Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 19, 1896)
J R , B Sealed Proposals. ohn ohrman rewer Notwithstanding the soupy sug gestion of his name ex-Senator Notice is hereby given that sealed . Spooner is being boomed by some bids will be received for the con Wisconsin republicans. OF THE FAMOUS struction of a County Jail of either I stone or brick in accordance with Editor | Edison claims to be able to plan and specifications now on file — -c photograph a man’s brain, but he ' in the office of the county clerk. doesn't claim that he ca,n show A bond in a sum double the amount, L ,b„ is a majority m the Sen- brains in the picture when there of the contract price, to be approved Or^eoinasebutin the House are none in the head submitted to by the court, will be exacted of the Congress has the test. contractor at.the time of executing I, ¡„be .tier ...r- winter on vis- - .* the contract and such contractor OREGON Ihru.niered »way all < BURNS, ct being elec- Where was Morton’s money when will be required to complete the |ion»ryhneMhe A few con Me Kin lev scooped in those Georgia foundation and cement floor by the FOR SALE IN KEGS AND BOTTLES. taring schemes for good and delegates? 10th day of May, 1896, and then be required to cease work until the "„br.ealor>«-a Boss Platt, is taking the most ef window guards are received; and L un I electioneering mind», and fective method of killing Morton’s such contractor must permit the LlitioMoek» the «»y consequent chance's, by bringing on another Pauly Jail Co. to proceed at once e ,»tbi..8 accomplishedi and »till bitter factional fight among the wiih the work of constructing the t seems this body of men labor ex- New York republicans. cells immediately after the materi tremely hard to do nothing. Aman al is received and, if necessary, to cease work on the building until can sit day in a»d out 0,1 a Mr. J Sloat Shirtsleeves Fassett. mod* box or fence and whittle. the cells are completed. The said whfh is a very good way to do of New York, after mature consid bids will be considered by the court eration, has again put on the Platt HARRIS & JOHNSON Proprietors. nothing, »nd really, we think the on Wednesday, the 4th day of yoke, which he once discarded with March, 1896, at one o ’ clock p m, of I iuost pleasant. But our congress believes in hard work ?ar.d expend so much indignation. said day. OREGON ing lots of breath and energy in the Bid to be filed with the county BURNS, The silver people have effectu clerk of Harney county, Oregon, cause of nothing. illy killed republican"tariff legisla-. We firmly believe that free coin not later tljan one o’clock p m, age of silver is bound to come, and tion at this session of Congress, un March 4th, 1896. at which time| thegoldi’es cannot prevent it with less all the indications in sight are the same will be opened, All bids. Good Billiard tables, Pleasant^Card Rooms, etc., etc. out endangering the liberties of th» wrong. to be marked ‘ Bids for County I Saloon is first class in every particular. Experienced bartender Jail.” people. peuple. ' If there be sufficient gold in the I If the Spaniards are wise they Tb.e court reserves the right to Mixed drinks to please the most fastidious. United States for business require- i will not express any ill feeling to reject any and all bids ments and prospt rity it is not in wards America because of the Sen By order of the Board ui County bight, and if it. is not in actual cir ate Cuban resolution. The more Commissioners of Harney county, culation what good can it do the ill will they show the sooner Cuban Oregon C. E. K enyon , people? The democrats is ac belligerency is likely to be recog Clerk knowledged tobe the'white einttle’ nized by the United States party, and undoubtedly a majority Don't Tobacco Spit, or Smoke Your Life Away. efthe party favor the free coinage I Lotteries are prohibited by law, Proprietor. JOHN SAYER, of silver at the ratio of 16 to 1 out mining stock is openly sold is the truthful, startling title of a book about No-To-Bac, the harrn- without consulting the wishes of every day. Situated on Silvies river 1 mile East of Burns, near the bridge less, guaranteed tobacco habit cure England or any other nation. What I that braces up nicotinized nerves, i the people want in the United Statistics are misleading, For eliminates the nicotine poison, Customers wil receive GOOD FLOUR from States is what they should have. makes weak men gain stiength, Congress is in the service of the instance, a paragraph professing to vigor and manhood. You run no people and should carry out their give the countries and the amount physical or financial risk, as No-To- Good Wheat wishes. Congress nor the presi of their products, which supply the Bac is sold by druggists every where dent has the right to dictate to the world with olive oil, leaves out the under a guarantee to cure or money refunded. Book free. Address people, but are simply to fulfiill cotton growing states of this coun Sterling Remedy Co , New York or the contract under the agreement try. Chicago. which was given them by the suf H. M. Ilorton, Burns. Estray Notice. ferage of the people. M c K innon A KENYON Taken up by John Witzell at his Good advice: Never leave the How much of a showing Ameri ranch on Sage Hen, seven miles house on a journey without a bottle I BURNS can vessels make in the world’s south-west of Burns, one dark red ef Chamberlain’! Colic, Cholera and commerce may be judged from the cow about five years old, branded Diarrhoea Reined v. For sale by Shop opposite tjie Brewery official figures of the number of on left hip with a quarter circle vessel» which passed through the circle, and on left shoulder with All work in our line done neatly and with dispatch. Satisfacti Several years ago I was taken Suez Canal last year. Of the 3484 straight mark. Marked with a small guaranteed. Give us a call. vessels only four were American, underbit in each ear. Owner can with a severe attack of flux. I was have the animal by giving neces and they were pleasure yachts and sary proof and paying charges, in sick in bed about ten days' and could get nothing to relieve me un war ships. eluding the publication of this no- til I used Chamberlain’s Colic, J ohn W itzell . , tice. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, Mr. Andrew Carnegie says there which cured me and has been a 1» very little profit in m «king armor Estray Notice. household remedy with us ever plate for warehips, at from $450 to si nee. J U Marlow. Deoaturville, to $500 a ton, and that the contract Taken up by Joseph Wooley, on Mo. For sale by all druggist’. which Russia will get the same ; hie ranch 5 miles north-east of Have »old Te O mmm " For «* Team. profit». We are the * thing for $300 a ton was made for ' I Burns, one haw horse, white spot in th? In America selling hu N® c ^ to approval. We nau freia)& not ^¡sfactoTy. Everyt®^! advertising pm poses. But Mr. forehead, no brands, about 8 years Its Value Recognized by Physi- old and weighs about 1100 pounds. voul an G10 to G50 to order for cian. y fite your own order. Box inc fr»«. Wa ^ke all the risk of damage in shipping. W° ’ arnegie’e opposition to the estab Collar mark on top of shoulder lishment of a plant for the govern The owner can have horse by giv , As a rule I am opposed to pro No. 130. Road Wagon. WHOLESALE PRICES Spring Wagon«. *30 to 843. Guaranteed ing proper proof and paying charges of R ‘ d ment to make its own armor plate prietary midicines. Still I value a AaCood No. 1. Farm Harness. Mine a. m H Tor MO to ,75. H Wagons. Surrey* with long fender», *80 A e* including this notice. A» Hold roakes him a prejudiced witness. ^35 “pl0!^0"00 JOP Buggl^i?^ $60 for* IB. good one, especially when such ¡8 J oseph W ooley . w Phaeton* iu low a» 383, the source of relief from pain. A b harness . Foreigner» only got $18,000.000 a topical [external] application I ^nUR1iL " ,D‘LS~’d,‘*' pay po.ta«e, if, «..taltiU have found Chamberlain ’ s ’ Pain it of that bond issue, which shows «No. 41. Wagon. 810. Administrators Notice. W. B. PRATT, Secretary, Elkhart, Ind* that ®ur own people know a good , Balm the best remedy I have ever' thing when they see it Notice is hereby given to all per used for neuralgia of any kind. 11 sons holding claims against the have conscienciously recommended' estate of Victor S. Ottmer.deceased, it to many persons. William Senator Hoar, of Maae , wants the ' to present the same to the under Horne, M. D., Janesville, Wis. Kn''rnment to furnish every Sena signed at bis place of business in ’°r with a messenger, in addition Burns, Harney county, Oregon, ver Sold by all druggists. 'o the clerk low furnished them. ified as by law required within six r <4 ask 1 ncle Sam to provide months from the date of this notice. Dated at Burns this 11th day of •fl‘ Senator with a residence fully December, 1895. C J ■ "lu’pfd ar d maintained at public1 , I 3 '-«'r and te an u H. M H orton . •’ptnee. M H k W W1‘»- ?Ho«*L I Administrator. I 4 Wines Liquors, ani Cigars BLACKSMITH & WAGON SHOP. I ELKHART CARRIAGE and HARNESS MFG. CO ¡L Cg r 1 f I i ■ Vim 24W, New Vor# Qt» Tl*” m For ~1. lu Bun o.«., H?M uo ^TT n , d SÄ ’ /»'«’oreo/Imito