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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 17, 1905)
VOLUME XVII, ATHENA, UMATILLA COUNTY. OREGON, "FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 17. 1905. NUMBER SO. ED. MANASSE " 'Just received by express a consignment of LADIES' WAISTS IN SILK AND WOOL EMPIRE In Brown, Tan NOVELTY SHOPPING BAGS, I FANCY RIBBONS Etc. ED. MANASSE Agent for Butterick's Patterns. ... HEATERS and RANGES COX 8, M'EWEN SOUTH SIDE MAIN STREET. ATHENA. OREGON Slices J Shoes mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmB , .a i i , ., , .,ii,, 1 lince Meat for Pies JL IT, - tS -M DELL BROTHERS WRAPS and Green All styles and sizes for all kinds of fuel ELY & SCOTT Shoes Wanted. Every man and boy to examine Our Shoes before buying Elsewhere ELY & SCOTT Well Yes, and ; and lC6 CATERERS TO THE PUBLIC IN GOOD TH1NG3 TO EAT HUNTS FOR THEM OFFICERS OF PORTLAND TRACK RUNAWAY COUPLE. Man Has Wife and Child In Seattle Woman Has Husband and Two . Children In Portland- Officer .Jouley, of Portland, wbb in town Wednesday night and left yester day morning for Helix in search of Stanley Allison, traveling with an alias and another man's wife. Alli loi has a wife and one child in Seat tle, and the woman. Mrs. Willis ' n husband and two children at Portland. Allison . worked in the harvest fields of this oonnty during the past season, while Mrs. Willis labored in the hon yards in the valley. Harvest over Allison went to where, the woman was employed and thev eloned. Inn vino their respective families , iu the dark as to their whereabouts for some time. Finally it was learned that tha guilty pair had drifted to Eastern Oregon, and it has been ascertained that they reoeived mail at Helix about two weeks ago, 'n Local offloers could not give Offloar Couley any information, for the reason that the couole has not been in Athn. na, or if they were, they made their visit a snort One and nassed on. . Mr. Willis, the wronged husband is deter mined to have the pair apprehended, and Eastern Oregon authorities are keeping a strict looRout. for them. L,,. ? The Couple Captured. Pendleton. Nov. v 17. Allison and Mrs. Willis were captured at Helix and taken to Pendleton last nicht. ' Aa soon as officer Conley arrives in Port land with the tirisoners. thev will ha taken to Hillsboro, the former home of Mrs. Willis, where criminal aotion will be commenced against them. A charge of adultery . will be placed against the couple. Man'i ITnreuaouaulenesa is often as great as woman's. But Thos. S. Austin, Mgr. of the "Re publican, of Leavenworth, Ind., was not unreasonable when he refused to allow the doctors to operate on his wire lor iemale trouble. "Instead," he says, "we concluded to trv Electric Bitters. My wife was then so sick she could hardly leave her bed, and 5 physicians had failed to relieve her. After taking Electric Bitters aha was perfectly cured and can now perform all her household duties. " Guaran teed by Wm. MoBride, druggist, price 50c. ?ri Athf Shoes 1 X SENTENCE SUSPENDED- George Ireland and A. J, Kelly, Free water Saloonkeeper, Kican Penalty Tuesday afternoon A. J. Kelly and George Ireland, against whom charg es were mude some time ago for vio lating the local option law iu Free water, which is iu North Milton precinct were fined $75 each and sen tenced to serve twenty days in the county jail, says the Tribune. Ire laud and Kelley were represented by Attorney Winters while District At torney Phelps took up the case in be' half of the state. - Mr.' Winters informed the court that the defendants had kept their saloons open upon the advice of lawyers and that under the circumstances he be lieved that they should not be wade to suffer the penalty of the charge and asked the sentence be suspended. A large number of Freewater residents signed a petition, which was submit ted to the court, asking that the in dividuals be dealt with as leuiendy as possible. ,.-,OT,.. . Judge Ellis accordingly suspended sentence for the time being but if the persons violate the law the second time the court will not be inclined to hn lenient with them. ' Mining Pioneer Dead. ' J. J, Toler. oue of tha Imat. known ' pioneers in Idaho county, died at his ' nome in this city this moruiug. Death was due to pneumonia, from which the deceased had been sufferiug the past week. The funeral will (in held Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Mr.- loier was the discoverer of the Goff placer mines, which aratha rich est iu Idaho. A short time . ago be sold a half interest in the Mill creek placer mine to Theodore Parks for $10,000. He was unmarried, and so far as known has no relatives in this part of the country. The deceased was quite wealth? and lett a will which will be opened by his attorneys to morrow. urangevuie Free Press. Forestry Awards In the forestry awards of the Lewis and Clark fair, th'e states of Oregon and Washington were victorious in leading all other seotions in the, ex hibits at the Lewis and Clark exrjo- eition. Oregon received 67 cold. 12 silver and seven bronze medals and seven honorable mention; Washington So gold and 10 silver medals; Califor nia 8 cold and 5 silver medals : Louis iana, two gold, one silver and two bronze; one gold medal each to New York, Michigan. Colorado. Canada. England and (jueeulaud. An Injun Horsethief. William Liffht one of the radnldns who stole a horse from a hitching rack in Athena several mouths ago and who has been a fugitive ever since, is at last behind the bars of the county jail. Light is accused of being implicated with Charlie Luke in the theft of a horse belonging to Louis Keen. He is an old offender, having served a term in the pen for Horsestealing. Poultry Fancier Here. -Mr. J. M. Garrison, proprietor of the Forest Grove Poultry Yards, was in town yesterday. Mr. Garrison makes a specialty of breeding Barred Plymouth Bocks, Silver Wyandottes and Brown Leghorns. He established his poultry yards at Forest Grove in 1877, and has done as much or more than any one man iu the interest of poultry raising on the Pacific coast. Echo Citizens Protest. A mass meeting of citizens was held at Echo Monday night protesting against Secretary Hitchcock's rejec tion of the East Umatilla irrigation project. Strong resolutions favorinir reclamation were passed and men will I be sent to Washington. The Oregon j jueveiopmeut League will be asked to take up the question in Oregou. Fruit Growers wm Meet. The annual convention of the North west Fruit Growers' Association is to be held in LaGrande on January 8 and will be in session for two days. It is expected that the meeting will be attended by several hundred dele gates from all parts of the Northwest. A very interesting program has been arranged. 0. R. & X Pendleton, November 18. Seventy eight thousand, five hundred and thirty , eight dollars " and eighteen cents was paid over to ' Sheriff Tay lor this morning by the O. R. & N. Company in settlement of . their back taxes as per the agreement reached last Saturday between the county court and representatives of the com pany. The above payment was made by Colonel J. H. Raley, local attorney for the company and it is the largest 4JT1 m if mnnav Ka .v.. 3 ....... i A m.uuj kuuM j m .-j cfoi Kucxj ymw jinto the county at any one time. The amount paid this morning was rtho tax of the roadbed alone, of KILLED A "BAD MAN." " Terror oftlie Neighborhood of Detroit Was Finally Shot. . What appears to be a case of just ifiable homicide occurred at Detroit, Ore., when a logger named Fidler shot and killed D. Hedges, known all over that part of the oountry as a "bad man" and a bully. Hedges had been drinking and when he returned to the camp oegan aousing the men. The boss arroeared and ha cava him fnr f nl threshing Hedges next went f into tbe kitchen where Mrs. Fidler was cooking, and attacked her. She fought i as best she could and he tired two j shots at her. Her husband was in the next room and came out with a Win hastier rifln . ' Rod r . -wugfc,w 4iuuivuiavuj began begging for his life, aud Fidler reientea ana told him to go. As he started Hedges tried to shoot Fidler, but Fidler got the drop ou him and shot him through the head. Hedges is a bully, and as he was a powerful man was usually enabled to iutimidate his oppouents. It is thought nothing will be doue to Fidler as the whole neighborhood is glad he killed the "bad man." Opera House, Tuesday Night- ':. The Adams Sisters, among the most interesting and popular entertainers before the public, will give au enter tainment at the opera house iu this city next Tuesday evening. Songs, ! read ings, dialogues and beautif nl tableaux are among the prominent features of the entertainment.. The Adams Sis ters give universal satisfaction where ever they appear and the production they give is aooorded by one and all as being first class in every particular. Seats will be found on sale at Doll Bros. ' , Will Enforce Regulations "Unless the rigid enforcement of the regulations governiug the 'Indians can be called a radical change in the conduct of the Umatilla Indian res ervation, there will be no radical change under my regime," says Major O. C. Edwards who has succeeded Major MoKoin as agent of - the Uma tilla Indian , reservation. The new agent came to Oregon from Horton, Kan., where he was agent for the Kiokapoo reservation. . Driving Out the Toughs. Pendleton is following the lead of other Northwest cities in driving out. the undesirable characters infesting the lodging houses of that city. Five men and women were rounded up by the police and ordered to leave the city immediately. These characters had no visible means of support and were threatened with vagrancy charges. ' A Double Wedding;. . Rev. G. W. Rigby, well known in Atheua, still has a ' penohant for marrying people. Wednesday eveuing in Pendleton, he performed the cere monies of a double wedding. The happy couples were Miss Bhoda Rhodes aud Charles O'Neil, and Miss Nellie Blackburn and Otto Voll ner, all of Pendleton. Gymnasium for Milton. The merchants and young men of Mitloti have organized a reading room aud gymnasium, having already se cured $100 toward purchasing ap paratus. Students at Columbia Col lege will be given the privilege of usiug the gymnasium. School Teacher Wanted. A school teacher is needed at Izee, Grant county, Oregon. Teachers wishing a winter school may apply to Ida Brisbois, at Izee, who will give all desired information regarding this school. Work Has Commenced. W. S. Mulligan, who has a contract to build 15 miles of grade from the Umatilla ferry down the north bank of the river, has a large force of men and teams at work. Street Sprinkling. Pendleton streets have become dusty to the extent that sprinkling has been resorted to. This time of the year, generally speaking, the street sprinkler is cached under the shed. Pays County which there are 166.40 miles in the county, which at a valuation of $10, 000 per mile amounts to $1,664,000. The amount of the roadbed tax for 1903 was $42,181.89 and for 1901, $38,735.18. This made a total of $78,917.07. However, from that sum $383.65 was deducted for the amount which was rebated the county for the penalty which they had paid ou their tax other than the roadbed. In the final settlement Saturday this was consented to by the county court while the railroad company, through Colonel Ealey, agreed to the payment of the one per cent a mouth interest ou that portion of the company's tax. CONTEST FOR LAND MANY LAND CASES FILED At WALLA WALLA. As Great a Number as Homestead and : Timber Entries Combined. Most AreExparte. Ten contest cases were filed iu the Walla Walla land office yesterday. says the Union,. which makes a total number of oases now pending in the neighborhood of 150. There are as many if not more' con tests being filed than original home stead entries combined, which can be accounted for by the fact that all of the best land in the district has beeu fll6d upon in former years, and those who are at present in search of land are searching , out the records and watching those who have not yet proved up, or having proved up were delinquent in their compliance with the law, in an effort to got a good piece of laud. A large part of the coutesbi are exparte, from the mere fact that the ooutestee realizes that he bus not complied with the law and can see no reason for making a fight Tna rnoniir. unMvifv in puilrnuii building circles has oaused a good sized rush into the heretofore unde veloped parts of the state of Washing ton, each person having an eye to securing a piece of land. . Attempts were made and in nianv cases apparent title has been secured to large sections of land ' by persons who have made no effort to comply with the requirements of the home stead law. It is these traots of land that the latter day settler is looking up through contests in the land office and in many cases he is entirely suc cessful in his quest. DEMAND FOR FREAK PONIES. Are Taken From Vuiatilla County and Crusted With Shetland. ' - Umatilla county ponies are in de- maud in California, where they are crossed with Shetland ponies and pro duce docile, gentle, moderate sized animals which are aduptable for polo ponies, basket buggies, small phaotons and other rigs. ; One hundred head of all colors of the rainbow have already boen sent to Santa Barbara. Mr. Shipley, the owner of the Cal ifornia ranch is uow in Pendleton selecting a carload of the small Indian pomes. He is hunting for freaks, pintos, mouse colored, speckled ponies and other oddities, iu the hope that they will produce freak Shetland pouies, when crossed with the Shet land stallions. The demand for the freaks is growing greater every year and the Umatilla Indian pony, being a distinct breed is adaptable for the purpose. TWO INJURED IN WRECK- W. &C.K. Mixed Train Strike Hon add Ooii Into Ditch. ' Wednesday eveuing the W. & C. li. mixed train bound from Pendleton to Pasco, was wrecked near McCormach station, located at the top of the grade, northeast of Pendleton. The train bad reached the top of the grade and was gaining speed on tbo other side, when the engine struck u horse at a road crossing The ponderous machine Went into the ditch, carrying three loaded wheat cars with it. The engine turned completely over, and escaping steam seriously scalded Engineer Smith and fireman, Sid Johnson. r Charles Gay of this city, who wan on the train at the time of the wreck, escaped without injury, and returned home yesterday morning. Passengein and uninjured members of the train crew pushed the coach back to the top of the grade, aud coasted back to Pendleton, where the engineer and fireman received medical attention. Settle Up. Those knowing themselves to be in debted to Wm. McBride, of the Pal ace drug store are requested to call at the store at once and settle up. Every farmer should have bis pri vate stationery, the same as business men. We can print you neat note heads and envelopes at most reason able prices. Send or telephone your orders, or call and examine samples of our work. For Bale. - The desirable piece of reul estate ou Main street known as the Cardeu property is now offered for gale. For price, apply to Charles Norris, Ath ena, Oregon. - tf If yon are troubled with indigestion, constipation, sour stomach, or any other pain, Hollister's Rocky Moun tain Tea will make yon well and keep you, well. 85c, Tea or Tablets. Pioneer drug store. V