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About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 23, 1922)
H E R A LD , HERM ISTON, ORE6OST. WATER ASSESSMENT (Coatiaucd from paga two) EX C H A N G E Lot 8 46 Feet, Edith Graves 83.15 L O D G E D IR E C T O R Y Lot 7 45 Feet, A. L Larson 83.16 Lot 8 49 Feet. A. L. Larson 83.43 E sth er chapter n ®. 101. o. e . 8 .. Lot 9 49 Feet, Ed. Graham, Q ueen m eets second Tuesday even in* o f each month Estate ..................... ............... »2.43 a t 8:00 sharp in Masonic hail. Vi si tin * members welcome. M innie E. S tew art. W. M. Lot 10 45 Feet, Ed Graham, Kathryn L. Garner. Sec. Estate ..................... ............... »3.15 Devoted to the Interest and Development of the Hermiston Schools Lot 11 46 Feet, Edith Graves »3 15 LIER MISTO N LODGE NO. 1W. A F . A A . I f . Lot 12 46 Feet, Ed. Graham. 1 1 m a su ia Masonic H a llo a F irst and Third Estate ..................................... »3.15 Tuesday evenni* a of :h m onth. Vial tin * hrath- Voi. S. No. 19 ren welcome. Lot 13 45 Fet, Ed Graham, A. F. Beisse. W. M. Estate ................v........ .......... »3.15 E. D. Dun*an. Secy. Although winning and losing one production will be ready In a short Lot 14 45 Feet, A. L. Larson »3.15 W 1N E Y A R D LODGE N O . «W. I. O. O. F . decision, Hermiston has been ellmin time. v m eets each Monday ev ev e n e n ic* ir* in in Odd ( Lot 16 45 Feet, Ed. Graham, ____ Monday Fellow s V isitin* member» cordially invited. ated from the debate. Friday night Estate ........... ........................ »3.15 hall. W. R. Longhorn. Sec. A Buhman. N. G. the local negative was defeated by Miss Brierly of the high school Lot 16 45 Feet, Ed. Graham. Pendleton's affirmative at Pendleton faculty was absent this week, because Estale ..................................... »3.15 the decision of the Judges being two of illness. Her classes have been P R O F E S S IO N A L C A R D S (C ootiaued on p a g e four) to one Saturday night the local af taken by Mr. Voelker and various firmative team defeated Condon’s students. D R . R. G. G A L E negative team here, the score again Physician and Surgeon being two to one, but Pendleton won The members of the high school both their debates and so won the Office—Gladys A ve. near F irst S t. faculty attended the county H|gh Office Hour«: championship of this district. school teachers' Institute held at Pen- | 1 to 6; 7:30 to «. Phone $41 dletoi. last Saturday. At this meet- ' On account of the great number of Ing many problems concerning high D R . F R A N C IS P . A D AM S Influenza cases at Athena the double- school work were taken up. Physician and Surgeon header basket ball games scheduled E yes treated, tested and Glasses Fitted for last Saturday night with Athena About thirty high school students Office over First N ational Bank were forced to be cancelled. principally members of the basket OFFICE PH ON E. 92 RESIDENCE PH O N E. 596 ball squads enjoyed a party at the j The next basket ball game of the Auditorium. The evening was sp en t1 Offioe Hours: 9 to 12 a. m.; 2 to 6:90 p. m. season and the last game of the sea in dancing and playing cards. Day or night calta at.aweied promptly son on the local floor Is scheduled for Friday night, when Stanfield DB. W. W. ILLSLEY Wednesday morning the members ! high school comes here for a doable- header. Hermiston won both games of the high school and the sixth, ! Office over First N ational Bank seventh and eighth grades spent a j the last time the teams met. Osteopathy Medicine Surgery time singing patriotic songs in honor , Calls answ ered at all hours of the birthday of Washington. , The date for the operetta, ‘‘The Our new brick shoe store is now open ■ Office phone 561 R esidence phone 711 Love Pirates of Hawaii,” to be given Hollis Gordon— “I am looking for J with * new line of goods. See us for * by the high school has been set for SHOE REPAIRING B March 10. The members of the cast some financial succor.” r F. V . P R IM E Jim Hall— “The sucker won’t be ! will soon be chosen and as the chor- D K N T IS T K Y me ” OAK TAN SHOE STORE S uses have nearly been learned, the High School Mirror Block “C”— Lot« 1 to 8. 184 Feet, M. S. Kern ........................................ »19.40 Draft* to All Part* of the (Jailed State* City of Hermiston according to plat filed with Recorder, Umatilla Cou nty. April 5, 1905. $ 1.00 to $10.00 ...5 c $50.00 to $100.00 .__ 15c Bloc 1- Block Lot 1 30 Feet. Lowman A Pelly $ 10.00 to $50.00 . 10c Each additional $100 ..1 5 c ............................... ....................»3.00 Lot 2 25 Feet, Lowman & Pelly Draft* and Traveler* Check* f*r all Part* World ------------..„ ----- -------- »2.50 Lot 3 25 Feet, S. R. Oldaker . ........................................ »2.50 Lot 4 26 Feet, Wm. Stuber »2.50 Lot 5 25 Feet, Tom Marxen »2.50 THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF HERMISTON Lot 6 25 Feet, Tom Marxen »2.50 Lot 7 25 Feet, Lowman & Pelly H e rm is to n , O r e g o n . ......... .................. - ................... »2.50 Lot 8 25 Feet, Lowman A Pelly . .......... ......... ............................. »2.50 Lot 9 30 Feet. Lowman A Pelly ...............................- ................ »3.00 10 to 17, 200 Feet, City of Notice la hereby given that I have Lot» Hermiston .......................... »20.00 taken up and have kept for about 3 ADVERTISE 18 20 Feet, J. D. Lowman »2.00 days at my place, known at the Bed- Lot Lot 19 25 Feet, J. D. Lowman »2.50 dow ranch 7 miles northeast of Her Lot YOUR W A NTS 20 miston the following described an Lot 21 25 Feet, J. D. Lowman »2.50 IN THE 25 Feet, J, D. Lowman »2.50 imal: 22 25 Feet, J. D. Lowman »2.50 One sorrel gelding, probably about Lot 10 years old; no brands, star in fore Lot 23 25 Feet, City of Hermls- __ 82 50 head, white spot on nose, right hind Lot ton 24 feet, J. D. Lowman »2.50 foot white, weight about 1100, said 26 ' ‘eet, J. D. Lowman »2.50 Lot 25 animal will be sold, unless redeemed, Block 2- it public auction to the highest bid der for rash in hand on the 3rd day Lot 3 25 Feet, Mary B. Oakes ...................... ■■......................... »2.50 HORSES f March, 1922 at above described Lot 4 26 Feet, Mary B. Oaks COWS ranch at 1 o’clock p. m. .................................................. »2.60 SH E E P Dated at Hermiston on this 18th Lot 5 25 Feet, J. D. Lowman »2.50 POULTRY day of Feb., 1922. SETTING EGGS 23-2tc. Signed, G. L. Bennett Lot 6 15 Feet, J. D. Lowman »1.50 Lot 6 10 Feet, H. R. Newport .................................................. »1 00 N0TICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE R EA L ESTATE Lot 7 25 Feet, H. R. Newport H erm iston. Oregon UNDER EXECUTION • a m R o d ff« re , P ro p . ■ For Sale For R ent For E xch on ge .................................................. »2.50 Office. Bank Bid*. Notice is hereby given, that by Lot 8 25 Feet, Syndicate Build Lot 13 25 Feet. S. C. Lochrie »2.50 Lot 11 25 Feet. R. Boswell »2.50 ■ _ Office Phone. 93 Office Hours virtue of an execution Issued out of I-ot 12 25 Feet, R. Boswell »2.50 ■ ■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■a" R esidence Phone 8 *. m. to 5 p. m. ing Co........................................ »2.50 Lot 14 25 Feet, Clara G. Hall »2 60 Lot the Circuit Court of the State of Lot 9 30 Feet, Syndicate Build YOU’LL GET RESULTS Lot 15 25 Feet, Clara G. Hall »2.50 Lot 13 30 Feet, R. Boswell »3.00 Oregon for Umatilla County to me ing Co .......... ...................... 83.00 Lot 16 25 Feet, Ella Cook .... »2.50 Block "B”— I directed and delivered upon a Judg- Lou 10 to 16, 150 Feet, City of By g e ttin g your niee«a*e into the Lot 17 30 Feet, Ella Cook .... »3.00 Lot 2 47 H Feet, City of Her. W. J. W A R N E R : inent and decree rendered In said miston .................................... »4.75 farm home« o f th e W est End Hermiston .......................... 815.00 Lot 18 25 Feet, City of Hertnis- HERMISTON AUTO TRUCK Court on the 10th day of February. ATTORNEY AT LAW o f U m atilla County ton ......................................... »2.50 Lot 3 47 % Feet, City of Her Lot 18 25 Feet, Chas. McNamee | 1922, In favor of R. W. Cargill, miston .................................... »4.75 ................. ................................. 82.50 Lot 19 25 Feet, City of Hermis- IIK K M IS T O N . O R E G O N TRANSFER against Arnold Buhmann and Anna M Lot 17 25 Feet, Chas. McNamee ton ......................................... »2.50 Lot 4 47 % Feet, E. E. McMil Buhmann in the suit therein pending One Line : One Time lan Estate .............................. »4.75 »2.60 Lot 20 25 Feet, City of Hermls- wherein the said R. W. Cargill was J . I). Z Ü R C H E R Lot 5 47 H Feet, E. E. McMil .........................................»2.50 Lot 18 30 Feet, J. D. Lowman »3.00 ton One Dime plaintiff and the said Arnold Buh- Lot PHONi oaaaoN h z k d w m i lan Estate .............................. »4.75 25 Feet, J. D. Lowman »2.50 Lot 21 25 Feet, C. S. McNaught LAW YER innnn and Anna M. Buhmann were Lots 19 20 to Me. «a ........................................ »2.50 Lot 6 47 H Feet, E E. McMil 23, 100 Feet, City of S ta n fie ld . . O re g o n defendents, for the sum of »2516.60, lan Estate .............................. »4.75 .............................. »10.00 Lot 22 25 Feet, C. S. McNaught with interest thereon at the rate of Lot Hermiston Lot 7 47 H Feet, City of Her ........................................ »2.50 24 25 Feet. Violet Slllltoc »2 50 8 per cent per annum from the 24th UMATILLA GENERAL HOSPITAL miston .................................... »4.75 25 25 Feet, Violet Slllltoe »2.50 Lot 23 25 Feet, City of Hermis H. Robinett, Prop. day of December, 1921, until paid and Lot Well and Modernly Equipped Lot 8 47 H Feet, City of Her ton ........................................... - »2.50 Block 3— for the further sum of »250.00 at Lot 1 60 Feet, J, H. Reid .... »5.00 Lot 24 25 Feet David H Cook »2.50 miston .................................... »4.75 Special Rates in Maternity Cases Hernuaton, Or«. torney fees, and for the further sum Lot 9 47 % Feet, City of Her it 25 25 Feet, R. Alexander 2 50 Feet, Inland Empire Miss Neil Kammerlln, superin of »23.00 costs and disbursements, Lot Lumber miston .................................... »4.75 Co.............................. »5 00 Trustee ..................................... »2.50 tendent. which said decree and Judgement Lot 3 50 Feet, Inland Empire Lot 10 47 H Feet, E. E. McMil Block 9 and order of sale have been duly Edwards Buildine lan Estate .............................. »4.76 Lumber Co.............................. »5 00 Lot 1 60 Feet. J. D. Lowman »5.00 docketed and enrolled in the office of Lot 4 50 Feet, C. S. McNaught TOR SALE Lot 11 47 H Feet, E. E. McMil Lot 2 50 Feet, J. D. Lowman »5.00 the clerk of said court, and in and H .S .M C K R N Z r rc, M .D. lan Estate .............................. »4.75 .................................................. »5.00 Lot 10 25 Feet J. D. Lowman »2 50 FOR QUICK SALE— 1 1-4 miles by which said Judgement, decree and Lot 5 50 Feet, C. S. McNaught EYE. EAR. NOSE A N D THROAT Lot 12 47 H Feet, E. E. McMil Lot 11 50 Feet, J. D. Lowman »5.00 SEE Has removed from his form er location in the south east of Hermiston. Two Hogs order of sale it was directed that lan Estate .............................. »4.75 .............................. ................... »5.00 Lot 12 50 Feet, J. D. Lowman »5.00 the hereinafter described real prop Bond Bid*, to 20 chickens, 1 Horse, wagon, plow Block "C”—- Lot 6 50 Feet, C. J. Hahn »5 00 Block 10 Room« 1. 2 end 3 Inland Em pire Bank Bid*. some wood, coal and other erty in Umatilla County, Oregon, to- Lot 7 50 Feet, C. S. McNaught Lot 1 15 Feet, R. C. Todd »1 50 Lot 2 50 Feet, B. H. Parsons »5.00 wlt: things too numerous to mention. Second Addition to Hermlstpn ac ................................. »5.00 »2.50 Lot 2 26 Feet, R. C, Todd P E N D T .H Z U n N : O R E G O N The Northeast quarter of the Lot ......... Come and pick out your bargain. »2.50 cording to plat filed with the Re 8 50 Feet, C, S. McNaught Lot 3 25 Feet, R. C. Todd A. Reinikka, owner. 23-2tp Southwest quarter of the Southeast corder, Umatilla County, April 22, ......... ........................................ »5.00 Block 11— quarter of Section Nine (9 ), Town »3.00 1907. 9 50 Feet, C. S. McNaught 30 Feet, B. Pelly Lot D R . L. C. R K ’I I R Y ship Four (4 ), North of Rang« Lot .................. FOR SALE— Baled hay, 2nd crc-p Twenty-eight ............................... »5.00 Lot »2.50 Block "E”— 25 Feet, B. Pelly (28), E. W M. togeth OPTOMETRIST A N D OPTICIAN slightly damaged, »8.50 per ton er with the tenements, hereditaments Lot 10 50 Feet, C S. McNaught 25 Feet, J. H. Raley »2.50 Lot 3 64 Feet, Mrs W. S. Boyn Lot Eye« Scientifically Exam ined .................................................. »5.00 Lot ton »5.40 delivered. Enquire this office. 25 Feet. J. H. Raley »2.50 and appurtenances thereto belong Lenses Ground and Fitted - F O R - Lot 6 64 Feet, F. Stevens »5.40 Lot 11 60 Feet. C. S, McNaught 25 Feet, Genevieve Klm- Lot ing including all water rights and Am erican N ational Bunk Pendleton .................................................. »6.00 ball ......................................... »2.50 Lot 7 64 Feet, F. Stevens »5.40 FOR SALE— 1 Puinp Jack, leveling rights to use of water thereon thereto Bid*. Oretron Block "F”— Lot 6 25 Feet, Lowman & Pelly instrument, harness, stoves, ranges belonging nr in anywise appertain Lot 12 60 Feet, Wm. Kennings .............................. ~................. »5.0C ......................................... »2.50 Lot 6 54 Feet, Frank Reeder »5.40 small amount of lumber, flooring, ing, and also all of the estate, right DR. RAY LOGAN, Lot 7 54 Feet, Frank Reader »5.40 Lot 7 25 Feet, Lowman & Pelly floor Joice, window frames, etc. and interest of said Arnold Buhmann Block 4— Physican and Surgeon ........................................ »2.50 Lot 8 6 4 Feet, Frank Reeder »5.40 Correll s Shop. 23-tfc. and Anna M. Buhmann in and to the Lot 1 60 Feet, J. F. McNaught .................................................. »6.00 Lot 8 25 Feet, J. D. Lowman »2.50 Lot 9 32.4 Feet, J. T Hinkle »3.24 same, be sold by the sheriff of Uma- Umatilla, Oresron 2 60 Feet, J. F. McNaught Lot 9 25 Feet, J D Lowman »2.50 Lot 9 21.6 Feet, E. E. McMil LEAVE LAUNDRY for Domestic for tilla County, Oregon, to satisfy said Lot .................................................. »5.00 lan, Estate .............................. »2.16 20 Feet, F. V. Prime .. »2.00 Lot 10 Pendleton at Oregon Hardware, Judgment and all costs. Lot 11 20 Feet, F. V. Prime .. »2.00 Lot 10 54 Feet, Mrs. E. H. Geary Therefore. I will, on the 25th day Lot 3 60 Feet, City of Hermis hauling free. Del. Saturday. R B. .................................................. »6.40 — »5.90 Lot 12 15 Feet, F. V. Prime .. »1.50 Spencer. 23-3tc. of March, 1922. at the hour of two Lot ton 4 60 Feet, City of Hermis Lot 13 15 Feet, F V. Prime .. »1.50 Block ‘G " _ o’clock in the afternoon of said day, »1.00 East *4 270 Feet, H. T. Fraser ton »5.00 Lot 14 10 Feet, F. V. Prime .. FOR SALE—Home Grown annual at the front door of the Court House Lot 5 60 Feet. City of Hermis Coal, $1 per ton ................................................ »27.00 5 Feet, F. V. Prime » .50 Lot 15 in the City of Pendleton, Umatilla Hubln White Sweet Clover Seed. ton -........................ »5.00 Lot 16 5 Feet, F. V. Prime .. » .50 Block "H”— Cunty. Oregon, sell aH the right, ti Wood, $1 per cord '»1-00 per lb. in 15 lb. lots, less Lot 6 40 Feet, City of Hermls- Lot 18 30 Feet, Geo. BriggR »3.00 Lot 1 64 Feet, City of Her amounts $1.50 per lb. Jim Tabor tle and interest which the Raid de »4.00 Trunks and Moving miston ..................................... »5.40 25 Feet, Geo. Briggs »2.50 ton .. Lot 19 Arnold Buhmann and Anna 22-4tc. fendants »4.00 Lot 20 25 Feet, Helen W. Robin- Lot 2 54 Feet, City of Her A ll a t P r e - w a r P r lo a * M. Buhmann. or either of them, had Lot 8 40 Feet, R. Boswell »5.00 miston ..................................... »5.40 son ... ......................................... »2.50 Lot 9 50 Feet, R. Boewell FOR SALE— Good team Percheron on the 28th day of April, 1920, or Lot 10 50 Feet, R Boswell »5.00 Lot 21 25 Feet, Helen W. Robln- D. H. CO O K Lot 3 54 Feet, City of Her mares, age 4 and 6; price right. since then have acquired, or now Lot 11 50 Feet, R. Boswell »5.00 ......................................... »2.50 miston ..................................... »5.40 son ... have,.in and to the following describ Elliott's Tire Shop. Phone 192 Look them over. C. C. Clinesmith Lot 13 50 Feet, R. Boswell »5.00 Lot 22 25 Feet. F. V. Prime .. »2.50 Lot 4 54 Feet, Peer Boklsh »5.40 in . Umatilla 1 p ile north Hermiston. 23-2tp _ ed premises, -. _x . situated . „ ... 25 Feet, F. V. Prime .. »2 50 Lot 5 64 Feet, C. M. Hender. Block 5— Lot 23 ________________ __ _________ * County, State of Oregon, to-wit: son ........................................... »5.40 Lot 24 25 Feet, J. D. Lowman »2.50 The Northeast quarter of the Lot 1 50 Feet, R. Boswell $5.00 FOR SALE— Empire No. 4 2 Cream •' Southwest »5.00 Lot 25 25 Feet, J. D. Lowman »2.50 Lot 6 54 Feet C. M. Hender of the Southeast Lot 2 50 Feet, R Boswell *5.00 Separator, used less than 6 months quarter of quarter son ........................................... »5.40 Block 12— Nine (9 ), Town Lot 3 60 Feet, r : Boewell T h e F r e n c h R e sta u r a n t capacity 4 50 pounds per hour. Will ship Four Section Lot 7 54 Feet, Peer Boklsh »5.40 Lot 1 30 Feet, Lowman & Pelly (4 ), North of Range Lot 4 20 Feet, R. Boewell $.200 sacrifice for »45. Earl C. Brow Twenty-eight »2.00 ................................. ............ »3.00 Boewell Lot 8 54 Feet, City of Her Lot 10 20 Feet, R. (28). E.W.M. together nell. Umatilla. 22-tfc. with tenements hereditaments and Lot 11 60 Feet, R. Boswell »5.00 Lot 2 25 Feet, Lowman & Pelly miston ..................................... »5.40 BAKERY *s4 CONFECTIONERY .................................... »2.50 Lot 9 54 Feet, Peer Boklsh »5.40 Lot 12 50 Feet, R Boewell »5.00 FOR and „ Boy’s Leather 25 Feet. J. W Ralph »2.50 Lot 10 54 Feet. Peer Boklsh »5 40 E le*antly Furnished 1n Connection Lot P u SALE—Men's n * « «1 „ j »e ICI„„ eluding all water rights and rights to Block 8— Puttees, »3. »4, »5 and »6. King- the uge of water thereon thereto be Lot 1 60 Feet, Genevieve Kim- 26 Feet, J. W. Ralph »2.50 Dated at Hermiston. Oregon this Lot 8TR I«T L Y FIRST CLASS sk y ’s. 26 Feet J. W. Ralph »2.50 21st day of February, 1922. »5 00 Lot ball longing or in anywise appertaining: 25 Feet, J. F. McNaught C. W. Kellogg 50 Feet, Genevieve Kim Lot and also all of the right, estate, ti Lot 2 FOR SALE— Six months billy sired tle and Interest of said Arnold Bu- ........................................ »2.60 City Recorder Hohbach Bros., Proprietors ......................................... »5.00 by »1000 Nubian. Price »10. Ber mann and Anna M. Buhmann 1 and Lot ball 3 60 Feet, City of Hermis- Fruit, Baled Hay and Lot 7 25 Feet, J F. McNaught Pend'eton, Oregon nard Signs, Boardman Ore. 20-4tc to the same: said lands to be sold at ........................................ »2.50 ton . ......................................... »5.00 CITY IRRIGATION WA AS- Livestock Transfer Lot 8 25 Feet, J. F. McNaught nubile auction to the highest bidder Lot 4 50 Feet, J. F. McNaught SESSMENT FOR 1 FOR SALE OR TRADE— Four wheel for cash in hand, the proceeds of ........................................ »2.50 ......................................... »5.00 DISTRICT NO. r 0 . 0 . Felthontt :: Phone 494 drive aut truck new pneumatic Bale to be applied In satlafactlon of Lot 6 50 Feet, J. F. McNaught Block 12— Notce Is hereby given that, in ac tires. Easy terms for cash deal, said execution and all costs. ......................................... »5.00 Lot 9 25 Feet, J. F. McNaught cordance with Ordinance No. 96 of or will trade for land, cattle and ........................................ »2.50 the City of Hermiston, an assessment Dated this 10th day of February Lot 6 50 Feet, J. F. McNaught hogs. W. A. Leathers. 16-tfc. 1922. ......................................... »5.00 Lot 10 25 Feet, J. F. McNaught has been levied upon and against ........................................ »2.50 the following lots and parcels of land Zoeth Houser, Sheriff. Lot 7 50 Feet, J. F. McNaught GROW GRAPES under contract. 23-5tc. T R A N S F E R A D. CROSLAND ft SON ......................................... »5.00 Lot 11 25 Feet, J. F. McNaught by J. C. Marin, Deputy ln the Irrigation District hereinbe Very low prices for vines for com ....................... »2.60 fore established In the City of Herm 50 Feet, J. F. McNaught Lot 8 mercial planting. Peaches, Apri ......................................... »5.00 Lot 12 25 Feet, J. F. McNaught PH O N E 152 iston ln the amounts set forth below. NOTICE nF jnrvRTW S RALE cots. Cherries, all kinds of fruit ........................................ »2.60 60 Feet, J. F. McNaught The total amount of assessment in Lot 9 UNDER EXECUTION and ornamental atock. Ask for ......................................... »6.00 Lot 13 26 Feet, John C. Rubner said Irrigation District Is 8503.83. Notice Is hereby given that by vir L<mve orders at grape circular. Home Nursery ....................................... »2.60 The Contract price to be paid for 10 60 Feet, City of Hermis- 17-tfc tue of an execution issued out of the Lot ton Co. Richland. Wash. Government water and O. & M. .. ......................................... »5.00 Lot 14 26 Feet, John C. Rubner Circuit Court, State of Oregon, for ........................................ »2.50 charge Is »201 82. 50 Feet, H. Robinett »6.00 BUY A HOME— 10 to 64 acres, par Umatilla County, and to me directed Lot 11 50 Feet, Genevieve Klm- Lot 15 25 Feet, E. F. Parrish »2.50 The estimated Operation and 12 tially Improved. Joins city on and delivered, upon the Judgement Lot ball .............................. »5.00 . Lot 16 25 Feet, E. F. Parrish »2.50 Maintenance charge in said District east. Water right paid to date. and decree rendered and entered In TWO TRUCKS 25 Feet. E. F. Parrish »2 50 for 1922 is »302.01. 17 12 years to pay. Eber D. Moaale. Raid Court of the 8th day of Febru* Block 7. 30 Feet. F. A. Chezlk 83.00 Lot QUICK SERVICE The City Council will sit as a Lot 18 30 Feet, Wm. Shaar .. »3.00 17-8tc. ary. 1922, in favor of J. B. Beebe as Lot 1 Lot 19 26 Feet, Wm. Shaar .. »2.50 Board of Equalization at 8 o'clock ________ Plaintiff and against Theodore C. Lot 2 25 Feet, F. A. Chesik 82.50 __ :*T.E. V A U G I I A N S on Wednesday evening, March 15, ___ . . . . . . . . . 'Parks and Mary E. Parks as Defend- Lot 3 25 Feet, F. A. Chesik »2.60 Lot 20 25 Feet, City of Hermls- FOR SALE— A new camera coet »38 antfl f (} r t J) e gum of j 264.13 wfth ln . Lot 4 25 Rest, F. A Chezlk »2.50 • R L F X 3 T R IC F I X T U R E S ■ t o n ............................................ ; 12-50 1922, and will at said time examine for »25. Inquire Herald off ice. , ere3t thereon at the rate of 8 per Lot 5 25 Feet, Chas. McNamee Lot 21 25 Feet, City of Hermls- A N D A P P L IA N C E S Ï said assessment roll and correct all Phone 139 J ........................................ »2.50 ton ............................................. »2 6° errors therein. Any person feeling ®"trc' cent per annum from April 9, 1921 Lot 22 25 Feet, Frank Bilder- himself or herself agreevled by such 2 0 3 V. C o u r t 8 t . P e n d l e t o n , O r e . ^ — —— — --------------------------------- -— the further sum of 8400.00 with ln- Lot 8 25 Feet, Chas. McNamee CaUs Answered All Honrs ....................................... »2.50 back ....................................... 62.50 assessment may apply to the City | terest thereon at the rate of 8 per LOST AND FOUND !■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ Council when that body Hits as a Lot 23 26 Feet, Frank Bilder- 'cent per annum from June 10, 1920, Lot 7 25 Feet, Chas. McNamee back ...................................... »2.50 Board of Equalization and an op ....................................... »2 50 the further sum of »75.00 attorney’s Lot 24 25 Feet, M. O. Rymerson portunity will be given them to have • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ { ■ ■ ■ ■ « ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ S I Inquire 25 Feet, Lowman A Pelly fees, and for »23.00 costs and dis Lot 8 FOUND 2 pocket books. ........................ .. ............. > 2 .5 0 such assessments changed, if. In the ........................................ »2.50 16-3tc. bursements, which said decree. Judg Herald. Lot 25 25 Feet, M. 6 Rymerson opinion of the City Council such ment, and order of sale has been Lot 9 30 Feet, Lowman ft Pelly ................................. »2.50 changes are Just. ........................................ »3.00 docketed and enrolled in the office MISCELLANEOUS The amount of the assessment ap ______ of the Clerk of said Circuit Court: Lot 10 25 Feet, J. D. Lowman »2.60 Block 13— «c nr »5.0( portioned and assessed against par and whereas by said Judgement, de- Lot 11 25 Feet, J D. Lowman »2 50 Lot 1 50 Feet. M S. Kern W it h Iw o big office« 50 Feet. City of Hermts- ticular lots and parcels of land Is as TOO RENT— Ranch of 640 acres, 16 ctee and order of sale It was directed Lot 12 25 Feet, J.’ F. McNaught Lot 2 ................................. »5.04 follows: ....................................... »2.50 mile south of Westland; 200 acres ,f,at thd following described real ton PENDLETO N and PO R TLA N D ■ City of Hermiston according to ■ under water, 140 acres in alfalfa, property in Umatilla County, Oregon Lot 12 25 Feet. J. F. McNaught ■ Lot 3 60 Feet, City of Hermls-»5.00 ....................................... »2.50 good rabbit fence. Barn for 30 to-wtt: plat filed with the Recorder of Uma ton . Is prepared to handle the business of »5.00 tilla County March 21, 1908: cows. Farm machinery and stock Farm Unit “F” of the Northwest Lot 14 25 Feet. F. C. Woughter Lot 4 60 Feet. H. W. Coe »5 00 Block 1— two good w tlls with windmill. quarter. being the East Half of ___________ _______ »2.50 Lot 50 Feet, H. W. Coe Name Amount » Eastern Oregon better than ever before a 85.00 Lot 1 84 Feet, Geo. Bancroft Phone Eugene Ranch or address Southeast Quarter of Northwest Lot 16 25 Feet, F. C. Woughter 60 Feet, H. W. Coe Lot 85 00 ....................................... »2.50 Lot .................................................. 85.88 J Chas. Ware. Hermiston. Ore 23-2tp quarter of Section 26. Township 5 50 Feet, H. W. Coe Our S p e c ia lt ie s J »5 00 Lot 2 50 Feet, Geo. Bancroft 50 Feet, H W. Coe North Range 28, E W. M. In Umatil Lot 18 25 Feet, J. D. Lowman »2.50 Lot [. L. HALL Transfer. Call Knerr’s la County. Oregon. 50 Feet, City of Hermis- ...................................... 83.60 ® Farms, Mills, Camps, Hotels, Garages, Etc. ® Lot 17 30 Feet. J. D. Lowman »3.00 Lot .............. . > 5 .0 0 I will on the 18th day of March. Ix>t 18 25 Feet. J. D. Lowman »2.60 Lot 3 50 Feet. Geo. Bancroft garage. Phone 152. 12-tfc. ton . We Negotiate Leases and Rentals £ ...................................... 83.50 i A. D. 1922 at the hour of 2 o 'c lo c k Lot __ __ 19 25 Feet. J. D Lowman »2.50 Lot 10 60 Feet. Susan A. Prior ...................... . > 5 .0 , jq 25 Feet. H. R. Newport Lot 4 50 Feet, Geo Bancroft W i r e R u *h O r d e r * a t O u rJ E z p e n s e J SHOP—Gates In the afternoon of said day at West TIRE ELLIOTT’S ............................................... »3.50 ................................ »2.60 Lot 1 1 5 0 Feet. B. H Prior »5.08 __ 52-ltc. Front Door of Court House In Pendle. tires. ■ P o rtla n d O ffice P e n d le to n O ffic a ■ Lot 12 50 Feet. B. H. Prior »5.00 Lot 5 50 Feet, Geo. Bancroft ton. Umatilla County, Oregon sell the j j 26 Feet, H. R. Newport ........................... ............ > 2 .5 0 »3.50 ■ 14 N. Second St. 115 E. Webb St. ■ right.l. title and Interest tlye sqld F J . T W o Feet. H M S c h illin g ## SeCOnd hand i ^ P c I Theodore C Parks and Mary E Parks Lo* ¿2 25 Feet, Mrs- ® Phone 679 B Lot 6 50 Feet, F. C. McKenzie F. Mc;„ . . Correll s Shop. »™ ” jhad in and to the above described J Tk* aaly E a p k y M a t^ O ffk * ■ ■ Ea.l«r* O re ,M with C o *M cti*e * ia P.rllaad ............................ .................. »3.50 Naught ......—............--....... — »- 50 »2.56 " i 25 Feet, C. J Cook 7 50 Feet, F. C. McKenzie property on the 10th day of June. A. Ixit 23 25 Feet. Genevieve Kim- Lot Lot 8 5 .0 0 THE feeling of security Is well worth D. 1970 or since then has acquired, »3.60 ■ ■ ■ a B i i B i a i i B i R i i i B i i i a i i i a i a i i R i H i a i i i i h * U ............. ...... .......... ...................... Lot 4 50 Feet, C. J. Cook 85.00 Lot 8 50 feet, F. C. McKenzie How about at public auction to the highest bid Lot 24 26 Feet, O A. Cresay »2.50 Lot the premium paid, 50 Feet, C. J- Cook 5 84.00 that Fire Insurance» See the E. der for cash In hand, the proceeds Lot 26 26 Feet, City of Hermls- 83.50 40 Feet, C J. Cook Ixit 11-tfe to be applied in satisfaction of said P. Dodd Agency. 30 Feet City of Hermls-^ ton’ .....T..L~7..’ ..3.-------- ----• ’ ■•’ ¡Lot 1» Lot 9 50 Feet. F. C McKenzie ............................................... »3.60 execution and all costs. Block 8— „ . •» »« ton TYPEWRITER ribbons and carbon DRted this 8th day of February, Lot 1 30 Feet. C. R Durfey 83.00 , , 10 Feet. E. A. Smith »3 04 Lot 10 50 Feet, E. I. Davis »3 60 20 Feet. E. A. Smith »2.00 paper at the Herald office. A. D. 1922. Lot 1 1 50 Feet. E. I. Davis »3.50 Lot 2 25 Feet. City of Hermls- I Lot 12 Zoeth Houser? Sheriff. ton ....... ..................................... : ” 50 LMCkl 1<10 Feet. J. D. Lowman »100 Ixit 12 50 Feet. E. I. Davis (3 50 TYPEWRITER Ribbons and carbon 23-5tc. By J. C. Marin, Deputy Lot 3 25 Feet. City of Hermls- Lot 13 50 Feet. City of Hennls- paper for sale at the Herald. 10 Feet. J D. Lowman »1.00 ........................................ »3.60 ton Lot Ion ........... - ........ . 3 0 P E R C E N T OFF W H IL E T H E Y L A S T 15 Feet. J D bowman »1.50 Lot 14 84.8 Feet. Geo. Bancroft Alexander l/) t Chamberlain’s Tablets Lot 4 25 Feet. R Adding machine rolls of piper for 82.50 lx' 20 Feet. J D. Lowman »2.00 ........................................ »5.94 ........... z.—— -. ** For Indigcztion and Conrtipntion Lot Trustee 20 Feet. J D. Lowman »2 00 Block 2— sale at the Herald office. 5 25 Feet. J. D. Lowman 82.60 I»t See our Window for Additional Articles a t a Special "The nicest and pleasantest medi 6 Feet, J. D Lowman » .50 Lot 1 45 Feet, Ed. Graham. Lot 8 »5 Feet. J. D ' Lowman 82.50 Lot 20 Feet. J. F. McNaught Discount WANTED TO BUT veal and eggs. cine I have used for Indigestion and 26 Fee«. 1. D. Lowman »2.50 ...............................—- .............. »2.00 Lot Estate 2 45 Feet. A L. I^rson »3 15 Send your eggs. Write or phone constipation Is Chamberlain's T a b -. 26 Feet. J. D. Lowman 62.60 _ g _______ “W . W .ld Aaythiwg bwt the Break of Day” ¿6 Feet. J. F. McNaught Lot 3 4 5 F e e t. A. L. Larson »3.15 about veal. Earl Brownell, Uma lets,” writes Melard F. Crslg. Middle Ix>t I 30 Feet. R. Alexander ................. .. >Z.5*> Lot 4 45 Feet. Ed. Graham. tilla. 1-tfc. Grove. N. Y. They work like a charm I Trustee 5* L j» Feet. J. F. MeNaught Estate .................................. »*•>■ Two deerveeat . . . __, , , I Lot 10 28 Feet. J D Ixiwman » x .e e , ............. .............. > 2 .5 0 Lot Ote. U dire G e . 5 45 Feet. Ed Graham, ADDING machine rolls at the Herald n,rt ° r '«•*• “ F .Lot I I 28 Feet. J. O. Lowman 82.50 , 21 Feet, B. Boewell »2.50 Estate ..........- ..... .................. I * 11 Office. __ _____pleasant effect Lot 11 1» Faet, 8. C. U ehrte »210 Lot 1» ■ Back in Business : WANT AD COLUMN D . 1 WANT ADS H IT T GUNS Truck Hauling AMMUNITION A FULL UNE Service Speed Economy E. L. H A L I All Lines of Transfer Knerr’s Garage Phone 785 s PIONEER EMPLOYMENT CO. J ! J J Am Overstocked on Tube Patch ing Outfits