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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 8, 1900)
All IxDKFKNDBXT ParxB, D b VOVBB Esr-gClALLY TO TUB I n TBBBBTB OB SOCTUXXX O b BOOB. VOL. XVI. GRANTS PASS, JOSEPHINE COUNTY. OREGON, THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 8. 1900. [ Five Cameras in One... e-«« •“■w- ’sSV • . . - ****^ local toappeninoa The Hcitowors. The English people thought Buller was going down to South Africa to eat up the Boer army. Perhaps he is uot hungry.—Oregon Statesmau. —-- -------------------------------------------------- Washington belter. Communicatcb (From Oar Regular Correspondent.) WaaMlMOTOH, Jan. 29, 1900. Srwrw v «'■v » wevw•*-wwwvw* v Three days to talk about the Roberts M. Clemens, Prescription Druggist. Letter from Cavite. case and to turn him out; two days to Bicycle hospital for all repairing al C aviti , P. I. Jan. 1,1900. eulogise the late Vice President Ho- A Boston paper thinks it to the credit Cramer Broe. Several officers and clerks from the , bait, and the late Representative Baird, of Chicago's drainage canal that Seh are Melven B. Murphy, a resident of ■■aught in it bo they are, and without naw yard held a watch here last eve of Louisiana, and one day to local Waldo precinct, made Grants Paes a visit the least trouble, for they float on their ning. We spent the evening as enjoy legislation for the District of Columbia, la«t week. ably as we could under tbs circumstan which ought to be ia the hands ol the baeke.—Globe lteniocrat Dr. C. W. Barr, of lajhanun. is plan eee. but there were so charming ladies local legislative body. That ia the ning an excursion from the Northwest record of the week in the bouse. The A Washington man who recently here to cheer and encourage nx to Mexico. married, has asked his license fee back Dark, indeed, are the days that close senate spent the moat of the four days Ed Friday, of the Harth A Friday He claims the investment was not prof the year, one ef the worst years in the it was in session in talk. Il passed the LJD o uot buy a canierajuntil you have examined the mine near Galice, came in last week ou itable. Probably the lady has the sain«* world's history, and the final hour is the urgency deficiency bill, and then it opinion.—Drain Watchman. blackest of all, with the funeral ef such talked about the finance bill, about the account of ill health. Al ista” (Cameras. men as General Lawton. The twelve Philippines, about the North Carolina R. L. Coe left on Thursday evening If it takes as long to cut the Nic months have had for milestone« the suffrage amendment, and even had a \\ ith the patent loug and short negative attachment you can take for Chicago, te lay in a supply of goods araguan canal as it has to suggest a graves of good men gone to rest all to little Hing at the old bloody shirt. The for the coming spriug season. a 4x4, 4x6. 4x8, 4x10 aud a 4x12 picture, as desired. Conse route for it the next generation uiay soon for the needs of human welfare. greater portion of one day was given up These prices will not continue indefinitely, G. W. Woodworth, who lives on still be speculating upon the affair as quently you have five cameras in one. And the "AL VISTA" is Egbert, Smith, Slotaenburg, Young, 1>V the senaters to caucusing, both Rogue river a few miles above Gold one of the glorious visions of the future. Miley of the army; Niebels, Gritting, bodies holding caucuses at the aame wade tor time aud snap-shot work, too Uses the ordinary 4x5 Hill, was a visitor in Grants Pass last —S. F. Call. Gridley and Brumley of the navy; and a time, leaving Senator Teller, who at daylight loading film on spools. Drop us a postal and get our If you want to secure these week. host of others have panned away before tends neither, the sole occupant ot the 1900 catalogue. If Captain MeGowanof the Monad nock Henry Harth ba« purchased (wo lots j their time, leaving us only memories, aeuate floor for an hour or two. That near Dr. Moore’s place and intends to shot and killed a Filhpino because the helpful and yet sorrowful, like “the is the week's record of the senate. We wcie fortunate in buying heavily long before the advance, ere< t a neat residence thereon in the brown fellow climbed on the vessel for echoes of the age, down the corridors of The lawyers fer the contestant, it Mr. BURLINGTON. WIS. hence your profit in buying now. Later on you will not get such ward instead of aft. as a dispatch asserts, ng. time.” Not here alone has death been McGraw, who ia heading the fight to prices, goods are bouod to advance; our Tinware is not the thin Arthur F'.dgerton has purchased a tract Captain McGowan should pay the pen busy; the vear has everywhere been fa uuseat Senator Scott, of West Virginia, I papery kind; as for Granite Ware we carry the finest line made in OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. alty of murder. It abould be mado clear of land north west of town from Mol tal, and fateful and momentous changes may properly be s|>oken of aa a contest the world; manufactured of nickel steel, nickel plated, thin coated P. DODGE, VN1TED STATE«. tbraham. The land is well timbered that crime is crime, whether committed have taken place, changing and affect ant— the unseating of Scott would not with Agate. All cheap grades of Granite Ware contain more or| INSURANCE and President....................... William McKinley and is valuable for fire-wood material in Manila or elsewhere.—8. F. Examin ing the whole future course of the world's make McGraw senator, unless he could less of Antimony, Lead or Arsenic, and we defy anyone to prove Viau President............................................... er. REAL estate alone. history. The United States doubting get elected by a majority ol the legisla the contrary. Hadu’t you better pay a little more and get healthy,Tj Secretary ut Mate.................... John liax clean goods? becrelary of Treasury .. .Lyman J Gage Life. Fire and Accident Insurance. J. F. Tolson, at one lime a resident A London paper doubts, and apparent« twelve months ago, doubts no longer, ture, presented aiguments to the senate Secretary of Interior.................. C N Bugs Office with Price & Vocuhies. of LuiA place, slopped here a few days ly with good reason, the statement that but has embarked on a great and pro committee on privilegea and elections, Decorated Table Napkins House Linings per yd.... . Secretary of War.................. Eldni Rqpt in favor of the hearing of witnesses in G rants P ass , 100 for........................... 10c O kegov . laet week on his way from Klamath to Buller was foolish enough to declare gressive policy which will turn the 4 qt Coffee Pots................. 15c Secretary of Navy .............. John D Long the case, but the committee has not yet Pacific almost into an American lake, Coquille City. yesterday that he would be in Ladysmith 4 Tumblers for..........f... 10c Secretary of Agriculture. James A Wilson 5 pint Granite Coffee Tots..23c decided. It still has the Clark case on Postmaster-General . .. James A Gary Bolts, per doz ................. 10c Mount« for stamp pictures, all kinds within a week. Buller may have shown with the Nicaragua canal on one side, Japanese Tea Pots...............15c Attorney-General.. ..Joseph McKenna pRICE A VOORU1E8, hand, and its members are all interest some bad judgment heretofore, but the Philippine islands on the other, Brooms.............................. ,5c for sale by A. E. V oohies . 4 qt Tin Stew Pans........... 7c STATS OF r OREGON. be hasn't as yet given anyone reason and a cable, and many steamship lines ed in the Quay case, now on the senate Wash Boards..................... 15c Clothes Pins, 4 doz for.... 5c A. B. Cousin has his new' ditch on REAL E'TATE, and jGeo W McBride connecting the remotest points. Beside« calendar- Being privileged, the Quay U. 8. Senators.......... Wire Clothes Lines................. kc Galice creek completed and now has his to suppose him a raving lunatic —8. F (Joseph Simon 1NSLA AN CE. case can be called up at any time Senat 1899 has seen the declaration of a firm hydraulic mine in good condition for Bulletin. Call and see our new I.ace Curtain Stretchers—It will save Cowmen.................. j«’A m J hj T“ and resolute “open door” policy by the or Chandler, chairman of the committee, Representing the most reliable com successful operation. He has some of the your curtains. Hack, knees and temper all worth the little money Now that England lias her hands full United States in regard to China, and may see tit to do so. Attorney-General.... D K N Blackburn panies ill existence, (both tire and life). the Stretcher costs. New Goods this week. Curtain Stretcher», best ground on Galice creelr, and has a in Africa, Russia is strengthening her Notary Public. Governor ...................................... T T Geer It is said that the president will this act is the commencement of the in Sham Holders, Wonder Egg Beaters, Picture Mouldings, Mat Secretary of State.............. Fl Dunbar G xzxm P ass , O regon . good equipment. self in China and making demands on ternational drama predicted by Bismarck shortly issue a proclamstioa, offering tresses. Slate Treasurer..................Chas 8 Moore Prof. Bert Roe is teaching two classes the latter that cannot lie met. France who said that in fifty years the world pardon to all Filipino rebels who volun Supt Pub Instruction ... J II Ackei » iah in the Illinois valley ; one at Waldo of 15 in the south is pursuing about the same would be either Teutouic or Slavonic, tarily lay down their arms before a Stale Printer............................. W 11 Leede members and one at Aithouse with be tactics. England will be compelled to Germany, England and Anglo-Saxon certain date, and outlawing those January Term of County Court. C E Wolverton 2 Xa C. HOUGH, The committee on legal proceedings Supreme Judge« ........ R 8 Bean tween 40 and 50. The young people of take a firm stand in China or her inter America are practically ranged against caught armed after that date. Jan. Wth, 11I0O. made their report, which was to the ATTORNEY-AT LAW, v F A Moore this section do not intend to be left be ests will suffer greatly.—Oregon City Russia now. It may be that the struggle Contract for building the Mooney effect that steps had been taken to meet Prof. Dean C. Worcester, president of Clerk Board School LandConi.. WHOde’l PiBcticeaUn all State ami Federal Courts hind in the march of progress. Enterprise. the Philippine commissioa, probably mountain wagon road let to Geo. P, the injunction that has been served on will he a peaceful and friendly one.but at FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Office over First National Bank. E. J. Dalrymple and H. W. Bruner, Western Division....... Judge 11 K Hanna G kahts F ass , Cows are wretchedly thoughtless this moment the abolition of warfare look« knows tho |>eople of the Philippines bet Furman and George H. Hartman, for the city by the water company, and that • • O kkuob . mining men from Colorado, arrived here creatures. There are well-authenticated very far away. Let us hope that this is ter than any other man in the U. 8., the aum of (A49. Other bide received an attorney had been employed to Eastern Division........ Judge II L Benson Prosecuting Attorney ............ C B Watson on Thursday to look over our mineral charges that these animals step into in only the dark Lour that heralds the dawn owing to his having lived among them a» follows: Bid of F, V, Stevenson and assist the city attorney and would tabs Member Board of Equalizat. .KA Emuiitt field. They «ay that, quite a large stead of across eurburban bicycle paths, Today, General Otis opens parts of the for the purpose of studying their R. A. Lindeuy, «21'5. Geo. A. Bryan the case through the lower courts for U. 8. LAND OFFICE ROSEBURG. £)R. J. JENNINGS number of people from their section are and even, in some instances, as clearly islands ami business ha« already livened characteristics, long belore anyone al the rate of |2 per rod. $100, and that an answer to the com Receiver ................................ Henry Booth In the matter of the road petition of plaint had been prepared. Motion war coming here this year. denoted by their tracks, follow these up Manila will now lie one of the busi dreamed of the American flag being Register...................................... J T Bridges ^.ISRESIDENT DENTIST. raised over the island, II« raid of W.D. O'Brien st al the report of the made that the committee's report be The Medford Musical Association gave sacred paths en their way to pasture or est cities on this half of the globe JOSEPHINE COl NTY 30 Years Ex|a?i lence. them: "The common people treat viewers and surveyors being unfavor accepted. Councilman Dunbar raised Christmas was spent here in a very a concert recently and the solo, chorus w hile carelessly feeding on the common. Joint Senator......... ............ C E Harmon able, the petition was disallowed. the question inquiring if this fee would County Judge . . . .............. Ala? Axtell Office in Opera House block; see the sign and quartet work is «aid to have been Abolish the ofd-faahioned brutes, or grand manner. It surpassed any thing their women well, and their families In the matter of the tax sale certificate be enbject to payment if the matter of The Big Tooth. (Nick Tho«« exceptionally good. Mrs. R. C. Brooks, compel their presumptuous owners to I ever saw before during all my travels, are well ordered. They are a musical Commissioners .... ‘’ f Dick George people, and thia ia an especially (< hk 1 held by Josephine county for the west should be settled outside of the court. O regon . the popular soprano, assisted in the «hut them up and feed them the year the natives make this day the red letter County Clerk.......... ............ Roy Bartlett G rant « P ahs , trait. On the other band, the peoplo half of the southeast quarter and the Councilman Fetach thought this turn of day of the year. Every native's house concert. There were between 30 and 40 round.—Oregonian. Bheriff........................ ................ Ed Lister is open to whoever wishes to partake of are idle and extremely ignorant. They ooutheast quarter of the norlliwc.t affairs improbable, as the council had voices in ths chorus under the director .J W Virtue Ke press n tat i ve........ Treasurer.................. .. ..I T Taylor ship of Dr. R. F. Burnett. The Yaqui Indiana of Sonora, the their hospitalities. Christmas is calle«! show no originality, but are copyists. quarter of section lfl, tp. 37, s r 6 w, rejected the proposal of ths water com C. PERKINS, School Superintendent.. J D Haye« only race in all Mexico that was able to in Spanish, “Paaquay,” and it has al There is no doubt but that they would containing 120 acres, the same being pany, and had made its decision to go The Big Yank M <& M Co. below Galice Assessor . . Tom Smith the property of F. Jacobs, decease.1, on with the sewer construction, and are energetically developing that prop survive the Spanish invasion and pre- wavs been the custom on that day develop originality il an opportunity Surveyor.. . ..BO McCulloch U. S. DEPUTY on application and the payment of the with the attendant law case. Dunbar Coroner . . Dr. F VV K remer osition and are making extensive pre werre its individuality, are making their when one wishes you a merry Christmas, were given them. They are untruthful MINERAL SURVEYOR sum of (52.01) to the county the said inquired if this docision were past re 1’RKCINCT OFFICER«. parations for introducing a large plant last stand against the Mexican govern to give him money. On that day, 1 gave in the extreme. They are cruel and superstitious. Above all, the common certificate was assigned to T. J. Kenney. consideration if it could be shown that away nearly $20. During the morning, Justice................................. James Holman G rants F arm , ment. Like all other fighting people, should the further development carry O regon . N. York appointed justice of the tho will of the people was contrary to Constable ................................. J H Colby out the favorable indications of its pre« the Yaquis believe in the United States, my friend and I amused ourselves by class is woefully inexperienced iu affairs peace for Oak Flat precinct. W. A. such proceeding. The mayor gave the CITY OF GRANTS PASS. ent appearance. Savage Broe. have re and have asked for the sympathy of this throwing ten cent pieces out at the win of government." Pref Worcester says Kluin appointed justice of the peace for opinion that the coancll would be safe Mavor.. ................................... W T Coburn QOSHOW& SHERIDAN, centlv completed their contracts for nation in their struggle against the dow and watching the children scramble the average native allows that he Auditor..................................... ( • >. Fur ma 1 Mt. Reuben precinct, lioth to serve in leaving thia matter in the hands ef tunnel work at this place, The company Mexican government. Yamhill County for them. In the evening our club gave expecta protection from the Americans, ireaturer................................................. Col Johnaon MINING ATTORNEYS, until their successors are elected and the committee. but if asked what he means by pro Councilman H. E. a reception which was enjoyed by all. Reporter. Street Commissioner.. . John FatricE is extending the Galice «sgoli road to Special attention given to Mining tection, will say: "Why you protect qualified. Hmith spoke in favor of going through C harlton B. P kkkinm . ^larshal.................................... Wm. Lister their property. atnl Land Laws, and Land Office practice. Following claims audited and ordered with the matter. The mayor expressed f August Feiscu us fiom other people and let US do aa we List Sunday evening a test of the Honorable Thomas B. Reed, in writ- Tom Smith paid by county warrants: please." hie sentiments in favor afthis course, T. K osebvro . • . O keuo N. chemical fire eagine, recently purchased, Rusty Nails for Peach Trees d D Fay ing of the modern trust, does not beein to W. H. Parker, law index (10. Thum is apparently no limit to indi F. Cramer as chairman of the committee was haff. The old fire tower on the ci*y E FL Dunbar W aldo , O rb , Jan. 31, 1900 regard it either as an ••octopus ” or a Councilnien . ... Sugar Pine Door A Lumber Co. lum appointed at the citisens meeting in the vidual nerve. An attorney for a British T 1* J udaon lot aa. the acene of operations. It was Editor C ourier : OBERT G. SMITH, bugaboo. “My notion,” says he, “ is N E McGrew telegraph company told the house com ber for roads (4.22. afternoon, then spoke to the council, tilled with hay and rubbish of several I have a matter in my mind which is that while Providence and the higher M M Rum mage J. H. Miller, Mdse, for paupers f'J.OO. stating the sentiment of that meeting, mittee on interstate and foreign com H D. NORTON, descript lone and fired. When the fire , H E Smith of so much importance to peach growers laws which really govern the universe Geo. II. Briggs, justice of the peace, which was to the effect that aa effort had gained considerable headway the that I deem it pro|>er I should have you merce, which is considering the bills Regular meetings of the city council of are, in men’s talk, much inferior to the should be in ado for an amicable settle Grant*8 Pass are held in the council , chemical engine was put in operation mention it now in time for orchardists (or a Pacilc cable, that this government state vs Wilkins (ll.flu. revised statutes before lh* v ire enacted, T. II. Chapman, constable fees, state ment with the water company, and rooms in the city hall on the first ami A ttorneys and C ounselors could not Iny n cable to Manila without and quickly extinguished the fire. The to use it. they are always found t© be quite sup third Thursday evenings of each month violating riglita to that company, under VS Wilkins (3.20. recommending that a council committee at L aw . engine by ita work demonstrated its I had a dozen peach trees which began CIRCUIT COURT. erior to them after tbev ar& enacted. In O. W, Whipp, witness (1.50. be appointed consisting of the mayor concessions given by Spain, which be effectiveness at short range — Del Notts Meets on the third Monday in April Office in Finit National Bank Building. fact. Nature abhors a ruo> opoly as much to turn dead and the leaves to become Wm. Gillmore, witness (l.flo. and two coun.-iltnen to coaler with the claimed were binding on this govern and the fourth Monday in September. Record. pale and sickly. I drove rusty nails in Mrs. A. J. Adams, witness (1.50. COUNTY cot KT G kantb F ash , • • OanaoN. as it does a vacuum.” Mr. Reed’s paper eilisen's committee and with ths water meut. It is not thought tlial this pre a few of them and, to my surprise they hobos’ Roost. on monopolies, which is to appear in Probate court meet» first Monday of Alex Orme, conveying insane patient company to endeavor to coms to a friend posterous claim will receive any serious took on new and vigorous growth and January, April, July and September. The Saturday Evening Poet of February The Eugene Register contain« the ly understanding. attention either from the,committee or from Jacksonville, (H.15. County commissioners court meets first 10th, is a suggestive discussion of the following clasftical narration of the ex the leaves turned dark green. Half of from congress. J. F. Kellogg, drawing jury list for The mayor then put the motion ia re Wednesday after the meeting of the ^EORGE H. BINNS, methods of vast corporations. It dis perience of a former Corvallis boy with one forked tree was dead and one half of county court. gard to the legal committee's report, Representative Jenkias, of Wisconsin, Aithouse precinct, (3. cusses in a striking and original manner tramps eear that city: While inhaling the bxly was dead to the ground. 1 John MacDougal, assistant jury liât which was adept«), Dunbar voting "No " a'.membcr of the Judiciary committee is ASSAYER, one of the most pressing questions ef the the ethereal ozone from the topmost drove nails at the edge of the green tim the latest man to pro|>oM a trust Aithouse, (2. PARKERS A motion was then made by Judson, HAIR BALSAM her.and it caused a new growth to swell day. J. A. Iaainard, assistant jury list for Dunbar seconding, that the mayor ap promontory of 8kinner' h Butte yester HecriMB *jid beaut. H m the hair. remedy. His idea, which is embodied Pr.mutea a luxuriant growth. Office opposite Hotel Josephine, day, E. J. Frasier and M. O. Wilkin« out on the dead wood. I first saw this in a joint resolution providing for an Aithouse, (2. point two councilmen to serve with him Never Fails to Hestore Gray Margin wn Driving Ouittt. Hair to its Youthful Color. saw several hobos enter the diamaiHlad in (»each trees in Major J. R. Bean’s amendment to the i-oosititotion, is to Ben K. Stahl, powder, Galice creek on the committee as suggested by the G rants P ass , O re «*,*. A good sound home in fine condition, orchard in Seattle. W. J. W imkk observatory building. They approached give congressfpower to create corpora road (38.70. B. O. McCulloch survey citiseus' com in it tee. The motion was weighing about ¿1200 pounds, perfectly the structure and were surprised on adopted without any diseent. tions to interstate commerce end to ing O’Brien road (10. -, trusty and willing; a good strung buggy, A Firs. 0. C. Taylor markrr road fu. entering, to find the room« were appar Tho petition for extending tbo sewer control them even to the extent of tak 1*2 inch axles, nearly ¿new; gow 1 har 1-asl Wednesday evening about a ing away their franebiees, if.they,failed John Howell viewer road (8. ently without occupants Oa further system to the school house was then ness ; all for $100. Ecl us Pollock viewer road «8. examination, a sort of trap door was , qinrrter past 8 o'clock, the house occu to obey the law or abuse their privileges , taken up, and K. K. Montgomery, who Apply at this office or to 8. H. Cal This School is Now Under State Control. unearthed, whic h on being ihrown open, pied by Mr. Caloway and family, near bet to leave the taxation ot the properly L. L. Jennings, viewer road ( introduced the petition, addreseod the houn. Is the Largest and Most Progressive School in Southern Oregon. Oregon OHesavxH printing (22. a large hole was revealed underneath Williams Bros, favtory, was discovered ol these corporations entirely to the council on the .ubjeet The matter was New buildings, new apparatus and fixtures fine campus, healthful location., delightful Warlike Editor. Io be on fire and burning furiously. The the floor, from whoee dark depth» Thus. Smith, as easors salary (1’0. favorably received and was referred to states. Mr. Jenkins said ol the growth elimate, excellent influence« for student«. Nick Times commissioners salary and the committee on publi.t improvements, The following w clipped from a paper j glistened in “wild tiger fashion’’ several dense fog that pervaded the atmosphere of trusts "There are a great many r<»ur^eof study the same as at other Normals of the state. ptiblihbe«! in North Montana: From the pairs of duity eyes. On being t>ld to on that evening prevented the blaze corporal! ,ns and combinations which milage fH 40. Be«t advantages in Vocal and Instrumental music to l>e found in Southern Oregon. to report at the next meeting. Tho Training school fully equinped and in charge of a thorough critic teacbe^r Court adjourned until next regular mayor then appointed Councilmen little town of Havre, a burx mi uated at come forth by the two brave gentleman from being noticeable for any great dis have groan so great that lliey are Tuition $6.25 per term . musi< $5 and $10 per term . board at hall fl.75, and lodging 50c the moalh of “Bull He«»k’’ creek, come« who had beardeil them in their den. the tance The alarm was sounded and a Fetoch and Rummage to serve with the absolutely beyond the law, We are April term. per week, students furnishing l>ed clothing; family I «card $2..' j O and $3. > the cheerful intelligence that the editor whiskers replied in language more forci large crowd soon collected, l-ut loo late powerless to reach them." committee an saggeetod at tho citisens |125 poy» all cjprnw far onr yeas’» schooling, inrhuling baaici. l-rvwperoua ll.-yoi«l I'arallel to eave any of the effects. The family meeting. The council then adjourned, Il has been serni-otficially announced The shortest and most thorough route to a state certificate, is the normal oour-e. Re of this paper ie to l»e a*«a«Mn’<ted for : ble than ehxjiient. In one corner of Ivan Humason, interesting himself in View« for teacher« throughout the year. careleenne«« in han>liin< H»« liuth The their rrmlezvouz a.rude fireplace had were in allendance at a meeting in I be dint this government will lake no part Try "Etching Matte" the new photo b ur catalogue or information, address M. E. church Mouth, at the lime. They editor 1« aot prepare«! to draw on bifl been fashioned from stones gathered ill any negotiation proponed by any mining matters at Gold Hill ami vicinity graphic pa|>or; Dovelopes in water. W. T. VAN 8C0Y, President, Ashland. Oregon. celevlial bank account ju«t n«w an«! any* near the reservoir, into whose limpid had apent the afternoun with a relative Euiopean government or governments since the first <il the year, is in the city. For sale by A. E. Voonuiu. one that tri«« to put out our light will depths they gazed, Psyche like, while in the country, and on returning, bad to agree upon a declaration defining the He is leaking arrangements to take back to Gold Hill a 10 stamp mill to do cua gone directly to the church. A male be taken horn« “in the baggage car filling their improvised buckets prepara rights ot Rentrais, ami announcing ahead.” We are not much of a musician, tory to cooking their evening meal with meirberof the family had been at the what shall ba considered contraband of tom work for the miners there, and has c n play a lullaby on a shotgun that the ill-gotten spoil from nocturnal house in the evenin« and had prepared war. It is believed that this announce* already secured a water power to operate pillage. L'nsc a re« I and unmolested, i here supper, and afterwards had gone to the merit whs snade to prevent Germany the mill. Mr Humason says ths winter wih put grown up people to sleep. ¿T. B. FADDOCK, worthies of inborn lethargic tendencies {church where the others were attending. ask inx this gnvernBeiit to participate has Ireen one of the most favorable ever 1 am prepared to furnish anything in the line off eieetery work in any kind G. A. R known for mining operations in South continue to inhabit this lair above the It is not known how the tire originated. in a conference for such a purpose. of MARBLE or GRANITE ern Oregon, owing to the mild weather Gen. Izigan Post No. •‘89”, meets the clouds in strange incongruity with their The report was widely circulated down Although Roberta announced, ju«t Nearly thirty yearn of experience in the Marble busioe»» warrants iny saving first Wednesday evening, each month, pore environment, and when the shade town that the Sugar Pine factory was after hi« «eat in the houae wan declared end copious rainfall, and the hydraulic that I can till your orders in the very beet manner. at the A. O. U. W. Hall( al Granta Fai», of night wraps its dark mantle of slum burning and considerable excitement vacant, that be would do nothing more and placer miners throughout that sec Can furnish work in Scotch, Swede or American Granite or any kindt'f Oregon. bar about the tired city, the denizens of prevailed. There was almost a panic in about it, there >• an interesting rumor, tion have since October last turned more Marble. A bb A xtbix , Jl’UK PaTBICK, this abode issue forth and slink about the opera house, where a large gathering which he will neither deny nor a ill r in, ground than during the past four years i Adjutant. Com mander. 50 Per cent Cheaper than Kerosene. the barn-yards, where well fed fowls were in attendance at a free show given that be intend« getting it into th« court«, The absence of cold and snow and the Front Street N*xt to Greene*« Ganahop abumtaiice of water has enabled claims by a traveling medicine company. blink on their perches in fancied Insurance Companies Approve. i« order to have the rupretn« court pair Teachers Examine:ion«. Homebody, who needs severe treatment upon the conalitutional right of the to tie worked day and night, and the re security. Cold Does Not Affect .Nolic# is hereby given that the county of some description, shouted "tiro''. Im houae to declare a vacancy in the ««at sult will be an unusually large output < f Edncailon in a Normal. «n|w int* u-nt of Josephine county gold. There ia now a bigger boom in mediately there was a rush for the door, to which he wa« legally elected. will Lol I vhe regular examinations of The Southern Oregon Normal, at Ash women screamed, children cried, end the both placer and quarts mine» in Routh- appUant« for state papers at Grants land, g ves a training of three and four 1 larger |iertion of the crowd lost their ern Oregon than there has been sine*» Kailroading Patenti. Pan, on Fab. 14, 15, 10 and 17th. a* years in branches of study above the ' wits almost entirely. Fortunately, the early in ttie '»iOa. Moro quarts claims eighth grade. One year of practice s|>e*w near the doorway was occupied by follows. A .ingle flrm of Paient f.awyara, C. have been taken up in the last six Conaennng Wednesday, Feb. 14 at 9 teaching in the training school is afford 'a number of men many of whom aaeiet-| I A Snow A Co., ef Washington D. C., months than Over before, and people are o'cUxk a. m. and continuing until Hatur ed to students preparing to teach •d tbe cooler beads In the room in ' j have In the last y ar procuiaff 1.B30 pat finding out by going down on quarts Many young prop.« leave out the train bolding bark the crowd until it could -nta for their clients, many ol them for , veins tlist their value holds out aa well day. Feb. U at 4 o’clock Wednesday penmanship, history, ing and have the advantage of the aca | comprehend that it wm not bning roast- i ■ eje. tad ■sentions C. À. flnosr A Co aS In Eastern Oregon, and the idee that ' spelling, algebra, reading, Oregon school demic work as a preparation for college •>1 and that the fire was over a qnertsr I have been accuseal of railroading patent, I the southern pert ol the stale te • "pocket! No wicks te trim, so smoke, er Not all students, by any means, attend 'A a mile away. broach ths Patent < »ihrs, but they in- •untry" is being abandoned —Oregoai law. smell. No chimneys te elean. Super Thursday * written arithmetic, theory ing a Normal school, make teat berg of ior to electricity, gas, acetyhme or The boee carle and hook and ladder ■ist that thia locomotion is better than 1 an. of teacning, grammar, book keeping, themselves. kerosene. Having effected by ite use trock were dragged laberiously by a few i oxcarting them, lot by the latter proves, Council Meeting, physics, civil governaaent. quickly pays for it. men to near the acene, but on discover- | be inventor often diss before Us gets Tram fwr Hale. The regular semimonthly conae. I Friday: pbvaiolagy, grograpbv, men A splendid team, 'about 1 IM) weight) ing that it was not the factory which was hie patent. meetng was hold on Thursday evening, tai arithmetic, composition, physical afire and that the bailee wm already spring wagon and new harness for atle all the eon Mil using present, A pell Cirttk or Nog Ranch Cheap. fBi<rapnv. lor $?2o. Thoen are good driving or consumed, they stopped in disgust, ex-1 A splendid ranch of IfiO scree, eight tion was read requesting that immediate gWMIietry, Saturday: botany, plane Exhibited and Sold by haustion, and sis i o bee ol mod ai d I work horses and the outfit is a bargain miles Irom Granta Paes, with house, steps be taaen to extend the sewer sya- general history, English literetarr, For parti« ulnrn inquire al the Courier abandoned the chase tern to connect with the two school barn, orchard, ao I small frail, eight psychology. BLAKE. office. J. D. Haves. acres enclosed in feoce, hr sale for $500 hooves. The petitiou was ad opted ami Or ant, Pu». Or«, on. placed on tile. Tiu e books at the Co» aixa office. Coooty Sagt- Inquire at this <>flkw. “ \ Panoramic Broom Sale - Clean Sweep BUY nsrow BJAIRO- M LISTS. Multiscope & Film Co., JÇ A I J O Marble and Granite Works. 100 Candle Power 3 Hours for . . 1 Cent J. B. PADDOCK, The Best .... Incandescent Vapor Oa« Light F. W. I