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About Christian herald. (Portland ;) 1882-18?? | View Entire Issue (June 1, 1883)
CHRISTIAN HERALD. 12 POVERTY ASP BISTRES.* light upon most any of them ever ren dered him an agreeablo companion. That poverty which produces the [ Under this head we will be pleased to give He leaves two children, one Mrs. Dr. greatest distress is not of tlie purse of editorial reviews of all books anil tracts of inter Richardson, Dalles, an adopted daugh the blood. Deprived of its richness it est that may be sent to this office. 1 ter, and Willis Morse, and his wife to becomes scant and watery, a condition IFuLt Amalfi, wliioh..,QJMlBft jflourn, Given this eondition^aucT scVofuiouT the seventeenth volume of that maga zine, will have illustrated 'poems by given in tho death of -tho* righteous. swellings and sores, general and ner Nrs. A. D. T. Whitney and Mrs. How hopefully he realized the blissful vous debility, loss of flesh and appetite, 8. M. B. Piatt, now too seldom hope, may be imagined, by his ex weak lungs, throat disease, spitting of heard from in the magazines during her pressions during his sickness. Once, blood and consumption, are amopg the sojourn in Ireland. Bright Eyes (Mrs. after tho pain caused by his fever was common results. If you are a sufferer 8usetto Tibbles) begins a series of assn aged, he said to his wife, “ Won’t from thin, poor blood employ Dr. OmalMk Teut-storiea iu the Juua^JlTdfl. ■it. be so sweet. Nan, in heaven, so Pierce's ‘‘^Golden »MedicalDiecoygry,’’ Awake, giving them verbatim as told sweet.” The Christian s Lope’ was“ a which enriches the blood and cures these her by her father, mother and grand reality to him and when around the grave affections. Is more nutritive than mother. These tent-stories will have great white throne, we all assemble cod liver oil, and is harmless in any copious notes by Mr. Tibbles, explain- there, God grant it may be sweet to condition of the system, yet powerful to iug curious usages and beliefs among him who has passed over before, and to the Iudiane. The first story is entitled thöSÖ'Whö aro waiting till the shadow» oure* By <lrngg10^ “ The Babes in the Wood,” and contains of this earthly life are a Jittle longer Eternal, unchangeable truths some odd suggestions of the Bible story grown. come to men not by experience,’ B ruce W olverton . of Joseph and the f »mine. Bobette, the but only through intuition and rev opening story of the June Wide Awake, is from the pen of Miss Mary Edmunds, Died, at her home, in Fossil, Wasco elation. daughter of Senator Edmunds. There county, Oregon, May 15, 1883, after a *Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com« will also be a charming story by Sarah protracted illness, Josie, eldest daugh pound is daily working wonderful cures Orne Jewett in the same number. ‘‘The ter of Mr. and Ma P. C, Buffington, in female diseases. — — —— Life of Oliver Wendell Holmes,” writ aged tweniy-two years. ten by E. E. Brown, which has been Her death was occasioned by that Out of the shadows of pain, sor some time in preparation, is nearly dread disease, consumption, and during row, and sin, are our ideals born. ready. The author has been kindly the time she was confined to her bed, The hard_rea|Js tlie cradle in which favored-by TlrTTIolmei tr lih Tin ch data ber suffering Wff« great ; -but ua will render the volume very full in all with fortitude, expressing no regret the beautiful ideal is nursed. fresh mat ter, and authentic. It will at the prospect of departing this life, Bruises teach the fledgeling that have several illustrations. “Imagina and her death was a peaceful one. dexterity of wing which finally tion,”- and other Essays by George Mac She sleeps in that quiet grave, to lifts it above brambles and‘rocks. Donald, with an Introduction by A. P. awaken ou tho bright resurrection Peabody, D. D. LL. D., will be issued morn, tp meet those who have loved her After the rain comes the rainbow ; by D. Lothrop. A Co. in a few days. so tenderly, and cared for her so kindly so tears wash clean the eyes,, en “ Amun 1 -the I t an e h, —the new volume “during her stay on earth. abling us to see the angel in the in the V. I. F. Series, is by Belle How much wt> loveil Joie we never may tell, human, the heavenly in the earthly. Kellogg Towne. Address D. Lothrop How much mi-- hor no..... itlier can know, The painful Tealityuuf the •S Co , 30 & 32 Franklin Street, Boston. Only the dear God who loveth ua well. BOOK TABLE? UlLU VVUV MM» xz . ------------------ Only he knoweth the hot team that How. It in no hard when our bent loved depart, OBITUARY. Hard to nay “Peace,” when such memories stir ; Win. B. Morse was born in Boston, M ass ., Oct. 24, 1828, and quietly “ slept Yet we can bear tbe deep pain st our heart, Knowing so well it is better for her. in Jesq^” April 22, 1883, at St. Helens, Or., after a sickness of Dine weeks. He came to California in 1849, and to Oregon in 1855. On Deo. 13, 1’857. he was married at McMinnville to Miss Nancy E. McBride, daughter of Dr. James McBride. When 26 years of age he united with the chnrch and since, at McMinnville, Salem and St. Helen’s, has assisted much in tbe church work, always maintaining a firm Christian character. Brought up at Salem, Mass., he spent ten years of his life at sea, and being a man of great observation, hav ing traveled considerably, and naturally desirous of extending his knowledge, especially in sacred history, as he grew older, be had accumulated a vast fund cf information of hnman history and was over reudy to converse upon these very interesting topics. Always sym pathetic and benevolent, he drew to him many friends, and, so zealously aided by his kiud and cultured wife, be took a lively interest in whatever would teud to increase another’s comforts or lighten bis burdens. Often has tbe writer had occasion to note the lively interest be manifested, when some im- p >! tant subject touching the great cause of truth and itsdevolopement was under consideration. His patient attention to the views of all, conpled with his own array of factB so calculated to throw _ Absolutely Pure. Thin powder never varies. A marvel purih strength and wholesomenesH, More econonii cal than the ordinary kinds, and can not tie noli in competition with the multitude of low tent .«hurt w« iglit, alum or phosphate powder*. Sohlonly in cane. R oyal B akino P owuf . b C o .] 12 H-Iy ' 10« Wall 8t„ New YorJ stiff’ but fertile soil out of fchich the permanent rcailities of the ideal and the immortal life are to grow. A. STILES, DALLAS, OR., Dr. Pierce’s “ Pleasant Purgative MANCFAC-rVBEK AND DEALER IN Pellets ” are sugar-coated and inclosed HARNESS 4 SADDLES, ’ J. M. B. • in glass bottles, their virtues being ROBES, WHIPS, SPURN, thereby preserved unimpaired for any s\DDLE BLANKET! CONSUMPTION. length of time, in any olimate, so that CURRY COMBS A BRUSHES, No longer in tbe list of “ incurable they are always fresh and reliable, No And everything that portaiuw to a First-C J diseases.” Send to D rs . S tarkey & cheap wooden or pasteboard boxes, By Shop Cull and examine my Stock before pifl charing elsewhere. The best of Caliform P alen , N o . 1109 Girard Street’ Phila druggists. leather used. delphia, for their Treatise on Compouud No one who is a lover of riches, Oxygen, and learn nil about the wonder ful cures which are being made in thia or a lover of pleasure, or a lover of dread disease. glory, can at the same time be a :o:— All orders for the Compound Oxygeu lover of men.— Epictetus. Home Treatment directed to H. E. AT Mathews, 606 Mon’gomery Street, Sau tgrA piut of tbe finest ink for fami Francisco, wtll be filled on the same lies or schools can be made from a ten- INDEPENDENCE terms as if seat directly to us in Phila cent package of Diamond Dye. Try delphia. _____ _____ _____ tbpHL .__ _____ : WILL HB FOUND THE BEET —STOCK HARNESS & SADDLE ♦ ♦ — Holiness is not an impulse, an Religion gives part of its reward Harness, emotion, nor an imagination ; but in band,—-the present comfott, of Saddles, _ the state of being right with God. having done our duty ; and, for the Collars, *„*” Great haste is not always good rest, it offers us the best security And in fact everything belonging t< speed.” Yet you must not dilly-dally that heaven can give.— Tillotson. first class shop. My Stock of Fine fl in caring for your health. Liver, kid noys and bowel» must be kept healthy by tbe use of that {Mince of medioines, Kidney-Wort, which comes in liquid form or dry—both thoroughly effica- oious. Have it always ready. Coughs and Colds. Those who are suffering from Coughs, Colds, Hoarse ness, Sore Throat, &c., should try Brown’s Bronchial Troches. Sold only in boxes. With love the heart becomes a If you would lift me, you must fair and fertile garden, glowing be on higher giound. - Jf you liber- with sunshine and warm hues, and ate me you must be free.—Amo son. exbalingsweet odors. Heavy Harness is the best ever in t county. Call and see before buying Repairing done. Charges reasonal ___ C.L. PIERCE. U-lMlu UT THIS OUT ~ C by ipull. a fíoldm Boi of Good,, that will brla* you la b .MW In Ono Mohlb than aavlhlnu 01 m la A1 lau Cortaluiy. M. Yuuif, if» tinuiww* SL, No« >< tIO * WEEK,»li B<1»v»t1><>n>te«Kllyintiile. O’ W* “ Outfit. !iee. Address T ruk A Co., August*,