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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (July 1, 1897)
An Independent Paper, Devoted Especially to the Interests of Southern Oregon .. --------—- VOL. XIII GRANT’S PASS. J0SÏPHINE COUNTY. OREGON. THURSDAY. JULY 1. 1897. GRAND CELEBRATION t Now is the Time to Subscribe for the Courier BECAUSE You want the news of Grants Pass and Josephine County—this is what we propose to give our subscribers. IVe will work lor the the interests of Josephine County and Southern Oregon, so in helping the Courier yon help yourselves. There are other reasons, of course—Send in your jt.50 in advance. PRICE & VOOK1IIES 136.60 Baseball game............ 7 p. WASHINGTON LETTER. The Agricultural College. Scholarly Requirements M. The graduating exercise» of the \gri- Formerly reading, writing ('riling,) [CoBaaxroapxNcK or the C oi risk .' Secretary Sherman, in order to justify t ultural college at Corvallis Uxik place arithmetic, Arithmetic, were regarded as the .«ins yuu »urn to a good education, his own turn around towards annexation, Juns 22—there acre 17 graduates. The address to the daws by Hou. T. T. but at this day and age something more Of Fourth of July at Grants made a diplomatic break and gave away Geer of Manon county was excellent; he Following are the committees having a stale secret. He said that under ordi is required of those who would meet the competitions of the hour. Pass, July 3d. nary circumstances he was opposed to said in part celebration in charge. “ It is forced upou all of us to accept l'he “National Educator’’ gives the annexation, but that when he learned Executive committee—R.L. Coe, H. that a scheme was on foot tu pul Hawaii the world as we find it, but a duty lest» follow ing course for boys and girls : The pursuit of C. Bobzein. Frank Fetach, Gao. Calhoun, Write a good legible hand. m posaessiun of Japan, he favore»! an Upon every one born into it to Isas a it money tempts many a AT GRANTS PASS, OREG. J. A. Jenning*. Spell all the words in ordinary use. man to neglect his nexation. Thereby bangs the whole is a bettered condition. Now, there in Finance committee—J. A. Jennings. story oi the hurrying up ot the treaty lor no question so important to you this day j Know how to use these words. health, with the result that he sooo loses both Dr. W. F. Kremer,, J. O. Booth, G. 1. the annexation ui Hawaii, which Presi as * What am 1 to do?* Every man must Speak and write good English. Big Pre parat ions Bring Made Tor Browu. money and health, and Wi ite a good social letter. dent sent to the Senate last have a vocation and be self-support ing ; finds himself doomed Adda column of figures rapidly. Granit Time—Wheel Advertising committee—R. L. Coe. T j week. have ouin» in time any be must be doing something by which to an untimely death. Make out an ordinary account. P. Cramer, Geo. Binns, L. L. Jewell. way, but the administration recently De tan earn an honest living and some A man should remember when men «* Parade. thing more It 18 not vutik lent that he Receipt it w hen paid. hr is tempted to over work him Sports and amusement committee— learned of a plot on the part oi Japanese should merely support himself; he must Write an ordinary receipt. self, neglect his health, and de- Geo. Calhoun. Dr. Will Jackson, A. R. on the island and the friends oi the ex- support somebody else as well. vote insufficient time to eating, Write an advertisement for a local (¿ueen, w ho is in Washington, ami who The different com mil tees having in Yantis. Joe Moss, Cr. Moore, L. L. Jen made an opera boutfe protest against the resting, and sleeping, that death is the “The evolution of the human race paper. nings, E. E. Dunbar. Roy Bartlett, Jas. that holds out money as a bait. __ If tempter ________ ___ , _________ through the lapse of centuries has devel Write a notice or report of a pohlir hand the arrangements fur the celebra R. Williams, G. P. Cramer. ratification of the treaty, to overthrow a man will take proper care of his health, he the present government ot Hawaii and oped a great many tacts, and among meeting. tion have been working faithfully to se- will feel like work, «nd will find that he cat 1’arade committee—L. G. Brownell, laeui none elands out so prominently as Write an ordinary promissory note. do all the work that he cares to do within 1 cure attractions that will bring in the Ben Rogers, W. T. Perkin». R. U. Me- set up one oi their own, with the ulti the necessity ot government by law and Reckon the interest or discount on it working hours. mate design of turning the islands over | Croakey grand marshal of parade. j outsiders, and entertain the crowds Di. Pierce s Golden Medical Discovery to Japan, and that caused the treaty to accoinpanving CNM lh«t Ihtt Stability and for days, month» and years. Music committee—l)r.Van Dyke, CJ. go to the Senate much earlier than it success ot ail governments depends up fake it to the proper place in a bank gets a man into working shape and keep» when they arrive. him there. It invigorates the liver, keep« on the family altars the homes ot its to get the cash. would otherwise have gone. The Japan The program has been arrangtd with i | Kurth, IL U. Kinney, N. P. I lodge. the digestion in working order, the appe citizens. Neither bachelors nor ‘new Draw an ordinary bank cheek exe government basali along denied that Fire department committee — Frank tite hearty and keen. It keeps the blood a view to giving an entertainment that Make neat and correct entries in day pure and plentiful. It keeps out and drives I Fetach. J. D. Stinebaugh, Geo. Slover, it had any grabbing intention towards women’ can be said, as a class, to offer will not be tiresome, but with just 1 August Fetsch, Fred Cheshire. aav veiv flattering or excited hopes up book and ledger. out impurities and disease germ». It wards Hawaii, and its denial may have l»een on which to build ui | hji jiemate a gov fell the number of yards of carpet re off nervous and wasting diseases. It cures enough variety to make it interesting, Fireworks committee—H. C. Bobzein, perfectly houvNt and it may have been ernment that will till the ideal of our 98 per cent, of all cases of consumption. It quired for the parlor. comprising inu»ic by the Grants l’ass | purdom, Harry Smith, W T. Co- entirely ignorant of the plot to overturn “ ~ When I see a young Measure the pile of lumber in the is the product of the life work of an emi the Hawaiian government. As the infor better judgment. I cornet band, patriotic address, races burn, H. L. Truax, Henry Booth. nent and skillful specialist. Dr R. V. Pierce, man turn up his noseat matrimony and shed. mation concerning that plot was secret for thirty years chief consulting physician 'Pell the number of bushels of wheat in to the Invalids* Hotel and Surgical Insti and was not mentioned in the Presi descant learnedly on the blessings ol marital independence, I simply wundvi the largest bin, and the value at current dent’s message accompanying the treaty, tute, at Buffalo, N. Y. Druggists sell it. diplomats regard it as a bad break on where he would find Himself low , if his rates Mr*. L. F Coatea, of Blythebourne, King* Co., Tell something about (he great authors N Y write*: ‘ Three years ago. 1 wa* so sick I the part of Secretary Sherman to Liave father and mother had known as much could not eat. sleep or walk, for I coughed all day publicly mentioned it, and the Japanese as tie does and had followed his example. and statesmen ol the present day. and night My weight was reduced from 150 to Know something about the laws of 117 pouud*. The first night that I slept for hours minister regards his having done so as It is the first duty of every man Io devote almost an insult to his country and is his best energies to some business that health, and what iodo in cases of emer at one time, was after 1 had taken three dose* of Dr. Pierce * Golden Medical Discovery. The of consequently somewhat disgruntled. will provide the means of supporting a gency. fensive matter expectorated grew leas every day Know how to behave in public and in and when I had takeu the whol* of one bottle I There isn’t opposition enough to the family, and his second duty is to provide could sleep all night without coughing, and have treaty m the Senate to prevent its ratifi himself with a family. It is the wander good society. Be able to give the great general prin bceu well ever »ince and weigh 178 pounds" cation, hilt there is enough to make the ing young man who has no fixed respon A good, practical, medical book is worth debate quite lengthy, so it is intended to sibility m life who is likely to get into ciples of religion. more in a home than a thousand novels. mischief, and the single man is liable to Have a good knowledge of the Bible. allow itto go over to the regular s?ss Dr. Pierce'» Common Sense Medical Adviser become a wanderer. Have some acquaintance witn the Come and see the exciting bicjcle races—race ion. is that kind of a book It contains 1.008 “As you step forth from this college three great kingdoms of nature. No stronger plea for some action on pages and over illustrations. A new for the silver cup, the races tor the medals. J Have some knowledge of the funda editiou given away absolutely free . If you the part of this government that will re you are confronted at once with the store p.-ace to Cuba has been put forth problem, 'What am I to do to make a mental principle» of philosophy and Ä8- want a paper-covered copy send 21 one-cent Come and see the boys play ball—a good game than »tamps (the cost of mailing on/v), to World’s is contained in an ofliciai report living?' Life is attended in its eve: y day tronomy. Have sufficient common sense to get Dispensary Medical Association, Buffalo, prepared by the Agricultural department application by a tinge ot romance ami anticipated. N. Y. For cloth binding, 31 stamps. poetry, but after all it is practical and on in the world. show ing our trade with Cuba for a period earnest, and often a serious struggle for Come and hear the mt si: by the Grants Pas* of years. For the fiscal year 1893, our j daily broad. I bc demand« of the «loin commerce w ith (.'uba amounted to $102, band. 864, 204 ; for the fiscal year 1896 it had ach are made thiee times a day with un THE WONDERS OF SCIENCE to $47,548,610, and estimates for varying frequency, and with no uncer Professional Cards. Come ami see the grand display’ of fireworks dropped the fiscal year 1897 place it at less than tain sound or feeling either. Lung Troublos and Consumption “My opinion m that tne three things $20,000,000. in the evening. Can be Cured. ROBERT G. SMITH, The administration is moving very most eHscntial to the make-up of a man who would leach a satisfying degree ol Come everybody and have a rousing good leisurely towards the inauguration of its success An Eminent New York Chemist and Sci ATTORN EX” AT-LAW. are hunasty, industry ami cheer Cuban policy. Gen. Woodford of N. Y , G uanti P aís , O ukuo M. entist Makes a Free Offer to time—put aside the cares and responsibilities of has been nominated Minister to Spain, fulness, and who is there who cannot Our Reader». Practice* in all State and Federal Court* them by the mere determination everyday work and join us in the celebration of a and the official statement made that Ex posnes» Congressman Aldrich, ol Ills., will short to do so ? Ornes in B ank B uilding . The distinguished New Yoik chemist, day worthy to lx? remembered. “ The word success is susuoptiblu ot ly be nominated Consul t ieneral toCuba. T. A Slocum, demonstrating hie discov- many interpretations When applied But there is little probability that either You will surely have a good time if you come. of them will lie at their post inside of a to business matters purely it means the ciy of a reliable ami absolute cure for WILLARD CRAWFORD. Consumption Pulmonary Tuberculosis) month, and the new policy 1» not to be acquisition of worldly goods, but in the ami all bronchial, throat, lung ami chest ATTORN EY-AT-LAW. started until Gen. Woodford gets to great future, character count» tor more diHeases, Htubborn coughs, catarrhal af- Practice* in all Federal, State an.l Su Madrid. Report says the policy will tie than riches. “Not many thing» bo certainly attract fections, general <l< <*line ami weakness, to roqueat Spain to withdraw its troops preme Court*. I orh of II cn I i , and all conditions <>i want an<l allow Cuba to have home rule under the unfavorable attention of your neigh ing away, will semi TH REE FREE BOT Ovrica at R ihidknck T hikd S t . Nohm. a system similar to that in vogue in Can bor as a boas Liu I display ol a pretension TLES (all di tie rent) of his New Discov Notary Public. ada, and that Spaia is willing, provided to Lie one thing when they know you are er ie» to any atllieted reader ol the Cot k * that thin government can perwuade the something else. Make a supreme effort ilk writing for them rebellious Cubans to accept and to agree in lite not to make any unnecessary dis Hi» “New Scientific Treatment” has HENRY L. BENSON, play of headiness or advertise yourselves to assume the debt of Cuba. cured thousands permanently bv it» Senator Morgan called atti ntion to the to be what you are nut. Il would be a timely use, and he considers it a simple Attorney-tit-Law. A Noted Divine Dead. of different kinds, and a base ball game. failure ol the tariff bill to provide for the source of gratification even if we could professional duty to nuffering humanity The bicycle parade will also be an in repeal of the income tax, imposed by the deceive our acquaintances, but no man GRANTS PASS, OR. to donate a trial of his iniallible cure. The Vernon Times of Vernon, N. Y., Wilson tariff bill and declaied to I mj lin can long succeed in that direction. Your teresting feature, as a great many wheel I Science daily develops new wonders, time*—Over the Bank. Practice* in all contains the following account ol the cimeli tallonai by the Supreme court. virtues, if you Lave any, will speak for i men have already signified their inten and this great chemi»!, patiently experi Court* of the State. death of Rev. Eneas McLean, brother of He said he wa» gl»d the bill did not pro themselves, and if you have none, an tion of decorating their wheels and par- Rev. Robt. Mcl^ean of this city, who vide for U m repeal, because if it were left empty boast will only serve to magnify menting I r years, has produced results us beneficial to humanity as can be . ticipating in the parade An earnest 111- »pent several years in this «tale doing upon the statue book, a change in the their absence. In other words be non ARTHUR P. HARTH, eat and sincere, because it will al way» claimed bv any modern genius. His I vitation is extended to all wheelmen in religious work, and who was well known court might cause it to be »uslained. assertion that lung trouble» ami con- to many people of the state. (|uite a number oi the Senators who I »ay. the county to help make this feature a 1 “Betrue—true to yourselves, to h Mumption are curable in any climate is “Rev. Eneas Mcl^ean, whose death helped to knock out the Pettigrew anti Doctor in Dental Surgery proven by “heartfelt letter» of grati big success. occurred in the Moses Taylor Hospital, trust amendment to the tarili bill, have other and to the best interests ol your tude.” filed in the American ami Euro beloved common country, never forget O fficii ovkk tiik B ank The parade will start from the court Scranton, Pa., last Friday evening, was offered amendments of their own, eapec pean laboratorie» in thousands from house and move dow n Sixth street to the born in Vernon Center, where his boy tally aimed at the sugar trust, with ting that at no lime since the dawn ol those cured in all parts of the world. I >r.g"ii Gr.ut’a P***, hood was spent, and where he received which they appear to bave a dread oi creation han any people enjoyed the same Bank corner, thence west to Second street, Medical ex ports concede that bronchi ’ his early education. His parent», Angus Lieing considered friendly. One of these degree of personal freedom a» that which ' thence south to Front street, thence east ami Mary Mcl>‘an, were thoroughly offered by Senator Pettus, prohibits the is ours to-day, ami that it, as rn inteili al, chest and lung troubles lead to Con sumption, which uninterrupted, means to Sixth street, thence south to bicycle Scotch, of pure Highland blood. De- importation of raw wiigar by the sugar genl and patriotic people, we perform our simple duty to the government which speedy ami certain death and ' track and arouud the track two or three , ceased graduated from Hamilton College truat, and another, offered by Senator Simply write to T. A. Slocum. M. C., in the < la-» of 13/5, and from there lie Nelson, provides that any attempt to so generously supports us, we can salely 98 Pine street, New York, giving post- 1 times, giving everybody an op|>ortunity a ent as a tutor in Roberts’ < ollrg-, Con ----- VIA THK ------ rejoice in the justified conclusion that it monopolize the trade in raw or retine»! office ami express address, and the free ' to see the entire procesHion. stantinople, Turkey. It ws» about the sugar among the states or with other is not only a ctiararieriHtic product, but medicine will be promptly sent. Suffer After the parade the ¡»euple will meet time the bieaking out of the R uhhiu Tur nations shall l>e punishable, U| mjii con one ol the iniperishablestructures of our ers should take instant advantage of hi» — of the — in the shade at the bicycle grounds to kish war, ami the »object of this sketch viction, by a tine ot not less than $50), modern civilization. generous proposition. MMi-dated in organizing Bulgarian troops. nor more than $10,009, or by imprison J listen to tne literary part of the program. Ph*MHe tell the doctur that you saw his High Honors for Rludeni». After a year Mr. McLean returned 10 the ment at hard labor not less than six offer in the Cot RIKH The horse race will take place on 5th United Mates ami completed h im course months nor more than two years, or by Two u( the graduate» of Portland a« ad Ex ore»» Train» lx»ave Portland Daily at Auburn rheological .Seminary. After both said punishments in the discretion I street at 1 o'clock; other races will im cmy, M ihm Ruth Koctkwoud and M ins Mar HAWAII TOfB ANNEXE), South. mediately follow, either on 5th street this deceased a ent mm a missionary to of the Court. This amendment is verv garet Wilson, who took the examination» the South American Republic, where for carefully drawn an«! goes into particulars i v. Portlund *r 6 00 p. 130 a .« f h < lalaiiil« To linrauir Part of the or bicycle track. a iiihb I ht of years he and his estimable as to how indictments are to I m « drawn a few weeks ago for admission to Bryn » 0ft < a Lv. Grant» Pass lv . 7:30 F. M liiHrtl Mtalr* .»uly 4, I MUM. Aller the races the Medford nine will wife labored zealously in the cause of i and goes into particulars as to how in Maw r college, in Philadelphia, have been 7 45 a . m . at . Han Fran'co lv . M 0ÜP «. He founds ’ r dictments »re to be drawn and whal signally honored. The examination» in plav a match game of ball with the (’hriMliamty Alio ve train* atop at all *tatiori* be* thin college are »aid to I m * the hardest of not I a« evidem ol the < mi Grants Pass nine on the grounds south Chilian convert- am! built several chur «hall tween Portland arid Salem, Turner, ches under direction of the Foreign Board istence of a trust. Notwithstanding ail any woman'» college in ti>o Unite<i of the track, for a purse of $50. Marion, Jetferion, Albany, Cottage Grov* of Missions. He labored indefatigably this activity on the part of indivi Inal I States, and are NUppoaed to be eyen Halsey, Harris- Tangent, Shedd*, Those who wish to engage in the until 188‘>, when he was compelled to Senators, there is no probability that the harder than Yale’» or Harvard’s. City, Eugene, I When the papers were »ent on the burg, Junction Hr tariff bill as it finally passes and goes to bowling contest will pay an entrance fee, deefatt on account of lung tr<»ul»lr Pram, Oakland, and all ntation* from young ladle* awaited with fear and trem in order to make up the required purse. again returned to thin country and pur- the President will contain any anti-trust bling the result», and were finally grati Itoaeburg to Ashland inclusive. sned his calling as Htudiously as his fail amendments. In the evening the fireworks display ing health WO«ld permit fied, a few 'lays ago, to receive notice In OregOtt hr that they had passed. Upon Monday ol Ro.eburg Mail Daily a ill taae place from the defr>t grounds, experienced « terrible blow In ibe death FROM THE LIARS' CLUB. this week they ai»o received notice that in the same place as last year. The of tn» wife, and the responsibility of as ÂJO a . m 1 lv . Portland ar. I 4 (OP. H. .Mix» Ruth Rockwood had taken the first Three lndl|{«-at ihlr Yarn« Told I»» It* *<>•< LV. 1 fireworks w ill also be a draw ing card, us suming the full care of hi» five mother P M scholarship prize of |3d0, and M ihm Mar Xerai louN M«*nil»rr*. supporter» 13 18 F M i lv . Albany less children fell iqxjii Ins shoulders, ■ S M r. m Ar. Roseburg LV. 1 quite an amount of money has L»een winch mhn no small task considering I iim garet W i I buii had taken the second session ih In a Virginia furest tin* other day, and the secre spent lor sky rockets, set pieces, mines, tailing hralih, but he bore his trial» and say» the New York Recorder, a very hcholarslup prize ol have the DINING CARS ON OGDEN ROUTE. burdens uncomplainingly. He came to [ large tree was cut down, near the heart tary ol the college wrote out expressing next am- u heels ,and numerous other dazzlers. Elmhurst, near S<* ran ton, and as*uHied of which was found a lock of hair, or her own astonishment, and the astonish giving to Pullman Buffet Sleepers Below Ke give the program lor the ment ol the Bryn Mawr people, that cliatge of the Prrxlrytrrian church at rather two. intertwined of darker and - and — ¡these two hign prizes had Ixitli been tak day : that nlacr, ami labored until his health lighter mrsk<-s By carefully Mplitting en by pupils from ho lar away a < ity as utterly colla|»svd. S econd C lass S leefinc C ars the w < mh ! the initial» “I. S.” and ’ P. Portland, and from a Hcbixil th- y did not “Thus, up to the yery last iiioment of Attached to all thiough trains I*.” were discovered, faintly legible, in know Ixdore was in existence 11 he we-t his hie almost, lie worked for the salva 1 what must have l>een the bark several ern division of the United states, for tion of souls Though many lime» his By carefully which these prizes were given, include» res pon si hi lines were trying, and while hundred year» ago. many in hi» physical condition would «»Hinting the rings which covered the Illinois, Kentucky, Ohio arid all the haye given up the light, his great zeal initial» they were found to support the states west of the M immimmi j»pi river and brought a degree of courage and determi theory that the iny»ti<* letters stand for probably the larger niimber of Bryn John Smith” and “Poca Mawr student» come from this division, nation which was marvelous. Mr. Me- I l-o-h-n, or fa-an was a credit to his high tailing, hontas Howhatan.” whose locks of hair hem e the competition for these prizes 12 M and few have accomplished more than he had been in aome romantic m<xxl in is always very spirited, and Prolessors Basket dinner in the name number of years that have trusted to the keeping of the cleft Wilson and Johnson and the other teach ers of Portland academy are delighted at 1 r. x to 3 f M. been allotted to his life Hr leaves be bark. this honor having fallen to their pu Horse race, , untrained, t>M) yards, hind a record of earnrstnesw amt zeal in sia M. I.V. Portland Not content with slaughtering wild l»esi 2 o ut ol 3 purse. $5.03 the cause of Christianity which if rightly duetts ni tne usuai method, Henry pil».—Oregonian. IS r m . I *r. i orvalii. Foul ra« ?, handicap 1U0 yards, tree emulated will bring to those who will J >ne». ot1 urrituck, procured a Gatling Ilewure of OliiliiienlM I liat Contain fur ali purse (X) pattern alter him. honor and profit M ert-ury. At Albany and Corvallis connect with gun and loaded the cartridge! with îxack race, 30 yards, free lor all The early death of Mr. Melman is deplor trains of Or. Central A Eastern By. Concealing himself, he As mer< ury will surely destroy the uense i ............... purse |LOO . able, i tr the reason that if be had been bird shot. Three legged race, 50 yards, free | snared, the remaining years would have waited until a large fl<x‘k appr<»ached of smell and completely derange the Li ini at gr<at speed with a fa vol ing whole system when entering it tiirough I f«»r all . . ................. purse. $1.50 1 been spent in well doing Boys' foot race under 12, free for all Those who survive Mr. Md^ran are wind. When they had nearly reached the mucous Nurfa« es. rm« h articles should him he opened fire The «le»truction never l>e used except on prescription from 1st. 1.00, 2nd, 50 cents j his five children, three brothers, Rev reputable physicians, a» the damage Girls'egg race . 1st. $1 i <),2nd, 50cent* John Melman, profesw/r of Hebrew and was terrible, but such was the impetus will do is ten f<>ld to Die good yot Direct connection at San Francisco j Greek mi the college of the Southwest at of the bird* and the force of the wind 3 P. «. to 3.30 f *. M. poesililv derive from them Hall's with Occidental and Oriental and Pacific Wheel bar r mw race . . .parse, $1.00 Del Norte, Col.. Rev. Robt. McLean of I tiiat almost the entire flock which he larrh ( «ire, niMu niactured by F.J Chrtiev Mail Mlearnsiiip lines for JAPAN AND Catching gieated pig prize, the Pig Grant's Pa*s, <)r.»gon. and Alexander ha<i slaughtered flopped dying ujx/n Ilia A Co., Toledo, O., «ontaiiiM no inert ury, CHIN A. Hailing date» on application. .Me I jean of Rochester Two sisters. Mrs Climbing greased pole . I hiding place, and tx-neath their rnan and is taken internally, acting direct.v Rates and ticket» to Eastern points C. A. Ball, of Vernon ( 'enter, and Mrs. I gled Lxxiies Jones )w*rishe<l rnis«*rably Running jump ... » Upon the bl<M#d and mm »»u* snrlncesof tlie and Europe. Also JAPAN. CHINA Blanding nigh jump I * J. E. Richards of Nernon. Funeral took by retributive suffocation system. In buying Hall’s < alarrli ('un HONOLULU and AUSTRALIA. Can (dace from the Presbyterian church Bl 3.30 p. m . an yclk : kack ». A lady in Thomaaton. Me , has a rat lie sure you get the genuine It i* taken be obtained from J. S. Purdom. Grants 1. Bicycle race 1 mile smateur, open 1 Vernon Center Monday af’ernoun.” Fanny whk h had kitten«, as rats no internally, ami inede in Tol» «l« Pass. to Grant’s Pa?s wheelman of 3 months named frequently do. Hearing her F K.P. ROGF.RK, residence. Fnze, engraved silver < up mistress remark that the kitten» must A»»t. P F. A P. A.i to l»e com|*ete<l lor annually and to be Aatlqsltjr of Prerl«»«* Hf«»nr* 'ortand. Or. all be drowned Fanny removed them come the property of the rider winning Gems ver» cot cut until the IGth one day t/> a safe hiding pis«-*- After three consecutive years. 17th century. U-inir u.-a’d in the rou a day or two she brought them back to - " ‘ ‘ . Bicycle race ' 3-5 ' mile, handicap, le fore that* period. As eaily a the mistress with a air of triumph It open to buys betwt-en 12 and 15 years ot year» la»fon- Christ precious »ton was then seen that she Li ax I with teeth prize, medal and claws torn to pieces an old canvas 3. Blej-el. race. I mile handicap, used aa or name tits, and mor and cork life-preserver and Liad fastened open U j ad imaleur riders , prize, medal. cut <lurinr the Roronn empi a piece of cork around each kitten’s 4. Bicycle race. 3 >> mile. t*e»l 2 in 3 Ini? any ot»»*r jx nwl. Later Vm < I I» ••t 4 of neck Moved to pity by the sight, the heats, open to a'l amateur riders, prize, Genoa I* «»U p U h - cti al marl me ni'oiii mistresa said “ medal. Fanny, , not • >ne of your of the I kittens shall t'Vrr Tiie above rare» are under the rules mich property be hurt " At thia and sanction of lite L A. W andare giv bM,k off Ihr bit» the intelligent mother fyrnia. nc Tbe en under the auspice* of the («renile L < f cork and went to - '• ••]> ,1. perfect afiveted the ra A W. dub <»( this city. confidence < -'MAY in tke TntrifS for mens rave» are 50 «ent* by “fUv All Homr (Jrœ*. rath, and liuys' ra<rs 25 cents. Entries <* "'ht. » < msy be ruade with F W Chausee at anv * '«hw time briwrru no a ami July 2nd at è 30 “-ur«to I- ext P M Refer re—E E fD-ifie.d. bawheafr I have rxtrtid- i.m . n.a per—Tbeo P Cramer , Ju«igea—C E Har I* hat mon 1 H WanoM. E W K uykenrah. At Lowest ITtw. ill« “Why Timekeeper?—C Loait. A B Hoiyokr, • it >nn.’ nl.ld j W E Ikpan , atarer—F W Chau»»r; mor le^-Call anil Examine my Stock. f'.nr attor. ,,p^ iwhich hlact, er—«reo P Cramer , clerk — H A iHinbar , f.itu», »I» to rr.t utn pi ree- -I 3 itrMDpkms, C A Will ’ Gtaarwatesd tabasco hauti «oro mane* «sali » I. STAUFFER. F• r* I’rc*. iams msn *'.’<»»« b «xl tac |l A3 dru«u»ta purse. $’.0.00 Bowling Sr. m Fireworks and Band Concert ) Hurrah for the Celebration! ¿TTJ Come everybody and hear the oration by the Hon. H. L. Benson. Come and witness the grand bicycle and bus iness men’s carnival parade in the morning—wheels will be decorated, making a magnificent spectacle. Come and see the horse race, the foot races, the sack race, the three-legged race, the egg race, etc., etc., etc. Come and try to catch the greased pig or climb the greased pole. Come and see the jumping contests—running jump, stauding jump and high jump. Come and drink pink lemonade. COME X GRAN'I ORE. WOLFF & ZWICKER IRON WORKS [INCORPORATED] Portland Oregon EAST » MANUFACTURERS OF — Hydraulic Pipe And All Kinds of Machinery for Mining Purposes. — ALSO — BRIDGE WORK BOLTS RODS IRON SHUTTERS CELLS WINDOW GUARDS. DOORS. AND Cast-Iron Structure Work. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED ESTIMATES FURNISHED FOR PURE FRESH DRUGS Go to the CITY DRUG STORE. J. E. PETERSON, Proprietor. ALL PRESCRIPTIONS filled byMrs C. M. Stone, a registered Pha inacist of twentv-three years' experience, and Patrons can rely upon lieing served with accuracy and promptness. Groceries! Hirst-class goods kept in stock and >old at the lowest prices, quality considered. — ALL KINDS OF---- Staple and Fancy Groceries I HARDWARE. TINWARE, TABLEWARE. Everx in exclut’ Id warranted as represented. Farrn Produce taken J. M.CHILES. SOUTH Shasta Rout» Southern Pacific Company. I. STAUFFER, Good Eating and Cooking Apples o I 1 •