Image provided by: Hermiston Public Library; Hermiston, OR
About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 23, 1922)
THE HEBMISTOH HERALD, g M U g g T o y . OBEGOV. Hermiston Locals ' » > «¿ n * PONT FORGET •» •* . • ¥ rs. n. u noDM of Portland, form erly Mies Ada Prann, arrived in town Sunday for a visit with relatives and friends. i . W. Christopherson, of Ione, has Mrs. Frank Stone returned from rented the Peyton T. Boone ranch P o rtland Sunday. and will take possession about March 1. P. E. Hayden, who has been oc Buddy and Bobby Prim e are on the cupying the place for the past three sick Hat this week, years will remove to his own place near by where he contemplates do R. B. McLane has leased the B. ing considerable improvement work. M. Rogers home on east Main street and will take possesion March 1. The Mr. and Mrs. H. E Hitt left last lease runs for one year Mr. and Friday for Hot Lake. Mrs. Rogers will move to La Grande, Oregon, where they formerly resided A number of the high school girls several years ago. gave a dancing party at the auditor- I turn Saturday evening. The young Mr. and Mrs. Geo Briggs enter hostesses for the evening were: Mel tained at a small party Monday eve ba Callahan, Doris Swayze, Zona ning, their wedding anniversary. Bensel, Arllne Robinson, Lucille Cards were played, two tables being Sullivan, Phyllis Dyer. Eldora King filled. sley. Margaret Neary and the chap erons were: Mrs Voelker and Mrs. J O. C. Young has been sick for the I * Saturday is the last day o f K ingsley’s WHITE SALE M orris. • “M-m-iti Sm ell th a t R o a s t” What is as delicious and satisfying when you are really hungry, as a thick juicy steak, a savory roast or a tender breaded veal cutlet? S herwin -W illiams house paint How CU/P V rr f . . çuyp cat» pointing cost The only way to buy paint economically is la Jergtt galls* price and figure coats by area covered and years of life. S W P covers one-third more area than paints which are cheaper per gallon. It lasts twice as long without repaint ing, so requires half the material and costs half the labor price (for painting and repainting). ✓ So price per gallon meant nothing. Area covered, resistance, and years of life are die real thing» that deter- mine price economy. On that baria S W P i is the cheapest per-gallon outride paint you could buy. S W P hat been the leading prepared house | a century. You will find a complete line of it Let us figure with you on your house-painting. past week with the flu but Is re- covering. Mr. Harry Richards was host to twelve couples on Friday evening at W A T E R A SS ES SM EN T the home of his sister. Mrs. Cal'ahan, (C o n tin u e d fm n t pos e th re e The evening was spent in dancing Block 3— and all report a fine time. Lot 1 40 Feet, City of Hermis- to« ........................................... »2.80 Mias Gladys Tate of Wasco is visit Lot 2 50 Feet, City of Hermis ton - ........................ »3.50 ing at the home of Miss Myrtle Sil- Lot 3 50 Feet, Hermiston Pro vey this week. duce & Supply Co.................. »3.50 I Lot 4 50 Feet, Hermiston Pro Henry Gunn arrtved in Hermiston duce & Supply Co.................. »3.50 Lot 5 50 Feet, Hermiston Pro last week to spend several weeks. duce & Supply Co.................. »3.50 Lot 6 50 Feet, Hermiston Pro Mrs. Lyle Tilden entertained the duce & Supply Co.................. »3.50 Mo-Anna Club at her home last Lot 7 50 Feet, W A. Correll »3.50 8 50 Feet, W. A. Correll »3.50 Thursday. The members present Lot Lot 9 50 Feet, R. C Challis »3.50 were: Mrs Janies Todd, the Misses Tot 10 50 Feet. R. C. Challis »3.50 Viola Crandall, Dorothy Ross, Myr L o t 11 50 Feet, Blanche Brown tle Silvey, Gladys Rudolph, Fannie .................................................. »3 50 Lot 12 50 Feet, Blanche Brown Todd and Elanor Casserly. .................................................. »3 50 Lot 50 Feet. H. R, Newport Lot 13 50 Feet, Blanche Brown w .................................................... »3.50 Mr and Mrs. Hollis Percy arrived • 93 Lot 9 50 Feet, H. R. Newport in town Tuesday. IxOt 14 50 Feet, Floyd Knerr »3. . ■■■■■............................ ............... »3.50 Ixit 15 50 Feet, Floyd Knerr »3. Lot 10 50 Feet, H. It Newport Ixit 16 40 Feet, Floyd Knerr »2. W. W. Rogers is home from the Block , .................................................. »3.50 4 Lot 11 50 Feet, H. It. Newport Pendleton hospital where he went Lot 1 40 Feet, Chas Hahn »2. .................................................. »3.50 |1.O7 «> SO Feet, ('has Hahn »3. ¡for medical attention. Lot 12 50 Feet, H R. Newport Lot 3 50 Feet, Chas. Hahn »3. ....... -...................... .................... »3.50 « ¡ Lot 4 50 Feet, Chae. Hahn »3 It is nearly the first of the month and if you Lot 13 50 Feet, II. R. Newport Lot 5 50 Feet, Chas. Hahn »3. .................................................. »3.60 h give us a trial for just one month on a cash basis Lot 6 50 Feet, Chas. Hahn »3. Lot 14 87 5 Feet, H. R. Newport Lot 7 50 Feet, Nettle Goodwin ■ we will show you that you can save from $5 to $10 ................................................... »6.12 »3 Dated at Hermiston, Oregon, thia Lot 8 50 Feet, Nettie Goodwin J on your next month’s grocery bill by paying cash 21st day of February. 1922. »3 C. W. Kellogg Lot 9 50 Feet, F C. McKenzie b and getting your 5 per cent discount on all you City Recorder .... ..................................... »3 50 a buy. Come in and I will show you in black and Lot 10 50 Feet, F. C. McKenzie .......................................... »3 50 Card of Thanks ■ white th at you can pay cash just as easy as you I Lot Ï Ï 50 Feet. F C. McKenzie I wish to thank tlie friends and .............................. »3 50 can get it charged. If you can pay cash you will neighbors for their kind sympathy J I Lot 12 50 Feet, Geo. Elliott »3.50 and help during the time of my dear J save a month’s grocery bill every third month. I Lot 13 50 Feet, Geo. Elliott »3.50 Lot 14 50 Feet, J. F. Reihl »3.50 mother’s illness and death. I also Lot 15 50 Feet, City of Hermis wish to thank the Ladles Aid for the ■ If you pay cash, we can pay cash, so it gives us a ton ........................................... »3.50 beautiful flowers. i chance to buy for less, and we give you the same Lot 16 40 Feet, J. E Mason »2.80 Mrs Emma Scott ■ opportunity to buy cheaper. Block 5— Lot 1 45 Feet, C. S. Sanderson ........................... :................»3.15 | CASH ALWAYS TALKS WHEREVER YOU GO A Judicious Inquiry Lot 2 45 Feet C. S. Sanderson A well known traveling man who ................................ ................ »3.16 visits the drug trade, says he has of 45 Feet, C S. Sanderson (A s it Ufted to be) .................... ............. »3.15 ten heard druggists ask a customer, 45 Feet. J. H. Strohm »3.15 who wished to buy a cough medl- 45 Feet, Anna Strohm »3.15 ine, whether it was for a child or ail R. C. CHALLIS, Prop. 45 Feet, Anna Strohm $3.15 45 Feet, Anna Strohm »3.15 adult and If for a child, they almost The Phone ii 418 49 Feet, Anna Strohm »3.43 Invariably recommended Chamber as will be used by the Hermiston Cream 49 Feet, I, E. Putman »3.43 lain’s Cough Remedy. The reason !■■■■■■ ery Company with the latest improved 45 Feet, I E. Putman »3.15 for this Is that they know there is no 45 Feet, City of Hermis methods—and will be operated strictly ton .......................................... »3.15 danger from it and that it always along business lines Nothing but straight Lot 12 4 5 Feet, M. S. Kern »3.15 cures. There la not the least danger forw rd business. ¡Lot 13 45 Feet, G. A. Cressy »3.15 In giving it and for colds, croup and r of 1 4 45 Feet, T. H. Schram »3.15 B rin g in Y o u r C re a m and L o t 15 45 Feet, Earl Caldwell »3 15 whooping cough it Is unsurpassed. ot 16 45 Feet, Earl Caldwell »3.15 G e t Highest M a rk e t Block 6— SPECIAL SCHOOL MELTING Lot 85 Feet, J. T. Dowe'l »5.95 P i ic e Notice is hereby given, to the leg Lot 50 Feet, J. T. Dowell »3 50 al voters of School District Number Lot 50 Feet, J. T. Dowell »3.50 14 of Umatilla County, Oregon, that TOWNSEND & SWARTOUT r Hr ' Lot 50 Feet, H A. Frick »3.50 a special meeting of raid District '.ot 50 Feet. H. A. Frick »3 50 » ill bo held on the 10th day of March 50 Feet, J. T. Dowell »3.50 1322, at 1:30 o’clock in the after I Lot Lot 50 Feet. J. T. Dowell »3.50 noon at the school house in said Lot 50 Feet. J. T Dowell $3 50 Distiicl for the following puipngc: Lot 60 Feet, J. T. Dowell »3.50 To submit to the legal voters of L o t 10 50 Feet, J. T. Dowell »3.50 said School District Number 14, a ! Lot 11 50 Feet. J. T. Dowe'l »3.50 question of uniting Schi/ol Disiiicts j Lot 12 50 Feet, J. T. Dowell »3 50 Numbers 8, 14, 26. 112 and 115 for F o r Farms in T h is V ic in ity j Ixit 13 50 Feet, J T. Dowell »3.50 high school purpose only, thus form Txit 1 4 85.7 Feet, J. T. Dowell »6.00 ing a Union High School District. Block 8— Dated this 18th day of February, 1922. 15 room Colonial house on fine cor Lot 1 45 Feet, W B. Beasley , ............................... '•................. »3.15 F. B. Swayze. Chairman, Board of JEWELER and WATCHMAKER ner In Portland. I Lot 2 45 Feet, W. B. Beasley Directors. ................................................... »3.15 H o r m la to n , O re g o n Attest: R A. Brownson, Distilct 'xit 3 45 Feet, G. A. Beasley Clerk. 23-2tc. Dutch Colonial house In Salem. ' ......................................... ........ »3.16 Absolutely modern. Lot 4 45 Feet, G. A. Beasley They Appeal to Otir Sympathies .................................................. »3.15 The bilious and dyspeptic are con Lot 5 45 Feet, G. A. Beasley 318 aero Polk county farm in light ............................................... »3.15 stant 'sufferers and appeal to our Lot 6 45 Feet, City of Hermis state of cultivation. sympathies. Many such, however, ton ................... »3.15 Ixit 7 45 Feet, B. Hanellne »3.16 have been completely restored to 160 acres near Goldendalc for un 'Lot 8 49 Feet. B. Hanellne »3.4.3 health by the use of Chamberlain’s »3.43 Tablets. These tablets strengthen developed land. • Lot 9 49 Feet, A. A Hall Lot 10 4 5 Feet. A. A. Hall »3.15 the stomach, invtgorato the llyer and Block 9 Lot 1 40 Feet. A. W. Purdy »2.80 improve the digestion. They also Apartment house at Emmet, Idaho. Lot 2 50 Feet. A. W. Purdy »3.50 cause a gentle movement of the bow Good rent. Price »6500. Want» a Ixit 3 50 Feet. A W Purdy »3.50 els. When you have any trouble with ¡ I Xit 4 50 Feet. P Doherty »3.50 small ranch up to about »4,000. HEPPNER, O REG O N I Lot 5 50 Feet, P. Doherty »3.50 your stomach, give them a trial. Want Ads Bring Results ' = Lot 6 50 Feet. P. Doherty »3.50 Lot 7 50 Feet. T. D. Worster »3 50 For fu rth e r in fo rm atio n see Lot 8 50 Feet, T D. Worster »3.50 Will pay highest market price for butterfat. Lot 9 50 Feet. Walter Botkin Honest weights and test. Give us a trial shipment. ........................................ »3.50 ¡Ix it 10 50 Feet. Walter Botkin - »3 11 50 Feet, R. C, Challis 83 12 50 Feet, R C. Challis 83. 13 50 Feet, R. C. Challis »3 14 50 Feet, A. W. Shawver LEAVE 83. 15 50 Feet. A. W. Shawver PeaSletea 8:00 1 2 :0 0 4 :0 0 »3. Echo 8:15 1 :1 5 5:15 Lot 16 40 Feet. City of Hernils- THE F IA T HOUSE Stanfield 9:30 1 :3 5 5 :3 5 ton . FOUWDS THEATRE Hermiston 9 55 1 :5 5 5 :6 5 Block 10— IxOt 1 40 Feet, J Wlshart »2 80 Into Umatilla 10:15 2 :1 5 6 :1 5 C O N F E C T IO N E R Y Txit 2 5ft Feet. J. Wlshart 83 50 S T A T IO N E R Y TxOt 3 50 Feet. J. Wishart »3 50 LEAVE Lot 4 50 Feet. J. Wishart »3 50 Umatilla Umarilla Friday, Fob. 24 Harariateo Saturday, Fab 25 8 :0 0 1 2 :0 0 4:00 Lot 5 50 Feet. City of Hernils- Hermiston 8 :2 0 1 2 :2 0 4:20 ton . »3 50 8 :4 5 1 3 :4 5 4:45 TxOt 6 50 Fnet. J Wlshart »3.50 Stanfield Echo Lot 7 50 Feet. Ed Graham. 9 :0 0 1 :0 0 5:00 Estate »3.50 Into Pendleton 10:15 2 :1 5 B: 15 IxO t 8 50 Feet. Ed Graham. »3 50 T W O T R IP S S U N D A Y Estate UmariNa 3 P. M. Saaday _____________ 7:1«, a 9 r F. m M . . IxU 9 5ft Feet Clara Wlshart 83 50 Leaving Pendleton 8 a. m. and Txit 10 50 Ffet. Clara Wlshart »2.50 4 p m. Ixit 11 50 Feet. J. Wlshart »3 50 Txit 11 50 Feet. I Wlshart »3 50 Leaving Umatilla 8 a. m. and Ixit 13 50 Feet. City of Hermls- 4 p. m. ton ...................................... »3.50 722 Cottonwood Phone 868 H L e t 14 50 Feet, City of Hermts- We Deliver Parcels at Way Point» ton .......................................... »3.50 Ixit 15 50 Feet. City of Hermls- VANB» ton ........................................... »3.50 Ixit 16 40 Feet, City of Hermls- P e n W Ie t e n * • B « n * . a 1 .0 0 International News-Comedy ton »2.80 F e w W Ie tw n * • M a n A e M , e t . l » ni-cV u _ P o n O to « o w « o M « r m l > t a s , a . N Lot 1 86 6 Feet. H I. Newport P e n « le « e n t o U m a t i l l a , 0 1 .7 » ............ »« 06 Lot 2 50 Feet, H. R N ew port Newa ¡land Statiea at Hotel Oregea aad »3.50 C ifm and Joboao Lot 3 50 Feet, H R N ew po rt Hotel HenaistM SUBSCRIBE NOW Oregon Hardware & Implement Co. Meats that Make the Meal— are the sort in which we specialize. Choicest cut sold at honest prices, are the goods upon which our trade is built. SMELTS, 4 LBS. 25c., ALWAYS ON HAND ■ The Place to Trade is-- S Where You can SA VE Money C ITY M E A T M A R K E T SIKEY A HENDERSON, Prop.. - Why Go Home for Lunch We serve the best to be had. All kinds of sandwiches and anything else you want a t moder ate prices. Eat as much or as little as you want. T h e O re g o n H o te l The Old Way- M RS. M IL L IE D E C K , P r o p . Cold Storage Market & Grocery The New Way Typewriter Ribbons Carbon Paper Amber or Juno Second Sheets Adding Machine Paper Stock of these always on hand T he H ermiston H erald WE GUARANTEE A ll our Worh to he of the Very best E c h o F l o u r M ills WM. H. OGDEN M A N U FA C TU R ER S OF- High Grade Patent B lue S te m F lou r Morrow County Creamery Company The Superior Product of Scientific Milling Makes Better Bread Try a Sack DEALERS IN GRAIN AND FEED ¡.-"■■""■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■BBBBBBBBBNftBBBl i HEATER BARGAINS ■ J ■ J 1-3 per cent discount for cash sale while present stock lasts. ft ft R eg u lar $ 3 .5 0 , $ 4 .2 5 and $ 6 .2 5 Wood Heatera-25 J per cent discount from these prices as a special J cash bargain price. ■ Remember also these reductions apply from the ■ ft present regular prices, not from the high war ■ ■ prices. 2 ft Special of Coal Hod», Stove Board», Poker» J and o th er stove item» ■ I S A P P E R S ’ IN C . : ■ HARDWARE / IMPLEMENTS W. C. Cox, Manager $I.$. Jyiarrl per cent discount for special cash bargain prices. ■ Pendleton and Umatilla Stage E. P . D O D D A ll Universal H eatera-33 A ll Oak H e a te rs -2 5 And Our Prices are Reasonable FO R TRADE Echo, Oregon FURNITURE ■ » ■ ■ " ■ ■ ■ « « ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ a f t f t f t B B B B B B B B B B B B k B B B B B B B B B Ir THEATRES c X L i™ Delicious Wholesome Confectionery “ The Golden Snare" Jewell Carmen « “Nobody” Tasty Stationery For Women Gladys Waltom“ The Man Tamer“ The Hermiston H e ra ld -f2 .0 0 ........ »».»# M-P’ îpt J -.M il ! 3 ■ ■ a " J ■ S J “ ■ a ■ S