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About Christian herald. (Portland ;) 1882-18?? | View Entire Issue (June 1, 1883)
11 r work must be done, or mission : work will prove a failure. So long I as, Christian nations send out the disciples of Bacchus in much great er number than the disciples of Christ, their influence upon heathen nations must be for evil. aneT tHaf continually. If preaching Christ to the heathen be our only incentive, it must lead us to do temperance work at home; that those who go from us to them may not undo all - we "are striving to dofor Christ among the nations that know him not, but who receive all coming from Christian lands as his repre sentatives.— Union Signal. -------------- —► • • * ...... -.... . About Women. They are the salt of the earth. They are the fine linen and pure gold of society. They are the most honest, the most just the truest, and most exalted. They are the quiet, noiseless agents that make that public sentiment which is al ways the best tribunal for the trial ^fall-great social questions. ____ They train The best statesHren, teach the greatest soldiers, and in spire the sweetest poets. As the ,prattling child rules by its weak ness so does woman rule by her serene gentleness. Her deft touch puts the secret springs of the whole ’'world in motion. She speaks bo- hind the throne in a whisper, but . her words turn the balance against | the howl of.the mob and calm the i waters of a turbulent sea. She is ; the guardian angel of the world s destinies, the ministering spirit that ' passes noiselessly from heart ’ to ¿heart, and seals up all mankind in lone harmonious brotherhood. If the millenium ever comes, if ; there is a time when the lion and » the. lamb lie down together, when swords are turned* to plowshares, {and spears into pruning hooks, {when peace, and love and honor Ireign supreme in the minds of men I women will have wrought the new I work, and she will be queen of the new kingdom.— Ex. No Passion Play at ¡»resent, and Mr. Morse, without passion, must wait for the permit of the Court of Appeals before he can travesty the tragedy of Golgotha. We have no idea that the Passion Play will ever be performed; that is to say, it is small matter for doubt that the Court of Appeals will refuse to re verse the decision of the Supreme Court given by Judge Bar refit con- i tinuing the injuuction against the Passion Play till our highest appel- ------- - ------ - — r , >-- late court shall pass upon it. The fact that Salmi Morse is the single specimen of his kind, anti that the capitalists whom he represents have not the courage to make them selves known, but lie hid in the dark, allows that" T^^mofaf “sense of the people in this respect is both feared and respected, and that the feeling which resents the travesty of the life and death of our Lord is, even in a country of the largest liberty, --something more than a sentiment, and that feeling, quite as much as the protection of pro perty and the conservation of values, forms an element of our common 1 aW.-Ei-.---- ~---------- ■—* O rigin of F oolscap .— Every boy knows what foolscap paper is, but we doubt whether one in a hundred of those who use it can tell why it is so„ called. When Oliver Crom well became Protector of. Englanil^. he caused the stamp of the Cap of Liberty to be placed upon the paper used by the government. Soon after the testoration- of Charles 11 . > when he had occasion to use some paper for despatches, some of this government paper was brought to him. On looking at it he inquired the meaning of it, and on being told he said, “Take it away; I’ll have nothing to do lyith a fool’s cap.” Thus originated the word “ foolscap,” which has since been given to a size of writing paper, usually about 1G by 23 inches.— Ex. Seek to be useful, that the world will miss you when away; or whether this world miss you or not, that in a better world there may be many to welcome you as you enter it, and many to follow you when you have long been there. And above all, so live for Christ, so travail in his service, that when you fall asleep, a voice may be heard from heaven, sayiDg, “ Bless ed are the dead which die in the Lord : yea, saith the Spirit, that they rest from their labors, and their works do follow them.— Jxrmtx Haniiton~ Jh D.------- —— • , . k .LR n . e X'W ort c o e E h ® E a » ® 5 B § < ¡J KIDNEY-WORT Final Settlement OUR BOOKS. T W. WAYMIRE, ADMINISTRATOR OF rj . the Estate of 8. K. Waymire, deceased, having filed tbe fir al account of his doings therein, Monday, July 2, A. D., 1883, has beten set-by the County Court of Polk County, Ore gon, for hearing the same. All persohs are hereby notified to appear at said time at the Court-house, at Dallas in said County and file ut i n ii 1 nhj ii ni ii m i i _ ia Jiuu i j i i ¡Í-W ftig will have have, otherwise said administrator admi said Estate closed and his bondsmen exhoner J. W. ÂVAŸMÎRÈ, ated. Administrator. DALY A BUTLER, 13-20-4 Attorneys. Below we give a partial list of the lxx>ks wo propone to furnish our readers at publishers re tail prices. We would just say in brief that wo are prepared to furnish most anything in the book line, and will bo pleased to receive orders for same. We will ada to this list as our time and space will allow. BIBLES AND TESTAMBWTg. “TTwhilybiMe«, dHferent sty!®?? with prices from $2 25 to $18. 2. Pulpit Bibles from $5 to $10. 3. Oxiord Sunday School Teachers’ Bibles from $1.50 to $19. 4. Revised New Testament, Compared Edi tion, $1.22 to $750. Administratrix Notice. 5. Revised New Testament alone $1.80 and 15 cents. otice is hereby given that i Lesson Commentary, by J. H. Vincent, D.D., have been appointed Executrix of the Es- $1.25. late oi-E. R. Daw, late jjf Polk Comity, and McGarvey’s Commentary y on the Acts of the State of Oregon,deceased. AHpersons holding ApoitiesTSlSo; claims against said Estate will present them to Commentary on Matthew and M»pk, by J. W. me at the office of Daly A Butler, Dallas, duly McGarvey, $2. verified within six months from date, and all Commentary on Luke, by J. S. Lamar, $2. persons indebted ‘ thereto will please make me Commentary on Hebrews, by R. Milligan, $2, immediate payment. Commentary on Paul’s Letter»to the Ro Dated May 10, 1883. mans, by M.E. I Ard, $3. • J ULLA A. DAVIS, Analysis of the Four Gospels and Acts ; with —“......... .. ........... .Admiirfftratrix. - Leading Queries and HluMnrtien«, ♦**« tt»e- w DALY A BUTLER, of Sunday Schools, Families, etc., by Ji. Mili- Attorneys. 13-19 4 gan, $2. Reason and Revelation, by R. Milligan, $2. Tbe Scheme of Redemption, by R. Milligan, Administrator’s Notice. $2. Conybeare and Howson’s Life and EpistlSs of - * "VTOTIGE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO ALL tbe Apostle Paul, $1.50. The New Biblical Atlas and Scripture Gazet il whom it may concern th it at the May Term, A. D. 1883, of thè County Court of l’olk teer, $1.25. County, Oregon, I was appointed Administrator Land» of the Bible, by J. W. McGarvey, $3. Nevin’s Biblical Antiquities. $1.50. of the Estate of Amanda Richards, late of Polk Nicholl’s Introduction to tbe Study of the All persons indebted to ‘Counb, decesseli. de ________ ire réìfliestèd to nnrtreme ini mediate 8vrtptnres,"$t.25. -------- r —---- ------ Schaff’s Bible Dictionary, $2.50. payment, and all persons holding claims therc- Freeman’s Hand Book of Bible Mannors and against are required to present thè same to me duly verified within six months from this date. Customs, $2.25. Whitney’s Hand Book of Bible Geography, Dated May 8, 1883. $2.25. J. W. RICHARDS, Administrator. Barrow’s Companion to tbe Bible, $1.60. * "‘ “îttrwtinson‘8 Historical itiustrstitms- uf the _ A BUTLER,' ————— ur-rti " OTd Testament, $1. ' > ■ Attorneys. Walks about Jerusalem, by Isaac Errett, $1. Talks to Bereans, by Isaac Errott, $1. Letters to a Young Christian, by Is^ac Er- Final Settlement, rett, 35 cents. The Heavenward Way, by J. H. Garrison, ary j . bowman , administratrix of the Estate of Win. Bowman, deceased, 35 cents. having filed the,final account of her doings Genuineness and Authenticity'of the Gospels, therein, Monday, July 2nd, at 10 o’clock, a . m . by B. A. Hinsdale, $1.25. Smith’s Unabridged Bible Dictionary; Ameri of said day has been set by the Court for bavin g tbe same at which time all persons interested can Edition. Revised and edited by H. B. will attend and show cause, if any they have, Hackett, D. D., assisted by Ezra Abbott, L.L.D. why said account be not allowed and the Admin In fo ir volumes. Price in Cloth, per set, $20. Price in Sheep, the set, $25. istration closed. Smith’s Bible Dictionary, $1 50. Dated May 8.1883. Barnes’ Notes on tiie New Testament. $1 50 MARY T.BQWMAN. per volume. The volumes sold separately. Administratrix. On the Four Gospels, 2 vols. On the Acts of DALY & BUTLER, * n Attorneys. 13-19-4 the Apostles. On the Epistle to the Romans.- On the First Epistle to the Corinthians. Ou the Second Epistle to the Corinthians, and tbe Epistle to the Galatians. On the Epistle to the Ephesians, the Colossians, and the PhUippians. On tiie Epistle to the Thessalonians, Timothy, Titus ana Philemon. On the Epistle to tbe Hebrews. On the General Epistle of James, Peter, John and Jude. On tbe Revelation. :o: Barnes’ Notes on the Psalms. In Tbreo volumes. Cloth, per vol , $1.50. Barnes' Notes on the Book of Daniel, $1.50. emember the dallas Barnes’ Notes on the Book of Prophet Isaiah. 2 vols. Cloth, per vol., $1.50. HOTEL, Barnes’ Notes on the Book of Job. 2 vols. Cloth, per vol., $1.50. Outlines of Church History, by Rev. John F. Hurst, D. D., 50 cents. A Short History of the English Bible, by Has changed hands. The traveling Rev. James M. Freeman, D. D., 50 cents. Chronology of Bible History, and flow to public are respectfully requested Remember It, by Rev. C. Munger. 50 cents. Cruden’B Complete Concordance to the Holy . to stop and Scriptures, $1.50. Cruden's Concordance Abridgod, 75 cents. Give It Trial. Brown’s Pocket Concordance, 50 cents. The Life and Words of Christ, by Cunning ham Geikie, D. D., $1.50. The object of the Proprietor is not to The Life of our Lord upon tbe Earth, by get rich like some Hotels, but to guard Samuel J. Andrews, $2.50. The Sunday ScUbol Helper, by J. II. Hardin, the interest of the 50 cents._____ ____ _ Kinship to Christ, by J. Z. Tyler, $1.50. The Standard -Manual, for Sunday-school FARMERS, workers, by F. M. Green, 75 cents. Heroes and Holidays, edited by Rev. W. F. Crafts, $1.25. By giving Story of an Earnest Life, by Mrs. Eliza Davies, $2. GOOD ACCOMMODATIONS, On the Rock, by D. R. Dungan, $1.50. „ A Trip Around the World, by Timothy Coop AT REASOSAULE PRICES. and Henry Exley, $1.50. Around the World, Tour of Christian Mis by W. F. Baiubridge, $2. . • Call and be oonvineed of the correot- sions, The Christian Manual, for the use of Church nees of my statements. Officers, in the various relations of Evangelists, Pastors, Bishops and Deacons, by F. M. Green, $1- j. Address all orders to C hristian H erald , ^Proprietor. Monmouth, Oregon. N M CHANGED HANDS! R DALLAS, OREGON, m . cjaijst , 4U Hill 11 Morphine llabit Cured In 10 TH1 TJ A VQ 8eli our Hand Rubber XX Jt XX X 0 Stamps. Samples free. OPIUM Poijambe Jt Co., Cleveland. O, tutaìarasi: 17-J t-erç