Image provided by: Hermiston Public Library; Hermiston, OR
About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 23, 1922)
Wrmwfcm Wralit U VOL. XVI TO MAKE WAR ON PROJECT GOPHERS IL e t° HERMISTON. UMATILLA COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1922 STANFIELD LEGION BOYS DEFEAT HERMISTON TEAM Score Was 57 to 14. High 8chool Boys and Girls Teams to Play Stanfield Friday CO. FARM BUREAU ELECTSOFFICERS VW*” No. 24 DAIRY AND HOG SHOW ASS N . HOLDS MEETING SATURDAY GIG DAY FOR ODD FELLOWS The Home Bureau I. planning to Four * * Opt ®f * 0Wn The Home Bureau held its regu Duecvt<”I : t0 lar meeting on Thursday, Feb. I, at have the Glee Club from Pacific •* Held *eburarj 198 2 p. m. at Community hall with a University here some time In March. LODGES OF MORROW AND UMA BIOLOGICAL SURVEY COOPERAT- The Hermiston Leigon basketball S. S. THOMPSON IS RE-ELECTED good attendance. A gTeat deal of There are two clubs, boys and girls TILLA TO MEET Stockholders of the Hermiston business was transacted. Reports of and it Is not definitely decided Just team met defeat Monday evening at W G WITH COUNTY AGENT PRESIDENT committees of the last two card par which will be presented here. If Da,r* and Ho« 8how held * m“ ting Stanfield when they played tho ties were rendered. $21 was made .he chosen one is quite a drawing ia“ be “ brwy ,M‘ . Saturday and Convention to be Held in the Audi Leigon team of that city. It was a torium ; Attendance of 800 on one and $22 on the second one. card, no doubt the second one will 1 named four .new directors on the good game and a large attendance Special Process of S try ch n in e is Be board. They were: Henry M. Som- is Expected both from this city and Stanfield. Plea lo r M em benhip and Support of A questlonare from Mrs. Blumann of also be presented later. They come in g P rep ared fo r T h is Portland was received and read and highly recommended to us from merer, Columbia. W. T. Reeves, Echo, Co-operative Marketing Made The locals were handicapped by the Everything in the way of arrange acted upon. The Smith-Hugbes bill Forest Grove, their home town.Date« H. B. Rees. Stanfield and W. A. loss of Waterman who was out of Purpose by George S. Jew ett Ford, of Umatilla. This gives neigh ments are practically completed for recently passed by Congress with re later. the game. Stanfield played King of boring towns and districts a repre the Odd Fellows Convention of Mor ference to school districts, entitling Pilot Rock, coach of the schools there sentative on the board. It was also row and Umatilla counties to be held said districts to money for domestic D. W. Jackson was in Portland this R. L. Jackson, of the government and former Washington State Col s. R. Thompson prominent Unia- voted to Increase the capital stock hare Saturday, Feb. 25. The session biological survey, and working in lege star. The final score was 57 to tllla eounty farmer, was re-elected science, was dlsussed and a committee wees for several days. of the association from $1000 to will be held in the Hermiston Audi named to meet school board and ask 14. conjunction with Fred Bennlon, president of the Umatilla county them to take action and get data on torium commencing at 10 a m. and Miss Gladys Nugent spent several $3000. County Agent, was here Friday of Stanfield High boys and girls Farm Bureau at the annual meeting same. The school board Instructed There will be a meeting February continuing throughout the day and days in Pendleton last week. last week for the purpose of interest teams will meet Hermiston teams held In Pendleton last Saturday after, 28 of the directors at which plans evening. ing project farmers in the poisoning at the auditorium tomorrow evening noon. Other officers, all of whom clerk to write to school Supt. and will be formulated for the 1922 shew. Committees were at Pendleton get any Information possible. W. R. Nugent, who has been con of the pocket gophers which are get. in the last game of the season on the were re-elected, are J. F. McNaught Tuesday making arrangements for fined to his bed with the flu for 2 ting very numerous here. On Fri local schedule. A good fast game Is of Hermiston, vice-president, and paraphenaiia, dishes, etc. The Home Bureau at its last meet weeks, is up and able to be out again. FRISCELLA DEAN THE STAR day afternoon he gave a demonstra looked for. The game will start at Mac Hoke, of Pendleton, secretary. The local Odd Fellows will have a ing decided to furnish up a room in IN NORTH WOODS EPIC tion on the J. F McNaught ranch 7:30 sharp. The executive board was re-elected the Umatilla hospital. The com big job on hand entertaining the Mrs. Rinehart and small son are south of town and will be In here also. "Conflict,” Prlscella Dean’s first seven of eight hundred delegates and mittee from the club met with the confined to their bed with flu. several times later to see what results A tone of optimism premeated the Universal-Jewel picture since the visitors who are expected to be tn at hospital board to ascertain Just what are being accomplished. address of W. L. Thompson, president was necessary. The room will be fur Miss. Whitmore has the flu and is memorable "Reputation,” will be seen tendance. The big problem will be of the American National Bank of nished complete, with bathrobe, slip P oisoning Should be S tarted Soon at Umatilla, Friday. March 3 and at the serving of meals. Mack’s hall confined to her home. According to Mr. Jackson the Pendleton and vce-presldent <f the pers and flowers will be kept fresh Hermiston, Saturday, March 4 It and the warehouse to the north have poisoning should be started as soon First National Bank of Portland, who each week. Any federated club rings true to its name from beginning been transformed Into dining rooms The entire Ford family are ill with as the frost is out of the ground, so recently returned from Washington, to end, for It Is brimful of excitement and several hundred can be accom member will be welcome to use this bud colds that much of the work may be done D. C., where he served as a member suspense and the uncertainty which modated there. Work on the Audi before the fields are spring toothed SUCCESSFUL “GET-TOGETHER IS of the War Finance Corporation. Mr. room in case they should be taken torium decorations and furnishings sick while passing through Umatilla Mrs Geo. Camp and children are go to make up a superior picture. HELD AT COLUMBIA SCHOOL as this obliterates many of the Thompson expressed the belief that The story was written by Clarence will be held up until late Friday Thie Is a very .much appreciated 111 and under the doctor’s care. mounds. The poison is a special pre with wool and cattle industries again Budlngton Kelland and appeared ser- evening on account of the basketball pared strychnine to remove the bit E v en in g is Devoted to A ddress, Solos, coming Into their own, wheat, with piece of work as the hospital is not lallyftn the Red Book Magazine. Un game that evening. completely furnished. Phillip Lenhart, who has been in R eadings, and Old Fashioned ter taste, and may be procured at the the small crops in the southeast, will Speeches by various officers, a der the direction of Stuart Paton It the Umatilla hospital with pneumon Games Hay Growers’ office. One ounce of command a good price. has been handled in a capable and parade and banquet in tho evening The fifth of a series of card parties ia, has gone home. poison will prepare 6 pounds of bait, Earning Power Stressed will constitute the program. The wholly efficient manner. given by the Home Bureau will be The "Get-Together” meeting held preferably carrots or parsnips. Place The earning power of the farmer as official program is an follows: The story deals with a young girl held on Thursday night. 600 and Taylor Whitmore, after spending the bait in the main runways. The last Friday evening at Columbia the big factor in granting loans was Dorcas Remalle, who is forced from 10:00 A. M.—OPENING runways may be located by prodding School house for members of the stressed by Mr, Thompson. He stated whist will be played. A large crowd several weeks in the UmatlUk hos Roll Call of Officers and Delegates a life of ease and luxury to one of un is expected. About 10 tables are pital with appendicitis, has return Neighborhood club and their hus with a sharp stick about 6 or 8 inches that such earning power is the per Address of Welcome. generally in play. ed to his home. He is getting along happiness and uncertainty. Under from the mound. After locating bands was a decided success. sonal element which enters into the the strict surveillance of Miss Labo. fine. O. C. Young. The committee in charge, Mrs. W. granting of credit. “Frozen” credit the runways place bait in it and close her uncle’s housekeeper, she is thrust The literary department of the Response, 8. F. Bowman, D. G. M. the opening with grass or rubbish W. Felthouse. Mrs. H. J. Ott, Mrs. F. to care for the gradual marketing of All the rooms at the Umatilla ihto an atmosphere of hypocritical Appointment of Committees. and cover with dirt to keep out all Beddow, Mrs. M. Watson and Mrs. crops, was advocated by the speaker. Home Bureau met on Tuesday after piety. Unhappy and rebellious, she noon with Mrs. Benjamin, the leader hospital are taken and people are Statement of Vice-Presidents. light. Fresh bait should be used at O O. Felthouse, deserve much credit A plea for membership and support waiting for admission. The directors gradually senses the impending evil General Business. all times and only enough made up f°r arranging the affair and for the of the co-operative grain marketing of the department. are well pleased with the support which is slowly creeping upon her. Recsss. to be used the same day. ability they displayed in keeping movement in the northwest was made A beautiful demonstration of a The Ladies aid of the Protestant the hospital is receiving. 30 P. M.— Parado ot All Lodges Mr Jackson thtnks If all ranchers things going There was not a single by George S. Jewett, manager of the woman's love for her sweetheart Is and Canton. will take this up great headway can dull moment the entire evening, Northwest Grain Growers’ associa church met at Community hall last Two nurses one from Walla Walla found in this picture, which will last Report of Committees. be riiade in eradicating the gophers The seats in the school rooms were tion, and vice-president of the nation Thursday afternoon. The new church and one from Portland are on duty long In the memory of every audience General Business (Continued) who do much damage to the alfalfa arranged against the wall In order al association. Mr. Jewett declared will be started in the near future. There is a great deal of food for at the hospital, in addition to the Election of Officers. roots and ditch banks. leave as much floor space in the that hlr. organization would market thought In the character of John A party was given in honor of regular ones. Special Business. _________________ ¡center of the room as possible. Pot- about 15 million bushels of grain this Remalle, who, under the pretense of Mrs. Gast on Monday evening, as she Address, M. R. Biggs, O. M. T A X RATE IN COUNTY GOES ted plant8 and ,erna helped to give year in the northwest. He declared Address, R. Alexander, P. G. M. is leaving Umatilla to take up her Mr. and Mrs. Otto Pound are the religion, developes into a religious fa rro -rn i o o mrrTTe the room a home like appearance. that co-operative marketing was the U P _ T 0 18.6 MILLS j Th(J program opened with a Com. natic whose idea of piety reeks of Address. H. J, Taylor. P. G. M. inevitable result of the difficulties In home in Walla Walla, Wash. The proud parents of a baby girl born sham and hypocrisy. He fools him this week at the hospital. Eastern Star was hostess for the af Address R. F. Kirkpatrick, P. O. P. The tax rate in Umatilla county for ™unl‘y, B,ng led by Mr’ Vo*,ker’ wlth agricultural Industries at the present self worst of all Into the belief that fair. A large crowd was present. Address F. II. Hubbard. P. G. M. 1922 will be at the rate of 16 6 mills M" ' WanI» at *be plan° ’ Tha natura time. Address. 3. A Barnes. The first high school party was he is religious, for he lacks all under according to figures that have been tb* a°«*a «elected together with Roy R itner Speaks standing of human nature and has Address. E. Williams, P. O. P. Several trends of Mrs. Llewellyn given by the Umatilla students on secured by County Assessor R. O ; Mr’ Voelker s lenthudiastio leading Senator Roy Rltner related the Good of the Order. Hawks or an increase from 15.5 mills belped put the P^P“5 in tbe proper work of the national farm conference called at her home on Sunday evo- Saturday evening at Pound’s hall. A smothered the natural love for his Address A. M. PhelpB. which prevailed last year. The in. , mood for the remainder of the splen- of which he was a delegate from OreT ning. A pleasant time was spent large crowd attended and an enjoy fellowmen by his false bellefa and Address, H. McCallister. praying cards after which dainty re able evening spent iu dancing and was: crease is largely due to the lower did program, -which gon. He strongly endorsed the farm freshment were served. The result of the clashing of differ 6:00 P. M.— Banquet. games, after which supper was serv Address _..... ..... Rev. Wann valuation given the county by the "bloc” as the savior of the industry Toastmaster, S. F, Bowman. ed. The students at a Into hour, ent temperaments brings about some state tax commission on public util- J Vocal Sol° ............ Sin« Me t0 Sleep and "the greatest thing that has ever Fred Dixion’s new home Is fast decided that they had the best time highly dramatic situations which are 8:00 P. M —EXEMPLIFICATION OF lties. The valuation of properly in happened for farmers.” THE THIRD DEGREE by Degree nearing completion and will be quite ever, and already are laying plans promised to cause the audience thrills Reading ............... Mrs. N. W. Bloom The address of F. L. Ballard, a s of a new and distinct type. Teams from Different Lodges. for a future party. ent valuation Is $58,237,757.97. ™ tlln* S°'° .......... J , ™ 7 sistant director of farm bureaus In an addition to the city. Miss Dean Is supported by a strong Taxes for the 1921 assesment roll R*ad‘“S Confession of a Bashful Man Oregon was read Into the records. OFFICERS Saturday night ar. old fashioned cast. Including Herbert Rawlinson, President, W. R. Longhorn, No. 206 The cement block machinery wll! are compiled as follows: I ——————— **r. H. J Ott Adoption of the most comprehen soon be In operation. As soon a.i party was given at the ranch home Ed. Connelly, Hector Sarno, Martha Vice-President, L. D. Clark. No. 80 State and county .......... $ 966,746.»9 7 sive program ever drawn was voted Special school tax ........ 397,961.76 After tbe P™gram the committee by the bureau. Among the more the weather opens up. There are a of W. A. Ford. A large crowd at Mattox, Olah Norman, L C. Shum Secretary, W. T. Reeves, No. 239 way, Sam Allen, C. E. Anderson, Milt tended and a live time was indulg good many people figuring on the Union high schools ...... 93,013.19 led *.n pIayinS a. number of old fash- Important activities are: further or Treas., Joe Bailey, No. 23. ed in. Mr. Ford is much Improved Brown and Bill Gillis. cement blocks for houses. loned games such as Pig In the Par- Special city taxes ........ 152,753 43 ganization, crop improvement. In but not out much, so his friends Warden, R. B. Brundage, 18 494 76 lor> Miller Boy, etc., and every one cluding seed certification and tost County high tuition .... Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Withey were came In, which did him a greet doal Baptist Notices No. 32. Roods' (special“) (Jo,"ed enthusiastlcs’ly. plots, forage crops, potato seed, ro of good. Bunday school 10. Parents are urg Conductor, J. C. Crlmmlns, No. 202. 1 Partners for supper were found tation of crops, soil improvement Pendleton visitors last week. Irrigation (west extension ed to bring their children. We have 80 338 61 I by matching hatchets which were livestock, club work, dairying. Includ Inside Guardian, C. M. Barney. and Hermiston) ...... COMMITTEE APPOINTED FORTUNE IN SILKS WORN BY classes for all ages. Come and we cut in many odd shapes. After ilnd- No. 239. 2,561.65 ing tubercular tests, horticultural Umatilla drainage ........ FOR CLEAN-UP DAY ACTRESSES IN PHOTOPLAY will help find your class. 1,086.02 Iing their partners each couple fell demonstrations and better fruit rais Fire patrol ...................... Outside Guardian. Ed. Miller, The Junior B. Y. P. U. meets in the ! into line and marched around the ing, rodent control, the question of No. 135. basement at 11 o’clock. Mrs. Francis At the weekly meeting of the Com A fortune in silks! $1,732,373.42 room to the supper table where sand, marketing products and the regula Chaplain, William Mlkesell Illsley and Mrs. William Knox in wlches, pickles, cake and coffee were mercial club Tuesday a committee That is the only way In which one tion of the farm labor supply. Pendleton leads the cities of the served cafeteria style. No. 66. was appointed by the president to can estimate the value of the gar- charge. W age Scale county in the sum total of valuation There will be a Joint meeting of All left feeling that they had had set a date for the annual clean-up ments worn by the actresses appear- RECEPTION COMMITTEE Farm wage scale for Umatilla The valuation of property there la an exceptionally good time and hop of the city streets and alleys. | ng in "Nobody” the Jewel Carmen (he Epworth League and the B. Y. P W S. Casady. Just under $7,000,000 and the rate ing for another "Get-together” soon. county fixed for the summer of 1922 U. in the basement of the M. E. A proposition was proposed and feature producted by Roland West H. O. Thompson. by the County Farm Bureau follows: of taxation is 11 mills. Adams is the church 8unday evening. O. Lockridge. 1st. Farm hands, unskilled labor will be refered to the city council, for Associated First National Pic- only municipality which has a lower I Mrg Barham and chlldg have Morning worship at 11. We are to M. L. Watson. with board, from $30. to $40. per In reference to the numbering of hires, Inc., and which will be shown rate than Pendleton. Weston has been quite the paBt week have the usual services Sunday a. ni. A. Buhmann. month of 26 days of 9 hours per day. houses and placing street signs on at Umatilla Sunday 3 p. m. and Her- highest rate with a millage of 35. j ______ The Pastor will preach. mlston 7:15 and 9. T. II. Gaither. 2nd. Without board from $60 to the various thoroughfares. Extensive improvements in Weston I Mrg R c Canf,e,d Bpent the week Evening services. The Evangelistic County Agent Bennlon spoke In The character and variety of gowns B. J Nation. $70 per.month. are responsible for the upward swing end wHh hgr gon and daughter meeting Sunday evening with Mr. J. L. Harman. 3rd. Labor per hour with board. regard to potato raising here and worn in the scenes depicting the in its rate. Godwin an preacher. Attendance In Stanfield. D. H. Cook. 17.1c and without board 30.2c. In said that the district was about 2 "Four Hundred” at play in their Milton is second tn the municipal I. N. llartsook. Mrs. Geo. Gill is reported as being all cases where the laborer is driving weeks earlier than adjacent potato Palm Beach resorts are dattling to creases each evening. ities of the county In valuation with O. C. Young. teams he will be required to take districts on both early and late po the eye. In fact, they are so expen property valued at $900,000. The on the sick list this week. tatoes. He said enough seed had sive that no motion picture producer Eastern Star Dance J. S. West. care of the stock on his own time. taxes there this year will yield $20,- been sold here to put In 100 acres. could afford to purchaae them for One of the beet of the season was Frank Waugaman, road supervisor 000. one picture, but through a piece of t the dance given by the Eastern Star was busy Saturday improving some JERSEY BREEDERS ASS’N. FARM REM INDERS Initiative Mr. West gained the coop Wednesday evening. One hundred Methodist Church N otes of the roads in this section by drag Pomeranian white glob«; turnips HOLD ADJOURNED MEETING FOREST RANGER SEES Sunday school at 10. 11 o’clock eration of some of the world’s great couples were present. ging. stayed palatable longer that! the cow- “WOLVES” PURSUE MAN The ( Hermiston Jersey Breeders’ services an usual will be held upstairs est silk manufacturers, and obtained horn turnip in tesla at the Astoria the use of gownk which would have K eep W heat S eparate Miss Wilma Waugaman underwent Ass'n. met at an adjourned meeting the floors being now ready for use. branch station. They also yielded Martin Hussy, forest ranger, two minor operations at St. Anthonys Saturday afternoon at the library and A good attendance is expected. Rev. cost him a fortune to purchase. The winter killing of much fall four tons more roots to the acre — The gowns were supplied by R. H. „ wed n(,ceaa„ ate con(,,der. O A. C. Experiment station. Truckee Division, from his lofty hospital in Pendleton last week. On took up business looking to the fu Wann is pleased with the steady in perch atop the Sierra Nevada moun Thursday she had an eye tooth re ture of the organiatlon. It was vot crease each Sunday and hopes this Mall I neon A C o, the Phoenix 8Hk ! able replanting. On the lighter and tains aimed his powerful binoculars moved. The tooth had never grown ed that the directors levy an assess coming Bunday will be the banner Manufacturing Company. Johnson I drler ,<ndg Hannchen, Marlcut .a n d G et P ro lific Queen Bees at a tiny, rapidly moving speck on 'out as It should and was causing ment on the members to purchase Sunday. We shall havs a better Cawdin A Co., Wiliam Skinner A w h lte 8myrna are good Tar,etleH of Beekeepers should see to it that W W e Hybrld the snow plains below and was hor- trouble It had to be removed new blood. A committee to work on town If people get the habit of at Sons and the Taylor-Frledeman Co. barley t„ every hive Is headed by a young, pro rifled to see a lone man in a dog-¡through the roof of her mouth. On some plan for a better future was tending church and Bunday school. As a result the society scenee In "No- Hybrid 143 Is good for reseeding, lific Italian queen. The hives reRW,d ln Tllr. should he left packed as late In the Do not miss hearing "Three Fing body" are staged with such sartorial MarqlI,R ,, th. sledge being pursued by a pack of 'Saturday she had her adenodB and appointed. Various matters of inter g Xperiment ata. spring as possible to avoid chilling wolves. He Immediately buckled on tonsils taken out. est were discussed among them the ered Jack” in the evening, it Is a splendor that even members of the key Rcd _ rnre privlledge. Services at Colum nation's most exclusive sets will view t|on his automatic and hastened to render ---------- elimination of the scrub bull. the brood on cold nights.—0. A. C. bia at 3 o’clock. The little school them with envious eyes. assistance. j Neighborhood club met In the pr»- Experiment station. house Is being well filled each Sun Half way down the mountain side mary room of the Columbia school Mr and Mrs. Vaughn Pinch of Losses to Bee Men Vary he came upon an associate ranger on Wednesday. The winter losses to bee keepers day. Pendleton were here the first of the Lime-Sulfur Gets Twig Miner Car pf Flume Received Epworth League at 6:30. who explained away his anxiety re-1 • in this vicinity seem to vary consid It Is the exceptional orchard of Wednesday the Shotwell Contract week visiting Mrs. Finch's parents, grading the safety of the man and , The first of a series of papers on erably. probably from the different prunes, peaches, or apricots In which ing company received a ear load of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mosaic. Takes Over Transfer Line dogs by telling him It was David M. the study o t Oregon were read. Mrs. locations and exposures Jean Sko- the twig miner Is not sufficiently metal conduit and flumlng to be used Hartford—a motion picture director I J. H Reid gave a short talk on the vo who owns an extensive apiary, II. J. Schram has taken over the on the Butter Creek road. njurious to warrent the application The division superintendents car who was putting a pack of male- origin of the name Oregon, Mrs. F. reports a lose so far as be has exam transfer and hauling business of Dave of the lime-sulfur 1 to 8 in Febru C, F, Roberts In charge, was on the mute dogs through their paces in a P. Phipps gave a very thorough de- ined. of only about 5 per cent. This Cook. He will make a specialty of ary or March for Its control. The elding for several hours here Tuesday GALOSHES script ion of Oregon Geology. Mrs. city delivery and will also make semmetry of young trees Is often rehearsal for an important scene in Is about a normal. Others who have "Slosh, slosh,” says tbs ugly ga They were here to meet the supply seriously affected by this twig min his forthcoming picture, "The Golden W. W. Felthouse told In an inter- , looked over their yards have found special trips to nearby towns train that runs between Portland and losh. rating way of Indian Myths and La- larger percentages, some running as ■■ --------- ■ . .. er aside from the injury of twigs Snare.” Huntington, and which arrived about "The flappers havs coma to towa. gends. The story. The Bridge of the high as 36 per cent. I LOCALS Mr. Hussy promptly returned to and fruit of bearing trees. Where . ------ ---------------- A communication from the H. T. Some In wools and some la silks $:$0 that evening. dormant app'icalion is carefully his perch on the mountain top, lit Gods, was ably revived by Mrs. C j And some with ’em rolled down.” made. 95 to 98 per cent efficiency his pipe, crossed his legs, trained A. Keller. In all. the meeting was g |,btw ell Company Secures Contract Davison Co. of Portland addressed to George Elliott, 8. F. Bowman and may be expected. Summer applica his glasses on the stirring scene be- both Interesting and Instructive. I The Shotwell CJnntractlngl Com Geo. H. Root, chairman Apple Grow, Mr. and Mrs F. J. Thomas arrived J. 8 West were bustncea visitors nt tions are practically worthless.- O. ing enacted below and settled himself Thoee who do not get out to these pany has secured another contract era Ass’n. statesthat a substantial down for a good eye-full. study meting« are golrg to be the this weak for the graveling of about remittance will be made this week to from Portland Sntuday to remain * the county cent Tuesday. A. C. Experiment station. The screen version of "The Golden loser. Mrs. W. G. Fritts presented six miles of roadway at Brogan. Ora. be distributed among the apple grow short time looking after their ranch operty. Mr. Thomas Is considering Dr. Adams reports the arrival of a Columbia school had a suitable Snare,” which Is adapted from James those oa the program with a beant- Thia Is near Vale In the eastern part ers of this project having some work done on the place 9 pound girl at the horn« of Robert program for Washington’s birthday Oliver Curwood’s story of the same iful chocolate cake, white frosted of the state. ■ ■ Methodist Weather Forecast- Look and they will be here a tew days to i N. Neimeler of Columbia. Fef 20, on Wednesday. After the program name, will be the attraction at Uma- and decorated with red cherries with Gene Skovbo returned Wednesday out for showers about the middle of see it started. Mr. Thomas Is eon- slao an 11 pound son Io Mr. and Mrs. the entire school was dismissed for tills Friday and the Play House Bat- ¡a large brown candy tree stump and ducting s barber shop in Portland. ,W, F Wadsworth Feb. 13 at Irrigon the day. prday. 'g small red hatch«» in the center. from a business trip to Portland I March. NEIGHBORHOOD CLOB HELO MEETING FRIDAY q a c