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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 21, 1905)
Press Paragraphs Dr. Wood spent Friday with friends at Bates, Hear the Adams Sisters touight at the opera house. Mr. and Mrs. Will M. Peterson were in Pendleton yesterday. Mis. Austin Foss and Miss Iva Cal ender spent the day yesterday in Pen dleton. Mrs. Woodruff and Miss Mabel Tompkins will arrive home this even ing from La Grande. The Pendleton Tribuue has a man in the field securing data for its annual writenp of the county. Mrs. Kelson Manela and Mrs. Ern est McQueen of Milton were guests of Athena friends Saturday. Miss Gertie Luna and Miss Edytb McBride attended the play "Wheu Knighthood was in Flower," at Pen dleton. J. M. Kern, a prosperous farmer of he Helix neighborhood was iu town yesterday, trading with our mer chants. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Warren and Misses Viva and Fay Warren were trading with Athena merchants Sat urday from Weston. ' The regular monthly business meet ing of the Y.-P. S. C. E. will take place at the Christian church Satur- day evening after which a social time will be enjoyed.' There is some evidence that an In dian has been murdered on the Colum I bia, near Umatilla. A pool of blood . was discovered near the river and a i . blanket was found in the water. Mrs. M. W. Smith, who spent sev eral months visiting velatives and friends iu the eastern states returned - home yesterday morning. She was met at La Grande by Mr. Smith. X Miss Maud Knowlton arrived in the .'city yesterday from Newport, Wash., and will remain iu Athena for some " time visiting relatives. She is a sister of Fred Knowlton and a grand daugh ter of Wm. Willaby, sr. ' yJ. W. Jenkins has returned from ' Kennewick where he went on church affairs. Mr. Jenkins says land prices in that section are increasing iu value, $200 per acre being the price asked for sagebrush land contiguous to irrigation ditches. " . In a fight at John Bergevin's on the reservation Thursday night Hugh - Robie stabbed Dan Hart with a pocket knife. Hart's injuries are not serious. Dr. Plamondon dressed the wounds and found one cut in the stomach, one in the scalp and one in the face. The boys' and girls' Bally Day ex ercises will be given in the Christian church Sunday evening the 2Gtb. All the children taking part iu the . ex ercises are requested to meet for prac tice in the church at 2 o'clock Satur day. H. T. Booth, general agent for the Pacifio Mutual Life Insurance com pany, is in the city on business. O. G. Chamberlain is the looal agent of the company, which is among the strongest insurance organizations in the Northwest. Officer Gholson received word Satur day from Garfield, Wash. , to intercept a man wanted there for horse steal ing. He bad lett here before the message came, and was caught in . Pendleton. The fellow stopped at the Athena hotel while here and was ac companied by a woman. Claud Steen, the prosperous Dry creek farmer, bas installed an electric light plant for domestic convenience. He purchased a five horse power gaso line engioe with dynamo complete, aud now bia beautiful country home bristles with electric lights at nomin al expense. ' The Pendleton football team, de feated at Baker City, maintains that it cau win from Baker on the Pendleton grouuds. Iu the matter of field sports, base ball in particular, it has long beon an established fact that a visit ing team at Pendleton, stands Utile show of winning out. Milton Eagle: Messrs. Hays and Cragbead, real estate dealers of Athe na, were making the acquaintance of our citizens Tuesday and incidentally looking over the field with a view of doing some business here in the f ature. The gentlemen report making a number of good sales in the Athena neighborhood recently. Athena's first team of football players has a game schedule with the La Grande team in that city on Thanksgiving day, and a return game will be played in this city on Christ mas day. The Athena team La strengthening ita line up for the game, and it will be a formidable aggrega tion on the field. Perhaps it will be of interest to the people of Athena to know something of the little women who are to enter tain at the opera bouse tonight. They come from Boston, Mass., and are of the noted Adams family of that state. They have .studied in Boston and also in New York; have traveled through the states with different the atrical companies and were with Mrs. Geril Tom Thumb three seasons. They still have open doors with excellent offers in that profession, but choose to give entertainments alone, which are iu harmony with their taste and prin ciples, a refined, high class entertain ment which is received with delight by all classes. M. W. Smith, as a practical joker, is somewhat of quality himself. To this a number of his friends can truth fully testify this morning. Last night a big crowd, armed with bells, tin pans, and other nondescript pro moters of noise, hiked their way quietly down to Mr. Smith's place of residence and for an hour directed a strenuous charivari bombardment at the house but not at Mr. and Mrs. Smith, who, through the wisdom of M. W. were at the home of a Triend in another part of the city. This morning the boys are telling how it was and so is Smith, v Yesterday, Nov. 20th, was the 80th anniversary of the birth of Grandma Mansfield, who , resides with her daughter, Mrs. A. I. Jones,, in this city.. Mrs. Mansfield is hale and hearty at ber advanced age and bids fair to enjoy many,, more birthdays; She came to the United States when six years of age from England, and in the year 1853 crossed the plains to Oregon. Grandma Mansfield can tell many interesting tales of early pio neer life, and is quite proficient in writing verse, having often furnished poetry for publication in newspapers. John P. McManns and wife of Pilot Rock were the guests Saturday of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Boyd. Mr. MoManus is the editor of the Pilot Rock Record and owner of the only educated coyote on earth. Mr. MoManus bas the dis tinction of being oue of the ablest edi torial writers in the Northwest He part owner of the Pendleton TribunefpC and founded the Pendleton Republican wnicn eventually was purchased by the Tribune. Mr. and Mrs. Mo Manus were delighted with Athena and its progressive spirit. Clark Wood and Frank Blair were over from Weston Saturday evening and attended the show. They expected to see a good performance of the "Count of Monte Cristo,'! but instead were compelled to witness the pro duction of a semi-blood and thunder rural play in which there was neither plot nor "heart interest" Doubtless if the Lansing Rowan company had been apprised of the colonel's presence "Monte Christo" as advertised would have been the bill. As it was it was otherwise. L. McLaohlan, a plasterer and cement workman of experience and ability finds Athena much in need of a mau of his trade, and bas decided to permanently locate here. Mr. MoLochlan guarantees work by him to give thorough satisfaction. Orders left at Gillis' Lumber Yard will re ceive prompt attention. Mrs. Fred Rosenzweig arrived in the city Friday upon a visit to Mr. Rosen zweig and Miss Elsa, who are em ployed here, the former with the Ath ena Mercantile company and the latter in the school. Mrs. Rosenzweig ex pects to return to her homestead in Franklin county before Thanksgiving. The Press could nse a little ready money just now in fact we really need it in onr business. Subscribers knowing themselves to be in arrears will please come forward with a little of the "oil of gladness." Pendleton, if rumors are true, is on the verge of a diphtheria epidemic. The East Oregonian reports two ad ditional cases, one in the family of J. Mumm and one in the family of J. F. Brown. Rev. and Mrs. G. W, Rig by were up from Pendleton Sunday visiting old friends in this city. Mr. Rigby occupied the pulpit io the M. E. churoh Sunday morning. - ' Mrs. Cass Cannon and Mrs. T. M. Bush have been called to Seattle, where their mother, Mrs. Jane Wooddy, is critically ill with pneu monia. Mrs. Brandon, mother of Mrs. O. G. Chamberlain, will leave today for the Willamette valley where she will spend the winter with relatives. If you contemplate purchasing a grapbophone read Ely & Scott's ad elsewhere in this issue aud learn how to get one absolutely free. The Adams Sisters, Lilliputians, will give an entertainment in the opera house this evening. Admission is 15, 25 and 35 cents. Bernar D. Sherry and Tow-wa-ny puna were united in the holy bonds of matrimony at Pendleton Monday by Justice Fitzgerald. Miss Nettie Cannon came over from her school in Walla Walla Friday evening and spent Saturday and Sun day with friends here. Ed Hemmelgarn, an employe of the Preston-Parton Milling Co., is in Pendleton threatened with an attack of typhoid fever. little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. fehn Rothrock, in a fall on tbe school house grounds, suffered a brok en arm, ' Otis Wbiteman and J. E. McDaniel are new names added to the Press subscription list this week. Mrs. Otis Wbiteman and son are in from tbe farm, guest at tbe borne of Mr. , and Mrs. H. IL HilL Misses Velma Wilkinson, Gertie Luna and Eva Rider visited friends in Adams Sunday. A Pendleton paper reports tbe mar riage of William Sturgis and Mrs. Carl Stewart Mrs. Jacob Clark, of Weston, with other friends, was shopping in the city Saturday. Bod Waldea was over from Weston yesterday. , - E. W. Saunders of Pendleton, was in town yesterday. H. C. Curry, the Walla Wallao? tician is in town today. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Turner of Wes ton, are in town today. -, Attorney Sam Peterson of Milton, spent Sunday in Athena. C. W. Shoup, an Endicott, Wash., real estate agent, is in the city today. Tbe O. R. & N. company has made a net reduction on tbe rate for Roslyn coal from Wallula to Colfax, of $1.30 a ton. Dan Prendergast has returned from a trip up in Washington. Dan says one of the best towns he run across iu his travels was Ritzville. The Walla Walla-Pendleton special did not arrive here Sunday morning until nearly 10 o' clock. The engiue broke down on the Dry Creek bill, and was compelled to wait for a helper. Peterson & Peterson are attorneys for Mrs. Em ma J. Van 'Winkle in a suit for divorce from ber husband, J. Byron Van Winkle. The couple were married in this county in 1895, and have three children. Mrs. George Lutje died of blood poisoning Friday evening at the home of her mother, Mrs. Eli Heater, in Milton. Funeral services were held at the borne Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock by Kev. H. B. Smith, pastor of tbe Christian church. The Umatilla Indians have been bold authorized by the department to a mass meeting of. the tribe for the purpose of electing an official inter preter for the tribe, through whom all official and legal communications be tween the Indians and tbe whites must be conducted. . Mr. and Mrs. Curry, eye sight specialists of Walla Walla who have been making regular trips to Athena, will make their next visit Tuesday Nov. 21, for one day only, at the St. Nichols hotel This is a good oppor tunity. They guarantee their work, Mr. and Mrs. Curry have made regu lar visits to Athena for the past three years. Eyes examined free. Mrs. Mary N. Chase, representing tbe Amerioan Woman's Suffrage as sociation, was in tbe city Saturday. Mrs. Chase found a congenial spirit in J. M. Hays with whom she left a choioe collection of literature pertain ing to the cause in which she is work ing. Mr. Hays believes in reform with a big R, and is now circulating a petition and soliciting names in behalf of woman suffrage in this state which is to come before the people through the medium of the initiative aud ref erendum. A particularly sad case is that of J. E. Anderson, formerly proprietor of a Walla Walla grocery. About three months ago be sold bis business and removed to the country near Milton with big wife and three sous. A few weeks later one of the sons was taken down with typhoid fever and for a time bis life was despaired of, but be finally recovered. Soon thereafter the older sou, Charles, was stricken with tbe same disease aud died, leav ing a yonng wife. Now tbe father is not expected to live and the third son was taken to a Walla Walla hospital. The death of his son Charles was kept from the father as long as possible but he bas found it out. Tbe cause of the disease is attributed to bad water. Th $ COMMERCIAL LIVERY, FEED and SALE STAJ3LE. Best Turnouts In Eastern Oregon Stock Boarded by the Day, Week or Month I KING BROTHERS Prep PARKER & LANE'S . Barber Shop . Shaving, Ilaircutting, Shampooing, Massage for Face and Scalp. i HOT BATHS. ICItSCB8SSSC3S8fSl Shop North Side Main Street, Athena, Ore. Items in Brief Buy a Samson at Cox & McEwen's. New Shirt Waists just arrived at Manasse's. Prime corn-fed beef aud pork at R. J. Boddy's. See the fine cut glass for sale by C. A. Barrett & Co.'s. Try a Flor de Corona cigar at the White House Grocery. Craghead & Hays have some bar gains in business chances. Try one of Boddy's fine sugar cured hams. They are delioious. That Crescent Cream Coffee is fine. At Worthington & Thompson's. A delicious dessert-Washington Pie. Get it at the Prendergast Bakery. We. still have the famous Coles air tight beaters. C. A. Barrett & Co. . Holly . ribbons at Manasse's. See what the Delineator says about them. Ely & Scott have some choice sweet cider made from Milton apples. Try it. i Can't we show Rogers silverware? you 6ome of our C. A. Barrett & Co. You should see the fine line of bnggies and backs at C. A. Barrett & Co. 'a. Deu Bros, have a splendid line of gloves. Prices are right aud assort ment is large. Say Va, Crescent Baking Powder will raise the dough. Get it at Worthing ton & Thompson's. ' From now until November 24, F. G. Lucas will pay tbe highest market price for turkeys. Over 500 ladies' neck arrangements, a sample line, no two alike, at ono hulf price. Call at Manasse's. Our selection of overcoats is now complete. It is marvelous how a finished coat of the quality we show can be produced and sold for tbe price. Athena Mercantile Co. If you want he best vaiue, the best wearmg, toe most up to date foot wear, we have now a complete stock of everything in tbe shoe line for fall and winter wear. Athena Mercantile Co. We now' have ready for your iuspeo- tion the most comprehensive aud splendid showing of new styles in men's, youths' and boys' clothing ever shown in this part of the state. Athena Mercantile Co, Are you lacking in strength and vigor? Are yon weak? Are you in pain? Do you feel all run down? The blessing of health and strength come to all who use Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea. 85o at Pioneer drug store. s . . . A Digaatroui Calamity. It ii a disastrous calamity wbou yo'u lose your health, because indiges tion and constipation have sapped it away. Prompt relief can be had iu Dr. King's New Life Pills.. They build up yonr digestive organs, aud cure headache, dizziness, colic, con stipation, etc. Guaranteed at the Palace drug store ; 25o. i For Sale. O. G. Chamberlain, the real estate dealer, offers for sale: . One dwelling and three lots, $1100. -, 0ne bouse, barn aud three lots, $800. A good cottage, outbuildings and one lot, $1000. One dwelling, barn aud three lots and other choice city and farm prop erty. A monutain farm of 166 acres, orchard and good buildings. Several good pieces of alfalfa laud near Pendleton. With the arrival of the house cleaning period the mind of the housewife naturally turns to the matter of Carpets and Rugs, and consequently she is confronted with two problems the cleaning up process and the coverings for the floors. Now, soap, lye and water can be made to overcome the former, but the mistress of the household looks to the carpet dealer for help before she gets through with the floor. A Can Show the Goods WE 1,1 : riff . : for the stock of Carpets and Rugs carried by us this year is overwhelmingly greater than any we have purchased heretofore. This is saying a great deal, for our stocks of the past were not to be " sneezed at." Now is the time to make your purchase. 1P Miller, the Rustler, ST: t-"".3 r A simple rule to make life a joy is to When shopping do not forget that can be obtained. For T Cash SZ Tea, Coffee, Spices, Extracts and high 7i immmmimmmimmmimmim t . . v Nmm mm mm mm ms , .'. '. ps tmwm THE STANDARD PENS EVERYWHERE. I 50 StyleS Works, Camdan, H. ). ESTEiiBBOOX STEEL PEN CO. ;"m it. 9llltl ESTABLISHED 1865 -' 5 m I Preston-Parton Milling Go. j Our Mey 111 Is Now Running. We can roll your Barley while you Wait Merchant Millers S Waitsburg, Wash. ii FRESH BREAD FINEST IN THE PRENDERGAST (SOUTH BIDE OF MAIN STREET. : Carpet .nr. 'iiium mvmmm CAN HELP HER drink a cup ol that elegant Coffee 3 that "90" is the best CofVee sale at the only at the . MOUSE! Grocery 3 grade Canned Goods a specialte rS " steel pens Fine, Medlurv' Broad W M 11 m m IS and Grain Bi j - Athene CAN TOW (BS1M Our Prices.and Quality Mix ,C,!llfi,"'l 0UT Athep' 1 ATIIEMw t t f .'-.: r - . wA - t f: 1 v N