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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 22, 1900)
I’itUT AM IXDiriSDSXT Pirli, D b VOTBD EiriCULLY TO TUI IXTIIIIT» OF 1ÌOCTHSIW OlIUOM. No. 16. GRANTS PASS, JOSEPHINE COUNTY. OREGON. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 22. 1900. VOL. XVI. Five Cameras in One... Xocal happenings 1 M UIemeus, Prescription Druggist. Tablets of all kinds at tbe C ovrikm office. bsolutely ure H. L. Truax is now sporting a fine Makes the food more delicious and * holesome ■vw buggy. «o-M. lAxm aowoes co.. m » » ow Where du yoa gel your bair cut? Try Will Mallory. -— Bicycle hospital for all repairing at ons meeting a petition from the Pacific Washington Letter. Cramer Bros. Pine Needle company was read.asking ( From Our Regular Correspondent.) Mounts for stamp pictures, all kiuds that some action be taken to improve W ashington , Feb. 12, 1900. Do not buy a camera until you have examined the the condition of the roads leading to the for sale by A. E. V oohies . Judging from the amount of talk by I Geo. Hanson making pre|»arations company's factory. It was stated that senators, representatives and other to try bis fortune at Nome in tbe spring. the company had been obliged, several officials, about the Nicaragua canal With the patent long and short negative attachment you can take times this winter, to suspend operation Wrn. Headech, mill man at the Victor treaty, now before the senate committee a 4x4, 4x6. 4x8, 4x10 and a 4x12 picture, as desired. Conse Jr. mine, spent a few days in town last on account of having no wood, the con on foreign relations, the canal is the dition of the roads making it next to im quently you have five cameras in one. And the "AL VISTA" is most important subject uow before the week. possible to procure that necessary article. made tor time and snap-shot work, too Uses the ordinary 4x5 County Superintendent J D. Haves The condition of the sidewalk on east country. Although it is not vst abso spent several days in town last week “E" street was also mentioned, and lutely certain that the treaty will be daylight loading film on spools. Drop us a postal and get our ratified without material aiuendmeut, it holding teachers’ examination. 1900 catalogue. speedy repair solicited. One councilman is probable, notwithstanding the efforts 40 acre farm 12 miles troin (Portland, 2 suggested that the roads would soon dry. o shrewd lobbyists to fan the diecon'ent mile« from post office, to exchange for The matter was referred to the commit with which the treaty was at first BURLINGTON, WIS. Grants Pass residence property. Inquire tee on city improvements. received, because of its providing for at this office. The committee appointed for ‘he pur neutrality and forbidding fortification. I I>oes your friead hsve a camera? A pose of considering the matter of extend- | Second thoughts have made friends for OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. ijç P. DODGE, flexible, leather covered album would ing|the sewer system to the schoolhouse the treaty among those who were al UNITED STATES. make a spivndid present—$1 and lass made no report, no progress having been INSURANCE and first disposed to be its enemies. The President.................. . William McKinley A. E. Voerbies has a stock of albums. made REAL ESTATE neutrality of the canal is recognized Vise President............ The following bills were allowed ami The Waller L. Main show sold at auc Secretary of State .... ........ John Hay by the conservative as a gosd move, Life. Fire and Accident Insurance. becrelary of Treasury. ..Lyman J Gage tion at Geneva. O., a few days ago. All warrants were ordered drawn: John How not only ia the interests of peace Office With Price à Voorhiea. ........ UN Bliss Secretary of Interior the white-tent people in the country ell, assisting on citv survey, $3; Smith between the U. 8. ami foreign nations, ... Elibu Root O santi F ais , Sec retary of War ........ O bkoon . were bidders. Main has made a fortune and Norton legal opinion, $20; N. E. but in the in’erests of American cum- _______ #______ . .John D Long Secretary of Navy in the show business and retires on ac McGrew, drayage, $5.75; Win. Huggins, meres. Some of the treaty’s opponents Secretary of Agriculture James A Wilson plastering in city hall, $2 25; B O Mc count of ill health. Poetmaster-General ........ James A (,ary|^, , concede that theoretically, but still Attorney-General........ Joseph McKenna i I3RK E A VOORHIE8, Get your writing paper by the ream Culloch, survey ami plat of city grade*», insist that the treaty is practically a STATE OF OREGON. and save money. We utter a ream of $15; Geo. P. Furman, hauling gravel humiliation on the part of this govern REAL ESTATE, and $13 75, recording deeds, $2. . (Geo W Mi-Bride note paper, 480 sheets, 2La pounds, for ment, and that public opinion would INSURANCE. U. 8. Senators.............. {.Joseph Simon An ordinance had been prepared, ami 45c. We get the paper in large quapli- force this government to violate the ffhos 11 Tongue Representing the most reliable com was read the required uumber of times, Congressmen .. neutrality clause by closing the canal ' ( VI A Moody panies in existence, (both tire and life). tiesand can sell ch*kap; this is not cheap paper but first class goods.—Cot kier authorizing the appointment of a coin to the warships of any nation we might Notary Public. Attorney-General. ...URN Blackburn mittee for the following purposes: to as Governor ....................... ........... T T Geer G rants P aks , be at war with; that it recognizes the O bkoon . office. Fl Du a bar certain the )>est terms on which bonds Secretary of State. Clayton Buiwer treaty, which American John R. Harvey, of the Old Channel State Treasurer............ .. Ch as S Moore could be floated; first, in the sum ol $_' v recetaries of state have insisted was mine, received word on Thu -day tba' Supt Pub Instruction. . J H Acker in a a 000 to pav the indebtedness of the city W II Leeds A C. HOUGH, abrogated year» ago, and that it is en- State Fruiter................ Mrs Harvey was seriously i I at San and for the construciion of the sewer ; C E Wolverton iirelj too English. Everybody appears Francisco whither she had gone a few K S Bean Supreme Judges.......... A1T0RNEY-AT LAW, second, in the sum of $75.000 for the to be of the opinion, excepting those days before. Mr. Harvey rode a I n:gut F A Moore construction of suitable wa er-works a i I who are lobbying against it, that the Clerk Board School LandCoru.. WHOdell Pi actives in all State anti Federal Courts and reached here in time tu take Friday electric fight plant; the committee also treaty has made certain the passing ol Office over First National Bank. morning ’ s train. FIRST judicial district . to be instructed to inquire into and re ah at I bis session of cong -ess, author G rants P ass , • - O regon . Western Division........ ludge H K Hanna In Camas swale, Douglas county, a port on the probable cost of such water Eastern Division........ Judge H L Benson mammoth tooth has been found by Rob and light system. The question was izing the government to construct and ProeeculingAttorney ........ C B Watson ert Veatch It is a molar, eight inches raised if the ordinance could not be seg on»’ ate the N<caiague canal. Member Board of Equalizat KA Emmitt Joe habit of senators of coining on long, four inches through, and in a fair regated into two parts, to be voted upon R. J. JENNINGS U. K. LAND OFFICE RObEHURG. the floor late gave so ne of them quite state of preservation. The editor of the separately, the member favoring the is Receiver.................................... Henry Booth a »nock Saluiday, when with only about RESIDENT DENTIST. Cottage Grove Nugget is ‘‘unable to say sue of bonds to cover the indebtedness Register....................................... J T Bridgts whether it belonged to the pliocene, and to construct the sewer, but opposing a dozen in their seats, Senator Allen 30 Years Experience. JUKEFHINK COUNTY miocene or any other kind of old age," the rest of the ordinance. It was the op offered a resolution declaring sympathy Office in Opera House block; see the sign Joint Senator.......... .............C E Harmon and will submit to Professor Thomas inion of the chair that the ordinance for ‘.he Boers and expressing the belief of The Big Tooth* County Judge . . . ................Abe Axtell that tins government should otter Condon. (Nick Thoas C )uld not be segregated. It was explained mediation, and asking unanimous con O regon . Commissioners .... ■■■ (Dick George G rants P ash , that this ordinance did nut bind the sent for its immediate consideration, by County Clerk.......... .............. Roy Bartlett A I’ure White Coyote. council to any further proceedings be tois own vote alone had it declared ........ Ed Lister Sheriff....................... Herman McDonald and Arthur Harri yond the appointment of a eommit .ee <o ... J W Virtue IJ C PERKINS, Representative........ adopted. Laughing heartily at the dis .......... .1 T Taylor Treasurer................ man, of the Dalles, two youthful trap investigate and report. The ro l w as comfiture ol the senators who began to .... J D Hayes School Superintendent.. pers, are the possessors of a natural called and the o dinanee was passed, rush into the chamber from the cloak ........Tom Smith U. S. DEPUTY Assessor .... curiosity in the shape of a pure white Dunbar and Judsun oppoein 'I ue may .BO McCulloch Surveyor.. .. rooms. Senator Allen, at the request of MINERAL SURVEYOR, coyote, which they found in or.s of their or appointed Tom buoith, Rummage and . . Dr. F W Kremer Coroner........ Scnstor Frye, agreed that the vote be uhANTh P ahs , O regon . traps a few days ago. This coyote is alive Let sub as the couimiiiee. PRECINCT OFFICERS. iecone le e<l and the resolution sent to and well, also well behaved. Unlike Attorney Suii.ti was present and ad JusticA.................................. lames Holman : be (u’enda**. others of her kind, she allows poultry dressed ths council in regard to the ii Constable..................................... J H Colby I*« esen alive Campbell, of Montana, QJSHOW& SHERIDAN, the freedom of her range, never attempt junction. It was decided to take no a CITY OF GRANTS PAKS. who is one of the counsel against Hena- ing to disturb them lion at this meeting, an , the full text of MINING ATTORNEYS, Ma vor............................... . . . . \V T Coburn >r C a k, of the same state, in the case the judge’s decision toad not been re* '. Furman Auditor............................ . . now be iig heard hv the senate com- Special attention given to Mining '1 reasure r......................... ... Col Johnson < eived Bargin on Driving Ouifit. n ee on e'ections, violated one of the Street Commissioner.. . John Patrica aud Land i.a»a, and Land Oliiee practice. The consummated ; purchase of a strip ciA A ^cod sound horse iu fine condition* ph (aws of congress when he Marshal........................... . .. Win. Lister R ohkbvhg . ■ * O kkuon . August Fe scu weighing about 1200 pounds, perfectly of land along the rivtr at the foot of Fifth a <pea e<! in the ca»e, and has con we Tom Smith trusty and wi ling; a go< I strong buggy, street and below was brought to the quent v been criticized by the sticklers u D Fay I.1 a Inch axles, nearly new; good har council's notice, and motion was made for the preservation of congressional ROBERT G. SMITH, E E Dunbar Councilman .. by Torn Smith, Fetsch seconding, that a etiquette. He is said to be the onlv ness ; all for $100. T P Jmison N E McGrew Apply at this offi :e or to 8. II. Cal warrant for $150 he drawn for the pay member of either branch of congress M M Rummage A ttorneys and C ounselors ment of the same. Home opposition was who has ever associated himself a* houn. H E Smith raised and the opinion found expression counsel with a contest against a member at L aw . Regular meetings of the city council of Prohibition Ticket Nominated that the money had better be applied to of the other branch. Grant’s Pass are held in th»* council Office in First National Bank Building. Josephine County Prohibitionists have extending the sewer below the power It se< ms that Mr. Roberts was right rooms in the city hall on the first and - • O regon placed their first county ticket in the house. The roll was called and the mo when he said that men < barged with third Thursday evenings of each month. G rants P ash , field in the history of the county. John lion prevailed, Judson and Dunbar v<4 polygamy toad been appointed to federal CIRCVIT COURT. B. Paddock was elected chairman, and ing ‘ no". Meets on the third Monday in April othaes in Utah. The house committer and the fourth Monday in September. Arthur L. Edgerton secretary of the con W. 8, Wood of the Palace hotel stated on post offices has ascertained,!hat Mr. QEORGE H. BINNS, COUNTY COURT. vention, which was held in the coart that the sewer ditch near his place was Graham, postmaster at 1’rovo, Utah, Probate court meets first Mondav of house, Wednesday evening, February a source of danger and annoyance and tons been under indictment for some January, April. July and September. ASSAYER, 14th. The following ticket was nomi- requested that it should qe covered. time, but that the prosecuting attorney County commissioners court meets first naled : Re presentati ve, W. M. Hair; Street commissioner Patrick was ins- did not consider a conviction likely, and Wednesday after the meeting of the Office opposite Hotel Josephine, Clerk, F. S. Dukes; Sheriff, John B, tructed to cover a port 00 of the ditch had not tn»-l to have him brought to county court. Paddock ; County Cotnmissione John with lumber. trial. G rants P ash , - - O regon . Hackett; Assessor, M.C. II Day ; Treas Tne council adjourned to meet on Mun The Porto Rican bill will I m * taken up urer, Oliver C. Terrell, all ut Giants day night. in the house next Thursday, and Pass although it if strongly op|N>Med there is Ta • ttuis4i»r< Ttoe following platform was adopted : nodonbt that it will l»s promptly panned. The Prohibition party, in convention Rumor- that tint B «*rs are on tlieiuu It provides for the imposition of a duty assembled, declared its conviction 'hat j should m I ways he a< »'omp.tiiied by d a equivalent to one-fourth of those im- A number of especially fine Ani- the manufacture, exportation, importa grams slating in which direction thev poiudupon other foreign products upon mals and Heads are offered for sale tion and sale of alcoholic beverage» has a e running.—Eugene Register. Porto Rican pro»!nets, and that all — OF — pioduccd such Bocial, commercial, in at very reasonable rates. Among rnone« s colle<-!ed fur that duty, either SOUTHERN OREGON. dustrial and political wrongs, and is Senators who are tempted to refer to in Porto Rieo or the United Mates the lot are the following : now so threatening the ! perpetuity of all Pettigrew of South Dakota, as a second shall be spent for the be nr fit of the our social and political institutions that Benedict Arnold, should remem her that the suppression of the i >ain ■ by a party, no evil ought be spoken of the dead.— ’-ea Receive deposits subject to check or od organized therefor, is the g g-» a* ’ «•< object Ash land lidings. i certificate payable on demand. to be accomplished by ihu voter »»four There is no British general in South , Selbsteht drafts on New York, San Fran- country, and is of such iiMpurianc*- that I cisco, and PorJand. t of right ought to cun.iul the pu lira Africa who would not rejoice to have the Telegraphic transfers sold on all [»oints in action of all our patriotic < it en» uni reputation of General Olis for prudent the United States. such suppression in accomp shed. The and successful army operations.—-Glut e Special Attention given to Collections at d urgency of this catifie d« mends the Democrat. general btwineas of our customers. If you wish anything in this line ' Collection» made throughout Southern union without further delay of all cilitens Ten carloads of mule shoes and one Let go or die. That's the alternative who desire the prohibition of the liquor carload of nails were loaded on the of the shi[).sr»< ked man with th«- money or have any specimens you wish Oregon, and on all accessible points. traffi •, therefor* : Imgs. If there was only Bome one to Manchester City, at New Orleans, re- thr«»w him a life preserver, hr might mounted, apply at the C ourier of- ! J. I). FRY, President. Resolved that we favor the legal pro cently, for shipment to South Alnca, save both life ana money. Without J. T.TUFFS, Vice President. fice or call on hibition, by slate and national legisla for QH on the Kansas and Missouri help it is let go or «lie A great many R. A. B ooth . Cashier tion, of the manufacture, importation, people have a like alternative before mule« recently purchased by the Eng exportation and interstate tranifxjrta- them. Rusinewi men come to a point lish government.—Rural Spirit. where the <l«»rtor tells them that thev lion and tele ol alcoholic beverages; must “ let g«> or dir.” Probably hr ad- that we also favor an amendment to the Ao English writer says the Boers are visrd a sea voyage or mountain air. constitution of the United States, by hypocrites. The only reason he assigns There's an obstinate cough that won’t be which United States senators shall lie is that they read their Bibies and sing shaken off. The lungs arr weak and per- elected by the popular vote of tne pwople ; peaiiws. This ‘ Britiaber" will have to hMi bleeding There is emaciation and other symptoms of disease, which if an hat we declare our purprae to organize try again —Dram Watchman. Do they like milk from the skillfully or improperly treated terminate an I nnre all the friends of prohibition in consumption. Thousands of men and women in a like A report has it that ‘‘the dove of peace j into one p»rty, and in order to accom add« »o mach condition have found complete healing le ta« cMarmet th- *r»« < plish Ibis ead, we deem it b«>t right to is again perching over Kentucky." This by the use of I>r. Pierce’s Golden M«-«h- room nr t>oado>r *• th* *<»ft .y radi is probably correct, but it may be imag F I ant lürht from CORDOVA < andi«< leave every proh i bi lion ist the freedom of ca! Discovery. It purifies the blood. It ZLA Nothin« will eontribat* mor» to the nTTT/ •rtiatlc •■rem of th* innrh*oo, his own convictions upo i all other po ined that the said dove sleeps with one carries off from the system all refuse and »«a or <iiDD*r Th* decorati?« cMdl*a for tha atrnpOMt or tha litical questions not mentioned in this eye and tooth ears opened, io expectation poisonous matter, ft gives the infected mo*t »iaborat« tonet to»—for ’’ot- organs the strength to throw off disease. ( !*<• of mUMion M m 3» iB all coion platform, and trust our representatives of bearing at any moment the crack ol ! was taken S»rk and felt ». rtnptd I could f »nd th* m -• ’ a»* '.nt« by hard y r<> ab>/*i» ' writ»* Mia« Mary Kakew 'A a rifle — telegram. to take such action upon other political STANDARD WIL < W. GI-. *»» Jsikx riCo W Vs ' I had snwdherinf and «»id »’»rywbwa ■pell- I went to '/ur t>eaf phyaiciana and they questions as the change occasioned by .red rne all one Wimmer I kept «rowing Interments are difficult to arrange fur prohibition, and the welfare of the w>rae and <ot weak I c<»uld hardly gu about 17 Quart Tickets for fl. in Buenos Ayre« just now, owing to a The two «irrfora I had a«»d I had lung trouble whole people shall demand. I had an awful <ough mii ! MM d«y w»V ausK twlw Stop the New Wag-.n .............. ' Vrn MeHlcai *-rv I John B. Paddock wae chosen •• chair strike among the grave <1 gg**rs. Die ■i.’ 1 •en» and g'S a hrXtle of hutto kinda the «»ofden trouble may be arranged, but there man of the county executive committee, Medhal rViarorery' and Favor Hr Prescription ' Wh*n I had taken that H helped me an much Arthur L. Edgerton as ter retary, and F. seems to be no doibt that the question sent and got morr I hare taken uf Loth rnedi- I cin*« altogether ten >»ottle« Now my lungs do E 8 BROWN, propt T. Doaniog as treasurer. Tbs executive is a grave one.—#4 k Bulletin, not hurt me and I don t have any rough I am c »run*ilire was given tbe pr^wer to fill ■tout now and aa well a« ever in my fife Izmdon, Ky., wants il understood that Given away The People a Common a I vacancies. no homicide has occurred there in twen Sense Medical Adviser is sent free on re mail kXMMKil Meeting ty five years, n* r has a sakxjn been al ceipt (4 stefnps to pwy expense ing The book contains lonfl pages PISOS CURE FOR lowed in tbe town in the same lime. and 7<x> illustrations Send if one-cent The city council met for their regular L [.JÍ '1 semi-monthly meeting on Thursday The mountaineers object to judgment stamps for the parwr bound edition, or night, all the members present. After ba«*-«! on ancient feuds confined t<> a few V »tamps for the ct(4h bcrand. Address Pr k V. Iherce, Buffalo, N. Y. Gl ANÎ8 PAS«. OBE »ON the reac'ing uf the minutes of the previ* local it ie*. J1* j be-1 Mmocrat. w A “Al Vista” Panoramic Cameras. Multiscope & Film Co., Mounted Animals and Meads FIRST NATIONAL B Æ 1ST IC 1 3 1 1 1 1 =• Mounted Elk Head. Idaho Deer Heads. Oregon Deer Head. Deer. Panther. Black Bear. Capital Stock, $50,000. S. II. CALHOUN. Why Englewood Dairy? B ENGLEWOOD DAIRY N. E. McGrew Pijneer Truck and Delivery 6 Candles P islands and ita inhabitant«. The report in favor of th« bill aaya it will save th. planter, of sugar and tobacco in Porto Rico about $2,000,000 a year, and that the quantity of the«« product! sold to ui will be imutBvieut to bring about anv reduction of price! in Ilia United S la tea. Thia argument ii corn bated iu some quartern, and Senator Platt, of Con necticut, whoae eoaatituenta raiae con siderable tobacco, iaya be will offer an amendment in the senate to make tba duty at leant 50 par cent. The principal opposition to the bill, hewever, ia politi cal, baaed upon the principle that it ia unconstitutional; that Porto Rica toeing now a part of the United State in an titled to free trade witfl all other parte •f the United States. The quaalion ia an interesting one, and il ia really regretable that it could not be d’M- <«ed and decided without the drawing of political linen, bat that has already baan made impossible. The supporter, of the bill say that it is intended for mak ing a precedent for putting a duty on the products of the Philippines; that tree trade cannot be granted to our ialaad poasesaiona, without abandoning the protection system of the govern ment. It is already apparent that the question is going to figure eitenaively in thia year’s national campaign. Senator Nelson’s report in favor of the bill creating the department of com merce is an interesting and campact history of the growth of ths executive departments of the government, since the creation of the first one by the act of July 27, 1789. The bill will moil likely become a law. Oregon Fruit Law. To thu Editor: Agreeable with the conclusions arrived at by this board at its last fall meeting, all the commissioners of the various dis trict have been very active in field wdrk, inepeeting orchards, nurseries, heme places, etc , aud hundreds of notices have been served to clean up neglected places in accordance with the horticultural law governing such cases, and (or their benefit and guidance these sections are herewith given in full. Wo also give the section covering the sale of diseased fruit, so that shippers and deal ers may govern themselves thereby. SECTION 2. It shall hereafter be the duty of any pet son, firm or corporation owning or o|>erating any nursery, fruit orchard, hop yard, flower garden, or ornamental trees, and knowing such to be infected with any kind of insects, pests or dis ease, to immediately spray or destroy the same in such a manuer as the fiuit commissioner for his district, may direct. section 5. It ehall be unlawful for any peraou flrm or corporation to import or sell auy infested or diseased fruit of any kind in the state of Oregon. Menon 7. It shall be the duty of the commission er of the Htale Board of Horticulture of the district in which a violation of this act occurs, to present the evidence of the case to the district attorney, whom duty it shall be to prosecute any person guilty of a violation of this act. Which pro secution inay Le brought in auy of the justice courts of this state. We call,.special attention of growers and shippers to flection 5, and notice is hereby given that diseased, scabby, wormy or scaly fruit will not tie allowed to be sold in any of the markets of this «tale hereafter. While the board hopes that it will not toe necessary to use harsh measuies, it must be understood that m non-compliance the law will be strictly enforced. H. B. M ills a, President. If ink i E. Dosen, Secretary. Oregon State Board of fiorii cui lure. Lace Curtains, Tinware, Lamps, Linoleums, Mirrors, M at tresses, Pillows, Cots. Furniture, Carpets, Picture Moulding, W ill 1 ’ 1 Tools, Glassware, Cutlery, Graniteware, We Prefer to Sell as Low as We Can Rather than as High as We Might. Tin Coffee Pots.............................................................................. Tin Tea Pots................................................................................. Cake Knives .............................................................................. 6 piece Carpenters’ Chalk............................................................ Comb and Blush Case............. ................................................ 144 Hooks and Eyes.................................................................... 6 spools Embroidery Cotton ..................................................... Klenierts Dress Shields ............................................................. Thumb Latches ........................................................................... Pauel Bolts.................................................................................... Paper File Hooks......................................................................... Buttons, 5 Dozen for.................................................. ................. IOC IOC IOC IOC I oc IOC IOC IOC 5C 50 50 50 We are Headquarters on Close Prices. Furniture, Carpets, Wall Paper. ltuy 1 Ion«** Mother ! Chat. Did you ever stop to consider, kind hearted, faithful, aflectionate, well-mean ing mother, that perhaps you are mak ing some very serious mistake, in the rearing of your children? Did you pause to think why you slapped little Kdith ths other day ? Didn’t a w ave of anger sweep over your heart when you mw her wilfully and wantonly disobey your orders? Did it occur to you that yeur own manner of issuing the com mand might have been antagonistic, and just as offensive to her as her act of dis obedience wan to you? Compare b'dith's shortcoming«, her little childish sins and failures, with your own. The contract will not be to your advantage, will it? Remember you are a woman, mature, perhaps edu cated and experienced, and she but a little untrained, unformed child. Wouldn't you have accomplished a vast deal more, saved your temper and Heli-respect and hicreased your daught ers filial reverence, if, instead ol slap ping her, you had gravely and quietly caused her to und»> the thing she had taken so much trouble to do? Or if you had deprived her of soms small pleasure which she had anticipated? Instinct ively, she felt that mamma was wrong, too, but she could uot explain or define ths wrong. Her heart ached with a •eiiNe of injury, and very rightly too. Dear mothers, can you realise that ths every day training of your children, tneir home influence, the manner in which they are corrected, the food that they eal, the books thev read and their associates and every thought, word and action are bricks laid in the foundations of (heir characters? When we issue a command to our children, let us be very careful that it is just and not puts threat after each command, A mother told her little girl that if she did that again «he would whip her. The child had noticed that she had never carried out her threats and no she looked up and Maid,"I am not afraid; you have «aid that lots of limes," Much threats as, "I’ll cut your ear off," "1’11 kill you", ‘‘i’ll put you in the river" ‘‘I’ll give you to the black-man", are very wrong I believe the best way is to be sure that our commands are not arbitrary; that they lx* given in a calm, serene manner instea<i of loud, howling commands, emptv ttirealN, whipping« and shakings, and tlieu if we are not obeyed, punish the child. Never threaten and not carry it out. I«et them know tiiat if they disol»ey they will alwavs receive a punishment. They will soon learn and it will be so much tietter (er them. They will have so much more respect for us. SOMETHING WORTH KNOWING. ím I i iiiyis niiflit “Porosity” Hull Prevails In the early daya of the pneumatic tire, porosity was the bane of both trade and ridera. Whenever anything got the mat ter witb a tire er an <nner tube that could not easily be remedied it waa pro nounced to be porous, and that Milled it, says the Bicycle Nswa. At tha men tion ef thia fearful word all hope waa given up, and if the maker could not be induced to step Jnta the breach and make a replacement under the guarantee, the dealer or the rider had to suffer. Even at the present time, when a won derful advancement in the manufacture of tires has I men recorded, poroaity has not entirely ceased to manifest itself. It ia caused, in the case of inner tubes, by minute air cells in the rubtier sheet from which the tubes are made. This trouble some air ia imprisened in the rubbar while it ia being sheeted through the calendar, or whilst the rubber ia being forced through the tube machine. It ia meat difficult to detect the defect of im prisoned air, therefore numerous defec tive tubes rapidly accumulate during tba testing process, that ia, when blown-up of under pressure ol air. Surely there is some way of making the walla of air tubes homogeneous, and of an improved constraction. An Eng lish rubl>er espert anil factory manager pro|>osee that all air tubee ba molded in molds with internal pressure. Thia method would coueolidate the rubber material in the wall of ilia lube, ami ex pel all hidden air from the rubber, at the same lime preeeing out all seams and joints. Ksilroadlng Patents. A single firm of Patent Lawyers, 0. A. Know <t Co., of Washington D. C., have in the last year procured 1,(130 pat ents for their clients, many of them for rejected inventions. C. A. Snow A Co. have been accused of railroading patents through the Patent Office, but they in sist that this locomotion ia batter than oxcarting them, foi by the latter process the inventor oltsn dies before ha gets hie patent. A Hag lor Your Schoolhouse. Every school house in the county should have a rtag. If you want eno lor your district write to ths Cocusa about it. Calaveras Big Tree Grove Sold. Hobart Whileside, of Duluth, Minn., has practically purchased ths Calaveras Big Tree grove, having paid the com The toouthern Oregon Normal, at Ash pany owumg it $1,000 for an option of 90 land, give« a training ol three aud four lays. The price for the grove is $100* years in branches of study above the (MM), and il consists of 3300 acres, Hs eighth grade. One year of practice has already purchased >5000 acres of leaching in the training school is afford limber land west of the Calaveras grove ed to students preparing to teach and han l>ouded two other laige tracts Many young people leave out the train east and south of the big tree park. A ing and have the advantage of the aca Bedbug«. Use oil uf cedar, apply joint resolution is pending in congress dernic work an a preparation for college. authorising the secretary of the interior Not all students, toy any means, attend j with a brush. To clean light kid gloves. 1 quart de to open negotiations for the bonding of ing a Normal school, make teachers of odorized sosoline, I ounce ether. Mix the Calaveras county groves of sequoia themselves 4t>d cork lightly in a glans bottle. Lay gigantea fur a government park. train for Hair. on a plate. Turn enough mixture to A splmtohi team, (about 1 150 weight) dampen well and rub gently with a suit -pring wagon and new harness for sale linen or cotton rag Then expo-e it for |225. Thwte are good driving or well tn the air. work hordes and the outfit is a bargain. (’leaning silver ; 2 drachms of a<| ia For particulars inquire at the Courier ammonia, 2 ounces alcohol, I teaspoonful office. of precipitated chalk, shake before using, polish witb Canton flannel. Weather Report. COOKING KK< KITT* The annual summary of the climate Date Pudding. Turn a cup of hot and crop service of the weather bureau 1 milk over two cups of stale brea«i crumbs for the year I8!r9, just issued from the I and soak until softened, add cup ol 50 Prr cent Chciptr thin Kerorenc. Portland office, gives some interesting » ream an d 1 cup cbop|>rd and stoned figures. dates. Mix a'l thoroughly together, Insurance (.<unpin i « j Approve. Total rainfall for Grants Pars for the Pul in a china dish ami steam for three Cold Do«» Not Affect year is 39104 indies, about 9 inches hours. Herve hot with lemon sau* e. greater than at Ashland, and about 4 Hoop without msai soup stuck put some inches lees than Kos**burg and about 3 onions and ri<e tn cook ubout 2 hours inches less than al Portland. We had tiefore dinner, add sliced potatoes admit 152 clear «lays, while Portland bad only 20 minutes before meal lime, just before 74, Ashland 124, and Roseburg 107. taking it frmn the stove add 2 or 3 table- Our annual mean tgmperaturo was ep*AH>fuls of tomatoes, last come to a 52.7, Ashland, one degree cooler; Roee boil, "Cason with butter and salt It is birg nearly the same, Portland one de- nice when put through a vegetable press. gree <-ooler. The hottest day of the ywer “AckT Jowis." No wicks to trim, to smoke, er was July 25tto, when the mercury stood smell No chimneys to eiean. Hupor- at 99. Ashland’s hottest day was two Preparations fur thè weasou’s fluiiing ior to electricity, gas, acetylene or days later, 96 degrees, and stJa An I at Rogne river, will soun coODinence. krr<»sene. Having »-treated by its use rille, the thermometer showed 99 ou We are informed by Mr. (’ 8. Wmsor, quickly pays for it. Keptember 10th. Portland’s warm *•» who will be in ebarg»*, tfiat ¡t i« tfie in day was July 20th, 93 degrees, the satire I lantion to baihl up thè seti lement ai as Ashland. February Otb waa our cold | that place by every poMible means In est day, 10 degrees above zero, while thè work Mr Hurne sbovld bave tbe two »lays earlier the thermometer Exhibited and Sold by hearty support ot thè residente of tba* showed asro at Ashland. Portland's pari of tbe country, wbich has boen ir coldesi «lay was February 4th, 9 degrees ttoe paet retard««! by blindi* opposiny GrsnU Pass, Orsgon. a bows. ' improveniente contemplate«! by Mr. Our total snow fall was 3.8 inches, IH mai e which wuuld bave redo u ode« I to Ashland 7 inches, Portland 17: 8 inches. thè benrfll of tbe entire eouiity.—Del wanted on sub* ripUun, at thia i Norie Record. Tina» books al the Gu< mkb office. Education in a Normal. 100 Candle Power 3 Hours tor . . 1 Cent The Best Incandescent Vapor Gas Light. F. W. BLAKE.