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About Christian herald. (Portland ;) 1882-18?? | View Entire Issue (May 25, 1883)
itW * $5^7' ■ ■ ■ - . ; " ■ r ■•C- a S.' é y ,í;. < c? < AXz*- r ■ . ;&?*• - s 7»-A 4 •T *• X 1 > •» 'few <*ÌB a VOL. XIII. MONMOUTH, OREGON ; FRIDAY, MAY 25, 1883. NO. 21. r-3 C hristian H erald . . 1 —— ----- j 7 f T F LOYD, "—----- Editor and Publisher, Monmouth, Or. Subscription Price : ■ One Copy, one year.........................•. $2 00 One Copy, six month»......................... 1 00 f sb Our readers should not fail to notice the new advertisement of Messrs. Fillmore Bros, in another column. Tfye New Hymn and Tune Book has been improved with each edition, until now it is a mar- vel*-of l»eauty-fts wellw+AdiettfmeMHT ADVFBTISFMENTH. Prices will be given on application. . [Entered at the Post-office at Monmouth, as second daw mail matter. | .. Pieuse Notice. * x We are not responsible for the opinions and seutimentn expressed by our contributors, but ..... for our. own writing alone. Hence on> readers unst jndge for themselves. We intend to give space for the free expression of opinion, within tbe limits of tionnd discretion, and the good of the canse ; bnt not be held as indorsing what others may write. We see that the office of the Christian Index, our esteemed ex change from Atlanta, Ga, caught on fire recently and came near being destroyed; but the flames were soon extinguished with but slight loss. Our brother editors escaped “ so as by fire I” All matter intended for publication in thia paper should lie written : ___1. On one side of the sheet only. 2. In a plain legible haud. 3. Let there be plenty of space between the lines. 4. Write with a pen instead of a pencil, so that it maj not l>e defaced in transit. . 5. Write brief article«/ «. Expect no attention to articles, notices, or . queries not accompanied by yonr name. 1 ¡\ the Pacific Church News to his as sociate Editor, Bro. E. B. Ware, who now becomes editor and proprietor. As Bro. Ware lives in Sacramento the paper hereafter will be issued from that city. Bro. Ware’s expe rience in the editorial chair will be EDITORIAL NOTES. a guarantee to the brethren that he The Christian Messenger, Texas, will furnish them a good paper. finds its way to our office again We wish him all success. after an absence of nearly two Bro. R. L. McHatton, State Evan months. gelist of California, in a private letter to us, among other things The Apostolic Times has added says: “ The work in California Bro. Thomas Munnell to its edito opens up grandly. My work has rial staff. Bro. Munnell is a.strong been with the weak churches and preacher and a good writer and his in destitute places. Ha Have had 95 editorials will doubtless add fresh accessions since February.” We interest to the Times. are glad to know that the work is We are making our calculation prospering in our sister State, and to be at the Linn County Coopera that Bro. McHatton is succeeding tion Meeting which convenes at as Evangelist. Scio, May 31. Whether or not we We learn that the brethren of will be able to "get off” depends California have just purchased somewhat on circumstances. another College in the San Jose valley at a cost of $45,0(X), and Bro. __ We have received p “Manual of LL-McCollough of ..San Francisco the Church of Christ, Wellington, iiecomes its president. We are New Zealand, containing Third not posted on the College enter Annual Report, ami other informa-* prises in California, but speaking tion.” From this report we see from general principles we think that the church in Wellington has one or two Colleges liberally en been greatly prospered and built up dowed and well patronized would during the last three years. The be much better than several poorly church now has a membership of supported. The brethren of Cal 200, and Bro. A. B. Maston is their ifornia seem determined» and we Evangelist. They also have a large will certainly rejoice if this new and flourishing Sunday-school. We enterprise under the charge of Bro. are glad to note the prosperity of McCollough proves a success in the Master’s cause in New Zealand. every respect. t What is to he done when that same monopoly spirit which actu- ates Jay Gould, William Vanderbilt and a host of others, gets into the churches of Christ ? Shall we allow the religion that our Savior died to -establish- 4a- W measured---by-the dollars and cents of Christian (?) monopolies ? Will the churches of Christ consent to bow down their necks and take on this yoke which they'nor their fathers are able to bear? Our opinion is if many Christians who are look ing out for monopolies among men wholly in the kingdom of this world, would occasionally turn their eyes within they would find something to en- gage their attention nearer home. itual system of law ami order. The different kingdoms of God are so many links in the great chain of cause and effect, ami are really but parts of one great whole. It was never intended therefore that the -intellectual, moral ami spiritual growth of man alone should lag be hind in the progress of these king doms toward perfection. Why is it then that man alone, but a little lower than the angels in the scale of creation, refuses to obey the laws of nature ami revelation by which — it was intended he should be gov erned, and which are for his own good ? We leave this for the study ®f-othcrs, and pass with the simple™- exhortation. Let ns fulfill the ôb- ' ject of our creation, by a complete The brethren of Kentucky are surrender to Christ and his work. looking after the interest of the colored churches bv an effort to es- PERSONAL MENTION tablish a Bible College in which I)r. Henry H. Tucker retires from - colored young men can be properly prepared for the ministry of their the editorial chair of the Christian own churches. It has been decided, Index, (Baptist) Atlanta, Georgia. till better arrangements be made, Bro. F. G. Allen, of the Old Path that the beginning be made in Lexington, in next September. Guide, has reached his home at Milton, Ky., from De Land, Fla. Some of the students from the College of the Bible will be tbe His health is a little improved, but biblical instructors of these colored not as much as could be hoped. He expects to resume his work on the. , men for the time being, while their Guide soon.* literary course will be taken in the colored schools of the city. There We are glad to know that Bro. are some good colored fchurches in H. B. Sherman of Meaford, Canada, Kentucky, and we are pleased to is to be our State Evangelist. We know that our brethren there are do not know Bro. Sherman person determined to help these colored ally ; but from what we have heard people in building up more strong of him we have no reason to doubt churches and schools for them his being the right man in the right selves. Let the good work go on. place. We hope he will be heartily ■I a» ■ • I I h $ 8 A « •_ While all nature around us seems animated, Ihereby JeuiQIL- strating the presence of an al I wise and merciful Hand l>ack of this universe guiding and controlling all things; and while the vegetable kingdom is growing up and fast developing into the full grown foliage and fruit, it may not be out of place for Christians to ask them selves this question: “ Are we keep ing pace in our spiritual growth with this grand march of nature ?” If not, then there is something out‘ of joint in God’s natural and spir- » SI >v » •-.Vf ■ • a ■ :'áaá V Jli ¿ ij ■ .—-- -J & ¥ welcomed by the brotherhood of Oregon. From a card from Bro. D. M. Doty, of Scio, we learn that he and Sister Doty will pay Monmouth a brief visit on next Tuesday. They come to take us to the Cooperation Meeting. Those brethren who are inclined to do a little " kicking ” be cause we do not visit them will now know how to got us away from the H erald office. d Last week we had the pleasure of a brief call from Bro. Q. J^ '#■ •■1 i , J ■ ' 1 » ■