Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 19, 1896)
i ►r% i a "^4 band? You must be dreaming, Mr. j America’s Great Danjfi is a high-spirited girl, ana and may re re- Dean! ” sent the diffidence which made me “Not if my proxy gave me a cor 1 afraid to propose to her in person. rect version of the interview of the AN ENGLISH COMNEirrLRr. BY MK8. GEOfcOE CORBETT. What fools men can be when they atrinterview that Said an eminent English scientatwct^J ___ took place between From New York Weekly ara in love. Ah! there he comes u. i JMWV* «The dauge. that confronts theg.«atAoJJ you yesterday. He told me that f ? to the person submitting the can people to day is not the possible ■ CHAPTER II. last. Now to know my fate! If you accepted my proposal without most meritorious iuvoutiou tion of a wrong financial policy during the preceding- month. nation, or the spread of socialism. »¿I WK SK<TJRK PATENTS “I believe it ¡8 only about a his glum face is an index, I have the slightest hesitation.” _ FOlt INVENTORS, and the Increase of corruption among public ^.1 month ago,” answered Gladys, who been rejected. ” sJ object of this otfer is to en- tUJhM* ar* bad enough, to be inrt.ul Poor Clarkson had barely pa-; “But I have never seen anyone eoura*wpersons ui an incent they are as nothing c. mpared to the te’^1 was aa much at cross purposes as tience to wait until Kenneth enter-' w^° ive tui-n of min.I. At the such an unusual message same time we wish to Impress nintntlai disease—I liad almost »ail ■! he was. “But there is plenty of ed hi* sitting room, so anxi tin was a8 a n,arriaK* proposal to bring to the fact that :: :: C>'ime-of overwork. Themed ruhi'l i j' !'■ | wealth is act ata killing pice,. J time to make up ene’s mind in a he to know what he had to tell me’ and’ in an* ease’ 1 shoulfl ' i fall by the way every year. ‘ I it’s tlie Simple, M I month, and I really thought him him. n°t be likely to accept anybody by You are likely to bo one cf the victiBW W Trivial Inventiotig } I horribly slow.” ---- j» llow do we know ? because it is the -ltr I / That Yield Fortunes U ” , prox-v’ ) tion to find a man or woman «.f adult jTf, I “Oh, indeed! Then you are quite | - “Come! out withit, Kenneth, i , . By Clarkson was b“- > —such f»s Do I ong's Hook ¿k n™.»* his r. proposal? 11 .1 ’ ' he 8aid’ hastily. 1 < this time perfect health. Nervous Ciso?tkr?\ t ■ > Have I been re- coming . , , . and Eye, “Seo that Hump," 3 prepared to accept convinced that there w : ib J spreading with fearful rapidity.^ I “Safety Pin." “Figs m Clu-(> I „ “Certainly. Dont Itellyouthat (fuRed? var.” “Air llrake.” •’<• < » symptoms, are—Backache, Riiionsnfet ur. ., . „ t something wrong somewhere, and I) Almost ■ very ono conro'vcs < , Hands and Feet, Dizziness Hot^ I ) I have been waiting for it? Stay! “On the contrary, was the ret ly • , 6 , , a bright idea at some rime or J. .... . , . .. ¡and he stammered rather than 9 other. Why not put prao- , > I Fluttering Sensath n, Fainting, BwS I there are, of course, certain pecuni given without any of the elation tical us«,? YOUK talents may ?> i Hysteria, Irritability of the Heart, J|«i I , , . ? , . , . spoke his next question ) lie Iu this direction. Muy > choly, Failing Memory, Palpitation, Rb» I ) ary considerations—” which , the occasion would seem toi 1 , , „„ , mako your fortune, why not . , mutism, Sh- rt Breath, Sleeplessness, 5^ I „ . . . , “Surelv Kenneth Saxon was ) try? :: :: :: :: :: 0 “You need n*t trouble about warrant, you hsve been accepted j ,r-»‘ ................ I tj .) fVWrite for further Information nn<l Q votis Dvspepsia, Sexual Debility, Fit», R ev . C. A. C arroll , pastor First bwit | ;) ' mention this paper. them, Miss Young. 1 have Clark with eagerness, and I had no trou- ^t>re’ 1 ci,.. —.1. Vr.iir.™ —!*— as fulu - H Clnirch, Yellow Springs, »■» <>.. - writes • -it-- ' “Certainly But he came on son's authority for stating that he ide whatever in delivering my mes « “ I have u>ed Dr. Miles’ RestorativeNer. ^ ;;THE PRESS CLAIMS business connected connected wuu with an engage . . “ _____ ' if ir| | business for the past six months. I find it acll M Philip W. Avirett, Gen. M-jr., intends to be most liberal in pecun her yourself j . , „ Y - ou are to . see a charm on the whole nervous intent, 1 S .. ment I have been apply ii g for. He 618 F Street, Northwest, have not found its equal in giving I|| iary matters.”* I w <W"The responsibility tomorrow morning.” ■>! »..> ■i.inpiiny WASHINGTON, O. C. ll relief. Dr. Miles’ little Nerve and Lira I came from Mr. Clarkson.” “Oh, isn't that lovely? And it’s “Isn’t that lovely!” Pills only need a trial and th»v will recone ft “He came from me! Don’t you n ay !><■ ju<lg«‘<l by it.«- ■».. t tuar it* • i really an engagement?” mend themselves to be tl.e best pills in the III “That’s just what she said.” »tiM-k is bebi byovri i.< thuusanil know that my name is Clarkson — market.” w i f the leading n. the (? “Certainly, if you are willing to “Did shh—really? I say, old fel I Clarkson Dean?” I’mted States. I I “ For five years I have suffered from 5*. I be t party to it.” low. you've done me no end of “ser I At this confirmation of a horrible vons P.ostration, I was unable to work or H « .»«a- . ale« p. The first dose of Dr. Miles’ Reston«- H “And when can I see him? 1 vice and I shall te grateful all my doubt that had begun to assail her, live Nervine gi- e nt-relief, and cne thu i want to come to a difinite arrange life. Of course, you’ll le best Sand dollars would not covert! e go< dill« I 1 poor Glady* turned so pale that done mo.”—JOHN MINCHER, Youngs- I ment as soon as possible, Do you man.” that Clarkson feared she about to. town, Ohio. I think I might go and see him to “Thanks; I’m afraid I must ask I fall, and would have gone to her | Dr. Miles’ Restorative Nervine is un 1 A “AXAKESIS’’gives instant equalled in curing Nervous Diseases. It I vou to excuso me.” night?” 3 reitet and is an inr«.;* assistance, had the not waved him RS contains no opiates or dangerous (bugs. Sold j k Cure for Piles. -I. ‘ Excuse you,, why? You lik” “Well. I don’t know. Miss Young A Drmriristsorrariil. t'nmnie on a positive guarantee by all druggists,« ' ■ free. Address“ AAA K LSÍS,’- Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, lud. F Box 21 Iß, New York City I'm not so sure that it would it l>e Miss Young, don’t you?” i I “Do vou mean to tell me that been I But Kenneth's feeling bad . . Mr. Saxon had no messege from quite the proper thing for you to t probed enough for one day, and he r . ° _ < do. I had better see Mr. Clarkson • • first and tell him that my mission I felt a sudden access of emotion that tre, fo> me?” made further conversation just then • has l»een entirely successful. Then “1 n [»eat that he was here entire- » he will call and 9ee you himself to-1 intolerable to him. 'lvatmy request, and if there has morrow morning, and you can ar “I must be off now,” he said,.des i been a mistake, pray let me rectify range details between yourselves.” peratsly, and there was something it now. I have loved you ever1 “Yes, that will l>e best. And tell in his dejected manner that snd since the minute 1 first saw you. To every person send him that it's a difinite engagement." denly revealed the whole truth to and—" ing us the an t of “Oh, that’s 1*11 right As you Clarkson Dean. “Oh, Don’t!” she moaned. “1 “Good heavens,” was the latter’s cgn’t l>ear it! I shall never get ever one yearly subscription to The H erald together with ten cents extra, say, it’s a definite engagement But I’d better be going now. I hav«* reflection. “I do believe he loves this humiliation. And I suppose we will send free a copy of The World Almanac for 1895. Singlecopiu for .Ü the horrible «W ». ordered at tbi. office for 25 conte her himself! What a brute be done all that 1 can. and 1 feel—’’ be despises ma f_............. ............ Poor Kenneth was going to say 1 mi’*l have thought me. tilings I said! Do you know I told I that he felt rather upset at the! But Janv regrets on Kenneth’s 1 him I expected his message; that I eagerness with which his friend’s ' score had no chance of being ex was delighted to receive the propos ?,c>s proposal hv proxy had la*en accept plained to that much enduring ' al he brought to mej that pecun ed, and at the certainty that his young, for he left the place without, iary considerations were of impor • wn faint hopes were shattered any further ceremony, and etrod»* I taiice in the matter? Oh. dear! 1 But he thought better of it, and toward his own residence. , think 1 diall go mad! and to think welcomed the girl’* jubilant inter tin the following morning Gladys | that Kenneth could have the heart r. « rr took especial pains with her toi'et, | to bring me a proposal from anyone >4 ruption. w | ” “Don’t imagine that I am not for she wanted to make as go«»d an | Jse. grateful te you,” she cried. "You ¡impression as possible upon Mr. i By this time the girl was crying The Best Reference Book Printed. have sent me into the seventh heav ■ Clarkson. She was ready by ten | A Volume of over 500 en of delight.” It Treats 1,4C0 |.i’cl<wk,*nd lwa’w^ departure the best Kenneth Saxon quitted Miss lor when the servant announced “a course for himplo persue. . So he Endorsed by STATESMEN) Young's presence, feeling more dis gentleman to see Miss Gladys,’ quitted the room at once, i, leaving] EDUCATORS and gusted than lie had ever dreamed it and, rising eagerlv to meet the the Glanya to sob out her rage ar.«l liu- STUDENTS everywhere. ? possible to feel with her, and pulled atrical manager, she was astonish« d initiation at her leisure. si bis mustache quite savagely, as he to see Mr. Dean approach her with Has Reached Such a State of Per- W “The Tact of the matter is that striale toward Clarkson Dean’s a beaming face that oespoke per- are ¡n |ove wjth each other, fectlon That it is a Veritable Encyclopedia of Fact*, Stati«- \ home. feet satisfaction with the I have been slow not to per tics and Events Brought n*' vn < "Well, if she isn't the most nn-r world. iceive it hefo**e,” he though. “But to January First, I89S. cenary little wretch it was ever my ‘You darling rXc’a*n,f<^* . nry name isn’t Clarkson Dean if I | HE 1895 volume is a whole liorvry J lot to meet," he -eflected. “She I before the door was closed la* don't put matters right now.” in itself. One can hardly think never invuirvd if In love«! her, but hind the servant; “how shall 1 Mr. Dean must have been as of a question it cannot answer. It tellr $ thought of |w*cuniary matters from thank you enough for making me geeti as his word, for when the writ- all about party platforms, election sta ■ th«- start. Not much need, either, so happy.” e: last heard of Miss Young, she tistics, the new tariff, religions of the to beat alwiul the hush with a girl And then. In-fore the a mated girl was engaged to be married to Ken- .earth, population everywhere, state and who tells you plump that she has could fathom his intentions, he had I neth Saxon. The manager of the government statistics, occupations of / been expecting such a message. I her in his arms, and was kissing Mysian Theatre has never offere«! men, foreign matters, literature, science ’ don't believe she cares a straw for her passi matelv. her an engagement But as she and education. ( . It is . , . I him, although she has accepted But he was toon convinaed that has given up all thoughts of going him It's a purely mercenary bus- he had made a mist ike. for the on the stage, that doesn’t matter. inesa on her side, and it is a bless voung lady whom he thought to l»e Miss Eva Young cannot umler* ing that I didn’t pmpnse to her mv- his plight«*«! wife struggled wildly stand her sister’s failure to appre self, *e*ing that 1 am. by compari- to free herself from hi* embrace.1 ciate Mr Dean. The latte is n ny ; swn «»ith Clarkson, only*a poor and. as so«m a* her were free, she more in love with Eva than h8e\* man *’ gave her adorer a push that sent was with Gladys, and when he pro» Clarkson was looking through him staggering from her. poses to her he will certainly n*»t “How dare you!” she panted, fu do *o bv proxy. th«- window, which commanded a I » I view «»f the street, for th* return of riously. “What reason have 1 ever would his old friend All the while Ken given you to suppose that 1 JOHN F. STRATTON'S neth had been away, hr had been allow you to kiss me?” Alton “ What reatonF ’ was the tortured by the conviction that be Band Instruments “Why what better had taken a foolish »tep in pro iished reply drums T fifes , reason cwul«i Vou give me than to posing by proxy. Piccolosand Band Supplies. “I ought to have popped the ques accept me (or your future husltasd?' SvM'w JOHN F. STRATTON, “Accept you for my future hue- c****^»* •< stsst ,a.v lion myself," he muttered. "She A PROPOSAL BY PROXY, _— v* __ n i SiOO.OO Given Away Every Month I Irin 11 1 /> 1 11 I . «<'<» AVI! 11 Cix« aav» - — -------------------------- ONLY TEN CENTS EXTRA. _» AMD ENCYCLOPHEIÄ FOR 1 T >1. I