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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (July 15, 1897)
Î1O0UC I An Independent Paper, Devoted Especially to the Interests of Southern Oregon vol . im yyiLLARD CRAWFORD. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Practices in all Federal. State and Su preme Coorte. Notary Public. ROBERT G. SMITH, PiAclicW in all Slat«-a nJ Feilrral Courts 7 Office over Fl rot National Bank < I kegon . J-JENRY L. BENSON, attorney at law . Practices in all Courts of the State. < »KUWS. ARTHUR P. HARTH, DOCTOR OF DENTAL 81RGERY. Office over First Nitional Bank, - • O f . kuon . OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. . rarrao states > President .............. William McKinley Vise President .. . .(¡arret A Hobart Secretary of State ..........lohn Sherman Secretary of Treasure r . . . Lyman J (¡age Secretary of Interior ................. C N BH«s Secretary of War Russell A Alger Secretary of Navy John D Long Secretary of Agriculture James A Wilson Puetmarter-l .enera I James A Gary Attorney-General Joseph McKenna STATE OK OREGON. fGeo W McBride U. 8. Senatore •• (--------------------- (Tlioa H Tongue Congressmen........ ' fW R Ellis . C M Idleman Attorney-General W p ix>rd Governor................ H E Kincaid Secre'ary of State ..Phil Metschan State Treasurer .... Supt Pub Instruction . . (» M Irwin W H Leeds State Printer.. . _ _ iC E Wolverton Supreme Judges -RS Bean f F A Moore 1 F A Marcum R R Commissioners - J B Eddy r H B Compson Clerk of R R Commission. Lydell Baker I Clei k Board School LandCom W11( hlell FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Western Division Judge H K Hanna Eastern Division.......... Judge W C Hale Prosecuting Attorney J A Jeffrey Member Board of Equalizat AC Auldon U. S. LAND OFFICE ROSEBURG. Receiver ............ RS Sheridan Register.................. RM Vea»ch I JOSEPHINE COUNTY. .. . C E Harmon Joint Senator. J M Chiles County Judge . jFred Croxton Commissionerà ‘ (Dick George John Goodell County Clerk . J (i Ibatt Sterili ... HL Benson Representative. _ ____ ___ _ ____ A Bartlett Treasurer.......... School Superintendent J D Hayes Asseaaor .......................... Edus Polkak Surveyor.................. - B (> McCnllock Coroner ............ Dr. J Meyers 1 FBKCIMCT OFFICERS. Justice................................... lames Holman Constable ........ ...................... Hi Colby | CITY OF GRANT’« PASH. J W How ard ■ Mavor.......................... . . .Thomas Smith ' Recorder. ........ ............ Col Johnson | Treasurer.......... T B Elliott Street L'ommiseioner Dave Keenan Marshal............ .......... C E Harmon • City Attorney ■■■il II C Kinney Harry Smith C E Harmon Counvilmeu .. i T B Cornell I George Calhoun [Dr. Wm Flannrgan Regular meetings of the city council 01 (¡rant’s Pass are held in the council room« in the city hall on the second and fourth Thursday evenings of each month enu 1 IT COURT. Meets on the third Monday in April and tlie fourth Monday in September. COUNTY COURT. Probate court meets first Monday oH January. April. July and »entember, i County commjMioners court meets first Wednesday after the meeting of the comity court. I' akan ExcAMCMixr. No. 20, 1. <>. O. F. meets 2nd and4lh Wednesdays of each month in I 0.0 F hall. W ul F mith . T. Y. D kas , Scribe. C. P. R kamem C haftkh . R.A.M., No. 28. meet* 2n«l ami 4th WeiinesJay each tn inth.S P. M. All ennpanions in icooi stand ing cordially invited to attend. J. E. PrrEBMIX . J. 8 l’l ROOM, H. P. G rants P vm A*« i mhi . v . N o . 4' i , I nite.1 Artisans, meets 1st and 3rd Wednes day evenings in A. O. V W . hall. C. K. R oot . A- E. V oobhi ««, !4ecy. MA. I JositrHiNR L odok , N o . 112, A. <• I . W., meets every .Montiav evening in their hall in Digrin blk W.T. Coai rn , M. W. M. T I tMY, Re JnSKVHINK LoiH.E N o 21, D. of Ü. W. Ha l. Dixon blk. members Biade welcome GtwaBAi Loo an Posy, No 39. («. A. R , et« 1 *t A e-lne- lav evening of ea< ti , mouth at A O C. W hall, | D* Mvxaa A si A xtbll . ’ Adj. N. E. McGrew WOLFF & ZWICKER IRON WORKS EAST and Route Portland Oregon Southern Hydraulic Pipe of Cast-Iron Structure Work. FOR PURE FRESH DRUGS CITY DRUG STORE. Groceries! sold Staple and Fancy Groceries i HARDWARE, TINWARE, TABLEWARE. G bants P am L odgf . N«». 84, A.h & A M —meets every "aturday on or belore full moon 8 P. M. ill brothers in good standing cordially invited. JA3. H olmam . M. M R immuik . Secy. W. .M. Com VOORII1ES. goods kept stock quality LODGE DIRECTORY. Secy \ Not How Cheap, but How Good Office over First National Bank, G bant ’ s P ass , /'S BECAUSE ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, G bakt 'I P am . W a*'hiiig(<»n Letter. Merlin HMppenlngN. Count) Court Proceeding*- THE WONDERS OF SCIENCE J [C orremfompkncb or mi Cot kiek . The count} court met in regular sea- Will Cheshire went to Tunnel 9 Sun Luug Troubles aud CouBumption The responsibility for the failure ot the moii July 7, 1397, with the following of- day evening. Can be Cured. senate to pass the tariff bill last week is ticers present: J. M. Chiles, county a* Mr. Courtney has started a sort of feed sai.l 10 belong to the republican senators. An Eminent New York Chemist and Sci judge; T. F. Croxton and R. P. George, store in Hie old Booth building. Had they been able to agree on several county commissioners; John Goodell, entist Makes a Free Offer to Mrs Hetiing and Miss Addie Robert proposed amendments to the uill, the Our Readers. county clerk ; J. G. Hiatt, sneritf, whten / > 1 son are spending a week or more at Cen measure would today have been re the following business was had : The distinguished New York chemist, tral Point. turned to the house according to exjiec* T. A Sloeuni, demonstrating his diacov- M1LLM ORDKRKD PAID. Mr Koe and family, together with tatKHis. The republican senators agreed eiv of a reliable and absolute cure for John Goodell. stamps and expr .1 » l 16 35 : i IM some others, contemplate a visit to By at the last minute to press an amend- Consumption <Pulmonary Tuberculosis! J D Hayes, teacher« exam.......... You want the news of Grants Pass and Josephine stamps for office 3 15 bee springe soon. . ment giving a bounty to beet sugar, but and all bronchial, throat, lung and client ti 00 W A Massie, teachers exam diseases, stubborn coughs, catarrhal af County—this is what we propose to give our subscribers. Koy Pool, of Grant's Pass attended to ! as soon as it was brought before the Heil fections. general decline and weakness, Mrs J D Hayes, “ “ 9 00 We will work for the the interests of Josephine J <( Hiatt, stamps and exp. 10 00 the S. P. 1). A L. Co. store during the ! ate, Senators Jones, of Arkansas, and loss of tiesh, and all conditions of wast 2 00 absence of Mr. Benson. A J Strohecker. guard prisoner. Teller, of Colorado, informed them that ing away, will send THREE FREE B.>T- County and Southern Oregon, so in helping the Courier WHFallen, guard prison. 50 da 125 00 Traveler« shudder with horror at the | the senate would remain in session all I I ES all different) oi his New Discov thought Mis. tieurge Mathews left fur a three you help yourselves. of the train-wrecker who stealthily board of prisoners 159 97 eries to any afflicted reader of the Cui x- the summer before that amendment undermines the supports of a railway bridge months visit with relatives and friends in Mrs A R (¡arreson washing for ikk writing for them. There are other reasons, of course—Send in your would t»e allowed to pass, and the repub Ilis “New Scientific Treatment” has and precipitates a passenger train with its prisoners ... ... .............. 11 00 Wisconsin, Sunday evening. load of precious human freight to a horri $1.50 in advance. J 1> Haves school euperin. for 37 cured thousands permanently bv its Hoe Cake soap and Red Seal lye are licans were com;n»lled to withdraw it It timely use, and he considers it a simple ble daaui bv fire aad water. There ia a school districts............................ 92 50 was then renewed by Senator Allen and professional duty to suffering humanity deadlier enemy than the train-wrecker that John Patrick, clean jail vault . . . I 25 made by P. C. Tomsun A Co., who have menaces not only travelers but stay - at • homes Its name is indigestion. It slowly Abe Axtell, dep «list atty.............. 10 On a national reputation for pure and high is still pending. Nothing now stands in to donate a trial of his infallible cure. I undermines the supports that hold up the Science daily develops new wonders, Fred Ferguson. fees 10 50 the way of the final vote on the bill, but grade goods. bridge of life and yearly precipitates untold T J Wartord, telephoning 7 95 an agreement among the republicans, and this great chemist, patiently ex peri thousands into the dread valley of consump B McArthur, road tools .......... 3 25 Miss Cora Mitchell and Messrs. Stahl menting for years, has produced result* If your child is seiioudy ill you do not go the rounds to and that will probably be reached with as beneficial to Immunity ns can be lion. If people will only take the right pre 25 N Reynolds, road supdist 15 and Veatch were among those who list caution they can avoid this calamity and find the physician who will attend the patient for the least 21 80 ened to W. J. Bryan’s s|H'ech at Ashland in two or three days. claimed by any modern genius. H im even remedy it after it has occurred if they Joseph Wolke, road tools 18 80 W J Coffman, work on road Judging from expressions in Washing ussortiuii that lung troubles and eon- will act in time money—No, indeed! You secure the best physician to be Ail cases of indigestion and every disease 118 50 Saturday last. ton, the tariff amendment taxing trans sumption are curable in any climate is had ; the best is none too good. has its inception in indigestion or faulty Frank I, .Smith, repairing Louse For the pas; few days we have been fers of «picks and bonds promises to be a proven by "heartfelt letters of grati that nutrition are cured by Dr. Pierce s Golden creek bridge ............................ tude.” tiled in the American ami Euro Medical Discovery. 12 85 enjoying a taste of the kind of weather If you have an important case at law you do not se It cures 98 per cent of popular one with the people. It will lie pean lalsiratories in thousands from all cases of consumption. Erank I, Smith, repairing Jump- It cures wasting cure the services of the cheapest nttornev—you want the best, our eastern friends have bet 11 having paid by the speculators who deal in those cured in all parts of the world. «•ff Joe bridge. 40 diseases. It is an unfailing remedy for nerv S Croisant, work on road . . Medical experts concede that bronchi 48 for a month or more. ous prostration. It is the great blood maker, You should use the same good judgment in the se stocks and bonds, w ho, as a rule, do not al, chest and lung troubles lead lo Con flesh builder, and nerve tonic. Thousands John Smith, 43 A ‘ ‘ two fora quarter ” show was held 44 pay their share of taxation. lection of jour printer. The standing of a firm is often de have testified to its merits. There is nothing G G Hixson, 45 sumption, which uninterrupted, means 44 else “just as good.” Druggist» sell it. at the school house «Saturday evening. A member of the administration says speedy and certain death I cided by the appearance-of its office stationery. We can give “ I beg leave to inform you,” writes Mrs. T. Simply write lo l'. A. Slocum. M. C., Shely, M M Gilbreath, 47 The attendance was rather small on the that President McKinley has almost de of No. 1701 Thon as Place. Minneapolis, you the best work to be had anywhere. 5 inside of the bouse although quite a cided to send a special message to con 98 Pine street. New York, giving post- Minn "that l>r Pierce’a ('.olden Medical Dis office and express address, and the free covery cured my trouble in my neck -Goitre, it Alonzo Williams, M crowd had gathered outside. gress, asking that legislation authorizing medicine will lie promptly sent. Suffer went awav in three months At the sixth bottle 41 A B Brooke, PRICE <& it began to grow smaller. Before, it had grown 7 W. W. Benson made a trip to Portland a currency coiiimission be passed. It ers .!i >,;!d fake inst -t advantage of his larger very perceptibly. I am very grateful fot the cure.” \V G Litton. “ ........ 14 last wet-k for the purpose of having his was supposed that representation made generous t 1 «««lion. Healthy babies. Healthy mother. Healthy 4 Please ' ■'' 'S. .1 • •; that you saw his John Smith, “ .......... eyes examined by an oculist. He re to the President by senators had caused offer in th father. These are what you find in the homes John Abbott, “ .......... 71 ■ «.1 that have a copy of Dr. Pierce’s Common turned home Sunday morning and re him to drop this idea, because of the im Jas Holman, justice fees............ 1 Sense Medical Adviser. Send at otie-cent J H Colby, constable fees........ 1 ports the trouble with his eyes wus noth possibility oi getting such legislation to stamps, to cover cost of mailing on/v, to Ix>r^ I. «/ i. k Wheelbarrow. Chas Ladd, justice fees.............. ti a vote, even sup|>osing that a quorum World s Dispensary Medical Association, ing serious. Seventeen years in 1878, Lyman Buffalo, N. Y. Cloth binding. 51 stamps. J 11 Colby constable fees............ 11 o Chas. Stites went to Grant's Paas Sat could be kept in Washington after the Potter, of New York state, performed Hugo Garbers, witness ................ ! S C Ruble ............ ......................... 5 urday, in order to meet W. J. Bryan, Ins tariff bill is out of the way and that a the prodigious tank of pushing a com J L Abbott, county road work 1 cousin, and journey north w ith him for majority could lie deluded upon; but mon “paddy” wheelbarrow across the M Morir.rty, “ M 15 a short distance, (duite a crowd had other intluenceH have been working to continent. He started 'from his home SOUTH M W Mowers ............ ti on Dane street. Albany. N. ¥., on the gathered at the de|>ot here to see “our bring about the sending of the message morning of April 10. 1H7K, and arrived 1 WGM Anderson, work on tools. ----- VIA THF. ----- Kelly Bros, bridge lumber 37 next president,” but as lie no doubt had lo Congress, regardless of the probability in San Francisco on the afternoon of [INCORPORATED) Shasta Geo Simmons, “ ” .... 16 retired for the night they had to content of its being acted upon this session. October 5 of the same year, being al Haskins A Wilbur, “ — of the — This was nut known until the President’s most exactly one hundred and seveuty- themselves by sitting on tlie fence and J WBennett, lumber, dist 8, in’9d 8 vight duys (five hours and three min departure for Canton, and as soon as he see the cars go by. N ero . Eb Hogue, “ ti Pacific Company. gets back to Washington tomorrow, he utes overt, in ¡wriorining the wearisome A Bartlett, mdse, pauper 9 WillianiN Items. Geo Hansen, bridge, Chapman cr 60 will hear from the Senators of his party feat. Potter was a shoemaker, and the Express Trains Leave Portland Daily trip was the result of a wager mad«* by Ed Daley, bridge work.................. 10 Miss Mollie John is visiting friends in w ho wish the currency question let alone some friends who believed that such a South. North. John Riley, mdse, pauper .......... 10 for the present. at . trip would occupy at leust two hun (I uo p. a7 lv . Portland Grants P ush . John Miller, '“ “ .......... 6 There is more or less grow ling among dred days. I’he wager was one thou 8:06 a . m Lv. Grants Pam lv . J Burgess, work on r«»ad.......... ---- MANUFACTURERS OF----- IS Rev. Charles Kirk and wife were in 7:45 a . M. Ar. Han Fran'co lv . Joeeph Myers. 3 mo salary, physi 62 republican senators because a caucus sand dollars, but Potter made between Grants Pass Saturday. 9 Prescription, state ease. . Above trainsslop nt all stations be turned down the anti trust amendment three and live times that sum advertis Telegraph, coroner case............ Nute Cox made a flying trip to your io the tariff bill, prepared by Senators ing for different parties along the tween Portland and Salem, Turner, B Cfc M, mdse, pauper.......... 15 route. The wheelbarrow was made Marion, Jefferson, Albany, Cottage Grove fair city last Thursday. Thuiston, Dtvis and Sjiooner, upon lines specially for the use to which it was Tangent, Shedds, W E l>ean, “ “ .......... 10 Halsey, Harris The farmers have a’l finished harvest» suggested by Senator Nelson, ami the put and weighed but seventy-five burg, I k Wada, 15 Junction City, Eugene, S B Pettengill, mdse, pauper . 8 ing the first crop of hay. amendineni has been introduced as a bill pounds. The distance traveled by Pot Drain, Oakland, ami all stations from J B Benson, care of paupers at Roaeburg to Ashland inclusive. wife of by Senator Thurston. The bill makes ter was exactly four thousand eighty- Born — July 4, 1897, to the county hospital ...................... 50 Roteburg Mail Daily •>2 50 Charles Cougle. a daughter. And all kinds Machinery for every person engaged in conducting a five and three-quarter miles. N Delamater, caie pauper ... M.31) a . a. I lv . Portland W S Wood, “ “ ........ 4:30 r.M. 1 no Mining Purposes, Miss Ida Edgerton, of Grant* PaSS, 18 combine or trust guilty of a misdemean 12:20r. M. ! tv. Albany 12 sor. m . Dr Whipp, medical treatment 15 (Hl A DETECTIVE MYSTERY. or, ami provides for their punishment on visiting the family of W. C. Stites. 5:20 p . m . i at . Roseburg 7 30 a . M. 2 (X) •I D Kirkham, survey board conviction, by both fine and imprison W m III» Not»« HlSSth llln.arir » H«rrr>.- D 1) Cleman, mdse, pau|>er 13 00 fl. C. Kinney and others from Grant's ful Hank < ru< ksmsn. G Karg, care pauper................ 27 00 Pass visited the «aw mill last Thursday. ment at hard labor. Although it was DINING CARS ON OGDEN ROUTE. “The moat mysterious affair I ever Jas Holman, work on jail........ 6 »2 -----ALSO----- stated by the opponents of this amend Buffet Sleepers E Roberts, cleaning chimney c h 4 IH) Mr. Win. Brown and family, of East ment in the caucus that it was not the knew in detecthe circle*," said a well- Pullman 6 25 ern Oregon, have located in our valley — and — known aleuth to ii Washington Staj BRIDGE WORK. BOLTS RODS IRON SHUTTERS CELLS Oregon Observer, printing matter itself they opposed, but ineor|>or- writer, "was a case in the west. A D C Aaron, pens.............................. 4 50 S econd C lass S leeping C ars Mr. Nipper lias moved his family to ating it in the tariff bill, nobody has any (¡lass de Prudhoinme. Portland WINDOW GUARDS. DOORS. AND detective bail lieromc famous by rmMon Attached to all thiough trains printers, bill June 30, ’97 . . 40 00 tfie saw mill and installed Mrs. N. as idea that the matter will lie allowed to <if hia siK'cees in ferreting out heavy Bill books aud receipts. . . 23 50 cook. get through the senate as an independ roblM*ri<*e. It seemed that none of the Blanks and postage . . 50 For further partii-ularH inquire of J. professionals could escape when fie The >harp brothers a.'e doing prollt- ent bill. Bill June 30 ........................ 30 25 8. Bordoni, Grinta P hm . Senator Wellington, ol Maryland, is once «farted upon their trails. After Geo B Barnard, stationary and able work In their mine on Powell's books........................ ............. 36 going through what appears to uninter a tune all such cases were placed in creek. his hands. The first one that be could W F Kremer...................... 10 ested folk to be a case of biting his own lt.d discoM-r the thief was a big bank J. O. McGee took hit little grand- Mining Journal, printing 28 nose off to s[>ite his face, and his fare Chiles, stamps and tools 4 daughter to Medford hut Friday to have i - oii I stv , then if ter a year or two CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. ESTIMATES FURNISHED J J M <i Hiatt, refunded, error.......... isn’t pretty even at it« best. He seems another, then nnotiier, his reputation her eyes treated. State vs. Elliott, Will Root, wit. 1 to have made the mistake of accepting v.ns suffering, but it was still good, Miss Addie Bryant who recently re Walter (.'leveland, witness 1 as literally true the fiction that senators • n during the same |>rri(Ml he was huc - 7 :30 a . m . I lv . Portland Carl Brownell, 1 turned from Medford, has been very m sympathy with the administration, ceHsful in other difficult case«. He was 12.16 p . m . I at . Corvallis Clarence Black, 1 sick, but is now convalescent. T Everton, are allowed to dictate all the Federal taken sick with fever, and while <lc- 1 Al Albany mid Corvallis connect with The recent fires in (¡rants Pass cer patronage given to citizens of their lirious told how h • himself hiui per- trains oí Or. Central A, Eastern By. Chas Ellis, ” . . 1 petrated the robberies.describing J*very M F Shaw, I tainly look very suspicious to country »tales, and to have been led as a conse movement, in detail. When he iwuv- A t>e Axtell, dep (list atty 1(1 |a*ople; we think it would be profitable quence, to give a foolish imitation of ----- Go to the Ecl us Pollock, assessor end, it was claimed that his failure 4 ftop. m . I lv . Portland 511 Ar. | 8:25 A. M. to hire a good detective to hunt the Ajax defying the lightning, on the floor to unravel the mysteries had canaed Jurymen in circuit court .......... ass 7-.3ÜP m . 1 at . M< Mmnville lv . | 5:50 a . m . Witnesses “ villain. 550 of the senate, which amused more men the raving ombtwion*, but other men Direct connection at San Francisco Jo McCaslin, repairing Jump-ot! There is a time for everything ; and the than it frightened Mr. Wellington were put n|M»n them, and they failed with Occidental and Oriental and Pacific Joe bridge ...................... , 15 00 time to attend to a cold is when it starts to find any clew whatever. The detec Mail steamship linas for JAPAN kKD ought to know that even such influen Geo Spires, road work 7 00 tive retired and lives in elegant style, CHINA, sailing dates on application. J. E. PETERSON, Proprietor. M Clemens, stationery 8 55 Don’t wait till you have consumption tial party leaders as Senators Platt, of Rates and tickets to Eastern points W S Barrie, tax remitte<l >» KO but prevent it by One Minute ( ought 'ure, New York, and Cullom, of Illinois, have hut whcth<*r or not. he was as succesH- ful in eluding law ns in enforcing it and Europe. Also JAPAN. CHINA ALL PRESCRIPTIONS filled by Mrs C. M. Stone, a registered Phar Terrell de Son, coffin, Winders. 5 no the greatest remedy for coughs, colds, been compelled to content themselves will prolxiblv never really I m * known.” HONOI 1 1 ' m l \i »TB \i 11 C m (iPFdi C Co, coffin de bury Melson 15 oo macist of twenty-three years' experience, and Patrons can rely croups, bronchitis and all throat ami with endorsing men for positions after tie obtained from J. S. Purdom. Grants T F Croxton, coinmis court .... 9 00 upon being served with accuracy and promptness. SENATOR MORGAN S START. Pass. examining bridge 3 0 ' lung troubles—W. F. Kremer. the President had decided, without con- R P George, cominis court ........ 17 00 Messrs. H. If. Bparlin, J. F. bparlin, suiting the Senators to appoint them Tin- rurnliitf I’oii»» in Hi« l.ifo W m an MO R. KOEHLER. Jo Moss, taxes remit...................... 10 In this particular case, Senator Welling Arrldrnt. * Manager. Geo Carpy, township map, etc . . 225 00 J. Miller, Henry Boat, D. Vineyard, Lee Senator Morgan atfribntes his succcmi Wm Frakes, tax refunded . .. 28 25 Hartley, If, Doak, J. Wiggs, M. Cald ton endorsed a man fur oil»* consulate II B Ketterrnan, tax refunded 3 Ml well, J. Hanniun and many others from and is objeeting to his nomination being ifi life to an n'—itli ut, When accord I W ILiward. 60 ».4 this precinct went to Grants Pass .Satur confirrned for a consulate of lesser im ing to the Detroit I r f’ress, he started out in hi» native ( ovn to practice law J D Fry. pres bank, remit taxes portance. Under all the circumstances, he could not get a • u ami waw on the First-class in and at paid by Portland shareholders. 250 00 day to hear Win. J. Bryan. 1 it is not surprising that Mr. Wellington verge* of starva* i n fl<- <h*rifled to go CoRRRHPOJfDKNT. Ordere<l that T. J. Mackin be author- the lowest prices, considered. should be charged with having endorsed to Texas and grow up with the ■olili- i ize<l to make contract to build suitable D kalkk T a a man for a positiori which he thought ry, pa< ked hU tr.i.ik, I > kr<| hk orti -. bridge over Bat creek. diMir and stepped into the strecl ■t. ivlu-r. A re< ent reference in the Tidings to a | from its importance to be entirely out of ALL KINDS OF Ordered that A. Munson be appointed he found hianudf face to face ■ with a valuable heirloom in Mba|M*. of an old con ! his reach countryman, who wan looking at the road su|»ervi8or for district No. fi, hi tinental certificate of the dale of 1779 pos 1 There is nothing new officially concern signs. place of S. W. I4 or be«, resigned. (teased by a Medford lady attracted the ing the Cuban question, but the order- I “Huy, stranger,' the farmer asked, Ordered that the county court relin attention of Mrs. L. L. Angle of Ashland ing f C oiihq I General Lee to Washing- 1 “kin yon t.<*ll me if thar's a faller ’bout Largest Stock of HAY tn the City! quish claim to tax title lo the 1 P. Jud All Hotne Grown. who has a piece of “colony of New York ton tfl o confer with Min if ter Wo'idford, yeres named Morgan. John Morgan?” son property on payment of $150, which •‘That'» my name, sir,” Mr. Morgan currency” that antedates it by three and the intimation given to th« two offi- ] amount was paid by the First National Eating and years, and ia highly prized. The lady cers who have been chosen as military ' replied, pausing in his flight. “Air you in er hurry, young man?” bank of Kmlhern Oregen. ha* it enclosed in a frame between glars and naval Attaches respectively of th« * “I’m just off to Texas.” Cooking Ordere«! that the time for payment of and it haw te*en in po^sesMion of the Angle United .ales Legation at Madrid, not “Texas, eh? Can't Texas wait a day At Ixiweet Price«. delinquent taxes I k * extended until the •kA- Every article sold warranted as represented. Farm Produce taken family for many years. It is numbered to carry their iainilies with them, han or two? Pve got er rase I want looked first day of September, by the payment in exchange J. M.CHILES. with pen and ink, “23839” arid is like furnished grist for I he gossip«, who ..y I after and I kinder thought you’d do the •orCall and Examine my Stock. ot 1’2 isTcent additional to ttie premium wise signeii by “C. Ray” and counU-r- that the last makes it clear that the ad- Job.' heretofore placed, making in all 3’2 ¡ier The prospect of having h crm * at last I STAUFFER signed in red ink bv ..Win. Ileyer” the ministration r»*gards trouble with Spain w as sufficient to rause the younglawyer cent premium, ami that delinquent roll later »ignature being almost obliterated over its Cuban policy a*4 »0 likely that it to turn buck ami hear what the farmer lie returned at the regular term in Sep by time. The face of th»* bill read* with doesn't wish the attaches of the legisla had to say. ft had something to do tember. out using the old style letter* j “This tion to be harn|N*red by the pr«,-<*n»,e of with the recovery of a piece of land. Ordered that the «ourt justify clerk in I t/M>k it up and won it, said the bill shall pass current in all payments in their families at Madrid. drawing warrant according to judgment senator, in recounting the incident, this colony, for half a Spanish milled of circuit court in case of appeal from ■ami from that day to this have never dollar, to the value tb»*reof in gold or Itewarr of OlntnirntM I liar i’ontain I Mercury. county court. In matter of publication of I silver, a<< >rdmg to the resolution of the N orth S ixth S treet , G rant s P ass . O r G Kl’TSCIIELIS, Prop. delinquent tax list in the Oregon Ob QARNERkD TRIFLES. Provlm ial Congress of New York on the As mercury will surely destroy the sense server. of smell and completely derange thi fifth da> of MarcIi, 1776.” “Four shil B f . hi . im ranks as the healthiest city in whole system when entering it through > In the matter of the road ¡»»Hition of Just removed to the Jennings & This well-known and popular Hotel is the Great Headquarters for N, L. Browning el al, for road iront Ice lings.” On the reverse side there is an the rnucou« surfaces. Hu< h articles should | the world. attempt at typography al elaboration never be used eiccpt on presi ription from T he steamship ( ify of Paris keep« up Commercial Men, Transient Families and Steady Guests. Dean brick, Sixth Street. land, running up (¡rave cre«*k tonear physicians, a* the damage they itcam with th«- aid of fifty-four furnace Its sightly location insures rest and quiet from the noise of loco the residence of N. L Browning, th»* law that was probably up to dale one hundred reputable will do is ten fold to the g»>od you can fires. an I twenty years ago but now looks hke motives. is not enough Hall’s (’a . while the distance one block from the depot) - — to being complied with, the following per the prodwt of the «lays of »iutenberg, possibly derive Irom them The Restaurant will furnish T he women of Morocco never cele tarrh ( ure, manufactured by F.J. ( }fieney cause inconvenience. eont are appointed viewer«, to maet at brate their birthtlavs and few of them Around the margin it reads, “ Half a A ( o., Toleiio, o , contains no mercury, Board and Rooms by the Day. Week or Month. >1 i:\LS HOIKS Inland July Ufitb, at 9 o’clork a. in. to Ikillar, Colony of New York, Had a ami is taken internally, acting directly know their ages. view sai»l road and report to the county P owdered gin « is now used to make upon the blood and mu< -on - surface« of the J Q BOOTH, PROPRIETOR Dollar,” and on the lace N>-w Yvrk systefii In buying Hall’s ( atarrh ( ’ure sand|>a[>rr The glas* ia pulverized by court W. A. MasMe, GarrcrtCrockett, Currency, Half a l>ollar" with the print Be sure you get the genuine It is taken hratin< it red hot and throwing it into The Public ure invited to call. James T TotTa. er’s imprint almost equally prominent. internally, and made in I'oledo, Ohio, t»v water. R-md petition of Wm. Bull et al. re* “New York Printed by Kanmel l*ondon. I J Cheney A ( o. Testimonial« free. T he condor is the largest bird In ei jecled on ground of insufficient bond, . per I h . ii I iaten<*e. Some of thoae shot in the in th»* year of w is < lxivi .” This cur aiao there being no certificate of posting Andes had a spread of wing of 18 to 20 rency, it will be seen, was is-ilol -• »eral DEALER IN- notice of prop**ed roa»L feet. months before the lie» laratmn of Inde Ordered that the proj>o«ition of the <«• Gir flirty for Tint sound of a ball ran be heard pendence—Tidings. IS - a ( Il illesi Grant'« Paas F urmlure A ( asket Corn ♦I ■ «ugh the a distance of 45,200 The above are < ert«inly very old but feet Throughthc air it can be beard at pany to furnish plain coffin ami outside Grant'* Pa••• is ahead with a new«|ui|wr of a distan< e of only 4M feet. Corner Sixth and I Sts Grant s I as.«, Oregon. b»»x, and dig grave in i-oumty cetMoteiji, which is dated March 12, ¡770,«ix years “As nt rwn »>* a mole” Unota vnsibh- and bury braiie« of all adult« may and before the signing of the l*eclaraUon of romparivm. as tar moi»- m ¡ mm »« -«4«ed of IRON and STEEL. be ne»e«*ary, within one mile of city good eyesight, altiiough its eyes arc lnde|>ender)cf». This old paper is owned Pure White, will not make the limit«, for the pn<« of $12 in ea< h case, HARDWARE and very small about ’!» • size of a mustard clothes yellow nor injure the finest biiftofi • f rank; all mud . by Mrs. L. B. FMwards and is in a g<*»d the lmll be Arcepcwi, contract Ut hold gv»od until seetl. •tats of preservation although yellow of Chins without » ?.<••• pt ion. are ci lace. WAGON MATERIALS. July I. 14M T he olnervancr of L *nt is ono of th» lipon tri forbesr sbri^ing their head With Bge. oldest customs among I hnstian nation*. 100 d'lYS, within w lih h |>rrl<>d none Court adjourned until m it regular I n L arge V ariety . To < ur* < <it»»i Ijmdon 8»»rFV«*r. marrv plav uf*ou m’uicsl Inst rn men is | It is, in fa* t. a cuaUanof auch aatitjulty term fixed by statute, being the first ■ »»• CaMviMthsriP- V* Fthat it. Is-pinnitiir H tn-'-Ovr l In ob <»r perform any ra-'r’fi Wednesday in Septemoe* tf • t ’ t. . .» ii - wlw, . .-<« r- f :r i i. » • ca*onab!«- Ttr-n- Now is the Time to Subscribe for the Courier Office at residence—Third St. North. G maxt ’» P am , ■ - Onaoox. G rant ' s P ass , NO 18. GRANT’S PASS. JOSEPHINE COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY. JULY 15. 1897. HOTEL JOSEPHINE I. STAUFFER, Hay, Grain, flour and Feed! Good Apples CALIFORNIA BAKERY ALL Soap Foam Agricultural Implements, (.hiccn G ran P a *«, O bkh > n Pro. in, l p. ffettler. da. ring lo uiaka final prool •» their eWin • <-an mv . trouble and ex- penao by pano in< in nani» and number <W alami MF. rieecription. and namee ut fenr witare,i - Ippluatmn« mede -mi <re «A l w va. .iva .affi, a kitchen Laundry.