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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (July 8, 1897)
I lh- ill-la'erl whooner <».‘iierai Sijjlin another proof that a college aupj»orte<i ft was a masterly piesenta'ion of the truth so little understood even, now ha. b *eti tow? «1 from Alatkan water» to by the state and which is under the con among the churches that the C h Puget sound where »he is being repair- PU BLISHED EVERY 111 H*HAY, trol of politician« cannot be a «uc< e«« at society rightly cunilncted not only BOLD PLOT TO KIDNAP A WEALTHY an educational institution, in ihi« in breaks <iown denominational barriers but Mr». V. E. Walker wan thrown from MAN DISCOVERED stance, as is too frequently the cate, at the name time foeters the moat de EDITuKb AND l»M<»l'KIKTOKH. a wagon near Kanta ( ruz, < ah» uii*l voted loyalty to the individual church manhood, iimrals and ability were noi received injuries from w hich »lie diu«l and denomination Following this »»peaker was a sung Clever Mow« of *»»•> »'ranci ero Hanker« $2 a Y ear , ok Si 50 * n A dvance conaidcred by the board of .egents wheu in tW'j hour». to Taxation **" •la.OOO,- making their selection fur memlier« of by the Asblami La«lie- Quartette This I hl ring the progr«-s» of a barbecue a OOO — A Much-Sought For Man wan the firnt apj»earance of thia quar the faculty, and political hulk« and men Entered at the po>t office at (¿rant’s Pass Cklabaaa, (’al., two drunken Mexican» tette since the illneiM of Miss Carrie Who Cannot be Found. Oregon, as second-<l asi» mail matter. of questionable morals, who have no !<>t into a fight, wh h resulted in the Roper, the leading soprano They »pecial qualification« as teacher» were carried the audience by storm ami death uf FranciaCo Covarrubiav. Burglar» have been operating at .Mo* T huksday , J uly 8, 1897. retained, to the disgrace and detriment of were most enthusiastically encored H. Mayhew wan sentenced to one desto, Cal., lately. The secund speaker of <1 -e evening the college. Ko long as positions in the year a’ Folsum for forgery committed was Dr Landreth, of Nashville, Tenn It io proposed ♦«• establish a labor The rains in Cuba have put a slight State I niveraity are u»e«J with which to We are not certain as to the denomi-1 in Watsonville, Cal. He signed J. L exchange store at Reedley, Cal. pav off |>t*rsonal and political debt», and { national affiliation of Dr check to Weyler’» butchery business. Porter’s name to a check fur $13. Landreth, at •‘pull” rather than merit is the essential but in “his eloqueut adi'ress setting 1 Contracts for a new schoolhouse Loyd Duke ami I^eon Hill, two young have la-en let. Hon. If. W Corbett will not likely gut qualification of candidate», will tiie tax 1 forth the word of tLi.- C FL society hi? Grsss Valiev, < men living at Warthan, Fresno county, Mt M|»oke with lb»* logic of a true blue Lemuel Nelson was executed to occupy a neat in ♦ bn r S Senate. quarreled over a trifling matter and payer's money be stpiandered in keeping Presbyterian ami the fire and enthu Grant’» Pass, Or., Friday, for the mur Hill shot Duke through the stomach, up a college that should be the beet in siasm of a Methodist, while the ripple Weyler, the Nero of the West, is de der of Charles Perry. inflicting a fatal wound. stead of the pooreftt in the state.— Ore ami flow ol his eloquence made his manding mure men of Spain to pul down There will be a meeting of the Nev- ' hearers f«?el that he had fellowshipped C. H. Miller, an upholsterer, who goi, < itv Enterprise. , ads Ktale Medical society in Reno on the rebellion in the East province* of Baptist pereua- with our friends oi the “ worked for E. Kan born, near Grange | Monday, July 12th. sion Cuba. _________ _ ville, Cat, is under arrest cl urge«! with ha.J < »regoli Never before _ _ Southern ____ _ bLLIOTT At QUITTED. Tin- Sunset Telephone company is lie signed his employer’s welcomed such a large and noble band 1 putting up a line from Dinuba to Orosi, | forgery. California fruit 1« bringing »good price name to several checks w hich he sue- of workers, and looking into i The preliminary trial of the Hta ’ e of iu the east. Oregon fruit ia Iietter than the laces of those assembled there, in Tmare county, < al. eeesfnlly passe«l. California fruit and italiould bring bel Oregon against T. B. Elliutt for having noting trie moral light ami cleanness, San’ll Aim, < al., counciimen propose A team attached to a harvester on given, or caused to be given, b« e to mi the noble enthusiasm for all that is noble, to p:i»» ,.n oitlinance dedaring that the ter price. _____ the taiich of C. J. Burdick, near Dur nurs on May 3d, 1897, resulted in JmQe pure ami goo«l. One could riot help high hat iihim I go ir«»m the theaters. ham, Cal., ran away, throwing W. M. The Pre.ldielit has approved the bill Chiles’dismissing the case. feeling that under God there were the Sant« s was arrested at Tehac- . Cussi« k from the machine. He re providing for the admiaxion of foreign We knew none uf the particulars of forces that were not only to Have our h:i|»:, Cal., fur stealing a num ><-r o | cejve(| dangerous injuries from the fall I laborers to lake part at the Omaha ex- this «-a-«» until lost Tu«*sday, the day land bill that they would help to their 1 0111 Hanford t»o year. ago. lofty purpose ami their high i leal make hor we and his condition is serious. poaition next year. set for the trial. At 10 o'clock the case the kingdoms of the world the kingdom ll. Webieeu «us thrown "ver the Frank McAtee, a lineman in the em was called, and we lintened attentively of our lord and of his Christ Ix»ma I. a t.t _ grade, Santa Crux, Cal., Great Britain increased in population On Tuesday morning the visitors rvec-iving injuries from which lie died. ploy of the Los Angeles Elec’ric com- to all the evidence on both sides, but as ' pany, grabl>ed a live wire while w«»rk- the last 69 years, 50 per cent. 1 he Ulti* bade adiew to their entertainer» ami the cast* has been dlHposed of bv the went on their way to the great con ’ him», Cal., is threatened with a at the top of a pole and received an ted Slates for the same length of time court, the Cot kier will say nothing vention at San Francisco That con shortage of water this season, ami there i electric shock that caused his death. about 300 pur cent. about its legal aspect, yet f »r the good of vention will be a mighty inspiration to is talk of *«-curing town ownership of a Robert Wolf, an Anacortes, Wash., all Pacific « «»ast Christian Emleavurers. domestic system. Queen Victoria is to > wise to abdicate the boys, for the benefit of the homu, i watchman, has been missing for »ev- Th«- Big fruit cannery at Colton, Cal ; I eral days. . WllllUlllN I I U Ills His clothes were fouml on the throne of England in favor of the ami for the general welfare of the com has resumed operations. Four hiimlred the beach and the supeisition is that Prince of Wales during her lifetime. Il munity, we arc <<»m|»<*iled to show up C. M. Stites of Wolf creek spent Satur persons ar«* employe«! an«l 35,(KM) cans he went in bathing and w drowned. would b«» good for England’s future if she the moiul status of (ht* case. day ami Sunday with his parents. of fruit put up dailv. Charles F. Miller, who killed his in doing mo , however, it is nut the man had given him a lesson or two in king Mrs. Evan» of Washington is visiting Jndg • JiiLes (’Inulboiirne, a well- wife February 22<1 at Port Biakt-ley, we a e after but the principle inv.hel. craft some years ago. known III w yer am pion»« iof Alameda, Wash., was tried at Sydney ami found . We hav«* nothing but friendship for Mr her niece Mrs. Jessie Gotcher of this died at his home then» a few '!<»- ago, guilty of manslaughter, ami sentenced The British ts asl that the sun never Elliott, and will at no time throw one place. to twenty years in the penitenitary. Mrs. Ingham, who went to California of internal cancer. nets on the Qiievn’a dominions—Uncle iota of trouble in the way of his doing Profess«,r Thomas M. < iatch was I The <h»er in the southwestern portion Sam may boast of a like f.i'oritism, if i his duty, but <m the contrary th« Co« r - several weeks ago, has returned to her elected president of the State Agri- | of Trinity county, Cal., an? suffering favoritism it be, foi while the sun shines ikk will always extend a helping hand. ' home. cultural college nt ( rvallis, Or., by ¡from a epidemic, ami numerous car- Miss Nora Sheehan is teaching a four- on the eastern coast of Maim*, it also On the evening of May 3rd, 1897, the the board of regents. causes arc strewn through the moun shines on the western coast of Alaska. same being city ele< tion day, when it months term of school in the Baltimore James Dougin«, aged 35 years, was tains The tli-ea-e is similar to botts, district. i becafii« known that Mr. Elliott was instantly kille»F at Pomoua, Cab, by and is generally fatal. Some of the school boards in Plymouth Quite a Lumber of pleasure seekers having a massof earth ami rock weigh- i elected Htr«»et Commissioner, the boys Harry R. Peterson, agefl 35 years, county, Iowa, are building storm caves began to insist that he treat to beer. from our valley celebrated the 3rd in six tons roll upon him. i while working on a threshing machine to shelter their children from the lerrili« (¿rant ’ s Pass. Mr. Elliott, ac'c<)rding to the testimony Dun Vak, a Chinese, was found in nt Pacific beach, ('al., was killed by a storms that Mometiines sw*rp over that Mrs. Arthur Conklin and little daugh be«! in his cabin at Visalia, Cal., with derrick beam, which swung around in court, said, “I can't treat you to beer, country Our own country may have but will give you candy,” which he did ters ar«* spending their summer vacation | hi» head nearly severed from his body. unexpectedly and struck him on the its draw -backs, ho to speak, but the storm Someone had murdered him. head crushing his skull. However, Mr. Elliott »»ought two kegs of at Hotel De John. which is so much drea«le«l in the Miasis- M mm Katie Chapin in has returned to The l’a*t Riverside (('a .) company The public morals committee of Los breer at Ki nlin’s brewery, which were ■ippi valley is unknown in this conn several weeks , will us<? hii electric pumping plant for Angeles filed with the citv council a t taken oulaidu/if the building by num one, .Medford after spending H try. — __ supplying water for the irrigation of | report that some action should be tak«-n ostensibly for men, but the boy», not with her parents. lands along its system of ditches. j to prohibit the exhibition of photo- Mr. and Mrs. McCuinber Hie expected Dr. David Starr Jordan, provident ol withstanding the injunction, ' ‘Dont Mrs. A. C. Mi •Peters of Salinas, Cal., , graphs or kineloscopic pictures repres from their San Francisco home «Home 1 Stanford University, Cal. whh a passeii give them any,” got ull they wanted and sold the family furniture the other day enting przetights or anything of a ger on the north hound train Sunday no one aueme«l to care anything about it, time in the near future. ami deserted her htnand and children, | similar nature. evening enroute to Alaska to look after •r even to intimate that it was not free Mr. Grant Topping is still hauling ore . who have heard nothing of her since. Th«? jury in the of Frank Valdez, the branding Uncle Sam's seals. Dr. Jor for everybody. from the “Oregon Bonanza” to the »tamp Carson, Nev., officers are looking for young Spaniar«! accused of the murder The facts in brief are, that men and mill near the Anderson mine. dan believes this to be a safe protection a man named Dave Harris, who got >f N. II. L r«len, a storekeeper of Cal- to the Beal» of Klaeka. The object is to Isiys got plenty of beer, bought by an The new saw mill erected by Nipper A , away with $-180 given him by a (’arson abaMHM, ('a!., announced that they had make the skins comparatively worthless officer elect, a man whom a majority of Chapman is being operated by Nipper man to bet on the Sharkey-Maher Ihmgreed. They stood six ami six ami were discharged. Valdes has made for market ami thus prevent the exter the voters ha«l just said should be street and John with a force uf about twenty ' tight. The San Bernardino creamery lias confe^sioiiH, all conflicting. eommis«ioner. Mr. Elliott will not deny men. initiation of th«* seals. Mrs. Johnson and Mrs. Travis, neigh I declared its first dividend of six per , the above, but he said to ua in sub Thu Ith passed very quietly at Will- Prof. Thomas M. Gaiab, one of the stance, that so long as one keeps within cent upon its capital stock, and the bors at 8tock’«>n, Cal., liecame involved iarr.s, A lew people were bold enough (affairs of th«» association are good con in a fpinrrel over a com , ami Mrs. best known educators of the north west bounds of the organic law, there is to go oil* for a pa nic; however we are dition. | Travers took a heavy piece of rop<* ami coast and formerly president of tin nothing wrong; then in Ai« eatimalion, if ( very patriotic. ¡a v<>uiig m in named Chandler took a The State Printing office at Sacra- Washington State Vnive^sty, was, at h the law* a violated, it m wrong. So far U m (Tors of all kinds are very promising I mento, C»il., has c'oseil down, owing to I club, ami they beat Mr.«. Johnson s< » recent meeting of the boar«I of regentsoi the influence upon the boys was con- In the valley, the late rains were highly la k of money through Governor Budd ' H*verelv that she will probably die. the Agricultural College elected to th« '•«•rued, it could not has«» been worse had After an inquest lasting ten days a* appreciated by all who arc engaged in I vetoing the appropriations for the responsible |xjsition of president of tha> dr Elliott willfully violated the law. to the cause of the death of Isaac llofl- ensuing two years. agricultural pursuits, institution Prof. < iatch is an educatoi | man, the San Francisco merchant who The legislators who paswed the law, ' Burglars entered the post office at of ability ami he made a decided sucres« lid so, they believed it is wrong 1 T. E. Palmer and Ernest P. Stites have 1 was fouml in an unconscious con- i returned to their homes on i. Williams «vnuaiuDi Daker city, Or., and broke out the safe, i lition in his office «lying from bullet in building up the Washington I'niver or minors to have liquor, ami hence securing about $17.50 in gol’i and $2.50 « reek, after having completed the Fresh- si t y. .. About thirty registered wounds, th** jury returned a verdict they pftMsed an act, to cover, as they I , | hi stamps. man year at the Oregon Agricultural letters were taken, their value being ¡that the deceased was murdered by bought, »uch cases. Now if the law Beal», representing Mr. R. D. D. T. an unknown person. College. unknown. Inis passed iloes not cover the c-.n-e in Hume of the «almon cannery at th* i Gi neral Mullen of Fresno has re Mr. Aines met with a painful accident, A fire nt San Fruncisco last week mouth of Rogue river, h.n been in town ¡uestion, then it is seriously wroi g, while working on the farm of J.N.Golch- deHtroved tlie new Folson street wharf, ceived a communication from General «nd it behooves us to endeavor to have a Nhafter, United States aimy, regarding for several days. Mr. ltenln inlend, go er by falling from a hay rack and dis which ha<l just been completed at a •«»iter «»ne passed at the meeting of the •he regul :r army tro«>ps going into ing up to the mouth ol Elk creek oi locating his shoulder. He has returned cost of $50,000, and did $10,000 worth ! camp at Santa Cruz next month with If the present act Rogue river to build a ..Inion hateben lext legislature of damage to the ship Commodore, that to his homu in (¿rant’s Pass. the Third Brigade, National Guard, li was lying near. for Mr. Ilume. Mr. Beal, in ol th< will cover the case then the p rosee u- 1 arrangements can he is si regulars will (¿eorge Hart, Crescent City’s young at opinion that » !>»t< hery well managed ai tion is weak Three Chinese footpads attacked be in camp, mnking a total of 2' M h » torney, made a flying trip to Williams We would like to discuss t II 18 the mouth ol Elk creek will increaee th. three Japanese laborers on a road near soldiers will be eiicani|»ed there. last Friday Weim.igine that his favor question at some length but time and Watsonville, (’al., two of the Japs ran, ealmon in Rogue river at leant ten fol.l Theodore Figel, b ok-kevper for tin* Now fathers and ite song these «lays is, **(> darling how my th«» other was shot by a Chinaman and Much credit is due Mr Hume lor thi> lack of space forbid» | firm of Hoffman, Rothschild & Co. of heart grows weary, far, far away. ” received a dangerous wound in the mothers whote boys were present on I San Francisco, is under ariest, charged business-1 ike enterprise. Married—Al the home of the bride's thigh. He was also robbed of a I e w murder, embezzlument ami forgery, that occasion, you have the fads, what i dollars. Whenever »n<l wherever the boyco«' think ye? Comment as to whether sister, Mrs. T. J. Hartley, June 2 >, 1897, sworn t<» by Edward 8. Rothchild. of A great sensation was caused ill lx)S the firm. He is charged with killing principle inenife.t. it»'H then »'>'« 'h' "' *iich things will injure your boys Is Ali«» Verdie Gibson and -la per Lurri- Angeles lust week by the elopuieiit of Isaac Hollman, embezzling the firm's le-gin. »11 influence that 1« .eriotiely det in necessary Vr Elliott says there is more, W. R. Nipper, J. P. officiating. the handsome young w ife of Millonaire fumls ami forging the «lead man's riinentel to the |*»ce and prosperity ol nothing wrong in it then if this la* lh«i contra« ting parties are well known John Bradbury and 11. Russell Ward. name. tl e community Hint will loeter it It b rigid, in the name of common decency about Williams. They will make their No trace of them can be found, hut »imply » «piril of c < reion or retaliation w hat would be wrong for our boys to home in our midst C«» hki m »<» ni > eni . they are supposed to be headed for I C. B. Johnson, proprietor of the Ukiah <‘le«-tric light coni| any, has either ol which make, broad ami deep do? Do you wai.t the Cm hi eh I o re Australia. Burning,itching skin diseases instantly ¡brought suit against the Mendocino the ehann Iwtween oppoaint! lection» main “DumQ as an ox on ever The supreme court has declared the relieved bv DeWitt's Wil* h Hazel Salve, Electric Light works to restrain that So American citiieh |>oeeewnng u re»» question” of this character? town of Long Beach, Cal., to be disin I corporation from operating a plant in unequalled for cuts,bruise«,burn«;it heals corporate«!. A petition signed by a onable »mount of intelligence, will, »(let keep still without leaving a scar—W. F. Kremer. large majority of the voters bus already Ckiah. I’he action is brought in th«* due con.ider»tion »How hlmeelf to b< I nani«» of the Stnte of California, and < I it H i Ian Endeavor In \«hlan<l. Delicate artclen, s :ch as eilgings, rucli- been prepared, ami no time w ill be lost i the gioumL <re that the defendant has In.yniled into the practice of »tleli » then in getting the municipal government ing, laces, and gossjuier w ill not stand ry. Thoen who fo»ter »uch w principle Momlay was a great «lav for theChrG no status umler tin* law. I’h«» morning much rubbing Soap Foam Washing Pow on its f«»et again. »re they who l>»ve lieett injured, ae inn workers in Ashand M I i rv of young grasshopi era have train fr«nn the north brought quit«» a der deans them purlcutly without dainagt* O. M. Wclbnrn, collector of internal they inpt-oee, by eotne teal or fancied 'suddenly made th«*ir apjM»aram*v in th«» large numlier of Christian Endeavor or thill bl e. revenue at San Francisco, lian been wrong. If the boycott ie practiced workers frem (¿rant's Pass ami other gu'itemled from office and deputy western portion of Nevada < «>unt v. Cal., againat a flrm or a e mummity, it will in »Hunts in the Rogue River Valley, as marshals ami detei’tives ar«» looking for ami ar«* causing fearful <L-\astation to \ <). I U I iim I m I lai Ion I’he the end rebotimi.for what ie food for th« well as a numb«-r from farther north. him high and low, with a warrant for ganlens, orchanls nn«l ranches. \ fine, nice dinner was serve«! in th«* (hi Monday evening at the regular his arrest charging him with the Vili“ pests were first noticed in th«* vicinity g<»>ee «front t‘* Ie* l<e»d for the gandi'r. tieautiful grove on the Chautauqua of Bridgeport. Whence thev came is grounds after which the visitor* met meeting of the Workinin I. >dge the fol bexslemeiit of government funds. not known. They are eating every This week witnessed the first shipment their eiiterlaiii«*rs in th«» tabernacle, lowing otli ,«ra w.*r • installel by II. W According to the assessor of San green thing before them, and when Kinney, D < i M W n here interesting ami inspiring services of early peaches from Southern Oregon Francisco th«» banks of that city will ever they hav«» been acenes of destruc* ___ market. _____ . The time 1« weie h«*l«L Six o’clock touml a I arg«* Master Workman; WT Cohim. Fore esc.ip«» paying taxes on about $ 16,000,- tion art» most «lisln artening t< ram-h to the ______ Portland i i«»w«l at th«» «l« pot awaiting th«* arrival drawing near at hand when ilieie will I Uoo worth of money and solvent credits. and other propertv-owners. man , K \\ Person, i Iverseer , II Si-hmi It, of the sp««ial Endeavor train from the This has been accomplish«»«! by the be a great «leal of Iruit that cannot find north \t 6.30 it cann* into the sta lie order; M I’ Utley, Financier; F L The wave motor which has been a market, and now is the time lor some non aflame with flags ami C E. colors, Coran, Receiver; C L Edgerton, Guide; banks converting their taxable secur triv‘1 al a point about four miles north ities into government bonds, u|H>n one with a capital of live or fix hundred An enthusiastic welcome awaite«l an en* J I Steward, Inside Watchman; A C which taxes cannot be levied. This i»f Redondo» Cal., seems to be doing thusiasti«* crowd ol bright faced < bris- dollars t<> put up a drier. In an inter tian men and women. Old friends Duncan Outbid* Watchman . II A Me act of the bankers will reduct» the gootl work, as far as the prod net i«>n The view with a gentleman who has had a were greeted ami new friendships amount availabl«» for taxable purposes of electric lights is concerned. . <iui. k- Daniel If ll the kingdom of God great dual of experience in this line of iy forme«! just that sum ami «leervase the state light ma«le by the power of th«* waves Estray Notice. means onenei ss of spirit then th«» ( ’ E ami city's revenue to the extent <»f is ntroiig and stca«l v. A force of men work we were inform«» I that a drier hav soelel v is diung a most wonderful work is now -10 work extending the wharf St raved from Malon WI i « m *I«* i »pasture about $240,1)00. ing a capacity <4 10 0(n pounds of green tn advancing tliat kingdom 200 feet farther out into the ocean. near Grant's Pass, on or about June (’», \ l»old plot to ki«lnapthe well-known fruit pur 21 hours, or there about, would After Hiippcr an immense au«li«*nce on«» light bay mare II years old. »« ar on Peter Stoller and wife of Vane >uver, not cost in the aggregate more than asaein bh»«l hi th«» ( li.itanqtiA building right shoulder, also one bright bay mare, capitalist Henry Miller ami hold him lor the « \cii im*« <»f th»» t*\.*nmg I’he ( 1 ight \ears ol«l scar on forvh«»ii«l; white for a heavy ransome has just been dis Wash., went to Shaw’s islaml in the ftii»-1 Now , it thi« be a fa«-t, and w«* ••* opening exercise’ were led bv Mr T P I covered at Bakeistir!«l. Fhree men Columbia to pi, k 1» a< klx*rri«*«. \\ bile lieve it is, the cost is nominal and th«» Cramer of («rants Pana, who had h I m )| hind f»»rt . small scar on fr«»nt ankle. were in th«* plot, all who had worked so engiig«*«! a man named Millba ii, Kny information given l W. Griffith pro it that would accrue therefrom to all presided at the afternoon «ervivv» Giants Pass n ill be liberally rewarded. for some months on the big Miller A herding cattle on the islan«!, ordered parlies having fruit to dry certainly After the usual di rotional ricreine» a I .1. L. S cott , Riddle, or Lux ranch. Thvy knew of Mr. Millet’s them off. S’roller and his wit’«» pro hearty w w i h extend««! to lb*» a drier in habit of visiting the place, and driving ceeded to o I h » v his order, but while would ju*liiv the put'ing up visitors li W T \ atl 8roy , pr«»«i Maw«• Y our (¿rain over it. Their plan was to capture they were doing *• he leveled a doub'e- the Pass. _____ dent ( him and carry him to an abandoned l»arrvle«i shotgun at them, «1«« barging lam! hew realize that cavil squirrel dvstrovs b«»th barrels. One of th«» charge.« took The re-election bv the boar«l of regen’ ♦ 1 •«» worth of grain annually. Wake cabin ami there compel him to sign a V) Miller hap*»vnv<l to »fleet, s rikmg Mrs. Stroller in the of President Chapman ami those profe» ■ - Squirrel and tmpher Exterminator check foi $2\00t. or« of the Siale Cnivi*rsit\ against wh<u is th«» most t • fleet 1 ve and economical |»ois- take a friend with him ami a* th«* ♦ wo shoulder and shattering her Iswoin. were together continually u«e ki«l- Mrs. Stroller is in delicate be;ilth and »u known Price reductsl to cents. ««»rions « harg«** had be« n made, is bi I’'»r aah* by M. Clemens, sole agent. napper* ««mid not «wiry out th. ir p'.tn. her condition is danger« us. I'At 11 1C COAST NEWS. ROGUE RIVER COURIER PRICE VOORHIES, NOW GRAND FOR c L. L. V qtaw , O c yerrell . M TERRELL. Grants Fass Furniture anil Gasket Compii) n RMSII THEIR Car Beautiful Rimerai FREE to our Patrons buying* tlie better grade of Coffins and Caskets. (io to this Company for anything in thè line ot burniture,Carpets, Wa| Paper, Window Shades or Pitture Frames. LEADERS OF LOW * PRICES. Cuiiimiiiii«,«(i,<l- To the E ditor Mv attention ha« been culled to an article published in the Ob server of .lune 19, under tiie heading. •'Protection of Fiah Again" It appears as a item, without aignature and therelore mac be justly presumed to have been written ill the Observer ol- Pure Drug ... Properly Compounded lice. This article if it were based upon fact», would be worthy of especial commenda tion; but it appears that the writer was laboring under a heavy burden of mis.n- formation. In it he refeis to my®eli and my associate (not ’ v name it is (rue, but by clear implication) as ‘‘giant powder fiends” “reckless and lawless seine men’ “illegal trappers” “practically tramps” Are very essential to the recovet y of every patient. To be sure of always getting the pure article go to the drug store opposite the po t office. CLEMENS, rrearrlptlon llriietrl.t. etc* Tiie facts are that myself and associ ate have fished with a net, near Bloody Run, ami also lower down the river. It is also true, that the nets used by us have nothing smaller than an eight-inch mesh, and cannot take anything smaller than a twenty pound salmon. It is not true that our nets close the greater part of the river or anything like it. It is not true that we have used any giant powder or any illegal means what- ever in the catching of fish. It is not true that we are tramps or fiends or any thing o h r than «piiet. law abiding men, derburn ; Win T Bennett. Briggs creek ; .J L Dewy, Leland ; C V Foss and wife; |C M Stites. Woli < reek;G M Kearns, Wolf creek ; Susie Muir, Oakland, Cal; | K (¿O’Brien, I. C ; Thomas II B Taylor, Woodville; Bert Roberts, Cal; E 8 Zuy««. Ashland ; C K Brown. Ashland; W E Everton, Roseburg; G R Angles, K ! ('; SC Lawaence, W F Abbot, J S Espy, i R I Ballot I. K C; W N Hate,Leland: . il«»TEI. I. VYTON. ' S E Henderson. Koseburg; E Everton. seeking to make an honest living in a { Roseburg. M F Farrier. Gold Hill ; A Bow ers, Glendale; (' D Sextaur A w. Lucky .'awful wav without interfering with the Quefen I. Simmons, *an Fran; Win I. rights of any one. Gibson, M'-Minville. .1 F \V«su<orrer. F Our unknown friend who wrote the NidvA v, McM; B McCourt, Fred Wett, Wo Steele. Althouse; Mr Wimberly A article referred to, should endeavor to 1 fam. Marysville, F Bennett. Waldo; W learn at least one lesson in the brief lit- I Smith. Merlid, R II Roberts,---- ; J H Syke«. T M Parish, S D Willis, E Tynan, tie journey through this vale of tears and I Ashland . Win Serenton, D Rexford. Ap- • winner, Silverbin; P * A that is: Not to make reckless assert : • ■ Ilumplin v" l Shambrook. Cole’s Valiev; ions in abuse and derogation «»I his fel J II Bull. Wo(sl ville; G Hanson. Alt- low-travelers without buitlg -'He of the house; .1 A Tate. Kerby; J D Stevens, ground upon which he stands. It is l’ieasont Creek; C 11 Van Dorn. Merlin; H L Akerill, Althouse; F Dessinger. easy to injure the fair fame of your Kerby .1 W Curry. Mubford; Jas A. Sevbretn. Gibb, A D, Kerby. Annies, P, neighbor by reckless publications, base«' Williams Bvbee, Win. Jackionqllle; Brad upon vague ami unreliable rumors, but ley lie, Jeffrey. R G, Medford; it is not so easy to undo the individual Dean. .1 H, ------- ; Henderson, S E, Rose burg Everton. E. Knight. R M. Roseburg: wrong which may accrue from such has-, Noucke. T o. Gilmore. D B. Hogue, Miss Ettie. Cox, Frank. Kerby . Boynton, G W, ty and ill advised action. Grove ( reek. Sextaure, K, Sextaure. L. Respectfully Yo irs, Lone Creek . Churchill, H W. Roseburg; J. L. Ku AMBROOK . 11 rniphrev. P A. < ole’s Vai; Griffith. .I N, Happy (’amp: Green. G G, Galice: Gar- Don’t let the cat lick the dishes but ber«. Hugo W, Hugo; Chapman. A L, Williams Fick, . Deer Creek ; Blalock. G make nice soft soap w ith Soap Foam. W. Grove; Wilson,.I. Kerby; Frazier. 1 F. Directions on the package. S F; Furnham, Wm.< rk; Savage. L, Woodville; Gentner. C F, Centenial; Rob County Treasurer’s Notice inson. II .1. Bolt; Davis, G I. Medford, ami seventv-t.'w others. Notice is hereby given to all parties PALACE HOTEL. holding Josephine county warrants en A long list which time and spa< e will not dorsed prior to Sept 11, is'.io, to present permit us to give. tin* same at the tre isurer’s office lor pay ment. as interest will cea^e thereon alter date of this notice Dated, this 1st «lay of July 1897 at the city of Grant’s Pass, Josephine county, OF KINGSTON, N. V. Oregon. Cured of Spasms by Dr. Miles' A. B artlett , County Treasurer. Sadie Steward Southern Oregon ( liauiati<|iia 10*22. ISO? \ .Ink Prominent speakers: Bryan, Dish, i.amai, Gaston, Mi«se> Benfev and Ack- • rmau ; Joaquin Miller, Revs. I.<»ckv. IL fshey and BisImp Fal><Six schools conducted by masfi*rs. Season tickets $1.50. Gool camping healtii and wis dom for little money. Come every body. Address Pies., Ashland, Or. N. E. McGrew Pioneer Truck and Dein G kant ’ h P ash , O rkoos CALIFORNIA BAKERÏ G. KUTSCHELIS, Prop. Just removed to the Jennings & Dean brick, Sixth Street. The Restaurant will furnish MEALS ALL HOIRS The Public are invited to call. BEA DACHEcured In 20 minute, by Hr, Mila I A1N P ills . “One cent a doM*." At druggist* Don’t be milled into buying soapthit contains marble dust, talc and other worthless filling. Buy Hoe Cake and save the wtappers. NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION, Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon. May 28, 1897. Notice is hereby Hven that the follow ing-named settler has filed notice of hit intention to make final proof in support of his claim, ami that said proof will i*e made before John Goodell, County Clerk. Josephine county, Oregon, at Gram» Pass, Oregon, on July 17, 1897. vit Henry H. Kennedy, on IL E. No. 8724 for the E NE i4, E KE '4,sec. I p. 33 S., R. 6 West. He names the following witnesseaUi prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of, said land, viz: Miies Mee, Wiley A. Fanner, Henry C M'lntosh and Daniel Matnewi», all of Wolf creek Oregon. R. M. V eatcb , 036-41 Register. K'lurste Your Howels With rascaruts Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever 10c. Lu<-. if c. C. C. fail, druggists refund money. Hotel YrrKal*. HOTEL Jom-IIIM . I )I Jolinnon, San Fian El. Thonip- I. Thoinp- »>n San Fr.m ; II l> T.ut 'an Fran; l> Vommloxe. San Fian . < I» Stearnn, S.m- Fran \ U Seal. >an Fran . ( R niea l. Portland ;G R t tinning. Portland; It.n Mitt hell, Portland, I II RnxA. Port land ;,l l. Starr. Portland W El r.izn r, HE many cases of spasm«, St. Vitus Portland; Bi.liop M. rri», Portland; A C dance and epilepsy that I>r. Mile»’ Barrie, St I. HU', l C Pattr-rson. st Ia,u Restorative Ne-v!ne has cured, would i.; Kuaeell .1 Ho«. Chicago; Frank I. alone give this great r»*medy wide repuu- ritoinan, l’l.t. a<o . M I ■ irain n >nl. Chi Uon Mrs Wall, r A. 8’« ward, 771 Broadway. .ago TR Mttir. Jnncti rn tnine. Win M Kingston, N. Y ,, says March'«, “in 1M93 Hohne.. Central Point ; I'. M Paree, Ri r- while on a visit to friends our little girl was bv . ? Mrn Delia Thre.ltcr, Kerby . C T taken with spasm«. We hastened home to .. Kerbe. .1 I Logan. k.ri.v our family physiuian. ih* did ail he . <>uld Payne, Mi». Dania D. I ainater. Kcriiy I> H t,i'. but failed. We called more. Kerbe. P E Khuie. Ilaj.p. t'aniti several physicians but .. '.«ni. . k < Wm r Nicoli«, v , ’ Galice; 8 M Brown,' the spasms continued, Galice; J Bast lev, (»alice; E B Hab her tongue l«came belt. Piacer; Il M Mi er«. I'laeer ; Clar Nervine partially paralyzed enee King. F() Hm«le, H R Henderson, and the doctors said Restores Mi«« F Hamid. J II Bate and wife. It G she would never talk Health Bunch, A ( Fan«. .1 H Belllinger, J D again. Night and day Eaton, W H S|M*ar, B E >ke«-l. C \| phil- we watched the poor ips. 8 I Ri bard« »n, Cha« R Merriman. little sufferer and tried every remedy we Cail Crystal, Sidney E ('...e. L B Brad- saw advertised f r such eases but g<.t no re^ ¡••V. Wm Bates, b F Welch, Medtord . F. lief. Webejran giving I>r. Miles’ Nervine B M««ore. Racine, Wi» , \\ s Dunn, Eu and after taktnc four l«ttle, .he wa. run- gene; H |> Miller. Eugene; Isaac Fraget, niro; al.'ut a. well and happy a. ever ” Minnea|M)liM ; Char’es M. K«»ll, Ja« k*w»n- Dr Mlle.' BemMlc. are »old by all drug. ville. Hugh C M. Beth. N 5 . Geo I* il.u under a | .mve auaraoiee. fir»t la>tU. ll«»lmes. "alt Lak«» Cite I || Famine. benefits or l u, y refunded. B-wk on Heart N 5 . I homas "inglHon I. >u«e « reek ; I and Nerves sent free to all applicants g KtevMha md ■ . w Trefren, DR MIL) - MEDICAL CO., CO. Elkhart Elkh ... Ind. I nH Kfhland ; Samuel Mathies, Ro •k Point; , . . .. ........... -..q»ton and < ««re <on.ti|mUon wit«», I lNct»r, R L Miller, lack’s « re««k ; AI . j \ \ IIam*«-tn Dryden. D l lUal«. \\<<|- UHto. urr.dru».„urefund T Bucklin's Arnica Salve T he best salve in the world for cut* bruises, sores, salt rheum, fever sore?, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, orn? and all skm eruptions, and p**iti\f'.v cures piles, or no pay required. Il ,g guaranteed to give good saiisiacti '•* r money refunded. Price 25c per bui. For sale bv Dr. W. F. Kremer. For Sale. The Rogue River Brewerv in Grant« Pass with 10-barrel Cop|ier Kettle. Ker Malt Kiln and modern Bowling alley* Dw el ling House of 8 rooms. Stable, Gran ary, etc. There are 85 fruit trees in k'ap •len. 1 he property contains 4 acres. ,r 26 building lots Inquire at this otlev or of Mrs. Geo. Walter, Grant’« Pasf- KOH WALE. I<»<> acres of land, with an 8 f,M ditch which wat*»r ot the same cover« 1')’' acres; also a mill nite with p»-n *to<k and about 304 feet of flume; I'f) a»’*’4 fenced and 50 acres tn grass**»; I lantf barn, 1 small one and dwelling houee. w itli 4 >o vi inter appi«? trees. 40 - ind a« res fenced, with water right: 40 a« res within a mile of the above.-1 acres fenced, 9 acres plowed, with uatrf fight. Apply to G. W. H oxie . 78 Williams, Oregon- BARGAINS ! CLEARING SALE IN ALL DEPARTMENTS Al THE BIG CASH STORE—WE ARE DETERMINED TO CLEAN TCP a t t -r» n. Ladies'. Men's, and Children's Shoes. UndZea? E”8 PARASOLS. SHIRT WAISTS. CAPES. SUMMER GOODS ’ 1 ,CUb’ Ladies' Muslin Underwear. Gent s White and Colored Laundered and Unlaundered Sliirrs anu „r » that, will far x. ‘ ana shall place on sale values that, will far «n>.»nc surpass O ...... any previous sale. Oet ready for the grand rush SALE OPENS THURSDAY MORNING. JULY 8.