Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (July 8, 1897)
T hvmsday , JtfLV 8, 1897. An Open Letter PERSONAL. Snowy Butte again leads the market. Redrteld can fit your watch to suit FIRST NATIONAL W. W. Hale catue up from Leland To the Edibir Oregon Mining Journal, THE WEEK'S JOTTINGS Grants Pass Oregon: Clemens, Druggis', opp. Opera Houae. Monday. Dear Sir; Having read vour leading Willis Taylor came up from Wolf cresk editoral, entitled “Siuall BoaineM," it- Kedtleld always wilt the very best Kitchen safes 12.78 at Bale's. aue of July 3d, I wish to correct aonie Picklee 1ft c per quart at Msah A to speud the Fourth. Will Jackson resident deutisl. of your fafte impressions. First, the en Pike’s. Mr. Wm Bvb«« of Jacksonville spent gagement of Hon Wm. J. Bryan to C. St. Louis mount» gold n.iggets. s|>eak before our assembly, was purely Ex-Senator John H. Mitchell is in the Fourth in the Pass. Suowv Butts dour at Cornell's. a business proposition, helieviug tliat Paris. Miss Vergie Woodford ’ -•turned to her For this week we will sell fruit jars at our people, irrespective of party atfilia- Granges and lemons al Bartlett's. Buy the beet bicyc'e in town from home in Medturd Monday. tions, would be glad to hear so distin PIN IS - - - f»0c. B. A M. handle Snowy Butte Hour. Redfield G. W. Kearns of Wolf creek was doing guished a speaker. Secondly, from the promised revenue from such lecture. If ™WARTS 70c. Get your ice cream at Redfield’s The vegetable CIO? this year will be business in the Paas Tuesday . you think a moment, y 11 will know that large down tbe river. Calhoun Broe. for Snowy Butte dour. Mies Maggie Eaton ot Jacksonville is tbe past four years have been exceed [ALF GALLONS - - 80c, ingly hard ones for all kind« ot business, Freeh vegetables every day at Bart Jacksonville celebrated the Fourth 111 visiting friends in the Pass this week. including the running of Chautauqua their usual enthusiastic way. lett's. Kenneth Root will goto Briggs <reek awemblies. Mr. Bryan made a prop- We also make a special inducement to close The fire boys did good work in put- Ladies' capes and iackeu at » hi* re. Thursday .wiiion to ng and we accepted it; neither tolraik nn *a,me mininw honestly change the same t consent of th" other. Fur- 'ou announced that Mr. Bry- teak for the space of twenty- s at Grants Pass, on July 10. advised that thia »as done iBulting Mr. Bryan. Mr. Bry- ry, Mr M. A. Miller, Mr. ,1-weentative in Oregon), the t. Co., whose trains would held at your place, or the regon Chautauqua aaaembly. . without authority made an ent, and worked your peo- belief that they can better Bryan at Grant's Pass,.and (appointed, please place the -e it belongs and not on the i assembly. me to hear you s|>eak so un COURIER. SUPPLEMENT TO TH it your own town's ¡>eople. iled them as the "Salt ol the it a republican in Josephine JULY 1897 county has. so far as we a single word against Mr. While in Ashland have vour king in Grant's Paes or ex- WATCH AND JEWELRY 1 fears that Ills arguments WORK AND ENGRAVING e their party. On the other Done by ve been advised by republi- iphiii" and Jackson counties tend to hear Mr. Bryan epeak -OF jTaròlvare. farming Implements and nut one of them lias in- iat he was not willing to JEWELER AND ENGRAVER privilege. iàtoves. (jnbfare. &c. iuie for the leaders iu the Every bit of my work is warranted to Be vemeut" to stop grumbling BICYCLESI BICYCLESI satisfactory. 1 claim to have the best ig a sill»!I pittance to bear facilities for repairing and the largest ---- To be hehi at — g exponent speak ? We l>e- 'Asolanó. Ore. j*to< k of Jewelry iu .-outhsru Oregon. tommon people will gladlv H. L. WHITED. r him. In regard to your ASHLAND. OREGON t people who intend to come nbly will remain at home, say that if they miss the I Jistinguished anil able Speakers w ill deliver lectures on many interesting regonassembly for 1897, they topics.—Interesting services on Sunday. ,e best intellectual feast that read in this portion of the Dealer in Schools of Music, Art, Elocution, Cooking, Bible Study and W. C. T. I rill doubtless always regret I A Reduction in Prices E -A- JSTIC OF — SOUTHERN OREGON. Capital Stock, O I GROCERIES lion. Wm. J. Bryan, of Lincoln, Neb., Ashland, Ore. PELTON & NEIL. Rev. A. W. Lamar. Atlanta, Georgia. preacher, lecturer and author. He is a unique character, and his pqst success in Assembly work has been phenomenal. His themes are attractive and interesting. His presence is inspiring. His voice is striking and penetrating, full of pathos and sweet southern accent. His method of WHOLESALE AND RETAIL delivery is unconventional, conversational and entrancing. His lectures are bright and winsome, yet thoughtful and helpful. Such blending ot BUTCHERS. wit, mimicry, pathos and good hard sense lielong* to feu men K. Kl um CENTRAL MARKET. ASHLAND. Mr. Edward I’. Gaston, Chicago, * . Spanish-American traveler, explorer and journalist, will give two lectures, one on "Cuba,” the other <>n "The Land of Cliff Dwellers.,’ Mr. Gaston has the highest of recommendations from the leading newspapers and prominent people. "Mr. Gaston s lecture was the finest feature of the day.”—New York Tribune. “His lectures were of special value from cdu- ucational and moral standpoints.”—Winona Assembly. “Edw. I’. Gaston lectured before our Round I.ake(N. Y.) Assembly three times and captivated his audiences. His descriptive powers are marvelous All Kinds of Game in It Wm. nevener Denier in E AND FANCY.— GROCERIES ASHLAND. OREGON M r I b street, between Granite and Chui . . «ROCKERY. GLASSWARE, TOBACCOS and < IQAKS. Prof. S B Cord ley, of the Oregon state HirnenltiirHl college, will be With 118 Jill} 13tb, 14th and 15tb, and will lecture iu the moruiuge upon topic« of lutereHt to all fruit grower«. There lecture« will be free to all. Prof. Gordley 1« well posted in tin« line of work and should have good audiences. Expenses will be just a» light a« pos sible. Kailroi-d fare in Oregon will be one and nne-third fare for round trip. Season ticket« admitting to all sessions of the Chautauqua will be 50. A small additional fee will lie charged in the music, art and elocution departments. , come up to Ashland and at- laaembly, the whole of it, find lie people who believe in the ;ua idea of education have to present to the people of Oregon such intellectual treats, 1 do not willingly confess that deserving of much credit, lu be Bryan engagement, atid the >f all the newspapers, and all lie of Southern Oregon, the pia MMtnbly *111, ip addition ; you a complimentary ticket, board at a first class hotel in for the thirteen days of the r. Will you come? Let us ce. Very truly yours, G. F. Bin.laos Pres. 8. O. C. A Do JMot porget 1-liand bicycle in good order and cheap for cash at Dr. W F Kre- rng store. is one of the most charming story tellers in the world. We were most fortunate in securing her services. A prominent college professor in California said. “Don't alio* a monw compensation to prevent you from having Miss Benfey on the Coast platforms for 1897.” "Miss Benfey has marvelous skill in rendering a great author, so as to present a whole story in a few graphic anil well chosen scenes. In 1895 she was one of the at- tractionaat the great mother Chautauqua. <■’ F 0 That J F Ac . • i.I aiivihing v<>ii niHV want in NO I !• -N 8 «.I \«»\ ELI IES GlasswArc ami Tinw are, and \"f' ’Mu \our >• hu<» THE POPULAR $1.50 SHOE following pupils have been tardy nor absent, and obtained cent or more in deportment; Hayes, Abbie Stackpole, Bova Blanche Hayes, Bessie Briggs, 'roxton,Mary Savage, Guy Hayes. Hayes, Ray Briggs, Glen Frier, ed Savage and Lester Myrt< k W. A. M ammik , Teacher. The name of Miss Jessie Ackerman is usually linked with that oi Miss 9 V Frances E. Willard. The two being the ablest lady advocates ol the tem perance and \V. C. T. ( cause. Miss Ackerman will lecture twice for us, once on temperance, the other being an illustrated lecture on travel. We ex|>ect she will preach for us on the evening ot July 1 ith. Miss Acker HELEN R STANLEY. man's friends «ill be delighted to know that she has consented to be at our MANAGER. Assembly. Corner of ."lain and Oak Streets, Joaquin Miller, Oakland, Cal., ARTISTS MATERIALS. Ashland, Oregon. J. P. DODGE, I M I l’llit I I 1’0 pastor of the First Presbyterian church of Boston ha> lx-rn engaged to give ’* * to 1,r ‘ *' ” He is conside red one of the most his celebrated lecture. ■ "How Win. interesting and forcible sjteakers on the lecture platform, The secretary of the Music Hall course, Boston, says: “Among all the able and eloquent ________ __ who have • appeared in this course, no one I lls speakers in the last six years struck a higher key. and we shall give him a tremendous ovation when he conies the third time. ” m m 7s will deliver one ot lectures before our Assembly. He has lieen much sought after and hitherto unavailable to the general lecture field. The position of this eminent divine does not require eulogies to convince the general public of his great worth. His unusual versatility and un Laryett 8M of Fumiturt in S-mtl.eru bounded [xiwer of pleasing, instructing and training have brought to him Ortgon to Helect from. Opera Hoi.,e Bhxk ASHl.AS’l) OfitGOK. many spontaneous words of praise. Cile Qem — BARBER SHOP. > TMK ALL-BAIL Wol’Tl: TO KOOTXNAI MININU IHHTItlCT, —VIA— Minneapolis, Chicago AND Al.L POINTS EAST. THROUGHPALACEandTOURIST SLEEPERS, DINING and l.IBRARY OBSERVATION CARS. CALHOUN BROS. Daily Trains : Fast Time HKKVICK AND HCXNERV l'NLMl'ALCD. Für tickets and full Information call on W T PERKIN» A.usr, tirant'i Pass. Bus A. Ixiwia i, Agent Woodville. A. B. C. DzaataToa, R. <’. S tzvmm . C P A T A, Portland Or. <1 W P A. Seattle. Warb. j* To Secure the Best Results in Preserving Fruit Fur Kale Cheap Demands that Granite Iron stew pans be used, as the iron kettle gives the preserves a peculiar taint that spoils the flavor and renders the otheiwise tempting prest rves almost unpalatable. We have a splendid as- sortment of Granite ware1 and we can supply you with anything in that line you may need. A l ish arc Beginning to Bite Fine Cigars and Tobaeoos, Choice Confectionery, Cool end Refreshing Summer Drinks, at tha Prepare for sport by laying in an assortment of Fishing Tackle. Come in and look at our rods, reels, lines, flies, etc. We also have a good stock of guns, ammu nition anti sporting goods- iving made arrangements to from a factory outside of the line, we now sell our entire of Coffins and Caskets at one the former prices. e carry bv far the largest stock lect from in the county, and Goods are equal to any on the cet. We will not be under- on Undertaking Grsxls ai d furnish our elegant HEARSE ar patrons FREE. '1 nt ! SIGN OF THE GOLDEN OWL. NEW Hardware. ■t T w swell & Dodge. F 0 0 0000000000 00>00000 00000 00 ! : YORK Finest Ouality of Hams, Bacon, Lard. Etc., at Wholesale and Retail. 1 \ ire X Iedicii lets ! I National Drug* Store, That’s where we buy our goods, and that's why you buy so cheap from us, our store is where so X many people findjbargains. MASH & PIKE. < arte St. Paul, Dulutli, . H ale , Undertaker, office op- : Kremer’!! drug store, where ty lie found, either day or night OF ■ Carnes a full line of Staple and Fancy Groceries Flour. Feed and Pr isiona. ■ We have a new stock of Fruit Jars this year. Parties wishing to ay jar- should'gc, our prices. They are the lowest, r> Menis in Pining Quickest Line to od delivery horte, wagon and bar- I the Second Hand N torn. Grant's J. R. HALE. Opposite Round House. «I Mr. James Jones, of the drug firm of Jones A son, Cowden. 111., in (peaking of l»r. King’s New Discovery, says that last winter his wife was attacked with LaGrippe, gild her case grew so serious that physicians at Cowden anil I’ann could do nothing for her. It seemed to develop into Hasty Consumption. Hav ing Dr. King's New Discovery in store, and selling lots of it, be took a bottle home, and to the surprise of all she be gan to get better from first dose, anil half dozen dollar bottles cured her sound anil well. Dr. King’s New Discovery for Con sumption, Coughs and Colds is guaran teed to do tins good work. Try it. Free trial bottles at Dr. W. F. Kremer's Drug Store Shortest and am tnoying my entire ntock ot dry ind gr<M*eri**H in thin city to Kerby I. I <le«ire all those who are indebt- me on either note« or accounts to come forward and «eltle i mined i- J. W. lloWARh. Bishop Samuel Fallows, ol Chicago, BKDDI8G WI!H>OW SHAIiKS Mori.blX',. Ptetur»- Frani»-«. Fi» or Mattina« Baby • ar riaffen. B > • Wagon»- Ar . Machia»-« and Supplì«« fot Same. Something to Depend On. UATTLK AXP arOKAXK Rev. Charles Edward Locke, Portland, pastor i of the Taylor-street M. E. church, as been engaged for two doctor „ gave universal satisfaction at our 1895 Assembly, lectures. The __ ____ and our jieople will I m - dclight<-<i to hear him again. He has few equals as i public speaker. the following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim and that said proof will be made before J. M. Chiles, county judge, Josephine Co.. Or., at Grant’s Pass. Oregon, on July l'.l, 1897, viz: Henry Brier on H. E. No. 7138, for the E ‘2 NE '4 and lot 1 of sec. 24, Tp. 311 8., R. 5 West. ‘ He names the following witnesses to Ptove Ins continuous residence upon and i cultivation of, said land, viz: Ole Severson, Charles Costain, Frank Randle, I.. E. Woolfolk, all of Grant's I Pass, Oregon. 037-42 R. M. V satcb , Register. I'leasff Hettle I'p. JSHtoio, o.tao. KVANS. N Library-Car Route rt of * bool district No. 23, for mouths ending July I, 1897: s enrolled, 24; average number ng, 23.06; average attendance, Opposite Ashland Hotel, 'Ashland. otice is hereby given that CIA Neliool lie port. The Fair Store At LAMnOvrici at Rosanvau, On.. June 2, 1897. GO EAST ockerllne'e Flour mill on Murphy ill tie dom'd for some time, until are made and additional macinìi- : in. When prepared to gnnd lue notice will be given—M. B. ine. Miss Jessie Ackerman. Chicago. “California’s greatest genius,” “The Poet of the Sierra will give his li e ture. "Lessons not Found in Books." Mr. Miller’s residence at home and in Europe has made him thousands of friends. People who have read his hooks and heard about him for Io these many years, will think this the time to hear him. Rev. Scott F. Hershey, D. D., Boston, z m X Notice. Miss Ida Benfey, of New York City, Wholesale and I.•.•tai' D* Beef. Pork Mutton V< Hams, Bacon and Lard tonal allusions, I accept az an o my presidential salary. Ilrvan decide t > look out on e and your faircity and give 1 of greeting, our assembly d. but if vour people wish to •ch of twenty-live minutes 01 I must come to Ashland on will speak on ‘‘Bimetallism” on the afternoon of July loth. Mr. Bryan's ability to attract and interest a large audience is too well known among our I'orufr Main ami lidian Sis.. ASHLAND, 01! people to need printed comments. We expect he will attract the largest audience ever seen in Southern Oregon. Provisions «ill be made to seat 5000 people in a comfortable place. Don’t tail to hear his side of the NOTES money question. Buyers & Shippers of Livestock. Ashland. . NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. (/) TJ > o m I. K. VanSant, STAPLE and FANCY It heals eveything exept a broken heart may be said of De Witt's Witch Hazel Slave. Piles and rectal diseases, cuts, 1 burns, bruises.teter, ecz, mi and all skin I troubles may be cured by it quickly and permanently—W. F. Kremer. O) WHITED Methods, conducted by Masters. — Preludes ot Oratory. Vocal and Instrumental Music. i I K'nney & provost, Fox & Hildreth. Receive deposits subject to check or oo certificate payable on Sells sight drafts on New York, San Fran cisco. and Portland. Telegraphic transféra sold on all points io the United States. Sjiecial Attention given to Collections and general business of our customers. Collections made throughout Hoiitherr l'regoli, sud on all accessible points. J. I». FRY, President. J. T. TUFFS. Vice President. R. A. B ooth , Cashier. > The Chautauqua News $50,000. Dr. W. F. Kremer, Prop. ▼ This week you may find Silk Waist Pieces for less monev than manufacturer's prices. ♦ 00 0000 ¿00000000000000000 Another lot of new good's in this week—dome and look them over. Latest Forms! New supply of Tin Cup-' at 1e each. NEW RACKET STORE << »I’It I >-.l< (HIKE.