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About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (March 2, 1922)
Stye Wnrnafcm Wrath VOL. XVI 0» o & HERMISTON. UMATILLA COUNTY. OREGON. TÉURSDAY, MARCH 2. 1922 CONVENTION VOTED GREAT SUCCESS WIFE OF LOCAL BUSINESS MAN CALLED BY DEATH Death o f Mrs. H. E. H itt Occurs at H ot Lake Where She W ent for Treatment ÎSLOT LOCK 18 SELECTED NEXT JOHN DAY DISTRICT WINS LAW SUIT CONSTITUTIONALITY OF STILL A MYSTERY • WHO STOLE STILL One First Class S till Disappears From Justice Dodd’s Office Last Sunday N ight IRRI MANY FARMERS TO GET FEDERAL LOANS 13 APPLICANTS TO No. 25 CLUB TO HONOB GOVERNOR WITH DINNER AT HOTEL Tickets May be Purchased of E. J. K ingsley; Mayor Hartman of Pendleton to Talk GOVERNOR DAVIS TO TALK HERE TUESDAY RECEIVE A dinner in honor of Governor IDAHO CHIEF EXECUTIVE TO BE The community was shocked last Some hard boiled gent, evidently GATION LAW UPHELD MONEY AT ONCE LYCEUM SPEAKER Davis of Idaho will be held at the Friday morning by word deceived wishing to engage In the business, Hermiston hotel at 1 p m. next Tues front Hot Lake that Mrs. H. E. Hitt without Investing any money in day by the Hermiston Commercial had passed away, on Thursday. equipment, bored a few holes in the Sm entae* Lodges Represented W ith Loans Run 33 Years and Draw 6 Per club. Mr. and Mrs Hitt left here a few Lewis Contract for Engineering Serv- F reu Comments Indicate H igh Suc rear door of Justice E. P. Dodd's of A maximum of 75 tickets will be dsys previous for Hot Lake, for treat. I ices Found Valid and Board Attendance of 4 0 0 ; Freewater Cent; Land Must be Patented fice, reached through and unlocked cess as Lecturer; To Be Held sold. The price Is $1 per plate and ment and Hrs. Hitt was operated up- 1 the door and removed one perfectly Team Wins Cup Action Declared in Good Faith Before August 9, 1912 at Flay House they may be had while they last from on Monday. Her condition became J good still and pressure tank. The E. J. Kingsley. Monday noon is the worse after the operation and she still was taken some time ago in atest time at which they can be | passed away Thursday. About $30,000 In federal farm bought, but they are likely to be all Despite the weather last Saturday , Mrs Hitt bad ^er. a resident of , A suit Involving the legality of the — , i,Bld and . wa8 belnB h*1*1 in the rear What Is probably the strongest ««legates and visitors began to arrive Hermiston for the past 11 years, her organization of the John Day lrriga- ,QO1" of the J"8tlpe oKlce as evidence loans will come into Hermiston with taken before then. Those wishing number in this year's lyceum course Parly for the annual convention of former home being Jefferson, Oregon <ion district, brought by the Northern jln ¿h e “L in the next two or three weeks, ac to attend should see Mr. Kingsley. will be presented here next Tuesday No suspicion is attached to anyone, cording to S. C. Lochrie, cashier of I. O. O. F lodges of Umatilla and wh«re services were held Sunday. r a cific and other large land owners It is probable that Mr. Davis will evening when Hon. D. W. Davis, Morrow counties. Snow fell during ^lrs. Hitt was active in social and ,ast year against the district and but sleuths are of the opinion that in the First National bank and secre be called upon for a few words. Mayor governor of Idaho appears on the lo all the forenoon and most of the aft- iodge work being particularly Inter Jobn H- L^wis, its engineer, has been al1 Probability it has been put to tary-treasurer of the Hermiston Nat George Hartman of Pendleton has ac cal platform. •Hioon, which necessitated the e8ted the Eastern Star activities decided by Circuit Judge Gilbert W work some where In the sage brush ional Farm Loan association through cepted an Invitation from the Com A Man With a Mission abandoning of the parade which was jjer mother, Mrs Weed resides at Phelps at Pendleton in favor of the country. Justice Dodd has no lead which the loans are made. mercial club to be present and will Governor Davis is not coming to they ate scheduled for noon. IJefferson. There are in addition district, according to an opinion re- tn the ca8e but 8aya speak on community camp grounds the lecture platform because of any Borrow to Improve ceived In Portland Thursday by Har- ,cauKht “ w111 be “you ‘el‘ 'em cotton The morning seslon convened at 'three sisters and one brother. According to the regulations the ^lr- Hartman has gone to conslder- desire to bask In the lime-light of o'clock in the auditorium with Besides the husband, she leaves rison Allen of the law firm of Grlf- you re out on bal^- government loans from $75 to $100 able work and trouble to acquaint popularity. He is giving a few days i t lodges ln convention and about two small children to mourn her loss, fith, Leiter & Allen, attorneys for per acre on improved land, the himself with the Important civic out of his busy and useful life be Lewis, delegates present. At this meet- Dorothy and Dick. MILLINERY CLASS WILL cause he has a message—a message amount varying according to Its val problems. ing reports, appointments of com- ___ . The legality of the organization of MEET ON MARCH 14 AND 16 ue. Loans are made for two purpos that bums deep In his heart and a nrittees and the reports of the vice- I message that every American should the district and the constitutionality es, to pay off old indebtedness and to THE PLANTING, CARE presidents were made. make new improvements. The pur | of the Oregon irrigation law were at- Community Club W ill Also Stage AND STORAGE OF BULBS hear. With deepest sincerity he At the afternoon session many more tacked but both were sustained by speaks about our Individual respons chasing of stock is regarded as an im Dress Form Demonstration delegates had arrived and to the Judge Phelps. The Lewis contract ibilities, to the home, to the commun By Mrs. Henry Pelmulder provement, Mr. Lochrie says. on Follow ing Day number of approximately 400 took for engineering services was found The first bulbs to consider are the ity, to the state and to the nation. He Already 13 applicants have been up the further business of the con valid and the board acted in good The home economics department of approved and it is on these that mon Dutch bulbs or the ones to be plant- ! Is a virile and vital man with a splen- vention of adopting of resolutions faith in giving him the contract. the community club will hold a mil ey will be received soon. Seventeen !ed ln tbe faI1 which Include the fol- did outlook on life, possessing a clear and addresses of the different grand Mr. Lewis formerly was state en linery class March 14 and 16 at the more applicants are ready and will jlow,nK: Tulips, Hyacinths, Jonquils, understanding of our American prob- lodge officers Including grand master SCHOOL ATTENDANCE BACK TO gineer of Oregon and in co-operation library, also a class for dress forms be forwarded to Spokane immediately NarclsBUs, Snowdrops. Crocuses. Sell- lems and advancing sensible and en- and past grand lodge officers and NORMAL AGAIN ¡with the United States reclamation ¡making will be held the 17th under Should these be approved, money will 1&s and Lillies whlc? are the most tiiely practical suggestions for their the past grand encampment officers. ---------- service prepared a report on a project the direction of Mrs. Edith Van be ready in from two to three months common bulbs of this class planted, eolution. His unstudied eloquence. M. R. Biggs, present grand master, Choose a location partially protect- the eloquence of profound sincerity embracing only 120,000 acres of irrl. Deusen. Loans here are made through the fed of Prineville delivered lone of the Boys Begin Base B all Practice and 'gable land. The project under investl- ed from the sun and wind. drives home big truths in a most con- Supplies for millinery consist of eral land bank at Spokane. finest speeches of the convention A. The soil should be well fertilized vlncing manner. He Is a clear-mlnd- Ration which resulted in this litiga- needles, pins, thread, scissors, and A provision of the federal law Farmers Make Their Plans C Voelker, substituted for Mr. O. tion was to Irrigate 320,000 acres ly- thimble. Materials will be cleaned that works to the injury of many with rotten manure, either cow, ed, broad-visioned man whose every- C. Young who was to have delivered j For Spring Seeding ing along the Columbia river between and pressed. Those desiring a straw farmers here 1» that no loans will be «heep or chicken, and then spadel at word commands attention and corn- the address of welcome and gave a i ---------- Arlington and Umatilla in Gilliam, hat cleaned or dyed, bring tube of made on land patented since August least one foot deep and pulverized pels thought. His lectures are pre Very able talk. clear to the bottom. Three inches sented ln the spirit of service and Morrow and Umatilla counties and 1 oil paint, desired color, and one pint 9, 1912. The night session consisted of de- i Boardman, Ore. March 2 Plans extending 15 to 20 miles back from 'of gasoline they render service in the broadest pf fertilizer is sufficient Loans Run 33 Years gree work by threer competing¡teams, are on foot to show three high class the river. K was proposed to use Supplies for dress forms can be , The bulbs should be planted by the sens« of the word. Farmers who receive loans pay six middle of October but can be planted f t this Freewater took first Hermis filims during the spring months, , be entlre flow of tbe John Day rlv. hased at Alexanders and Peoples Chicago, December 26 (API— ton second and Pendleton third. Free- March 23-24, April 21-22 and May er by direct),diversion and by storage Warehouse. Pendleton, also John W. per cent interest on the amortization as late as the last of December if the ¡Governor Davis of Idaho told mem- plan, the loan running for 33 years. wkter winning the cu p by ° ne n 11-12 These will be Julius Caesar, ln three reservoirs, two of which are Graham Co. Spokane, Washington for ground can be worked. The next bers of the Women’s Roosevelt Re The score: Freewater 96, Hermiston The Fail of Pompeii and Pilgrims cn the upper edge of the tract. $1 „„ pogt paid Agfe for dl.egg form In addition the borrower haB to buy thing to consider is the depth and publican club today that the Ameri shares ln the federal loan organlza- distance apart to plant, which are can home should be “reclaimed by end eton . n * " y 'la rogress. _______ The ]arge jand 0wner8 interested set giving desired bust measure. p zea o e ea s, Reeves ! with the( Northern Pacific railway In Also card board large enough for “ ®n. a« re’ ? t‘_n g flv e b e r ce.l;t of ‘be as follows: Tulips, 6 inches deep. 5 religious adherence to the oldfashlon- amount he borrows. He will receive the Noble Grand prize, School attendance is again practl- opposing this investigation were mounting Is required. Dress forms dividends on the five per cent how apart; Hyacinths, 6 inches deep, 7 ed principals of thrift, economy and o f Hermiston, > Chaplain prize and cally normal following absences on sheep men. In the complaint they will be made for anyone bringing ever and it will be returned to him Inches apart; Jonquils, 5 Inches deep respect for law.” 6 Inches apart; Narcissus, 7 Inches Pendleton won 3 and Freewater one account of illness. say these lands are principally valu- with her two friends to assist. Governor D. W. Davis said some deep, 8 to 12 inches apart; Snowdrop splendid things worthy the consider »n the Priest of the First aegree. ---------- raising. About 30 per Classes will begin 10 a. m. prompt when the loan is paid. Over 300 sat at the banquet at 6 [ Directors of the Hermiston Nation 3 Inches deep, 3 inches apart; Crocus ation o< all American people ln his Base ball practice is beginning in cent of the lands within the district ly. each lady to bring her own lunch p. m. The high school band were al Farm Loan association are: J. H. es 3 Inches deep, 3 inches apart; Sell, talk at 8q|t Lake — Box Elder Journ the school but owing to the absence are vacant government lands which including cup and spoon. Coffee will guests at this function and entertain of several Reid, president, E. L. Jackson. Wil las 3 inches deep, 3 Inches apart; al. Btarfftp ¿lyf..Utah. be served by the committee. ys from illness which have been thus grazed for years. ed with several selections. GoVerndi’ Yjgvls voices the opinion may leave the em out of school for the These classes are open to every liam G. Fritts, Thos. Campbell, C. M. and the larger bulbs of the Tillies the -------------------------- Many guests were present from lady living ln Hermiston and sur Jackson and G. R. Robinson. The gan,e depth and distance as the Hya- of many ^ in k e r s of today when he ..... . . i term. It Is debatable whether much HnwF.MATTF.RS CONFERENCE pntslde the jurisdiction, several from daveloned rounding community and everyone Is first three, Messrs. Reid, Jackson and clnths, with the smaller sixes the says that We'need fewer amenlments Waero and Walla Walla being pre«-,9 8 team can be developed. DRAWS NOTED SPEAKERS jurged to take advantage of these Fritts are appraisers. S. C. lochrie tdepth and distance of the snowdrops. but we should enforce the laws we s secretary-treasurer. The beds should then be mulched now have, both as officers and as classes. The convention was .voted one of , Farm work is coming on slowly with a loose strawy manure; from citizens.—Capital News, Boise. with improved weather and consider- Making Good the Slogan, “Better the greatest ever held In the juris two to three inches deep is sufficient APPROPRIATION .MONEY Insist on H earing Him able acreage of new seeding will go in Homes for Oregon,” College and diction by the delegates. if the tmperature does not fail below this spring. Boise, January $0— The committee INCLUDES MCKAY DAM Home Join Forces Without opposition Pilot Rock was zero or five or six Inches if it is cold In charge of the program of the farm, named as the next meeting place of er. All but two or three inches are ers’ and cattlemen's conference to be The leading elements of the im- So Says Congressman Sinnott in a INTERNAL REVENUE tlie convention. 'removed ln the spring and the rest | held at Montrose, Colorado, will not NEWS BULLETIN poved kome— household admlniatra- Recent Communication to The is dug into the beds. allow Governor Davis to decline an I --------- tlon, the child, food, clothing, enter- Hermiston Herald After the bulbs have bloomed the POSTOFFICE INSPECTOR invitation to speak to the conference Taxpayers are reminded that in- tainment, and equipment— will be ---------- beds are ready for the summer flow VISITS HERMISTON LADIES AID LAYS PLANS FOR So earnest are the Colorado people ¡come tax returns for the year 1921 featured in lecture, exhibit, and dem- i he following letter was received ers such as the petunia, portulacca, that Idaho’s governor shall speak FUTURE WORK ¡must reach the office of Clyde G. onstratlon at the homemakers con- from Congressman N. J. Sinnott, too nasturtium, asters, phlox, verbenla, Inspector R. C. Knox whose head Huntley, Collector of Internal Rev- ference, O. A. C.. March 20-25. If late for publication last week. The to them that they had Senators Bor snapdragons etc. quarters are at La Grande, Oregon, enue, not later than midnight, March Ike women students find that any letter is self explanatory: ah and Gooding of Idaho and Nichol These bulZs are left ln the beds all was here Monday conferring with 15 In order to escape severe penalties important factors are in danger of be- Editor, son of Colorado telegraph the gover Hermiston Creamery Establishes summer and are mulched in the fall Postmaster Skinner in regard to re- This does not mean that it will be ln8 overlooked they may remedy the nor urging him to reconsider and ae- Hermiston Herald, lor the following spring. Cream Route; Other Interest mbval of the office from the present .sufficient for the taxpayer to mall his matter themselves through questions, . . bulbs . . j, ■ icept their Invitation, He Is asked to . Hermiston, Oregon. The next are the Gladiolus. 1 Ideation. A majority of the bide for | return on March 16. The return 88 the question box will be one of the „ . name the day that will suit him best ing News Items My dear Sir: Danilas, and Cannas, these should be ... . . . building were found to be too high i must be mailed at a time that will in- means of exchanging ideas. and the managers have agreed to I have read In the Hermiston Her planted In the spring. Tbe gladiolus and doubtless they will be readvertis. I sure its delivery in the office of the . . . . . . . . . . send a machine to Grand Junction to Among the noted celebrities of Ore- ald of February 9 a reprint of an in April or May when danger of frost , . . . M . Arrangements were made to oc- I collector at Portland not later than gon contributing to thelwork will be The last card party planned by the „ pver cannag the mlddle of March meet him and return him to the main article from the East Oregonian ebpy the present quarters for some th(, bouge or thg midd,e ¡line In order to conserve his time,— midnight, March 15. Furthermore Mrs. Ida B. Callahan, President Ore wherein my telegram to the Pendle Home Bureau, was postponed o w in g ',. Apr„ tltne to come. the receiving stamp on the envelope gon Federated Women’s clubs, Mrs. J. ton East Oregonian regarding the to the flu epidemic. It will take of May put doo. g wh„e the dabllag Pocatello Tribune. in the reclama- b# , prouted ,n the house or i Idaho , , is _ interested „ ' will be accepted by the collector as F. Hill, President Oregon Parent $500,000 appropriation for the Uma place as soon as the flu subsides. All „ b , be f(rgt of A „ g0 the> , tlon of lands and the governor of the BAPTIST NOTICES the actual time of delivery. Taxpay- Teacher association, Miss Cornelia tilla project is set out followed by a public gatherings have been aband- be dlv(ded beforg p1antlng. Th. ¡?*‘a‘e ,8 ,<’ne of ’he, chlaf Sunday school 10. We have class- ers are especially urged to bear in Marvin, {state librarian, and Ann statement giving the view of the pro oned to help check the spread of the ' 'sprouts of the d a h ll» come »round I J * alB° t“kl"g th° 6» for all- Parents are urged to mind this fact: It is not sufficient Shannon Monroe, author. ject engineer's office that this ap- dl8ea8e- lead in another character of reclama- Dr. W. J. Kerr, President of the priaion does not mean any money for came with their children. that their results be mailed on March the base of the old stalk and In divid |ton, more important than the first. The Junior B. Y. P. U. meets In the j 18. Returns must be mailed so as college, will give the address of wel the McKay dam. In this connect A great many people are confined ^ng you should cut them so there ar* He has attracted much attention ln bfcsement at 11 o'clock This hour l0 reBch tbe collector’s office in Port, come. and a large staff of specialists ion permit me to call your attention to their beds this week and Dr. Lo- two or three sprouts to each tuber. the discussion of thlR subject is proving one of the best in the life iand not later than midnight on in homemaking and related lines will to the testimony of Director Davis gan who has also been ill finds him The gladiolus should be planted 6 before the Appropriations committee self a busy man. The hospital is fil inches deep and 6 Inches apart If "Reclamation of the home” and hs ot the children. March 15 which is the final date for assist in the instructional work. The Nursery meets ln the basement fm ng returns. when this appropriation was under led to capacity and people waiting to you want nice blossoms, but not so warms the people against tbe thing Pkrents are urged to leave the little On account of the numerous In- NEW BOOKS ADDED TO consideration, it shows that it is gain admittance. There are several ¡deep |f you want them to grow bulbs, which threatens to assume the pro portions of a national weakness.— tots while they attend the morning quiries received at his office. Collect- HERMISTON LIBRARY ln,endPd t0 Btart work on ,he McKuy extra nurses on duly. Dr. Logan andj-phe dahlias should be planted 12 to Creek reservoir: Worshlp. or Huntley is of the opinion that Gale are kept busy. Everyone is on 15 inches deep and 2 or 3 Inches Tlmes-Register. The Senior B Y. P. U. meets in the many taxpayers do not know that the AdamB— Education of Henry I Director Davis’ testimony is as fol the mend among those who have been apart, Cannas same as dahlias hkaement at 6:30, topic, “Better stamp taxes on legal Instruments Adamg 921 ill. Mrs. Mosby, Mr. Renick, Mrs. j jn cutting the gladiolus cut about lows: Turn Under Diseased Leaves “Mr. Cranton. The Umatilla pro- Home Life.” The young people are were not repealed by the new Rev- Where apple scab, pear scab, brown Whitmore. Mr. Chas. Bennett and one foot from the ground leaving two Carroll—Our nervous friends, cbrdially Invited. I ject, Oregon: family, Mrs. Al Ford and family. Mrs. or three leaves so bulb will ripen good rot, and leaf spot of prune or cher enue Act. He announces that these 613.8. For operation and maintenance, Cherry, Mrs. A. E McFarland and ,The dahlias when cut should be laid ries have been troublesome, or where The Ladies Aid will meet at 2:30 taxes are still in full force and effect chambers— Breakfasts, luncheons continuation of construction and in several others. All of these except face down in cold water for about the leaf spot of currant or gooseber- 9 m. Wednesday. The place will be and they apply as heretofore on and dinners 641 Mr. Bennett aro up again. announced Sunday. The ladles of the promissory notes, deeds, stock certlfl- C,arke_ pbyglca|' (ra)nlng , he e]_ cidental operation. twenty minutes which will keep them ,rles is bad, the dead leaves should be For the current year your appro church and congregation are cordial- cates, powers of attorney, proxies. ¡elnentary schools 613 7 fresh much longer. If the tops of the turned under before the winter budH W Invited. !ect. The stamp taxes on surety Crothere— Humanly speaking. 81 ». priation was $467.000. and the esti The Ladies Aid of the Protestant dahlias are trimmed back the last of begin to open. The first infection Prayer 'meeting )Wodnesday eve- bondg and medicinal preparations Dunne_ Mr. Dooley on making a will mate for 1923 Is $500,000. church met last Thursday at Com- August they will start a new growth arises from this source every spring Mr. Davis. The allotment for tbe niunlty hall and laid plans for future and the bloom will be much better, and distinct benefit .Is derived from hlng. We will continue the study were repealed, but these are the only and otber necessary evils. 817. ! Umatilla project for the current year means of making money and helping I Csnnas should be dug Just after the the practice mentioned, except where bt Stewardship ln the Prayer meeting changes In the stamp taxes. Euwer— Rhymes of our valley. 811 Will you be there? Our entire con- - - ■ - is $294.500, and with the requested where necessary They decided to first frost, dried In the sun and stor- an orchard Is surrounded by other Farewell— Village improvement, appropriation we propose to start sew rags for rugs and have the rugs ed In a dry warm place. Dig the orchards whsrs no such precautions ventlon ta studying Stewardship. We GOOD HEADWAY BEING MADE 552. ohght to have a goodly number mak COLD-SPRINGS HOLDMAN ROAD Gibbons— New map of Asia, 950. work on a reservoir on McKay Creek woven for sale. Each member will dahlias the same as canna, store in a are taken.— O. A. C. Experiment sta in the basin above this project and subscribe 10 cents to the fund at each eool dry place, placing them with tion. Ittg this study. Gladding— Across the continent by Morning worship at 11 o'clock. deliver water not only to additional meeting which will also help to swell the stem down. They should be stor- H. R Newport of tbe Newport Lincoln highway. 917 3. Theme “Steadfastness." This is our Twig« Carry Powdery Mildew Grlfith— Woodwork for eecondary lands that can be covered by exten the fund. They do not intend to try ed In a cooler place, same tempera- Construction Co., reports good pro Communion service. sions of the canal system but to sev to build a church at once, but will ture as for potatoes. The new outbreak of powdery mil gress on work on the Cold-Springs schools. 684 Evening worship 7:30. Theme eral systems of private canals already have a minister here for services As soon as the leaves of the Gladlo- dew at the start of each season arises Hankey— Letters. 921. Holdman road. Two camps are now in In operation in the valley where the on Bunday. "Lty Evangelism ” lus begin to die, dig them and store from bud lnfecllong of , h# pr. Tloug Hoerle— Girl and the Job. 174. operation, the lower camp being op A Chrtstaln welcome is extended In a cool place of about 25 to 40 y#ar Prunlng oul mtidgwed tw))„ Hunter—Why we fall as Christians water supply is Insufficient and tbs erated by the Newport company nnd storage of water Is badly needed. It to all. The Hermiston Creamery has estab- »«af*** w,th enough moisture to keep dllr| ng , be dormant period is a great ¡the upper by A. D. Kern. The upper 240. v 111 be a project that wt" »•--” » ap lished a cream route and will send n from »hrlvellng and not so much as a,d ,p controi of the dlgeage. jror Jacoby— Navigation. 527. camp has been closed on account of complete control thia must be sup- MARXŒD AT PENDLETON Kellogg— Bobbins of Belgium, 746. ply to a large acreage and will cause trek to Umatilla to pick up cream ; rause them to mold. , the cold and snow, but is now in op- AI1 b,llb8 should have tope cut off p|em#ntgd by spraying with lime smi Levine— Russian revolution. 947. large Improvements In that vicin- They will also bring grain or any LAST eration. One and one-balf miles have SATURDAY fur. The first mildew spray la the Littls grandmother of the Rus I ty, where t^s iand is excellent, but thing the people may wish from Her- when dug. • been completed by tbe Newport Co. water is lacking to make a success ' miston and take anything back from ; eame as for apple seay and la gften Mias Bernice McCoy and Cyrus C. at the lower end of the highway. sian revolution, 921. Just as the cluster buds open enough ¡Umatilla. This will be a great a c - 1 Married at Pendleton McMaster— United States in the of it agriculturally.” Barker both of this city were united Altogether there are 14 miles under Sincerely yours, world war. 973 9 comodatlon It Is hoped that t h e 1 Thursday. Feb. 23, at tha M. E. to expoee the bloeeom buds. Later In ma^rtage at tbe Christian church contract which will be rushed to corn- N. .1. Sinnott 'people of this district will be able <0 parsonage at Pendleton, Rev. Harry ^prays are adviaed aa for scab con- Shinn— Biography of a baby, 136.7 parsonage la Pendleton Saturday pletlon. co-operate with our neighboring city Wann of Hermiston united In mar- trol---the pink, calyx, and 15 day ap- Walling— Sovietism. 236. last at 1$ o'clock by the Rev. W. A. -------------------------- Mrs Geo. H Root is recovering |and make the Creamery a aueeees. It rage Miss Pearl Ethel Christian and plications Spring and summer cut Wlibur— Bird goeslp, 698. Oreenman. The couple were unat- Soldier Buys Improved Ranch from a few days* illness. is not definitely known how many Marshall Artie Thompeon, both of ting of mildewed twigs la also ad- Wilkinson— New voices, 811. R. L Smith, late of California, 'farmers will ship to Hermiston. They this elty. The newly married couple vised where the disease te trouble- Mine McCoy is a teacher in the Her- purchased 20 acres from Eli Wineaett Mrs. Wm. Shaar returned Wednes- Bernard Malnwartng returned ¡wlll make two tripe a week. Seven left the same evening for Baker some.—O. A. C. Experiment station, mist on puhlle schools, for the past some time ago and haa put up a three 'Where they will spend a week, re- - - » - ■■ and Mr. Barker Is a room cottage on. the place. Tbe place day of last week from Umatilla where from Ban Francisco Wednesday morn- farmers have already signed up. two ti to Hern istnn whpre they 1 C. R McNanght was n business via, member of tbe well known garage hi all improved with alfalfa and is »he submitted to an operation at the Ing and resumed hia work aa editor MEETING PLACE 10 100 ROARDMAN TO SEE HIGH CLASS HUMS UMATILLA SICK ALL DOING WELL tin o of Nell * Barker. Just south of the Wineaett home hospital kof The Herald I--. .... . — — - ■ .,»,»< will titVnli mt a 1« their home (Continued on page six) ‘ttor In Pendleton last week.