Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 12, 1896)
I BURNS, HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON, FEBRUARY 12 Highest of all in Leavening Power.—Latest U. S. Gov’t Report REMARKABLE EXPIERENCE But last night’s leave-taking was1 thr was not so serious, as most of those ---------- Oakland, Cal , Feb. 4—James S. who sailed on that ship will return ' „UJSHKD EVERY WEDNESDAY Richardson, of 386 Tenth street,has when the inevitable period of proe- I just passed through a remarkable perity sets in here. w. C. BYRD & SON. I here at P clishebs and P ropbibtoba experience. He has been blind for1 “I would rather remain five years in his right eve, and was a dollar a day than live in Califor- gradually losing the 6ight of his nia for $1.50,” said a man leaving 1 SUBSCRIPTION RATES: ABSOLUTELY PURE left eye. Yesterday, while bathing a wife and four children behind; Jne Y«*r .................................’.’iiiii. .l.00 Hi Month* ............................. ................75 his li ft eye, the sight of his right “but I’m almost down to my last fbree Month* HERALD CLUB LIST: suddenly returned, and now he can $5 piece, after having involuntarily j —John Sweitzer,carpenter,under —Get one of I, S. Geer & Co’s ¡¡.r*ld*u'l Harper’s Magazine............. 5,00 SS “d Harper’s Weekly ............... 5.20 see as well aa eyer out of the optic been idle for more than a year. taker and cabinet-maker. His work premium purchase tickets. This and SSr’i Young’People .. 3.75 that nas supposed to have been There are 50 other men in the same shop is in the old saloon building firm agrees to give the holder of ?ertAndW» Manifold Cyclopedia,. .2 90 Sdidonsi v-olnme after Vol. I 5o cents! permanently destroyed. plight on this «teamer. I have next door south of Worthington’s. such tickets a fine life size Crayon "cent, extra ver volutne. postage. Mr. Richardson’s case is puzzling lived in Portland 15 years.»nd 1895 Mr.Sweitzer guarantees his work at i Portrait absolutely free of any *^-Conie*of all the above work* cart be ex the doctors They told him he was the first year that I was unable prjceg to suit the hard times. Cof-j charge, by purchasing $20 worth tend *t ieimre in the Reading Room. would become totally blind in time Io make a living for mv family. fin? «n? ;r !r ode Qde to order. Will take pro , of goods for cash at their store. It ra- Publisher* of periodicals are solicited iuouhhinc rates, a copv of their work for i.ut now he lias reason to believe If tunes grow better here, next sum j duce partlv for work and “balance in is not necessary that the whole ±Seof every half-volume, end r*< i t that he will r< cover his eyesight. amount should be purchased at one mcr, moat wf us will return.—Tele I ca-»h. bv advertisement. | Yesterday Richardson was bath gram of the 4th. time, but any amount from 5 cents ing his left eye. As he finished to $20 as explained upon the tick ADVERTISING RATES: and was covering the good eye, a I A good ranch belonging to H. G. ets. 1 wk 2 wk 1 mo 1 8 mo J 6 mo How to Prevent Croup. Hash of light appeared before the Campbell, containing 160 acres 12 11.50 £2.50 ♦500 ♦S no 811.00 18.00 l ight eve. This was the first in 8.00 4 00 0.50 12 03 1 miles south east of Burns. This Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy •24 00 1.50 5.00 8 I« 15.00 Croup is a tarror toyoung mothers I t.50 6 00 10.00 •29.00 82.00 dication to him that there was .any ranch has about 100 acres of good cures colds, croup and whooping 48.00 I 6.01) 9 00 15.00 28.00 an id to post them conti ring the meadow land. Price $800 or will 80.00 I 12.00 16.00 ■28.00 48 00 life in the right eye. The left eye cough. It is pleasant, safe and re 1'20.00 40 00 io 00 60.00 110 00 was carefully bandaged up, and I cause, first symptoms ami treat- I trade for sheep. liable. For sale by all druggists. then Richardson experimented with ‘ ment is the object of this item, ! B yrd & K ing . JOB WORK r held — the ------- news-¡The origin of croup is a common i 1 He _____ . jl every de»crlptfon executed with neatness the blind eye. Hid despatch, at rensonuble rates. --------------------- Ie paper up to the light and the black [cold, Children who are subject ’to Pamphlets Poster», lrculara, Letter Heads, gradually A tske cold very easily and I croup I oints .< r Catarrh ! ot Bill Heads, nvelopes, line across the page i t k*tetnen:«, Note Heads, Cards, TicKets, . . The first | Dodgers, Ete. («niuranii», Invitations, loomed up until Richardson could >8 almost sure to follow. that contain Mrcnry, IS THE BEST. svmpton is hoarseness; this is soon 1 T h * H erald i* kept regularly on file for re tead. FIT FOR A KING. (trence, in the Geo. P. Rowell Newspaper Ad . CORDOVAN, nrtiiiug Bureau. 10 Spruce st.. New York. ‘T can see! 1« • can see!” )ie followed by a peculiar rouSh cough,1 as mercury will surely destroy the FRENCH A CNAMELLED CALF. • which is easily recognized and will eense of rniell and completely de shouted. £'4.53.sp F ine C alf ¿K angaroo , *a*i- 'never lie forgotten by ine who has ♦3.59 POLICE,3 soles . OFFICIAL DIRECTORY range the whole system when en | Mrs. Richardson, somewhat heard it. The time to act is when tering it through the mucous sur- armed over the excitement of her national : the child first becomes hoarse. faces. Such articles should never «2> i . z =* bqys 'S ciiool S hoex President .............................. Grover Cleveland husband, rushed into the room. ■LADIES’ Chamberlain ’ s Cough Remedy is rice-Pretideut......................... Adlai .--tevenson used except on prescriptions be ‘‘What in the world is the matter Secretary of State ........... Richard S. 011 ey freely given all tendency to croup from reputable physicians, as the iecretary of Treasury............ John G. Carlisle Jacretarv of Interior ................... Hoke Smith James?” she asktd. * SEND FOR CATALOGUE Even after' damage they will do is ten fold to I iacratary of War Daniel 8. Lamont W'L’DOUGLAQ- “Why, I can see! I can fee!” he will soon disappear. Jacretary of Navy .......... Hilary A. Herbert BROCKTON./rtASS, the croupy cough has developed it the good you can possibly derive' lecretary of Agriculture. J. Sterliug Morton Over One Million Poopio wear the Attorney General ... Jud-rn Harmon shouted again. P»atina*ter General............. Win. 1. Wilson Mra. Richardson now realized will prevent the attack. Th re is from thent. Hall’s Catarrh Cure, W. L. Douglas $3 & $4 Shoes STATE—OREGON: no danger in giving this remedy for manufactured by F. J. Choney & All our shoes ere equally csLisfactory Janitor* .................. j ° , ^rld®. that a great change had come over They give the best value for tho money. I J. H.Mitchell. Co., Toledo, O., contains no mer They equal custom Shoes In style and fit. She wanted a test it contains nothing injurious. (Ringer Hermann her husband.' Their wearing qualities are unsurparsed. Svogressmen ................. , i W. R. Ellis cury, and is taken int rnally, act-’ The prices aro uniform,—stampea on sole. I made, though, that would be satis- Attorwy General ...... . U. M. Idleman Prom $i to $3 snvcu Over other mekes. luveruor ................... ......... Win P Ixnd ing directly upon the blood and mu If your dealer cannot supply you we can. Sold by She shut out the | i«cret*ry of State ............. . If R Kincaid | factory to her TWO FOR ONE. rreuurer R ..Phil. Metschan cous surfaces of the system. In “Dealors everywhere Wanted, agent to Inpt. Public lustruction ............ GM Irwin | light from the left eye, and the take exclusive sale for this vicinity. Write <t»t« Printer R W H Laeds ! buying Hall ’ s Catarrh Cure be sure husband was asked to read the pa at once. Send for free cample ami judge i > R. 8. Bean. ’upreiae Judge* ..................... S C. ...? C. Wolverton Wolverton per. For the first time in fiye years thereby. The E. O. H erald and you get the genuine. It is taken > F. A. Moore NINETH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. J quirer, both ,’dternabv and ie made in Toledo, he read the news of the day with Cincinnati Weekly Ei 9'*trictJn4ge D ... M.D. CLlFFOkv Ohio, by F. J. Cheney Co. Tes one year fur $2. BiBtrlct Attorney ..................... C. W. Parrish, his right eye. fotnt Sepressutative ..(R) O. L. Fatterson. The Enquirer is a 9 colum,8 page timonials free. '«int-Senator .......... (R)............. a . W.Gowan Scientific American | paper, issued each Thursday. j^i^Sold by Druggists, price 75c. Agenoy for COUNTY—HARNEY: A LARGE EXODUS. Largest in size,cheap'st in price, I per bottle . ionnty ,jdge C. P. Rutherford., most reliable in news.all large t) pe. ’’.•rk ............... (D).. C. E. Kenyon , TreMurer .. plain print, good white paper If . •.... (R).................. f. 8. Geer An uncomenly large crowd de iurveyur D .. T A. McKinnon thoritf. (R)............ A. Hittings parted from here on the California- our readers want another live pnptr, . ..ID.'... S. W. Miller the Enquirer is that paper '■-bool Superintendent . tK) .21) .C har . Newe l bound steamer last night, princi « >ek Inspector Call or send orders to this office. ..................... Geo. Tregaskis _C AVI ATS, TRADE MARKS« fD) ? The 'arger A. B. Marks pally in the steerage. lommissioner* well begun I h half done. Begin DESIGN PATENTS, /R) \ R. R Sits. ,well by getting Fern’« Need*. _ , . COPYRIGHTS, etoJ number of passengtrs were laboring Don’t let chance determine Bn<1Handbook write to HABNEY ü. s. LAND OFFICE: your crop, but plant Ferry’s * CO7 861 B roadway , N ew Y ork . Heeds. Known and sold *ecX«r .......................... Thomas Jones men out of work, with a trifle more Oldest bureau for securing patents in America. everywhere. Cilver ..................... ..........A. A. Cowing £.rery <*ke“ »nt by us is brought txSore than there passage money in their Before you plant, get the public by a notice given free of charge In the Ferry’s Seed Annual pockets. Many had been living for 1896. Contains more prao-b- >» here for years, and was loth Io gc, tlcal Information for farmers f-'j I SOCIETIES. J^nrest etrculatlon of any scientific par-r in the and gardeners than many high- bPl’jdldly illustrated. No lutclllgcnl but believed their prospects of ob priced text books. Mailed free. Z'!J I InaQ should be without it. Weekly ii'l t>(> a STLV a REBEKAH Degree No. 48. B. ■. FEKRY A CO., DETROIT, RICH. f »ear; £1.50six months. Addle»», MU n ’ n ®*' (JO- Meets every 1st and 3d Wednesday. taining immediate employment in P vblubkbs . 30 4 Broadway. New York City. *** " ■ pF Miss Leia McGee N.G. California to be good, because of an Fam Mothershead. Rec. Sec’y. •pen winter there. A. O. Ü. w. Bnrns Lodge, No 47 ■OH?’ F, < TRATTA An unusual sight on the steam Ths success of this Great Cough Curs Is Meet*every M and «h Thuradava. CELEBRATED without a parallel in the history of medicine. ship dock was the large number of All druggists are authorized to sell iton a pos JOHN F. STRATTON’S V-'- A H M Horton, M. W. J- W Sayer, Rec'd women, bidding au reveir to their • -A Celebrated itive guarantee, a test that no other e. re can :* -J) successfully stand. That it may become .» -f J, departing husbands, fathers and known, the Proprietors, at an enormous ex M o H Band Instruments barney lodge , no . 77, i . o o f . pense*, are placing a Sample Bottle Free Into 7 WVa Od<’ Kïllo’r» Hall, every Saturday, K jä NDOLIKG, DRUM£°FIFE8i brothers, in seatch of work to keep every home in the United States and Canada. P ’ W. C. Byrd, N. G/ importers of »nd Wholesale Dealers in ail kinds If you have a Cough, Sore Throat, or Bron B. D. McIntyre, Secy. Piccolosand Band Supplies. an angry wolf from the door. In chitis, use it, for it will cure you. If your MUSICAL MERCHANDISE, Send for JOHN F. STRATTON, «11. «12. tlC. £17 EastiRh Ct.:, cw Yci child has the Croup, or Whoopi ng Cough, nae ' many instances this was the first j it promptly, and relief is sure. If you dread Cstalogue. •11,«1N,SlB.ai7E.Sth SL.NX H arney post no . 4«, g . a . r . seperation between husband and that insidious disease Consumption, use it. Ask your Druggist for SHILOH’S CURB, »nd M Wednesday of each '•«<»! *-*n,HB,h A" C°“r‘d' wife, and copious tears were shed. Price 10 eta., BO eta. and SI.00. If your Lungs •a Jt are sore or Back lame, use Shiloh’s Porous An old Union soldier present re Plaster. Price Mete. For sale ly all Drug- Eurns.Canyon Stage Line marked that the scene was remin- gists and Dealers. r g MAng iscent of partings he had witnessed - H. A. W illiams , contractor. •UBWS-VALS: 1 during the days of the Rebellion, •‘AW 4MESIS » gi vesinr ar.t Carrying U. S. Mail, and Eastern Oregon E ‘rriT**Andjiep«rt(daiiy, when -aw recruits teok their first tv-iioi ar. 1 la an j.i •,■’ xpresH Co’s Exprès. «ar* h.r i leave from th-ir female relatives, Druggiatnoi, -. .!<..• I B“r’» daily for Canyon City, and intrru < diate points fTea. Aiklrmr * a If A h t>; — just prior to going to the front. DM 34M, Mew York at» I f are f 5. Rpyai^? I I W.L. D ouglas S3 SHOE PLANTING! SHILOH'S CONSUMPTION CURE.