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About Christian herald. (Portland ;) 1882-18?? | View Entire Issue (June 8, 1883)
ab THVOTTHTTV TnÉ^RFSTURATION OF APOSTOLIC CHRISTIANITY. MONMOUTH, OREGON ; FRIDAY, JUNE 8, 1883. VOL. XIII. C hristian herald . Watch the Join’s of the Christians sit EDITORIAL NOTES. ting near me round about ; Prny that i+nd wcrutit mNke them pure We ckll social attention to e ----------- TK ftjovd ;--- — within as they were pure without. piece of poetry printed above. It Editor and Publisher, Monmouth, Or. While I sat there lookin’ all around expresses a fact too often overlook Subscript Ion Privet upon the rich and great, ed by many churches, and we print One Copy, one year............ ................$2 00 I kept thinking of the rich man and the One Copy, nix month»........................ 1 00 it for the Scriptural lesson it beggar at the gate ; —’ ,.s. ADVERTISEMENTS. How, by all bnt dogs forsaken, the poor teaches. Prices will be given on application. beggar’s form grew cold, Bro. R. R. Boothby, our traveling And the angel’s bore his spirit to tho [ Entered st the Post-offica at Monmouth, as agent, wishes us to express his mansion's built of gold. sceond clam mail matter. ] ___________ I s Please Notice. We am not responsi bio for the opinion« »nd »antiment» expressed by our contributor», bnt foiumr own writing alone-.. Hence ou* reader» nn»t judge for themselves. We intend to give apace for the free expression of opinion, within the limit» of sound oiscretion, and the good of the cause ; hut not l»e held a» indorsing what others may write. AH matter ..intended for publication, in this pa,>er should be written r ----- ------------------------ 1. On one side of the sheet only. 2. In a plain legible hand. * 3. Let there be plenty of »pace between the linos. 4. Write with a pen instead of a pencil, bo that it m*j not lie defaced in transit. 5. Write brief articles. 6. Ex^iect no attention to article», notices, or queries not accompanied by yonr name. ÍIIE OLD MAN IN THE STYLISH i CH IRUI. M 1 k ... verts. Indeed, we think one of the Xiest ways to settle-this muak vexed question of the sisters occu pying the pulpit is to have each one to take her turn at cutting the ice and administering the ordinance v when the thermometer marks twenty-five below zero. . The article from the Christian- Evangelist on “ That denomination thanks to the sisters and breth How at last the rich man perished, and fl Name ” so nearly expresses our ren for assistance and kindness sehtiments on that question that his spirit took its flight From the purple and fine linen to the shown him whitecanvassing «nong__we tak® plea»»» in giving it anlaee home of endless night ; t Them foFTLe H erald . • the columns ___ _ of the H f .R ai .D. ~ in There he learned, as he stood gazin’ at the Beggar in the sky, “ It isn’t all of life to live, nor all of death to die.” I doubt noHhere"were wealthy sires in that religions fold, Who went up from their dwellings like the Pharisees of old ; Then returned home from their worship with their heads uplifted high, To spurn the hungry from their door wfth naught to satisfy. .Out, out with such professions! they are doin’ more to day To stop the weary sinner, from the gos Well, wife, I’ve boen to church to day pel’s shinin’ way, —been to a stylish one— Than all the books of infidels, than all And, seein’ you can’t go from home, I’ll that has been tried tell you what was done ; Since Christ was born in Bethlehem— You would have been surprised to see since Christ was crucified. what I saw there to-day ; The sisters were fixed up so fine they How simple are the works of God, and hardly bowed to pray. yet how very grand— z___ I had on these coarse clothes of mine— The shells in ocean caverns—the flowers on the land— not much the worn for wear— He gilds the clouds of evenin’ with the But then, they knew I wasn’t one they gold light from his throne, call a millionaire ; Not for the rich man only ; not for the So they led the old man to a seat away poor alone. back by the door ; ’Twas bookless and unoushioned, a re Then why should man look down on served seat for the poor. man, because of lack of gold ? Why seat him in the poorest pew be Pretty soon in came a stranger with gold cause his clothes are old ? ring and clothing fine ; They led him to a cushioned seat far in A heart with noble motives—a heart that God has blest— advance of mine ; My be beatin’ Htaven’s music ’neath I thought that wasn't exactly right, to that faded coat and vest. seat him up so near, When he was young and I was old and I’m old—I may be childish—but I love very hard to hear. simplicity ; I love to see it shinin’ in a Christian’s But then, there’s no accountin’ for what piety ; soma people do ; Jesus told us in his sermons, in Judea’s The finest clothing nowadays oft gets mountains wild, the flnost pew ; He that wants ti go to heaven muBt be like a little child. But when we reach that blessed home, Our heads are growin’ gray, dear wife— all undefiled by sin. our hearts are beatin’ slow— We’ll see wealth beggin’ at the gate In a little while the Master will call for while poverty goes in. us to go ; I couldn’t hear the sermon, I sat so far When we reach the pearly gateways, and look in with joyful eyes, away, We’ll see no stylish worship in the tem $0, through the hour of service, I could ple of the skies. only “ watch and pray Selected, ■ >■ . NO. 23 Bro. A. M. Collins, in the Old We are truly glad to see this able Path. Guide is trying to show that journal speaking out on this ques Jjie phrase “ Christian ChnrcE-”.hu ’ tion in web language as this. ' As the most-Scriptural name for the the matter has been pressed on us Church. We do not believe there by a few, there is simply no such is any more Scripture for the name thing as evading a fair Christ-like “ Christian Church ” than there is discussion of it; and we are glad to for * Disciple Church.” “ Saini see that our papers are taking such Church,’ or “ Brethren Church,” a firm and iioble stand against this that is to say, simply none at all. tendency towards denominational- The word “ Christian ” is applied to ism in ifs extreme form. We con individual is of the church, fess no sympathy with such a declared an but never once to the Church, and spirit, and we have • where the Holy Spirit has left such eternal war against all sectarianism matters, there we think they should anti all tendency in that direction whether within or without. While reaf. we are able to plead at all, we pro Let our readers please remember pose to earnestly contend for un that by the time this issue of the adulterated primitive Christianity, H erald reaches many of them, or for nothing. Miss Frances E. Willard will be in On last Saturday morning the Oregon. June 11 is her reception at Portland, which is only next editor of the H erald and Mrs. F. Monday. See the date of the other got into a buggy and started for appointments as published in last Scio to be at the closing of the Linn week’s H erald . We hope that our County Cooperation Meeting which Oregon people generally will avail convened at that place on Thursday themselves of the opportunity of and closed on Saturday evening. After traveling a distance of some hearing Miss Willard. 38 miles via Albany we arrived A sister writing to the Christian- there al »out 6 o’clock K M Not Evangelist, among other things, withstanding we were programmed says, " In the lives and acts of the for the evening we begged to lie ex-^ Apostles, women are discovered cused on the ground that we were baptizing,” etc. This evidently too tired for the undertaking, and proves one thing^for women viz: so Bro. G. M. Whitney, of Eugene, that they possess the ingenuity and preached us a good sermon. We critical skill to find that in the were informed that the brethren Bible which no man has ever been had a very pleasant and profitable able to discover ! But we are truly cooperation meeting. The delega glad that this point has been made, tion was not large, and the only for we are perfectly willing that visiting preachers present were the lady preachers shall have the Bro. J. W. Spriggs, of Salem, and privilege of baptizing all their con- Bro, Whitney, of Eugene. Bufc M - «