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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (July 8, 1897)
An lnde|M*ndent Paper, Devoted Especially to the Interests of Southern Oregon -■ ----- - - VOL. XIII GRANT’S PASS. JOSEPHINE COUNTY. OREGON. THURSDAY, JULY 8 NO. 16. 1897 .■ A Gentleman.^— Waahlnglon Letter. against evil. The average boy is thrown THE WONDERS OF SCIENCE overboard and “works out his own salva I knew him aor a genth Alm [CoattrsrOVDENCK OF THK Col RIKR.] <>n Friday, July 2nd, shoitk after 10 ATTORNEY-AT LAW, tion“ if he is worth saving. But we Uy aigns that never fail ¡ a ' A stranger at the Capitol would know Lune; Troubles and Consumption I o’clock Lemuel Melaon tlie condemned keep up the idea that the g.rl must be witl out being told that the tariff’debate Can be Cured. Ilia coat was rough and ratMr worn, Practice« in all Slate aud Federal Court. I murderer oi Chao. 1‘rrry satisfied the 1 Ilia cheeks were thin and pale— just demands of the law by hanging by i kept pure by not knowing of evil, al* it drawing to a close in the Senate. An Eminent New York Chemist and Sci Office over Find National Bank though we have removed the restraints The Senator« show it by their general A lad who had hi« way to make. the ne« k until he wan dead. entist Makes a Free Offer to Gaaht’a P.wn, < I bkoox . With little time for p’ay; Our Readers. Melsou displayed wonderful time, but that would tie necessary to keep her in goo«l nature. Of course, therj are Sena I knew him for a gentleman it was born of stupidity, and not of moral ignorance. The natural consequence it tort to whom the bill, which will be The distinguished New York chemist, that the girl may become contaminated passed this week, is anything but pleat By certain signs today. pjENRY L BENSON. courage. T. A. Slocum, demonstrating his discov- without rhe power to emergw from the ing, but it is doubtful whether there ia a ei v of a reliable and absolute cure for He stoutly denied having killed IVrry, He met his mother on the street— BECAUSE: ATTORNEY AT LAW, single Senator w ho does not rejoice to Consumption (Pulmonary Tuberculosis) until a lew minutes Indore the execution, evil influeneea. Off came his little cap; You want the news of Grants Pass and Josephine In former tunes the girls were always know that the emi it near at hand. Un and all bronchial, throat, lung and chest where iu the presence of Sheriff* Hiatt Practices in all Courts of the State. My door was shut—he waited there diseases, Htublxirn coughs, catarrhal ai* County—this is what we propose to give our subscribers. an*I Rev. Isaac I taw eon he acknowledged closely watched over at home. But less there shall be much greater delay I fections, general decline and weakness, Until I heard hie rap; Office over First National Bank, conditions are changing, have rhagod it eapected in reachiag an agreement as loss of tiefth, and all conditions of want* We will work for the the interests of Josephine his guilt but undertook to implicate an He took the bundle from my hand, very far already, ami there is less op ing away, will send THREE FREE B»)T- to the Senate amendments m conference, G bakt ' h P am , ■ • O bkuon . other man whose name he did not re And when I dropped my pen County and Southern Oregon, so in helping the Courier I I ES all different of his New Discov member. Hie story v. as a silly one that portunity to exereiee close supervision the tariff* bill will be a law before July eries to any atHicted reader of the Col r * He sprang to pick it up for tne— you help yourselves. over them. They go to school as the 15th, and (Congress can adjourn by that y^JLLARD CRAWFORD. no person could believe. iek writing for them. This gentleman of ten. There are other reasons, of course—Send in your t»oys do and mingle with all aorta of date, as it ia generally understood that His “New Scientific Treatment” has The murder of Chas. Perry w as one of ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. He does not push and crowd along ; people. Hom« life is less restricted, and no other legislation is to be attempted at cured thousands permanently by its Jr.50 in advance. the moat cold Wooded cow ardly murders timely use, and he considers it a simple Hie voice is gently pitched; the family no longer lives in a world this session. Practices in all Federal, State and Su ever perpetrated in Oregon. First Mel* professional duty to suffering humanity preme Courts. Notary Public. He does not Hing hie books about defined hv the house walls. Mothers arc Senator Harris' resolution declaring to donate a trial of his infallible cure. son stealthily ami adroitly maneuveied As if he were bewitchel; entering into the competitive tradesand that the government should at once re Office at residence—Third St. North. Science daily develop« new wonders, I to obtain the confidence of Perry, He stands aside to let you pass ; I professions with men. They join kxlges and this great chemist, patiently ex peri* deem the Union Pacific Railroad Iron» G rant ’ s P ass , - - O regon . whose simplicity was his great mis He always shuts the door; |an«l clubs, they go wheeling ami join prior liens and then take steps to fore menting fcr years, has produced results If your child is serious ill you do not go the rounds to fortune. Little did that Christian old He runs on errands willingly, | excursions, just as the men do. Under cl >se its mortgage, with an amendment as beneficial to humanity as can be gentleman anticipate that Melson had claimed by any modern genius. His find the physician who will attend the patient for the least ARTHUR P. HARTH, To forge anil mill and store. ' such conditions, I he father can no long offered by senator Morgan, requesting assertion that lung troubles and con planned to murder him , but alas the se* money—No, indeed! You secure the best physician to lie er leave the training of the children to the President “tosuspend proceedings to sumption ar«* curable m any climate is He thinks of you before himself, DOCTOR OF DENTAL SURGERY. • quel proved too true. In a lonely unfre had ; the best is none too good. the mother, cx|»ecting the same time carry into effect the agreement alleged proven bv “heartfelt letters of grati* He serves you if he can; quented pis'-p awav from the habita tude.” tiled in the American and Euro* Office over First N itional Bank, I will I m * devoted to their oversight. If you have an important case at law you do not se t > have been made to sell the interests of pran laboratories in thousands from For, in whatever company, tions of men, at an hour when all nature Too much is expected of school teach the U. S. in the U. P. R. R. and in the those cured in all parts of the world. G kant ’ s P ahs , < >F.EG'»N*. cure the services of the cheapest attorney—you waut the best, The manners make the man. wa. still, when, in all probability, the I ers, and of state instruction in morals sinking fund, until further action of Con Medical experts concede that bronchi At ten or fortv, ’tie the same; old gentleman was |»eaeehilly slumber* ' You should use the same good judgment in the se al, chest and lung troubles lead to Coil* and manners. The teacher or the state gress it had in reference thereto,” has The manner telle the tale; ing. Melson placed the pistol against the sumption, which uninterrupted, means OFFICIAL DIHECrOKY. lection of your printer. The standing of a firm is often de never can take the place of the parent. been favorably reported to the Senate. speedy and certain death And I discern the gentleman •ide of H im victim and sent a 41 calibre cided by the appearance of its office stationery. We can give This evil seems to be one of the worst Senator Harris, of Kansas, wrote the re Simply write to T. A. Slocum, M. C., By signs that never fail. UNITE i > STATES. bullet through In. body, alter which he consequences of the socialistic tenden port on the resolution, and he presented 98 Pine street, New York, giving post- you the best work to lie had anywhere. —I Margaret E. bangster. President ........ William McKinlev proceeded to rob the old man, and threw cies of the tune. Substitution of state i figures to show that if the proposed reor office and express address, and the free Vi:*e President .< ¡arret A Hobart him into an old well medicine will be promptly sent. Suffer paternalism for individual duty here has ganization is allowed to go through, the ers should take instant advantage of his Secretary of State ..........lohn Sherman Alter the murder Melson went to Shel Secretary oi Treasury .. . Lyman J < ¡age its most destructive effects. The si'hool- government will lose near $25,000,000 generous proposition. ly creek, where he .topped over night, Secretary of Interior (’ N Bliss Please tell the doctor that you saw his teacher often knows more about the ami other creditors will also lose quite Secretary of War Russell A Alger after which he proceeded to t're.cent child than its parents, and the natural heavily. The re|»ort makes what is very offer in the C oi kikk Secretary of Navv ..............John D Long City. But murder will out, for “God Secretary of Agriculture .lames A Wilson guardians are giving over the responsi near to a direct charge against the last move, in a aiyaterioua way.” Shentf LITTLE TIME FOR IDLING. postmaster General ......... James A Gary bility of guiding the children to the men administration of trying to aid the reor i Ferguson of Del Norte county took the | Attorney-General Joseph McKenna and women who have tieen engage«! to ganization scheme, and of withholding (¡ovrrnnieiit Clrrknhlpn Not Much matter in hand and with the a.Histance STATE <>F OFKOOK. rare« ai I* Generally Nappoaed. train their intellects. How iin|>oaaible information on the subject from Con of other, accumulated the evidence that »Geo W McBride The impression still exists in the U. 8. Senators it is for a schoolteacher to look after the gress. • (--------------------- placed Melaon on the gallow. to expiate minds of many people who come to Senator Hoar’s report in favor of seat Washington and secure government morals of the children ami supply the iThoe It Tongue the crime. Congressmen........ M\ R Ellie p’ace of parents ought to be evident to ing ex-Senator Corbett on the certificate positions that the department clerk Did ever a wo- I Sheriff Hiatt conducted the exe C M Idleman Attorney-General man experience any one who has given the subject at of ‘he Governor of Oregon has been or has little or no work to do but the 1 cution very coolly. When he led true hapnine»s W I' lx>rd Governor .... tention. Besides, the teachers really dered printed by the Committee on Priv manual or rather pedal labor in until she bent .11 E Kincaid Secretary of State [INCORPORATED] Melaon u|K>n the gallows he «aid: over her rosy- have no authority over the pupils except ileges and Elections, but is not likely to volved in standing in line upon semi State Treasurer Phil Metechan “Melaon have yon anything to .ay?” / cheeked, sleep monthly occasions and pocketing a Hupt l*nl> Instruction . .. < • M Irwin in school hours, when studies occupy do ho at the present session of ('on- ing babe, tired of salary. This was instanced some Melaon answered in a tone scarcely au State Printer W 11 Leeds play and forget their attention. There are brief intervals grew. weeks ago. mi vs the Washington Post, dible to those nearest him, “ 1 killed old E Wolverton ful of toy« Nev 'lR Senator Butler is much pleased that when h newly-appointed young clerk for recess, when the teachers can guan! S Bean Supreme Judges er True happiness for a childless woman ia man Perry, and I am sorry for it " The his resolution as to the feasibility of ap the children, but while the pupils go of the gentler sex made her np|H*ar- nature's moat emphatic impossibility. The I F A Moore sheriff then adj listed the m.^se a-ound world teems with otherwise happy wedded A Marcum back ami forth, and during the hours plying the principle of the initiative and anco in the pension office. The other couples that only need the link of a babe’s Melson's qpek and he tied the black H Eddy R R Commiasioners not devoted to study, they can have lit referendum to Federal legislation is to l>e clerks viewed with curious eyes the divided caresses to unite them in mutual HI B Compson cap over his head. He then stepped contents of a rather large bundle of happiness through al! eternity Any woman investigated by a sub-committee. ---- MANUFACTURERS OF ----- tle restraining effect. Clerk of R R Commision Lydell Baker assure herself of happy wifehood, long on the trigger and said, “Good by, A proposition is being talked of among fancy work which she spread out on may If, in these tunes, the boys are allowe«! Clerk Board School LandCom WHOdell the desk and leisurely essayed to life, love, and the great blessing of mother Melson, ” and instantly the miserable some Senators to present Vice-President hood. who will take proper care of her wo too much freedom of association with FIRST Il'IUCl.AL DIHTBICT weave. She was somewhat surprised mar. was sent into eternity. The body undesirable companions, an«! there is Hobart with a good nature«! petition ask anil impatient because the messenger manly self, and resort to the right remedy .Judge H K Hanna Western Division for weakness and «list-aac of tne delicate hung for about 12 minutes, during which dangt*r to the boys in this relaxation of | ing him to speak louder. Mr. Hobart came in several times during the day organs peculiar to her sex. Judge \V C Hale Eastern Division The beat of all-known remedies for the J A Jeffrey Prosei uting Attorney time not a muscle was seen to move i restraint, w hat shall be said of the terri- makes a fairly good presiding officer, ex to deposit office papers on her desk, special weaknesses and diseases from which Member Board of Equalizat . AC Auldon Doctors Van Dyke ami Meyers Pro‘ ble mistake of allowing the girls to be cept that his voire can scarcely b«* heard thus interrupting the plying of her wotnen suffer ia Dr Pierce's Favorite Pre needle. She grew more surprised as scription It acts directly and only on the U. 8. LAND OFFICE ROSF.IH KG. nounc d him dead. J" He was then cut 1 «»(juiaily exposed with the boys? Evil eyen by the occupants of the scats near day by day her work increased and organs that bear the burdens of mother Receiver ............ RS sh< ridan down and his body turned over to Un association contaminates all, but it has est to him when lit* statea hia derisions she had no time to spare for her avoca hood. It makes them strong and healthy. Register................ R M Vea’ch dertaker Terrell, who buried it decently. been an accepte«! theory, founded on th«* on points of order or Hava anything rela tion. She got enough of it in about a Taken during the expectant perfo4 u ban JOSEPHINE COl NTY. lahea the usual diacamfcMrta aad aMUms week. One day she rolled up the un baby’s advent easy and almost painless. It experience of ages, that it will destroy ting to the business of the Senate. Communication. . C E Harmon Joint Senator. finished tatting and took it home, with insures a robust newcomer and an ample The opponents of the treaty for the an J M Chiles tlie woman oftener and with greater cer County Judge tin* remark that she “really Ix’lieved supply of natural nourishment. All good A shland , Or., July 2, 1897. tFred Croxton tainty than the man. We live in a “pro nexation of Hawaii are playing it mnart she would not la» able to do any fancy druggists sell it Commissioners E ditor Cot bikb : In your last issue is /Dick George -ALSO- “It is my heart's desire," writes Mrs. M E- gressive” ag«*, it ia true ; but there are no by trying to keep aa quiet as they can > work, after all.” A somewhat similar John (ioodell County Clerk Timpson. I* O. Box <i. Kinderhook. Columbia the following item : “it is currently re lest the programme of allow ing (he trea story is related of an old gentleman of Co, N. V to tell you what Dr. Pierce’s me«li J (1 Hiatt BRIDGE WORK BOLTS RODS IRON SHUTTERS CELLS port*! that some of the Ashland Normal new principles in nmrals, and it has not Sheriff over to th«* next session should a literary turn of mind whs entered due Has done for me Two years ago I was in a . HL Benson Representative yet been proved that the nature of girls ty to very bad Blate. I took »«ine bottles in all of your graduates are offering to teach in the A Bartlett WINDOW GUARDS. DOORS. AND Treasurer . 'Favorite Prescription. i had t»een married and boys is wholly alike, or very near be abondoned, an I the treaty ratified be upon his duties in the sixth auditor’s five years and ha<i not ha«i any children. I now county at a salary of »20 per month.” School Superintendent . . J D Hayes Dr. Pierce s alike, or that the future mother does not fore the present session adjourns. Ac office with a select assortment of the have a young son one year old Eel us Pollock Assessor The Normal has but three graduates poets and essayists under his arm. His - Ite Frew dpt i< n enb ted a poaitive cure — need more careful protection than the cording to some hints dropped by oppo chief inquired if the volumes in ques ..BO McCul lock words cannot ci press my gratitude for the re Surveyor .. . in Josephine county, namely: Lincoln from the great suffering 1 so long endured. Dr. J Meyers Coroner . .. boy. Th«* history of the women we call nents of the treaty, they hope to accom tion were expected to throw light lief I do not think 1 should tw here today had it not Savage, Dora Uolvig and Nora Hheean. FBXCINCT OFFICERS. “out4*asta” is that they are girls reciuit- plish the rejection of the treaty by a lav upon the auditing of post office ac been for Dr. Pierce » medicines.’’ These three have been teaching in the Justice................ lames Holman Dr Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets regulate the ed from the streets. Few of them are ish expenditure of money to throw pub counts. “I usually devote at least two county for better wages than that men. Constable . ................ I H Colby ¡MTsony who have yielded to temptation lie opinion in Hie U. R. against it. It is hours a day to elevating reading,” re liver, stomach and bowels. lioned and two of the three are now clos plied the clerk. But reading the p«M»ta CITY OF GRANT’S PASS. or accepted a life of shame after reaching said that the money is to come- from during office hours was found to be in CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. ESTIMATES FURNISHED ing their spring terms of school. J W Howard Euro;x‘an governments who with the Mayor................ .... adult years. They an* the unr«*Mtrained compatible with disposing of the enor . Thomas Smith Two things we wish th“ public to know Recorder.................... TT girls who have become hanlened sinners treaty to fail, but do not wish to appear mous pile of work that soon loomed up EAST .. .Col Johnson Treasurer.. . The Ashland Normal graduates do not up|H>Hiug it, ami from the augar to l>e on the new employe's desk, until at T B Elliott Indore maturity It is these young girls, Street Commissioner go about the country trying to lower ----- VIA THK ----- Daw Keenan Marshal ........ without home restraints, who offer a trust, which has opposed it from th« last the lover of literature strapped up teachers wagi's, nor have we yet a k now C E Harmon City Attorney The friend« of th« treaty say they his library of master minds of the first, Shasta Houte grave social problem. Tlie only possible f 111 Kinney ledge of one of our graduates offering to world and took them away, never again — of the — remedy lies in return to gr«*ater restrict have no tear*. They believe that the to I m * subjected to the indignities of : Harry bnntli teach lor »20 |>er month. If either of our Senate will ratify the treaty, but if it J C E Harmon ions in the home.—Oregonian. government routine. Pacific Council men three graduates in Josephine county is fails, the Morgan bill, already intro ----- Go to the----- ' | T B Cornell guilty, let ttiat one rise and explain. I George Calhoun duced, will bring annexation at once, and EFFECT OF MUZZLES. Exoresa Trains Ideavo Portland Daily f Dr. Win Flannegan This explanation is made to correct a Shaded velvet is a<ain area for even there ia not a bit of doubt about their I lie xiuth. 1 North. ReK'ilar meeting« oi the city council of 1 wrong feeling that may exist among a ing wear. A cbarmiug empire gown ha« ability to pass that. ■ H:iM F R. 1 i.v. Portland Ar. Grant’« I’m are held in llie council few our three honest, hard-work n belt of velvet slUMjing from popp/ r,‘<l u> Fewer ex-Senators have be« n on the M <V» < M j 7.3OF.M LV. 1 Lv. Grants Pass room« in the div hall on the aacond and rose-pink. Another of clin g ng Kr®**n fiiMir of the Senate since Senator Hale 1 M INI F M. ing, progressive teachers in Josephine 1 Ar. Nan Fran'co LV. J. E. PETERSON, Proprietor. 7 «.*> • M . fourth Thursday evenings of each month. chine crape showed licit and shoulder county, W.T. V an S cov , offered his resolution, to amend the Above trains stop at all stations be ClKl I IT COI BT straps of velvet is abnde<l orange ALL PRESCRIPTIONS filled by Mrs C. M. Stone, a registered Phar Pres. Ashland Normal. tween Portland and Salem, Turner, Meets oil the third Monday in April A high evening bodice is made of rules to exclude from the privileges of macist of twenty-three years' experience, and Patrons can rely Marion, Jefferson, Allrany, Cottage < Jrove an I th« fourth .Monday in Sep'end er. stripes of lace traced with silver the fl<jor ex Senators eiigag«*«! in lobby Tangent, Shedd», Halsey, Harris- upon being served with accuracy and promptness. School Report. I corNTY corKT. sequins, alternating with white chiffon ing, than for a long time. Home of the City, Eugene, burg, Junction Probate court meet, first Monday o' Report of school district No. 1, Ander and insertions of pale-yellow m t. The ex-Senators are hopp ng mad, but the Drain, Oakland, and all stations from January, April, Inly and September Roseburg to Ashland inclusive. son Oregon for the month ending July 2, small V-shaped front is edged with activity of ex-Senators »! lobbyinta was County conihii'sioners court meets first elaborated frills of the yellow net and fast becoming scandalous und Mr. Hale's 1897. Roseburg Mail Daily IWeduewlay after the meeting of the is of black velvet drawn Those neither absent nor tardy during I the belt act is generail y considered wise. M 0 « M. I lv Portland Iconnty court. «y. I 4 O f . m . through a steel buckle, which incloses 12 :2ft F. M. i v Albany the month arc Claud Christy, Ebb IV. 1 12 ftOP M. of pink mses tied with a blue Beware nf Ointment* That Contain 5 20 F. M. , , at . Roselnirg LV. 1 ■ Hogue, Anna Hanseth, Jimmie Hogue, a bunch Mercury, LODGE DIRECTORY. at Nettie Christy, Everitt Hogue. Charlie ribbon. z \ h mercury w ill purely destroy the penne of nmell Mini cornplelely derange the DINING CARS ON OGDEN ROUTE. P aran E n < a miment . N o 2Û, I. O. O. k Christy, Marion Sargent, Elsie Hogue, TOLD IN BRIEF. whole Hynfem when entering it through meets 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of each George Christy. Minnie Sargent. Pullmun Buffet Sleepers The dee prat mine shaft in the world U the mueoiiH MuriaeeN. buch articles nhould month in I 0.0 F.hall. Those prenent every dav and tar«ty — and — never be lifted eicept on prencription from WlLLbMITH- i. Y. DRAN, — ALL KINDS OF------ th« R«1 J*tk«L vf the < and only once are Maggie Hanseth, Anna Henla, on I a J,® Superior. The depth 1« reputable physiciann, an the damage they «crii*. U. P. S econd C lass S leeping C ars will do ia ten fold to the good you can Hanseth, Jacob Hanseth, Marcus Han- 4.IX») feet Attu<*he<l to ull tlnuugli trains ! INMiftibly derive from them Hall*a ('a G rant « P ass I xjdgk . N«> 84, A.h A A M seth and Alma Christensen. Paper gaapipe. are coining into um * tarrh Cure, mannfaetiired by F.J. < ’tieney — mwets every ^aturdav on or before Those whose average, in class work, la England for underground purpo«* A Co., Toledo, O , contains no nierciiry, For further particulars inquire of J. full moon HP. M. All brothers in H. Purdom, (franta Pass. and examinationii ia 90 ami over, ate the They are made of crllulaa* |M)|X-r and ia taken internally, acting directly good Stan ling cordially invited. utHjii the bloo<l ami mucous hurfa<■••«<»(the J ah H olmav M. M R immaqk , following: K y Craig, Clara Christy, ai>nke<l in Mpbalt. Be« . W. M West Side Division between Portland and Seieral Cbipi>rwa Indiana in T>oug- system. In buying Hall'M ( alarrh Cure Alma Christensen, Maggi«* Hanseth, be sure you get the genuine II in taken Friederieka Kraus, Jimmie Hogue, Min la. county, Wil. are profitably eu internally, ami made in Toledo, < Hiio, by Corvallis. R k imk » C b m i ek , R A.M., V 28. ine*t» gageil in .Laying wolve., for which they nie Sargent, Marcus Hanseth, Charlie F.J Cheney A ('o. Teatimonialw free 2n<i.Ri>'l 4’>h We<lne»<l«y ©«eh month 8 recei va $ 1 o a head . Farm Produce taken Christy, Marion Sargent, Jacob Hanseth, I P. M All c > np«nion« in Root »land «•U Every article sold warranted as represented. A tpMer habitation aervea aa a home ing oonlUllv invited to attend. in exchange J. M CHILES. (Jaorge Christy, Albert Hogue, Anna for a man n«*ar Topeka. Kan The four J. K. fe-XK- «. J. 8 1*1 KIIOM. 11 Hanseth, Annie Sargent, Ebb Bogus, * v all i «i«» fo«n>r<! entirely of baled hay. < nrlout Oak I *- I [ Secy. H. P. tin Fred Sargent, Bessie Hanseth. A rrftident of 5oini» oak tree growing upon G ba MV P ass A ssemri . y . N o . 49, I’m ted Number enroll»! 31, average daily at ¡Ilnman ( n«l, Artisans, meets let and 3rd W educa- it» not unlike other tr tendance 27. H aidkk R anza )’, Teacher A n English authority informs da that day evening- n A. O. U. W. hall. in general apprwrn in audienee of '»oo jM‘op!r, liso-ning for C. K. B oot . A. E. V oouhius , ducing the regtilati .• . Protection of Girl« I«-« ♦ «<» hours ton concert, are not onlycul- it is annually loaded Ttleuv MA. ,r ntingand indtilghg their Diunkal formation* n*> mlu • th«* natural ¡<r I nder the km ill changes oi thene riofe, but are engnf*«-d in the somrwhat daction of such ‘rt JoaBmm« Isu <.r , .>■>, 112, A. O I W . Direct connection at Kan Francisco , on«-could im times there iw a problem of deepest im- meets every M<>ndav evening in their roMaic oreupntinn of producing no lesw agin«*. A* a g«*nei: I rule th« cup of an will. Occidental amt Oriental and Pacific N orth S ixth S treet , G rant ' s P ass , O r | portance, that preeentt condiiiunt very W. T. Cob« Bb, hall in D xon blk. ~ Mail Hteamsfiip lines for JAPAN AND than KM) weight »-f «-onl and 17 gnilonaof •corn 1» ma lurg«- <»r larger than a thim M. U. different from those w hich our ancestors u nter from the impurities arwl moist'ire M T Vruiv, Re. . CHINA. Sailing date« on application. bit, covering at lea t half of th« uc<»rn » Rate* ami tickets to Eastern , hid to deal. This it the care and gni !■ of their own breath, and that if the;, but iu this ca*-<* the tiny r< < -*p- H., A O. This well-known and pular Hotel is the Great Headquarter« for ance oi girla There are more dangers u ere al! /»erforming themselves, in-’*•;«<! proper and Europe. Also JAPAN, C ta« le is not larger than n pea an«!. In Vititinit Commercial Men, Transient Families and Steady Guests. HONOLULU and AUSTRALIA, ami pitfalls now . yet at a ruin them ia ,»f listening, this quantity would be »tend of being <*on ti m teil soan to hold d be obtained from I. >. Purdom. Grants Its sightly location insures rest and quiet from the noise of loco ¡ cm profound sente of parental retpmsi- nearly doubled, ft is far more whole but a single nut ri Pass. motives. while the distance me block from the depot - 1» not enough to bility.and among multitude«« none at all. ■ofne to drink the undiluted water of the from three to fiv«* * n Thames nt Black wall than to breathe cause inconvenience. Parents exj^rt boys to lie exposed to tem the uir of a rrowilrd him ! unvent i It ted !>er teeming to v..rv from the gr« hid «! t » Board and Rooms by the Day, Week or Month. ptation, ami they accept the < onditmns morn, and how cleanly people • mi h«- limbs lieing unih r I ' that the ton will hr lost or saved« M be ' «•/•ntrnt to do so it only explicable on of th«* tiny ueorr J. O. BOOTH, PROPRIETOR. -18- it strong or week. But the temptations the principle that wh«t the eye due*- tional reput«* hat«*p oddity and old »uet.l nanot tier ’ '• •• I and woodmen in g« Queen kind, more insidious, more auhtie; •nd —RrooWyn E at I. the wonder and l<*I 1 and their deviation from a course of rec D kxi . fr T n »<• Ha4 >!>• A<npl»l««» tempting to n titude or even of common propriety, in- wbleh it I t* 1 late A eorreapoodent *»ay» that the DEALER IX------- Pure White, will not make the ' vol vet far dee)«er coflee«|U n< e^ I»ma!l Pasha was ¡M-tulantly nu»piciouA «alls at The l.rnw Ti a»nt clothes •e'.lo*’ nor injure the fine A writer in the current number of a of evrrybiidy with whom he had deal- tention to the I pri <»fT lace British perio«jical dwell« on the changes Ing • ■ ’D • • • i n clL oi which I that have taken place in the u'ag’H of Leer* *dv1sr<I byJulr« Ferry, then the committee uri f I<arg it Stock of HAY in the City ? Comer Sixth and I Sts , Grant's l ass, Oregon. society arc! the tendency to relaxation French premier, to visit lxmdon in or* rntirely cease to All Home Grown, der U/ rn,i*tth<* • up port of the Britiah purpote* of < Pro«in* t p I hi ' of parental authority and reepontibdity. lar breathin nidi government in hU scheme to ouat hia come a Iwwlj IKON and STEEL. Settler- drain ng tn make final proof \ «ei«i «.f gw* I It is beyond «pieMkxi that in our own won, Trwffk. at < aim, he showed a new on tlwir ai'n« can eave trouble and ex nature. Ro «« i»rrn placed country the tendency it even greater. high hat to a friend with the remark. HARDWARE and pen» hy -ending in name and number the function# to permit the ingrr»«» < f air. ami warn Ferry says I should not goto London dianorUited thf c I s ’ tt ■ ’’h d*HM-nptinn. ami names oi Enlarged liberty hat come to the child pri»ycr>nn- the o|M*ning I m i « ‘«t.rirtrd the inward Lr.r Vit. .App’.uaUuns made ou‘ inafr, its !•<> Of ••nt*» ’ a Hr rr< WAGON MATERIALS ren, with no corresponding tv »tern of cil rancart n»ret *-<<**pt under thr presi auction cauiMM a I ti l *ound. am if th«* tree M th* aixa office meeting the new nmdi'lorn, (»iris go mended me to hia hatter, and the pig dency of the Mover ign. the aove reign well nerve«! for uoatrib» lo a tubter- I n L vrgk Y akut * . t*Call and Examine my Stock. has (barged me forty francs for this i out on tbs street* like boys, and are not thing 1 suspect Ferry ha- a <*ommia- cannot ronafitut>unaHy presale at a rtnean monster afflicted with snoring. a. erti ng of the- rabinet I STAUFFER. vet treated like birr a in warning tl»em si«»n »»n it.” MINERS Kitted Out oo Rea^ nablr Term* Hcienor. ROBERT G SMITH. 411 Melatoli If» 5 o More. Now is the Time to Subscribe for the Courier Not Now Cheap, but How Good PRICE & VOOKHIES. WOLFF & ZWICKER IRON WORKS Portland Oregon Hydraulic Pipe And all kinds of Machinery for Mining Purposes. Cast-Iron Structure Work and SOUTH FOR PURE FRESH DRUGS Southern Company. CITY DRUG STORE Groceries! First*class goods kept in stock and sold the lowest prices, quality considered. Staple and Fancy Groceries HARDWARE, TINWARE, TABLEWARE HOTEL JOSEPHINE I Soap Foam I. STAUFFER, of Kitchen and Laundry Agricultural Implements, Hay, Gram, flour and Feed!