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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 21, 1905)
AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER. TwIOE-A-WeEK TCESDAT AMD FRIDAY F. B. Botd, Publishes. Entered m aecond.claBS matter, March 1, mi, at the poatofflce at Athena, Oregon, under an Actot Congress of March 8, 1879. Subscription Hats: I'er year, In advance 12.00 Bingleooplei In wrapper!, 5c. ' Advertising Kts: Local reading notice, flrrt Insertion , 10c per hi. EaotunDsequent Insertion, 5c. , All communication! ihonld be addremed to i e PHRSH Athena, Oregon ATHENA, NOVEMBER 12 1905 Apparently the calendar is to be re lied on in everything exocpt a prac tical weather guide and naming the correct date for Thankgiving day. If calendar makers would leave storm periods to be manufactured by the weather man, and the naming of Thanksgiving day to the president and the various governors, their date reg isters would be nearer to perfection. Calendars for 1905 have Nov. 23, the fourth Thursday in the month in big red figures, signifying a holiday, and beneath is printed the words "Thanks giving Day." Evidently calendar makers did not count on the preroga tives of Teddy and Governor Cham berlain and by proclamation the cal endar amendmeut for this occasion looks like proverbial 8D cents.' Gov ernor Chamberlain's Thanksgiving proclamation, signed and dated at Salem, reads: "I, George E. Cham berlain, governor of the state of Ore gon, by virtue of the authority iu me vested, do hereby set apart Thursday, the 80th day of November, A. D. 1905, as a day of Thanksgiving, and I re quest that the people of this magnifi cent commonwealth do on that day abstain from their usual avocations and return thanks to Almighty God for the blessings which he, in his beneficent wisdom, has seen fit to bestow." James H. Gwinn, secretary of the National Livestock association, has brought about peace between the Na tional Livestock association and the American Stookgrowers' association, and on January 80, a joint convention of the two associations will be held iu Denver, where a formal union of foroes will be accomplished. The American Stookgrowers' association bolted from the national association at .the meeting in Denver lust winter and siuce that time has been busily en gaged in building up a great rival as sociation composed principally of cat tlemen of Texas and Colorado. The actual cause of the division was on the admission of railroad and com mission men as members of the nation al association, and siuce it has been demonstrated by the National asso ciation that the bona tide stockmen have control and will dominate the association, to the exclusion of rail road influences, the Aruerioaii asso ciation has agreed to uuite with the old association. Card playing by Portland sooiuty wouiou has ceased to bo a menus of relaxation. With some it hits become a vice, so absorbing, time wasting and soul destroying that the church has had to take cognizanceof it and warn its members against its dangers. Whist, 500, euchre and bridge are no longer innocent amusements, which hostesses employed as p:rt of the after noon's program that include music, reading, conversation and refresh ments. They have become, according to ministers and players, plain games for profit in which the women are said to take advantage of each other in a way that would shock their brothers, and in which they do not play fair. Indeed, a prominent society woman says that the cheating done at some of the soical games would, if praoticed by men in their clubs, result in im mediate expulsion and everlasting dis grace of the offenders. Rev. Bobert Hope and Rev. George B. Vanwaters, leading Episcopal rectors, have united in condemning the social card game evil. If the southern democrats insist upon another term for President Roosevelt and the northern repub lioaus persist iu their admiration of Governor Folk, the insurance com pany managers probably will not es teem it a part of their sacred duty to policy holders to contribute to the campaign funds in 1908, observes an exchange. The portage road at Celilo is prov iug a great ucoess. It has all the traffic it can handle and is certainly proving the Deneflt it was expected to be. There are three boats now run ning on the river above the rapids, and plenty of grain is coming down. Two boats each week load at the lower ter minal with grain for Portland. l The editor of the Irrigon Irrigator says that he will gladly make the sacrifice of going down into his pocket and digging up a big dollar if Senator Mitchell will resign. When the sen ator hears of this he certainly ought to resign. ' It is estimated fully 160,000 head of sheep are being fed in the vicinity of Huntington this season. Hay has been selling at nominal prices and the sheep have commanded the highest prices paid on any market. The indignatiion in the sporting world over the discovery of a painted horse at the Jamaica race track is nothing compared to the resentment manifested toward a number of white washed politicians. Japan is menaced with a rice famine, but so long as she can bor row English money with which to buy Amerion wheat the suffering should not be intense. Long Islanders are quite right in discouraging the hunters. When a deer is found on Long Island it should not be shot It should be housed as a enriosity. - The requirements as to a knowledge of foreign language will keep Amer ican diplomats from being as lonely while abroad as they often are. It is claimed that retail business in Portland is much better than it was a year ago. The fair seems to have been of permanent benefit to Portlaud. ASSKSSMKNT OF FRANCHISES. (Oregouian.) A right or privilege granted by authority of law to operate what is known as a "public utility" as use of a street for a railway, for water or gas mams, or for telephoue lines is kSManoan SEWING MACHINE BARGAINS We have decided to close out our stock of the well known DOMESTIC Sewiug Maohiuas. To those familiar with the Domestio, uo words of praise are needed. To others we will say that the Domestio is one of the old standby. It is made of the very best of materials aud finely fitted and highly tested throughout Unlike machines under expired patents, it con taius most of the modem improvement of real value, among which are the simplex teusiou release; the looper, which enables one to sew with either oue thread stitch or two thread lock stitch; also the five stitch pleater. All parts are adjusted perfectly and ruu easily and noiselessly. Every machine is fully guaranteed both by the factory aud ourselves. Agents usually sttk $05 for them ; somotimes 75. Our price has been f 15, but to close out our prcseut stock, about 20 machines., we offer them at .'12.50 euch nutil sold uo more at this prico when thiia lot is sold. THE DAVIS-KASER CO. Everything to Furnish the Home. 13 11-16-18 20-22 Alder Strwt. WALLA WALLA, WASH. Mail Orders a Specialty Mail Orders a Specialty called a franchise. Such franchises are often very valuable. One has been sold in Portland for the prodigi ous sum of four million dollars. It was a city property, that had cost those who possessed and sold it nothing. There are other franchises in the city, not so valuable, but still of great and growing value. The su preme court of the United States, affirming the judgment of the supreme court'of New York, has held, in a series or decisions, that such Iran cbises are a taxable property. We are not to forget that this is the law of the land. It never will be reversed. States and municipalities will apply it, more and more, Port land should have the vast sum for whioh one of its franchises has been sold, and the property right of this and all the others; and where the city has parted with a franchise for any period, the city should impose a rea sonable tax upon it, as a property For, as the supreme court of the United States has declared, "a fran chise, though intangible, is none the less property, and of times property of great value. Indeed, growing out of the conditions of modern business, a large proportion of valuable property is found to be in intangible things like franchises" For illustration of this truth, let us ask where and what par cel of tangible property in Portland that would sell for anything like $1, 000,000? The law of New York, interpreted by the supreme court of that state, from whose decisions the possessors of the franchises appealed, was carried through chiefly by the efforts of Theo dore Roosevelt, while governor of the state. The main contention of the ap pellants was that when their privi leges were granted certain conditions were exacted, all of whioh had been complied with, in many cases at large cost; hence the franchises were in the naturebf contracts and could be subjected to no further taxation. Here we have precisely the case pre sented in Portland. In all dealings as to franchises these principles are to be kept steadily in mind. Here is a great aggregate property in this city, subject to reasonable taxation. The holders of franchises in the city of New York, after the decisions of the supreme court were announced, had to pay in tb.e enormous Bum of $24, 000,000, back taxes, whioh they had been disputing for years. There are nq back taxes here, on similar ac count, because we have not been as sessing the franchises. But we think such assessment will be neglected no longer. Settle Up. Those k no wine t.hemsplvea to be in debted to Wm. MoBride, of the Pal ace drusr store are reauested to call at the store at once and settle up. Every farmer should have his pri vate stationery, the same as business men. We can print you neat note heads and envelopes at most reason able prices. Send or telephone your orders, or call and examine samples of our work. Son Loit Mother. "Consumption runs in our family, and through it I lost my mother," writes E. B. Reid, of Harmony, Me. For the past five years, however, ou the slightest sign of a cough or cold I have taken Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, which has saved me from serious lung trouble." His mother's death was a sad loss for Mr. Reid but be learned that lung trouble must not be uegleoted, and how to cure it Quickest relief and cure for colds. Prioe 60o and $1. Guaran teed at the Palace drug store. Trial bottle free. Pain may go by the name of rheu matism, neuralgia, lumbago, pleursy. No matter what name the paius are called, Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea will drive them away. 85c, Tea or Tablets. Pioneer drug store. i.So ii Me Oregon Shout Line Vnum Pacific TWO TRAINS EAST DAIY rhroUKh Pullman standard and sleenlni care dally to Omaha, Chicago; tourist sleeping car daily to Kaunaa City; through Pullman tourist Bleeping care, personally conducted, weekly to Chicaeo. with free reehnins chair cars. Ream free, to the east dally irom Peudleton. ABRIVB Dally. 4:53 p. ra. 9.12 a. m. :K a. m. 8; 25 i i TIMB ATHENA. ORE. Kan Mall for Fen- tlleton, LaU ramie, Baker City, and all point eist via Hun tinirton. Ore., Also for Umatilla, Hepp-i ner. The Dalles. Portland. Astoria. Willamette Valley Points. California. Taooraa. Seat! le. all taouna roiuw. Walla Walla. Day ton. Pomeroy. Lew lsion. coital, run-' man, Mfo. the! woer a'Aiene ais-i irkt. Spokane and ail points nortd. 'Special dally WalW wall to Ceiulleloii Intermediate points Special daily from! ivmlieton to Walla Walla & Int. point. DEPART Daily. 1:53 p ru. Mi' a.m. 83 a. m. To Keep Up With the peosperity of our town and to make it possible for Athena people to purchase NICE GIFTS FOR THE HOLLIDAYS I have secured from Eastern factories some very attractive lines that are arriving every week. I will tell you about them and make suggestions in my advertising space. ROYAL M. SAWTELL Jeweler : Athena PETERSON & PETERSON, - Attorneys-at-Law A1HENA, OREGON. J. D. PLAMONDOK PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office in Barrett Building, - - Athena, Oregon Dr. A. B. Stone. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Calls answered promptly day or night Office in Post Building,' Athena, Oregon S. F. Sharp PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Special attention given to Female Diseases. Calls promptly answered. Office on Third Street, Athena, Oregor JOHN T. WOOD.M. D. Graduate Detroit Col lege of Medicine : : : Office Opposite McBride's Drug Store. THE PALACE DRUGSTORE WM. M'BRIDE, Proprietor. South Side Main Street, Athena, Ore. You know your doctor is all right, but how about the tilling of prescriptions? Our Prescriptions are precisely as the doctor ordered nothing more, nothing less and always exactly right. Troy Laundry ? Walla Walla, Wash. Elmer Lane, Agunt in Athena Work Guaranteed Washings are calif i for each Tues day and are retun.i d Friday morning BLACKSMITH AND REPAIRING SHOP A. H. LUNA, Proprietor. -, . ... i ... Shop West of King's Barn, Athena. THE ST. NICHOLS HOTEL f J. E. FROOME. prop. Only First-class Hotel in " I I If P ) ii Cleanliness is Next to Godliness You will always look clean if your laundry comes from our first class laundry. Only best work is turned out by us, and if you have never tried our work send us a trial order. . Our superior facilities, our modern machinery, and our experienced help, make a uniform ity of goodness in all laundry, that comes from us. SEND US THAT NEXT BUNDLE., ". Our wagon will call for and deliver the work to you in the superior man -ner which in Pendleton it is for us only to do. ' Pendleton Steam Laandry FISHMAN & PETERS, Proprietors CHARLES GAY, - " ATHENA AGENT f CONTRACTING AND BUILDING Hereafter I will engage in Contracting and building in all its branches. I am in a position to carry on this line of business in a thorough and satisfactory manner, in connection with my Lumber Yard. I will employ the best Workmen money can secure, and before you let your contract it will pay you to get my figures. - ' 5 A. M. CILLIS, PROPRIETOR, THE CILLIS LUMBER YARD! Peebler& Chamberlain Successors to the Umatilla Implement Co. j Agricultural Implements WAGONS, CARRIAGES, ENGINES, MACHINERY, THRESHERS ETC. ATHENA. OREGON. W PARKER 1 ' 'O. t Y ' & LAKE'S 'f 'Z' ;m BARBER SHOP -I- " Everything Klrl ' 'I---1"' !j ' Clana - Modem ' l i '' . i and Pp-to - d a I tlS ' ' j V , SOUTH SID KA!H I STREET ATHEKA. OHA.RLES GAY ...Dealer, in... - Candies, Nuts, Fruits, TobaccosCigars KRESH BREAD, PIKS. CAKES, ETC. 7"" It lha I - . wLS . dccommodata 'elen. T 6;i) p. rt. U. W. Smith A cent Co cleD and mi. 's . t "vor. Umatilla Lumber Yard Ed Barrett, Manager. Building Material Lumber. Shingles, Sash, Doors, Paints, Oils, Glass, Wall Paper, Building Paper, Brick, etc. , Special inducements on orders for carload lots. . Fence posts in quantities to suit. : ; : : : Roslyn Coal, Puget Sound Wood CONTRACTING. ESTIMATES FURNISED ON ALL KINDS OF BUILDING ON SHORT NOTIFICATION it.-- 0 r i t-