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About Christian herald. (Portland ;) 1882-18?? | View Entire Issue (June 15, 1883)
DEVOTED TO THE RESTORATION OF APOSTOLIC CHRISTIANITY VOL. XIII. C hristian * herald . J. F. FLOYD, Subscription Price I One Copy, one year...................... $8 00 One Copy, six months... .................... 1 00 _ ADVERTISEMENTS. fM------- [Entered at the Post-office at Monmouth, as second class mail matter. ] I Please Notice. We are not responsible for the opinions and sentiments expressed by onr contributors, but for onr own writing alone. Henee oui readers □anst judge for themselves. We intend to give space for the free expression of opinion, within theRmite of sonnd-dtsere<ionTimrt the good of the cause; bnt not be held as indorsing what others may write. All matter intended for pnLHcation in this paper should l»e written : __ - ----- ». rt*> rVt» M*+ ***<4* ""iy------------------- —; 2. In • ptetntegildehand-. ——----- 8. Let there be plenty of space lsjjween the linen. 4. Write with a pen instead of a pencil, so that it maj not be defaced in transit. 5. Write brief articles.. ~ 6. Expect no attention to articles, notices, or qnefrtM not Bccr.mpanicd by ynnr name. — MONMOUTH, OREGON ; FRIDAY, JUNE 15, 1883. the Lord's day. That city is wicked enough on other days of the week without crowding an extra amount into the Lord’s day. Its pulpit divines engage in spinning out theories on the “ Higher Life,” while its people are off on a fishing; danc The county cooperation was in ing or base-ball excursion. •sra??TOn-"“at—Hiltxhrrrvr,-’frrwt—-vreek. Several days ago we received The brethren were calling fGr a preacher to assist in continuing $4.00 in silver wrapped in a paper their meeting, and we were sorry and.. expressed to us. No post office, no name and no nothing by we could not send them on«“. way of explanation. We can give We expect more preachers to no credit, nor do nothing with it Oregon from the East this summer., nse--it till we hear from the We-can make ample room for all parties. Brethren be careful in the good ones; but those who come sending us money to give full name, here simply “ for their health,” or post office, how much each one is to preach to- th4*-~heatKë» will-find to be credited,'etc. This wilt' save but little to do except fish for crabs. time ami trouble. We learn that Bro. Bruce Wol verton has decided not to remain in the college work at Corvallis ■another year; but will probably give part or all his time to preach ing. Next week the present session of Chrisliau College will close with the usual exercises. ' The faculty, EDITORIAL NOTES. . students and people of the town are making special preparations to en Dr. Bristow and wife from Pleas tertain the visitors. They expect ant Hill paid us a pleasant call on to have a pleasant and profitable Monday. commencement week. A brief pro gramme has-been printed in the Several communications on hand H erald . have been crowded out this week. They will all appear in due time. One of the ablest, most prominent and widely known preachers of Mo. writes Us a note in which he says : “ Mrs. ------ and I were delighted with your review of Christian- Evangelist on Communion question in review of Bro. Williams of Chicago. We both said “ good." A sister in Kansas writing us The H erald is an excellent paper. says, “The H erald is the best Success to it and you.” paper we ever saw. We all look What has become of the San for the coming of the H erald as for a letter from a friend in a dis Francisco Rescue ? We have not seen it for several weeks. If you tant land.” do not send it on, brother, we will Brethren examine the date at the soon conclude that our criticisms end of your name on the H erald were too much for you, and in and see if your time is out. If so, your judgment, the easiest way to renew at once, and send us the answer them was to cut our ex money, we need it and don’t wish change! Send it on, and if your to charge you interest. course can not stand criticism, bet Let those of our readers who ter abandon it. wish to ■ get subscribers on our It would seem that Portland' premium list preserve this issue of the H erald , for our space will about now is largely giving itself / forbid the list standing more than over to excursions and pleasure seeking generally, and that too on one more week, if that. The Farm, Field and Fireside, whose advertisement appears in another column, will be sent vou G months for 50 cents. It is a relia ble established and valuable jour nal. The annual meeting for Western W. T.. convenes at Sumner, W. T . next week. We have a special in vitation to meet with the brethren, but are sorry we cannot do so just sow. We have a desire to visit the Territory this summer, but not perhaps before the last of July or the first of August. We expect a good report from this meeting. Our agents there will not forget the claims of the H erald . We call special attention to the letter on another page from our Turkish missionary, Bro. G. N. Shishmanian. Having formed his acquaintance while a student in the College of the Bible, Lexington, Ky., his letter was intended to be simply a private letter to ns; but as it contains matters that will be of interest to our readers, we take the liberty of printing it. We feel a deep interest in this mission and wou 1<1 be glad if those who are able would contribute somethingtowards its support. The temperance workers of Ken tucky are about to run the Hon. Green Clfiy Smith for Governor on the single issue of Prohibition. We greatly fear this is an unwise move, and if carried out, will result in retarding the temperance cause in that State. Too many distilleries and saloons in the hills of Ky. for * o ’ NO. 24. the preachers to pull prohibition through this early. Better educate public sentiment a little more be fore submitting it to the people, ' and then there will be no trouble in carrying the point. From present indications it would direction of another Atheistic and Bloody Revolution. She is seeking by law to carefully expunge from the text-books of her schools and colleges all allusion to God and Christianity. In the history of that nation the facthas been Tully demonstrated that no nation can exist without the idea of and a belief . in a true God, and that we think should Be sufficient warning against such a tendency at the present time. . - ' The New York Observer makes this sensible and pointed reply to a Roman Catholic paper ; “ When we said there was nothing in the Bible . to encourage prayers for the dead, one of the Roman Catholic journals took us up and quoted from the book of Moca bees, to prove the doc trine and to convict us of ignorance. We have no such book as Macabees in our Bible. It is very convenient for our neighbors of the Romish sect to have a lot of spurious tracts which we call the Apochrypha, out of which they prove their false <ioc- trines. But, we would have them to understand that when we speak of the Bible we refer to the Word of God.” It is not often we take it in hand to correct our contemporary, the Christian-Evangelist, in the state ment of facts; but really when speakitig of™ Hie advantages of Portland as the leading and grow ing city of this part of the coast it sets down its population at 10,000 we are tempted to smile. It is only necessary to state that for two or three years past Portland has ha<l a population of over 20,000; and to-day she has 30,000 inhabit ants and rs said to be by far the wealthiest city in the United States to her population. •-