff and against Theodore C. FDR SALE— Home Grown annual Parks and Mary E. Parks as Defend- ! Hnbln White Sweet Clover Seed. ants for the sum of 3264.13 with In *1.00 per lb. in 15 lb. lots, less terest thereon at the rate of 8 per amounts *1.50 per lb. Jim Tabor cent per annum from April 9, 1921 22-4 tc. the further sum of *400.00 with in- ! terest thereon at the rate of 8 per FOR SALE— Empire No. 42 Cream cent per annum from June 10, 1920, Separator, used less then 6 months the further sum of *75.00 attorney’s capacity 450 pounds per hour. Will fees, and for *23.00 costs and dis- ¡ sacrifice for *46. Earl C. Brow- bursements, which said decree, Judg- : nail, Umatilla. 22-tfc. ment, and order of sale has been docketed and enrolled in the office I of the Clerk of said Circuit Court; FOR BALE— Men’s and Boy’s Leather and whereas by said Judgement, de Puttees. *3, *4. *5 and *6. King- cree and order of Rale it was directed slay’s. that thd following described real ; property in Umatilla County, Oregon ¡ FOR SALE— Six months billy sired to-wlt: by *1000 Nubtan. Price *10. Ber Farm Unit "F” of the Northwest nard Signs, Boardman Ore. 20-4tc quarter, being the East Half of , Southeast Quarter of Northwest ALL STOCK and farming Implements quarter of Section 26, Township 5 for eale. W. W. Rogers. 25-ltc. North Range 28. E W. M. in Umatil la County. Oregon. I will on the 18th day of March, I MISCELLANEOUS A. D. 1922 at the hour of 2 o'clock in tbe afternoon of said day at West ( WANTED—An organ. Inquire Her- Front Door of Court House in Pendle. j »M or communicate with Rev. ton, Umatilla County, Oregon sell the Wann, box 673. Hermiston, Oregon right.* title and Interest tbe sj»ld 26-tfc. Theodore C. Parks and Mary E. Parks had in and to the above described FOR RENT— 40 A. alfalfa on halves. property on the 10th day of June, A. Write box 5(5 or Phone 202, Her- D. 1920 or since then has acquired, mlaton. 25-2tp. at public auction to the highest bid der for cash in hand, the proceeds FOR RENT— 10 aeree with house or to be applied In satisfaction of said >0 acres with house. All in alfalfa execution and all costs. Dated this 8th day of Februiry, Good terms to right party. 4 miles front town. J. H. DeMoee 25-3tc. A. D. 1922. » Zoeth Houser. Sheriff. By J. C. Marin, Deputy GROW GRAPES under contract. 23-Stc. Very low prices for vines for com mercial planting. Peacheo, Apri Irish Langusg». cots, Cherries, all kinds of fruit The Gaelic language Is the orig and ornamental stock. Ask for grape circular. Home Nursery inal and historical language of the Co. Richland. Wash. 17-tfe people of Ireland, though most of that country's Inhabitants speak Gaelic Is now taught In BUT A HOME— 10 to <4 scree, par English. tially Improved. Joins city on the national schools. Catholic parish east. Water right paid to date. schools and colleges In Ireland, as well I t years to pay. Eber D. Monete. as at Harvard university. Notre 17-*tc. Dame university and the Catholic Uni L. HALL Transfer. Call Knerr’s versity of im erici at Washington. There has been a revival of the use Phone 113. 13-tfe. of Gaelic through the efforts of the Society for the Preservation of tbs SHOP—Gatee Gaelic Language. TIRE 62-lte. Paid for second hand Oorvell’s I»- Finish. To try this method of covering the ef aeenrity la well worth cracks In furniture soften beeswax no How shout di tbe consistency of potty, then press ? See the E. It Into the eracks very flrmly. smooth 11-tfe F. Dadd Agency. Ing the sortane over with a thin knife. WANTED TO BUT veal and egg«. The surrounding wood shonld then Write or phone, ha sandpapered with ne ssndr«per shoot veal. ~Sarl Brownell. Uma- working some of the dost lato the J-tfe. heeewag. tOto, LO DG E DIRECTORY Warm weather of spring Is bring UKJEN ESTHER CHAPTER Ne. 101. O. R. B, ing out the squirrels and field mice Q meeta necead Tuesday venin« of each th •y e «venin« ffb N — a atS • t 8:00 »harp in Masonic hall. Visitln« meniMr» and they are beginning to damage welcome. Minnie snto E. Stewart. W. M. Kathryn L. Gamer. Sac. young orchard trees already. These Devoted to the Interest and Development of the Hermiston School« rodents shc-tld be poisoned without UER1C1STON LODGE NO. 1 agata in I »a Piratea« atk. VM tta« delay as every one killed now is Voi. 2. No. 19 equivalent to * doxen or more later E D. Duncan. Saey. A. P. B eiue. W. M. Mr. Frederick Hesser, editor of the Art— "Alright, close your eye» and n the season. If necessary the state VINKYARD lodge NO SM. I. O. 0. P, aw should be invoked to compel V m e e t, « t h M u n d ay v v e n fo g in O dS P«tkre» Mirror, has gone to Portland to have ■Ign my report card.” Visltlns m e m b e r , e ,.rd .« ll> uivfced. neighbors to help rid the community ball. his tonsils removed. W. R- Loachorn. Sac. A. Buhman, N. O. Mrs. Dyer— (Severely)— "Phyfits if these pests.—O. A. C. Experiment Superintendent Green is calling a do you see tbe hour Is past mid station. PR O FESSIO NAL C A R D S meeting of the school boards and night?” principals at Pendleton next Saturday D R . R. G. G A L E Phyllis— “I know It’s late mother to discuss contracts, salaries and P h y s ic ia n a n d B u r g e o n but you see, Johnny's car turned other matters of interest. Office-Gladys A va. near Fir»». St. turtle." Office Hour»: Mrs. Dyer— "Well, and did you t ta 5; 7:$0 to $. Miss Brierly, who was 111 last week ride back on the turtle?” has resumed her duties as teacher in DR. FR ANCIS P. A D A M S the high school. F»,«taito •*» SeffM. Mabie Brown broke her noee in Eye. treated, tested and O la u e. Film« Ofltco over First National Bank As the weather 1« now suitable the basket ball practice last week and is OFFICE PHONE. W outdoor exercises will be resumed appearing with it in cast. RESfDE------------------ ENCE PHONE. 596 Oflto» Hours: $ io 12 a. m.; 2 to 6 JO p. m. with Miss Long and Mr. Gralapp as Day er night calls at.Mweied promptly instructors. The local ball teams complete their schedule tor the season with a double ■ DR. W. W. ILLSLET Mr. V. in Geom. (after having ex header at Pilot Rock. s Offlc. over First National Bank plained a propoeltion)— "Now see The 110 American Legion posts In Oregon wilt make special efforts in H e r m iito o , O r e g o n the next 15 days to obtain the dues I of all delinquent members in order that they will receive every issue of ¡the organization’s weekly magazine the foremost ex-service men’s publi NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SAIF, cation in America today. This mag- UNDER EXECUTION A D V E R T IS E Notice is hereby given, . ___ that by azine is sent to every legion member . ____ virtue of an execution issued out of | to conserve the memories of the world YOUR WANTS the Circuit Court of the State of . . , j IN THE Oregon for Umatilla County to me war and t0 keep Bllve the frlendsh|P directed and delivered upon a judg- raade tn the service, in addition to ment and decree rendered in said presenting to legion members, an F??!1 ,on. th® 10t’? da> ot February, authentic account of the activities of 1922, in favor of R. W. Cargill. , .. , against Arnold Buhmann and Ann* M ,he leglon in the 10’754 communitleH Buhmann in the suit therein pending ot ,he world where legion posts are wherein the said R. W. Cargill was established and functioning, plaintiff and the said Arnold Buh- here, Nell, you may go to sleep In mann and Anna M. Buhmann were ; cow s The students of the Stanfield high defendents, for the sum of *2516.60, ' A new post of The American Le- church but not in my class. What school were guests of the Hermiston was that last proposition I Just gave with interest thereon at the rate of gion has been admitted to the ranks, POULTRY high school last Friday at a dancing 8 per cent per annum from the 24th , .. . a ™ . 8ETH NG EGGS day of December, 1921, until paid and in the approval ot charter for Echo, you?" party after the basket ball games. Neil— "Go to sleep in church but for the further sum of *250.00 at- making the 110th In the state. The REAL ESTATE | torney fees, and for the further sum Post was named after Don Hoffnagle, not in class.” The high school basket ball teams Fer Bale : For Rent For Exchon«e |o f »23.00 costs and disbursements, :an Echo veteran who lost.his life in • which said decree and judgement ,, > < « « -. , t Art— "Say dad, can you sign your were easy victors Friday evening [and order of sale have been duly tranc«- Maurice Coe. was elected against the S. H. 3. on the local floor. YOU’LL GET RESULTS : docketed and enrolled in the office of Commander; John I. Howard, Vice name with your eyes shut?" Mr. Rubner— "Of course, but The girls scored 42 to Stanfield's 5 the clerk of said court, and in and Commander, Ira M. Peterson, Adjut- and the boys 40-11. ■r n ettle« your meaMge Into the by which said Judgement, decree and ant_ c H Rhca. Finance officer and why— ” ta rn hanea e f the We»t End order of sale it was directed that _ _ , . . eu u. the hereinafter described real prop- Ray T- Johnson’ chaplain. Eighteen at Umatilla County Dicklow -—0. A. C. Experiment sta- erty in Umatilla County, Oregon, to- veterans signed the application for Do your part and never fail tion. To dig up the yearly kale; wit: ¡charter. One Line : One Time The Northeast quarter of the ' ______ Drop that letter in the mail. Southwest quarter of the Southeast One Dime Pay your dues— DUES, DUES 1922. Look with suspicion on the ben quarter of Section Nine (9 ), Town-' The American Legion of Oregon Is Yours for a big increase in mem with bright yellow shanks this time ship Four (4 ), North of Range endeavoring to locate Earl Norman of year. She has probably been loaf Twenty-eight (28), E. W. M togeth- Franklln and Roy Bishop, both veter. bership for the Webfoot State. er with the tenements, hereditaments . . , ... ing on the Job until spring came.—-O. Harry N. Nelson and appurtenances thereto belong- ans ot the Wor,d War. Bishop enlist Department Adjutant. A. C. Experiment station. ing including all water rights and cd in Portland and was wounded in rights to use of water thereon thereto France on Armistice Day and dis belonging or in anywise appertain charged at Camp Lewis In June 1919. EASTERN OREGON FARM NOTES Apply Lime Early ing, and also all of the estate, right Spring applications of lime should Irrigated barley yielded 1368 and interest of said Arnold Buhmann The families of these men are anxious pounds to the acre as compared with be made as soon as the soil is dry and Anna M Buhmann in and to the to learn their whereabouts. FOR SALE same, be sold by the sheriff of Uma 944 pounds of irrigated oats, accord enough to crumble and disperse it tilla County, Oregon, to satisfy said ing to the census figures for Oregon through the soil. The lime may be Ray Johnson Post No.)44 American FOR SALE!— Seed rye, rye straw and Judgment and all costs. harrowed in after plowing. On land Therefore, I will, on the 26th day Legion of Redmond, Oregon will It will pay to grow more barley than f-«« pipe, 1 inch size. S. R. Shell- Way 25-2tp. of March, 1922, at the hour of two SOon begin construction on its swim- oats unless the region is exception that is drained or on hill land where o’clock in the afternoon of said day. ing tank and clubhouse. The tank ally frosty or cold. Barley is also legumes are to be grown, one to two FOR SALE— 40 acres, partly im at the front door of the Court House, far better to plant on land somewhat tons per acre should be applied, de proved. Terms, W. A. Leathers. in the City of Pendleton, Umatilla *8 1° be 80 feet by 70 feet, with a strong with alkali.— O. A. C. Experi pending on the degree of acidity.— Cunty, Oregon, sell aU the right, ti- depth of three and one half feet to 25-tfc. tie and interest which the said de- nlne and one baif feet. i t wju be O. A. C, Experiment station. ment station. Arnold Buhmann andI Anna lockers and howe,. FOR SALE— My herd of grade Jer fendants The Pneumonia Month M. Buhmann, or either of them, had _ . t sey«. Take your choice at very at on the 28th day of April, 1920, or rooms. The post recently purchased Fence posts made of the heart wood March is a typical pneumonia tractive prices. All young stock. since then have acquired, or jow a block in the southwestern part of of mountain cedar will last from 25 month and usually gives a high rate Geo. H. Root. 25-tfc. have, in and to the following describ- tbe town on wbicb the tank and club to 30 years as compared with 6 or 7 of mortality for the disease. After ed premises, situated In Umatilla . years for those made of sap wood. a long and hard winter, the system house/are to be constructed. FOR SALE— Team, harness, wagon, County, State of Oregon, to-wlt: Heavy posts having a circumference loses much of its resistance and peo mower and rake, two slips, two The Northeast quarter of the ' gate«, and other small articles for Southwest quarter of the Southeast Get your weekly on the dot of 21 inches are the most economical ple grow careless. When every cold, **65. One 1 H h. p. Z type gas quarter of Section Nine (9 ). Town- . to buy. Red Juniper posts, split, will no matter how slight, is given prompt engine, good order, (36. J. W. ship Four (4 ), North of Range £ay your dues, last much better than the same sized and intelligent attention, there is Roger, Williamson place. 25-2tp. Twenty-eight (28). E.W.M. together Be a "Johnny on the spot” round ones. Nothing but a good post much less danger of pneumonia. It with tenements hereditaments and Pay your dues, should pay in a permanent fence.— should be borne in mind that pneu FDR SALE—One 14 cut Deering appurtenances thereto belonging in- Lgt your adjutant be happy, header, 2 18-foot boxes and nets, eluding all water rights and rights to _ O. A. C. Experiment station. monia is a germ disease and breeds In the use of water thereon thereto be- Do not be a backward chappie, one double disk tandem rig, one the throat. Chamberlain’s Cough high-lift two bottom gang plow longing or in anywise appertaining; Come on fellows, make it snappy! lS-lnch. Inquire Herald office. and also all of the right, estate, ti- Pay your dues. DUES. DUES 1922. Federation topped all spring wheats Remedy is an expectorant and cleans 25-tfc. tie and Interest of said Arnold Bu- I Nineteen twenty two is here under the high irrigated conditions out the germ ladened mucus and not mann and Anna M. Buhmann I and pf the Aberdeen experiment station in only cures a cold but prevents its re to the same: said lands to be sold at | your due8- FOR SALE— Reasonable offer accept public auction to the highest bidder ; Keep your legion record clear, 1921. Federation yielded 79.7 bushels sulting in pneumonia. It is pleasant ed for a 10 acre tract, SEU SWU an acre, which was 19.4 more than to take. Children take It willingly. NEU Sec. 16, 4N R28. Box 104, for cash in hand, the proceeds of ’ay your dues, to be applied in satisfaction of — . i ....... sgow, Montana. atiai 25-31p. sale said execution and all costs. Dated this 10th day of February, FOR SALE— Baled hay, 2nd crop 1922. • ■lightly damaged, *8.50 per ton Zoeth Houser, Sheriff, dolivered. Enquire thia office. by J. C. Marin, Deputy 23-5tc. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF HERMISTON | H E R M IS T O N , Bs High School Mirror In a wire received by The Ameri can Legion of Oregon from officials of The American Legion Weekly, March 15th has been designated as the "dead line" for holding unpaid members on the mailing list of the Draft« and Travaler» Check» fer all Fart» W orld HERALD, ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■a ! Back in Business : Osteopathy Our new brick shoe store is now open with s new line of goods. See us for SHOE REPAIRING . g D r . F. V . P IU M E D E N T IS T R Y OAK TAN SHOE STORE « a m ReSgere, F r a * . Hermiston. Oregon O A m . Bank Bid«. ■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■I b b b b T HERMISTON AUTO TRUCK TRANSFER 8 a. m. to * p. at. I P H O N I O R IS O N H A R D W A R I M a. 4S W. J. W A R N E R ATTORNEY AT LAW H E R M IS T O N , O R E G O N J. D . Z Ü R C H E R LAWYER Stanfield . UMATILLA GENERA! Oregon HOSPITAL Well and Modernly Equipped H. Robicett, Prop. Special Rates in Maternity Oases Miss Nell tendent. H a rm itta a , Ore. Kammerltn, superin Edwards B uildine H .S .M C K E N Z IE .M -D . EYE. EAR. NOSE AND THROAT) Has removed from hi» former location in the Bond Rid«, to Rooms 1, 2 and 3 Inland Empire Bank BM«. SEE P K N D T .R T O N H IT T : OREGON D R . D C. R K ’H R Y OPTOMETRIST AND OPTICIAN Eyes Scientifically Examined Lenses Ground and Fitted American National Bank Pendleton Bid«. Oroson -F O R - DR. RAY LOGAN, GUNS Physlcan and Surgson Um atilla. Oregon Truck Hauling C oal, $1 p er to n W o o d , $1 p er cord T ru n k s an d M o v in g AMMUNITION A ll * « P r e - w a r P r l e a s D. H . C O O K A FULL UNE Elliott’s Tire Shop. Phons 1SS Service Speed Economy T h e F rench R estaurant BAHUT ud CONFtCnONKtT Elo«antly Fumlahod Room«Mn Connection STRICTLY FIRST CLASS Hobbach Bras., Proprietors F r u it, B a le d H a y an d L iv e s to c k T r a n s fe r 0 . 0 . Felthonie :: Phone 4M A. D. CROSLAND Pend’«ton. Ore«on E. L. H A L L TR AN SFER A SON PHONE 152 All Lines of Transfer TWO TRUCKS QUICK SERVICE When NewiorR Says T 6 « ,» D or Laava ordar» af Knerr’s Garage g B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B » .! 5J. L . V A U G H A N ! Phone 785 Calls Answered All Hears IVs When Your Clothes Snigoy Medicine Call« Answer«! at alLhour« Office phon« 561 RMid enee pho»« Tit • E L E C T R IC F I X T U R E S ■ ’ A N D A P P L IA N C E S 5 ! Phene 18$ - P e n d l e t o n , O r u .g J t o s V. C o u r t S t . IB B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B «BBIIIIIISIISBISISIIISSSSSIISBSeillSBIIl B ■ I are Made to Measure by a Good Tailor PIONEER EMPLOYMENT CO. i W ith tw o big offica» 2 On Any Occasion PENDLETON and PORTLAND “ The Royal Tailored Man Stands Out From the Crowd Is p rep ared to h a n d le th e b u s in e s s o f E a ste r n O reg o n b e tte r th a n e v e r b e fo r e J 7 hink o f a genuine Custom Tailored Suit Guaranteed all Pure Wool as Low as $25.00 Our Sp ecialties J F a rm s, M ills, C am p s, H o te ls, G a ra g es, E tc . W e N e g o t ia t e L e a s e s a n d R e n ta ls ■ ■ W ire Rauh Ordar» at O«r*Expaa»a Partlaad Offica 14 N. Sacond St. P e n d le t nn O f f ic a J Th» »aly Fn,liya»al^Offin ta EaMm Orv,sa with Coaawttaa» la Parilsad D ealers and ia OVERCOATS $25“ and tap Made to Order T he R oyal T ailor .5 C H IC A G O — M LW YORK r ® B BB aBB BB BB BeeB B BB BB eeee»»e»»ee»BB BB BB BB B C leaning and Pressing SU IT S J ■ 11SE. Webb St. B pimi ,. rrs ■ ■ RELIABLE CLEANERS ■ 1 0 ,0 0 0 Cities and T ow ns Am Overstocked on Tube Patch ing Outfits 3 0 PER CENT OFF W H ILE THEY L A ST S e e ou r W in d o w fo r A d d itio n a l A r tic le s a t a S p ecia l D isc o u n t "W s W eld Aaylbiag but Ibe Breab of Day” FLOYD KN ERR