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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 24, 1905)
SEMI-"WEEKXT VOLUME XVII. ATHENA, UMATILLA COUNTY. OREGON, FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 24. 190. NUMBER 82. TO RECOVER LAUD WOLVERTON JUDGE ED. M AN ASS IE & Just ((fived ! x! ri-ss LADIES' , !N SILK AND WOOL EMPIRE WRAPS In Bio wd, Tan and G t-en NOVELTY SHOPPING BAGS, FANCY RIBBONS, Etc. ED. MA N"ASSE. . Agent for liuttcrick's Patterns. HEATERS and RANGES ?fffft All styles and ' ..iBfeepigf -Vv sizes, for . ,, W$mmfi ; ial1 kinds of fuel COX 8u M'EWEN - SOUTH SIDE MAIN STREET. ATHENA. OREGON Remember its FREE. Come and Bee this machine. Read our offer A Natural Tone Graphophone Free I Call at our store and hear the specially prepared records aud assure yourself' that it is the beht offered. Our Standard Talking Machine Free to every cus tomer whose cash purchase amounts to $25. Save your cash coupons. They are redeemable in a Graphophone, Christmas Novelties, Crockery, . Glassware. THE POPULAR GROCERS fmmmmmmm ..!.,,.,,. , , Mince Meat for Pies ts lice and DELL BROTHERS consipioniMit of WAISTS lip J' TjlT TT Pr Qpnmm Mil C buUll Well Yes, and CATERERS TO THE TUBLIC IN' GOOD TH1XG3 TO EAT UMATILLA. HO LDIN GS TO -VEET TO GOVERNMENT Property Fraudulently Acquired bv Tips Given Out By Land Office Clerks I. P. A. Clark, dpaty United State marshal, has served complaint is nod by Attorney General Moody upon 1". A. Rugg, K. G. Wnmer," the First National Bank, T. (?. Taylor, .truest to C. B. Wade; the J. E. Smith Live stork company, all of Pendleton, in an action to auuul the title -;o la'id acenred by tbe-is purtiei piircb;is:d from Benson-Hyde ageutn, who in tli3 tlrst place located this land through a tip by laud office clerks in Washington aud who haveooufessed to tbo government. The complaint names the following participants, all being luioceub pur chasers excepting Hyde aud Benson and Clark, being served simply to es tablish the chain of title to the land: Frederick A. Hyde, John A. Benso j, W. A. Clark, 0. B. Wade, E. A. Rugg, First National bank, Pendleton; K. G. Warner, T. C Taylor, trustee Wade; J. B. - Smith " Livestock com pany. Clark sold laud to 0, B. Wade, who sold it to others, all becoming parties to the suit of the goveinmeut to revert title. The amount of land in' the complaint consists of tracts of 80 acres each, timber land, situated ' iu the Bine mountains, Umatilla " county, now owned by K. G. Warner and J. E. Smith Livestock company, the last purchasers, who are likley to be losers.:'1.'; " The Congo Twins. On-Monday eTeni2grKGV.27 the Congo Twins ' Minstrel Entertainers will give one performance , at the Athena opera house for those enjoy ing the latest back and wing dancing, coon and sensational singing, mono logues, jokes, tumbling and acrobatic feats. This will be a rare treat, as the stunts furnished by these clever colored artists are the best on the road. The Eeese Bros., late of Williams and Walker's big minstrels are considered by eastern critics as being the best colored performers on the American stage. The curtain raises promptly at 8:30. Prices 25, 35 and 50c. Tickets on sale at Dell Bros. - Settle Up. Those knowing themselves to be in debted to Wm. McBride, of the Pal ace drug store are requested to call at the store at once and settle up. Yoi! South Side Mai Aijiena, Oregon Main Street W At: ! ' " . : , , ':, A," r - ; ; - - .' , V -r.-,:-: . ' '- .... .- . y. , 1 . ' ' ' ; . ..' i '. -A . -"" . i . -. i . t . Hon. Thos.' G. Hailey, HIS LITERARY TASTE. U-iimn-tuo Found Witti a Copy uf "f.u cIHe" a nil a Comfortable Jag. U-uutn-tuo, a Umatilla brave, came to town the other day from the. rnKorv atio'nltud, as usual, rgot . his accus tomed load of firewater. U-num-tuo, like many oiher mem bers of his tribe, has acquired an ab normal taste and craving tor,liquor, But it is evident that this particular redskin has other tastes in addition to that for whiskey namely, literature. On this oocasion of U-num-tnc's regn lar periodical, he was beiug escorted along the street to where his horse was tied, by his friend, Officer Gholsou, when a book : fell from the Indian's coat pocket to the sidewalk. When picked up it was found to be a soiled copy of Owen Meredith's "Lucille" well thumbed aud.pages ragged from usage! . '. . . The' Press has Jong recognized the fact that competition from a journal istic standpoint was be.oomiug exceed ingly close here and at Weston, too, where the Leader feels it. This great family journal has long, withstood the shocks and jolts from knockers aud solicitors sout into its legitimate 11 old by metropolitan dailies; backed : up with silent acquioeceuce the special write-up man; swallowed gobs of taffy aud beeu a "good fellow" generally when the circulation booster for an esteemed contemporary, (not a com petitor) with his coupon free-trip-to-Jericho graft was working the town ; other grafts too numerous to enumer ate, , but the straw that breaks our backbone of generosity is the free dis ' tribution on the reservation of Owen's masterpiece. We have always rested secure in the belief that when the Pen dleton Tribune, the Echo News and the lone Proclaimer had graftpd this fertile newspaper field from us, ; the Leader and Press could live on the elomuments derived from Siwash patronage. But even this hope now goes glimmering. , Realty Transfers. Amy E. Lee to Horatio M. Sloan, lot 11, in block' 7, reservation addi tion to Pendleton; consideraton, $1, 275." :-;'-. , Robt. L. -Harp to Lee Thorn, 160 acres in section 2, township 5 north, range 31; consideraton, f 2, 000. Will Conduct a Market- The Methodist Episcopal Sunday School will open a market on Main street, Saturday, December, 2. Premeir Balfour Resigns. London, Nov. 23. Tremendous act ivity developed in political circles today consequent on the circulation of a well founded report that Promier Balfour has decided to bring his min istry to a close and directly or indi rectly appeal to the country. Humors regarding the resignation of the cabinet and the dissolution of parliament have been thick for three mouths, -.but when the two leading government organs today, almost iu the came terms "suggested" tbo ira-Tui-diate rehixnation of the premier on account of au uumcndable breach of the' Supreme Bench. POOR CATTLE MARKET.' Orvgmi Stockmen MuntVevlas Meima tO . Meet SerJ!'.u Problem, Oregon is confronted with a sorious problem in the way of providing a market for her varied products, is the opinion of Dr. James Withyconibe, of tho experimental station of the Or egon Agricultural college. Dr. With yoombe has made a close study of the status of the Oregon producer and the commercial interests of the state, and say a it is impossible for Oregon to forge ahead to the position she should enjoy unless her agricultural resources are devlop'ed and a market provide'd. Ho points out that there is no profit in the stock line below $4 a hundred. "The Chioago packer can well afford to pay $6 a hundred ou foot, yet the Oregon stock raiser cannot see a profit in shipping to Chicago at $2.75 in competition with others. What is need is the establishment of meat packing plants in the state so we can send our product out in the dressed form," he said. i-i. ; "y London Married Again. Jack Loudon, the novelist, aud Miss Charmion Kittridge of Newton, Iowa, have been married in Chicago. Lon don is divorced from his first wife and the law of Illinois relating to divorced persons remarrying provides that one year must; relapse after the dooreo of divorce is grauted. The California law also forbids remarryiug uutil one year has elapsed. Loudon seonred an initial decree in California ou Nov ember 17, 1904 and the final decree on November 18, 1905. On the theory that his time of one year commenced with the initial decroe London mar ried his new wfe. In accordance with the law he should have waited until November 18, 1906. Machine Is Downed. Senator Piatt of New York, makes the statement that republican party organization , throughout New York state has been transformed into a weak discordant, dissatisfied body lacking confidence in itself and distrustful of its leadership. Plutt said Odell's re tirement is necessary as a consequence of his loss of the "Now York county machine. " Plutt further said the choice of the committee must lie be tween Congressman Olcott and some other man who is as much opposed to Odell and to the county organization subservient to Odell as Olcott. iu the unionist party over the fiscal question, ihe "suggestion" wag looked upon as having leen instigatod by Balfour himself. This is strength ened by the knowledge that previous to the publication of the editorials, Balfour met certain influential per. ,son& .' All present interest now centers in the cabinet meeting tomorrow, at which it is understood the situation will be discussed. Some well in- i formed persons go so far as to say that Balfour will go from the meeting to j the king with the resignations of him self aud tbo cabinet. PRESIDENT APPOINTS MEMBER OF SUPRIME BENCH. Chamberlain Has Filled the Vacancy j With Hon T. G. Hailey of the : I . PnndlAtnn Rar Charles E. . Wolvertou, supreme judge of Orego'i, has betvi appointed by President Rooievelt to be federal judge of the district of Oregon, in place of Charles B. Bisllinger, de ceased. The appointment of Wolvertou came as a surnrise to Orecnti 'ra-m lo in I Iu! national capital, us it was supposed that Judge Buan, also of the, supreme . court of Oregon, won Id be appointed. It is said that Judge Wolverton'e name was not included iu Jibe list of flva n utiles submitted by Seuator Ful ton to the president, and he is there fore considered an independent aud auti-ring man by President Roosevelt. Charles E, Wolvertou, who is now serving his third term ou the supreme bench of Oregouis a native of Linn county, Oregon, aud u Cft years of age. He has nlway been considered a cluau, honest," ruo.uto man and while a staunch lepnbliuan, yet par ticularly free frpm any of the rings or factional fights of the party iu tbo state. ... , ... ... -. Uutil quite recently Wolverton ban not been considered iu the race at all, but all eyes were centered upon Jus tice Bean, who it is said, had almost begun making arrangements to move) t - - frieiids of liis appointment. , HAILEYlBEAPPOiNTMENT. Governor Chainberlnln Places 111m on State Huproine llench. jfTJovernor Chamberlain has appoint ed Thomas G. Hailey of Peudleton, to be supreme judge of Oregon in place of Justice Charles E. Wolverton, who was appointed federal judge, for Ore gon. v-' viio appointment takes effect as soon as Wolverton qualifies for the ; federal judgeship, which will be some time befor the first of tbo year, it is thought j .'. Mr. Hailey, who hus long boeu-e,-leading member of the Pendleton, bar, has the distinction of being the first man from Eastern Oregon to hold a position on the supreme bench since the body has been organized as at pres ent. The term for which Mr. Hailey has been appointed will expire on Jnly 1, 1906. ; He will be the only denio crati6 membr of the suproine court, and his friends are sanguine in the be lief that he will succeed himself. Mr. Hailey is a native of Eastorn Oregon, haviug been born at La Graudo, Union county, Ore., July 13, 1805,; of pionoer parents. He commenced tho study of law in the Peudleton oilico of Cox & Minor in the fall of 1884, after graduating from the Washington aud Leo University at Lexington, Va. In the fall of 1889 he was appointed clerk of the supreme court and held . I 1 1 m . r 1 iuu position iour years. in iou no was appointed depnty district attorney for this district. Mr. Hailey received his party's nomination for circuit judge iu 1896 and was defeated by the republican candidate, Stephen A. Lowell. Iu 1900 he was elected dis trict attorney over Judge J. A. Fee, and has served the people of Pendleton as mayor and sohool direction "1 Thank the I.ordt" , cried Hannah Plant, of Little Rock , Ark., "for the relief I got from Buck leu's Arnica Salve. It cured my fearful running sores, which nothing else would heal, and from which I had suffered five years." It is a nmrvel ous healer for cuts, burns and bruises. Guaranteed at the Palace drug store ; 25o. . ... . ' - ' It yon are troubled with indigestion, constipation, sour storauch, or any other pain, Hollister's Rocky Moun tain Tea will make you woll and keep you well. 85c, Tea or Tablet. Pioneer drug store. For Bale. The desirable piece of real estate on Main street known as the Cardeu property is now offered for sale. For price, apply to Charles Norris, Ath ena, Oregon. tf Man' Ireaoimllenea is often as great as woman's. But Tbos. S. Austin, Mgr. of the "He publican," of Leavenworth, Ind., was not unreasonable when he refused to allow the doctors to operate on hla wife for female trouble. "Instead," be says, "we concluded to try Electiio Bitters. My wife was then bo sick she could hardly leave her bed, and 5 physicians had failed to relieve her. After taking Electric Bitterg she was perfectly cared and can now porforni all her household duties." Guaran teed by Wm. McBride, druggist, price 50a