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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 21, 1905)
DQFT DEG-ET The Offering of 10 per cent Ends Saturday Night For further particulars see Tuesday's isiue of this paper. Suits Altered Perfectly or Your V Money Back. Mi f, we are tne only exclusive . store m Walla Walla e send our buyer twice a year to New York City to V' get the latest styles. ' . . YOU BUY IT HERE IT'S GOOD Next Week we Start our Annual ; Thanksgiving Sale AT UN APPROACH A BLY LOW PRICES. If you have not purchased 3'our wearing apparel ; t now is your opportunity, . VALLA WALLA M I SI BE 24 EAST MAIN STREET Walk up the right hand Bide of Main street until you see us. li AND ADAMS "MS FROM OUR 3WNS. Personal Men-deader .v Ton. ."Tt; hAdmni left Sunday for . 1 ouotoiou, wuere iiv wiu intuitu Ltiriicrrt college. 'Five rural telephone liuos coutoring , t Weslou have neon connected with Dr.. (Jaslmtt's Huuitnrinni, putting this institution in close . touch with : the Country for Miles iu every direction, .. Jolm Thompson, a well kuowu stook- mutt of the UnititiUu river, has moved , to Weston with hia family iu order to '. ylu'.s Lin child rou iu the public school. .They hit vo routed u house on Broad street " " , i J. : N. York brought in ouoof hia limit) ninth broiizo turkeys the other day for ThHuksisviuK dinner iu" the household of Postmaster Hiiker. The fnT weighed about 27 .pounds, aud would make a j;ood moid for the giant that Jack killed. . , Lewis II. Dowd of Wisconsin is vis itii,; ut tho homo of hia brother, H. A. Powd, near Westou. Sir. Dowd litis disposed of his fiirmiuR interests 311 "WiHcoiisin and nmv locale in the Wo-lou country, following the ex- ainplo of his brother,, who fiuda this a very jileiuntnt legion. Wcslou will have a Iwsket bull team, , afiuilable court having boon secured for pi notion work. There is some .ex cellent material here, sufficient to a'fonl a little excitement for the fast u r.'-a tlott the Pendleton .jf-ommereiftl oiuliou has put i it the Held. Duo of the pretlioMt farm homes oa '.horse creek is jiiMt being com. ' ;. 1 for J. A. Kit: by James Ash s(v!j. It is si nine" room house 28 v.-: f jii.ire, with h 'T" HxI8 feet. ....1 .i.).l ! itwirl liv fiir iirfuL H v'l-itttKH cot about fUOO when Hene from Tboru er his potato Tustiugs is now ho tins pur chased aud leased near Thornton, and will remain there several years, hav ing placed tenants on his farm east of Weston. He says that Palonse farm ers are still threshing wheat damaged by the raiu, for which they receive abont 40 cents a bushel. The delayed harvest is scarcely their fault, as many maohines annually come in from the Walla Walla country which were of course expected this year, but not oue showed up. Even had the Palouse farmers bought machines they could not have secured crews. Mr. Hastings is now comfortably located in his new home aud is well satisfied with his prospects. Adams. (Advance.) The school reporter says this week the following names were added to the roll: Myrtle and Florence Simpson, Mamie Smith aud Harry Swisher. C. D. Watrus, who has been looking over the Idaho country for the past two weeks, returned home Sunday for the day. He is not located auywhere yet Mrs. Mary Prico and Frauk Xieu alleu are spending this week at their farms on Birch creek south of Peudle tou, looking after the plantiug of their fall crop. . . Mr. aud Mrs. E. II. Swisher lotnrned from the Cambridge, Idaho, country Tuesday aud will eiond the winter iu this vicinity as they want their child ren to have advantage of the public school at this place. . Don't forget that a mass meeting is called for tonight nt the city hall for tho purpose of nominating a ticket for the eouiiug city election. Everybody interested in getting office or in hav ing some friend put iu office had bet ter be present. ' Athena is now iu tho field with a football team and expects to hang their wigwam foil of the scalps of the teams from the northwest They may do it, for all remember bow success ful they were iu the line of baseball. When they begin they "play ball" at least. Charles Stevens, formerly & resident of Adams, is visiting friends in the city again for a short time. For severs! years he has been ia the em ploy of the Portland Street Ky. Co., but he became wearied of that work and la now ou his way to Wyoming, where his iwreuts reside, and where he will probably locate. Mrs. Aunie Kidwell, of Walla Walla, came down Saturday evening to assist .m caring lor her uiotner, Mrs. x. U Riod, who was taken eud denly ill, and as there was some fear of an attack of typhoid. Mrs. Kid well had her removed to Walla Walla where she now ia. She was some better at the last account . "1 Thank th I.ord!" cried Hannah Plant, of Little Rock, Ark. , "for the relief I got from Buck len's Arnica Salve. It cured' my fearful running sores, which nothing else would beal, and from which I had suffered five years." It is a marvel ous healer for cuts, burns and bruises. Guaranteed at the Palace drug store; 25o. - . Notice to Creditors. In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Umatilla County. In the matter of the estate of Mary J. Frakes, deceased. Notice is hereby given to all per sons whom it ma concern that Min nie M. Willaby has been appointed and qualified as executrix of the estate of Mary J. Frakes, deceased, by order of the County Court of Umatilla County, Oregon, duly made and enter ed on the 17th day of October, A. D. 1905. All persons having claims against the said estate are hereby notified and required to present them, with proper vouchers therefor, to Peterson & Peterson, her attorneys, at Athena, Oregon, within six months from the date of the first publication of this notice, which said first publi cation will be made by order of said court, on Tuesday the 24th day of Oo tober, 1905, and the last publication on Tuesday the 21st day of Novem ber, 1905. Minnie M. Willaby, - Executrix. Petergon & Peterson, Attys. for Estate. Notice to Creditor!. In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Umatilla County. In the matter of the estate of Samuel Ward, deceased. Notice is hereby given to all persons whom it may concern that the under signed was duly appointed adminis trator of the estate of Samuel Ward, deoeased, by order of the County Court of Umatilla County, Oregon, on the 17th day of October, A. D. 1905. All persons having claims against the said estate are hereby notified and required to present them to me, with proper vouchers therefor, within six mouths from the date of this notice, at my office in Athena, Umatilla coun ty, Oregon. The first date of the pub lication of this notice is, by order of the said court, Tuesday the 24th day of October, 1905, and the last publica tion will be made on Tuesday the 21st day of November. A. D. 1905. Peterson & Peterson, David Taylor, Attys. for Estate. Administrator. The Indian never liked work but he wanted his squaw to get well a soon as possiulo so tlmt she could do the work ana let mm hunt, therefore ho dug papoose root for her, for thut was their freat remedy for enule weak nesses. Dr. Pierce uses the same root called Blue Co hosh in his" Fa- vorito Prescrip tion" skillfully combined with other agents that make it more effective and protect tho stomach from functional disturbance. Dn. I'ikrck's Favomtk Prkbcription is not nor evor was a "patent medicine," but it is the carefully wrought out and thoroughly tested rail prescription of a rwl pi)sfi:f.mi In a mil nruvtbe. Dr. Pierce's unparalleled success with this remedy was such that more wanted to use it than any one doctor could attend to in a private practice. This induced him to manufacture it on a sufficiently liberal scale to meet the demand. Uy his own special processes, he ex tracts, eomhines and preserves the medi cinal qualities of the several ingredients without the use of alcohol (using chem ically pure glycerine instead), thns ren dering it absolutely safe for any woman of any age and in any condition to use freely. The names of tlio Ingredients are: Lady's Slipper root, Black Cohosh root. Unicorn root, Iiluo Cohosh root and Golden Seal root. - Miss May Rohrback, No. 73 Amsterdam Avenue. New York City, Treasurer of the .Woman's Progressive Union, writes : "I liful hendai'he, backache. and was very nervous s scarcely able to sleep more than wo horn's at a time. I was advised to try Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, and was delimited with the result. Within a week I was sleeptnir splendidly. Continued using the ' Favorite Prescription ' for debt weeks, and then stopped, for I was ptrfertly well. Ever since then your medicine has leen mu 'Favorite Prescription,' loo. I recommend It to every one." . Constipation although a little 111, be gets big ones it neglected. Dr. Plcrce'i i'lcasunt Pellets cure constipation. Publlo Notice. Notice is hereby given tbat I will apply to the Mayor and common council of the city ot Athena, Oregon, at a meeting tnereof to be held on the 5th day of lHw. MV, for a license to sell spirituous, malt and vinous liquors in less quantitie than one quart, said liquors to be sold only in a building situated on the 'east one-half of lot No. 8, iu block a, of said city. J. W. lavis, "Dated Nov. 3, 1D05. Applkum. A. L. JONES WANTS ALL KINDS OF HAULING Goods taken best care of and carefully hand led. Phone 13 for Express and Baggage. L. M'LACIILAN PLASTERING AMD CEMENT WORK, CISTERN BUILDER Leave orders at G ill's' Lumber Yard. Satisfaction Guaranteed. LA HUE MILLINERY GO We inske a specialty of Hats Made to Order CAR DEN BUILDING (NofthSiJe Main St., :: Athena, Ore. "WHITE GHOSTS OF DEATH" CONSUMPTION and PNEUMONIA are prevented and cured by the greatest of all, and strictly scientific remedy for Throat and Lung Troubles, Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, La Grippe, etc., viz : DR. KISWS ri!!?TO7 UVJ mm For COilSUMPTIOil, COUGHS o GOLDS Cared of Pneumonia After Doctors Failed. MI had been ill for some time with Pneumonia," writes J. W. McKinnon of Talladega Springs, Ala., "and was under the care of two doetors, hut grew no better until I tried Dr. King's New Discovery. The first dose gave relief, and, by continuing its use, I was perfectly cured." V rV,S CTTRIflL DOTTLES FREEw 50c JRGCOBIHBMDED, GUARANTEED f AND 8OX.D BV THE PALACE DRUG STORE THE WRIGHT LIVERY AND FEED STABLE gjcs0 GSSCSSS CsCSS-""! i ATT '3 i COOD HORSES AND RIGS. REASONABLE PRICES DRIVER FURNISHED WHEN DESIRED-' Horses boarded by the day, week or month Stables on 2nd street, South of Main street J. F. Wright, - - - Proprietor- First National Dank of Athena - ' ' ' & ! v CAPITAL STOCK. . . ....... $50,000 ! SURPLUS,.. 12,500 Propei attention given to collections. Deals in foreign and domestic ex change Fire and burglar-proof vaults and safes no charge , for keeping your valuable papers. H.G. Adams, President. T.J Kirk, Vice-President, O. A oarrett. I P. E. Oolburn, VDIreotors IT. 8. IeGrow, ) F. S. Lb (iaow, Cashier, I. M. Kemp, Assistant Cashier Ik ... - . .. . . . ra rao irvv rim tnfm lu.ii C. A. m. ft IS OT yyy u INCORPORATED. I endee Brushes SAVES THE HAIR FROM DANDRUFF For the Human and the Horse; for Floors and the Dishes Hardware Stock is Complete r . We Are lere To Sal' WnftiHi VS . Vs. .T . Sf Jff: iff f- -.- Clothes and Furnishings to you. They are good clothes-Stein-Bloch-and good Furnishings, but before you put faith in them, you must have faith in us. The only way to do this is to know us. Come in today or tomorrow, on the way to office or home therefrom. You need not buy. Just look. We shall be glad to see you, for we want to be friends. Come in. r rj nn 11 : . fcy U til! b Wtf WALLA WALLA, M I 11 1 i m ia f WASHINGTON