Image provided by: Hermiston Public Library; Hermiston, OR
About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (March 9, 1922)
Gïïp ìfonttthimt iterali VOL. XVI im o r r oi e - jj HERMISTON, UMATILLA COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, MARCH 9. 1922 PASSES BILL TO CLEAR PATENTS HERMISTON LEGION DEFEATS IRRIGON TEAM. 42 TO 18 Game is Fast and Clean With Few Fouls; Longhorn Takes High Point Honors With 18 TWO REVIVALS ARE BEING HELD HERE U. S. VETERINARY TO MAKE COW TESTS NEXT WEEK Fanners Requested to Notify Com mittee if They Want Their Anrnols Tested No. 26 GOV. DAVIS DELIVERS 3 ADDRESSES; SAYS FARMER'S FUTURE IS BRIGHT BAPTISTS AND METHODISTS ARE HAVING UNION SERVICES The Hermiston American Legion Dr. S. B. Foster, of the'bureau of (basketball team carried off the hon- animal industry, of Portland has PASSAGE OF SMITH McNARY P R E -»- ihrs in a game at Irrigon Friday eve- — •LYCEUM ADDRrSS IS ENJOYED ¡sent word that Dr. Madden will be HIGH SCHOOL TO PRESENT DIGTED THIS YEAR „ AND APPLAUDED 05 SerteWI Opposition Expected n*nK ’*be final count being 42to 18. Rev. W. F. Pettibone Here from Ore here the first of the week for the COMIC OPERA NEXT WEEK gon City; Free Methodist Meet- In Senate Bin s oft Says; Smith The game was played in the old purpose of testing coWs for tube MeWary Rjll Reported 'school building at Irrigon and a falr- » ings Every Evening . losis. j ly good crowd was out. The game If no rc-actors are found in thfir Governor Addresses Commercial Club “Love Pirates of Hawaii,” Will be Return to Simple Life. Hard Work , war, fast and clean, only a very few and Visitors Tuesday Noon; Attraction in H. S. Auditor and Higher Moral Standards test several herds on the project will Rev. W. E. Pettibone, pastor of Fanners’ Future Bright ium Friday Evening Hors Is «ome news that will make fouls called against either side. .. .Advocated by Governor _ be placed ., on the accredited herd • good many west end ranchers sit iHenry Gunn ° f Hermiston refereed the Baptist church of Oregon City, is list. conducting revival services a t' the up and take notice. The house of the contest. All wishing cows tested should no The Hermiston high school will Methodist church each evening this A straight from the shoulder, man A crowd which filled the Play Longhorn High Point Man representatives at Washington yes give the comic opera "Love Pirates tify the committee tn charge As Dr. For Irrigon the high point man week.t The two protestant churches to man talk, distinctly minus any of House Tuesday evening heard Gov terday pesaed the bill which releas of Hawaii,” In the high school audi Madden’s time is limited, it is re- | was L Markham who caged three are holding the services together. a , the “deere peepul,” effect, but as dis- ernor D. W. DavlH of Idaho discuss ed tka government lien against pat- Rev. Pettibone was scheduled to quested that all have Jheir cows in tlnctIy 8atl«fylng and plea8ing to the torium Friday evening, March 17. data dating sines August 9. 1912. If baskets. Strader and M. Markhani speak Monday evening but was de- ,he 8,abIe and leady The students have been working another reclamation subject, “R e be te8,ed at large group of west end farmers and ■were close seconds in the scoring, Ike Mil passes the senate and no op- on the music for some time and the clamation of American Home ” he time alloted then) by the com each making four points. For Her- iayed and opened his meetings Tues business men which gathered to hear pnMtlon la expected there, farmers promise you a fine entc-talnment of -J.F. McNaught Introduces j miston, Raymond Longhorn was the day evening instead. The first ser mltteo. him, was what Governor D. W. Davis ♦Hl bo eligible to the federal farm The speaker was introduced by snappy rollicking choruses and beaut The committee are Trank Wauga- stellar performer with 18 points of vice was held early so the congreg- of Idaho delivered at the Hermiston iful solos. The solo parts are taken J. F. McNaught who referred to him I his credit. Todd made 12 points atlon could attend the lyceum after- ,nan- IIenry Bommeree, P. P. Suli- hotel luncheon early Tuesday after by Jamed Hali, Norman Rubner, as the man who had done as much van, A. W. Agnew and C. M, Jack- noon. Mo Further Trouble Expected and Phelps (who played at center ward. Lawrenco Winslow. Ariouine Robin for reclamation as any man in the A telegram to this effect was r«- made' lo son. The lineup folows: Is a Regular Pastor Hartman Unable to Come son, Zona Bensei, with Lucile Sulli west. Mr. Davis disclaimed this ddtved yesterday afternoon by J. F. i rrlgon Mr. Pettibone is not a regular ev Hermiston The dining room held as many as van, Mary Addleman, Mabie Brown honor, merely stating that he had ><• president of the Hermis-, L Markham (6) F. (18) Longhorn angelist but isthe pastor if a large there were seats for when hostilities and Pauline Voelker as the quartet of done what he could for the cause Irrigation District from Congress- Slrader (4) (12) Todd church who was persuaded to come F. were commenced on the “eats” pro Hawaiin girls. which means so much to the west, B N. J, Sinnott Mr. Sinnott had Gbaney ( 2 ) C. (10) Phelps here tn the hope of being able to do vided by Mrs. Durfrey, All regular The choruses include Roy Siivey, then adding that he came near be prSvlonely informed Mr. McNaught w „rtklnB G. Hiatt good. He will remain here all this business for the meeting was dispens Orval Siivey, Dan Wlnesett, Wallace ing a resident of this county, having lk<t b . expected considerable op- O. ( 2 ) Waterman week and perhaps a little longer. ed with and since sickness prevented Reid, Arthur Rubner, Marshall New come down as far as Echo 16 years position to the bill in the house but M Markham (4) S. H Waterman The meetings commence at 7:30. .the presence of Mayor Hartman of port, Dewey Payne, Earl Carson, ago and having traveled over east tkeoght If It got to the senate it Henry Gunn, referee. referee A good musical program is being HERMISTON MAN TO OPPOSE PendIeton who was t0 speak on com’ Earnest Carson, . Herbert Haneline, ern Oregon and eastern Washington WOaM go through without serious ___________ offered in connection with the ser COLON R EBERHARD munlty camp grounds, the entire ses Gladys Ware, Elda Buhman, Margar before finally locating in Idaho. apposition. vices. C P. Adams rendered a cor W. W. ROGERS REPORTS GOOD sion was given over to a talk by the et Neary, Eldora Kingsley, Lenore The governor then reviewed tlie Mr. Slnnott’s telegram Is as fol CONDITIONS IN LA GRANDE net silo Wednesday evening. Messrs. ----------- Idaho executive. Dyer, Gertrude Beisse, Reta Lauter- war period, insisting that the high Shelliday and Waterman are sched f E. P. Dodd, in introducing the mllk, Merna Query, Fern Wilson, wages and high prices had done no Washington, D. C., Mar. 8 W. W. Rogers returned Wednes- uled for an instrumental duet one Candidate is Old Resident Here and good, but had merely taught extra, I speaker, recalled that Idaho was the Helen Uphnm, Mary Curry. J. F. McNaught, President Hermis- day morning from a business trip to evening. Friday will be school night Has Previous Experience in The receipts will go into the stu vagant and wasteful habits to all. land of his birth and that he had (e* Irrigation District, House today Baker and La Grande. He reports and Mr. Adams' orchestra will play the Oregon Legislature |epent his boyhood days in what was dent body treasurer. Tickets wilt be People forgot to work tn the good passed H B.4382 which I mailed to weather east of the mountains as Sunday evening. I then the sage country of the Boise on sale in a few days at 50 cents. A old way, he said. If milking time you with letter of Feb. 8. I made ' decidedly rotten with from four in- Another series of religious meet district At that time, Mr, Dodd program will be printed In The Her came when the family wanted »0 good use of your letter. Enclosing j ches to three feet of snow on the ings being held by the Free Meth J. T. Hinkle, city attorney of Her start for the show they sold the cows ald next week. fatter of Oshea, President of Spokane ground at present. It has been one jdsts at their mission across thel j miston and well known local rest said, the idea of irrigating these and went to the shows. If they had lands had not been given serious con Sank. N. J. Sinnott. I of the worst wirtters on record over street from the Hermiston hotel. Rev- dent, will be a candidate for the re. Fords they sold them and bought sideration, and it was in part because Condor People Here » Smith-McNary Chances Good (here and Hermistn felt like Palm o. E. Edwards, a South Dakota min- Publican nomination to the state sen- of“i) ,7 ’dl8COUraging"ouUook that w i big cars. “Why in Idaho they herd Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Baker arrived Another piece of news that may Beach ----------------- By comparison "»‘er who «» L id in s services for the ate in the May primaries, according Dodd ' ha„ ,eft Idaho and conle to in Hermiston yesterday with inten ed sheep in Cadillacs,” he continued turn out to have even greater value The encouraging part of Mr. Free Methodist church at different front page story in the Pendle- eastern Oregon. tions of making this their perman amid laughter. to the project is the reporting of , Rogers observations is that business pieces in the west this winter, is ton Tribune Sunday morning, Reclamation is Topic ent home if they can find a suitable - Work ir. Remedy the 8mtth-McNary bill by the sen- is picking up rapidly and that in- preaching. ! Three County Seat Mr. Davis devoted his remarks al ranch. Mr. Baker visited The Her Now we must get down to earth, ate Irrigation committee by a unani- dications point to a good year. He The meetings opened Sundey eve- The seat for which Mr. Hinkle will most entirely to the subject of roc- ald yesterday to read the “For Sale" the visitor doctnied. Wo must ieurn Moua vote Tuesday. This bill car- reports people in Baker and Union ning and will continue about two try is at present held by Colon R. iamatjOn. He gave the history of the Vl*s an appropriation of 1350,000,- counties as very hopeful with a not- weeks longer. A Bible reading and Eberhard of La Giande and repre- work done for reclamation by the advertisements lit recent issues of to work again; we must return to the paper. the simple way of living; we must • • 0 for the desert lands of the west iceable improvement already. study class is held each afternoon sent« the three counties of Umatilla, 'governor8 of tbe western Btatea and learn to depend upon ourselves in •nd the swamp lands of the south. 1 ------------------------- - at 2:30. The evening services open Morrow and Union. Mr. Hinkle is de8crlbed thelr trip t0 Washington. stead of expecting the government It represents the views of those a‘ 7:30' ,he only n,an from TOUnty to en-' their arrival there, the cool recep- to solve all our problems and to make extremely friendly to Irrigation and ♦ ter the race for this seat thus far. Uon they recetved at flr8t and the in- ua prosperous. ♦ a s so good that its passage was ♦ OREGON INDUSRTIAL * Tbe Tribune «»ys in Par‘ : terest they were able, a little later The speaker referred to some of •on elder ed doubtful. Now that the • REVIEW * "Interest in the apprqaehing pri- to arouse. Mr Davis thinks there Is the prevailing evils of the time. We M aa te committee* has reported jt ❖ mary election increased perceptibly every indication that the Smlth-Mo- have too many laws, he believes, tekerably by a unanimous vote ''It Salem— State prison starts manu- 'n Pendleton yesterday with the an- Nary bill, upon which the future ro- ifieak laws which were never in-: ♦ H I dome before the senate with facture wooden-ware. Number con- , nouncement that J. T. Hinkle, Her- iclamatlon of the west, in large part GAME WITH IRRIGON IS TÔ END tended to be enforced, or laws wh^ch •*•17- pbanee of passing at the pres- BANQUET SERVED IN HONOR OF victs surpasses all former records, 'miston attorney, will run for a seat depends, will pass in the regular ses- . . 1922 SEASON 4 , were rushed through the legislature W. R. BILYEU 133 having been committed in 1921, in the state senate. He seeks to rep- aton of congress. President Harding without eal study. The good leg majority for crimes not subject to reRent Unon, Umatilla and Morrow wm support It, whenever it comes to islator, he said, Is not the one who trATK tax B ody to meet parole. counties and will run against Colon him for approval, the speaker added. High School ..Teams Played Last Introduces the most bills, but. t^e one • “wlTr 15 Three Candidates Take Degree at nr ..PENDLETON MARCH Portland— Contracts let for grad- R' Eberbard La Grande. who helps kill all unnecessary bills. Mr. Davis spent 11 days with Sec Games at Pilot Rock Last Royal Arch Meeting; About ing last two units Mt. Hood loop. | I" Old Timer Having denounced freak laws and retary Fall of the interior department . w w Saturday Evening . 50-Members Attend Ldal Tax Problems to be Consider “Mr. Hinkle hardly needs an in and declared that that official had unnecessary laws the governor de Umatilla county to build 30 miles ed; Citizens Are Invited to troduction to Umatilla county voters. received a splendid Impression while clared strongly for .strict enforce market roads in 1922. Present Their Views Old king basketball has resigned ment of all laws on the books He He Is of a pioneer family, having in the west last summer. He de W. R. Bilyeu, grand high priest of Pendleton union painters have reduc- moved to Oregon with his parents scribed some of the projects in Idaho in glory in IlermlBton this winter (denounced the prevailing laxity tn | from G)asgow Ky in lgg4 The and mentioned particularly the great but his reign is almost over. His last the enforcement of the prohibition For the purpose of gathering at the Royal Arch chapter of Oregon ed wages. first hand Information as to tax con ■was a Hermiston visitor Monday Marshfield Big logging camp family settled 18 miles north of Pen- storage dam to be built on the pres public appearance will be tomorrow amendment and also criticized the ditions In various parts of Oregon, night, about 50 members were pres opening on Cunningham Creek. dleton, where he spent his early ent site of his home, American Fails, evening at the auditorium when the motion pictures for featuring crime the state tax investigation commis- ent at the meeting and banquet held Seaside building new pier for sum- years. The aspirant for political hon- the construction of which means sub. Hermiston Legion’s fast aggregation scenes. SMn will hold a public hearing at in hia honor. mer resorts. jors from this section has practiced stantlally the same to a large distriat meets the Irrigon team for a return Speech is Applauded The Hermiston Royal Arch lodge Pendleton on March 15. The com- Florence— 8150,000 to be expend-j law 15 year» in Pendleton during hia of southern Idaho that the construc- game. The governor advocates a return mission desires to hear local tax prob includes members from Arlington to ed on Eugene highway, ! early manhood. From Pendleton ho ton of the McKay creek reservoir The boys beat Irrigon at that town to the moral standards of a gener lefcis and to this end has invited the (Echo and many attended from out of last week In one of the cleanest and ation ago, and he believes that 90 Kamelt— Blue Mountain tavern moved onto a ranch in the Butter means here. eotmty court, county assessor and town. These included about 20 front to bo built here. best pleyed games of the Beason. A per cent of parents at heart feel the I creek country and has been a resident Farmers Should Stick ether officials to be at the hearing the Pendleton lodge. Lebanon cannery to be refinanced °f the Hermiston country ever since, In perhaps the most interesting good interesting game Is promised same way toward prevailing tend Abo the commission invites the pres- Mr. Bliyeu is an Albany man and and operated for 1922. interested chiefly in irrigation farm. part of his talk, the governor discuss this time. Admission will be 20 and encies It was a clean, hard hitting •dee of organizations of taxpayers visited Pendleton before coming here. West Salem seeking to get a post of- and development. address throughout. No attempt was ed the future of agriculture. He 35 cents. The game starts at 8. t|ld of individual taxpayers. . In the Round-up city he was the The high school season was brou to say things that would bo "Mr. Hinkle served in both the thinks farmers who plan to leave the flee. Thia commission was appointed by guest of the local Masons at a ban- ght to a conclusion last Saturday Douglas county jail overflowing 1913 and the 1915 legislatures and farming business at this time are when both the boys' and girls’ lost funny or that would win applause, t i e 1921 session of the legislature ouet In the Hotel Pendleton Sunday was chairman of the irrigation com making a big mistake as agriculture but as a matter of fact both laugh and will enlarge. Id investigate the tax situation in the ; evening, coming here next day. mittee in both sessions. In 1916 he recovers faster than any other Indus. to Plot Rock at that city. The boys ter and applause were forthcoming •tkts, with a view to equalizing the At Monday's meeting the Royal Dallas planning to build miles of was president of the Oregon Irriga- try after every depression period He were decisively beaten but the girls on many occasions. ttk burden. Members of the com- Arch degree was conferred upon sidewalks. tion congress and during the next few believes that with a lower acreago held their opponents to *he close Mission, each of whom is a w ell-'three candidates, Glenn Blakely of Medford— 1100 a ton gold strike years worked throughout Oregon, this year, there Is likely to be a score of 17 to 13. A large number, Baptist Notices hdown citizen, serve without Compen I Umatilla, Lee Bartholomew of Stan- made in Fick and Carr mine. Washington, Idaho, California arfd shortage of farm products, with high frm here went over to see the con Sunday school 10:00. “Our duty Chemawa— Congress gives 360,000 Nevada, ar. assistant to chief Counsel aatton and are carrying out this in- field and W. H. Sheppard of Umatilla. tests. er prices immediately. Vdsttgatlon as a public duty. for new dormitory. Games with Athena at the wheat in the Sunday school is to bring a Will R. King of the United States The governor also sounds a cnll for cargo to port, not a derelict.” To Oregon ranks second in potential Under the commission the most ex “THE MONEY CHANGERS” TO reclamation service, lie now resides more of the simple life, declaring city were called off on account of rescue was the voice of yeeterday. water power. haustive tax study ever undertaken the slcknessness prevailing there. BE HERE AND AT UMATILIA with his family upon a ranqh near (ha, h|gh wflge8 a„d prlceg heIp b„, To prevent is the divine whisper of Bandon— Crude oil found on the I * the state Is now being conducted. Hermiston. little If we do not save and do wlth- today. The eomisslon must make its report beach between Floras Lake and Cape “■The applicant is city attorney for out unnecessary luxuries. He bo- STB ANGE GAMBLER REFORMS Our goal Is to doubln the attend aad recommendations by November Upton Sinclair Picture to Show at Arago. A CROOKED WESTERN TOWN Pound’s at 3 p. m. and Here in ance Sunday. Each class is working this year. The commission has gath Medford— Contract let for 115 Hermiston and Stanfield and has been Hevrs that in plenty of hard work for several years. He is actively en- lies the path of advancement. both the Evening to Increase its numbers. ered statistics showing that most of milo power line. Heart interest, suspense and drama t ie tax burdens now rests on real Sheridan—-New company organiz gaged in commercial club work and for the individual and the nation, We have classes for all. If you has been a taxpayer of Umatilla are the outstanding featutes of “The property and the commission is en "The Money Changers," Benjamin ed here to manufacture furniture. Speaks to Students come we will show you a Christian Ashland to have new foundry soon. county for many years. Mrs. Hinkle deavoring to find a workable plan B. Hampton’s powerful Palhe drama After the luncheon the governor Freeze Out” which will have Its first welcome. Warrenton— Clay products plant his wife is a member of the Umatilla was taken to the high school where local showing at the Play House which will bring relief to the proper of love, adventure and intrigue in The Junior B Y.P.U. meets every county library board and ir. promt- ty owners. At the hearing, which modern New York life," is the first here to build morn kilns. he made a 30 minute talk to the stu Saturday and Umatilla Friday. Sunday. If your children have not. rent in club and social work gener Carey Is known as the ace of West ♦ in he held throughout the state, photoplay written directly for the Eugene—Contract ¡awarded for dents from 3 to 3:30. He presented heen attending they are missing ally. A son. Dale, Is in San Francis • • that data can be had in every screen by a great author Upton Sin- public market here. some principals which he thinks ern drama. He has a new type of worth while things. co in the army and a daughter, starring vehicle in "The Freeze Out.” new aactton. the commission solicits sug- clair, famous author of "The Jungle” Eugene— U. of O. to have : hould govern the lives of yourfl The senior B.Y.P.U. will meet. Frances, attends Monmouth Normal people today, obedience of parents. Throughout the five reels he has an pasttone for remedying the tax prob- and other books, took the theme of 112.000 fraternity house. Jointly with the Epworth leagfie In school. North Bend— Street improvements his novel "The Money Changers” as a willingness to study, and clean, earn opportunity to demonstrate a mastery the Methodist church. The young Will File Statement Members of the commission are: base and with Mr. Hampton wrote to cost about 175,000 ordered. est living in general. In both talks of subtle drama and flashing wit. “I will file my definite statement Mr Davis stressed the subject of loy George Hull wrotg the original people are cordially invited. Rev. I. 1». Day. Chairman, Portland; Henry a story direct for the screen. It Is a Redmond to have fire-proof the- of platform with the secretary of alty to the country, declaring that atory and Jack Ford, who has pro Pettibone will spenk N. Deed, Portland; Coe. A. McKenna. fact that the photodramatization or atr« building. We arc to have an all day servleo ,state within a few days,” declared this was the be t country on earth duced many of Carey's successes, di- Portland: C. 8. Chapman, Portland; screen story evolved by Messrs. Bandon to have new city hall. Sunday, beginning at 11 o'clock. W alter M. Pierce, La Grande: E. H. Hampton and Sinclair was written Scio— Work begins on new high tr. Hinkle eyeterday, In discussing and , hat |t offe, Pd thp be8, rhancw tected the production. hls active entry Into the political for success of any country on earth, Heading the supporting cant is Hel Plans will be announced at the even thntth. Lakeview; Charles A. Brand, In novel length, over a hundred school gymnasium. en Ferguson, a crpablo dramatic acl- ing service? dining the week. thousand words. Eugene— Work to start about game. “General tax reduction will Rev. Pettibone enptured hl? aud less. who recently was seen in “The The photoplay used the underly- March 15 on upper McKenzie road. he my chief endeavor If chosen to 0UF /FI-RFCIATION Mutiny of the Elsimore” and in other ience Tuesday evening with his Cottage Grove— Latham district to represent these counties In the statq j ing theme of the novel. Mr. Hamp >YZ LOMG The officers and members of Yln- legislature, however; and upon this feature productions. Carey ¡alao is mesi age. He will speak each night 07 .FEEDING ton as a magazine editor In New build 14,000 school house yard Lodge No. 206 I. O. O. F. de guppoited by Joe Harris, J. Farreil (at 7 30. If yon hear hhn once you plank mainly will I base my cam Baker— Plans being made for |5 # ,- York was greatly interested In Upton sire to express their thanks to the McDona’d, Charles LeMoyne, Lydia will hear him each time. paign.” I Sinclair’s novel while It was being 000 milk condensery. Echo News many non-members who so willingly Yeamans Tims and many others ▼ey. who was in Echo fhis i written. Its enormous sate when St. Helena— Island mill resume? Prayer meeting: will be announced Washington County News-Times contributed to the success of our con ■aid feeding« of sheep and cat- published, and the sensation tt creat operations after long shutdown. each evening. vention recently held In Hermiston. tle oa hia Butter Creek ranch had ed, was prophesied by biro. When, Sweet Home votes to build new han 20-pago Industrial edition. Bank to Receive Taxes Linn County strongly for tax-re- Many of the window decorations heen under way 103 days so far this years later, Mr. Hampton changed 85500 grade school house. Auction Draws Crowd The First National bank advertises have never beon excelled even when winter. During that time about bk: activities to the picture field and Astoria— 3150.000 site purchawd diictlor program. - In this week's Herald that It will get J. S. Utterback’s sale was held McCormick rawmlllr. St Helen ship we met In large cities. l«aa tons of hay has been used on became a famous producer, he got by toot factory firm. tax statements from the county sher- Monday afternoon on the old Buhman Dallas— Willamette Valley Flax cargo lumber direct to New York. Our fjur hundred visitors com tN for all who wish to pay their place, G. L. Bennett auctioneering A t i e ranch. Some of the Vey sheep Mr. Sinclair to take the elements of have completed lambing and a band the novel he had especially admired and Hemp Growera' Aas'n. investlgat- mented freely upon the Interest la»m here Thia will save the tax big crowd was out and the property St. Patrick’s Day Dance ■tf weathers and lambs have been and make another novel-length story <ng desirability of establishing flax shown by every citizen and the payeI. , be trouble of writing to Pen- sold Is reported as having brought driven to the Echo shearing plant, written expressly for the screen. retting plant here. Tom Marxen of Ihe City Audltorl- fraternal spirit of our organization dh ten for the statement and then'fairly good prices. The moat amus- announce? a Pt. Patrick’s day reaches far beyond our own member- incndlng the money there. Taiea for Ing event of the unto waa the auetlon- where hay will he hauled for the rest -------------------- -—— Tillamook— Bids opened for rood of the feeding eeaeon. --------- from Happy Camp to Oceanside. ice on Friday March 17. Knight’s ship. ih- find half year will be delinquent Ing of a big 20 gallon crock, which ~ ■ ■ Allen Von Behren left for Walla Brownsville— Woolen Mills to open hertra will furnish the music and J. S West, y after April 3. so thia unhappy sub- for some reason or other drew splrlt- H. • • Hitt returned from Jefferson Walla Tuesday He expects to re- when machinery is installed. Marxen promise.- special decorá p. C. Young, ijeet will have to h?ve aiter.'f^n In the cd bidding. Just why everybody in f. C'oaanltfee. I very r.far future. w-nted the crock was not disclosed, Rainier to pave Water Street is in honor of the occurton. main there «bout two days- )Nt mter t ilM X R S NOW m LINE TO GET FARM LOANS J. T. HINKLE OUT ”£'2, < > MASONIC HEAD IS ENTERTAINED HERE FOR STATE SENATE LEGION TO PLAY FRIDAY EVENING