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About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 23, 1922)
-THE HZBMISTON HERALD, HEBMISTON, CBEGOK. THE H E R M IS T O N H E R A LD W ashington new spaper correspond en ts, whose articles are syndicated Published every Thursday at Hermiston. Umatilla Couaty, Oregon, In the heart of Eastern in newspapers throughout the coun Oregon’s great irrigated alfalfa fields, by the Herald Publishing Company, try. Council w hen th a t Body sits as a Board of E qu alisatio n and an op p o rtu n ity will be given them to have biich assessm ent changed. If, In the opinion of the City Council, such changes are Just T he am ount of the assessm ent ap portioned and assessed against p a r tic u la r lots aud parcels of laud is as follows: City of H erm iston according to plat filed w ith the Recorder of U m a tilla C ounty November 23rd, 1904. Block 1 Name Am ount Lot 1 25 F eet, Tum-A-Lum L um ber Co. ..................... >2.50 Lot 2 25 Feet. Tuni-A-Lum L um ber Co............. >2.50 L ot 3 25 Feet, Tum-A-Lum L um ber Co............. ..... >2,60 Lot 4 25 Feet, Tum-A-Lum L um ber Co............................... >2.50 Lot 5 25 Feet, Tum-A-Lum L um ber Co............................... >2.50 Lot 6 53 F eet, Tum-A-Lum L um ber Co.................................. >5.30 Lot 7 57 Feet, H enry Hnnby >5.70 Lot 8 50 Feet, H enry H anby >5 00 Block Lot 1 50 Feet, Minnie Brown >5.00 Lot 2 50 Feet, M innie Brown >5.00 Lot 3 50 Feet, M innie Brown >5 00 >5.00 Lot 4 50 Feet, J. 8 . W est Lot 5 25 F eet. J. S. W est ...... S’ 50 Lot 5 25 Feet, Wm. Mikeseil >2 50 Lot 6 50 Feet, Wm. Mibesell >5.00 Lot 7 50 Feet, Tum-A-Lum FeetL"Tum-A-Ltnn' °° 50 F eet, R ena W aterm an Lot 21 >5 F eet, A . C S pinning Lot 30 26 Feat. O. A Creeay >2.60 .............................. >5.00 -------- ------- - ..... - ................... >2.50 uOt 31 25 Feat, G. A. Creasy >2.60 60 F eet, R ena W aterm an Lot 22 25 F eet. A C. S pinning Xït 32 25 Feet, G. A. Creasy >2.50 ...... — ........... .1 ........... >6.00 —4 - - J ..... t ..........— ..........— >2.50 'lock 12— 50 Feet, It. E.' Mitchell Let 23 25 F eet. A lbert Sm ith >2.50 Lot 2 25 Feet. Geo. B Ray >2.60 ..... 3-.................. .............. >5.00 Lot 24 The W all S treet Jo u rn a l (w ith 25 Feet, A lbert S m ith >2.50 Lot 3 25 Feet. Geo. B. Ray >2.60 BERNARD MAINWARING, EDITOR 50 Feet, R. E. M itchell Lot 25 25 Feet. A lbert S m ith >2.50 IrOt 4 26 Feet. Geo. B. Ray >2.50 «bom business has alw ays been bus »Tier, Ltocoiuber ,, UKM, a KntoreU „« aecoad-elM puloOoe at Haraiatoa. Uragoo .......................................... >5.00 Lot 2« 25 Feet, A lbert Sm ith >2.50 Lot 6 25 Feet, Geo. R Ray >2.50 iness in discussing com pensation) Lot 8 50 Feet, II. E. M itchell Lot 27 25 F eet. A. E. B urken- Lot 6 19 Feet, Geo. B. Ray >1.90 sen t up th e sig n U for th e baling« Subscription Rates: One Year, »2.00; Six Months, (1 00 - ...... ................................ >6.00 bine ............................................. >2 50 Lot 8 O. E. Blackwood Lot 9 25 Feet, B. W. M ark >2 50 Lot 28 25 Feet, A. E. B urken- v 'h tn It quoted an unnam ed senator Lot 9 O E. B'ackwood Lot 10 25 F eet, E. W. Mack >2.50 bine ............................................. >2 50 as saying, "N o th in g w ill check. th> of public service a t least 25 per cent? Lot 10 O K Blackwood WEST WILL RULE THE WORLD Lot 11 25 F eet. E. W . Mack >2.50 Lot 29 25 F eet. City of H erm is l o t 11 O E. Blackwood W hen th e sta te of W ashington has successful a g itatio n In Congress ex The world consum ption of oil has Lot 12 25 Feet, E W M a ck >2 50 ton — ............................. .......... >2.50 l o t 12 182 % F eet, O. E. B lack Lot 13 25 F eet, G eorgia H ead er. reached 700,000.000 barels and ex- abolished 72 boards and comm issions cept a display of public opinion on Lot 30 25 Feet, City of H erm is wood ...................................... >11.25 son ...................................................... > 2 .5 0 ton — ........................................ >2.50 Block 12 ' peris say this will go to 1,000,000,- and effected a saving of >2,600,000 th e o th e r side th ro u g h th e new spa Lot 14 25 Feet, E. J. K ingsley per press." The response was In Lot 31 25 F eet, M S. M iller >2.50 why re ta in them all in Oregon? Lot 17 26 Feet. F. C. McKenzie 000 barrels In five years. ........................................... >2.50 l o t 32 25 F eet. M. S. M iller >2.50 >2.50 W ashington has consolidated all stan tan eo u s. F o rth came ed ito rial a f W hile other nations are stru g g lin g Lot 15 25 F eet, C. 11. C randall Lot 18 25 Feet. F C. McKe i- Block 11— ....................................... ...' >2.50 to corner the pil supplies of th e world boards and comm issions u n d er ten ter ed ito rial, cartoon a fte r cartoon, 12 RO Lot 16 25 Feet, E. W. Mack >2.50 Lot 1 25 Feet, F B. Swayze >2.50 txit 19 12 U Feet. F. C. McKen- the fact rem ains th u t o ur country is beads appointed by th e G overnor and a rtic le a fte r article, all on the com Lot 2 25 Feet. F B. Swayze >2.50 Let 17 25 F eet. M W. S h arrard zie . responsible to the people; W hy not mon them e— th e “ bonus b ill” m ust be >1.26 producing 70 per cent of the to tal. .......................................... >2.50 Lot 3 25 Feet. F. B. Swayze >2.50 K ern’a Add ”A”_ defeated C apital by th e m illions each m onth do It? Lot 18 25 F eet, F. B. Swayze >2.50 Lot 4 25 Feet. F. B. Swayze >2.50 Lot 1 25 Feet, M. S. Kern >2.50 Louis Seibold, whose w ritin g s a p Idaho h as abolished boards and Lot 19 25 Feel. Jo h n Schim ke >2 50 Ix)t 6 25 Feet. F B. Swayze >2.50 Lot 2 25 Feet, M S. Kern >2 50 Is searching for new oil wells in all Lot 20 25 Feet. John Schim ke >2.50 Lot • 25 F eet. F. B. Swayze >2.5'» the possible producing territo ry from commissions and adopted th e cabinet pear in th e New York H erald and 3 25 Feet, M. S. Kern >2 50 Lot 21 25 Feet, John Schim ke >2.50 txit 7 25 F eet. O. G. Sapper >2.50 t^ot m any o th er new spapcis, is one of the system w ith seven heads named by Mexico to Alaska. Lot 8 25 Feet, O. G. Sapper >2.50 Lot 4 25 Feet, M S. K ern >2.50 Lot 22 25 F eet, C. S. M cN aught Lot 5 25 Feet, M. S. K ern >2.50 The west also has ninety per cent the G overnor and responsible to' th<* W ashington special correspondents .......................... ...... >2.60 Lot • 25 Feet, O O. Sapper >2.50 IxOt 6 50 Feet. J H.' Retd >5.00 Im t 10 25 Feet. O. O. Sapper >2.50 J w ho have been talk in g in billions and Block 9— of the potential hydro-electric ener people. Lot 23 25 F eet, O. A. Cressy >2.50 Tx)t 7 50 Fet, J. H. Retd >5.00 Lot 1 50 F eet. H. R N ewport W hy Should Oregon retain an oh h o w ling calam ity. He term s th e de- gy of the world and capital is begin I Xlt 24 25 Feet, G. A, Cressy >2 50 Lot 8 50 Feet, C. S. M cN aught >5.00 $5 no solete system o t tax-levying and mon- ,niand for com pensation "d o llar p a t- ning to tu rn atten tio n to' (hat. I-ot 25 25 Feet, Geo. C. P a tte r- TaOt 2 50 Feet, 11. It. Newport 9 25 Feet, C. 8. M cN aught Lot son ............................................. >2.50 The west has g reat rlcHes in n a t ey sq u an d erin g b o a rd s 'a n d eommts- ’’•otlam.” D ollar p atrio tism . Indeed, .................................. >5.00 >2 50 Lot 26 25 Feet, Geo. C P a tte r laOt 3 50 Feet, City of D erm is- u ra l resources of tim ber, oil, mines, sions, all Interested In more appro- ibe modest dem and for a sq u arin g of son ............................................. >2.50 Block ‘ B’’— ........................ .......... >5.00 ton . p riatlo n s? accounts w ith the m an who fought and undeveloped ag ricu ltu ral lands Lot 27 25 F eet, E. R Crocker >2.50 Lot 1 50 Feet. 0. W R 4 . N Lot 4 50 F eet, City of Herntia W hy should th e city of P o rtlan d ; ,h e w ar ,o r from e lg h t'o r ten dollars Co.................................................. >5.00 reaching into hundreds of m illions. .............. >5.00 Lot 28 25 F eet, E R. Crocker >2.50 ton . th e co u aty of M ultnom ah and t h e ' w " ” l * r m o n th net! D ollar p atrio tism Lot 29 25 Feet. O A. Cressy >2.50 Continued on n ar* three W ho so blind he cannot see th a t 1 Lot 5 50 Feet, City of llernila L um ber Co ............................. >5 00 . .. >5.00 ton . the west is to have the fu tu re w ealth P o rtlan d school d istrict m ain tain Mr ¡’«Ibold, connotes in most people s ” »• m an who said in 1917 and Lot 9 50 F eet, H enry Hnnby »5 00 Lot 6 50 F eet, K. Mumma $5.00 and m an u factu rin g power not only th ree d ifferen t p o litical m achines to m anage th e affairs of practically th e 1918- “ N o th in g w ill be too good for >■'" 10 50 F eet. H enry H anby >5.00 Ixit 7 50 Feet, E. Mumma >5.00 of our country but of the world? 50 Feet, R. Beasley >5 00 ¡ Lot 8 50 Fee , E Mumma >5.00 you b°y 8 w hen you get back,” an d .Jrf)t 12 50 Feet, it Beasley >5.00 Lot 9 50 Feet, E. W. Mack >5.00 W ith lum bering, paper mills, ir r i same people? W hy should th e City of P o rtlan d ith en tu rn ed around and got all th e j Lot 13 50 Feet, Chas. Benson >5.00 ¡Lot 10 50 Feel, E. W. Mack >5.00 gation, power developm ent, shiplng, Feet, Chas Benson >5.00 Lot 11 50 Fct-.t, E. Mu nun a >5.00 su g ar factories, precious m etals, p o t m ain tain a P o rt Commission and a dollars he could w hile the g e ttin g Lot 14 50 50 Feet, Chas Benson >5.00 ! Lot 12 25 Feet, E. Mumma >2.50 Jj ash, fisheries, fru it grow ing, and a g . Dock Commission, w ith sep arate tax - was ea8y- 50 Feet, Chas. Benson >5.00 Lot 12 25 Feet. II R. N ew port --------------------------- - j Block 3 1 ricu ltu re going forw ard by leaps and in g pow ers and an a rm y 'o f officiate? j . . >2.50 ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ < « ♦ * < * • ♦ ❖ ❖ ♦ <• * ♦ | Lot 9 50 F eet Jo h n Schim ke >5.00 . Lot 13 50 Feet, 11. it. N ew port The special session of {Re legisla- bounds, who can over-estim ate the ................................ >5.00 « Lot 10 50 F eet, H ugh T aylor >5.00 ♦ <5 resources of the country west of the tu re had th e lm actilate gall, on to p ♦ 50 Feet, H ugh T aylor >5.00 1 Lot 14 50 Feet, E. J. K ingsley of all o th e r taxes to introduce b ills ♦ * NEWS OF NEIGHBORING Lot 12 50 Feet, H ugh T aylor >5 00 Rockies? ....................... ...... >5.00 i * ♦ TOWNS * Lot 13 50 F eet, J. McCoy .... >5.00 , Lot 15 50 F eet, C S. M cN aught Let us be proud of our country for five d ifferen t form s of tax. ♦ ♦ The last leg islatu re ap p ro p riated * ♦ |L o t 14 50 F eet, Lois N ew port ........ ........... >5.00 and not handicap Its grow th w ith T aylor ...................................... >5.00 Lot 16 50 Feet, C. S. M cN aught <• ❖ unnecessary restrictiv e legislation >10,000 to create a commission “ to ♦ Lot 15 50 Feet, Lois Newport ................................... >5.00 T w enty-ohe women have been ascertain new sources of revenue,” and taxation. T ay lo r ...................................... >5.00 Block 10— nam ed on th e ju ry list for Crook in addition to all present taxes. Lot 16 50 Feet, Lois N ewport Lot 1 25 Feet, Wm. Correll >2.50 T aylor ....................................... >5.00 1 Lot 2 25 Feet. W m C orrell >2.50 The leg islatu re enacted over four County, th e first tim e th a t m em bers PLAIN TURKEY TALK TO Block 4—. 1 Lot 3 25 Feet, Wm. C orrell >2.50 h unrded new laws, iriany of them of th e fa ir sex have been asked to Lot 1 50 F eet, H. R. N ew port Lot 4 25 F eet, Wm. C orrell >2.50 TAXPAYERS raisin g salaries, creatin g new offices, serv e in th is capacity.— P rin e v ille ..................................................... >5.00 1 Lot 5 25 F eet. E P. Illsiey >2.50 The politicians say th e people are O regonian. Lot 2 50 Feet, H. R. Newport raisin g fees, etc., elc. [ Lot 6 25 Feet. E. P. Illsiey >2.50 to blam e for high taxes arid th a t they Lot 7 25 Feet, K P. Illsiey >2.50 Shall those same leaders be re A rlington Is th e home o f W m. P. Lot 3 50 F eet, F, C. McKenzie voted them themselves. If th a t Is I Lot 8 25 F eet, O. C. Young >2.50 w arded for th eir tax-boosting labors W est, who last week celebrated his ..................................................... >6 Lot 9 25 Feet, O. C. Young >2.50 a fact they can "u n v o te” them . by being gTven more power and hig h - 81st b irth d ay and his 57th y ear in Lot 4 50 F eet, F C. McKenzie lX)t 10 12* 4 Feet O. C. Young >1.25 Is it reasonable th at the people Lot 10 12% Fcet.E . T E riksen should have voluntarily Increased th e e r offices when they prom ised reduc- G illiam county A ccording to th e Ar- >5.00 ........................................... >1.25 50 F eet, II E. H itt tlons? lin g to n B u lletin , Mr W est came to >5.00 Lot 11 25 F eet, E. T. E riksen >2.50 state taxes 521 per cent In ten years 6 50 Feet. H. E. Hitt. New state In stitu tio n s are to be G illiam county In 1863, th o u g h it T,ot 7 50 Feet, Page ft Son >5.00 Lot 12 25 Feet. E T. E rik sen >2.50 when population only increased 16 25 F eet, M. E. C hurch >2 50 per cent and assessed v aluations only fastened upon the people, and there w as then a p a rt of W asco county. He Lot 8 50 F eet, Page ft Son >5.00 Ì Lot 13 25 Feet. M. fi. C hurch >2.50 9 50 F eet F P. Adams »5 00 Lot 14 is a program on th e skids to raise of- settled on Rock Creek. 11'ot tw enty-three yer cent? Lot 10 50 F eet, F. P. Adams >5 00 Lot 15 25 Fe- i M. E. C hurch >2.5<> ficai salaries at least >100,000 a year Is it reasonable th at from 1919 to 50 F eet, F. P. Adams >5.00 ¡Lot 16 25 Feet., M. E C hurch >2 50 R. B. S tan field sold 6000 bushels I ‘ot ' J It w ill be up to th e people to vote 50 F eet, H. R. N ew port ¡Lot 17 25 F eet, E. W. Mack >2.50 1922 the people should have volun of Echo w heat th e firs t of th is week, ..................................... ..... >5 00 Lot 18 25 F ee', E. W. Mack >2.50 ta rily increased th eir total sta te tax for candidates who have q u alifica p a rt of th e George C oppinger crop. 50 Feet, H. R. N ew port Lot 19 25 Feet G eorgiana Illsiey from >3,021,402 to >9,376,280, and tions recom m ending them as being The w heat, w hich is hybrid, b ro u g h t ....... ................................... >5.00 ! .......................................... >2.50 be asked to continue all political ov able to carry out a retren ch m en t >1.01 at Echo, a price above any re Lot 14 50 F eet, F E. E a rn h a rt Lot' 20 25 F ee', G eorgiana Illsiey program . ...............................’..................... >5.00 | .......................................... >2.50 erhead a t w ar levels? ceived here for some tim e. Some Lot 15 50 Feet, Tum-A-Lum T Is it reasonable th a t th e legisla T u rk ey red w as also sold for >1.05. L um ber Co................ .. «5.00 Crop Kotatier Controls Crop Pests tu re should spend (w nslc w ould be a THE HIGH AND WIDE BARRAGE — Echo News Lot 16 50 F eet, E. W. Mack > j 00 One oj ,y,e i-im ed iate benefits of b e lte r w ord,) >43,331 on clerks for A m erican Legion W eekly L otCkl 5^25 F eet F. P. Adams >2 50 cr° b rotation Is a b e tte r control of E ig h teen ex-service men m et a t a forty-day session, over >1,000 a The Old G uard of en trenched n a Lot 2 25 F eet, F. P. Adams >2.50 crop pests. R rta tlo n is an im port- day? tional selfishness is m aking Its last th e city h all Monday evening and Lot 3 25 F eet, John Schim ke a n t m ethod adi ed for th e control completed th e p relim in ary o rg a n iz a W hy should the legislature keep sta n d ag ain st th e A m erican Legion's ....... ......................................... ; - 12.50 r,{ nenr’y every insect o r disease at- up th is pernicious dem oralization of A djusted Com pensation Bill. W a te r tion of an A m erican Legion post Lot u u i 4 25 Feet, , E. J K ingsley o $2 50 tacking field or garden crops, and „ young people iwhen experts could loo Is alm ost over and the field m ar The nam e Don Ilo ffn a g 'e P ost w as Lot 5 25 Feet K nights of w ithout it m any of th e o th er help- be secured to do the work for >7,000. shals of th e opponents are driv in g Adopted in ho n o r of th e Echo boy Select a design for your new hor t ! P y th ia s ................. ................ >2.50 ful m easures are ineffective.— O. A. W hy waste mnhey paying fivo to th eir forces to b a ttle w ith flatten ed who lost h is life w hile serv in g in Le.t 6 25 F eet, K n ig h ts of G. E xperim ent station tract for the material rev J . An applicatio n h as been ten dollars a day overtim e for In swords. The press is In action and a F ran ce P y th ias .................................... >2 5 0 ' _____________ • Lot 7 25 Feet, Pacific Tele. com petent people ns legislative clerks defensive b arrag e of alarm ist news made for a c h a rte r for th is post and as the weather wilt t trri.i w hen It can be done rig h t for less? paper articles on the co u n try ’s fi a eom m ittee w as appointed to draw Lot '8 25 F eet, II. R. N ew poit NritTiro W hen I he farm ers nrc tak in g a de nancial condition is being laid down up hy-laws. The next m eetin g will | M edicines th a t aid n a tu re a re al- flation of fifty per cent, and the upon th e public. The big financial be on F eb u rary 27.—- Echo News. Lot 9 25 F ret, E. W. Mack >2 51, ways most effectual. C ham berlain’s Lot 10 25 F ret, A L. Larson $2 w ages of labor and the prof H r of Journals, th e m etropolitan new spa Phone 331 W ednesday, eig h t head of deer, two T,o t. 11 25 Feet, E. 8 , T aylor >2 .50 Cough Remedy acts on th is plan. It business are cu t In two why not re pers and th e lesser publications M. Jensen bucks, four does and a couple of Feet, C. allays th e cough, relteves th e lungs, Lot 12 25 duce? “ The Yard of Best Qualify ............... >2 •50 nlds expectoration, opens the secre- w hich tak e th eir cue from them are, faw ns were placidly feeding a t the E state R. Newport W hen th e cost of living has corn« w ith some notable exceptions, join- F eet, H. 25 13 . M. STRAW, MGR tionn and aids n a tu re in restoring h ay stack s In th e fields a t th e head Lot ................. >2 down from th irty Io forth per cent Ing In th e bom bardm ent. The Big of T horn Hallow . They wore seen at the system to a h ea lth y condition. Lot 14 25 Feet, II. R. N ew port w hy not reduce the overhead cont B erth as a re also boom ing- tbje th e R ichard Thompson place and also E x d u liv e R epresentative) of National Builders 'Bureau .............. >2 qualities. T ry it w hen you have a a t Lou H odgen’s ranch. The long txit 15 25 Feet, Cole ft Swayze ............................... >2 j cough or cold. w in te r h as doubtless made feed a a scarce Lot 16 25 Feet. Cole ft Swayze for deer In the high m o u n tain ............................ >2 10 12% F eet, R. A lexander ■ j ranges, and th ey are seeking lower Lot 17 T ru stee .................................... >1.25 ■ feeding g rounds.— W eston L eader. Lot 17 12 ’4 Feet, E. P. Illsiey _ ............................. ............ >1.26 B ® The flu epidem ic in A th en a an d vi- J. L. H arm on ■ cinlty is not yet subsiding, accord- Lot 18 50 F eet. .......................... >5.00 B Ing to rep o rts from physicians. The Lot 19 50 F eet, H. R. N ew port ............ >5.00 ■ ¡num ber of cares has dim inished. 8 W hile a num ber of p atien ts w ere ser- Lot 20 60 F eet, J. H. R aley ... 5.00 S. T aylor >5.00 ■ lously ill from th e disease, no dang- Lot 21 50 Feet, E. S. T aylor >K.00 22 50 Feet. E d ! erous cases have developed to date Lot 23 50 Feet, F. B. Swayze >5.00 Lot ■ ¡and It is hoped th a t th e crisis has Lot 24 50 F eet, F. B Swayze >5.00 ■ been reached, and from now on con- Block 6- B d ttions will im prove It has not been Lot 1 25 Feet, F irst Plan This Winter BUILD IN THE SPP1N ~ All indications show thaf lumber prices have reach ed rock bottom. There are so many new homes needed that it is only rea sonable to expect build ing costs to increase with spring demand. Inland Empire Lumber t or NUT COAL The best and most economical for range and cook stove at $1.00 per ton less than the lump and egg coal. We have plenty of coal now, a new stock of the best and it is the best. ï TUM-A-LUM LUMBER COMPANY ■ R. A. Brownson, Manager Phone 111 tú W e are Showing Spring Styles of Gordon Caps for men and boys at popular prices; $1.50 to $3. Gordon Hats in New Spring Blocks and colon in Gordon quality, $5,00. Cluett Shirts Standard anywhere in this country. No guess about this class of merchandise. Cluett collars at 20c. W e a re sole agents for these in this district. Just look over our exclusive lines of merchan dise and you will find the best merchandise obtain able and at reasonable prices. We Like to Talk Q jality Rather Than Cheapnet. H e r m is to n P rod u ce & S u p p ly C o . / he Heti of GooJ Service“ necessary so fa r to reso rt to q u ar- Lot ■ a n tin e m easures.— A th n a Press. Lot j 25 Feet, F. B. Swayze >2.50 25 Feet. N ettle Goodwin >2 50 25 Feet. H. E. H itt .... >2.50 25 Feet, Wm Glnsson 25 Feet. P age ft Ron >2.50 25 Feet, P ace & Ron >2.50 25 Feet, Wm. S haar 13% Feet, W. J. W arne >1.32 11% F eet, Sam Rogers .......................................... >1 18 25 Feet. F. P. Adams >2.50 25 Feet. F. P. Adams >2.50 3 2 Feet, F irst N ational ......................................... >3.20 15 Feet. A. F Blesse k‘ 1 50 26 Feet, A. F. Blesse >2.50 10 Feet, A. F. Biesse >1.00 : 15 F eet, J. L H arm on >1 60 25 F eet, J. L. H arm on >2.50 j 25 F eet, E. O. Comegys ............... .......................... >2.50 I 25 F eet, H. R. N ew port .......................................... >2.50 25 F eet, E O. Comegys .......................................... >2.50 25 Feet. H. A. F rick >2 50 25 Feet, H. A. F rick >2.50 , 25 F eet, II. A F rick >2.50 ' B T here has been some considerable T,ot 4 ■ activ ity d u rin g th e week In th e local Lot 5 d wool m arket. The offerin g of 30 cents Lot 6 7 ■ per pound for th e 1922 clip by the Lot Lot 8 ■ ¡firm of H allow ell, Jones and Donald, Lot 9 ■ of Boston th ro u g h th e it local rep- B lesen tatlv e, W W. Smead, w as the ■ m eans of causing quite a num ber of ■ o ur sheepm en to co n tract, and the Lot 11 ■ j follow ing are reported to have dis- • ” B ank posed of th e ir clips: C. L. Sweek, Lot 13 for Sweek estate, W. B. B a rra ti and ixit 14 Son, R. A. Thompson and th e Wy- lxit 15 land e sta te of H ardm an. A num ber Lot 15 of o th ers are also on the anxious P°* ] 5 seat, and ntny close up w ith Mr 17 Smead before th e end of th e w eek. ¡Lot 18 An advancu of >1.00 per fleece is be- j ..... ing made by th e buyers, and th is w ill ),x ,t 19 help some in relieving the local fi liOt 20 nan cial situ atio n Lot 21 The price is considered to be good Isit 22 Block 7 — Gazette-Tim es. Lot 1 50 Feet. R u th M Frick ........................................... >5.00 j CITY IRRIGATION WATER AS 50 F eet, R uth M. F lick SFSSMFFT FOR 1922 ........................................... >6.00 DISTRICT NO 1 I Lot 3 50 Feet, E. P. Illsiey >5.00 Notice is hereby given th a t in ac- l-ol 4 50 F eet, B. S. K ingsley (eordance w ith O idlnance No 76 of ......... ......................................... >6 00 ; th e City of H eim lston, an assess- fait 5 57 Feet, Geo B. Ray >5.70 m ent has been levied upon and Lot 6 50 Feet. C W. Cr'nik >5.00 ag ain st th e follow ing lots and par- l-ot 7 35 Feet, Geo. B riggs >3.50 cels of land in th e Irrig atio n D istrict Lot 8 12 Feet. Geo. B riggs >1.20 i heretofore established In th e City of ixit 8 13 Feet. Millie Deck >1.30 H erm iston in th e am ounts set fo rth I-ot 9 25 Feet. Millie Deck >2.50 . below. 1>1t j 0 25 Feet. O. O. Sapper >2.50 ! The to tal am ount of assessm ent In Lot 11 25 Feet. J 11 W illiam e sal« Irrig atio n D istrict Is $1695.00 .......... .......................................... >2.50 it T h j co" , " lct Pr *«-e to be paid th e l-ot 12 25 F eet, M. 8. K ern >2.50 U nited State* G overnm ent for w ater Lot 13 25 Feet. M. 8. K ern >2.50 ’°tr . ,.he ‘" t a a th m ill said D istrict Is ls}t i t 25 F eet. M. 8. K ern >2 50 >1.50 per acre for two acre feet and l-nt 15 25 Feet. F raser ft Me- fifty re n ts per acre foot for all w ater K enzte ........................ >2.60 ; ,n of ,w « acre feet. ixit If, 26 Feet, A. F. 4 A M The cost of operation and m ain- isrdge No. 138 ....................... >2.60 ten an re of said Irrig atio n D istrict Ix>t 17 25 Feet, A F A A M 1* estab lish ed nt >t «95 00. Lodge No. 138 ......................... >2.50 The City Council w ill alt as a Lot 18 25 Feet. A. F. ft A. M Board of E qualize' Ion at elc h t o’clock Lodge No. 1 3 8 ....................... >2.50 P. M on W ednesday. March 15. Block 8 1» !2 . and w l’l nt said tim e exam ine Lot 1 50 Feet. J. K. S hotw ell the aaaessment roll and correct alt ............................. qq error* th erein . Any person feeling Lot 2 60 Feet J K S hotw ell .him self or herself aggrelved by such >5 00 a**e*ament may nypty to the City Lot « 50 Feet, H. Petero >5 0« -•'A - above , ptcrurc ™ it a photographic reproducnonj . «Ucene^j ¿¡Si — chosen because it ; embraces at agurice~so~nunv Angeles-Wes:lake Park Park-chosen of the ideal features for pleasure m Southern California, and ■ typical o< aomberleaa scenes similar in character. Representatives ot the C. U nion P acific S ystem will gladly furnish matnictive and beautifully ilhstrated booklets giving compile mformatton about this gfonous playground of the West Let them tell all about note) rates, railroad fares, through car service, the famous Circle Tour through San Franaaco and Salt Lake Cdy. ar a part of the way by ocean tnp No guraryat equal interaat n America. Call on or address F. C. Woughter, Agent, Hermiston, Oregon Wm. McMurray, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon