Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 15, 1900)
t I 1 J Take vour skoea to Hackett for good work and right prices. Gardea Veeds, Grass Bswds, Cypress Seed, etc., at Piae’e. J. E. who ha® l»een down from Dr. Flanagaa, Carl Phelps has resigned ibe post- Ashlaud, .wanned Sunday. Resident Dentist. master ship st Gold Hill. H C Bryson, tbe attorney, ha® gon«' Shoes repaired at Hackett's. Farmers, take your team* to Harper* to eastern Oregon where he intend« to C. 8lLouie for watch repairing. new brick feed slable on K. street. locale. During the season of fasting from Whips, 1ft- to $2.50 at Hackett's. The Bon Ton dancing club has ar Mr®. Ferrier, of Aahland who ha® been meat, we carry an extra large stock 20 per cent Discount on Pocket Knives. ranged to bold meetings each Saturday visiting tier« returned to AshlanJ Mon- Quality and sali.faction Uueranterd evening in Clemens' ball. of all kinds of day morning. at Pike's. Those wishing to buy farm or city Mr and Mr®. J. C. Campbell are VI y-ii I... If you want Dried fruit: Go to Pike'» 1 property, will de «ell to call on Joe i expected toon to return front the city, Moss, THE Real Estate Agent. to remain in Granta l'a®«. Of best quality and perfect condi Cash Grocry. W. T. Raamea has t**en appointed Patton's Sunproof Paint, warranted for Second Hand Piano for refe cheap. tion, including Nansen’s Celebrated Inquire of J. Moes. postma»ter at Gold Hill. Mr Kearnes is 5yrs. sold by Cramer Bros. Smoked Sardines in oil and Broiled Harness of all Kinde, tirade« and Rev Father Hickey will bold services a «on of Hon. Thus Kearnes, of Jackson* Mackerel (soused in spices). Prices at Hackett’s. in St.Anne’s church at 9: 45 next Sun . ville. Wild, of tbe C ovbikb force, went nil r D V photographer day and will deliver a lecture on the! to Ivan ALSO, REMEMBER Ashland Tuesday evening, to epend a 1 fl L. D I Opp. Court House. significance ol Lent. II few days at home. Tbe Oregon delegation, 26 strong, of j You all know 8cott Gritfin put the W. F. Horn and Geo. Binns went to the National Editorial convention, will price oil Flour below 75cta a sack. Gold Hill Tuesday. to examine same Don’t buy Dried Fruit until you see pass through here Sunday morning on ' taming property in that section. NOTHING FINER THAN Pike's Display and get bis prices. Quan tbe regular train, bound lor New Orleans, Rea W. Bvnson returned Friday from i They will be joined here by Arthur Chase&SanbornsCelebrated and Coffee tity and Quality alwave considered. ! Conklin, who is one of the delegate* to Portland where he ha® been a® a dele* If you have not used it ask for a sample. We sell lots of it, there Pike 1» making a drive on Canned gate to tbe Oregon league of republican I tbe convention. Goode. Better see him before buying fore it is always fresh. 1 club«. I Cut Nails for 4 cents a pound — Cramer , Price by the Case very cheap Royal Gem Tea is another leader that we are proud of. New, fresh W. M. Cruikshank, of Minneapolis, ! Bros. Minnesota, ia here visiting with bi« and with a flavor tbit is all it's own. Sam pics cheerfully furnished 0.1 Dr. Evans, oculist-optician, office at Dr. Lowe is coining soon. The wise family, and expect« to remain about a residence. All cases of defective vision application corrected, including astigmatism. who need glasses will «ait for him. For cheap Coffee our 10c Rio Siftings is the equal of any 15c pack My Cow gives lots of milk and butter, Spray Pump- and Fittings, at Cramer i week. Mra E. L. Gray arrive»! her« laat age Coffee. 1 feed her all the Alfalfa bay ehs will sat. ! Bros. week from Junction, and Mr. and Mr® 1 buy the beet. Scott Gritfin has the Cramer Bro®, have juat received one Gray will make their residence at thia beet Alfalfa I ever saw. third of a cai-load ot sewer-pipe and place. Mrs. Dr. Moore,of Portland, who ha^ 15 per cent Discount on decorated cbimney-pipe. Sixth Opposite P. Crockery, at Cramer Bros. In some of tbe flower garden® in been here visiting with tbe family of Dr. Caeli paid for old Rubber,Copper,Brass Granta Pa®®, the crocuses are blooming. J. B. Moore ot eur city, returned on • and Zinc at Marshall’s second hand store Some varieties of tbe little wild flower® Tue®«lay evening. I. K. Bradley, of Silver Lake, Oregon, on Front street, opposite the Round have been in bloom for two week®, evei House. Grants Paes. since the last of January. The weather 1® here visiting with realilives and ex* The California Rose Co., Los Angelos, has been mild and spring like, just a peels to remain about a week. F. W. Chausee returned Thursday Cal are head quarters of the coset for little more ®o than we generally expect nice field grown 9oee bushes. All the at this time. This winter ha® lieen morning from Portland, where he ha« latest and best sorts. Send for a cata different froui tbe ordinary ia the been attending the meeting® of tbe copiousness of the rainfall and the Oregon league of republican club« aud logue today. If you want extra Burbank Potatoes smaller amount of frosty weather, the republican editorial association. i These balmy day® give u® 'he spring go to Pike's. Will Johnson is in town again after i fever. We Vould like to do nothing Red Top Clover seed, Utah rec-leaned but walk around wi»h a camera and putting in thiee month® at the A A B mine at Galice. Thia company have Alfalfa seed, Timothy seed, Willamette record the beauties of the landscape. just succeeded in gelling their big ditch Valley Tame cheat seed, Winter Oats We have received No. 1, Vol. 1, of the open again, removing a colossal land and Wheat al Scott Griffin’s Roseburg Oracle* issued by the Rose slide, and finished their work of fluming A Bret class line ol goods always on burg Book and Job Printing company ol hand at Pike's, you will bs pleased if Roseburg. It make® a modest beginning last Friday. Louis biver®, of Winter, »as in town you buy your Grocries of him. but intend® to enlarge and sxpand from on Wednesday and made tbe Cui kink » VVe will give away the elegantly finished We are closing out our decorated week to week. pleasant call. Mr. Hiver» is the onion patterns in semi porcelain at If per cent Nickle Plated Chilled Plow, The famous “Poet of the Sierra®/’ King of Southern Oregon, and has discount—Cramer Bros. Joaquin Miller, will tell of hi® Arctic ex raised, so he inform® us, 21,000 pound® Now on exhibition in our corner window. No one is On a list, published in tbe Oregonian, perience® at the opera house on Feb on a half-acre of ground on bi® farm. of those who have made the beet advance ruary, 21. barred, everybody has an equal chance, as’; f ir particulars. A B. Hopkins, of Kerby, who ha® for ment in the preparatory department of A considerable amount of new tnachin some time been engaged in the mining the Bishop Scott academy, the name of ery ha® been procured for tbe gold dredge business in that vicinity and near Waldo, Joe Thompson of this place appears, with ‘‘Josephine’', near Waldo, and that plant came over last week to Grants Pas®, in only t«o names ahead of hie. will probably resume operation® in about ill health, and ha® gone tor treatment to At an election held in Yreka, to vote a week. The only trouble so far ha® the Portland hospital. on the question of bonding the the town been that certain portion® of the inacbiri ODD FELLOWS BLOCK. L. L. Jewell and family returned last in the sum of $70,003 lor water works, I ery have not been strong enough to stand Wednesday from their extends»! visit to HARDWARE. GARLAND STOVES. the proposition carried by a vote of 177 . tbe strain to which they were subjected, the east and have taken up their abode to 55. which necessitated their replacement by in Grants Pas®. Mr. and Mr®. Jewell If you want Terra Cotta chimney Pipe, wtronger machinery, with consequent are both looking well and have enjoyed MARBLE GRANITE call on Cramer Bros. They have what delay and euspenison of operations. their trip. They are, however, g'ad le be «J. B. FADDOCK, FROFR. you want. The dredging and hoisting of gravel re home again. There is no place like A possible small pox case is reported quires machinery of tremendous power home especially if that home is in Grant® I am prepared to furnish anything in the line of Cemetery ««rk in any kind N in town and the schools have been and slrength and if there i® a weak place Pae®. of MARBLE or GRANITE. Mr. and Mr®. A. E. Voorhies have Nearly thirty years of experience in tbe Mxrble business warrants my saving closed and ttie case quarantined until anywhere, it is sure to make it® presence further development, The sick man is known. Dredging machinery, like tbe received invitation« to attend the bun that I can fill your orders in the very best manner. Can furnish work in Scotch, Swede or American Granite o. any kind of a Mr. Johnson, lately arrived here from deacon® “one hos® shay’’, should be dredth anniversary of the birthday of Baker county. Tbe report ha® been made with it® weak spot just a® strong Mrs. Elizabeth Voorhies, of Greenville, Marble. J. B. PADDOCK, quite widely circulated that emall-pox a® the rest, and this condition the com Mich. Mra. Voorhies, who is a great aunt of the C olkikk man, was l»orn in Front Street Next to Greene’s Gunshop. was prevalent in Sumpter and Granite, panv is determined to accomplish. but later reports say there were only a Don't miss tbe opportunity of hearing 1K0D, and has seen the p««®ingof a whole ------------------------- century, an experience which is given t« few light cases of varioloid. Joaquin Millei ’® lecture on the 21®t. THE POPULAR Wm. Knoell ha® sold hi® phifi'-K ,,ll2 I verv few in thia world. Joaquin Miller at the opera house, • It February 21. property at Galice to J. B. bidding® for "• Tom Gilmore of Kerby was in town on Monday. Mr. Gilmore ia the opera W. F. Horn, J. 8. Tucker ami W. T. 1000 cash. This property consist® of ter of the leading hydraulic mine of Cope made a trip last week to tbe Oak lour placer claim® and two water rights tp.dian creek, a district of growing and is situated oa the right hand fork of Flat mine on the Illinois, which is prominence in the gold producing line. 25c being operated at present by the Mc Galice creek, a stream that has pro While visiting his mine recently, he was Clung brothers. This property em duced richly in nuggets, and coarse gold. ®o unfortunate as to «mash one of hi« fin Syrup braces a large area of placer ground, There is very rich ground on this gers, and so has joined the rank® of the containing at least five channels of property but the heavy wawh inakrs it physically disabled. Biangled hand® are in Your different ages and levels. The highest diflteult to work by Land. But the met with in Granta Pas®, not infreq and oldest of these has been opened up 1 nugget® lie under the big boulder®, uently, which is another svmptomof its and shown to be of immense extent, land with sufficient equipment, will be at progrere as a mining center, though there being about 75 feel, in depth, of extracted in abundance. The right hand PRESCRIPTION DRUGGIST. gravel where the channel is opened up. . folk of Galice cuts squarely through the not a pleasant one to the victims. The K. of P. are sparing no pains to This clianuel lies far up on the side of a famous colossal high channel p( this i mountain, but is covered by the Oak district, which give® the gravel of this make their annual grand ball, to l$e IIOLMAN Flat ditch at a height to insure abundant stream a More concentrated quality, given >>n Febru®ry PJ, tbe event of the Miss rate cary pressure. The dump is nothing short Laving been subjected Io two sluicing season. Prizes will be awarded one each of eternal. The water comes from down processes instead ®i «ne, and ac- to tiie best dressed lady and gentleman, UNDERTAKERS Soldier creek, a tributary of Briggs creek i counts for the abundance and heaviness and one each to tbe lady and gentle EMBALMERS INSTRUCTOR OF and is brought over a high divide to I of both boulder® and nugget®. All man who best sustain their characters. VOCAL AND PIANO MUSIC, the Illinois side of the ridge Soldier along its courae it runs through a rich A Portland costumer will tie here on the Office on Blh St. oppo. Court House. “ creek is a stream of considerable sixe, mineral district and receives accretion® 18th. A committee will be provided, to and the water rigtit is one of the best of richness from the many lodes and whom the masker® may reveal their Ia prepared to receive a limited number of Residence North 7th St. pupil®. Studi« >al Mn, R. K. Moolguiuery’s pocket® within it® influence of drainage. identity before entering the hall, GRANTS PASS.OR that the country afforde. personal j_ local t)appeninaa Salt, Dried and Canned Fish Coffee and Tea arc our Specials. Mocha Java WHITE HOUSE GROCERY. O. Street, On April 14th. No. 20 Oliver Cramer Bros AND WORKS- Miss Hallie omith who has been visit April 14U>, ata p. in , tbe lucky number ing at Wolf Creek returned on Wednes will be drawn front the box of dupli cate» by some disinterested party, and day last. Donner and Morrison are oiterating the plow given to the fortunate poeeeceoi Utley’s spray pump, and any one wish of the ticket. Oliver Plows need no ing spraying doue will please notify recommendation, but thia one mint be seen to be appreciated. It is useful as them as early aa poeeible. a» well aa ornamental. Wiu. Knoell, lately of Gelice, lias Hobe Nwlaaneo. pun-based Jesse Mash’s building on Tbe town is inieated with too many f ront street and intende to open a , hoboee. They are altogether too num bakery and confectionery. E. E. Redfield bas made a model of eroua and evident, and many ciliaeas are his new sawing-machine, and has re debating seriously if the time is not arrived ceived a portion ef the material for ths when it would be well to advise these dishevelled gentleman to traasport their construction of the real machine. unsavory preoenee otherwhere. The room eu Front street which is to One evening last week, two young be occupied by Klover's drug store, is ladies were followed by a creature of being rapidly fitted up, and will soon be Chi» specie*. He overtook them and ready for the tlnishing touche*. seised a parse which one of the ladies The Medford Eye has undergone a wore attached to her belt by two chain» change and ia now under tbe manage He broke one of the chains, bnt the ment of Horace Mann. The paper has other held, and tbe ladies defended been enlarged to eight pages and the lhemselve» wilh their umbrellas so vig name has been changed to the "Med orously that the would-be thief slunk ford Enquirer". The political princi away in disgrace ple! « ill be democratic. Such occt rrenevs aa this are sure to re sell disastrously to the hobo fraternity. How's This? They do not stand so high aa in the es We offer One Hundred Dollars Re timation of the citisena that any grsat ward (or any ease of Catarrh that can- regard would be paid to their feelings in not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. the matter. It is about tipie for a great F.J.CHENEY A CO.,Props..Toledo.O. hobo exodus. We, the undersigned, have known F. We have received a very handsome J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all numl-er of a monthly publication of tbe bueiueaa transactions and financially University of Oregon, containing among able to carry out any obligations made other illustrations, a half-tone of the Glee club of which Edward 8. Van Dyke by their firm. W ist AT si ’ ai , Wholesale Druggists ia a member. The club has recently Toledo, O. completed a very suceemful tour of W aldino , K imnan A M arvin , Whole Eastern Oregon, and were enthus sale Diuggisls, Toledo, O. iastically received all along their route. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken intern A Few Pointer». ally, acting directly upon tbe blood and The recent statistics of the number el ■nucoue surfaces of tlie system. Price death» »hew that the large majority die 75c per bottle, bold by al! Druggists with consumption. Thia disease may Testimonials frse. Hall’s family Pills commence with an apparently harnr.l»»» are the best. coagh which can be cured instantly by Kemp'» Balsam for the Throat; aril Joaquin Miller Coming. Lungs, which ia guaranteed to cure and The people of Grants Pass will, en relieve all esses. Price 25c. and 50c. February 21, have an opportunity to see Far sale by all druggist». and listen to the famous poet of the BORN Sierras, Joaquin Miller, who will be here on that date ou his lecturing tour. Mil CHAUSSE—At Provolt, Ore., Feb. 3, 1900, to Mr. and Mrs. E, C. Chausse, ler is a world wide famous mas, and be a son. longs, in his greatuess, to Oregon. Many competent critics place Miller in 8MOCK-At Heiland .Ore., Jan. 30.1900. to Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Smov-k, a daugh the very front ranks of American peets, ter. and it Is certain that some of bis poems SEYFORTH—At Holland, Ore , Jan 31, sre not surpassed ia beauty by those ol to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Seylorth, a daughter. any other poet. The brat part of his lecture is on "lessons Not Found in MARRIED. Books," with readings from bis poems. PIKE BARRACKMAN,— In Grants The second partj is on "Our Arctic Em l’ass. Monday, February 12. 1900, Will pire" in which the poet appears in tbe Pike, and Miss Edith Barrack man Rev N. F. Jenkins officiating. garb of ail Arctic explorer. His lecture is varied and never tiresome, and full ol DIED. interest to every one. Apart from hie entertaining talk, the personality nf the REEL—In Ashland, on Saturday Feb ruary 10, 1900 James 8. Reed, aged 65 man is sufficient to insure him a large years. audience. ABBOTT—In Ashland, Saturday, Feb- rtiary 10, 1900, Mr». W. M. Abbott, Cramer Bros, have placed on exhibition aged 00 years. in their window, a beautifully painted and decorated Oliver Plow, which bears GREGORY—In Ashland, Thursday, Farnary, 8, 1900 John Milton Gregory, tbe laliel, "Free, given away on April Aged 31 veara. 14th." We are informed that begin Deceased was one of tbe Ashland ning Ft binary 15tli, with every cash company of Oregon volunteers, sad died purchase of $2.50 they will give one from the effects of an illness contracted ticket on the plow. On Saturday, during the campaign in the Philippines. We have bought the entire line of Messrs, Taylor it Barrettes Sample Hats for Spring and Summer and will give you an opportunity to buy at a bar gain a new Stylish Hat—only one of each kind— you have the exclusive pattern. They wont last long—Come early—Reinemlier at 25c 10c OvoYiCtatf CLEMENS, , & SON, Knows there is one sure way to reach a man’s heart, and that is by always having a nicely spread table. To do this you must have choice groceries, canned goods and provisions. We Can Help You There We have the best of every- thing in that line. What we want is your trade; can ’we have it? For a short time we are sell ing: Pillsbury’s Flaked Oat Food, at 15c a package. Pillsbury’s Wheat Food, 15c a package. Acme Wheat Flakes, at toe a package. Seven pounds good bulk roast Coffee (not broken) for $1.00. We still sell a good Green Coffee at t2#c. "Hot Flour” for hot cakes, 25c a sack. We have a fine lot of Dried Fruits, Prunes, Plums, Apples Peaches; Pears, Apricots, etc. See the display iu our north window. Calhoun Grocery Go. 1/2 Price Sure Cure for Coughs and Colds, Bromo Quinine, White Pine Co., Frog Throat, The One Who Cooks ¡lu X' Aade to * 'YiiTSiiïÿWEAR OUR NO. 19 FOR BOYS. Made of the best selected cotton yarn, close ribbed and heavy weight. Triple knee, high spliced heel and double toe, made especially for rough usage. Outwear any other make. If you want a dressier lighter stock ing, our No. 16 will please you. We manufacture "Iron Clads" of equa| quality and great variety for men, women and children. P. H. Harth & Son. ASSAY ER, W. G. Wright, Gen'l Agt. for Oregon M ai -A ktiii b -F orkut C yànius 1’ bockm . Cyanide and Chlorination treatment of Ores. Bullion Relined and Shipped. G hauts P ahs , The Building, The Stocks, The Prices, The Experience, to do your business, and do it right, and there is no reasonjwhy we should not get as much of it as you can consistently give us We do not want it at all. or any pirt of it, if we are uot entitled to it on the stringth of the quality of the merchandise which we handle, and the prices which we make on it. | But when we do offer you the highest grades of goods which are in mufactured at the very lowest prices which we can make consistent with legitimate merchandising, we feel that we ought to receive a liberal share of your patron age. While nearly every article of merchandise has advanced from month to month, week to week, and While wc do not claim almost from day to day, from which fact our position is to save you tn »ney to own our whole stock at prices ruling a year ago; we do claim that the foresight in business Dress Goods. Notions, Silk Patterns, for Shirt waists at 75c each. Ladies Wrappers, Ladies Shirt waists, just arrived. Sailor Hats, Tabic Linens, Napkins, Towelsand Toweling. Drape rie’s, (¿ar pets, (¿arpet Paper, Rugs, (¿arpet Beaters, Trunksand Valises, Ladies Jacketsand (¿apes. Ladies* Hosiery, Ribbons, Brushes, (¿om bs, Wall Paper, Ladies' Skirts, Boy’s Waists, Suspenders, Handkerchiefs, Pants, Vests, (¿ollars, Cuffs, Ties, Shoes, Fancy Shirts, ■ > Oaxoux. Wanted. Block to teed or pastare. Inquire of <J. W. WoobwoBTH, Gold Mill, Oref- which we have a- qttired iti »5 years n( merchandising has enabled us to take time somewhat by the forelock. As long as six and eight months ago we made contracts for this spring's supplies; and in a goodmany instances we have been compelled to pay advanced figures On the other hand in a large number of cases, and on a great many lines we own goods today below the prices at which they could be bought if we had to go into the market now and purchase them. Now what we ask is comparison of quality and prices, which we are showing at our store will convince you of the fact that we are willing to show the benefits derived from these early contracts with our customers. Right along during the last twelve months we have lived up to the principle not to advance goods unless we were actually compelled to pay these advances ourselves and it is our firm resolution in the year just opening not to deviate from this rule, and we invite you to inspect ou big lines of, (¿orsetN, I rnbrcllas, Dog Collar Belts, Buttcrick Patterns, March No. now ready. Men's Hats, * WHY PUT UP A fierishabls mark st the last resting place of your loved ones when you can get a good marb'e headstone of your Grants l’ass dealer for $15 to $18. I We have the organizat on • Ijirge aixe composition book» for 5c at th» CouKixa office. Half Hose, in all colors, Rubber heels, for shoes. Lace Boots, Underwear, Base Ball with each pair boy’s shoes purchased. Barber (¿oats, Silk Vests, The ßig Store