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About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (March 2, 1922)
THE HERMISTON HERALD, HERMISTON, OREGON.' I SENATOR CHARLES HALL DAIRY FACTS id by the Mayor, subject to confirma Iployee of the,city under bis charge been shut off from any building or not again supply them with water ex Attest: C. W. Kellogg, Recorder. tion by the Council, a water superin to shut the water off until such re premises for violation of the rulea cept as provided In Rules 23 and 24. Approved by the Mayor this 1st tendent who shall qualify by taking pairs are made. and regulations governing the water Rule 2$. When a meter or other day of February, 1922. the oath of office and fling the same Rule 9. Should It be desired to works It shall not be again turned indicator gets out of order and falls F. C. McKenzie, Mayor 25-ltc. with the city recorder before entering discontinue the use of all the water on until the owner or occupant has to register correctly the charge upon his duties as such officer, to supplied to the premises for a period paid a penalty of one dollar in addi shall be according to the average gether y lth a bond to be approved by of not less than one month, notice tion to all other charges or arrear quantity of water used dally, as the council in the sum of >500.00 for In writing must be given, and pay- ages shown by the meter when in order. Increase Y o u r Profits by In - the faithful discharge of his duties. met in full of all arrears, if any theie Rule 18. The service pipe within Rule 27. It shall be unlawful for Section 2. It shall be the duty of be, made at the office of the city re and without the premises anil any person or persons to attach to <m titig the Size of Your Fruit. the water superintendent to attend corder, and the water will theu be throughout Its entire length to tho or detach from any water main or BREEDING HELPS PRODUCERS to the pumping plant, machinery and turned off and turned on again on tap In the city main, must be laid, service pipe or other connection distributing, system of the city water application without charge; but no kept in repair and protected front through which water Is supptied by Better Sires Increase Average as works and to superintend the tapping remission of rates will be made for a freezing at the expense of the owner, the city to water consumers of the 1. BY PRUNING W ell as Total Production and of city water mains and the Installa period of less than one month, and who shall be responsible for all dam city or to interfere in any manner Increase Profits. First of a number of articles which tion of water meters, and the keeping without the notice prescribed in this ages resulting from leaks and breaks. with such pipes or connections with When there Is a leake under tho out first having obtained the writ will appear In this paper during the of all meters in repairs and to read section (P r e p a r e d by t h e U n ite d S l a t e s D e p a r tm e n t meters and report all meter readings Rule 10. All service pipes must be street and It Is doubtful whether tho ten consent of the water superlntend- year, and prepared by Fred Benniou. o f A g r ic u ltu r e ) city recorder on or before the so arranged that the supply to each water comes from a break in the city net. There are several ways of Improving to the County Agent: day of each calendar month and separate house or premises may be main or from a private service pip« Rule 28 Whenever any water a dairy herd. Elimination of low last The future of the Northwest Ap he shall preform such other duties as controlled by a separate stop cock the owner of the property will bo consumer or person whose pipes are prodocera Increases average produc the council may from time to time placed within or near the line of the notified and must immediately taka ple depends upon the percentage of connected with any of the city water tion. It may decrease total produc require of him. street curb, and one person must charge of the excavation, repair the mains or pipes shall desire to have large sized apples grown. Climate tion. but usually increases net profit. Section 3. The water superin pay for all the water used through leak and street and be responsible his or her pipes detached from or at conditions are favorable for the pro The experience of successful dairy tendent shall receive for his serv said services for his own use or for for all damages which may result. tached to such mains or pipes he Rule 19. No person whatsoever shall notify the city recorder and It duction of good quality bu* ruin will men and of the Department of Agri ices such compensation as shall be the use of others to whom it may be will be allowed to make connections« accessible. fixed from time to time by resolution shall then be the duty of the recorder result unless fr $t growers follow culture has shown this. Better feed Rule 11. Where water is supplied with the city mains or to make alter to give his written consent for the practices that will give them big ing of the cows already on the farm of the council, payable from the city through one service to several houses ations in conduit pipe or other fix operation required or shall within 24 water fund. size fruit. Maximun production de increases average and total produc Section 4. The city recorder shall families or persons, the water com tures connected therewith or to coll tion, and may Increase net profit. Vse keep a correct record of all water mittee at its discretion may either ect pipes when they have been discon hours upon payment of the reasonable mands a vigorous tree with a proper expenses therefor cause to be made of better sires increases average as users and the date and location of decline to furnish water until separ nected or to turn water off or on any the change required; provided al balance between leaf area for the well as total production, and always each tap of a water main and Instal ate services are provided, or may con premises without permission from tba ways that all water rates, arrearages, manufacture of air foods and root I submit my candidacy to the Repub- Increases net profit. It has been found. lation of meter and a correct ac tinue the supply on the condition water superintendent. charges and penalties against the ap system for taking of soil foods. Boans of Oregon for the nomination Rule 20. Plumbers or other auth plicant be fully paid All dairy-herd Improvement due to count of charges and payments be that one person shall pay for all the Pruning Is one of the most Im Governor. Following are some of better breeding tends to Increase profit tween the city and each water users. same service; provided he shall pay orized persons doing any work by Rule 29. The foregoing provisions portant means of controlling this a minimum rate per month for each which water may be drawn from tho Section 5. The following rules principles for which I stand: to the producer and decrease cost to of these rules must be strictly com 1*' I have made no pre-election prom- the ebnsumer. It Is one of the ways and regulations are hereby adopted store, family, office or other place city mains must make in writing a, plied with and water must be paid for balance. It Is much more economic true and accurate report of work: business. 1 Isos and I will make none, except by which the world may become richer by the city for the guidance of the of Rule hy all persons supplied according to al to build up the root system 12. The water may at any done and deliver It At the office of superintendent and for the consumers those herein stated. without decreasing the prosperity of and to secure an efficient and econ- time be shut off from the mains the water superintendent within the following schedule of water rates. through proper scilculture and fer ft Taxes on general property must be any individual in It. tilization but usually this balance Meter Kates (Per Month) iomical distribution of the water sup. without notice, for repairs and othor three days after completion and must reduced. I favor substituting not necessary purposes, and the city will describe the position of the tap. serv The maximum rate for water per cannot be secured without more or Well-formed, registered bulls from ply of the said city, to-wlt: not be responsible for any consequent ice pipe, curb stop cock, by reference to exceed ten departments for the proved sires and advanced-registry month shall be $3.00 subject to mod less cutting nt the top. Rule 1. Application for the use seventy or more existing State dams are usually fit to head even high- of water shall be made on printed damages, but In all cases wherein it to lot and street corners on blank: ification or reduction from time to Many growers are well nlong In is practical the water superintendent forms to be furnished at the office time by a resolution of the council, Commissions. (Illinois System.) producing dairy herds. When such forms to be furnished at the office shall give consumers at least twelve of the water superintendent. for the minimum consumption of 3.- their pruning, others have not yet ft Not only reduction of taxes, but bulls have proved sons and advaneed- of the city recorder, and the appli hours notice before the water Is shut Rule 21. Persons violating thia 000 gallons or less and for each ad started. The former Bhould not cut cant must state fully and truly all 1 Improved marketing facilities and rule in any particular or failing to ditional 1.000 gallons the charge less as the Job nears the finish and the purposes for which the water may oft from the mains. increased credit are essential to in Rule 13. Water will not be fur perform their work according to tho shall be at the rate of 25 cents per be required. sure the prosperity of the farmer, Rule 2. No person supplied with nished where there are leaky or de rules and regulations herein laid 1000 gallons, or less as the council the latter should get at It If they do ft A more equitable adjustment of the not want to contribute to a slow water from the city mains will be en fective faucets, closets or other fix down or executing It unsklllfully or shall by resolution direct. When two or more consumers are market and suffer financial loss - automobile license tax with due re titled to use it for any purpose other tures, or where there are closets or to the damage of the city water worka than those stated in his application urinals without self closing valves, < r shall be debarred from making con supplied with water through the same ThiB Is a good year to cut a lltt'e gard to the actual value of the car. meter each user will be required to or to supply in any way other per tanks without self closing float val nections with the city mains. Gasoline tax for highways only. ves, and when such may he dis Rule 22. The water superintend pay not less than the regular monthly more than normal as last year there sons or families. ft As ts my attitude on the labor was a bumper crop. Rule 3. Hereafter the use of wat covered the water may be shut off ent and members of the water com rate established by the council. question, I refer to my employes, er meters by all consumers of water from Buch premises and not again mittee may have free access at proper Section 6. Any person or persons Prescribe the extent of the prun and my Legislative record, from the Jleirmlston water works turned on until the owner or occu hours of the day to all parts of build who shall throw or in any manner ing for each tree. A vigorous tree ft Completion of the State Highway shall be compulsory, and the city pant has made the necessary repairs. ings and premises In which water place or deposit In or upon any of the ' System with special attention to Rule 14. When a permit has been may be delivered In the city maina ditches, drains, pipes, reservolra will need less than one not making will not supply water except to con market roads. sumers who use water meters and granted for the introduction of wat for the purpose of inspecting the con gates, taps, curb or corporation cocks any growth. Prune from the top comply with the provisons of these er, a corporation cock or tap, will be ditions of the city pipe and fixtures machinery or superstructure of the down rather than from the botto • 7. The public school Is one of the inserted In the main of such size as and the manner In which the water water works any article or substance up. Thin oul the top rather than tn rules. " fundamental factors In opr system Rule 4 It shall be the duty of the the water committee may consider is used whereby the said ditches, drains, give your trees a "Dutch H a ll Cut ' of Government. I favor compul superintendent of the water works necessary for the supply of the water Rule 23. On failure to comply pipes, reservoirs, gates, taps, curb or sory attendance In the primary Do not "Bob" to enforce the use of meters, which needed. with the provisions of these rules corporation cocks, machinery or sup to keep them back grades. Teach pure Americanism will correctly register the consump Rule 15 The tap shall be insert, as a condition to the use of water or er structures or the waters therein a limb off. but go bark and take ’• I to all pupils, beginning at an early tion of water, and It shall be binding ed by the water superintendent or by pay the water rates in the time and may be obstructed or Injurled or out. If you don’t you will start s qMge. Continue to strengthen and on the consumer to use a meter which an individual authorized to perform manner hereinafter provided the wat_ rendered Impure or who shall In any will correctly register the consump such work by the water committee, er may be shut off until payment Is way or manner Interfere, injure or lot of "sucker growth” and ma’ e t>ulld up this typlcsl American in tion of water, said meter to be fcir- said person to furnish bonds in the made of the amount due with one meddle with said ditches, drains, your Job twice as hard next year stitution. The top third of the tree should nlshed at a reasonable cost by the sum of $100.00 for the faithful and dollar In addition for the expense of pipes, reservoirs, gates, taps, curb or ft Strict enforcement of all laws, corporation cocks, machinery or sup be the thinnest in order to let in the city of Hermiston. efficient performance of such work. turning the water off and on. ft I am against Japanese land owner Rule 5. Meters shall be placed be There shall be no labor charge for Rule 24. After the water has been erstructures. or the wnters therein, ship or control. tween the sidewalk line and the prop, this connection if made by the wat shut off at the stop cock at the curb without» the consent of the water sup light and reduce tho expense of thin ety line, except business houses er superintendent. The city shall as provided in Rule 23, if it should erintendent, or who shall turn on or ning and picking and make spraying Benator Charles Hall of Marshfield Purebred Bulls Transm it High-Produc which may place meters Inside of supply the corporation cock, and be turned on by any person except: cause to be turned on the water after easier; the middle of the tree the ing Qualities of Their Ancestors. who has long been mentioned as one such houses under the direction of curb cock to the applicant at a rea an employee of the city, under tho It has been shut off by the said sup next thinnest; whllo the lower part of the strongest prospective candi registry daughters, their value be- tho superintendent and provided sonable price, payable in advance, authority of the water superintendent erintendent at any curb or corpora of the tree may be quite dense as dates for Governor, has announced comes exceedingly great because of j that all such meters shall be protect said corporation cock, curb cock and and excavation will be made in tho tion cock, or who shall in any man deflnitely that he will enter the guber- the certainty that they will transmit ed by substantial boxes which must service pipe between said cocks to re street, the water shut off at the tap ner hinder or interfer with or ob long as the light can get through to the superintendent in the per the branches. aatorlal race. This announcement has in large measure to their offspring the be kept in repair at the expense of main the property of the city and it in the main, and not turned on again, struct owner of the property. shall be unlawful for any person to until the arrears, the cost of replac formance of his duties shall upon Consider the life of your tree. Do been expected by his friends for some high-producing qualities of their an- | the Rule conviction thereof before the recorder 6. When the water is fur interfere therewi'h. ing the street, and five dollars for time, as strong pressure has been cestors. So far as possible only such nished to any consumer, the owner not sacrifice too much to get tem be punished by a fine of. not less than the expense of shutting the water off Rule 16. Within the service box brought to bear upon the Coos and bulls should be chosen to head herds or the agent of the property will be a flat $6.00 or more than $50.000 or by porary fruit production. Develop« headed stop cock of approved and turning it on are paid. Curry Senator since his name was of selected, high-producing, registered required to keep their meters In good pattern and stock must be placed. The Rule 25. The water rates shall bo Imprisonment In the city Jail for not a leader In your tree and In each first mentioned as a prospective can dairy cattle. In ordinary dairy prac condition, so that they may be read owner must keep this in repair and due and payable at the office of tho more than twenty days or by both main branch ho that you may have a didate. tice, however, the bull goes to the at any time by the superintendent shall be liable for any damage caused city recorder on the first day of each such fine and Imprisonment. Section 7. Ordinance No. 67, Or strong permanent frame work He was born on a farm in Jefferson block before the production records of or other employee of the city under by the stop cock box or cover not be month, and If not paid within the ing in proper order. The servece pips first ten days thereafter the water dinance No. 99 and Ordinance No. County, Pennsylvania, and came to his daughters are available. In that his charge. Rule 7. If at any time a meter or from the main to the wall of the shall be shut off the premises as pro 103 of the city of Hermiston are here Oregon in 1901. Shortly thereafter he way many excellent bulls every year Yellow berried Marquis Is Just ns meter box should get out of repair, building shall not be less than three vided in Rules 23 and 24. It shall by repealed, and all other ordinances began his business career as a clerk are lost to the dairy business. and parts of ordinances in conflict good for seed as that which 1s dark It shall be the duty of the superin feet below the grade of the street. be the duty of the city recorder on In a drug store at CiatBkanie, Oregon. and red. Often It is plumper than tendent to notify the owner or his The service pipe must be of galvaniz the 11th day of each month to make herewith are hereby repealed. entually he acquired ownership of CONGESTION OF COW’S UDDER agent, whose duty it shall be to make ed iron and in the building the lead a complete list of all water consume Section 8. This ordinancel shall be the hard wheat. A wot growing i drug store, sold it and bought a such necessary repairs. pipes must be of a quality and weight ers who are In arrears and report the in full force and effect from and after season, late plowing bf summer fal drug store In Hood River, where he Rule 8. If such repairs are not corresponding to the AA guage and same to the water superintendent Its passage by the council and ap low, or lack of nitrogen usually caus Comparatively Simple Trouble Brought Uved until 1914. In Hood River his made within ten days from the date the galvanized pipe of a correspond who shall Immediately cause to be proval by the mayor. on by Improper Feeding—Not Passed the council this 1st day of es the yellow berry.— O. A. C. Ex shut off from the mnlns nV such con ability for* organization asserted It- of such notice It shall be the duty ing strength. Hard to Cure. Rule 17. When the water has sumers as are In arrears and shall February, 1922. periment station of the superintendent or other em- self. During the eight years he spent - In that town, he was one of the build Congestion of the udder is In Itself ers of the telephone system there, the comparatively simple trouble Oregon-Washington Telephone Com a pany, and built the Central Building, brought on by a combination of heavy Oregon Hotel and the Hall Building, feeding, consequent high condition, and owned and planted a number of and a sluggish, lymphatic system. The orchards In the Hoad River Valley. He former Is to be desired, but the latter also served as Director and Presid?".*. Is not. Congestion will usually yield readily to a preparatory dose of salts Of the Hood River Commercial Club. His activities were transferred to and laxative feed, together with an Coos Bay in 1914 and immediately occasional ounce dose of saltpetre In thereafter a number of new organiza the drinking water. Exercise, par tions in that district came into being. ticularly previous to calving, but after He organized the Coos and Curry calving as well, Is also beneficial. To prevent congestion of the udder Telephone Company of which he is President today; organized the Bank developing Into Inflammation and gar Of Southwestern Oregon in 1917 and get, avoid standing cow In draughts was President of that institution until and milk often, rubbing the udder gently with camphorated ointment aft 1M1. Outside of his business activities in er each milking. If there Is any In Marshfield, he soon became one of the dication of more serious trouble de prominent citizens of that district. He veloping, give the cow a strong laxa was one of the original promoters of tive (Epsom salts 1% pounds, molas- State Highway program. He was 1 CUP. and g,n8pr 1 ounce), fol- slX'Cted Senator from the Eighth Sena lowed after purging censes hy dally torial District comprising Coos and ounce doee of saltpetre, nt the same , time bathing the udder with hot water Gurry counties in 1920. Senator Hall soon became one of for 15 to 20-mlnute periods, finally I « e leaders in state-wide politics as a drying It and rubbing with camphorat fearless exponent of the highway pro ed ointment and petrolatum. gram. As a Legislator he played a prominent part In all important legis- I GIVE CALVES GOOD EXERCISE latlon daring both sessions in 1921. : Me risked censure from the exponents | Necessary to Keep Young Animals in gf the 1125 Exposition Bill when he Best of Health— Have Yard refused to listen to any proposed in 1 Protected. roads Into the road funds for the pur pose of financing the Fair. Hall's un- To keep calves In the best of health devtatlng course In this latter action and to permit of a proper development brought forth the highest praise from of the lungs and chest they shonld be pH parts of the State. permitted to have outdoor exercise Since his debut into state-wide poll- even In cold weather. It is well to lies, the leadership In various non- have a yard which Is protected from polltlcal movements has gravitated j both the north and west winds If pos naturally to him. He Is a member of sible so that calves may be turned out the Oregon Land Settlement Commie- In winter, but on cold days It Is not alon and served for three years as advisable to leave calves out long President of the Oregon State Cham enough to become chilled. ber of Commerce and la now a director af that organisation. Imperative Needs of Cow. Friends of Senator Hall proclaim Pregnant cows need succulent or ifem as a natural leader, and point with laxative feed and exercise to keep gride to his record of achievements In their bowels active. If they are to public and private life. Others con escape milk fever and raked or con cede that his Judgment is sound and gested udders, have strong calves and admit that no outside pressure or log plenty of milk at calving time. rolling can swerve him from any pro gram or movement to which he has Cows Nssd Full Ration. dedicated himself. It is a mistake to feed Just enough Mr. Hall was married in 1905 in to keep the cow nourished; she needs Portland to Ann English. They have a full ration so her body requirements three children, two boys thirteen and will not use all the nourishment, leav ne girl nine. ing nothing for promoting the milk X S DEMONSTRATOR AT KINGSLEY’S March 9,10,11 March Kerr’s Rolled Oats 10 lb. sack . . . . . 65c 9 10 and Kerr’s Farina, sack . 65c (PlM ORDINANCE HO. 107 An ordinance creating the office of Superintendent of the City water works, prescribing his duties, fixing his compel Ration, fixing charges to be made for the use of water to the Inhabitants of the city, prescribing rules, reguations and rates for the conduct snd government of the sys tem of water works snd to punish violations of this ordinance and to re peal ordinances No. <7, No. 99 and No. 193 and all other ordinances or »re bogs will require more bar- parts of ordinances In conflict here ____ ____ Oregon's barley acreage drop with. OF HERMISTON DOES off seriously during the war THE CITY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS flection (, There shall be appoint. L— O. A. C, Experiment station Eastern Oregon Farm Votes Sweet elover seeding on rather al kali soils where summer fronts are aot severe should be made early so as to get the clover up before much trusting occurs. Fifteen pounds to the acre ts a good rate of seeding.— 0. A. C. Experiment station. 10 Kerr’s Hot Cake Flour 35c 11 Kerr’s Rolled Oats . 35c Kingsley’s Kerr’s Wheat Flakes i f . 40c • Ask for Kerr’s 9 and 11 at March at Kingsley’s KINGSLEY’S fk°"171 Ask for Kerr’s H o a « of Q m Bty and Service” '