Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 19, 1896)
WANTED. Business Locals Agents to sell our choice and har- dy Nursery Stock. We have many new special varieties, both in fruits and ornamentals to offer, which are —Don’t forget Henry Cheatham controlled only by us. We pay barber, desires a part of vour pat | commission or salary. Write us at once for terms, and secure choice ronage, at the new barber shop. I of territory. —Who said you couldn’t get a M ay B rothers , Nurserymen, good flavored cigar in town for five Rochester, N Y. cents? Call at the City Drug Store and inquire. > ' Red Blood| Ji tar Foundation of the Wonderful Cures by Rood’s Saraaparills- That is Why the cures by Hood s Sar saparilla are C vbes . That is Why Hood’s SsrsarsriUa cure« the sst *st cases of S rofula, Sait Iiheum an J o'.her blood disea -'*• Th it Is Why it overco-nes That Tired Feeling, strrugrthens tno nerves, g en-rjy in r lace of exhaustion. That is Why the sa 3 of Hood’s Sar- For Sale Or Trade. •»parlila hire in..«-. 1 y ar afc year, — Builders tools ands of all kind —100 acres of tine fruit land in until it n >Tf rep’-TS for i s proda-tion building hardware at the Burns 10 acre lots Smiles south of Eugene the larg: «*■ Lsborttory in world. hardware store, at bottom prices Oregon, 1 mile west of Spenser for cash. Butte. Lots at $400 each Horses —The Saloon, in the new hotel and cattle part pay on each lot if building, Ri hanlson and Stephens the purchaser so desires. For fur- proprietors, i. nicely furnished andj^/ information I inquire at this its customers is given the best otpJCe Is the only True Blood Purifier promi- nen.i • -. he pebiic e.-e today. Be sure brands of liquors and cigars. top- ’’->o ”3 end ot’” Hood’s. A Marveloa» DlMuvery Free — Dr. Cate is kept pretty busy * U J’« rv I In r f,y T-ike- ' . IS ;.;eí7et.L ¿jCeUtA. The universal good dentistry done ' AM OLD AMD WtLL-TlUKt> RMMKDY.—Mr*. 1 iOv/»« . Wln<l»h>w'« thing svrup been used (or • ----- ■---- f — h«» —------------------ _7.. i.':, ------ -- by mi.lions . (mother« ..... .L. lift; year» for their by him has gainer! for the Dr. a «ter I children while teething, with perfect suc< ess. Its.».the« the child, s ./tens the ruins. sl!»'S lasting reputation. Eicod^s Carsapan BRICK MASON, PLASTE ER and VENEERING. b d — I xm ? Caldwell’s Saloon now runnit.g on a cash basis is well pat ronized and the proprietor finds the cash system to be good for him self also, his customers. He i« thankful for past and present pat ronage and courteously solicits his friends to continue their patronage »11 p»in. cures wind colic, and is the best rente edr for Diarrheoea. Is pleasant to the taste Sold by Druggia's in every part of the world. Twenty fire rents a bottle, its value is inralg table. Be sure and ask for Mra. Windaluw's Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind. I Veneeiing box, or frame houses almost as chean I much more comfortable—makes a Bolid wall, durable , S,roeticM winter and cool and. pleasant in summer., very Warai ’ •Parties not conversant with the Veneering nroo«c a firtielmrl wall in rracsirl z»«» «.£11 J ________ 13 A © 1 S and Wfcjjl A | nicely finished wall in residence, will do well to consult Ar wW before finishing with rustic. *lr’ ¥«Ii « k HOTEL BURNS OREGON N. COMEGYS & WALTON ROBINSON 4 This large and comfortable hotel is well furnished and the proprie tor» use every effc rt possible to make their guests feel at hotue P roprietors . JOHN F. STRATTON’S Celebrated ALSO DRUMS,FIFES. Piccolosand Band Supplies. Everything in their line guaranteed to be done satisfactorily. The table is at all times supplied with everything the market at ( fords. Bathes at all hours Give The Burns a call and we feel assured you will continue to be its guest when in town. Will Work ’OHM 7.. ? i ATTORNEY, ■> America’s Great Danger 4# ENGLISH COVHEKTART. ERK a THK KS, C an you C ity . fc -*t, Earps, M-rari-ens. f im : .rnkt-fjcfr . ft Cari Thcrbshn. Musical Director ¿tanuaru Th«.tre orchestra. Chicago. 111». Aprii, 14, 1988 Mes«r* Jcl.n F Stixtt n Dear Sir» —I ani pl.a-vi lo he al le to «t»t»> I ean b r .'.y ree, n y. ur Ku»- ■i»i. Gul S«r--g» f r «l«ftb!:!ty : n f tvi.e. Yoururticrs f-ar Va. -ta -bvuid 1« trvmend- o"» Vours truly, CARL THCRB AHN Said an eminent ¿ngli»h «cienti-t recently • ’ * 11.,-uai.xe. that coajruntalhegt«at Amcre . can joopie ti.-tay ia not th« ¡wwedhle advp- , loti of a wiong financial policy for the naliuo. or the » of ancia.i»m, or the Dave Sraham tho j ;’i’.ie composer ln«Ka»o of < .rruoti. n among public n>cn. »nd Dirvctur of Ma4« at tlArrtg u’» rbealre, •ay». Ill U>r» n e h»d enough, lo lw> rure, last , New York. March l»t. IS«. thev are »■» «»•-thinge tr.p irrd to the terrible 1 J.,hn F. Stratton W' n.-.l di-c.u<*—l had almovt »aid BltiOC I Dear Sir» —1 bategiren your Rn«-lan Gut Orime <>f overwork. Th« mad ru-h i r I vnhh i» art at a killirg pace, ami tltousanu* : ' lo.i» Strings »th .rough trial, ar. J an pleas* •d t.< state that they are the be-t t- an4 fall by th« w iv every year. most durable string» I h tveerer used Y on are likely ta be one ef the victim’ Your» reap: . UaVi BRAHAM How do We kitowt r«cau.»e it is the .XCCp- tion u> fin I a itian oe «<>inan of adult age i? I prrhn-t h«.< It. Nervous Disorders «>> JOHN F. STRATTON’S •prxading »uh fcarlul nqddhy. Among 11.» I I CELFMIATF.9 x '"'"X •ymptoma. a>v—lt«cka< he, H.. >ou»ue»>, Co.d CUITARS, / . A fl uwia and I vet, LUxii.e»*, Hot II ahc-y Faltering Sc twat i. a, Fai< ting, Head cl e, ‘"Y llywteria. Irritability of th« Heart Mcian «■holy, fail* g Memory, Palpitation, l.h.u- tapper of .-nd - V . >'» Or. ,r tn .> > •s, 8h rt Roth, blcepksam «, r »• .‘3ICAL MEH. Yvos l*!i’si •'**• be»u»l Dvbilitv, I it*, etc R ev . (.', A. C arboli . pastor Fir«t IVpti-t Ml.813.U3.H7r Chun h YcltowSnri’ gw. <vrite» m f< I««.»: • I Lsreu ed l‘r Mill»' Rewioraiive N< I JOHN F. STRATTON’S for the |> st »ix nv-utha. I find it «et« like a »h rm on th« «hole nerv. ua »'stem. I Celcbmlrú Russian Gut h»«v not f.-urxl Itaequal in giving itomeslisle Violin Strings relief. Dr. Mil««’ littl« here« and Uetv P» »only w-d a trial ami they «¡11 rvw«- !$»♦ HnrM »« th* V orid. ma- I tb.m-w >es to be tl.« l<e»l pills in the F Iffy Siting WarraRted. market ” Job F. SlrattOT.’^ri* “ F< r fiv« years I have • ffi. rvd from Nee- vo-.i* 1‘ .^ir.ii.'n, I «a« una 1« to w>«rk or Ml. 81». 815, 817 E. 9th St. *lc« p 1 it« br*t d.wof Pr. Miles’ Res!ora- MW VOWS. tivr Nervine c m - r>! » f. »M • -e th u TIIK »Tn*TTON a»i»l d-.llsr» «,<u)d not cover tl c g«>sl it La* do e m -JOHN MINCHER, Y.w"gs B wd I v STRI MEATS h wn,l htx *rxT r«iNtPE>r Dr M.ies* Restorativo Nerv w« is un sq- a <>l in . 1 niMO Nerv«»us I1' tl«w . It a<. > >»>(^Mt*o>r<lt»rrr'«H(l tt(* Sold Sa a p-wtire ruarante* bv all dmggiatn <* Ur. Mio« M 'land Co.. Elkhart, lad. JOHN F. 8T»'«TYOn CtLEFX'TE» 1 B urns ..................................... O regon . Collccdons, Land burin«», and Rea! Estate uiatter promptly attended to. • 71 ' •*» t? JOHN F STR ATTOR’S PIONEER DRUG J. w biggs . B vrxs . Hicks & Biggs I ATTORNEY’- AT - LA W, I Offices at Canyon City and Burns STORE. [W. E. G rack ’ s old stand ] A Procrietor. C. Worthington • ^«S.DKALER IN, DRUGS, BOOKS. STATIONARY, DYES, PAINTS. PERFUMES TOILET ARTICLES, AND NOTIONS, A full line of School Books and School Supplies Confection? Nuts and fruits. r-iiysiuiMn ôc ourge^n. I _ Mail orders promptly filled. A graduate of the Iowa State l University and College of Physi-, cians and.Surgeons. > Office at re«.det ee in Burns. • r NEW YORK WORLD. Burns Ontario Stage Line. The Twice-a-week Edition of the New Y’o.'k World has been convert ed into the Thrice-a week It fur L<.avee Burns daily at 6:30 p m . Arrives at Ontario in 42 hour« nishes 3 papers of 6 pages apiece,’ or eighteen pages every week, at Fare One wav $7.50. Round trip $15.00. the old price of One Dollar a year. ■ This gives 156 pajwr a year for One . Through freight SJcts. a pound. INillar and every paper has G pages 1 Two davs notice at anv P. O. on the route and covered coa’hes wi* eight column« wide or 4S columns ’ H. A. Williams. Proprietor in all. The Thrive-a-week World be furnished for passangers. is not only much larger than any weekly or semi weekly newspaper j but it furnishes the news with much greater frequency and promptness In 4act it combines ill the crisp, fresh «qualities of a I daily with the attractive «necial features of a weekly. Arrangemet ts have bee. ude by which we can furnish th*» P-oprietsr per H M HORTON and the Thrice-a-Week N - fork W orldboth for $2 25 a vear. Take advantage of thia oftrr a l get1 I y«»ur own lore! paper and the a _^ e » dealkks « DRUGS. MEDICINES. CHEMICALS, PATENT MEDICINE? Thrice a-WetkW orld at this special ”**• CkLkMtATKD l.UkMtAIbP W' Ul bif cu pe GEO. S. SIZEMORE. MUtfOAL L1SRCHAKD13 — OU mi CL-Fb.ù’.TZìJ «r ? ■»-% »6 tl>< pe Send/.-* JOHN F. STRATTON, Cat»: .... 811,81 3, 815. 817 E 9th St . N.Y WANTED in every county to in troduce the Celebrated ‘llvgeia”i Waift» ror all ages. This waist siip n t <le» the corset, and has re-i reived the unanimous approval of physicians <>f America'. $3.00 out fu free. Any energetic woman can make from $15 to $50 wtekly. Send for circulars and terms. IIYGEIA M F'G CO, 37> St . New York. SONS, P roprietors TONSORIAL PARLOR, — Band Instruments B""'‘OreBn. Brick Always on Hand for Local Custom l ' i i 1 ! M c I ntyre , BimingtamSteilStnigs lar Vteita Soltar «U«a»n» ka>^ FW«« M «a» I >*• Plate« T he H erald . " STATIONERY’, DIAMOND DY ES. CHOICE PERFUMES * FANCY TOI LET ARTICLES. TOBACCO. CIGARS ETC. » * 31 arx,» ■* yn--. am »rx n x k CweatoeHI*«. A IVusn»»«« raw!. S«n, -, V —ox A kin à X t1 Wx' F Uta 9UK TU * \ a«« CM» Fine Wines <Sr Liquors for Medical Purpcsec ‘ r***riptions accurately compounded. Firat Claaa Dental Work Dona. ki pa of of wi Ei th St I* wi df P« th