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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 15, 1900)
lean.« do... Medfort! Shooting Stripe h-°dj‘l" on • - every apring, whether The Tiding« ba« tbe following •<•« Hint fruit blooms early or late, thcre are Ihtbluhtd Every Thurtday, of the «b<»Hiag affray in Medford. Tbe frueta which come after tbe treea bloom. toe hoisting car »'ld hand A. E. VOORHIES, victini. Fl Arwiatronx, wa« be»»* ia»l Ever year, the fruit ia reported “all Unger. J- ■ uminer working on R L ( ue A Co'« raorairros. killed," and almost every year there ia building Avery aenvus affair, which^r an abundant crop and no such thing as bat as or BUBSCBimoM; may reauit in the d««ath of it« victim, a total failnre recorded, except in certain ly croahed. The engineer, One Year, in sdvai’ -«, • • 11-26 look place in Medford. Sunday evening, table tight»-« »topp-i J»“ Six Months, . ... .66 exposed localities. The fruit has never Ladies ’ Wrappers now * */H at 8:40 o ’ clock, Edv. Armatrong a $1.00 Three Month«, ... .36 been ‘‘all killed" cr any where near it. aavatbe fit ger. from b-mg «•»•■ ° 44 44 bricklayer and contractor, who 1« well Single Copies, - • • • .06 I here ia a certain time in the develop 1.25 .00 H.C.Fertint .ent t.<W«*Th«dV knows in thia locality and al»o in Advertising rates on application. Copy ment of the buds when it ia much more 44 44 LIMI 1.50 for change of'ad'must be handed in before •uaeeptib'e to damage by frost than it ia «Northern California, and A. J. Hamlin, toduaome twvaving on ih” ' “ll‘ P Tuesday noon, otherwise setting of the 44 who formerly lived on a lanch on tbe petty, .how own-r. *'• <« Skirts 4.50 fi.00 matter will be charged for at tha rate of 6c later, and it is at thia tender period zvcontP*«'*' mountain row»l, a few iwiie« from Jack take iut a patent. He per running inch, single column. Altera when the froal will damage it most, and 44 44 3.50 5.00 lions and addition* to copy will be charged byC C. Taylor, .nd .ha, sonville, became engaged in an alterca it makes little difference whether it or at the rate ol 10c |»er running in« h, »in 44 44 H om in a place known a« Coilin’« saloon. Saturday intending O’ « 4.00 gia column. is early or late. Last year there waa Both were, it ia sai«l. somewhat under 1 thair .urvey Mr. Perkin, my such a aucceesiun of freezes after Entere«! al the post office at Granta F«-s, the influence of vinous potation», and Yank it an« propo».'.»» *r‘d Like Reduction on a!! Wrappers and Skirts to close. the peaches bloomed, that one would Oregon, aa second-class mail matter. were invited to leave tbe premiact*. that Ik. new eimpany t. bold ol have thought it a miracle that a Examine our new line '■( Ladies' and Children’s Shoes. After they went into tbe «tree! tbequar it in a very determined and peach should be left- in the country, yet T hursday , F ebruary 15, 1900. rel war renewed and, it ia alleged, that manner. Tbe ledge >. 300-*« there waa a good crop. In one inatance Hamlin drew bi* revolver and tired four ¡.all highly mim-r.i zed. It >• in our observation, the peaches in one More British reverses recorded this orchard were nearly all killed by frost, «hot«, three of which lodge! in the b«>dy 1 all euipboret bearing re «nd the im week. Boiler again crossed the Tugela a few years ago and almond trees by the of Armutrona, two in the right groin and mense amount of it will make the work ing of even tbe low gra le ore and occupied a "kop,” but promptly •ule of them and interspersed among W. E. DEAN. AJCO., Propr. one in tbe calf of the leg. moved away again. The latest reports them bore an abundant crop, vet tbe Hamlin waa promptly arrested and Post Office Building. put the British in precarious positions almonds bloomed much earlier than the lodged in the Medford city jail, where he OPERA BOI SE. at many points. now languiabea, hi« preliminary trial peaches. Tie frost caught ibe peaches at having been deferre«! until the reault of the tender stage, which the almonda had Professor While, of tbe Redding j Armstrong'« injuries can be ascertained. school has been «nested on the charge passed. It doss oof awake anywhere Ibis contest is decided by vote, | ordinance ia a fine, not to exceed (M, no Armstrong wa« given prompt medical near so much difference whether the and has been progressing for several of battery, occaiiontd by bis unmerci* minomum penalty provided, or im attendance, ami at laet account«, he was peaches bloom now or wait till Apn ’ , as evening. Mr. Allen has sold a number fully beating a boy after tying him hand of pianos during his stay in town. He priaonment in the city prison not to renting eaaily but the phyviciana were and foot. The same professor, last win most people imagine. has l»een 21 vears in the piano business exceed 20 days unable to »ay what the outcome of hie 1 ter, beat a little half-breed Indian boy and has probably handled more of the Bring ou Your > pci liiii-ii«. injuries would be. instruments than any other one man on Ila* Time and Plano«. black and blue, for tbe mere crime of Miner«, it will be a sin and a shame il Both men were good friend«, ae far a^ the coast. What he does not know tardiness. Severity may often be necec Granta l’aaa ba* had a carnival of rag about pianos is scarcely worth mention I Arthur Conklin can’t taka a crexfitable I i» known, before the quarrel which re- •ary in schoel government, but bru lima during the paat few day« and tbe ing. He is also an entertainer of much Hulted in the «booting. Arm«trong bear« tality it never, and a teacher who deal« amount of inutic and mutical inutru- ability, and with Mr. Hayes, gives mineral exhibit with him to New Orleans. There is plenty ol material. a good reputation, and ha« an invalid in brutality should be disqualified forth menta diffitaad among ua should leave u* a better entertainment than we often Then come along with the rock. mother dependent on him for support, have an opportunity of hearing. with aa he is a perllooa citizen. mor* mutual than we were beforn. Geo. , Tumble it in here any old wav, but gel irtmlin ia a brother of Mr«. Carlile, E. Allan, acting for tbe Wiley fl. Allen Askland*» Haloon Ordinance. , it here by Friday if possible; by Saturday wliowa-« recently sent to penitentiary for Th* library department of the Woman’• cooipaay ef Portland, it bore and lit« club of f'wrtlaud, after a thorough a«- been (lying free entertainment* in tbe After tbe election in Ashland, held to at the very latest. He leaves for New incendiariem, committed near Medford A later report bat* rea< bed here that amination of th* constitution of Oregon opera bouae, giving away guitar«, vio decide the question of issuing licenses j Orleans oo Sunday morning. Leave and tbe laws pertaining to education, find lin«, mandoline and banjo*, and telling to saloons, which wan won by the license your »pecitreni. with Arthur Conklin Armstrong ia dead. that not on* dollar of ataie fund* could pienoe. lie it accompanied by Geo. J. people by a ■mall margin, the city or W . G. right. Come along, now. Reeve* and William», who have a be legally appropriated for free public Ilayea, the king of rag time. Mr. Ilayee council passed an ordinance to regulate copper prospect, near the lx)«l Flat mine Ilallroail Maas Meeting the saloon«, which if enforced, will be a librarie* Therefore the department ha» ia certainly a very able pianiat, and at Galice, will «nn resume operations on determined to preaent to the neat legit though r <g time i* hl« apecialty, lie can fruitful source of aggravation to the I The party of official* of tlie Oregon ito development. Midland Railroad, which left Avhtand lature, a bill providing that a tai of one- play the other kind alto. A prize 1« bibulous public. A fine five «tamp mill is being built at The ordinance provide« first that the a lew day» ago for Klamath Fall», to con fifth of a mill tie levied or aet atide lor awarded each evening to one ol Ihoae the Ashland Iron work« for the Gold library purpoae* in «very town of a who have bought reaerved teat«, aalected bar shall ba in plain view of every fer with the citizen, of the Klamath Standard Milling U 1, which is develop given number of inhabitanta la 11.e «tale by lot. On Friday evening, Kenneth passer by. When a man take« a drink county-wat in regard to the conatruction he will be haunted by tbe fear that hie of the railroad now being »urveyed from ing a quartz mine a few miles west of The new taloon ordinance ol Aahlaml Boot waa the fortunate one, and waa pre wife is staring at him through the Klamathon to Klamath Falla, bad a Jacksonville. it tomething unique for thin part of the aented with a mandolin, On Saturday window. larg and enthusiaatic meeting at the Chas .Moore, employed by J. E country and with tome amendment«, evening the prize w»a a guitar. Other opera house, Saturday night. The (zooinis >>f Galice, wras quite aeverely I All saloons are required thouhl work fairly well. For inatance prizea were given alto, 1 one each to the at 11 p. m. and are not to be opened till meeting wa« addreaaed by a number ol hurt by a pack horse recently while de- * tbe register ol thoao who buy liquor liandaomeat lady and the homeliest 5 a in. prominent citizen« a» well aa the official«. livermg g oda. In attemnting to adjust should be open for in«|i«ction to any 011« gentleman present. A committee was Every proprietor of a saloon, or any Committee« were appointed to confer the pack, the horse started, and Ue was and tha minimum penalty should be «elected tv determine who Were entitled place where liquor is sold, ia required to with all those interested in tbe develop thrown to tbe ground and trampled on, filed to that the prosecution of violatart to tlmee prizet and after a long consult* keep a register, and any one buying ment of the Klamath section, and it is having bis face cut and gashed quite of th« ordinance may not ba a farce. The alien, they decided on Miet Luta Pun* liquor in any way except by the drink hoped a, a result of their lafMjrs that a severely. lTCTlKESqrE idea ol bavin* th* bar in plain tight bar at the liaadtomeat lady, and Mr. over tbe bar is required to register his subsidy amounting to ♦15(1,000 will lie John K. Harvey, of the Old Channel , of every paaaer by may serve to abash Howard Uobinaon wu selecte«! as the name and place of residence, and if rained to further tbe construction of th« mining company, came in last week tome modest drinker«. Anything that moat promiting claimant for the other required, hia age, and the register shrill railroad —Tidings. from Six mile. They have one giant is right will bear inspection and any prize. Mi»» Dunbar received a mando be subjected to the inspection of the now in operation and will have the lin, and Mr. ltobinaon a violin, To give VICTORIES OF To Cure a Cold In One Day. thing that will not h«ar inapeslion, had mayor or to any police officer of the city. I other started in about a week. Once variety to the enterlaiaw ient a pie-eating Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablet«. 1 well started, bettor be impeded and condemned. H Why did they not make it open for OLD GLORY ........................................ they should be able to All <lru.-.'i«ta relu nd money if II fail, to • ure | move the grave! ata the saloon buaiue«» is all right, tbe conlett wta held. prize *1. Four boya inspection to all ? (0 LAM D IND SEA great rate, a» there publicity required wi'l causa no objection contented but they were poor pie eater« The penalty for violation of this E. W. Grove'« aignuture on every box. 25c ' is every facility for its rapid working, Grand Opera Artists : but it it aturelhing that it will, among and the race wa« called otf long before The water-right is good, the pressure Charity Martin. Sig Ernesto Baldanza; tbe patron, of the simp at least, if not by tlie pie illtappeared. abundant, and the dump everlasting. John J. Blackmore, Pianist ’ prize waa a On Monday evening the t tha proprietor. I 1 he company put in a large ditch last guitar and wan won by 1 Miss Alice liar The Music of Spectacle Conducted by Hummer and fall, and have just now got evening, Mr, The enjoyment by many |>enple of the mon On Tuetday Ellis Brooks in good working order. They have lost mild spring weather ia clouded by ap Allen gave away 11 prizea to coupon ( Electrical Effects— Illuminated \ icus And a part of this very favorable season, but prehentiena that it will bring out the holdem. The moat important one, a their water-right is good, and they will Animated Pictures By The Graphi-St i-O| fruit buds too quickly and thereby in- guitar, waa awarded to Mr. Long of probably yet have a profitable run be tricon Under Prof. G. 1> Strong. A bsolutely P ure aure thair baing killed by the later front*. California. Tliit evening, Wednesday, fore summer. Price« In our observation, fruit stand, little, if the doting evening, 25 prize« will be Makes the food more delirious nnd wholesome Henry Colvin, who has been working any, more chance ol being killed when given away, and a prize worth $25 will 25, 50. and 75 cents. SO* Al BAKfatO SOWOCS CO., WFw yQWK. i at tlie Ashland mine (or the past month, Seats on Sale at Blake». it blooms early, than when it blooms lie awarded to the moat popular young > ROGUE RIVER COURIER, Don’t Miss This Thursday, Feb, 22nd Charity Martin Just Received Direct from the Factory, Mercerized Sateen Skirts Grand Opera Recital Ellis Brooks' Musical Spectacle R oyal & In Black and Colors. .« .<• Also a Line of Ferris Corset Waists l or Ladies, Misses and Children. E. C. Dixon. Dr\ Goods, Shoes and Furnishings. DO YOU WANT t ' ? ■ 1 PIANO a YOU EVER INTEND TO BUY ONE? I ♦ If so, go immediately to the Opera House and Make a Selection. I i Leal Art! Uav Arri' l(btf rates PIANOS AT PRICES NEVER BEFORE OFFERED BY a RELIABLE HOUSE Sale Closes Positively at 12 M. Thursday, Feb. 15. 1900 V GEO. E. ALLAN, manager