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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 15, 1900)
AX IXDXrXXDIXT PiriB, D b VOTKD EsVXd ALL V TO TMB .'STBBBBTB OF SoUTUXXM O s XOON GRANTS PASS, JOSEPHINE COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY t5, 1900, The Scia sors. Five Cameras in One Washington Letter. HORSES FOR PHILIPPINES. No. 15. Furniture, Lace Curtains. Carpets, (From Our Regular Correepondent.) Tinware, War I Apartment Has Bought 1600 Head in Picture Moulding, Lamp?, W ashington . Feb. 5, 1900 F m M e Northwest J Wall Paper, Linoleums, With the r&crpGvM o( the sensational Tools, M. Clemen«, Prescription Druggist. Mirrors, The Pacific Northwest is doing ita Senator Clark, of Montana, speaks debate in the senate, during which Sen Glassware, Mattresses, Bicycle hospital for all repairing al four languages, but what the other two ator 1’etligre« was called a traitor by share toward outfitting and mounting Cutlery, Pillows, Cramer Bros. are besides English and money is not three senators and Admiral Dewey'« the army in the Philippines, In Oregon Graniteware, Cots. Mr. and Mrs. Amo« Smith visited in stated.—Eugene Register. letter, branding Aguinaldo a liar, was and Washington the government during Medford last week read, and half a dozen short Bpeeches an the past few months ha« bought 1600 Huy H ouma - l-'ui-n¡Mhiu^M So far Mr. Pettigrew has refrained the Philippines and the finance bill by head of hor«e«. Mounts for stamp pictures, all kinds from declaring that the blood of the as many senators, both branches of con The buying ha« been aona by two cav for sale by A. E. V oohies . Mrs. N. Delamater was in Jackson murdered Kentuckians rests on the gress put in the past week on routine, alry officers of the regular army who president’s head. But there is still time buaiuees. were detailed for the duty, Captains ville last week, visiting relatives. to repair the omission.—Eugene Regis- The attitude taken by the preaideut to« Wainwright and Sheaver. They now Kenney of Jack- Cha«. Prim andT. J. Do not buy a camera until you have examined the wards the Kentucky political situation have 843 horses collected at Vancouver Ur. ie»nvilie made (.¡rants Pass a visit on Than Elsewhere. it pleasing to all senators and represen- and Walla Walla, which will be ahipped The weather condition« for February, Thursday, “Al Vista” (Cameras. tativea, with the possible exception to Manila on the transport Unnox and 16x20—3 in. frame all complete with best 21 oz French Picture J. T. Tuffs came up from Wolf Creek as predicted by Hicks, are somewhat of a few radical« who believe, or at least other steamships With the patent long and short negative attachment you can take Glass with silvered wire all ready to hang....................... . >1.00 exper t ram and ion- »un claim to believe, that one of the proper Thursday, to attend the funeral of his mixed. . We may expect The natural result of buying up so shine throughout the month, coupled functions of the federal government, is a 4M. 4X(>. 4*8. 4x10 and a 4x12 picture, as desired, Conse- brolher-in-law, R. H. Dean. 2Ox2 4............................................ JL75 many horses lias increased values on quently you have five cameras in one. And the -AL VISTA’’ is lion. J. H. Ikioth is home again from with bliuard«, snowstorms and high to straighten out every political rum pm horses that during the past few years We have a choice assortment oi Mouldings all uew and up to San Francisco, and reports Mrs Booth winds.—Del Norte Record. that happens to be kicked up in any of have had but little value. For service made tor time and snap shot work, too Uses the ordinary 4x5 date. Buy here and see what you are getting. the states. The president and his cabi in the Philippines the government has as improving in health.—Roseburg Re daylight loading film on spools. Drop us a postal and get our It is reported by the senate committee We re busy with shop and contract work so please leave net are unanimous in their belief that in relaxed its rigid rules concerning cavalry view. 1900 catalogue. that the Nicaraguan canal can be built orders as soon as you possibly can. he st ate court is the pro|»er place to sett c horses and accepted animals from 5 to 7 W. A. Taylor, who bas been for some so that it will pay 12 per cent. If thia time in the employ of the S. P. company, be so why not build it as an investment. the disputed Kentucky question. There years old, weighing from 903 to 1100 You Your Life In Bed! at the round-house ba« been transferred None would pay better for the money lias never been a case of i e leral inter pounds at*d standing 14 hands 3 inches BURLINGTON, WIS OUR 1176 SPRING will help you spend it in Comfort. The ference in the political disputes of a to 15 hands 2 inches. Heretofore candi to Montague. spent —Oregon City Enterprise. state that did not leave a bad taste be dates for cavalry horses under 15 hands Spring that gives rest to your slumbers because it lets you lie in a of upper Jump off- Blalock Brothers OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. A people who can fight like the Boers hind in the average man's mouth. As high have beeu rejected. P. DODGE, natural position. Made of the best Carbon Steel, oi! tempered at Joe made a visit to town last week, long as there ia any «einblance of law Nous but horses broken to the saddle UNITED STATES. They are making a good run this winter have done, deserve success. All good 800 degrees. None better—None as good. Clean, Light and INSURANCE ami fighters command admiration; they pos and order maintained in Kentucky, were wanted by the government, and President . ................. William McKinley •nd are improving the favorable season. Sanitary, REAL ESTATE there isn ’ t the slightest probability that Vise President............ there bad been but little object iu break II. A. Corliss has bought from W. E. sess moral qua ilies which makes them any official action will be taken by the . John Hay becretarrof Mite ... ing them during the past few years, to Life, Fire and Accident Insurance. self government a« as near capable of .Lyman J Gage Secretary of Treasury Mallory the two lots lately purchased by Office with Price & Vooihics. federal govern neut and if federal troops the fact was advertised weeks in advance Mining Location. ..........C N Biis» Secretary of Interior him, opposite J. W. Howard's residence the human family generally reaches, Put lliein to M>ak over night, and vary ... Ehhn Root Secretary of War . . G rants P ahs , O kluon . and adjoining Mr. Corl us’ residence and to wage a brave warfare for liberty, should be needed, to stop rioting, the leg that the buyers would be in certain dis f Recorded since Feb. 5) little washing will be necessary. __ _____________ j . ___ John D Long Secretary of Navy and in defense of firesides, has always ialature, not one of the rival governors tricts at particular times, and that gave property. Geo. D. Wilkins, quartz claim, “Dix Secretary of Agriculture . James A \S ilson A WAH1HN0 compound . secured a favorable verdict from civilized will have to ask for them before they will owners a chance to break their wild on” in Brigg. Creek mining district. Postmaster-General____ James A Gary The Medford city council is cousider- be sent. Members of the cabinet say horses. 2', lbs. sal aoda, % lb. borax, lb. pRICE A VOORHIE8, public opinion.—Sumpter Miner. Aturney-Generai.. Joseph McKenna H. C. Perkins, et al, 160 acres placer ing a* proposition for purchasing an that the death of Mr. Goebel has not The horses raised in the Pac ific North ground iu Allbouse mining disttict. resin, 2 ox. salts ol tarter, 1 ox. liquid STATE OF OREGON. REAL ESTATE, and electric light plant, sufficient to furnish At least two third« of the voter« of the changed the situation. west are the very t>eet for army pur|K>ses, E. F. Hannuui, I). L. Browning and ammonia, dissolve soda, borax and r«sin fT a u . jGeo W McBride insurance . lights for the city ami to do the city United State« are in favor of the election Secretary Hay has received $750, col and the war department knows it, and N. 8. DyBert, quartz claim, “Ida” in in 4 qts. of water, and let boil 10 minuta. U. S. Senators.............. jjoseph Simon of senator« by direct vote of the people. lected by a St. Louis German newspaper, for this reason has bought more horses Grave Creek mining district „ tThosH Tongue When cold adj salts of tarter and am Representing the most reliable com water pumping. Congrwmmen .............. j.M A Moody E. F. Ilannum, D. I. Browning anJ monia with 4 gals, of water. Keep wall “Shorty” Weaver and John Kenny, With direct legislation this reform to be used for the aid of widows and or here than in any other section of the panies in existence, (both fire and life). Attorney-General........ D R N Blackburn Notary Public. two young men of Medford, were recent would lie enacted into law without delay. phans of Boer soldiers, and has forward county. The government’s orders have N. S Dysert, quartz claim, “Big Nug corked. 8oak clothes over night in clear ............. T T Geer G rants P ass , Governor .................... O regon . ly i rreeted at that place for disorderly Under the present system it will probably ed it to tho U. S. Consul Hay, at Pretor tieeii fully filled now, but it is pro Im hie get” in Grave Creek mining district. Ell »unbar Secretary of State. . James Savage, water right ol 1500 water. In the morning wring out into a conduct and fined $12 «50 each. The rates never pass the United States senate.— ia. with instructions that the money and that it will need more saddle horses in inches from Baily creek in Malice min tub. Pour 5 gala, of water, 1 pt. wash State Treasurer ........ .. Chas 8 Moore are higher than they are in Grants Pass. Eugene Guard. Supt Pub Instruction .. J II AckrtmaN the accompanying communication be the near future, as the process of wear ing district, ing compound, pt. soft soap in boiler, ........ VV H Leeds Stat« Printer A C. HOUGH, turned over to President Kruger. The ing out and being condemned goes on James Savage, water right of all the when hot but sot boiling pour it over Judge J. E. Magers of Portland and (C E Wolverton xx# During the civil war,* an able and sensation predicted in connection with day and night and unceasingly never water of China gulcli iu Galiee Mining the clothes letting them stand covered Edward Warren of McMinnville «pent JUS Bean lUon Hupreme indues ........ -US ATTORNEY-AT LAW, district. influential sympathizer with, and sup this money, did not materialize. Its re e!ee|»s.—Oregonian. ( F A Moore 20 minutes, rub out streaks of dirt, put -everal days in Grants Paes laet week, Ptactices in all Stale and lederai Courts John W. Nicholson, quartz claim porter of the Confederates,’’Clement L. ceipt has nothing to do with any recog (Jlerk Board School LandUoni. W HOdell into boiler with same quantity of water, and expressed themselves as being well "Mineral World ” in Jump off Joe mill Vallandigham, of Ohio, was taken in nition of the Boer government; it was Office over First National Bank. The Ruth to Caps Norns. soap and compound, let come to u boil, pleaded with the town and its surround riZMI JUDICIAL DIHTB1CT. ing district. custody and sent within the rebel lines, received and forwarded, just as any G rants P ass , • • O regon . - rinse, etc. “A unt Josts” Western Division Judge II K Hanna ings. The Cape Nome excitement continues Rsal Eit.U Tranif.ri. where he belonged. It would be well Eastern Division....... fudge 11 I. Benson Gel your w riting paper by the ream if a similar com we could be pursued other charitable contribution would unabated according to a report to the Cutting Polna. (Raoorded since Jan. 27.) Prosecuting Attorney ........ CB Watson stale department December 8, from and have money. We offer a ream of with regard to the less able, but" more have been. Member Board of Equalisat . KA Eminitt C, Cole, a Lane county farmer, mer h \V. Garbcra o E. W. Kuyken Hu. There is rivalry in everything, even in Reyrte'd Morrises, 7'ca-conaul at Daw note paper, 180 sheets, 2‘2 pounds, for pestiferous Pettigrew. He ia an ardent chant, saw-mill man and contracter, has dall, lot 2, block 8, Urants I’a«», u. a. land orrica bosebi no. doing good. There are bills pending be son City. He writes that many people 45c. We get the paper in large quapli- partisan of Aguinaldo, and with Aguinal cob . nlcr at ion ........................... | 50 reeently taken a contract to furnish ths Receiver ............................... Henry Booth RESIDENT DENTIST. fore congress, for the incorporation of are making preparations to gel to Cape O. >k. O. R It Co to Al.on Every, tiesand caa sell ch^ap; tbis is not cheap do he ought to he —Telegram. Register...................................... J T Bridgts Booth-Kelly Lumber Company cedar the Red Cioss society and the White Nome from Skagway via Dawson, over NE>. ol NW«,and HE1, of NW. 30 Years Ex}»eiience. paper but first class goods.— C ourier telephone polea for 30 miles of lies. Tbs AOHgeUlNK COUNTY of «ec 25, tp 35 south, rang» 7 Cross association, the first being the the ice, a journey of 2600 miles. He A plant to make syrup and vinegar Office in Opera House block; see the sign office. west, consideration....................... 400 uedar he flads in abundance along the .......... C E Harmon Joint Senator. American branch of the organization, «ayes if all who are contemplating to ............. Abe Axtell of The Big Tooth. During January 1900 there were larger from watermelons is to be established County Judge Mohawk, adjacent to th. proposed line, Geo. A.Guild to II. E.'Smith, SE’4 known all over the world, and the »ec- make the trip this winter, there will be at North Yakima, with capacity foi (Nick Tho«« of aoc 23 south, range <i west con- from Springfield to Wendling, st ths ter G rants P ass , O hkoon . foreign lumber shipmeuts from Hum Coin mi«»» ion er* (Dick George ond a strictly American organization, one continuous Hue ol people from Ben «¡deration ......................................... ; ;»M) bolt bay, than ever before known in the handling the melons from 100 acres in minus oi the new rsilrosd, and thence to .......... Koy Bartlett County Clerk the t anning season. It is said that one which was started during the war with nett to Ht. Michael. The transportation W. E. Kahler to 8. W. Mile«, north history of the port in one month here Coburg. The polea are to be 25 feet long ............... Ed Lister Sheriff............ 25 feel ol lota V, 10, It ami 12, Spain. When Senator Stewart reported companies have already arranged to acre in watermelons will produce five .......... J W Virtue pj C. PERKINS, Representative tofore Surely redwood lumber is be six inches in diameter at the tsp, and 10 block 40, Grants pass, consider that the White Cross bill should be taken handle 300 > passengers. The route to .............. .1 T Taylor Treasurer...... Coming appreciated by the reeidenU times the syrup that can be produced ation................................................... 000 at the butt. The pries paid for thsm, J D Hayes School Bnpeni.tentlent from one acre of sorghum. In saccharine, from the District of Columbia committee t'spe Nome via Dawson ia said to be four John D. Fry to Win. Cochran, (I1, across the water.—Del Norte Record . laid down along the line, is »1.50 each. U. 8. DEPUTY . Tom Smith A«e«a«off the juice of the melon is richer than and sent to the committee on foreign re weeks earlier than the all sea route, be The construction of the railroad grade acre« in sec 17, tp 36 south, range ...BO McCulloch W. S. W«>od, of the new Palace hotel, Surveyor MINERAL SURVEYOR, lations, which is considering the Red cause of the open winter along the shore cane juice. To obtain the best results, 5 west, conaideration..................... 1 toward Wendling is proceeding some ... Dr. F W Kremer Coroner. has procured a very handsome flag, Crossbill, Senator Allen, who intro north of the Yukon river. the melon rind must be removed, and Rachel Fisher to T. J. Kenney, what slowly, he says, on account ef the GhAXTS I’ABH, O regon . which will hereafter wave over that PBEt iSUT OFFiCKRb The weather at Dawson was compara W', of SE1, and HE1, of NW>, the riper the melon the better.—Halles duced the White Cross bill, made a vigor frequent showers, which turn the earth Justice..................................James Holman edifice. The public display of our of sec 16, tp 37 south, range 6 ous protest, charging that the transfer tively mild, from 35 above to 18 below Times Mountaineer. Constable.................................... J H Colby to mud as the plow and scraper are ap national emblem is becoming more and west, consideration......................... 1 was a scheme to kill hiB bill. zero. Th a mildneM lias interfered with 0OSHOW&SHERIDAN, plied. A large force of men is employe«) CITY OF GRANTS PASH. The Oregon Pioneers more general, and can not fail of promot Representative Boutell, of lUinoia, dio mining by flooding the drifts, and the Eiixa Partlow to Stella Lawson. 5 in grading, however, and tho gangs are acres in sec 24, tp 96 south, range Mavor............................... W I Coburn MINING ATTORNEYS, ing a better condition of patiiotism The pioneers of Oregon have reached pounded a little conundrum to Civil gold output will fall short ef the esti t) west, consideration..................... ! strung out all alor.g the lint. When one Auditor...................................... (.«>. Fuima . The mud in roa«ls and streets is dry an advanced age, and they are rapidly Service Commissioner Procter, in a little mate of »25,000,000. Special attention given to .Mining 'treasurer....... Lol Johnson 8. P. D. A L. company to susan T. l>oint iMM-imies pro muddv the men are Street Commissioner. . . John Patrick and Land Law s, and Land Office practice. ing nowaday« with marvelous rapidity passing down the decline of life. The speech al a dinner where they were both Woodworth, HE1, of sec 4 tp 35 moved to another. The road has been Cattle or Hog Ranch Cheap. ................ . Wm. Lister train is acquiring a fast pace as it de sou th, range 6 west, considera and another week of dry weather will Marshal.. guests, which the Utter gentleman ac R oseburg , - , • O regon . built as far as the crossing of the Mc ( August Fe’.scu tion ...................................................... A splendid ranch of Itk) acres, sight 501» scends into the valley, which shall end put the roads in very good condition. knowledged his inabilty to solve. Mr. | Tom Smith Kenzie, wiiere a steel bridge is to bo con II. K Wolcott to Corson A Etcher, miles from Grants Pass, with liouee The long continued «eason of rainy the wearisome march, and to the Native Boutell said/ I fine? myself constantly i u D Fay structed. The Booth-Kelly company’s lot 24, black 50, Grants Paes,con ROBERTO SMITH, weather during the present winter, to Sons and Daughters shall fall the duty involved in trouble on account of the barn, orchard, ami small fruit, eight I E E Dunbar sideration.......................................... 150 uew mill at Wendling ia about completed Couni'ilnieu ... ] T P J inison gether with the larger amount of travel of completing and pieserving the record« civil service commission, and 1 should acres enclosed in fence, for sale for $6<M). H I). NORTON, and by the time the railroad reaches I N E McGrew Inquire at this office. Household Hint! and Talk« With Mothers to which the ever increasing traffic has of ths journey, the work unfinished by like to propound this question to Mr. | M M Rummage there in June, the mill will I m in opera the Pioneer Association. subjected the reads, has put them in Procter : How can I be serviceable to Tbla department will b« for the benefit (HE Smith tion Tempestuous Jupiter. Tbs state of Oregon han an early his worse condition for many years. my constituents and civil to the com A ttorneys and C ounselors of the busy wives satssl mothers. My ar Regular meetings of the city council of Balky tlorrsi. Studies of the plaaet Jupiter during tory of intense and varied interest. It is But they are rapidly improving and will mission ?” Grant’s Pass are held in the council ticles will be under the following heads, at L aw . The most exasperating thing under rooms in the city hall on the first and truly such that, unless at this time its soon be in good condition. The first volume of the report of the the opposition of 1899 have afforded Labor Saving Metbosis, Recipee for third Thursday evenings oi eaiti month. Office in First National i>arrk Building. N. Snow A Son have traded their store events and incidents are correctly and Philippine commission, a book of 2<>4 some new figures concerning its rate, or preparing simple and healthful dishes, the sun, and the most prolifle of profanity, CIRCi it court . G rants P ass , - • O regon . building and stock to William Marshall authentically recorded, many of them page«, is now before congress, and the rather rates, of rotation These figures biniple remedies lor every day ailments is a balky horse. In discussing 'hisdisrep- Meets on the third .Monday in April for a fruit ranch at Grants Pass and Mr. will in the years to come be regarded second will be ready in two or three do not affect the round numbers in which Sind talks on subjects which will interest (liable brute, the Northwest Pacific Far and the fourth Monday in September. Marshall is now one of our merchants. and si oken of as mere tradition or charm weeks, The principal matters in the re the equatorial velocity of Jupiter’s rota mothers. Anyone who has something mer says : There is only one sure cum for COURTY COURT. He came from Independence, Iowa, to ing fiction. The vicissitudes of the port, which goes largely into detail, were tion. is usually stated, viz, about 28,(MX) good on these subjects, will confer a a balky horse am! that is, kill him. This Probate court meets first Mon«lav of Grants Pass last March. He has had pioneers in their journey across the indicated in the preliminary report made miles per hour. But they furnish ad favor by contributing it, to the readers is heroic treatment, but it never fails to January, April, July and Sentemlier. County commissioners court meets first many years experience in the mercantile plains; the examples ui bravery, of stout sevt*ral months ago; consequently there ditional proof that the motions visible of this column. last us help our sisters effect a permanent cure, even of the ASSAYER, Wednesday after the meeting of the business and is well pleased with bis | character, of unselfishness, wf devotion were no «uprises. The report advocates on the great planet’s surface are not uni all that we can. Addreea me as “Aunt worst cases. There is, however, one way county court. end of the trade, lie is preparing to and of fortitude amidst ecenes of the a form of government lor the islands form year to year. Since the spring of Josie”, care of Cot hixk , Granta Pass, that frequently proves effective in Office opposite Hotel Josephine, weaning a horse temporarily from hie put in a new and heavy stock, and deepest Borrow while en route; of their analogous with that of our territories, 1897 the equatorial region ap|M»ars to Oregon, cuasednesa. Get out and walk around G rants P ams , - - O regon . believes that quality and fair prices will advent into Oregon, and of the splendid which will give them practically home have experienced an acceleration of “MaroNHiaiuTv or motiimuiood ” attract a satisfactory portion of the patro civilisation built upon the foundation rule iu their local affairs, their towns to velocity. There are few girls who enter married the'brute, look wise and make youreelf laid by the honest and sturdy settlers, Relatively the surface some 30 degree« have about the same rights and privileg nage of our |»eople During the goodly life prepared in any way for the dutira of believe that the brute thinks there ie number of years that he has been a altogether weave stu b a Beautiful and es that towns have in a territory. The north or south of Jupiter’s equator rushes the new life. When ths littls life that semething the matter with the lieruese, resident of thi« earth, the name of “Bill” wonderful story of life that, the corning report recommends that no attempt be ahead with hurricane speed, ts-tween 200 will claim her whole life thereafter, is adjust two ar three streps, uncheck him A number of especially fine Ani Marshall ha« stood for square dealing, generation may I m * pardoned if they look mad«* for the present to change; the and :XM) miles an hour, in itself a suffi laid in her arms, the novelty of posses and check him up again. Then alep op tariff duties of the islands. The second cient indication that what leleacopet sion istveu then more like the present of ami play the hypocrite by speaking and he is here to continue the record, upon it as an ethereal retrospect. mals and Hea,L are offered for sale The native eons and «laughters of Ore volume of the report will be devoted • how of Jupiter is not a solid crust but a new doll than anything else. Few kindly to him whan you really want to i He cordially invites you to call and get — OF — at very reasonable rates. Among gon have ample resources to fortify an almost entirely to the < liimite and natur layers and masses of restless vapors — mothers realise at that time, all the cuss, ami at the same time lake him by acquainted.—Lincoln County Leader. especial pride in the fathers arid mothers al resources of the islands. Congress Youth's f'oinpanion. SOUTHERN OREGON claims and demands this new li.’e may the nose and give the lip a good bard the lot are the following : The funeral services of R. H. Dean twist. This is the most sensitive pert who came to tlii» state before the plains ional sentiment as to Whether anything being. were held on Friday at the residence of Oregon Fruitgrower#. were marked by the steel of railways ought to lie done at the present session, To it she must sacrifice not only all her of the anatomy of the Lores, and while Head I the family, under the au-| i< es of the A. Stock, The fruitgrower«' con vent io« just held he i. still thinking ol and enduring the The p^bple who settled Oretfo > were not concerning the Philippines, is verv much time and attention, but frequently much IO. U. W , of which liwlge Im wan a Idaho Receive deposits subject to check or on member. Rev. N. F. Jenkin«* f the M such as those whose judgment is divord - divided, although the number (of those at Corvallis, and other similar meeting« of health and |rerttonal attraction. All pein get in and tell him to go. After ered bv the glitter of gold nugget« andwho who favor the adoption of a resolution planned, ought to t»e productive of ex thro* the helpless period ol the child’s this has been done a few times it will Certificate payable on demand. Head. E. church conducted tlm «e-vie-s. and Sell« sight drafts on Aew York, San Fran a large number of people were in at- with foolhardy rashness break away from declaring our intentions in a general cellent result«, says the Telegram. One Ills it is a tunslant thought ol the moth frequently affect a permanent cure. the environment of home and run away way, bas increaaed quite rapidly of late, such result that would I m » very beneficial er; she can go nowhere without the feel cisco. and Portland. ' tends me. The remains were taken for Panther. Telegraphic transfers «old on all points in burial to the Masonic cemetery, the A to the prospective Eldorado. Thev were but the president doesn’t iriten«! to wait would be the formation of one or more ing that ah., is really nestled al home. fruitgrowers' associations in the Will the United States. To a thoughtful woman the develop* Black IO. U.W. performing the last rites Mr. men and women who conclude«! to come for congress to do something. He is Sj>ecial Attention given to Collections mi <J I Dean was a native of southern Oregon, here with a full knowledge of the hard preparing to go ahea<| without cougress, amette valley. In such matters nothing inent and training of a little child’# < an be done sii <*< essfully the«e day« If you wish anything in this line general businew* of our customers. • hip« attending the six month«’ journey, ■ nd just as soon as ho can get the men mind is a great pleasure, The innocent I having been born at Willow Springs, or have any specimens you wish Collections made throughout Southern and had lived all hie life in this part of and with the understanding that a life of he wants, he will send a new civil com- except by combination, organization, unfolding ol one faculty alter another Oregon, and on all accessible points. hard labor was before them in ciearing mission to the islands with power to concert of action. In the Walla Walla presents a pleasure not found in any mounted, apply at the C ourier of 'the state. He wa« a iu<h who ba<J J. D. FRY, Prewhlent. farms which should perhaps I m ? a blear BU|>ercede the military authorities and valley, in Hood river valley, and the other way. But the responsibility deep many friends and «njoyed the reapect fice or call on J. T.TUFFS, Vice President. ing to their children. These conditions to organize local civil governments in all writer beleves in Southern Oregon, fruit ens as the child's life lies very heavy <>f all who knew him. He leaves a wife R. A. Bo<rrn. Cashier brought to this state persons having the cities and province«. Toe new com- growers’ associations Lave proven suc upon the tnolh -r's heart, if there is the II. and four sons. similar characteristic«, and n«j other miMion will be composed entirely ol cessful and l>enefi< ial; in fact, they have least deviation from the right. Found. class of people could have given to Ore civilian«, and it is js>esihle that Prof enabled hundreds of fruitgrowers to 50 Per cent Cheaper’than Kerosene. Girls need a gotel practical training At the fonerai of R, H. Dean, a jet gon its peculiar community fabric. The Worctster and Mr. Denby, of the old (■ike money who could not do so by such that will enable them to be good Insurance Compartir« Approve. brooch, Owner may recover same ou stamp of the early settlers of Oregon commission, may l»e member«. Prof acting singly. wives end mothers. Mothers are re Cold Doe» Not Affect. application at this office is still upon the state, and it is such a Schurm&nn, president ol theoldcom Oregon is losing a very largo sum annu sponsible for much of the sorroas camwd ally because many of its orchards, espe one as reflects the virtues of a superior miaaioD, has declined a place on the new by the lack of thia training. Mothers, too Teachers Examinations. Do they like milk from the commission because of his duties as cially its apple orchards, are infested with often, will do the work themselves rather Notice is hereby given that the county people. liests; and it is losing another large sun president of Cornell university. then bother to teach their girls. Moth fiiperintendont of Josephin* county Fxiucatlon in a Itormzl. because fruit is not proy»erly pa< ked, Nothin# ei«* »o mach ers will patch and darn tor them and let will boil the regular examinations of The Southern Oregon Normal, at Ash tn the < harm of tbe <1ruwn # Railroading PaUntt. picked, dried and otherwise handled nr boudoir •- the eoftly radi the girls practice on the piano or go applicants for state papers at Grants land, give« a training of three and four um lieht from CORPOV A ' and!«* A single firm oi Patent Lawyer«, C. One pest-ridden orchard jeopardizes a somewhere. 1 was astonished when I Nothin# «mi contrit.tite mor* to the Pass, on Feb. 14, 15, 10 and 17th as years in branchea of study above the artistic •urcaae of the luncheon, A Snow A Co., of Washington D. C., whole community; on« rarele#« fruit tea or dionee Th* t.**t decorai«»« folkjws. eighth grade. One year of practice have in the laat year prucuitxi 1,0J pat grower injures many careful ones in the found young ladies who could not put a candles fr»v tho or the decent patch ou a diali-towal» at a col-1 moat eiatwwto fund »on-foe cot- Comencing Wednesday, Feb. 14 at 9 tern bins in the training school h afford at or maaeion Made m all colon same neighborhood. lege which I attended, Thev said that i the ®<w« delicata tinta hf o’clock a. m. and continuing until batur ed to students preparing to teach ents for their client«, many of (hem for Tbe law can do much in th« way of • TANWAB» WIL <•. No wick« to trim, so «moke, er reje< ted *aventions. C. A Snow 4 Co. day, Feb. 17 at 4 o’clock. and sold «»erywbara. Many young people leave out the train have been act ute«J of railroading patents ( tearing out the p«*«ts and keeping them their reothers bad always <lone it for ■meli. No chimney« to clean. Super them, They felt sorry and ashamed. Wednesday : penmanship, history, 17 Quart Tickets for ¿¡I. ing and have the advantage of the aca i out, but to accomplish the other reform Vho did they blame? Ab, it was the | ior lo electricity, gas, acetylene or spelling, algebra, reading. Oregon school demic work as t preparation for college. through the Patent Office, but they in ! earnest, honest and persistent co-opers kerosene. Saving effected by its u«e Stop the New Wag'.n wist that thia lorumotion is better than loving mother. law. Not all students, by any means, attend oxcartiog them, loi by the latter prove«» 'lion is re<piir«<i. Oregon ought to be quickly pays for it. In accepting or having thruat upon Thursday; written arithmetic, theory ing a Normal sclxxrl, make tea* her« of toe inventor often dies before be gel« lbs beet fruit stote in ths Union, and i you the trust of child life, tl. ar mother, of teaching, grammar, book-keeping, khemselves «very fruitgrower should help to rnek# bl • patent. I lay well your foun I at ion, erect a per physics, civil government. E 8 BROWN, prepr it so. Tram for hair Kargin en Driving Outfit. manent structiire, so far as you are al-1 Friday: phvsiology, geography, men Exhibited and Sold by A splendid team, about HIM) weight) A gcKxl souml horse in fine condition* Mining Tran-frr». lowed to, and leave the rest to him who tai arithmetic, composition, physical «pririg a a* >n and new harnwvs for #a.e weighing about 1300 pound«, trerfwcily < Recorded since Feb. 5. ) slone watches while all others sleep. gaograpoy. F. W. BLAKE. There is a limit to even your reepoosi-1 Saturday botany, plane geometry, for 92T». These are g«>od <1 riving or Dusty and willing , a go*J «(rung buggy, R. li. I lean to Lydia H. Dean (y in UranU Pa#«, Ortgoa loreat in 5 pla< er claim« In ’ »alice work horses and the nut fit is a bargain. i 1 # inch axle«, nearly new; good bar- biltly general history, English literature, irUBfS Wsftf A. mining <Jistri< I con«i<ieration. For parti« ulars inquire at the C ne#t all (or 1100, In time T*.. mi How TO MSKX WtSHINO XASY, psychology. Wm. Knnell to J. <1. Giddings I office. J. I» Har a« Apply at thi« offi-e or to 9. II. Cal CONSUMPTION I Mix i tablespoon kerosene with 1 pint IViHil) wanted on subscription, al thia placer claim« in Galic« mining County houn. district consideration .................... Time books at the Co’ ai».a office soft »oep, ami soup all the boiled clothes.' ’’ local Ijappcninos The kope in South Africa are ss ' | effective as our own in maintaining the peace.—Oregon Statesman. Picture Krames One-Fourth Less Panoramic Multiscope & Film Co., Spend One-Third of Mounted Animals and Heads. FIRST NATIONAL IB .A. 1ST ŒC 1 Mounted Elk Deer Heads. 3 1 Oregon Deer 1 Deer. 1 Bear. 1 S. Capital $50,000. 100 Candle Power . . 1 Cent CALIIOI N Why Englewood Dairy? Candles B ENGLEWOOD N. E. DAIRY McGrew Pioneer Truck and Delivery a'^i The Best ....Incandescent Vapor Gas Light.