Image provided by: Hermiston Public Library; Hermiston, OR
About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 16, 1922)
Hermbimi librali» VOL. XVI FARM BUREAU WILL HOLD ANNUAL MEETING XJ, • HERMISTON. UMATILLA COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1922 w. F. BUCHNER BUTS CHAMBERLAIN RANCH Is Former Resident of Idaho, But la t e r of Ashland Oregon TEACHERS’ INSTITUTE MET HERESATURDAY Umatilla News Items N ». 21 W. W. ROGERS HAS HAND BROKEN BY ROCK CRUSHER PILOT ROCK WINS BASKET BALL GAME The fourth of a series of winter played. Delicious refreshments were Was Shifting A Belt W ith Iron Bai W hich Caught in the Lacing_ card parties was held on Thursday .¡erved at a late hour. When Accident Occures night, Feb. 9, at Community hall RITNER. JEWETT ANE B A T .T A B T) Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Buchner arriv WEST END GRADE TEACHERS with 11 tables playing. The capable The O. W. R. & N. has installed Thursday of last week at the New CONTEST BETWEEN GIRLS EX- committee in charge was Mrs. Ner- a new water pump at Umatilla which ed in Hermiston last week with the TO MAKE ADDRESSES MEET IS SUCCESS ton, Mrs Cherry, Mrs. Renick, Mrs. is a decided Improvement over the port camp oi. the Cold Springs high idea of locating dnd this week clos TREMEL CLOSE Fallen, Mrs. Sheppard and Mrs. Lam- old one. It works with .half the way W. W. Rogers who was employ ed the deal for the purchase of the ed on the rock crusher thero was M eeting to be Held in Pendleton Chamberlain ranch, one mile north About 39 Present; Address by Co. bel t. Delightful refreshments were steam and does much better work, i shifting the belt with an Iron bar served to a large crowd. First prizes o f town. The Chamberlain place Condta and Waterman Are High when the belt turning caught the bar Saturday; Three W ell Known were won by Mrs. Buell and Mrs. consists of 20 acres across the road Supt. Green and Other W est Fred Dixon has purchased a lot and In the lacing and he was thrown Into Point Winners. Making 17 and Iverson. Everyone had an enjoyable from the Experimental station and Speakers on Program End Instructors time. The next party is Feb. 23 at is building a home near the Cathol- the pully. He was rendered un- Is well Jmproved with orchard and 13 Respectively 8 p. m. at Community hall and every ic church. Houses are in great de- conscious for some time and it was alfalfa. It is considered a very de maud in Umatilla. (at first thought that his arm was ' .one is welcome. A good array of talent has been sirable place. The Teachers’ Institute for the ---------- broken and that he was injured in- Thc ,ocol bigb grhoo, bagkp, ba„ Mr. and Mrs. Buchner are former secured tor the annual meeting of the cesswest end grade teachers held At the S. W. Washington Expert- ternally. He was taken to town i teamg ,„e, two defeat8 Frlday eve. About >29 was taken In by the Umatilla County Farm Bureau to be residents of Idaho, but for the past here last Saturday was a success ment station where a contest has where an examination showed the lllng at the Auditorium The girls held In Pendleton next Saturday. two years have been living at Ash from every standpoint. In the fore Home Bureau on its third card par been in progress Mr. W. A. Ford had hand was broken between the fore- COIltegt wag extrenlely c)0Be th(, gante George S. Jewett, General manager land, Oregon and have lately return noon the meeting took the form of ty. High scores were won by Mr. a pen of his famous White Leghorns finger and wrist, and a deep cut en- S| a„d| ng a( a tie whe|1 the f,na, of the North West Wheat Growora ed from a visit in Idaho. Their son Rund Table discussions in three Stangeby and Mrs. Bullard. Ten tab entered. One hen tied for 1st place, tlrely across the back of the hand, whistle blew. Pilot Rock succeeded is a teacher in the Pendleton high association and Vice-President of the groups, primary, intermediate and les were in progress. At 11 p. m. having laid 29 eggs in January The break has been hard to mend and in winning in the p ■•/off, the final United States Grain Growers associ school. dainty refreshments were served. A grammar grades. At noon the visit His pen of hens ranked fourth for he went to Pendleton Tuesday for BCOle being 12 to 10 ation will tell of the status of the^ co ing and local teachers, thirty-five In large crowd was present and every the month and about eighth for the further medical attention. operative grain marketing movement VAUDEVILLE SHOW AT PLAT one had a very enjoyable evening. Boys Game Not so Close number, proceeded to the¡Oregon ho_ ; entire year. This is a wonderful HOUSE IS BIG SUCCESS tel where a splendid hinch awaited Mrs. McKenzie was chairman of the In the United States. The state or In the boys contest the local lads record as the competition was very DANCING PARTY IS ENJOYED ganization of Idaho, Oregon, Wash them. The’ "te'achero 'enjoyed “ the cornmlt,eo *“ charge- i took the lead for several minutes, keen. The contest was held at ington and Montana has about 30 Large Audience Greets Home Talent meal and the social feature of the oc- ! AT AUDITORIUM IA ST TUES. but when Pilot Rock found the bas- Puyallup, Washington. W hich is Greatly Enjoyed million bushels under contract, the --------- - ket they registered a rapid series of caslon, and a hearty vote of thanks The directors of the Umatilla hos- By AU Present United States Grain Growers, over One of the leading Rocial events of field goals. The half ended 19 to 11 was given to the Parent-Teachers as- Pi,al are b«sy selling stock In the February 3rd, 1922 100 miUion bushels, with contracts the season was a dancing party giv- in favor of Pilot Rock. The second aociation of Hermiston who was re- new Institution. The proposition is Mrs. Minnie M. McFarland, Treas. A fine show was the verdict of all coming in which amount to about en at the auditorium on St. Valen- half was hard fought. The final sponsible for this function. a one- but tb® shares must be Homo Bureau, who attended the show at the Play 2000 per week. . the North West sold in order to keep It going. The tines evening by Mesdames C. E. -score was 29 to 19. Condra and Wat- Umatilla, Ore. Supt. Green Speaks in Afternoon Growers about 25 milion bushels and House Thursday evening given under rooms havo all been full since the îiaker, J. W. Campbell, C. W. Kellogg erman scored 17 and 13 points re- My dear Mrs McFarland: The afternoon session was mostly other co-operative organizations a the auspices of the Ladles Altar So opening nnd several people are on the _ . . . - F A . Phelps, J. W Ralph, O. O. Sap- spectlvely Enclosed please find receipt for „ xr ____ j „ „ , , ____ A considerable quantity. It is fully ex ciety. A full house greeted the per taken up by Supt. Green who addres watting list. Four nurses have been per, C. N. Taylor and C. M. Voyen. A preliminary game between the pected that the various co-operative formers and the numbers well re sed the gathering on various subjects in atendance, two specials and a >10.00, second contribution from the Thc hail was literally transformed eighth grade nnd Freshmen boys end- Umatilla Home Bureau, to the Schol- | of timely Interest. Mr. Voelker con grain marketing organizations will ceived. regular day and a regular night nurso into a veritable Cupid’s bower of cd with a score of 24 to 4 in favor of arship Loan Fund O. F. W. C. ducted the singing of some patriotic The high school orchestra gave have nearly 300 million bushels un the latter. Dr. Pearce of Portland was up to Kindly convey to your club mem- | hearts and Valentines and shaded three selections, which called forth songs and also was chairman of tlie I the hospital on Sunday and had four der contract by July first. The lineup for the girls follows: lights. An improvised parlor with bers the very grateful thanks of tho . , . . meeting. Brief remarks were made tonsil operations. They were all suc S. L. F. Board and assure them of TU«’ ’ ' a8y cha!r8 and dlvan8’ *°Kelh- Pilot Rock, Forwards Stanton,4, Last spring and summer, the Uma much applause. Mr. F. A. Chezik was a real sur by Principal Drew of Echo. Princi cessful. Two R. R. men, Mr. Grammer tilla County Farm Bureau tried to er with a dainty booth for frapp at Cramer 2; Center, Johnson; Side our appreciation of their splendid pal Robenson of Columbia and Prin Center, Blacker; Guards, Done and get the use of the contract of the prise in his two readings, Juliett's and Mr. Goodlin, were operated on support in this work. To date you one end added greatly to Its attrac cipal Benjamin of Umatilla. The Wagner; Subs. Wyatt 6. Stanton and and will soon be back to work. United States Grain Growers in this Death Scene and Hamlet, and re tiveness while at the opposite end are the only club in the state to du high school teachers meet at Pendle territory but were unsuccessful ow sponse to two hearty encores. were card tables for those who did Pollock. ton next Saturday. plicate its contribution this year, and Albert Hedwall caused much mer Hermiston, Forwards Bensel 7, ing to an agreement between the The Catholic Women’s Altar you don't know what an inspiration not care to dance. Various means were employed during the evening Sullivan 3; ' Center, Swayze: Side United States Grain Growers associa riment by his fine work with the Society had an enthusastic meeting it is to us to receive such support, crayon. WOULD RAISE COMEDY tion and the Northwestern associa on Sunday after mass and laid plana for there is a great deal of hard work to keep the crowd constantly mixing. ¡Center, Robinson; Guards Addlemati Mr. Adamson sang twice and was . STANDARD IN PICTURES for the future. Mrs. Will Roberts and tion which provides that the United I regret* to'say^'sometimes Tittle J lny Japan* ’e lanterns suspended and Neary; Suh.. Kingsley. lay, s States contract should not be used recalled each time, his song "Ten lit Is President, Miss Fallen Vice-Pres. appreciation by the the clubs, attach- f,om ,h e ,« * " « ’ at a tw ,‘ch o a p a r- a i, tle fingers and ten little toes" being Higher Class Comedies Wanted Says Mrs. Wltham Kennedy Seq.-Treas. istring, raining hearts for the ladles Pilot Rock, Forwards, Condra 17, In this territory. The Northwestern ed to our efforts, but we are strength Carter DeHaven, Famous Wheat Growers were unsuccessful In particularly good.Mr. O. G. Sapper They plan to have a cooked food sale ened by the wonderful thing this while at the other end of the room, Stanton 4; Center. Smith 6; Guards, Farceur the men scrambled for arrows which Evans nnd Johnson 2; Subs., Horn, securing many contracts in Umatilla accompanied him. on Easter Saturday. fund is doing for Oregon girts. Mrs. F. A. Chezik played two piano each bore a number corresponding Kidwell county but the farmers here are still With personal regards and many “There Is a strong and very real Interested In the co-operative .move selections In her usual capable style. to a heart and this gave everyone a Hermiston, Forwards, Hanellne 2, The Protestant Ladies Aid will thanks, I remain. pardner for the next dance. At an- Waterman >13; Center, Parker 4; ment and want to keep posted on It Í The feature act of the evening was desire on the part of picture follow meet to organize on Thursday, Feb. Sincerely Yours from reliable sources. Mr. Jewett is *be beautiful interpretative dances ers everywhere for a higher type of other time hearts cut In grotesque ! Gumds. Smith nnd Shotwell; Sub., 9 at 2:30 p. m. at Community hall. Sarnh A. Evans. directly connected with tho various bE Miss Melba Callahan, in which comedy picture, to fill the place now designs afforded much merriment, Winslow. A large attendance Is anticipated, movements and should, be able to give sbe displayed much talent. After occupied solely by the multitude of while they were being matched for On Feb. 18 the two high school the farmers here a correct statement reKP°ndlng to three encores Miss Cal- elapetick, slam-bang offerings,” said as tbey are very anxious to get the COMMERCIAL CLUB pardners. teams go to Athena. On Friday eve- as to thc movements. lahan was presented with an arm Carter DeHaven, commenting on his nlove for a new church under way. WEEKLY GET-TOGETHER At the close of the grand marclt "lnRi l‘pb- 24 (lie Stanfield teams full of lovely carnations by Father latest photoplay version of tho stage A good deal of money bas been glv' in which every guest participated. come here for a double header. These Ritner to Talk on Convention success. “Twin Beds.’’ jen to tbe cause, which Is a worthy Butler. The Commercial club met Tuesday each was presented with a toy bed- fkmes will he the last on the local Senator Roy.Ritner who was onel Mr. DeHaven feels the majority of one’ noon for the weekly meeting and a loon, making the scene a festive one H°br- week inter the final games K>f tlie official delegates at the recent .. In addition to the above numbers film fans of today will welcome with discussion of various subjects and in the waltz which followed. Gray ”1e 8eni,°i1 he played at Pilot National Agrlcultular Convention ’ a8 a movle comed* enthusiasm high-grade, legitimate Miss Georgia Thorne, of Pendle- propositions. w lU m ako an official report to the Ut,ed Roman Romeos manl colored caps were given out comedy pictures, depending upon ton, -who has been taking ciire of Mr. Mr. H. E. Crawford, assistant man and these worn during a short inarch ' • Farm Bureau. Ritner will tell what ' well-wrlten, clever stories, and In- Whitmore for the past two weeks, ager of the Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co. the chances are for carrying out the THREE FAIRS OF TWINS IS telligent acting rather than upon has left the case and is spending a at Walla Walla, gavo an interesting up to the booth where dainty refresh. NUTRITION SPECIALIST TO ments were served In enfeterin style, i BE SPEAKER AT P. T. A. various recommendations and what REC0RDD FOR ONE DAY burlesque and a hodge-plodge of Im- few days with Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell talk. Mr. Townsend of the Hermis- Approximately one hundred forty ---------- the agricultural block means to tho | possible situations for their success. o t Hermiston before returning to on Creamery also gave his views I Three pairs of twins all on the guests were present and it is a safe Marjorie M. Smith W ill Address fanner. . "People the world over love tho duty in Pendleton. and aims In the conduct of the busi bet that not one of the number ex same day Is the record hung up by Meeting nt School Monday, ridiculous and the comic," went on --------- - Finances to be Discussed i ness and the club will name a mem perienced a dull moment during the Hermiston and will probably hold February 10 Mr. DeHaven, “and that humor There has been revival meetings ber to accompany him ln a “get ac entire cleverly planned party. for some time to come. The twins are land will be secured to discuss the a„ do)ng fine Two Brrive(, at which appeals to the Intellect Is al- at community hall tor the past week quainted” trip through this part of Arrangements havo been completed farmers future finances and what he tbe A p Garner ranch an(, Qne ftt ways more appreciated than tho With a good attendance. Rev. Hillis the county. A motion was alBo cars ¡for the meeting Feb. 10 when Miss Community Club Holds Meeting can expect from War Financial Co- , he Frank gtone rancb (agt gatur_ brand which Is forced over with a has been the pastor. Several of the led that here after at all club din Marjorie M. Smith, nutrition special The Community club met at I lie padded mallet. Very rarely has thero town people have had dinners in his ners nothing but pure "home grown” operation and more extended credit. day No t)lege twhlg were nQt Qf th(j ist from O A. C., will address the library on Tuesday, Feb. 7 when a been a successful slap-stick comedy honor. F. L. Ballard. Assistant County human variety but jugt # cream shall be served at the tables. members of the Parent-Teachers as very interesting program was given of the stage, while on the other ---------- Agent Leader, will tell of some of the day caiveg It was announced that the bill has sociation. Miss Smith will give a Mrs Correll led the Current Topic hand, witness the tremendous success The debate on Saturday night drev.. been reported favorably In the house things which have been accomplished ' demonstration of a properly prepared discussion and Mrs. McKenzie gave and popularity of “Twin Beds" and only a fair crowd but It was not at icpealing the lien ln the patent on by Eastern Oregon Farm Bureaus, dish and (here will nlso be an ex M anufacturing Broad Foundation the Farm Organization movement and other plays of Its kind. a]1 advertised. Miss Clara Parks all lands ln reclamation projects a very fine paper on Japan and its hibition of a properly balanced meal W. Stevens, of St. Helens, Ore., a people. Mrs. Root gavo tho club a the relation of County Agent to the What is true of the spoken play and M|sg jjO(yg Davis were the Uma- since 1912. for a child. She will answer any bee man of some 20 years experience is not less true of the screen, I be- t,„ a representatives, while Miss Dor- short parliamentary drill. Farm Organizations. Support of the high school In the questions and is especially anxious has started a small shop on the west lieve, and it is my intention from !lg gwayze and \jr Stockard were for Tho club voted to adopt tho pro issuing of their Annual was up for to meet any mother wishing help Officers to be Elected . ... * i8i,ie and I* manufacturing broad now on to endeavor to supply a de Hermiston. The debate was very discussion and reported favorably, gram, as read by the committee, for with children's feeding. The officers who will carry out foundation for Iocal men though mand which I have long felt existed good and greatly enjoyed. Miss many believing that much good ad the following years work. The mo In addition there will be a number the program of the Farm Bureau dur- ■gome o( b,g bug|negg ,g from nearby tion was also carried to have tho for good, straight comedies." Clara Parks had special mention as vertising would result from it. by the ladles quartette, and a piano in g this year will be elected at the towng_ Two men are engaged in the programs printed and a committee "Twin Beds" will be the Associ- people said her points as well as de solo by Miss Mabie Brown. Refresh annual meeting, The present offlc- work and about a half ton of the ar- was appointed to select a flower. atedated First National attraction at livery were fine. This is our first ments will be served after the meet era are WALLULA TO UMATILLA IN Motto and colors for the club. The „ „ „ ¡tide has already been turned out by Pound's, Umatilla Friday and the debate and we hope to be able to ing. Tho meeting will bo held S. R. Thompson, President, J. F. Me- tbem programs will soon bo out nnd eneh FORD BUG IN SEVEN HOURS Play House Saturday. carry off honors before we are promptly nt 3 o’clock In the high Naught, Vlve-President, Mac Hoke, member may obtain one on payment through. school auditorium. Sec.-Treas, A. R. Coppock, Seed Cer BAPTIST NOTICES To prove they could make the trip of twenty-five cents. Farm Reminders The hoHleseeg are: MrH H. M. Som tification. S. J. Culley, Marketing, The club meets Feb. 21 when the Early spring seeding of grain gives R. V. Ashmun, minister. Residence Henry Sommerer, Dairying, H. P. Mr. W. A. Ford is slowly Improv by car from W allula, to Umatilla, following program will be given: met er, Mrs. F. V. Prime, Mrs. O. O. the bent results, but when planted in Whitman, Livestock, L. L. Rogers, first house east of Library. ing and as soon as warmer weather Walt Waddell and T. P. Mills start Current Topic discussion led by Mrs. Sapper. Mrs A. W. Adamson. Mrs. Sunday school at 10 o’clock. Some rather cold soils the rato of seeding ed from Wallula In a Ford bug and Joe Ralph and Mrs. C. M. Jackson. Wheat Varieties, James Hill, Seed comes will be able to be about should be increased. Spring oats made the trip ln 7 hours. For the C. M. Jackson. Mrs. F. A. Phelps Treatment, J. F. Slover, Horticul more new faces were seen last Sun day. We will be looking for others should be planted not less than three first 10 miles the road was easily will glvo us a pnper on "Oregon ture. W. R. Nugent has been confined negotiated but from Juniper to H Products” and Miss Hall will tell us Nineteen Attend Canning Course bushels per acre, and Bpring wheat next Sunday. Will we see you? The meeting will be held in the Cannerymcn to the number of The Junior B. V. P. U. meets In and barley at about two bushels per to his bed for a week with an attack mile west of Sand Spur they took to of the "History and Present Gov. of County Library in Pendleton. Satur nineteen who have come from points the basement at 11 o’clock. Mrs. W. acre for western Oregon conditions.— of flu, but Is on the mend and hopes the ice then back to the road again. Japan.” day, Feburary 18 at 1:30 p. m. to soon be up again. Tea will be served. Mrs. A. C. in Oregon nnd Washington all tho _______ ____ W. Illsley and Mrs. Knox in charge. O A. C. Esperiment station. The return trio was made via. FREIGHT TRAIN BREAKS I The Sen,or B T p ° meeta in Pendleton and Walla Walla, and Voelkpr being chnirtnan of tho host way from Olympia to Medford aro enrolled In tho ennner’s short courso Mr. Ed Renick had an attack of while the roads were better it took ess committee. Why not set eggs from a selected ____ the basement at 8:30. Topic “The now being given by the department CARS OFF TRACK go,lrceg oi Happiness." The young flock of the best hens rather than grippe which almost proved to be half an hour longer and burnt up a of horticultural products at the Ore from the whole flock? Wouldn’t It flu but was checked by Dr. Logon. lot more gas. ’ people are cordially invited. CORRECTION IN DATE gon Agricultural college. The men Wreck is Cleared by a Crew From Thursday night at 7:30 Miss With- pay to raise the average production He is back at work The boys say that with only an are enthusastic over their work, says R ieth in Short T im e; No. 1 De- erg who is speaking in Oregon will of the flock two or three dozen eggs ordinary toad between Wallula and E H. Welgnnd, who Is giving the P. F. Fallen is confined to his bed Umatilla the trip can be made In a layed About One Hour ¡speak upon "Missions Around the per hen? Try It.—O. A. C. Experi Notices have been sent out an course. The course Includes practi with a severe cold. World.” MI rs Withers who Is addrese- ment station. little over an hour.— Boardman Mir notinclng the date of Miss Marjorii cal work in Hie well equipped labor- A train wreck on the O. W. R & N. ,ng a,ldlenceg ln fiTe gtateB the ror. Smith s lecture and demonstration atnrles nnd lectures, many of which about 7 o clock Monday morning re- wes( jg a forceful speaker. She will G0ETHAL8 TO REPORT ON Dr. R. G. Gale operated at. the as March 20. Officers of the P. T. A. arc given by men brought to the col- suited In two cars being thrown off tell us of some dangers in our own COLUMBIA BASIN PROJECT Umatilla hospital on Monday upon Big Auction Sale wish to correct this as thc date 18 lege for this special occasion.- O. A. the track and several drawbars bc- life and suggest some safeguards. A Miss Louis Klages of Boardman and The auction sale at'the Ixiuis Boyce next Monday, February 20. C. Experiment station. lng damaged. The accident occur- c apacjty house la expected. The The visit by Major-General George Mr. D a w n of Umatilla. They aro ranch Feb. 6 was the largest sale ed about one and one-half miles ptlbl|c are cold|a,iy invited. Do not W. Goethals to the Columbia Basin both reported doinr well. tuking place on thc project for sev- I south of Hermiston and the cause miss hearing thia. Project on which he is to make a ---------- METHODIST CHURCH NOTES eral years. Autos were parked In on _ . FREE METHODIST NOTICES was due to the breaking of the train Services at the Free Methodist j Sunday school at 10. Attendance Mr. Taylor Whitmore, who was both taldes for a block In lenglh. Plane are all fwrfected for the com. complete report has brought out an the latter section smashing into tho Ing Evangelist Godwin, commonly Interesting feature not hitherto em- lecently operated on for appendicitis Stock and implements of all kinds '*isH*on Sunday school at 10 a. m. ia,t Sunday was 118. Church serv- forward and derailing the two cars. T h ree Fingered Jack" to be- phasized. It has developed that Is reported doing nicely. brought good prices. : Preaching at 11 and 7:30 p. m. | re K a | j j , special music at this serv- The wrecking train from Reith was giD mcetingg next Sunday morning, following the readjustment of costs Z------------------------- I H®* E. O. and Mrs. Pnlmcr |ce. Services at Columbia at 3 p. called In on the job and the wreck , SoIT1r. of the . Harmlaton people _______ were In ________ In respect to labor ________ ____ ___ and ___ materials the Phillip Lenhart, who has had a Here to Improve Homestead ’ m' EPw,,' ,b l*ague 8:30. Special was cleared in a short time. Train p en<ue ton when the meetings were great undertaking can now be car- severe alack of pneumonia, is able Mra Bess Spencer arrived from Many eastern Oregon farmers try services will be announced at that No. 1 was delayed about an bour, in session and saw people turned ried through at a figure 40 per cent to sit up again. Pendleton Tuesday to emaln Indef- ,o Hr’"H thp,r potatoes on the name time. and a half. away from over an audience of two below the engineer’s estimate. This _____ Inltely. She plana on improving her ,,bl patch every year. It Is much ------- — - thousand. Our problem will he to i will have a very important bearing The Umatilla hospital has 6 pa- 20 acres east, of town in Columbia better to put them out In the early RAY IN “45 MIN W i'l Move to Ranch seat the people. Come early If you on the ultimate development. Gen-jtlents at present with only one va- district. She expects to enlarge the plowed summer fallow where there UTEE FROM BROADWAY Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Kellogg will want a seat. The meetings will be eral Goethals devoted Rome time to cant room. house on thc place and make other ba’ e been no spuds and where there ______ move the latter part of this week to held in the Baptist church. delving Into this particular aspect of -------- - improvements. will be less danger of disease.— O. Charles Ray will be featured at the M. D. Scroggs ranch home on The Methodist Episcopal and the the situation. He left for thc east The literary department of the — ---- — * jA- C- Bspcriment station. i Umatilla next Tuesday and Hermla- "South Hill.” This Is a very desirable Baptist churches are co-operating in on February 15. 'Home Bureau met at thc home of Watch th" Bee Hives ' ton Wednesday in George M. Cohan’s location, with a considerable acreage the metlngs. ---------------— —— Mrs. Benjamin on Tuesday and had Examination of the stands of bees ' The use of credit for other than famous stage play ” 45 minutes from of orchard and small fruit. It is ■ Miss Luclle Wit Hers arrived In a study hour. About 7 ladies were should be made from the middle of productive purposes Is a bad policy Broadway." This is without doubt understood that/the house vacated by Under supervision of the Boxing Hermiston from the east Thursday present and had an enjoyable time, February to the first of Mareh. according to the result of farm aur- the biggest and best of Ray's pictures the Kelloggs will be occupied by Mr. Commission Pendleton win put on 5 morning and spoke to the women of They meet again in two weeks, Choose a time when the bees are fly veya that have* been made. In ad- Don't forget the dates. and Mrs. Julian Morfltt. boxing matches thia Friday evening, the Baptist church and then at a —------- Ing well and make sure that the dltion the farmer using credit should -------------------- ■ —. -------------------------- The main event is Buddy Stevens of public meeting at the church at 7:30 A pretty arranged Valentine party hive« has a good laying queen. The make sure that the enterprise will Miss Hazel Sutherland Returned W O. Sutherland Is going to build Pendleton versus Battling Crooks of ■ .... - waa given at the home of Mlm Gladys amount of honey store may be de- produce a return greater than that home Saturday after spending a a seven room modern bungalow on Seattle, at 133 pounds. There will Lila McMillan spent Tuesday shop- Nugent on Tuesday night. Sixteen termlned at tho same time - 0. A. C. needed to pay off the debt— O. A. C. month In the Umatilla Hospital She Ills lot near the Telephone office. he four preliminaries. ping In Pendleton. Igneeto were invited and ’’500" was Experiment station, 'Experiment station. ¡was operated on for appendicitis, 4