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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 15, 1900)
DENTAL DECADENCE A LEAPING SWORD. WANT THE TERNS KILLED. SCIENCE AND INDUSTRY. Europeans Are Alarmci Over Con dition of Their T.-eih. “Of all tbe cities I have visited in Eu rope,” said It. A. Stinson, of Boston, re cently, repi.rts the New York Tribune, "I found Madrid one of the most Inter esting. Ji bus u nuh.her of out-of-the- way feature» that appeal to one. •‘While I was in Madrid I tried to pur chase one of the famous Toledo blades. Tbe old-fashioned two handled sword was what I wanted to get, one of those that were built to cut ihrough armor and which fulfilled their mission com pletely, as many a bloody battlefield in ye ancient days bore testimony. I had to give it up on account of the expense. They cost from 4150 up, but while 1 was looking for one a shopkeeper showed me a most scientific trick. His store was very lofty, running up two or three stories, and he was descanting on the l>eauties of this particular »word, when, in order to prove tbe perfect temper of 1 he metal, he drove the point into the floor and bent the blade until bill and point met. He then suddenly released the hilt, am.' that six feet of gleaming sword sprang up into the air like a thing alive. Up and up it went, alm< »t to the lofty ceiling itself, when ’t its impetus and began its descent hilt first. It returned almost to tbe place whence it’ started, the shopkeeper catching it by tbe hilt with practiced ease and returning it to its < asc. I was crazy to try it myself, but the owner re fused to allow me, as he said i would probably not only wreck the store, but perhaps injure mjself as well. He told me that If I wanted to learn the trick I had better practice it in a large open lot, and that a suit of armor wouldn’t be a bad thing to wear until I got the hang of it.” A great bnildlltg to house all the so cieties eouiposing the Scientific alli ance of .New York i» proposal!. The two great n»uHiial con quest» which marlrtbe ninrtetnth ' ■eniury are the building of the Paa•»:’.« ra ilruOii» and the digging <>f the Sin z • a* i < ntion to A metjeal pajer • Iwt’» fever has the a urious fact that »• never been observed it- «pi mir form , in the tropical or ssibtropical trgioi *of Aaia or Africa. In Janesville, Wis., is a |M*arl button factor) which turns out thousands of the finest quality of buttons. Tons of Missii-»ippi «'lam shells are uaed in pro ducing the buttons. It appears from British consular • <» pirts that Morocco offers a c able field for the engineer. Then .'ire at present no roads, railways, trie* graphs, canal»* nor harlxjrs. India ha» perhaps a greater variety of plant»* than any other country in the world, having 15,000 native sperier. while the flora of th' entire continent of Europe only embraces alamt 10,000. American bottles are preferred to all others for the ex|x»rt trade, and e»|H (dally in warm climates where Ameri can and Kr.gllsb goods come Into close com|>etition. American glass 1» »aid to stand tropical climates lyetter that, the English, the reason being that it is better annealed. The South Kensington museum I» constantly adding to the collection ol x’ientific instruments and models of old-fashioned machines. We learn from Industries and Iron that they have i ovv made a large number of additions of modern machinery and tools. su<*h ns a coal gas purifying houst . a Belleville boiler, a launch engine, water-1 lib* boih rs using liquid fuel, a transform er, steam turbine, etc. Many of the ma chine models are shown in motion. YOUR LIVER At a reault of caua<a too myaterioua for the mind of mac to comprehend, faahion claimed the term for her own, •a)» Bird Lore. Up and down the coast word went forth that aea awallowa, or “»uuimar gulia,” were worth ten cents each, and 1 the milliner'» agent waa there to con- , firm the report. It waa in June when the laymen were idle and, unreatrained by law, they haatrcdd to the beachea in keen j competition to destroy the birda whieh • wer«* resting there. Never, in thia country, at leaat, haa ' there been aueb a »laughter of birda. A J Cobb’» island (Va.) bay man, whose conscience, even at this late date, urged him to a confession of shame for his part io the proceedings, told me recent ly that in a single day of that memor able season 1,400 terns were killed on Cobb's island alone, and 40,000 are said to have been there shot during the ! summer. The destruction at other fa- | vorable places was proportionately great. Two seasons of this work were suf ficient to sweep the terns from all their more accessible resorts, the only sur vivors being residents of a fiw unin habited islands. What will be the result? Is there no appeal from fashion’s decree. Woman ulone can answer these question», and the case is so clear she cannot shirk the responsibility of replying. Aigrettes are decorative, quills diffi cult to identify, neither bespeak death, and ignorance may lend the most hu mane woman into wearing either. But with the tern no such excuse exists, and the woman who places its always disgustingly mutilated body on her bonnet does m » in deliberate defiance of the laws of humanity and good taste. Is o«t at arder if you have tbe symptoms enumerated cn this chart. You can be curad without tbe aid of Calomel, Blue Maw or Quinine T y are minerals and are apt to poison the blood. Why not add your name to tun al.eody Urge liât of people cured by Ut DY AN > Hl 1)1 AN has cured le N« oth ers sud it will cure yon. Ml DY AN is ths grüntest vegetable remedy of the centnry snd will relieve all the folloving symptoms • who are more than 40 year- or until they have passed an exam as to tLtir physical, moral and fitness for the position.” According to the report, the ular troops bate continued to maki large deposits with the armv pa; ters and the volunteer» 1 -fl availed themselves of the privil extensively. Thr soldiers’ de j ing thr past fiscal year amt $1,498.782, more than don amount deposited the previe when thr deposit» were greater 1 ever before in the history of the • r Thr paymaster general recomme that congress be urged to ii pay now received by pnymi ten per cent, for eve sendee, until it reach1 and be also recommen thorizing the retirement half pay after 30 years’continuous serv ice. In a chapter in rerrard to thr Her ical force of the pay drpartment^Gen. Bates says: "Too *:;uch cannot lx- >aiu regarding thr zeal and intelligence of tbe reg’, lar trained force of clerks in this offl< ». No enlisted men or commissioned offi cers of the army have shown more pa triotic zeal for thr ae the duties imposed » these old tried servani ment. Thr work of tl that only trained ch j value, and I eamestlv the rules of thr civ:! t to Hie clerks in the pay office, and that they be to. Changes in-the clerical force foi any reason except to increase efficiency, and that ujion the recommendation of thr paymaster general, should never lie made.”—Washington Star. AfterHalfaCefitury How Mr» J«’’«“ *** Cund ^te, 50 I «ano» »ulf«™». rv M.r- V«/' ryr, -V.larArn. X* The following statement is made by the wife of Mr. J. E. Jewett, the well known reu- gious publisher of 77 Bible House, New York City. Mr. Jewett’« pretty suburban g home is at Metuchen, N.J. and Mrs. Jewett is a member « of the First Reforniol Church of Metuchen, and is highly es- \ teemed in the community. She »ays: A writer in the Deotiat has raised a cry of alarm uboiit the deutal de cadence of the English ¡»eople. He calls attention to the early ravage» Ht DYAM ean be had of *11 druggist» for which caries is making u4.- r. tha teeth to cinta par paaaga of children, and « alla for pre ventive measures aguin«t a state of Y affair« which he nga^ls as a "nation r‘ al calamity.” Among 776 children, 1. BILIOUS HEAD- whose iiujuths he examined, he found : ,u t k<n «::•• fttly Y«*« 1-Jrln« AC H 1 - Behaved by 3,357 bad teeth. . „ >. llhebra* HUDYAN. He is justly alarmed by this figinre. 1 p ri.mDentr». 3 3. JAUNDICE OF ..* nd wm .t ti».« ■ ■ '< “a- and he «alls the attention of all the THE EYES HUD i f. Tbe pula ' as u . in my k , and could only hobble about sc boo I masters and «choolmistresM«*» to YAN will cause the ,rl- 1I ir .. , . -n,., Dr. wnimm. P.nk this UxR-much neglectexl point of ju ’’ ' " p “ "tn «2 th. flr.l bo« 1 noticed .u lowneaa to dlaa| pear and venile hygiene. The remedy which he the normal, healthy color r P«ie P«r two boie. I oould walk witbout a ' r/,h ‘ ¿X w.u.l continued u.ln« the plU. to return. advocates is a dental inspection to be :. l ent o it cf J > l S entirely well, and made regularly and systematically 4 COATED TONGUE, by skilled dentist# in all the public FOETID BREATH. b . -red uo pain al u... J.f liam.’ Pink rill» for PJe r~pM expel tnpuriiie. from the HUDYAN will dear the schoola t;J. - dL: -1V the tnaterml for rapidly rebnildm* wasted nerve tougue au<l ui a k a the If English teeth are in «Unger, there It! fperformed hundred, of almo.1 nn^culou. cure, in «- breath pure and sweet. is no re ax »n to feel more aecurr con- ,f KhilmatUui, many tune, aft« diKtor. docto» had given up hope. Master ct ruing the future of French teeth. 5. TMDMNKSS *«D PAIN IN The French dentists are not less jm *«- THE STOMACH, DVB TO INDIGES simistie thiui the director of the Eng TION HUDYAN »tu «1-M ih. «oui.' h ..I lish review. According to Dr. Pictlfle- th. .K«. of KlU, rail... tb. pain .nd cum Sold by all v <’Z, out of the whole numlver of pu e ÍO, Í /-r this «bo food to b. [«rfectly dl.MUd. pils of the public schools brought to druggists, 50 ■ ILLS ¿raJ. mori I his dental clinic 55 per cent, are in rents per box ; S. ENLABQEMENT OF THE LIVEB FOR û» r.'try med of immediate treatment, and by s.x boxes, ¿>.50. HUOYAN wiu 1..MU th. con.oolluii ud >» 0 paitase. adding to these the number of thoee 0 due th. llr.r to 1U uorm.l .I m . ■ a who, without t»eiijg seriously affected, K teed careful watching ami treatment nVDYAN will cure all Ue above symp MEDICINE COMPANY,, N. Y DR. WfLLIAMS sooner or later, th«* total is brougto* toms and Bake you well. Do not delay longer. Go to your druggist at once and pro up to 75 per cent. M. Dally «stimules cure a pai kMsof ill DY AN for 50 cents or « the pro|M>rtion of children who nrt* in A Vulture as a Trick III rd. packages for >2 50. If your druggist does not urgent need of dental care to be Hi To teach a big black vulture as many keep ft, send direct to the Hl’DYA.N REM ¡»er cent., nt least. EDY < OMPANY, Ban Francisco, California. tricks as a poodle has been the diver CHARGE OF TWELVE MEN. A few years ago La Société de Med*- If you are not gatluAed with tbe «fleets, re sion of an English collector of uncanny PICKPOCKETS ’ GAINS. cine Pratique did not consider this lirave Feat of Amtrlrnn lanuti Va turn the empty Hl’DYAN box and wo will pets. This monster bin], which has a question of too little importa luce to < at return your money. Remember that you can fii ■ -( !.'♦ of Lt ig>r, will e\(< dee Gea. l.awtun la the Arciirilhiu to Thia Account It la H cceupy it» attention, and after a rigid the IIUDYAN DOCTORS the word of command an uncouth I’blllppiaes. DISPATCH RIDER’S COOLNESS. eomult Fairly llemaneraihr < alili» k FHKfC. Call and see the doctori. You may dance, using its huge wings to sup criticism of the mann«r in which cor- call and eee them, or write, as you desire. poreul hygiene is in general ctinque- plement the motions of its feet—now Captured by the Boera, He Saws A modal of honor—the bigbeat com Address i.rnded in the lyceuma it made the trailing them on the ground, now cov Ills Precious Papers by a A Farm Library of unequalled value— Practical, pliment which can I m *, given to an The amount of money which pick- follow ing recommendations: ering its head with them, and anon Shrewd Trieb. Ur-to-date, Concise and Comprehensive- Hand American »oldier—ha« been recom |HM*kets take In annually is probably HUDYAN REMEDY COMPANY, flapping tby-m lugubriously. But tbe 1. That the pupils of the colleges and somely Printed and Beautifully Illustrated. mended for presentation to each of greater than that of any other »pecial- lyceums be re<|uire«l to take the neces vulture’s most engaging accomplish- One of the most remarkable instances Car Stockton, Market and Ein« St«., the ten surviving members of a band is’e in crime. It would be idle to say By JACOB BIGGLE sary care, morning and night, of their men’ is to beg for food. When he dc- of 12 scouts who performed a brave h( «v large it 1«, but it is a well-known of »elf-possession on record is accred San Francia««, Cai- No. 1-BIGliLE HORSE BOOK mouths and teeth. sires a choice shinlxme he scorns to teat near San Miguel de Maynme Orl, fact that thousand» of dollar» are stolen ited to a gentleman who arrived here so All bout H.—a Common smse Treatise, with over 2. That they br placed in this re perform the undignified antics of a 74 illustrations ; a standard work. Price, 50 Cents. in the Philippines, on May 13, 1M9V, by them at big public galheringh to lute, as October 29. writes a Transvaal gard in better practical conditions poodle, but prostrales himself with No. a-BIOOLE BERRV BOOK »ays Youth's CompFstion. which they have ace«»«. It was report correspondent of the London News. He than these at present offered them. All about growing Small Fruits—read and learn how • true orieutal humility, drooping in These acouta were under the lead of ed. for instance, that at ‘lie recent con rode a bicycle, nod his dispatches were tutnnsii • rd hie like reproductions of all leading 3. That they I m * all examined at the William 11. Young, a civilian who had 'very quill and resting th«- top of his federate soldiers' reunion hr the south made up in a brown paper parcel, which varieties and ioo other illustrations Price, 5c Cents beginning of eauh quarter (thrive lx*rn a famous scout on the western bald head on the ground. This self- $30,000 was stolen by pick|x»ekets. and he carried in his coat pocket, so tJiat if No. 3-BIGGLE POULTRY BOOK Nearly a Hundred M 1 ion De1'? i» ,'Las< •.irnt is so complete that it Ims months) session by the dentist at- plains in America, and whom (len. All about Poultry , the best Poultry Book In existence , al most every day in the year one rends he saw trouble ahead hecould commend tells everything withaj colored life like reproductions tlltrhed to th«* ratablishments. a nubility all its own. The bird’» mas Lawton made his chief of scouts in In the new »papers of a big "touch" the safety of his parcel to the open the Last Year. of all the principal breeds, with icj other illustration». Have those reconnue nd at Iona been the San Ysidro campaign this year. ter is greatly attached to it, among Price, 50 Cents. reaching into the thousands. I think veldt. He was riding swiftly, and on herded? It is doubtful, for, generally, other reasoais because the great lon On the day mentioned, Gen. Lawton it is a conservative staement to say turning a treacherous corner found No. 4— HIGGLE COW BOOK (he dentists begin to treat their clients gevity of its speZies suggests the All about Cows and the Dairy Business ; having a great was advancing on San Miguel. A that in a lifetime the expert pickpocket himself face to face with a party of InterestliiK Particulars of the Work sale; contains 8 colored life-like reproducti ms of each cisly when it- is too late to save them. small Ixxly of Oregon volunteers ••ame and Eiprii'e <>f i*n>li»K I ncle 1 bought that it may have taken part steals $2'i,noo. Multiply this figure by about 2<r Boers, who had been looting, I Lreed, with 132 other illustrations. Price, 50 Cents. Many < wplanatioiis were given of this »uddenly upon the enemy, drawn up in th«* gnat migration inspired by the Mam's Soldiers — Deposits 1.500, which 1 have given as (he number or. in 1h«ur more charii.'ible phraseolo No. 5 SWINE BOOK rarlinesj* of dental impairment among He at once dis mortality amnng IL --¡an Norst s at with Paymasters. Just out. All about Hogs—Breeding. Feeding. Butch» in an advantageous position in front of first-class grafters in the country, gy, commandeering. the children. 'Die blame was laid on of Kan Miguel, the right flank resting cry, Diaeajes, etc. Contains over 80 beautiful half Sebastopol. Moreover, it is a relative and th«* result reaches high up into mounted and said "good «lay,” and as tones and other engravings. Price, 50 Cents. (|ysp«*|Hiia, the abuse of »wrrfR, cer on a stream, the left on an elevation the millions.<* «»t’l • r profesKional his "get up" was excellent one of the The great exp# i of maintaining our of the condor of tbe Andes, largest of TheBIGOLE BOOKS are unique,original,useful—you never tain drink» auch ns cider, and on the made secure by a dense thicket. saw anx thing like them—so practical, »0sensible. They army on a war footing i» set forth in all birds.—N. Y. World. thieves, tbe pick pocket throws away Boers shook hands with him. quality of drinking water. .Some are having an enormous sale—East West, North and This gave a little respite, and enabled It was afterward ascertained that his money like water and very seldom detail in thr annual report of Gen. A. South. Everyone who keeps a Horae, Cow, Hog or »poke of the infiurnrt* of (*eixrbrnl fa the Filipino force in this jx»silion him to collect himself. V«-s, he said, he E. Bates, pay master general of tl • Chicken, or g- ws Small Fruits, ought to send right thinks of saving for old age. Imt proc tigue. Dr. Stilerwoo<l rmuirkcd that facts That away for th< BIGGLL BOOKS. The numbered about 600 men. tically all successful mohs have "fall was coming from Kimberley, and was army, During the past U seul year then with children who study hard the Without waiting for the reenforcing money" (an expeiis«* fluid for paying looking for work. He preferred look wub «xpended on account < f pay of 11 Every Patriot teeth deteriorate rapidly after these battalion to support them, or to be in lawyers, etc., wiien they get arrested) ing for work to taking up arms. Be urmy thr sum of $U1,V55,515. a net io cl.ildn’ii enter school, and nothing a position to do so, this squad of ten of from $.3,1)00 to $5.000 each carefully fore the Boers sought to search him he crease of $56,7”1,723, as compared will and Vote» stop« the progrès« of the evil but tak- scouts, led by Mr. Young and by banked, and I know of on«- pickpock« t brought out two hard boiled eggs, similar expenditures during thr pre 1« v,ur pajK-T made for you and not a tniait It la „ year, ing them from their studies, Arrerd- Private James Harrington, of the Ore- which he offered them. They refused, old it >»thei[r<attmlle<Uk,wn,hn the-nall.on tliehead.- 0 ifht to Know. who is th«* <>w ner of «ome very valuable ceding fiscal year. The principal items ing to Magi tot tjx» aasidiious npplic.'i- quit after >..u I. e sald it, I arm and H.maehold paper m and then he produced his brown paper gons, an old frontiersman 12 men in real estate. A good illustration of the of expenditure were as follow.-: the » .n.t the t.i<Keat paper ..lilaaire in the t’nlted Stale, tien injures the good development all charged the. enemy's line, alxiut packet of dispatches, and said he bad of Amenca-haviug uve’ a million and ahalf refular readera. rapidity with which they recoup them Bay of tbe regular army, $34,141,225; and preservation of the teeth of the 150 yards distant. selves financially after a pcrhal of rest two sandwiches which they could have. pay of United States volunteers, $35. pupils of the E<*<dr Polytechnique. All Any 0KE ot the BIGGLE BOOKS, and the FARM JOURNAL The line fired, then wavered, and or n term in prison Is th«- story told His seeming kindness was his salvation, 877,17s ; extra pay to volur.ter:- that is possible and no one denies the then completely gave way, to I mv fol f?.uiaddi"7?'?*n<1 ”°1’ “* **“* b” “*11 about on«’ <»f them who returned to this and the Boers were satisfied. They gave war with Spain, $1,443,933; on arcouni Influence of thes»» auxiliary condi lowed up by the reenforcing battalion, country peiniile.’s after n plea.-urr trip him plenty of advice, and told him to of disbandment of the Cuban army. Sample of FARM JOURNAL and circular describing BIOGLE BOOK! free tions. But the true cause, rest as and driven from the city and environs keep his sandwiches as they had a suffi to Europe. Th«* man r«*lat«<l the in $905,100; extra pay to regular army, wtlmex atkinsom . Address, l- AHM IOIKNA! AND ENCYCLOPEDIA. sured of it, is the neglect, or ignorance of San Miguel, a place of great im «.HAS. F. IB.NKIN». J cident to a frit nd <»f mii «•. "Didn’t ciency of biltong. war with Spain, $202,593; mileage t< J P hiladklpbia of the toothbrush. Many parents, in portance. have a red. ” !■ »aid. “ I tackled a sahioii officers, $403.174; extra mileage to this respect, seem to I m * inspired by VOTING PLACES IN PRUSSIA. Young and Harrington, while shout keeper I knew foi a couple of thousand. officers, national defense, $177,640. th* remark of ('alino: “Why do jm * o - ing and cheering and leading the men How- long do v hi think I wax paying The army' called into service by the pie wash thalr hands every day and liver llialla irr <•«• i» *• ri* 11 y f'hoean for up, were shot and killed. him back? Thr«-e weeks.” pr< sidrnt under the art of April 22 an« l^rver wash their feet?” Children are the I’urpoae of llolilluu If the pickpocket knew bow to save May 11, 1898, aggregated, volume« t AT THE RIVERSIDE NURSERY, taught to clean their fares every (In) , Fleetlons. hie money and coiil<l Invest it well his THE CHRYSANTHEMUM. and regulars, over 280,000 men. Gen. but how niNiiy are unaware until th«* VIA THE children might some day be our mil Bates says these soldiers have been reg (¡RASTS PAS«, ORE.. age of reason, and th« age of reason The practice in Prussian cities re Uoldan Flower Was ’niuughi Worthy lionaires. Isaiah Flynt, in Independ- ularly paid, either monthly or bi Is sometimes lab* in coming, that, th«* garding the selection of voting places Slinstn 1-iovite uf a Ihow All to Ita«If «•n,t. monthly, during their term of service daily washing of the mouth and teeth You will find a nice lot of healthy is in direct contradiction to American Every In IMao. Over and, in addition, th«* volunteers, ex is as indispenaabl«* as th«* washing of — of the — Politician TWENTIETH CENTURY’S DAWN usage, sajs Munic ipal Affairs. Instead cvpting those on duty in thr Philip trees. Apples, latest keepers as the other parts of tJie l>ody ? 600 of dosing all pine* ► w here intoxicants The National Chrysanthemum so Will Want pines, have been muMivred «mt of serv On this subject of buccal hygiene, well as earliest. Pears, Cherries, ciety was instituted just 53 years since, Th«* Friend I > Is lauderà UHI lie the are sold on election day, it i» precise!) we must admit the superiority of the the best known ail’d most popular beer ice and received their final pay. First People to Hall Its in 1H46, say s tha Haturday Keview. The Plums, Prune. Peach Nut and “ The work of the pay department," Exon -- Trains Leave Portland Daiiv negroes of Africa. Likals that are chosen for the purpose Ail vent. flower which it has taken tinder ita South. i I LV-__ Ak. , Ñon b Dr.Baffin, who practice« medicine in patronage, upon whose aggrandize of holding elections. The halls which say s Gm. Bates, "from thr commence Shade trees, as well as Berry plants. incut of the Spanish-Anu riean war to 7.00 ? 8ïooTT Portiind Cameroon, estimates that not less ment it has bestowed so successfully w.... 7 . .... 15 r 9 15 a . The first people to live ii. the tvven are commonly maintained in such 9:38 V 1O;48 p 1 Grant-Pass 4 :25 a 6:53 F Get my Prices before you buy. than 45 ininutes a day are devoted by such patient and ingenious cure, haa tleth cerrtury will be the Friendly I» places to be used for all s »rts of social its close, and during the continuance of 8'12 a 7:45 I* [ at ■- F. lv . i 7:00 a 6:05 F hostilities in thr Philippines in sup everybody in thia country to cleaning baan « MtablisJied among us only a little landers, for the <lnte line, n» it may I»» gatherings are seldom occupied duriug I Above trains stop at all stations between the teeth. At sunrim* each morning, over a century. The first time It was called, lies in the Pacific <** cun just t< the day, and nt the) are well known in pression of insurrection, has been phe SPECIAL The South African J. T. TAYLOR. j Portland — and and after each meal, the mouth is thought worthy of a "show" all to it the eaat of their group. At that time, a I ■ • baleni, Turner, Marion, the neighborhood ihey form ideal nomenally laborious and exacting, but War; War in the Phil FEATURES. r-’Hi, Aii ant < <>ttage Grove, Tangent, thr officers of this department have met carefully rinsed, and vrvrral times in self was in 1830. Fancy if one of those though it will bv already Tuesdav to places for holding an election. ■sh< ub , HaL,v. Harrisburg,.I unction < ity. ippines; The lnterna- addition tlie teeth an* rubbed and early patrons could have dnopjM-d in at Liquors nrr not m »I<1 in the room in every’ requirement of duty with zeal them, all the rest of tlo* w i Id will be l i..■•■ne. Drain Oakland, andalJ stations cleansed with dry sand or with the the exhibition last week and seen what enjoying moiiic phaae of M inlay, ilx which the voting takes place, but may and promptitude and to the satisfac tional Peace Congress; Our Naval troni P om i ng, |o Ashland inclusive. tion of the army. and Military Establishments ; The "too th-stick.” last day of the nineteenth century (Dr- be freely drunk there. Indeed, it is a his favorites had attained to! «Surely "A state of war has not been per -'iinoan Settlement ; The Great This stick is a root six inches long, hr would have thought himself trans ccmlnT 31, HUM)). At Melbourne tin very exceptional election judge who Roseburg Mail Daily Tru sar.J Their Capitalization, and clH wed at both ends. Each natlv«* lated. The very generic name of the |M-oplr will be going to In t f< r it will does not have a capacious krug on the mitted to Interfere with the regularity M d<»A. a. , Lv. Portland ar. of thr monthly payments, except in the 4 :30 p . m . table before him, from whieh he occa | smhm *» m ’ s his own stick, but is not plant, the "golden flower,” at first so br nearly ten o'clock; lit Manila it will man other subjects ot equally vital 12 ; III p. M. Lv. Albany i.v. 12:25 p . m . nls»ve using his neighlxir's. The (»pin 7.45 f . m . Ar. Rose bure pertinent, has lost its distinctiveness. lie two hour*earlier in the «vr ling; at sionally quenches his thirst while the Philippines, where bi-monthly pay interest. ________ V. I 7:30 a . m . ments have been preferred. ion of tlie iiatives, indeed, is that the There are golden chrysanthemuins ( alriittn the English r«»i»l<rt» will b« tedious process of balloting is going on "It is gratify ing to this department 01NINC CARS ON OGDEN ROUTE. A very considerable economy is effected A complete History of etch of more they have Iwen used, thr Is t’v’r still, it is true; yellow blossoms incom kitting at their .Monday afternoon din they are. Dr. Baffin, who declares parable for purity and brilliance, but ner. f«»r It will In* about »ix o’< I •< k; aid by holding elections in such places, as to be able to state that tbe peculiar <lif the Ships in the American » ullman fciuffet Sleepe-is ■ « I the usage of tl»e "stick" to have lieen what of all these other colors not less iir I.ond«»n "Big Hen” In the tower of tin rent is either not charged at all or else Acuities, best known to the nu strrii.ÿ. Navy, by Edgar Stanton Mac- - »nd — satisfactory to him, confeaaes that hr brilliant and pure, these rich damasks, holier of common« will be Mriking tin is fixed at a nominal sum by the pro officer and the paymaster, attendan lay, Historian U. S, Navy, S econd C lass S leeping C a '^ s did not |*ersonally verify this latter royal purples, flushed pinks, this daz- hour «if iHMili. In Boston, N«-w \ ork prietor, who expects to be reimbursed u | m » ii th«* muster out (between Srptem Attailieu to all tliiough tram. through the purchaM s of those who ber 5, 1898, and thr 22d of June. I*- 1 . «'» » slalt incut. alitig white that puts a snowdrift to ami Washington luilf tin- p« opl« will be Any unusual amount of over 200,000 volunteer troops, han For further^ i„.|Uire j( o„irgt A physician of thr navy used to tell shame, at Inst actually a bloom that Is eating briakfast on Motnlav im ruing visit the |M)lls. n story of his having had toothbrush«*», just sea green? while Chicago will be bar« lv eon>eiou» of drunkenness on election days, oral been overcome with surprising fned r.stes, Grants Pass. distributed to hi» men, whrrvu|Mm Coloi size, form, grow th, ail have un of tin* «lawn. \t the nuimr moment S.m least during city elecHont, which are ity and thr day of their discharge has Postpaid to iny address. they, not knowing what, use to mak< dergone a change that half a century Francisco will be in the deepest «le» | seldom attended by excitement of any been the day of their payment. / West Side Division <Pnce The pay master general says that som« j of th# se instrumenta, employed them ago it entered into no man's heart to <»f what iw popularly calleel Saturday sort, is unknow n. ocrxl J THE WORLD, MAIL TRAIN DAILY *-V M T St «DAY of the volunteer paymasters, whil« in polishing their buttons. conceive. Ami the end is not yet. it may night, though really th«* curly, early, dark P'‘! ■ eer Rda Yer* %<• 4s«*n t hnts n Woul«! Take It. And recently a German |>aprr cited be; the last wonder has not yrt been re hour« of M«»tuiav nnirnlng. and ha evincing great zeal and intelligence, half tin A member of one of the great polit have been too old tn withstand th« the following, from n foreat ii»|M*< t vealed for us; so limitions in its possi Pacific will lie wrapped in the nrkneaa Does your friend h <ve a camera ? A or: "This worthy functionary, watch bilities an«! potency is that "affectation of the Name morning hours, wli h be ical clubs of London recently lost his hardships of military service, and h< flexible, leather c< vered album W"'iltl .. .... ...H ii.g thr uii|MM-king of thr trunk of on. of Men to gratifie the Pleasure of their <’«»me earlier lo the west, until at mid umbrella and put up a notice in the say» that "under no circumstance’ make a splendid pre-cut—fl and less of his sulMinlinaten, and admiring the ' Eyes, Inciting them to push on things way or llroc ks island it will be but n hall requesting "the nobleman” win, kliouhl nu n be appointed to this «»flu » A E. Voorhies haa a ecock •>! album* BxrKnw taaim daily ». PT S’ NDA V.) way in which the young man's mother to more and more Perfect km.” few minutes past millnight of Sunday had taken it to return it when he had ¡ LV. FcrUand had carefully furnished him with so I done with it. The coinmlltre. In due ' I ' 7:30 p . m . I at . M< Minnvi: night John Kitchir, Jr., in î.ndic«’ Karl’s Clover Roof Tea Jbe LV. 5:5(» a . Taper That H III N«t lltirn. complete an outfit« exclaimed : Thr ' course desired to be informed w-hy he Horn«* Journ Brautlfr, th. ComHnlnn, r the H follow even Im*» a toothbrush!’” It. has been found possible to make had ascribed it» possession to a peer, Portland, ,1| Er . ■ of <'•»In« •’*!««• tor •« <‘ml. For how many is this toilet Article a thin, smooth an<l strong paper >f The member blandly referred them to Net rules aV .J" ’« 1-1’ " aln<» an article of luxury! Courier des aslvestos, which can lw* employed In The umallrat win now current in Eu the rule whl h mi id that the club was 4 5_ , n »Iwolut. wu.r ’ iite. dru„l«t. ,t a5<.„ Roc „j»,, Etats Unis. the manufacture of paper lanterns rope, am! at »»ue time having the least composed of "noblemen and gentle- 5 C. WELLS 4 CO . Lt.ov, N Y i i i'", J*'1’ " I'.ints »nil and other articles which nerd to t»r value, is the Greek leptor The lepton men.” and added that no gentleman SOLC »SO »Wit TORS .J,':, , HINA. H<iN- FofflMH Orel for VnirrltML is, according to the decimal monetary would have taken his umbrella. nt the same time light and fireproof nr •‘•'I-1 A i an be <>b- Two hundred thousand tons of iron The u«b«’stos pa|*rr can also I m * made »ystem. current in all c<»untrics 1»« long »ragen«, Grant» l’a»». ore and IM.OOO tons of copper ore have waterproof. «ter <’>el»«. It is pre|»ared with the ing to the Latin union. Sonic idea of < H MARKHAM, beer bought in foreign countries for same machinery used for making or this valueless little disc may b«* gath- A Canadian has dr*lgne<l a water cy P. » . A K Agt., the breast. tcx> to attract any too small ans shipment to Philadelphia during thr dinary paper. Portland, Ore. vi «*«l from th« fact that the lepton is the cle which offers otti»- resistance to the f*v.5iT OR. JCriCAN notice, until, in many cases, the deadly coming year, and mow* than 2oo »hip» A • • • « A M « » ». _ . — - on«* hundredth part of a drachma. The water, the floats which support the pro dis»vase is fully developed. ms: i o* AHATonyf Thr World's Hallways. WiM be re(|uirrd to trau»|»ort thr car (•r»»k drmhina usually pas««-» for the pelling mechanism bring composed of »'X•.s Cancer can not bo cured by a surgical g-.«*» Thr ores come chiefly fn»m Spain. 'Hie length of the world's railways »am«* value a franc piece does, that two long cylinders of small diameter, ,uinn'is«,uL f Cuba and thr mines on the Orinoco— ‘ Is more than 17 time* the circumfer i<, it i al • nt t qi al ti alamt 20 «-cuts of with the rn<!» brought to a (mint to de- operatitMi, because the disease is a virulent f O '- TV> I t,i te tM 4 N. Y. Sun. ence of the earth nt the equator. poison in the blood, circulating throughout the system, and although < reax* the our monrv Boston Glpbe. tí •’«.’» » ...¿j . , 7'^3 J FOINTS OF WEAKNESS: D r WILLIAMS’ INK ALE EOPLE 9 B1GGLE BOOKS THE ARMY PAY LOLL FARM JOURNAL January 1st THE 1900 a Poliliidl Oehler EAST ar.d SOUTH Containing Full Information Upon All Statistical Facts and Figures. The New Congress. Southern Pacific Company. A Complete Guide to the Forthcoming Election* of 1900. THE STANDARD AMERICAN ANNUAL. \ : CANCER IS DEADLY! Results Fatally io Nine Cases Out of Ten—A Cure Found at Last. Grants Pass & Crescent Cily Stage Line. Carriesjl’. S. Mails, Pa>scngers and Stage lx pres-.. Stages run lioth ways daily Ixtwern Grants Pass, Oregon, and Crescent City. Cal., posing through tlir lollowing iutctior joints Wilder ville, Ixive's, Anderson, Kerby, Waldo, Shelly Creek, Patrick's Creek, Gasquets. TIME TABL1 A bargain. The rush at the drug store still con tinues Mini daily ecores of people call for a Uittle of Kemp's Balsam lor the Throat ami Lungs for the cure of Conglis, (folds. Asthma. Bronchitis and Consumption. K««mp'a Balsam, the standard family remedy, is so'd on a guarantee ami never fails to give entire satisfaction. Prive 2.5c a ml 60c. A who’s block in <«rants Pas«, wrh a g<H»d house and out building«, ailh city water, also a ihxh good I well Over 1» M year ol Id (mil trees m good beating on hive minutes walk to pel mol the place or church. Would re 11 three lots, nink- mg a corner lot 150x100, a beautiful The iv bole place building site, foi |4tM) can bt» bought for $1500 See Prive A Vo rbies Crracrnt < ’ll y anti tirant« Pa«« Mtatfr Lina l*«M«riigrr Kai«« WRSTBOUND KASTBi )UND Leave Grants Pass .... .. H a. m. I Leave Credent City 6 a. m. Arrive i at Waldo................. . 6 p. m, I Arrive at Waldo 8p. tu, Leave Waldo.................... 4 ■ in. I Ixave Waldo............... 6 _ 30 a. in. Arrive at Crescent City... . .6 p. tn. I Arrive At Grants Paas .4:30p. tn. The scenery through which this line passes is lieautiiul. A de igbtful mountain road from Gasquet to Crescent Cits Excursion rates during summer season. J. C HARPER, Grants Pass, Or . Manager. From Granta Pasa To Wihlerville .............. I 75 To I aivf ' s .................................. .. II 00 To Anderton................................ .. II 2Ô i'o Selma........... ...................... ...... II %0 To Kerby............. ........................... I.L ih) To Waldo i«0 Shelley creek .............................. NO Iiaevpiet .................. ........................ • IM (MT Crearmi City................................ .. Above raie* subject to chance without notice Hound trip luketa and airar» •ionpurth«e at special rates J Courier and Oregonian i year for $2 ORDER THROUGH THE COURIER The I* lcitrment N»»t Ovsr , I the sore or ulcer—-known as tho Cancer—may be cut a wav, the poison remains in the blood, and promptly breaks out afresh, with renewed violence. The wonderful success of S. S. S. in curing obstinate, deep-seated blood diseases whieh were dbnsidered incurable, induced a few do st' tiring sufferers to try it for Canoer, after exhausting the skill of the pny physicians without a curt», cure. aiucd Much to their delight S. 3. S. 8. pi prov«xl iuo si-uuis wnoout equal to the disease and promptly effected a cure. The glad spread rapidly, and it was soon demonstrated beyond doubt that a cure had at last been found for deadly Cancer. Evidence has accu mulated which is incontrovertible, of which the following is a specimen : ••Cancer ia hereditary in our family, my father, a («un lor Sale •i.t.-r and an aunt having died from thia drradful A 44-ceiibre, ’73 model NX inehc«ter diwaee My feeling, may he imagined when the hor rible divea.«* ma.le its appearance on my aide. It waa rifle lor sale at a luirguin Call at thia a malignant Cancer, rating inwardly in such a way a, office. localise great alarm The dweaae seemed beyond tbe skill of tha doctors, for their treatment did no g-si whatever the Cancer growing worse all the while Bett W inter Route Numerous remciira were us»-d for it. but the Cancer For sunshine, fl »wer« and oranges take grew .t.wdilv w -rse, until it sraai that I was doomed the Sunset K<»ute via ’.»»» At gules to all to follow the others of the family, for I know how dradlv Cancer is. . -peotalls when inherited 1 eras advised to try Swift', Spc. iflc (S S 3 h which, from the l«oints East tourist excursion rsm wn<l «r.t lay. forced out the poison I continued its use until I had taken eighteen elisir car» to El l‘x« '. Furl Wu-th, Kan* bottlea, when t was cured sound and well, and have had no rrmptoms of the nm Oil«*, t'hicAg" Cincinnati, II<" k *, i » i dreadful affliction, though mans srars hare elapsed. 8. 3 3. is the only cure At for Cancer.—Maa 3. m TI dou Winston. N. C. « New Oileans and Washington, D U. Our book on Cancer, containing other testimonials an<i valuable For rates, guitlrs and in format.un «•!• information, will be sent free to any address by the Swift SpeciAe dtvfs. U. IL Nl IBKIIVM, ti. P. A . Company. Atlanta, Georgia. Porllsud, Or. «------r «rai www» -e- À , * 4 ». 4. CB^ Fra FU»«. r 1 .............. ........ ...... i .tn-rrpHr»». ’ - -w'.- - — . ir«* »nd wrr i , i-r-Tj.. T-mm-Bt I -Mt ’-ra. «-, .* * /—• «r. m t X • - a » -a »uiiowoiiu FHlt O.i.m, A » ILKO » . \ >. • c»i "■ »II M* •»>.• »*H« tost «.tl p 1 f \ 4 F > • ■ «« •--'.« tn «-CM . ••aw,, •< . w [■mirra A.drra,L * “« *—<• » C.A.SNOW&OO 50 YEARS’ experience - .... Ojjr CulS TalK T raci Manici O esigrb C opyrights a . - a «Se* *h and d« Scientific American. -f •> MJNN & Co Smoah o®.». a r M.. WMhuu w. D ~ :